Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Nov 1903, p. 5

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jaé’l E,” (1 ‘3 3“}; (J l? 5.5%.“ch 69 Rlcnrzosn HILL. .‘Jovrmla-r 12. ltoj; 140$? skilled. Ilegular l!l(,.*llllj_: ol'l‘olii'l llich‘tuond on Friday l‘\’l‘llll‘l’. Fl-r-e-‘fl‘ill llil"'llll§§‘~ Krill ln- taken in the Methodist. ('li lt'll lax: Sunday. morning and evening. Mrs T. Swim-in and Airs. (l. Trench of lL'a . Toronto. \lrill‘tl liiriitls lll‘lt‘ the latter [H‘li ol' |.i~l “t 5 l»;. The annual int-cl ?l~;r ol‘ the ‘.".t‘.'l‘.l'. will be held as the l‘.(=ll:" cl‘ Mrs. Deli-y ll-‘XL Tuesday t'\‘t‘lllll_’.;‘ at 7.0”. Miss Lorine \Yiighl lt‘llll'llt‘tl from “’innlpeg yesterday, alter a \l\ll of three months with her aunt, Mrs. (Du) l-Eiakcly. Flags wire (lying over the Richâ€" mond llill Schools on Monday in lltilt~ our of the King,r Edward V l l. rnd Lirl liday of his Majesty. Men‘s and boys“ fleece. and wool shirts and drawers; boys~ top shirts. pants and oteralls. A snap in boys' suits. Naugblon lil'os.. l‘jhciu Mills. lirv. \V (l Next Sunday rvcnnr . . Smith will preach lll the illelhodird (/‘hurch inhibg tor his subject "Insâ€" sons lcai-nctl in l’ilatc's Judgment liall.” Mr. “'illiam (Y. I’alltiiwm cl" Peri-y. W'yoimng. If. Y.. spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Pt‘lcl' Patterson. and called on a number of old l'ricnds here iii the evening. The Village (‘ouncil will meet in the Council Chamber next Tuesday even- lug. November 17. Tenders for tho renting of the rink will be considered at this meeting. Hear Alexander Muir sin thc “ Maple Leaf.” on Nov. 2‘). in the Pros- byterian Church. Silver collection at the door. As only a limited number of Christ- mas Globes will be printed the Pubâ€" lisliers request that agents send in the number of copies they require at once. Leave your order at THE LIBERAL Office before the 20th inst. Owing to the dense fog W'cdnesday morning there was a collision about, Finch’s corner-s between the l’i-ei;lit car going south and the mail car com- ing up. The passenger car got the worst of it, but no person was hurt. The Executive Committee of the Conservative Assocrition or” East: York met in the \Voild Office yester- day for the purpose of aprointing a committee to meet with the West York Committee relative to organizing the levy riding of South York. Mr. A. Muir will give a patriotic ad- dress in the Presbyterian Church on Friday evening. Nov. 20. Silver col- lection at the. door. Mrs.Newton-Brown gave an infori'n- :11 dance on Saturday. Nov. 7. from four until eight o’clock. for her daugh- ter and some of her young friends. Mrs. Brown was ably ‘assisted 'in the tea-loom by Miss IViley. The decora- tions were. clii-ysanthemunis and ferns. Delightful music was furnished by Musgrave 01‘ Toronto. The entire party left in the manager’s private car- ver-y kindly Sent by Mr. Noyes for the occasion. An lnCUI‘lPCl‘ map or a map not up- todate is little better than no map at .all. . The new map of the Dominion of Canada. being sent as a premium to Slll)SCl'll)(‘l'S of The Family l‘l('~l'lll(l and ‘Veekly Star of Montreal this season is «not only correct, "liut is so tip-to-datc as to show the new Alaskan boundary lines as awarded October 20th. It :is the. only map to-day to show that in- formation. The publishers send a copy Frec along with two beautiful pictures to all subscribers of that great family paper. The price of the paper is one dollar per year, including all three premiums. HO‘V OLD IS ANN ? One-of the problems of the day is il‘latof finding Anne’s cor rect age with- ;out bluntly asking her the question. The following; hints are given :â€" “Mary is 24 years old. Mary is twice as old as Ann was when Mary was as old as Ann is now.” How old is Ann. New season’s raisins. currants. peels sfigs. corn, peas, tomatoes just to hand. Atkinsmi a: Switzer. EP\VO 1TH LEAG U 1. Friday evening of this week will be in charge of the Literary department. ‘Tennyson‘s “Enoch Arden ” will be taken up by Mr. T. F. McMahon. and Mr. Geo. Campbell will occupy the. chair. The oflicers of the League ex- tend a. Cordial invitation to all who .can attend. THE mars ranâ€"nod. The Newmarket lira will no doubt correct an error made in that paper- flast week, when it said that the score. 1 in the recent football match between the Richmond Hill and the Newmar- ket High Schools was 2 to 9 in favor .of Newmarket. was 1-0. It is true the Ncwmarket players claimed another game. but‘ thegoal umpire decided the ball didv not go through between the stakes. and his statement was accepted by the referee. \Ve trust our conteni. will make the correction. Examine our values in horse blank- ets and cotton grain bags. Atkinson .& Swrtzer. The correct score- Warm 7. gag-m W. mfi‘mmtmwmmmumwmdmAu~ l ' Miss liniin (‘anzpbell left on Tues- 1tray to spend a fen days in (‘reemoitn llt'l‘ ccnsins..\lis: ('orbett and Master Addison (‘orba-lt. who have been parents a: the paison-egc. accompanied t iei'. \l'ord l‘llll‘." yesterday tliltl Ml". lit-on [l’rocltil' ol' liul'lie, bail been kickctl in ’tlre stomach by one of lhrirl'ioist-s. A tell-phone in. ssago to his uncle. Mr. ,\‘»'. 'l'. Flt-iw-y. this morning. slalctl llll;lllll‘jl‘lll'\\llll:?(’1‘;':[(ll‘llg‘Ix'I ltl'ltilltl.\Nl}ZlCil. The ('t-u-zolizi-Ilrd lcc ('ornpziny, villi a view of lcn'lwliug for the village rink. in" on Monday evening. and re- l-l'}f;|lll/' (l with the iollowing ofl‘icers: President. (1:. buns: l~l l'l‘:"-i)lt'.\‘.. ll. .‘ialltlt‘l'nnll; :litl ‘r it't'»l’|t"~'.. \‘v. (dill-“Ill; I fit ("y-'l‘rutx. ('. ll. lillston; , ('oininitt:-e-~ .‘i. (llass. .l. (iio‘l‘t'l'. A. Savage. .\. lioyic. .l. lllichacl. t .‘tiAllnil HAY l’ll'llNlCl). Residents of lfiichmond llill watched for a long time Finlay (-venim; the l‘cllcl t Inn of tire in the northern shy. but \‘.tl‘t' unable to locate the source. It has learned next morning: that iniish hay near Bradford had lltt‘ll l)!l:‘llctl {o the \':tl|lt' of about Stiltllltl. ’i'ne bl we extended over tvxo miles of ,le'rilo. ' "he marsh hay is used ‘ principally in parking furniture. “'0 try to get what everybody wants and have i: (liii'ercut from what ever yltovly elm-.- haS. Atkinson & Swit~ Zt‘l‘. (TURNER STONE LAID. Thecoi-ncr stone of the. new Gov- ernment, l’ost Office, and Custom House at Toronto Junction was laid on Saturday by Mr. Arch. Campbell. M. I). for \'\’c>t York. Hundreds of prominent citizens were. present, in- cluding a number of ladies. An il- luminach address was presented to Mr. Campbell, and among the speak- ers on the auspicious occasion were Mayor Chisholm. \V. F. ll]cLe:trr.l\l.P.; J. \V'. St John. M. P. P.: County Oouncillor J. I). Evans. Mr. J.I).1\llen. President oflhc Union Stock Yards, and others. A GRAND OPPORTUNITY Presents itself for young men and women to acquire a vocation this winter that will bring them double the salary at least that they can comâ€" mand in other office wm-k. store, fac- tory. etc. Practical training in com~ lllt.'l‘t'l.'!l and railway telegiapliy and railway office nocounilhg, places v 1:: ladies in line to command from $37) to $70 per month and young men from $40 to $125 per month. “'0 fit you in from four to (5 months and place you in position the moment you are competent. A common school ed- ucation is all that, is required. Call, or write us for full particulars. cor. College. and Yonge St rects, Toron- [10. Alexander Muir. the composer of ‘ the “ Maple Leaf," lectures on Friday evening, Nov. 20. in the. Presbyterian Church. A short musical programme Will also be given. A NEW’ CANADIAN STORY. The Farming \Vorld of November ‘3ud contains the first chapters of that splendid new story. " Hickory” which is being published now for the first time. It is a most fascinating story and thoroughly Canadian. It pictures farming Conditions in Ontario fifty years ago. The. real plot of the story hmvt-vcr, is centered in the Great lakes. around which the author weaves a most, exciting and fascinat- incr tale. Farmers" sons and daugh- ters will be captivated by the story. But the story is not the only import- ant feature of this issue of The Farm inf: \Vorld. In addition to the usual splendid borne features, there. is a lot of practical information of value to every stockinan and farmer 'in the country. The “English Letter” ti-ations are numerous and attractive. the one. on the outside. front cover be- ing most. notewtxrthy. The Farming \V'orld is certainly a most valuable and practical farm journal. OYSTER SUPPER. On Friday evening last a social time was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. \‘l'm. \Valkington by the members of the Town Line Beef Association with their wives and a. few other friends. The Association consists of twenty members bordering on the townline. between Vaughan and King. The Association has existed for thirteen years, during which time Mr. \Valk- ington has dressed the beeves. and. it is needless to say, has given every sat- isfacLion. In fact the members have every reason to be pleased with the venture started thirteen vcars ago. The animals killed are. all two-year- olds, the average during the past sea- Son being 51H; lbs. The judge, Mr. Scott. who was present at the supper Friday e\ citing. referred to the excel- lent. quality of the beef and to the Sat- isfactory way it had always been dressed. liver-y member \vas so well . pleale with the success of [be under- ltaking. and with the harmony that ‘existed, that an oyster supper was proposed. rach family contributing. ; and speeches was or i carried out, and everybody present had an enjoyable : time. Among those who made speech- l President Pl'L‘Sldl’lll. Mr. ll. Riddell; Mr. R. 0. :worthy lost, Mr. “2 \Valkington. The l]:Ipp‘_.’ event was brightened by the presence. of the. ladies, and great credit is due to all who assisted in bringing the affair to so successful an issue. ' 'SltII‘O. _ Can-j adian Rail vay Instruction Institute. which is now a regular feat-Lire is of‘ ' more than usual interest. The illus-' [An interesting programme of musk. ‘. es and appropriate remarks were the A flr. Alex. Carrier-on ; Vice- ’ Harvcv. .‘lr. Neil A. Malloy. and the' A MAMMOTII IIOLlDAY IHRI‘I‘T. The December Delineatoi-tt 'lll'lsllllzlri‘ Numbch i-eprcra-nls the highqwiler mar-k of beauty and utility, and pos silily of t‘ll't“ll:lllllll also, in a magazine. having,r a Iii-st l'tllilllll of more than :1 million copies. ll con“ tains Elli pages. To [\ltltlll»'t‘ this mammoth edition 72* tons of paper. and ill presses working 33 l't'tlllil’l‘tl. In addition to color work. clever liction :‘nd st l il‘ingâ€" ly illustrated articles. the number in- cludes a display of ('ll:tlllll.'l;f \\'intt-r fashions covering fortyâ€"tun pages. lrllers floor the foreign tashion centres and illustrated articles on the fashionable fabrics and trimmings. Illillillt‘l'y. ctc. .‘\lllt)l\t:' the notable contributors are: llicliard lg- (lul- ‘lll‘llllt‘. with a tlt'llt'nlc romance, A “Wilding~ ltiug in the (laiden. ct‘ll- tainin},r lyrics in the author's boat Vein; \V. A. Fraser. uilh an lndian talc. 'l‘llt' Ni l of Leo: .\l'lav.-l . l’aine with a delightful sketch foundâ€" ('il on the foibles of the collector“. 1 Harriet l’rcseott Spoll't-id \tilli a lo\c story of unusual interest: Andrew hang. with a clcvcl' tratesly on the usuall‘airy talc; antl (inslav Kobbc. twilh an hilt-resting paper doseribiiw; the life of Mine. Emma lCaint-s. in llt r 'ltalian borne, with her portrait in colors. There is also the third install- ment of the Evolution of a ('lub \Yoman. the, piquaut narrative of ,clubdorn by Agnes Hui-bridge. and a iemarkablc photographic art ll‘l" by .l. (l. llcmmcnt. There are many beau- lil'ul art features, among llltlll four pages in colors l't'pl'esolllllig llaby- hood,('hildhood, Girlhood and Mot herâ€" hood the work of Bernard J. lit-scu- meyer. For the children there are entertaining games and stories. and for the housewife, many practical sug- gestions in cookery and other depart- ments of the home, for the Christmas season. Oysters, and fish of all kinds. or- anges, lemons, and everything in sea- son fresh and ripâ€"lo~(l:tte at the lowest cash price at Ludfm‘d's Illetiopolitan Parties requiring oysters for oyster suppers can be supplied on shortest notice. Sale Register. Saturday. Nov l4â€"Admiuisti‘ati'ix sale of house- lmld furniture, etc. at hermteresitlence. M'oodbridgo, the property (f the hime Sarah (‘rossom No reserve. Sale at one. Terms 10 months. Surgeon & Mclflwnn. mints Wednesday. I’vrv lSâ€"Credit sale of ti car load of cat-tie and horses at the Palmer House. Richmond Hill. the property of H F Hopper. Sale at]. Termsamontlis. Snigeon & Mc- I‘l wen. aunts Friday. Nov ‘20 â€"Credit sale of cattle at Steele's Hotel.Yonge Street, the property at John Carroll, Nnreserve Sale at 1. Terms 10 months Snireon (l: McEwen, auctfi Tuesday. Dec 1â€" Credit. sale of farm stock. i'nâ€" ple’nents,well-bred horses. furniture. eta, on lot 7. lat con East York (opposite liedlortl Park hotel. Yonge St) the pr..perty of hush Scott. No reserve. Sale at 1‘). Terms 11 months. J H Prentice, auct Wnnrfiasmv. Doc. 2fF2xteiisive credit sale of horses. 50 head of dairy cattle. young cattle. 100 head hops. ilnplnments, etc. on lot 18. con. 4. S’HlJ‘lltil‘O. thn prnparey of Fred Mc- Shace. Sale at 12 o'clock shnm‘ Lunch provided. No reserve. 10 iuoulhs' credit. J. H. Prentice. mict. ' ' Leer Pa?! That’s what you need; some- thing to cure your biliousness, and regulate your bowels. You need Ayer’s Pills. Vegetable; gently laxative. mum... Lowell. In use. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use EUGKlllllllAltilS il‘iE Hm (.15. l P. HALL k C0-. NASUL'A. N. H. * LOST Lost between Richmond Hill and tollâ€"gato..a small black and white Beagle Hound. with small piece of tail cutoff. Finder will be amply rewarded by informing y R. GREENAW'AY, 5 St. Alban St., Tor-onto. A Man’s ‘Watch For $55.00 THAT IS \VORTH $55.00 20-2 The Case. is Screw Bezel, gold filled. and is guaranteed for 25 years’ wear. The movement has '23 finest ruby jewels, and is adjusted to temperature. isochronism, and live positions. This is the finest movement I have. The lowest grade of this make I sell for $8.50. JERRYEMBTH, PRACTICAL WATCH MA KB R. (Hampden) ' For Sales}? Rent , The Blacksmith Shop and House at Dollar, 3rd con. Markham. First.- class stand fora good horseshoer. v. For particulars apply to ' GEO. CO\VIE. Richmond Ilill. tf. or to P. \V. BOYNTON. Dollar. RlpansTabules cure bad breath: Rioans Ts bules cure tornid liver. Ripans Tabules cure headache. \\'oinan‘-t' tl.t;'.t~ \‘icl't“ exquisite. liigzi'lou‘ . l Rajbfifizfi.figtpfiyfix w yxfiefb“ l-t-“dxeae an“ r‘ v». .:.':: bsiézmgmssa sifihfiscsaew ENE value of property. Encourage Home; Trade Dollars that go out of Richmond Hill ncver return to the village. you spend with an outside company curtails Circulation of money in Richmond Hill. Every dollar You all advantagesâ€"every courtesy and con vcnience combined in all other stores with the important and added advantage ofkeep- log your money in Circulation for the benefit of your home, your home folks and to the in- creased ,qi'owth of the village and subsequent Our stock is fully assorted with best quality of Dry Goods and Groceries. No better values obtainable in Ontario. \Ve quote. : Best Pearl Tapioca. 3.150. lb. : best Pure Lard. 12c. lb. ; extra quality Green Coffee, Vinegar. 25c. gal.: Pure Corn Starch. 8e. ltlc. lb. ; XXX \Vhite \Vine ; \Vhite Gloss Starch. 70. lb. ; best \Vhitening. 7 lbs. for ltlc. : best \Vash- ing .‘loda. 7 lbs. for 100. ; best Baking Soda. 3 lbs. for 100. Men’s Fleece-Lined Shirts and Drawers, 90c. per suit; Men's Plain \Vool Shirts and Drawers. $1.0!) Ladies’ Heavy Hygeiaii Vests. 20, per suit; 27. 30. 35 and 500.; nâ€" no, Flannelcttc, 5, G. 7, 8. 9. 10 and 120. per yard: Grey Flan- nel. 1:"). 2t), 25 and 30c. yd. : \Vrapperetts. 9, 10 and 12$. per yd. Atkinson ensue Stoves 378 «ffimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm IF YOU WANT A Cream Separator Why not buy the best THE DELA'VAL Have one on trial and be convinced. “'E ALSO SELL Washing Machines Chums Hardware Eavetroughing Glass, Etc. llfillfi E‘iEfi i. SfiitLj 5mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmms ‘ Paints and. __4 tiles, initiates i. Bfitlllllltlll Putters At Out I} ate Prices. Remember we sell everything at wholesale prices and you can save from 10 i0 25 per pecrully rrrlnpted for 1'1 lbs {or which is equal. to 5 feeds {or 1e. cent by dealing with us The old reliable sfnck food so well and favorably lmown by bv tbc farmers of Ontario. keeping hot-ses.cattle, sheep. pics and poultry in a fine bualthy condition. Kills worms. preparing stock {or market or Full Exhibitions and it increases their flesh. pucslilo and ambition in them and gives them a sleek and glossy coat. YORKSHIRE COUGd AND HE1VECU‘ilixtiul'an- Itis a giund preparation 1for ls- Sumnle packvrees 20c. or teed to cure any case of coughs. colds. heirch or broken wind or the alter efiec's of influenza. or IYorlzshire Stock Foo l epizootic. l’ricesllcents. at wliolesalepnoes take swelling outof your horse's legs; give a bundluil in feed; Sc lb ; 10 lbs for 250 Sulphur~30 lb. 10 lbs for 25¢: Gluuber Saltsâ€"3c lb. 10 lbs for 25c . Dr Williams Pink l’ills 30c. 3 tor éUc (".Il‘tBl'S Pills '2. battles to: i Sultsâ€"Howurds Pure English Ersom Salts to . l ("rinses Ointment $00 ' Ayers Hair Vigor 659 . l Pei-uric 750 .Castona. 250 t lllirmnls Liuiment lire Snltpetre par-e2 lbs for 250 This is only 9. partial list. I ’ J. Your receipts for condition powders put up promptly from pure drugs Electric ()il 2 bottles 25c Chases S) nip of L armed and Turpentine 15c Ayers Cherry l‘eczoml 2U, 40 and use Norwnv l’lL‘C Syrup 18c Pages I“. n :ish t.'ou;.h Syrup. large bottle 35c Grays Syiup Red bpruce Gum 180 Huggnms I’uctornl Balsam 18c Coltsfoot Expectorant lbc 8 Relief ch Pages Rm] Clover Compound purifies the blood, cures cutnrrh. dyspepsia. and indigestion Pages Dyspepsia Tablets sure cure 350 Remember-we scllcvcrythin'.’ at wholesale prices and you run save money by dealing \tiLh us. A magnificent calendar for each cuatcmer A. Johnston as: (30., (Successor to C. D. Daniel 5: Co. and Hugh Miller 5: Co.) Wholesale and Retail Druggists. 171 King St East, Toronto Opposite Clyde Hotel.

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