The brain that. never Calls upon itself for Work must become dull and stupid, and it, is the some Way with the muscles of the body. They are ï¬lled with blood vessels that should be up and doing. The blood has several purposes. and one is to ‘carry away much of the waste fluids of the body. The lungs are a. Sort bf reï¬nery, and tho blood is a dis- ,Mlling agent. I! the blood becomes thick and unhealthy and sluggish the body does not keep its youthful state. Eyes grow dull; lips loose gtheir redness; the complexion is A most excellent scheme is to take long, slow, lull breaths, Whenever you have a chance; when you are walking, when you are going to sleep, when you have just awakened. Such habits are valuable, most valuable, but because they don't cost anything and are a little trouble, lots of Women fancy there is nothing in such practices. Nonsensel Look at the athletic men that train. They are the healthiest, strongest, ï¬nest- Iooking creatures in existence. Go thou and do likewise on a little scale. DRDVE AWAY sallow and unlovely. It is an easy and simple matter to make exercise a habitâ€"just like the habit. of putting out the lights at, night and wondering if burglars will show up before morning. Montreal, Que, Nov. 9.â€"(Specia1). ~â€"’I‘he illness and cure of Mr. George Robertson, of 39 St. Antoine St, this city, is further and convincing proof that Rheumatism and Dropsy are both the results of Diseased Kidâ€" neys. Mr. Robertson had Dropsy and Rheumatism for ï¬ve years. He cured his Kidneys by using Dodd’s Kidney Pills and both diseases de- parted for good. Speaking of his case Mr. Robertson says: . Exercise is much more necessary to human life than most women think. ’ Healthy stimulation is an absolute need; Without it the body will rust and fall into bits. The baby that never creeps about or kicks or ex- ercises at all either wastes into a. tiny midget of bones and wrinkles, or also takes on pounds of unhealthy [at and becomes soft and short- brcathod and Without vitality. "I had been troubled with Dropsy and Rheumatism for ï¬ve years, I am now well and it is all owing to Dodd’s Kidney Pills. Before I startâ€" ed using them I could hardly put my feet to the floor they were swol- len so much from Dropsy. My arms used to swell at times so that I could not put my coat on. "A friend advised me ,to use Dodd's Kidney Pills offering to pay for them if they did not help me. Before I had used the second box I felt a great improvement. I took seven boxes in all and I don’t, know What it is to be sick since." Precautions have failed to prevent Lhe slaughter of over a. score of the highest personages in the World dur- ing the last, century. Within the last nine years France and America have each lost a. President, Persia her Shah, Korea its Queen, Austria its Etnpress, Italy its King, and Servia. her King and Queen. ‘ The assassin does not reason. "A nob- ler, purer soul Was never realeased,†Said one who knew him intimately when the Duke of Devonshire's bro- ther Was murdered in Phoenix Park. ’I‘hey preserve toâ€"day in the Winter Palace at St. Petersburg the room In which the torn, shattered and bleeding Alexander 11. Was carried to die. EVerything remains to this hour as at the moment the life left his tortured frame. Hardly less ghastly was the ananl’iul of his preâ€" decessor. which came unexpectedly of c atom the thin deccssor to the l endish's through which Brit ing always engender prflucipal ï¬gures. the cursor, brought Take Long, Slow, Full Breath! Whenever You Can. ‘ th t} unhl. ix long ed him every vacy of the g cautions were GEO. ROBERTSON CURED HIS KIDNEYS BY USING DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS. And His Rheumatism Departed Never to Makes a. Statement. 'a‘rreat Men Who Have Paid Penal- ty for Greatness. SHADO\V OF THE ASSASSIN. [‘0 MAKE EXERCISE A HABIT. I] into hi: and cam str politic BOTH DISEASES :ervcd as ts. mat Morley, but G1 ‘ could not and wont “neck or ushcd aside a. of the Lodge in nd then: found crisis like that in is now pussâ€" danger for their "uknown to tho unguarde and Dropsy Returnâ€"He The ierick Cav- :compani the pri like pro JC and Sir 1d- public, Britain’s foremost statesmen are shadowed. From the outbreak of the South African War Mr. Cham- berlain has been followed day and night in his walks abroad by a skilful and powerful emissary of Scotland Yard. A man of Mr. Ché‘mbcrlain‘s spirit does not like it, but there are other minds than his Whose peace be has to consider. Mr. Gladstone hated the idea of a. bodyâ€"guard. and had to be tracked in secret. The accident is not in- frequently a better safeguard than the sleuth hound. Mr. Gladstone, popping across the Horse Guards and into his house by the garden entrance. escaped unwittingly the man who was awaiting him with a loaded revolver in the main street. Mr. Foster preserved his life by do- parting quite by chance from Dublin by a route contrary to that chosen. "I am sorry to disturb you," said the gentleman burglar. "I trust you’ll keep quiet while I remove the valuables.†And he smiled pleas- antly as he levelled a revolver at his victzim. “Why, certainly I" said the latter, with equal affability. "Perhaps you’ll permit me to facilitate the proceedings by giving you some in- formation that may save time and hasten your departure. There is very little cash in the houseâ€"only three dollars, as it happensâ€"mot a cent more, on my word as a gentleâ€" manâ€"and you’ll ï¬nd it in that pockâ€" etâ€"book. But the silverware is worth taking, and there is some valâ€" uable bricâ€"aâ€"brac. If you haven‘t room for it all in your bag I shall be happy to point out what is best worth taking. You may rely on my judgment, and I assure you that my advice will be entirely disinterested." “You’re very kind, I‘m sure,H said the burglar. “I shall be glad to hear what you have to say, although I shall reserve the privilege of re- jecting your advice if it should not coincide with my own opinion. And as I can’t quite understand your mo- tives, you'll excuse me for keeping this revolver pointed at you while we make the rounds.†And he helped the burglar to select the desired articles. “And now," said the victim, "if you don't mind, I should like to make an inventory of these things. It won’t take very long.†“The fact is,†said the burglar, “I'm rather in a hurry. And I must confess that I’m of a suspicious na- ture. We can't help our dispos- itions. I ï¬nd it impossible to rid myself of the lurking suspicion that there may be a trap." “Not. at 81‘,†said the victim. "Perhaps I should have explained sooner. Pardon me for having thoué‘ntlessly prolonged your un- easiness. The fact is, I am insured against. burglaryâ€"over-insured, be tween 'you and moâ€"so that this little affair isn’t costing you and me a penny. But an inventory would greatly assist me in proving my loss. So, if you don’t mind †"Of course 1 don’t mind !†said the burglar, warmly. And he calied off the names of the articles while the owner made a memorandum. “By a'l means,†said the victim. "I should prefer to have it so. What ever I do in this matter I wish to do under compulsion. I yield grace- fully to the inevitable. Your revolâ€" ver, I trust, is loaded ?" “Of course." "Good I The less likely to be disâ€" charged.†What shrunk your woolens 3 Why did holes wear so soon 2 You used common soap off He : “Reggie Fihzjames has become recklessly engaged to any number of girls, but he always gets out of ig" Husband: "I am surprised, Emil. that you should have such bad 1.45 as to wear the hair of another we: an on your head.†Wife: “And an] surprised that you should we: the wool of another sheep 01. yo! A Pleasant Dutyâ€""When anything Worthy of recommen I consider it my duty to tell it How. Jas. Murdock, 01' Hamhu "Dr. Agncw’s Catarrhal Pov. “Dr. Agncw’s Cat cured me of Cat stanqing. It is c its emzct. The ï¬rs ï¬tted me in ï¬ve 1. l I . I . - I , vhnard s lement Is used by thszmans | MUTUALLY HELPFUL. "With decency '2" He : He merely has to go and father’s .consent, and it's in? m [hr the Octagon Bat. er: "Notlil $50 on the 0 been told Rivers’ Goldsworthy's will.’ is name is in it. Hc witness. That's all. )us ! What's the mat- t application ninutcs. 50 rts of ï¬w He: “Oh, go and ask cngth I know dation, 11 I heard the man the maid adore, I saw her girlish glee; And when the tender scene was o'er They turned and worshipped me. But when he saw my beauty there In that (“lightful grove, Of ornaments he stripped me bare _And gave them to his love. Now in'my heart there is no room For tender sympathy, Until next. year, sweet roses bloom Again upon this tree. Columbus said the world was round, And most of us declare That since his time we've often found It anything but square. “Was there a girl there, dear? I didn’t notice. I was looking at you." I heard a. lover tell his love. And could but sympathise To hear him calling her his dove And note her soft, replies. "Didn't you think that, was a. beautiful girl with me to-day, Arâ€" thur 7†“What girl, my dearest 7" “Whynshe was with me when you met us in front of the church.†And then she loved him more. There is more Cnturrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together. and until the lust low years was supposed to beincurable. For a great many yenrs doctors pronounced it a coal disease and prescribed local reme ies. and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced itincurnblc‘ Science has proven catarrh to benconstitutionnl disease anathem- iore requires constitutional treatment. Hull's Untnrrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney 5: Chooledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the mar- ket. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops tonteaspooniul. It acts directly on the blood and mucous sur- faces of the system. They offer one hun- dred dollars (or any case it falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimoni- als. Address, F. J. CHENEY & 00.. Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists. 75c. Hgll’a Family Pills are the best. Doctor: “You’ve got a fever, sir." Patient: “Is it, what you would call a ‘high fever,’ doctor 7†Doctor: "Well, it is and it isn't. Two dol- lars, please." Patient: “H’m ! Is theâ€"enâ€"fever as high as the fee. would you say ‘2" ' Angry Fatherâ€"inâ€"Law :’ “Didn’t you tell me when you married my daughâ€" ter that you were worth $40,000 ‘?" Sonâ€"in-Law: "No, sir; I said that I could lay rny hands on $40,000; but had I done so I should noxv be in gaol." Bobbyi “Ma. you said that I wasn't to eat that piece of cake in the pantryâ€"because it would make me sick." Mother: “Yes, Bobby.†Bobby (convincingly); “But, ma, it hasn't made me sick." Dear Sirs,â€"I was for seven years a sufferer from Bronchial trouble. and would be so hoarse at timer! that, I could scarcely speak above a Whisper. I got do relief from any- thing till I tried your MINARD'EJ HONEY BALSAM. Two bottles gave relief and six bottles made a complete cure. I would heartily recommend it to anyone suï¬ering from throat or lung- trouble. Eat what you Emaâ€"Give the iigcstive organs some work to do. These functions need exercise as much as any part of the human anatomy, but if they're deli- cate, give them the aid than Dr. Von Stan’s Pineapple Tablets afford and you can eat anything that's wholesome and palatableâ€" 60 in 3 flex. 35 centsâ€"8 ’Mr. Noodle: “Clever? Why, she has brains enough for two, Miss Cutting." Miss Cutting: "Has she? Then she is just the girl you ought to marry, Mr. Noodle.†Lever's Yâ€"Z (\Hse Head) Uisinl‘eCt- ant Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softens the Water and disin- fects. noccntly): “Lc (lever parents X (In. wmuev'l SOOTHING SYRUP has been and by "Illian of numbers for thaw children whiEe teeming. luoothes the chlld. soften: Mu gums. allnya pain. cure: Ilud colic. regulates the Stomach BJJL bowels, und in the rest remedy {Ur Dinrrhma. Twnnty-ï¬vo coma a. beam Sold by druu'isu throughout the world. Be sure and at (at “ Mm. Wmsnow 5 500111150 srmw." 23.71 Crawling Skin Diseases relieved {n a {C'W minutes by Agnew‘s Olmmem. Dr. Agnew's Ointment relieves insaamly, and cures Teller, Salt Rbcum, Scald Hgad, Eczema. Ulcers, Blntches, and all Eruplions of the Skin. It is roomn nnd quicting and acts like magic in all Baby umors. Irritation of the Scalp or Rashes during {celhing time. 35 cents a boxâ€"7 Fredericton Papa. Itching, __Bur_'ping, Qreeping, $100 Reward, $100 MinaId’s Linime DECEITFU L M Nr :\x "How is it, Alice, that you t a prize at school ?" Mamâ€" nd that your hiend. Louisa. gets so many ?" Alice (in- ): “Louisa. Sharp has such Por Over Sixty Yum BERWAVED J. F. VENBUSKIRK. (Wise Head) DisinfeCt- nt in the chsa all tho { Ioa nay sc..‘rqno~'ro Eï¬TEï¬?$L£ mam- mg! EMAYBEE ":12 Charlie: "Young Biddley seems to think the girls are crazy after him." Flo: "Well, the ones who are after him certainly must be crazy.†He: "Could you love me if I lost all my money?†She: “How much have you to lose ?" Babies cry most when they realize that they look like some of their relations. Minatd‘s Liniment Lumhetman’s Mend ï¬skfnr Minard's and take no other. and {ruled Suits would look better Glyn]. It or our: in your mum, write dimer, h onLrenl at c'ou: price» Hand Mr casmog RAW ‘URS AND cEflBINfl wanted. price lit-J]. 17 Klng St, East. Toronto. I'ur Manufactuzver. JACKETS, CAPERINRES. STOLE‘, R UFFS at {our price» 55nd lnv cunlog BASTEDO a: co RUN ï¬ewsnagm‘m and MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS, BOOKS. etc., dispatched to subscribers by ï¬rst max‘s by WM. DAWSON & SONS..Lim1ted, Cannon House. Bream’s Buildings, London, England. The largest Subscription Agency in the world. Send for our list. Free on application. 1351. 1809. Prompt and reliable. Paui‘iry, Eu‘iteag Saga Honey, Apples, All. KINDS OF FRUITS And Farm Pro- duce generally, consign it to us an] we will get you good prices. THE Dawson Gommission 30., The real joy of an outing is good teal Blue Ribbon Tea is made from the tenderest and most‘ delicate leaves and flowers of the Ceylon tea plant. It is delicious and creamy to the tasteâ€"is simply delightful ’ with bread and butter. Black. Mixed Ceylon Green 9~ .15 BRITISH “We YBUR OVERMATS TORONTO. mm? I AMI‘QDQI" n-1E1NG MONTREAL. ATTBuTmn 'ro PATENT ‘ 5,1, LITIGATION. ' Bond forHandbooI _V on Patonâ€. 8m. 7 ‘ .‘ ‘The Overland Route' all the way. 40c. SPECIAL ATTENTIO! should be Fifty Gunrantwd for ‘ W W A I (a H I! you will do n. few hours wor‘c for u: any day after schoo’. Boys must enclose refer- ences from parents or mmrdlank Write m-dny. \V.P.HUE$TIS. Room 510, No. X56 FlfDYI Ave., New York. U.S.A. Dominion Lina Steamshlps Montreal to L|vorpoo| Botton to Liverpool [Argo Ind Fast. Swnmsbapt Superior accommodluu hr all dunes of pusengen. 3.100!“ and Staterooc we smidnhipa. Byecinlauentlonhu becn iven to he a Salon and Third-Claus accommmntion. ate 0! unge Ind all pcrtlcului. Ipply to n, no I! me amp-Dy. or to phi-anger went. DOMINION LINE OFFICES: 1 Mel Boston. I! St. Smnmcm. SL. Mound WWATCH We will Ive ABSOLUTELY HIE A HIEH GRADE Ask for the Red Label £09