Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Nov 1903, p. 1

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VOL. XXVI. .-r «~23; n A“Fnir “ CH “1168!? ‘J {at r. .. ink c. y A.C. I. all ll) ‘flywl‘la ,_.-,__A, h._ â€"‘ G ("IQIIiH‘lRPy.K C A G F Lam-once W llixl'mb \\'u.uan'01't.h The constant; i111provement in calâ€" omlars is browning more marked ear-h year. The r'rnat ions in this line. \vhir-h a scnrr of years ago. would be ll"(‘lll(‘tl .works of -11-t. are. now classed with those vaiieg ted m min! conn ositions of which " l’oor Hit-haui‘s Almanac“ was a H‘ritabie prototypm [S PUBLISHED EVERY Phone 21mian ’EEIURSDAY MORNING, AT 1‘le . LlBElttL PRlNTlllS & PUBLISHING HOUSE nmnxioxn armour. T. F. McMAHON. Lindsey. Lawrence 24 W ails-Worth. Barristers,Salicitors. lictaries. kc. Home Lifi- Building: (formeer Free- hold Loan Bldg). (‘11:. Adelaide & Victoria Sis. Toronto. LIBERAL Office. Richmond Hill on of lllHlLlllg‘ typographical charts by which tho passage of the. year can be accurately gaugnd is mainlyâ€"i1" not. ENTO‘ 31 PROPRIETOR' Saturdays. entirrlyflluec to tin: perfecting and James Grove, for 30 yards . . . . . . 5B? 00 ____~_-,-_A,,_,- â€"~::;:â€"_--~.___:â€""~ ___ cheapemng m the. varmus prnrosses of Alex. Russell, 72 “ . . . , . l 20 - cw _ f1": 1 r1 6 a ‘f f' ~ . , printing. These. have developed to J.(z‘r.l“recn1a11, 12-52 “ . . . . . . 13 20 8 U‘JINL‘ "'8 L & N {l N such a state that today the \vm k of Mrs. {olpl1, 25 “ . . . . . . 2 50 :::_.._____â€"-.;.. '::’.:_..;'.‘_“ " ‘ Banastcrs, Solicitors. etc. the [ll‘illlillg’ and lithographic press ll. Ash. lull “ . . . . . ll (30 TORONTO OFFlCE: N”. 33 Riph_ rivals that of the painter himself. In T. lionsor, (Ni “ . , . . . . (H .10 annual. fact. ibis Hussilde bv the eantlilure v l . mond St. \chrJVi-slvv Buildiuaq ' b ’ ~ of great. care and skill to so reproduce (Methodist; Book oom,) '1‘ _ Into fe'il lent n‘1 vnoivm Al? N esteru and Grace Rasllituls,'roruu:u MONEY TO LOAN AT 5‘2. .l AS.â€" N EW’I‘ON lSSUER MARRIAGE LleNSES, 19M(lab-miarj11st.issu~(l by The N. K. Fair-bank (Hanpany is an example. Fl)! years tln- " Fairy ” 'lalendars of this company have rankcd :1111ongthe. leading annual art Crnations. but. in the plesr-nt instant-0 thoy havo fairly Odiac Hanaâ€"8 to 10 a 1n; 12 to 2p m 7 t-) 8 n in. W m â€" nodal. __.______ __m A 7 7 H ,__,__, E4 : I outclassrd prt \ ions ell'orts. Ba ,-‘_ Guy t3? ,,_ _ _ ' Thr- calendar is composml of seven lib-«we, loadingr sewer pipe .. . . 2 (it) . r I n l‘ Li J’, sheets, ll) by ll; inches in size, printed A.(iilbe1t, tl‘flllllllg . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 50 D {In Li~3+ . fl . 4. 4 - on heavy glazvd paper and gxecntt‘d :\.(;‘round, repairing: nulvo1t;.... 50 ‘ , l « v9 ‘ ' V ) in twelve (hill-lent; coloIS. "he first \V.C:tldwell, sharpenino’ bl:1de.. 2 ll” NO 1 A 1 sheri {cpresents an idealic tigllre of a I). Harrington. lumberb . . . . . . 5i 75 Room 12, lzl Victoria. St. Toronto. enamel-1mm;an Tm; HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&¢. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. young woman who is flanked each side by a broad, wavy bluest‘roll on which appear the different monthly indiCus, twr-lvn in all. The other RECHMOND HI ) x y, sheets art: (lmo‘ud to six individ‘ml LlllOS'l OFFILE. bust Smdus r,f- ymnig \vmnen from W G L & the brush of t‘. ‘Vazlle Tran-r, an a1‘l;~ L . ' '* -".~:. -- v: A Vi], S Bifll‘B‘itaEI‘l'S :1 Hr! éniifi'dlizgis. \ , tlbtfiflfl'll'llll‘iillll ilsigi'iiilliiia frame effect in ‘1)9131 MWBV 301mm on land and chattel mnngagefi at imitation of burnt, lratln-r, with bord- Boom “ A," Yonge Street; Iuwosc ratass ‘01s and doom ations in L‘AIi Nonveau m . Arcade, .LOZ‘Cul'fiO. _ Best: fitting teeth. also replating, at; .1 lowest; prices. Good Work. r. A“"°‘,§i,‘;m§fi;;iii3;$§'e'1page 01¢!“th 0310.: (The New Art), which is tho latrst.‘ ' 0 “name m “’6 l“1unrh ticalnwnt tor (ll-mantixc ef- ‘ Outano Hank Jewmarlmx @ifinuâ€"q'hroe doors south of the forts and isall the vogue. Taken alto retln-rthe calendar is a in T H 1‘ 1st. u live armour LENNCX. . . . dlstinct and retrial kalilv beautiful (1': 5’1" Mona/w, Telephone. Main Zl'll “m” N ‘ ..-_.__._____ - aw w . -. . ' ”‘â€"‘-“ «2va main“ \vork ol’ art. \‘l'llll‘ll should be 111 the *____ _V _ . f l T f ‘1 -. x . a - mssessrnn 0 eve 'v lover o 10 ' loine DR. ARNOLD a. A. MASON, l . .r. n. l,..;...,.,, .. ~ Llcenseu Auctioneer for the County of York . The new calendar is being given in return for ten oval fronts from Fairy Soap boxes, or 2.") cents in stamps. and can he obtained from T110 N. K. Fair- thank Company, Montreal. V -4---._,.. .n “’ANTEDâ€"E‘AITHI-‘UL PEllSllN Tl". TR H‘- cl for n‘ellest Lb‘ii he.l house in .1 few countins, Collin-,2 on renal merchants and a: ems. Lucio Goods sold on consignment Gonornl sales 01 Mac etc irromptlv attended to at, reasonuvh rat-es Ros-almmc Uninnvillo G R Goulrliur. Newt n Ur ‘ above 1, o ools, agent for tho I) e :1 ti 9.: t, (Successor to Dr. T. A. Currie), Cur. Church and Carlton Sis, Toronto, \Vill he irrRichmund Hill every VVcd- J T Saigonn. J R McEwen Maple Weston I Saigcon & Mos “on . nesd-ny. m. _ ,l , ‘ _ ,_ _. Ofiice, next (lym- suuth of Public Licensed «um-1mm. for u... mum, 0, YO”, igiiiiiifiiofliilrli 3333.35".“WEE?”21,25, 9,312? School. Suleattmnded to on shorteslnofipemfid I. tea: Money tor expenses u'vvnncwl. Pwsm m puâ€" omce Humane m s p. Pwtronaavsnncm 32:322.. attain. ans: ..... D_ G. BLOBG!!. . Nov. 12-26 whs. V augha 11 Council License Auctioneer fortthounty of York, re- spectfully whats your patronage and friend!) infiltonce sales attended on the shortest notice and atrcnsonabem’tes. P. O.u.ddross King Council met. on Nov. 10. anbers all presvnt. Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Angus MacMm-chy, Esq., solicitor for the C. P. R. and Mr. VValkm-, en- gineer, were. present. in behalf of Said company and addressed the council re. - closing the. given road known as the Little Concession from the sideline he- tWeen lots 20 and 21, con. 9, South to the place where it; crosses the. railway, and opening a new road on the west side. of the. track to he purchased by the company. The council agrcetl to pass the neces- sary bylaws, .and the clerk wasin- structl-d to prepare the same and to take the legal proceedings necessary in caSesof opening or closing public highways. The company also agreed to hear all expenses in the matter, and the byâ€" laws will be passed on Dec. 15. A communication was ruceived from Councillor J. E. Flaaris, of Markham township, with the view of selling the toll-house on Yongc St. Mr. Thomas was appointed to confor with Mr. Francis in rrfelcnce to above. Devilisâ€"Longhnuse-that the treas. pay J. N. Boyle $215, for Slll’l‘p killed and injured by dogs. Malloyâ€"l)evins«-that the treasurer .refnnd Robt. Cunningham $29.95, be- ing the amount of taxcs levied against his property for 1903. Thomasâ€"~I,(lngl1(111s(‘~il1;1t the treus. Sanctuary lOâ€"Hâ€"N R. CAMPBEE VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. Gulls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. a. H. SANDERSONi VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL Calls by day and night; promptly at tended to. WANTED A man to represent “ CANADA’S GREATEST Nunsnmns " in the Village, of Richmond Hill and surrounding country, and take orders for llllll HARDY SPEGlAtTlES In Fruit; Trees, Small Fruits, Ornaâ€" mental Shrubs, Roses. Vines, Seed Potatoes, etc. N. E. Smith. Licensed Anctv‘onearl‘nrthe Counties of York and Guam-m All snlos of farm stock. &c, atâ€" tended to on the shortesfi notice and reasonable rates. Mortgagenml hailin sales attended to. En 'dence Smutfv‘ WRiGH‘T‘ BROS, Undorla'knrs a: Ennbalmc-I'S. RiCHlv‘lOND HILL 8: TH-ORNHIIL , A large stockof' Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. , .cu. .112: '3. 9‘41 .' r“ 1fiwl-‘A-l- annual HOUSE Every Accommodation for the trav~ elling public. FREDERIiZ K BACK, Ph‘op E. Lynn”, canton nosing... 158 RING s'rnn EAST. TORONTO stock true to name and free from San E cceommodntinn to guest". boarduu ‘ pay the. following road accounts : 3059 Scale. A pennauent position for nerd” - _ A. Black, work Jon bridge - ' ~ - - $ 6 59 J. l oys, work on budge. . . . . . G 23 the. right. man on either salary or com- mission. 3 00 PALMER. HOUSE G. Sutton, hauling gravel . . . . . . G. Sutton and L. l‘.la_vnard,l1uild- Stone & Wellington. RICHMOND HILL- .. ~: "1.: a Bomodelled,and newly furnished throughout A. Brownlee, hauling pipe .. . .. 2 5t) FONTHILL NURSERIES, ‘ One otshe most. convenient. and mfortable ‘ .‘ v , .. ‘ ... .. " OVER 500 ACRES. hotels on Yonge Street. Every [Edda-n ron- 0‘ Sim” “pt [dung g‘ddu ' ' ‘ ‘ l I}, TORONTO, â€" CANADA- veuience Sample rooms for commerchll \\“l35(mv \mG. Ot‘f- - ~ - - - - . - l 0:) A a 14 4 “fivellew Anidealstnnring place for riding l J. Clary, disgaingditch . . . . . . . . . 8 2:) 11°. . m or drivingpartiesbicycliatfi, or farmers going M Gurkmv‘ $1.14; 3 ()0 my to or returning from market. Electric curs ' ‘ ' - ‘ . ‘ ' 'l ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' [mast-he door Liveryiuconnectjon T. Lane, haulmg 111m ’91- . . . . . . . . 300) M. mehrey, lumber . . . . . . . . . . 209 25 - TERMS “'00 PER DAY' E. Langstafi', gravcl . . . . . , . . . . . . 4 ~18 ' ‘v. p g,‘ y :63 _ Commnted Statute Labor .. . . 50 Prop i \Vork performed in Div. No. 6.. 3 u u u _ 1‘ “ “ “ 13.. 2: “ “ Thornhill Div 4 99: Council adjourned to meet, on Dec. Three thousand dollars to loan at a ,8, at w O'clwk “- m. nlow rate of interest on firsbmort- -°-â€"-â€"â€"- Prices and quality tall; at our store. A large amount of private funds to loan 9n improved farm pmperty situ- ated in the County of York, at: 4; per cent. For particulars apply to L111dscy, Lawrence & \Vadsworth, Home Life Bldg” 60 Victoria St" [CNN-I 0" a" Toronto gage fat-1n property. THE LIBERAL Office, Richmond Hill, Apply at. You get prices and then come and See on Saturday afternoons. ' t. f. THE LIBERAL OFFICE. our quality. Atkinson & Switzer. all presnut. bc permitted to cut a dead tree on the road near hls place. between lot 40 11nd ll, ('011. I. Rcesor be paid amount of damages This meat. :zrlvancmnent in the art to through a bridge on 11th (-on. ing gravel accounts he paid: ing aecuul.ts he paid: l 7‘ I . . l. . . . .. DR. E. S l U 8 BS, Wm,“ a picture llllill, 1t, ml] at a short HIT] 1.[l3lllg:‘rlll;lll, repau-mg culvert..$ n 0'.) » B , Mr. Cook will be atM,‘ 100,,Thur .L lance. 11117.7. 0 even an export, to le I. I'umwr l, teaming. etc . . . . . . 5 (ll) Th 9"“ “uni afternntm of mph week Sd‘ y whether it. is genuine or not. (lot-son & Son, :Irl\ertising . . . . . . 6 ~10 I ' As an illustration of this fart, the J. 0. l'lerity, advertising . . . . . Z 50 (i. (lowio, repairing road plane, 1 (1i. \VILherspoon, planking bridge 2 ()0 liar-key, Phoenix & Nelles, re.- ) . , _. J.Fishcr and \V.lla1~p< 1‘, work. . 3 00 Allen Bros, sharpening share .. 2 Sawyer-Massey (‘11., share. . . . . . . 8 50 write Alphaeus Hoover, President of the Independent; Telephone. (,‘o., llt‘- manding bonds to the. 3.1.0410 to secure this accidents if caused by tln ir poles and wires being placed on the- highways of. this township. be instructed to send bill to Searlloro township for one half rust of concrete pipe for Culvert between lots 10 anvl 11 on town line between Markham and Scar-born. ‘ My ; in all things, Charity.” RICHMOND HILL. THURSDAY, NOVEI‘JBER ll), 1903 Markham Tp. Council Council met on Nov. 19. Men hcrs _ The rrcvc in the chaii. that John Duncan Franris-~â€"-lloo v91- Francis em Hoover ~ that, Samuel engine sustaile by breaking Fra unisâ€"MorriSon ~ll1at the follow- llarperâ€" Morrisonâ€"that, the follow- 00 pairs to storm c1 usher .. . l‘ 50 ( ll) Morrisonâ€"Harperâ€"that this ('ll'lli antouni' of municipality vgainst loss by (lnmngos arising from Harperâ€"iiiunisonâ€"that, tho (lerk Francis â€" Hoover â€" that; $37.53 be paid l‘u'arhham’s sharc of Yongc St. account. Council adjourned until Dec. 15. «Ioâ€"â€" Map-1e 0110 party of hunters from here re- turned homc the latter part, of last week, and the other on Tuesday. They brought some fine-deer with them 1 and report gamc abundant in the northern country. Thvre are several cases of typhoid fever in this neighborhood at, present. A lecture on “The Life of Christ,” illustrated by lime-light views, is to be given in the Methodist church on Monday evening, Nov. 30, by Rev. Mr. Rogers of Ulilt'dOll East. Rev. D. J. Davidson. B. A. and Mrs. Davidson, who are going to sail for lndla next. month are visiting the latter’s brother, Mr. R. S. Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. T. Jackson, and little daughter. Belle, of Toronto, visited at; Mr. \Vm. Jackson’s over Sunday. Mr. \‘Vm. Street of Toronto is spendâ€" ing a few days with Mr. R. Thomas. Mr. Bert, Travis of Oshawa is home on a. \isit to his parents. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"ooâ€">â€"+â€"â€"-â€"- Village Councn. Council met on Nov. 17. Relive in the chair. Members all p1esent. Minutes of Oct. 30 read and approv- ed. The following accounts were read : ll. Blanchard, work on stx-ectsfil‘ll 30 R. (Q J. Michael, teaming . . . . . . 36 50 Trent-h estate, sundries . . . . . . . 4 '75 Glassâ€"Pm1lin-«â€"that the treas. pay the said accountsâ€"Carried. There was but: one tender for rent- ing the link presented to the council; it was {10m the Consolidated Ice Do. The. amount tendercd for was .340. Paulin~Innesâ€"â€"that the. renting of the rink be laid over for considrrabion for two weeksâ€"Carried. Council adjourned to meet: in two weeks from date. M. TEEFY, Clerk. ¢*_ N ews N ones. The foreign trade of the Dominion for the last, four months exceeded $179,000,000, illl increase. of $22,0Ull,()(l0 over the corresponding months of the preceding year. There is nothing small about. us. but wear-e particular about little things that. help to make our store service lbetter. That‘s why this store has so many satisfied customers. Atkinson s; Switzer. Councillor Hoover of the Markham township council is lea\ ing the town- ship to take up residence in Stout?â€" ville. This will lean: a vacancy to he I filled at the January election. John Sellers of Davisvillc died sudâ€" denly on Sunday. He was at his us- ual employment, in the town the day before. JDPCEilst‘ll was 6'7 years l-f age. He was buried in Thurnhill on Tucs- day. 1â€"1. 9, 3. at E. ('91 a“ :5 -: n [Single copies, 3 cts. «16. Many a woman would make a bean- tiful bride but ‘ sh e is d eâ€" ' terred fr 0 m entering the' married state - because of ill- $500 “Elfin?” ~ W’HO CANNOT BE CURED. The proprietors and makers of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription now feel f ully warranted in offering to pay $500 in legal money of the United States, for any caSe of Leucorrhea, Female Weak- ness, Prolapsns, or Falling which they cannot cure. of Womb All they ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure. "If women would study the laws of health and use a little more common sense there would not be such a lame number 'toâ€"day gaufiering with the ills peculiar to our sex," wntesfilrs. Sallie Martins (President Mutual Social Sc1euc: Club), of 18) South Halstead Street, Chicago, 111. "Then when medicine is needed If they would take the ‘Favorite Prtscriptlon.’ they would inve a chance to get well. I used Dr. Pierce‘s Favorite Prescription three years ago and it cured me of female weakness of several yeam’ standing, so I know what I am talkin when I about raise it. and always know w at the result wi 1 be where it. is used." Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets should be used with “Favorite Prescription" whenever a laxative is required. Something New FGR THE.‘ MlSSES A Sterling Silver chain bracelet. with hearts attached is a. suitable present. for a. child, and is something nearly all children take a fancy to. The hearts are quite thin and small which gives them a. more delicate ap- pearance than the culinary convex hearts. The price is $2.00. for silver or gold filled. JERRYSMlTlâ€"l, l l PRACTICAL WATC H MAKE R. lions; Wanted? Aloan of $200 is wanted on first mortgage Fifty Acre Farm sccurity. This farm is situated in Melanchtou Tonnship. Go. of Dnfl'erin. and faces on good gravel road. long settled and well cleared. There are 9 acres clear- ed, the balance timbervd. The above land is 25 “lllUS from Duudalk station, on U. P. R., at which place thPre are tirrcegeneral stores, hotels, tannin-y. blacksmith shops, :3 grain elevators, saw mill, post, Mike and bank, with several hundred inhabitants. FOR SALE. The above farm is for sale at: $750, on easy terms. Small payment down, the balance arranged to suit at 5 per cent interest. Title indisputable. Apply to J. BENTLEY. 13-4 Richmond St, Richmond Hill. A. Course in Advertising fine Dollar Impressions, a monthly journal of business making ideas and which, dur- ing the year, gives a thorough treat- ment. of the different, phases of adver- tising, will be sent to any address in Canada or the Unith States for 01w Dollar. Send ten coats for a. sample copy. It. will be worth a dollar to you. IMPRESSIONS St. Catharines, Ontario.

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