Change-J. C. A)er c Changeâ€"Tbs Rusmu changeâ€"P. (1_. Suva; Changeâ€"Atkinson oz cw (mangoâ€"'1‘ B Ludfurd ('huugeâ€"Jerry smith Shavedâ€"Lama Page 1-‘ w Saleâ€"D Kemwell'. Par Sulaâ€"Liberal nmce New Advâ€"d): Spinney A Public Nanceâ€"Jnmas E4 The Dominion Department of Ag- riculture carried on illustration chicken fattening work for three years at chfrew, Ont. When the Work Commenced, Mr. John Frood, the operator of the station, was re- quested to interest the farmers about. Rent’rew in chicken fattening,r and to inform them of the high prices paid for fatted chickens in Montreal. Mr. Frood lent two farmers the fattening crates and shoWed them how to feed their chickens. These chickens were 511d in Montreal at 11 cents per pound, plucked weight, and one of the farmers wrote the Department that he Was well pleased with the price he obtained. This year the farmer- erected a poultry house cost ing $4200, and is engaging in the business extensively. He speaks Very favorably of the fattening work. lie has chickens in the fattening crates and is shipping regularly to Montreal. It is learned that the Second 'f‘aFme'r and three others are hlso forwarding chickens to Mont- !‘eal. One of them realized for his sshipment“) cents per chicken. an- ‘other 65 cents per chicken. Three years ago these farmers’ chickens,un fattcned,could not have been sold for more than 50 cents per pair. It was then difï¬cult to buy ï¬rst-class chickens. Agreat number of Leg- lm‘ns and scrub chickens were rais- ed by the farmers. This year alâ€" most every farmer has a ï¬rst-class flock of Barred Plymouth Rocks. Since the chicken fattening busi. rum: is established at Renfrew, and RICHMOND HXLL. Nove 333w ‘lflihm‘a ness is established at Renfrew, and promises to develop into an import- ant industry, the Department of Ag:- riculture decided not to operate the station another year. The work will be transferred elsewhere. The Renfrew poultry business received a great impetus on account of the op- eration of the illustration fattening station, the farmers are pleased with the increased returns received from their futted chickens, and are in a good way to realize a substantial youltry revenue What has been accomplished in Renfrew can he re- heated in other parts of Canada. New Advertisements. Residents of York township have recently been preparing for a vote (in Local Option at the January elections, the Council having at its last meeting passed the ï¬rst reading of the by-law. Councillor Symc,how~ over, who supported the lay-law, has within the past week changed his mind, and now says he will oppose the hy-law. Mr. Syme gives several reasons for reversing his former at-i titude. He says he was deceived b)" the deputation that waited on the Council, that he will not be the tool of the Ontario Government whose ditty it is to enforce the law, and at any rate,“ who wuuld nntrathcrseeh decent hotel than a whole lot ol' She-- beens in every hole and corner in the township? This is what would happen if this local option was put ‘eâ€"World'a Dispeusury n1qu Lesâ€"J. 0. Ayer 6: Co. reâ€"Tbe “usmu Hardware C :aâ€"P. (1. Savage 6; Sun :aâ€"Atkiusnu 6‘1 Swine: :oâ€"T B Ludfpfd the township? This is what would happen if this local option was pm into effect." Doubhless, many ratepayers will think that Councillor Syme should hive known all this before he voted tor the ï¬rst reading of the by-law. CHICK EN FATTENING. Rev. Dr. Chown should be more speciï¬c in making- eliarges of eorrup ‘ tion in the holding of elections. It is certainly his privilege as well as his duty, to expose political or municip- al corruption wherever it; is known to exist, has he should. be careful not Eckm‘dfa [Try Medical Assoc‘ ymher 19. 1903 to make statements that he is not pre pared to substantiate. He recently stated publicly that he knew that in one constituency $50,000 was exâ€" panded corruptly, and in another an amount nearly as large was illegally spent. The Rev. gentleman even went so far as to say that members of the Woman’s Christian Temper!- nnce Union paid money to win an uldermanic election in the province of Quebec. At a meeting of the W. C. T. U. held in Ottawa Dr. Chown was called upon to make good his ‘ statement. The World of Tuesday points out R that the Globe said the day before in referring to political corruption in both parties that “ while the blame is partly with the politicians it is { partly with the people.†The World dismisses the Globe‘s opinion with a sneer as if it were all moonshine, and practically lays the blame of all p0- litieal wrong doing on Hon. G. W. Ross and the Liberal party. If the World and other Conservative papers would throw their influence with the Globe a good deal might be done in 1 the way 0) stamping out political 'crookedncss. But little need be ex- pected as long as political leaders and newspapers are willing to con- demn only the corruption they see in their political opponents. We have received No. 1, Vol. 1 a paper printed at Lyicton, Manitoba. The editor and publisher of the new paper is Mr. H. T. McPhillips, a former resident, of this place. The new paper, The Lyleton Herald, promises to be a newsy sheet, and starts with a fair amount of advertis- ing. The Herald makes no “ rash promises,†and politically will re- serve the right to express its opinions in accordance with its own views on plblic questions, always putting Country before party. Strayod fmm thP premises of under- siglwd. lot rear lst con. Vaughan, Syman heifers, part Jerseys. Per- sons giving information will be re- wa rd éd. Lost between Richmond Hill and tull»gafe. a small black and whilv Bcnglv Hound. with small piece of tail cutnlf. Finder v Informing The Blacksmith Shop and House at Dnllur, 3rd cm). Markham. First- cluss stand for a good hm‘seshoor. For particulars apply to GEO. CO\V‘IE. Richmond Hill. Subscribe for THE " LIBERA For Sale or Rent Good Omwn J ewel heater for sale. App! at; .-3 {BE LIBERAL OFFICE 21.3 STR-AYED n? {5117 W'BO'YNTON, FOR SALE will he amply rewarded by LOST R. GREENAVVAY, 5 St. Alban St†Toronto. LEWIS PAGE. Thm'uhill P. O. LX- AL Dull av. ‘3 w. A. 3m: 1 l DRUGGIST Spectacle Wearers Don‘t paya. big price fm' Spnc- tncles. Examine. nur DI'ICCS be- fure purcbusing elsewhere. A wellâ€"ï¬tting Frame is just as important, as good IA’HSI’S. See our mevless Glassesâ€"the Will repair your old sewing machine or exchange for a new one. Nuofllt-R fm- :11] kinds of machines. Remember we f1 ee. \‘e Our stock of Spectaolvq and Eye Glasses is most, complete. Gold Filled mevs and Glasses at reasonable prim-s. HEINTZMAN PIANO. TENDERS FOR SUPPLIES. 1904. The undvrsignml wiH loceivetenders up to mum on Monday, 23rd inst“, fm- suppliPs 0f hutchex-s‘ meat, creumm‘y hutle-I. fluur, oatmeal, potatoes. curd- wuud, (40., fur the fui‘mwing institu- tions during the year 1904. \‘iL. : At the Asylums fur the Inï¬no in [IUHS {"1qu “u w†_. ,, At the Asylnms fur the Insane in anmï¬o, Londnn, Kingston, Hamil- ton. Mimicn. BL'm-kville, Culmurg and Orillia ; the Central Pi-lmn and Mercer Rtlfm-nmtnry, Tnnmto; the Reform- atory for Boys, Pvuetuuguishene : the Institution for Deaf and Dumb. Belle- \'ille. and the Blind at, Brantfmd. Excvptinnâ€"Tenders are not rvqnir- ed fur lbe supply of mind" tn the usvlums in Toronto. London, King- stnh, llnmiitnn and Bl'Of‘kVillP, nor for he Central Pi-isnn and Mercer Re- formntm-y. Toronto. A nmfked t-hequo for ï¬ve per cent. of the vstim-‘Ited :unulmt of them)“- tract, payable to the order of the Hon- orable the Provincial Secretary, must, be furnishr-(l by each tenderer as a. guarantee of his bnnu tides. Two suï¬lrit-nt suwties will be required for the due fulï¬llment, of each cuntmct, and sln-uld any truth»? be withdran berm-e Lhe contmct, is :m’ardvd, m- shonld the tvndelu‘ fail tn furnish such security. tho unmunt of the de- posit, Shall be ftll‘ft‘ltrd. Spvcilicutiuns and forms of tender may be had on application to the De- partment, nf the Provincial Seal-Mary. Tnl‘ontu. or thP Bursurs of the re- spt‘ctivu institutions. The lmvest or any tendel not neces- Needles for all kinds of ma Organs Repaired. Also agent fut the Call and see our stock. Next dour north of Moodie’b' 9-4 T he 3 sarin . New ment, v pax'tuh B ichln 0nd Eiill 3333mm! W is. ?ETE§ECK u. Alf. -,-__., l Provinénl Secretary. ' I Pml'umcnt Buildings, Tel-03m. Nov. I 0 nu- mevless Glassesâ€"the latest-ant, fair prices. Diorchant Pointers ‘C"l)u-u. vipers inserting this advertise- I‘lmnt authority fmm the de- xt will not he paid for it. .I. R. STRATTON. west 1‘ ‘ceptm' Tailor _ A1; -TIIE# st your eyes ie’s stm-(n L‘J Qï¬Â©Â§Â£Â§féï¬ï¬â‚¬ SQGQgQK’SQQQS-‘QSQS mam E“. mmm Fwy. Geo. Iï¬c‘ï¬omld, Richmond Hill lots as foilbws: Canadian, 20c.; Canadian Water White, 22c.; American Water White, 24c.; GOLDEN LIGET, 26c. Golden Light Oil, while costing the most money is like all good thingsâ€"the most economical to use, because it goes farthest, having nearly 50 per cent. greater illuminating power and having the added great advantage of being entirely devoid of smoke or smell. \Ve guarantee it will please you. 11‘ 18 SOLD ON LY BYâ€" The WSW. MRWMRE 60m “FINE 126 EAST KING STREET, TORONTO M m m 3% AREESS‘. Mimi; Siam Less on hand than at this time a year ago is the re- port of the situation as given out by those who are supposed to know. Eotwi‘ahs’canding This immense shortage and consequent substantial ‘ad- vances in the cost of Coal Oil, we are able to quote oil per gallon in 5 gallon “’9 have solid comfurt in the Way And in fact everything in the line 0' Harness. Blankets, Rnbes. Coats, Mii: and many ()thm- artiulvs necessm-y f0: ynu and your horse‘s ('mnfm't. The goods we olfm- are honesth made and will stand the Wcm' you 9x pe-ct of them. Prires are as low 0 lower than the same goods can b bought elsewhex e. BLAHKETS 85 8637:. - are hunostl) : Wear you vx are as low 0' goods can b‘