Mrs. “7111. 111 mil] with rvl League. Miss Hume (If Tux-unto, Sp Sunday wilh hL‘l' brother. M Hume. Rev. Dr. Millignn nfr'I‘uI-nnt Friday at the Manse \\ ith [to Grant. Miss a visit WV. C. Mrs. Alexander Alt-xnmh-r and (“'0 c'livldron of 'l‘m-onLo, spent, Friday at tn pau'snmlge. RICHMnxD HILL, Nnvomhcr The Miss 5 sp «11 l;le \\ u at, " Elms Lv: (11y evening The 1:e\v hmka m-o nmv rm tlu shelves at the Public Library and mm disu'ibutvd for the ï¬rst Lime on Sunn- Mr. P. Mc\Villinms, tmvvlh Nnxon Bros.Manufacturing Un.,] sol]. is spending a. week wit father and moth-u“. u“. u. u. “myâ€, ,, the village fur a shm't lime un Smuln On his way from Maple “hum 110 11 been culling on his muthcx‘, who is years of age. Allure invitodlo some to tho Ep- Worth League Social (:11 Friday even- ing at, 8 n’clnck in the Methodist church. An interesting pmgruumw is being prepared. No charge. Edward Mayor, the boy who was struck in the head a few \veL-ks agu by a. piece of iron, can-sod hy thobmstâ€" ing of the cylinder of a threshing mu- chine near Czlshel, died in the Toronto Hospital. Friday (we! Shelled almonds, shelled walnut lemon peel, orange peel. ciLu-n pm just to hand. Atkinson & Swillor. The “’illing \Vorkers’ XIiSSiun ham secured Mrs. Alex. Tlmmpsou of Tn- ronto, to give solos at, tho anriULEt lectme on Friday evening, Kov. 20 The Mission Band ask for a. liberal collection at the (1001. The November session County Council will (-pen day, 23rd inst. One of the on the pi-ogi-mmue will ointmth ut’ :L Keeper ustl'ial Home in place Mr. Kuvanngh. \Vherever the luval Canadian is tn be found he will ever sing [be sung of his homeland “ The Maple Leaf,†and Lo-mm'row, Friday evening all will have an opportunity to see and hear its author, Alexander- Muix- in the Pi'esbvteriém Chm-ch at The Christian Vanguard of the 7H) inst“, a little paper published in To- rontu, in the imem-st of Chluchos, Sabbath Schools and evangelical bodies, speaks highly of th good work uf recent Ivvival son ices curried on at Ringwuml by the pastor, assist- ed by Evangelism Pethick and Bunt- lug. Mr. A. J. Rupmjt 0f "rm-unto, \Ve try togive you a little more for yuur mmwy than other stores so that you will become a regular cu»;- tower. Atkinson 6‘; Switzer. In the High School Flidny nfmu noon a debate Lunk place by lhl‘ students on the subject "Resolvwl that the Canadians WW9 ju<tiiiod in rebelling in the year 1857," Mr. Nur- lnan Bin-ell leading the af‘ï¬nnative, Mr. Eau-lin Gibson the negative. The (l9cisinn was given iu favor of the af- {ix-mauve. \Ve intend that. this store shall a1- Wilys be one of the best on Youg‘o StrePLâ€"Lhe hast store fur the supply- ing of persmml or huusehuld needs. Atkinson & Switzer. THE LIBERAL AND STAR. In reply to n last year subscriber to The Toronto D.Lily Star we would say that The Star this year does not, give a reduced clubbing rate to subscribers in the village where ther are boys distributing the paper at; 25 cents :L month. To those who reside nutsidv uf Richnmud Hill we are pl-t-‘pnl'ed to send The Still' and THE LIBERAL I‘m- $2.UO, and In new subserihvrs lmLh papers will he sent free to the end of this year. 140(3 A Presents itsvlf for young men and women to acquire u, vocation this winter that- wul bring then: dOLlhh' the salary at least that they can Con-i- nmnd in other ofï¬ce work, store, fur:- toi-y, etc. Practieal training in con» 1 I mercinl and miiway telvgmphy and“ railway oï¬ice accounting, young ladies in line to command from $35 to $70 [:91- mont-h and youncr men from $40 to $125 per month. {V9 ï¬t you in from four to (5 months and place you in position the moment you are competent. A common School ed- ucation is all that is required. Call. 01- WNW us for full particulars. Cun- adian Railway Instruction Institute. 601'. College and Youge Streets, Toron- plucos ‘ Extra. granulated sugar, 22 lbs. $1 : powdered sugar. 20 lbs. for ï¬ne grucery sugar, 30 lbs. for $1. kinsuu & Swilzer. Vnndvrhnnf of '1" uvm Sunday with Savage. Evening RAND OPPORTUNITY Hustrawser of Toronto. :k with the Misses Mal-sh Marsh is spending ‘ttlves m [’etm-hurn. ILL the ‘l'nruutn, made 11 Mr. and Mrs. x199 eight NH. M 1‘ (It 101-1; next. Mun- : ï¬rst items be the ap- fm- the ln- uf the late }(\.,Ingul'- wiH) his will he ï¬wox'th Event o'clm OVFT York fnl‘ ll] 20. ml The 1";11 painted by Free- (‘11 I l H: h and tlu Mr. 'I‘. Hand’s horse and rig taken fx-um Elgin Mills \leuo-sduy evening of Inst \ka was fuuud in the neigh- hm-huod of Kettlt-hy. hm: m Rev. J. K. Hilty of the Luthomn Chm-ch. Sht‘l'\VU()d. visiLt-(l tlw Mvth- udist Schmnl hrrn last Sunday as u. rum'vsvntrltive 0f the \Vest Ymk S. S. Mrs. \Vln. Junes hmnght largo. ripe stranvhm-rivs (In 1 taken fmm her garden the d the 13lh of Nuvemhvr. This for “The Lady of the Smnvs The sad intolligom-e ('mm- just us we go to press that Mr. Lynn Practur. who was kickvd by :1 horsea litlluover n woe-k ago. divd this Inm'ning at 8 ()‘rluck. lntt-rment in Muunt. Pleasant count-ten; on Saturday. TluI annual meeting of the Ric-11- mnml Hill Consnrvnllve AS<0rlntinn will he held in the Temper-Anne Hall on Saturday evening. Nm‘. 21. “L 8.30 o‘clock. fur the election nf nï¬icm-s and otlxm- lmsim-ss. TEMPERANCE SUNDAY. Next Sunday is the \Vnrld's Tl'l' :Inf'P Sunday. The rogu‘mx- su Sr-lt-L-ted hy Llw IutH-lmliunul Sn Schanl Cnunnittee for that; day \taught, in the Mvthudisb Sn Suhnol hvl'P. The {th is, “ “Vin luvker.†You will be. Very wul in the bible class. TO THE PUBLIC. I wish to state and ;\l~'0 thank the Lmulnn Mninul IIH. (Flu. for their genm-ons and prompt, settlmnent (If my lass by ï¬ne whit-h occurred on Oct. 15. Any pvrson wanting insm-atu-e wnuld do Well to see Mr. N. J. luss, Agent, Elgin Mills, l)t'ful‘9 insuring. ' JANE FISHER, Timmhill. M iss Yestpr 1 boiler accident many 11) A meeting of I-epresvntutivvs from East Yulkï¬nd ~West Yuk-k was held at the Clyde Hotel. Tuesday after- noon. to arrange fur the orgrmizutiun of the. new riding of Cum-e York. Mess ‘. R. A. Mason. Markham. \V. 11. G ant, 'I‘m-ontoâ€"Prcs. and Seuy. respectively for East, Ym-kâ€"und Dr. McLean, \Vnudhritlgv and RJ. Auden ï¬rm. Tnmntn Junction â€" PMS. and Se-cy. \Vest, York Assm-ia Linn, were appuintod t0 dl‘H‘ft C(rnslitutiun :md hy-laxvs for new rit'iing and submit the same Lu a umss-mevting of the Liberâ€" als to he held at Richmond Hill on the 3rd of December. The EXt‘cutive Cmnmittve (If the East. \Vcst. and Nun h ank Unusvrva- the Association rut-t in the Temple building Saturday :lfLL‘X‘HUOl]. The ohâ€" jvcb (If the meeting was touons‘idm-tlw nrganizutinn 0f the new ridings of South, (‘entre and Nm-th Ym'k, whi h under the redistributinn act uf th-"lih‘l svssion of Pulliallll'llt tuke the place uf tiw (:ld ridings. Umlnirillm' Fime pre- sidvd, and [hi-1'9 was an r-xcellont, zit- tenduncv. Afterguing l‘:ll'(,‘flliiy ovoi- the list uf pulling su'ndix isiuns of each of the new tidings it was Lit-ridvd to cull («inventions for em-h for the pur- pose of vlvcting ofï¬cers. Thv question (If dates for thesP conventions was not (lvï¬ï¬ilvly decide-d on, but the meet- ‘ ings wiil be held early in Docuniwr. THE “’EEKLY SUN. My. Jahel Robinsnn. M. 1’. the funn- er repl'ewntaltive for Elgin \Yest. and President of the Canadian Grunge, in a. letter expreSsing his appl'ecintiun 1 of the position taken by The \Veekly ; Sun regarding the Cattle Guards and le-uinage Bills, says: “The \Veekly 5 Sun has given much aid ta myspr and | other members of Parliament; in our endeavor to Secure legislutinn favor- able to the farmers of Canada re Cattle Guards. Drainage. etc. \Ve may thunk Thr Sun for many of the laws that, wen- hiacedun the statutes last session in Hd (If the farming commun- . iLy.†Th - ‘urmers all over the ammo ' | try are 9i ;. .vi_ng {he-ix- appwvai by sub- The Canadian Royal Tempiar con- tains the following card of thanks fnl‘ prompt payment of life insurance in the R. T. of '1‘. : ‘ Richmond Hill. Ont. . “pt. 9. 1903. To the Ofï¬cers of Dominion Council, R. T. of T. : Deni Siiszâ€"Please accppt my sin- cere thanks for the prompt settlement u? the- beneï¬ciary claim of my late. husband, Wallace Michuul. fur $2,000; also to the {ofï¬cers and members of Richmond Hill Cnunuil. Nu. 42, for ihe prompt manner in which they haw- nctod in having my (claim presented and 8(‘ttlt‘d so satisfactorily. SARAH MICHAEL. hnilvr exploded in (lane’s factory. wmurket, killing twu ï¬remen and wing about a dozen other employâ€" Thv killed are John Agnew and milk Burch. Thme llljlll'l'd are H. iviit, 1). (look. \V. Bell, J. Fm-han. Evans, C. Comm-ll. P. Howard, Gr. yle, S. \Vrigllt. The cause of the , (lent is a mystery. Thvre wore my miraculous escapes. The direct :s will probably be $15,000. iLy." Th try are 9X scribing L with Lhei THE LXBI him-(1 is v at THE L .vill TERI \\‘ MEETING OF LIBERALS. YORK CONSERVATIVES. n and will TUSUI: n-ry Snuud “L 1h dmm' Huusn ‘v Ml. J. MCN UH. miv Harrison i mks “'iilv hm ANNUAL MEETING IS anl'k‘ 'day morning about 9 ()‘r-Iock (um-rings in ths- Methodist. Sunday umnuntA-d to $105, ; more t0 qumv. CARD OF THANKS. RIBLE EXPLOSION. The .Sun i‘n‘ cumhixiutiun null paper. The price of AL:an “'evkly Sun cum- ‘y $1.75. Leave your oxdcl‘ muL Ofï¬ce. SUNDAY. 1E unught in some vs on Saturday. n tlw day hotm'v, '. This is not bad is [wing tuck- unuru. staying for mnsm, Mrs. her (much- New Your. rld‘s Trmper- u'mI' suhjf‘ct Sunday 3' “ill he Sunday ‘Vine is a, wulcume Mr. and Mx-s.\Vilt(m of White Ruse, Were the guests of Miss Leek uu Sun- day last. In a. recent iSs‘ue of THE LIBERAL} We made brief mention of the sudden death of Mr. E. H. Coomhs of O\\\'ussu, l\lich.. U. 8.. eldest son of Mr. Fred Uoomhs of Bradford. Particulars of thesad accident. have since cmne to hand. The Daily Press-American. of the 10th ult., says: “ 1. H. Uoomhs, head machinist and pipe ï¬tter at the beetsugar factory met instant death at 12 o’clock to-day. lie fell from un- (101’ the pans on the fourth floor and struck t 1e planking on the 3rd floor, twvnty-ï¬ve feet below. Just how he happened to fall is unknown, no one saw him until he was in the air mid- way hetWeen the floors. \Vhen the workmen reached him he was dead. His head was bruised and his neck broken. Mr. Cnomhs had been in the. employ of the Kilby Company in the hurt sugar department for fourteen years and was one of its most valued t-niployos. He. was a man of excellent habits and was very much liked by the men who worked under him. He leaves a. widow and four children.‘ Mr. Goomhs had not been feeling Well the past few days. He called on his dentist, Dr. Large, this morning. who treated him for toothache and made a date with him for this after- noon. He left the dentist’s ofï¬ce at about 11.15â€"less than an hour before he met his death. Mr. ‘Ioumbs was from Ontario, and his father, who re- sides at Bradford, has been notiï¬ed of his death. Mrs. Unoinhs was nearly overcome when notified of her hus- hand’s tragic death but is hearing up liravely under the great strain. Mr. Coombs carried insurance in two com- panies. He took out, a. $2,000 policy in the New York Life last month. †Deceased was born at- Cari-ville, an learned his trade at the Patterson \Vurks at Patterson. LUDFonbâ€"vaERs-At the resilience of the Lnde's brother-iu-Iaw, Mr. CLiue, ’l‘nrnnm Junction. on Nov. 18, by Rev.’l‘. f‘vnmpbull of Richmond Hill. M}. Thomas‘ Lndford, . n J "m Frid my, Nov EEOâ€"Credit sale of cattle at Steele’s HotshYonge Street, the property or John Carroll. Notoserve. Sure uh I. Terms 10 months Suigoon & MnEwen, nucts Wednesday. Nov uiâ€"Credit see of farm stock, impzememsmny. mots, em. on lot 11.0011. 5 Markham, the propeth of John Allan Sale at ll o‘clock Lunch Terms, 11 months J H Prentice. auctioneer Weduerday. Nov. 25â€" Credit auction sale of farm stuck )mplemonts, etc.. on 10!; 29 con. 9, Vaughan towusbm‘ on the Gravel Road, theprmertv of charies Croft Telms. 10 months No reserve Sale at 1 p. m. sharp Posinively no reserve. [hursdny. N-w fliâ€"(lredib sale of fun: stock and -.u‘ ELL an“ Unnuhnn Lhn romnnmy WV. I. [hursdny. N-w ï¬xâ€"(lredxt‘. sale of fawn: stock and implements on lot, 34, 5th con Vaughan, the m‘uperty of Henry Gyrdon. No reserve Sale at 1. Terms 11 months. D G Blougb. uuctiumer. Tuesday, Dec 1â€"Crodit sake of film: stock, im- plements, Well-bred horses. furniture. etc, on > ‘ â€"- LL - . 17..“ Vm- Annnniithflllfnhl uL‘ULlUukvs. _ Tuesday, Dec 1â€"Crodxt 5.319 of mun stock, in]. plements, Well-bred horses. furniture. etc, on lot 7. 1511 con Eusu Ym-ktoppnsite Bedlam 1’:er hotel. Yonge St), ma prupeny of hugh Scott. No reserve. Sale at 2. Terms 11 momhs. J 11 Pren'ice. anct, \VEONESDAY. Dec. Zâ€"Exteusive credit. 521‘s of horses. 50 head of dairv cattle. young cattle. 100 head h9g5. imglnmenbs. etc, on 10:, 13. ,. ...A..\.uuy “6 h‘rar} 'M'n, cou.4.§cu.r:ruxu. uuu WWWâ€, u. ‘HN h" Shane. ‘SaJe at 1'2. u'cluc: sharp. Lunch ~rovi-led. Nu reserve. 10 mumlxs' cred“. J. H. Prentice. ansb. l‘hursluu'. Dec 3 -Auc¢-inn sale of farm stock 1mplemcuts, furniture. etc. on lot 99, 4th cuu Vaughan. the property 0! Goo Gal-row, No resume. $1116 at I. Terms 11 mnnms, I) G Bloudl. auctioneer Thursdav Dec 3â€"Urellic sale of farm stock. im- lnenmutrs,furniture. etc. on lot 2, mu. 6‘ Murkhunhï¬mhel. 1119 property of Harvey Qwa‘mz Sale M 12 o'clack sharp. Lunch provided 6 per cent 06 fur onsh 10 mos. credit J H Prentice auctioneer. Is it acting well? Bowels regular? Digestion good? If not, remember Ayer’s Pills. The kind you have known all Your I.C.Aycho..Lowell,Ma~:n. FELï¬Ã© INSTANT DEATH. to ~‘d rs‘ Public notice is hPreby given that a uweling (If the Bum-d of License Cum- missiuners for the East Riding uf the County of York will be held on Want flour moustache or card a beautiful brown or rich black ? Use 3K5NGHE§§3§ME gm To consider the fulinyipg tl'ilps‘fer of :QAVhéici’hy Redmond Joyce of Elgin Mills, to James Gos- gr«_n_'_e of Oak Rigges. _L_.1 .-.:n “‘Ancn yaw Liver Is it acting well? Boyvels 6â€,“ U- All le'SnnS interested will please gown] themselves accordingly. Inspector’s Oï¬ice, Uniuuville Nov: 18,;19193t _ Three Brnod Snws, Chester \Vhite. due about 15th Jannary. APply to D. KhRS\VlLL. Lot. 33, 2nd cnn. Van him. 2L2 Jefferson . 0. To Whom it May Concern. CLYDE HOTEL, TORONTO, Saturday, Dec. 5, 1903, 21-2 At the hour of l] a. n). at the Euggs‘ï¬exzérï¬;bifof-Riéhmoud Hill Sale Register. “AERIAL-1'13. FOR SALE u. )ec. 2â€" ,xteusne cx‘mlif. sa‘e of em] of dairv cattle. young castle. ngs. implnmenbs. etc. on lot 18. ploperey of Fred Me» e at 1'2. u'cluck sharp. Lunch 0 reserve. 10 mumlxs' cred“. 'JIA'MES 'EGKARDT. License Inspector, East. York. had been in the Jompzmy iu the mt for fuurLeen its must. valued man of excellent, égï¬aï¬isines 84. Samï¬iian indars At Out I} ate Prices'. ' The old reliable shock food so well and favorably known by M Y0}. bv the farmers of Outurio, It is a, grand preparation {or keeping Uol‘uflfl.¢flttlb. slieup, pigs and poultry in n. flue hbantliy condition. Kills worms Es- pecially adapt-ed for .prepuj’ugg stock (or market or Full Exhibitions and it increases their flesh. putslire and ambition in there and gives chem a sleek and glossv coat. Sample packager. 20c. or 12 lbs for $1. which is o nit-nus foods for 1c. YORKSHLRE CuUGd AND BE AVE CURE. guaran- teed to cure nuy case 0 coaghsmolds, beaves or broken wind or the after eflecls ot influenz i or apizuohic. Price MI cents. Your receipts tor condition powders put, up prompcly 1mm pure drugs at wholesale yricea Saltsâ€"Plowman Pane English Epsom Salts to Electric Oil 2 bottles 250 take swollipg out of your home's legs; give Chases Syrup of L nueed and Torrentlne 150 u. hundlnll in feed ; 3c lb ; 10 lbs for 250 Ayers Cherry Pectoml fl), 40 and 650 Sulphurâ€"30 lb. 10 lbs for 25¢: Norwav Pine Syrup 18c , leber Suitsâ€"ac 1b, 10 lbs for 25¢ Pages Enalish (tough Syruv. large bottleï¬c Dr Willmms Pink Pills 80c. 3 10: 89c Grays Syrup Red Spruce Gum 18:: Camera Bills '2 bottles for ‘Lic Haggarus Pectoral Balsam 180 l Chases Ointment. 100 Coltafoot Expectomnt 180 Ave: 8 Hair Vigor 650 Bndways Belief 18L: ‘ Pei-um :51: Custom 25c Pages Bed Clover Compound pnriflefl the blood Minarda Lioimont 15c cures comm-h. dyspepsia and indigestion , Sullpetre pure 2 lbs for 250 Pages Dyapepsm Tablets sure cure 35c . ,,‘4 *JAAH nnfl van M ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ ATKENSON 82 SWITZER, Richmond Hill. We mean just as much when we talk to you in our advertising as we do when you hear us talk over the counter. The only diï¬erence to us is that we talk to several hundred people instead of one, and hence have to be a little more particular in what We say. - . o 0 u o I Remember we sell everything at This is ogly a. partial list. We're the subject of conversation a good deal these days. It's all about the pretty new Fall and \Vinter Goods we are showing. We like it, and appreciate it all the more because it is not idle flattery, but honest praise that sends people into the store to look, to admire, to buy, and the fact that so many do buy is prool that the com- pliments are well deserved. VVon’t you come in? . . \Vomen’s Hygeinn Vests, 20, 25. 2'7. 35, 40 up to 90c. VVoman‘s Hygeiun Drawers. 23, 27, 30, 35 up to 90c. Men’s Heavy Under-clothing, '70, 90, $1 up to $2 per suit. Floor Oilcloth in 1 yd., 1i, 1% and 2 yd. widths, at 25 and 37%. per square yard. Heavy Blankets at 850., $1. $1.35, $1.75, $2, $3.25, $3.50, $3.75, and $4.75 per pair. Fur Ties, Cuperines, Storm Collars, $3, $4.25, $5, to $11. iï¬mmmmmmmm Qï¬ï¬‚fli’ï¬ï¬ = Eimnge. ggcmmmm ‘-‘° mmnmmcmcmm gï¬ â€œ'hole: We quote : J. A. Johnston (Successor to C_. D. Daniel 6: Co. and Hugh Miller dz Co.) *sale andBe-tajl Druggists. 171 King St, East, '. Opposite Clyde Hotel. Cream Separator THE DELAVAL mm EYER &. SEN toves list. Remember we sell everything at wholesale prices and you can save money by deanng with us. A magniï¬cent. calendar Ior each cuswmer Washing Machines Have one on trial and be convinced. Why not buy the best IF YOU “'ANT A \VE ALSO SELL at whulgaoje prices md yau cs3 save from 10 to ceqt. by (leaking with as Ch; Glass, Etc. urns Hardware Eavetroughing Paints Electric Oi12 bottles 250 Chases Syrup 01L nueed and Turreutlne 15c Ayers Cherry Pectornl fl), 40 and 650 Norwav Pine Syrup 18c , Panes Enalish Cough Syrup. large 1101119350 Grays Syrup Red Spruce Gum 186 Haggams Pectoral Balsam 186 Constant Expectomnt 180 Badwuys Belief 18c ‘ Pages Bed Clover Compound purifleu the Mood. cures camrrh. dyspepsia and indigestion Pages Dyapepsm Tablets sure cure 35c East, Toronto fié’flâ€? ?.'5 p0: