“You see,†he said, “I bought the dog and trained him myself. v I got him so lie’d bark if a person stepped Inside the gate, and thought, of course, I was safe from burglars. Then my wife wanted me to train him to carry bundlesâ€"and I did. If you put anything into his mouth it would stay there till someone took it away. Well, one night I woke up and heard someone in the next room. I got up, grabbed my gun, and start- ed to investigate. They were there, three of themâ€"and the dog." “Didn’t he bark ?" interrupted the man. "Not a. baurk; he was too busy." “Busy ! What doing ?†“Carrying the lantern for the bur- glars. If you know anybody who wants a. good dog send them around.†Elsie: "You know, Dorothy, Bob- .oy is our ï¬rst cousin.’. Dorothy (on whom Bobby has made an um lavorable impa‘esfa‘on) : "Is he ? Well, I hope he's OIUl‘ last, that’s all.“ The man wanted to sell the dog, but the prospective buyer was sus- picious and ï¬nally decided not to buy. The man then told him why he was so anxious to sell. Shiloh’s Cansumpiion Cure The Lung Tonic "A scientist claims that the older :1 man grows the smaller his brain bo- coanes. ’l‘l‘is may explain why Ln Eighteenryear-old boy knows more than his father. Curate: “And how did you like my harvest sermon, Mr. Wuer ?" “Not bad, sir; not bad at all, conâ€" :ideriu’ yer total ignorance of the iubjcct.†Cure your Backache with Dodd's Kidney Pills and you will never have Bright’s Disease. "Doctors and medicines gave me little relief and after ten or twelve years I had almost made up my mind that my trouble was incurable. Phcn reading/of cures by them led me to try Dodd’s Kidney Pills. I had not taken half a. box before I zxperienced reliéf and after using sevâ€" m or eight boxes I was a perfect bure and a new man. The cure was permanent." The following twelve man'ms form part of the will 01 Mayor Anselm Rothschild, the founder of the great ‘banking house at Frankfort. They ’are now attracting attention in Eur- ope and are recommended to those who desire to succeed in life: 1. Seriously ponder over and thor- ,oughly examine any project to which Iyou intend to give your attention. 2. Reflect a. long time, then decide Fortune Harbour, Nfld., Nov. 16.â€" (Special).â€"There are a score of peoâ€" ple in this neighborhood who sufl'er- ad from Lame Back and other symp- toms of Kidney Disease and Who are now strong and healthy, thanks to Dodd’s Kidney Pills. One of the most serious cases cured is that of Mr. Richard Quirk, and in an inter- view he says: “I suï¬cred for more than twenty years from‘ Lumbago and Kidney Disease. I almost always had a sc~ were pain in my back, so severe that during intervals for years I was toâ€" Lally unable to work. 7 2. Beth promptly Richard Quirk, One of a Score Cured in One Neighborhood, Tells How Pains of Twenty Years Standing Vanished Before the Great Kidney Remedy. ‘ai r when ncscssm'y. 9. Do not trust too much to luck. 1-0. Spend your time proï¬tably. 11. Do not pretend to be more imâ€" portant than you really are. 12. Never become discouraged, Work zealously and you will surely Iucceed. 8. Go ahead. 4. Endure annoyances and 'ï¬ght bravely against '5. Consider honor as duty GRAND WORK IN DODD’S KINDEY PILLS ARE CLEARING OUT KIDNEY DISEASE. When you ï¬nd a cough holding on â€"\vhen everything else has 7 failedâ€"try ROTHSCHILD'S MAXIMS Never lie about a. business Prices 25c., 60c. and $1.00 Worry won’t cure a cough It is guaranteed to cure. Try a bottleâ€"â€" if it doesn’t cure you We’ll refund your money. 3. WELLS 8: CO. Town“. Can. LeRoyl A G 00D DOG: NEWFOUNDLAND pr mg Tonic LeRoy, N.Y‘ patiently obstacles. a. sacred money I "This Bible was found on tlze \eid at Mohensfontein Farm, Orange Frau State, South Africa, on Sunday, April 8, 1900, and rescued fz'om a KaJI‘u' by me, to be taken care of Russians Not Industrial Managers --Call in English. The question of the British versus the Russian manager and overseer has long been interesting the Russi- an Government, and has occasionally found occupation for the British Amâ€" bassador in Russia. too, writes the Moscow correspondent of the Lonâ€" don Standard. The Russian, to ï¬ll such a post. is required to have a thorough technical education, which in this country ranks with a univer- sity education, and the recipients of such training are gentlemen. They are not, however, practical, and suffer from the Russian fault, a very Oriental trait, of never accepting any post Without immediately engaging tWo or three assistants to do the work. The British workman is the pick of that class which, at home, is earning thirty to ï¬fty shillings a week. Out here he becomes a ruler of men, and, if steady and adapt- able, generally dies wealthy. But a great many are not steady in a land which teems with cheap liquor, and still more of them are not adapt; able. objeCt to learning Russian, and speak English of a kind not intelli- gible to the uninitiated. But they get the work out. of the “hands,†and their labors mean money for their employers, whereas the "pat- riotic†owner who insists on having his own countrymen as overseers and managers too often ï¬nds his innocent cottonâ€"spinning mill converted into a Chancellery on the model of a Government office, with inyriads of scribes. and every post of import- ance carrying two or three "assist- ants"; the natural result is that. proï¬ts run out in expenses, and very frequently a riot completes the trouble, the irresponsible. “assist- ants†not always fairly weighing the balance between their own comfort and the complaints of the workers. There was one mill where the highly qualiï¬ed Russian manager introduc- ed a system of correspondence by which an overlooker could not report the most trivial circumstances ex- cept on paper in proper form, and a workman’s complaint against his imâ€" mediate superior passed as many “instances†as a. Government project, the reply, in writing, reachâ€" ing the luckless complainant in about three months after date, duly num- isterial paper. That particularly highly qualified Russian manager terâ€" minated his career at the mill in iquestion with two battalions of in- ifantry and a sotnia of Cossacks in the millyard. They stopped there a month, and when they had gone the ipeople insisted upon having an Engâ€" .lishman to rule over them once more. bored and countersigned like a Mina Good Work of the English Society of Friends. Lord Robert’s request that heir- looms looted from Boer farms during the late War he returned by the B1 it- a’sh possessors has met, with quick and Willing response. The Lon-don Express says that more than forty Bibles taken from Veld homesteads have been returned to the Society of Friends. The society has continued the work by cataloguing the volulnes, with all notes and marks which give a hint of the names and addresses of the owners, who are already being sought through the agency of plzi1un~ thro‘pic persons in South Africa. value. Bound in leather, with heavy b containing many mar ownu ten until dalimed by the prol who is now on commando away.†Other Bibles are 11¢ as printed in the s early eighteenth con are many cheap peek of the smaller ones 1 of the souiety ha flsk fur Minard's and take no other. Other Bibles are heavy folio volumâ€" es printed in the seventeenth and early eighteenth century, but there are many cheap pocket editions. One of the smaller ones now in possession of the souiety has an inscription which shows that it was a present from a. young Boer to his sweetheart, who had evidently given it back to her hero when he went forth to ï¬ght umr whe More than half the battle in cleaning greasy‘ dishes Is in the soap you use. If it's Sunlight Soap it’s the best.‘ a; {IVE SOME PRIVATE RED TAPE. u: t]. ac! BROTHERLIN ’S Ixaucc to On the : an suggested in the col London Times and else the return to the Britisl' owner, me miles You can use my name as, freely as you like, as I consider it the best remedy I have ever used. “Mr. Mills,†said the spokesman of the Working-men's committee, “we have come to tell you, sir, that we want shorter hours andâ€"" "Very Visitorâ€"“You haven't got half as nice a cemetery here as We have in Elmville.†Prominent Citizen (of Hawville)â€""No, I've always heard that the cemetery is the only part of your town that holds out any in- ducements for permanent residents.†Dear Sirs,â€"A few days ago I was taken with a. severe pain and con- traction of the cords of my leg, and had to be taken home in a rig. I could not sleep for pain, and was unable to put my foot to the floor. A friend told me of your MINARD’S LINIMENT, and one hour from the ï¬rst application, I was able to Walk, and the pain entirely disappeared. "That Will be about all from you, Mr. Growells," interrupted his present other half. "Never let me hear you speak disrespectfully of the well," interrupted the turer, “we’ll begin shorter dinner hours.’ “No,†said the fair proprietor of the refrigerator heart, "I cannot be your wife, but 1’11 be a sister to you.†there is one thing I neec another it is an elder13 look after me and preve. making a. fool of myself C. C. RICHARDS & CO acts directly and quickly, stimulates the heart's action, stops most acute pain, dispels all signs of weakness, fluttering, sinking. smotherihg, or palpitdtion. This wonderful cure is the sturdy ship which carries the heart-sick patient into the haven of radiant and perfect health. Gives reliefin most acuta forms of heart disease in 30 minutes.-â€"n Traveler-Yes; I was captured by the savages, and sentenced to marry a Squaw. Hostassâ€"Horrible ! Travelerâ€"Yes; but they had some mercy. They did not insist on a fashionable wedding: “There’s no use talking,†began old man GTowells as he sat opposite Mrs. Growells the second at the din- ner table, "my ï¬rst Wife’s cookâ€" “lgâ€"n Take One of Dr. Agnew’s Liver Pills after dinner. It will promote digestion and overcome any evil eEfects of too hearty eating. Safe, prompt, active. painless and pleasant. This effective little pill is sup- planting all the old school nauseous purga- tives, 40 doses, 10 cents.â€"-x3 Minard's Linlmenl is used by Physicians are numbered by Millions, not inclpdi'ng those whose annoyance_ by assoclanou amounts almost. to suflermg. V. H ME?†IN The Sufferers 39691.86"; from Goldsï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬ï¬g 2:53; "Friend," said the Quaker, “thou must know the extent of Ira! loss as well (LS I can do, since thou art the bu-tglar. I spoke not to a. soul of what had happened, and thou art the ï¬rst to mention it to meâ€"hence I know thou art the burglar, and will trouble thee for my property." He got .lt. There is more Camrrh in this section 0! the country than all other dfseases put together. and untll the lust. {cw years was supposed to belncurnblc. For a. great many years doctors pronounCcd If. (1 local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly {ailing to cure with local treatment. pronounced “incurable. Science has proven catarrh to bonaonstltutionnl disease and Niere- fore requires constitutional treatment. Ball’s Catnrrh Cure, manufactured by I“. J. Cheney 6; Co..'l‘oledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cum on the mar- ket. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous sur¢ faces 0! the system. They offer one hun- drcd dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimoni- als. Address. F. J. CHENEY 7&2 00., Toledo. 0. The following remarked to him "I am sorry to being burglcd, Mr loss is not, heavy And yet it is a fact, as capable of dcinonsirntion as an problem in Geo- metry, that Dr. ncw‘s Camrrhal Powder Has, Does. \ï¬'m Cure Catarrh and Folds. \tht are the Camrrhal Millions going to do about it? 4 believed that this side of the melt; will soon be placed before the Dutch ministers in the two leading colonies. 'A Quaker had his house broken in- to by a, burglar a few months ago. and several valuables stolen. He did not inform the police, however, but kept the affair to himself. of personal treasures. which may be in the hands of the Dutch would be a. kindly and Christian act, and it is Ingcrsoll, Ont. DrtAgnew’s; Ou‘rgfort‘hq He:ng Sold by Druggists, 750. Ball's Family Pills are the best. CAUGHT ON THE REBOUND Dr. Agncw's Heart Cur: r:!ieve5 heart disease In 30 minutes. n l‘lzanks, awfully, rejoined 111 who was left at the post. $100 Reward, $100 FOUND THE BURGLAR CHOKING HIM OFF CHRISTOPHER GERRY. NO CRUELTY. ' said the Quaker, "thou ' the extent of Ira! loss as ran do, since thou art the I spoke not to a. soul of evening a neighbor hear of your house Fry. 1 hope your n y, rejoined the t at the post. “If I need more than elderly sister to prevent me from busy manufac- right off with 9-57 “Prisoner, why did you strike this man?†"If you please, your honor, he came to me suddenly and said, 'How old is Ann?’ " “Well, what hurt did that do?†“Why, you see, your honor Ann is my Wife.†An inch of rain seems to be about a. foot long to the man who is caught in it without an umbrella. Sharpeâ€"“Yes, Parker invented the safest airâ€"ship ever heard of." Slowe â€"â€""But it refused to fly. You couldn’t go up in it." Sharpeâ€"- “That’s, of course, Why I say it was A city man never sees the sights at home until his rural relatives come along and point them out. the safest Qiiiéard Yabiesi Sheâ€"“Who rocks the cradle rules the world- Remember that!" Heâ€" "Thenâ€"ahEâ€"you come in and rule the world. I’m tired."- REID BROS., M'f’g Only "" "’ Ԡ' “To PATENT MAYBEE Band for Handbook I03 any micronou'ror 73 ratenu, an. Most women suspect there is some mischief on tap every time their hus- bands smile. Nervousness, Dyspepsla, End’- gestlon,and kindred ailments, take Wings before the healing qualities of South American Nervine. Thomas Hoskins, of Durham, Ont., took his preacher’s advice, followed directions, and was cured permanently of the worst form of Nervous Prostration and Dyspepsia. He has recommendâ€" ed it to others with gratifying reâ€" sults. It's a great nerve builder.â€"12 Lifebuoy Soapâ€"disinfectant â€" 1:: strongly recommended by the mediâ€" cal profession as a. safeguard against infectious diseases. Minard’s Llniment Lumhsrman‘s Friend Keep Minard‘s Liniment in the Hmse and MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS, BOOKS. eta, KM. WINSLOW'I Soormxo SYRUP has been and by niIUonI at motheta for their children while teaching. ltlooches the child. softens the ums. allaya pain. cursl 91nd colic re ulues the Htomnu and bownla, and In the best, remedy or Diarrhzn. Twenty-Iva cents a bottle !old by muggiix‘tra thmuxhout the world. Be auto and ml: (or “ Mns. msLow‘s Sou-mm) Shun.“ 23-14 Hgï¬gpapersFPï¬Ã©â€˜ flld Geuniry dispatched to subscribers by ï¬rst mails by! WM. DAWSON & SONS. Limited, Cnnnon‘ House. Brcam’s Buildings, London, England. The largest Subscription Agency in the world. Send {or our list. Free on appliéalion. Est. 1809. Prompt and reliable. I Black. Mixed Ceylon Green Blue Ribbon Ceylon Tea. is “par excellence†the quality tea of Canada. Made from the most delicate leaves of the tea plantâ€"cured by strictly scientiï¬c processes. The taste is always the sameâ€"rich and almost thickâ€"the ; bouquet odorous and aromatic~a tea for the most exclusive func- 1 tion at a moderate price. , ,. X “Household The Best at the Loweot Price Write for Tormu “Waverly Favorite. For Over Sixty \‘eua 785 Km: at. W. When you buy a I N A L l. COUNTRIES. SPECIAL ATTENTION WASHBOABD __fl___~. V..- ..........v. VAVu-vo, numlfl. at cloau prices Sand for c-bnlog. RAW “133 AND DENSINO wanted. Send 1%: price list. 88â€" Poultry, Butter, Eggs. Haney, Apples, All KINDS OF FRUITS And Farm Pro- duce generally. consign it to us at! we will get you good prices. 17 King 82.. East, Toronto, Fur Manufacturers. JACKETS. CAPERINHES.‘ S‘TOLES, R UFFS. _. .1-.- _,. and (Mad Sults would look betterd ad‘ If no agrnl of ours in your town, write direct. outrenl. Box 153 THE Dawson commission 00.! ominion Lina Steamships BAS'E‘EDO 3.; co Montreal to learpool Boston to Liverpool Lars. 3nd l'ut Brennan»: Superior accommodaun brdl clams o! usen on. Sxdoom And Statomocn pie Imjdglglpl. pgclï¬ 9902340521» v: Iluluunly-q uyvv-w- ..-_.._- -n- . .. cc (1 Snlocn Ind Thu-5:61:55 accommoaatlon. me fpusazo and all putlcuhra, apply to any .30 mm Company. or to Dunner agent. Should be Fifty DOIINION LINE OFFICES: I M. In. Boston. ll 5:. Swrmem 8L. Hound “ 395an GLOBE.†9-15 TORONTO. umui Tourist Sleapers a Speoialty THREE THROUGH TRAINS DAILY From Chicago and St. Louis proportionately low rates are in eflect by lines connecting with the UNION PACIFIC. SHERTEST LINE â€" FASTEST TIME UNTIL NOV. 30th, COLONIST RATES TO ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN CALIFORNIA FROM MISSOURI RIVER TERMINALSâ€"Council Bluffs to Kansas City inclusiveâ€"â€" GALE FURNIA BRITISH ’* M r F. B. CHOATE, G. A., 126 Woodward Avc., Detroit, Mich YOUR OVERflflATS VIA UNEGN PAGIFIG EVERY DAY For lull information can on or address F. CARTER, T.P.A see that it bears the name 14 Janos Building, Toronto, Canada AM =71‘IO'I‘I nYEING OO- MONTREAL. $25.00 47â€"03 Ask for the Red Label