â€"the townships of HU'I'I‘ON. CREELâ€" MAN. PAmuN. ALYMER. MACKELCAN. MCCARTHY, MERRH‘K, MULOCK. (part of). FRENCH (pm-t of). STEWART, Locxnmn‘. (part of). GARRO‘V (part, of). OSBORNE (part 01). HAMMELL and PHELPS (part, of). IN THE DISTICT OF ALGOMAâ€" Borths Nos. 195 and 201, the Town~ shi s of Hucnstn and Roimm‘s‘ 1m Block “\V" n-uu' Onnping Lnkv. IN THE RAINY RIVER DIS- TRIOTâ€" Bm‘ths G19, G21. (323. G29 and G38, and tho fullmviug Ben-tbs with the right to Hit and remove the Fine, 5 ruco, taxmn'n(-k,(‘0dur and pop- :Ir :â€" ‘4, G6, G17. G18. G24. (52);), G26, G27, G28, G33, G35, 636, G37. G39.G40, G41, G42, G43. Borths Nos. SI, 82. SB and S4,, will he ofl‘m-c-d fm- sale by fur :â€"é’4. G6, G17. G18. G24. G25), G26, G27, G28, G33, G35, G36, G37. (330.6140, G41, G42, G43. Bol-th Nos. 81, 82, S3 and S4,, will he oifm-cd fm- sale by Public Auction at. the Parliament, Buildings. in the City of Tumultâ€, ml -v.‘wn.v W‘iï¬ï¬iï¬'ï¬Ã©ï¬xi £138 NINTH day uf DECEMBER“ 1903. Ant the hour of Sheets containing terms and condi- tions of Sale and information as to Arms :1an Lots and Concessions com- prised in each Bel-111 will be furnished un application. vitlwr personle 01' by letter, to the Dopm-tmont 0f Urmvn Lands. Toronto. 01- the Crown Timber Agencies at. 0TTA‘VA, SAUL’P STE. MARIE. PORT ARTHUR, RAT PORTAGE und FORT FRANCES. E. J. DAVIS, Commissioner Crown Lands. DEPARTMENT OF CROWN LANDS. TORONTO, July 29, 1903 N. B.â€"No unauthorized publication of this advortisenmnt will be paid for. 7-17 ONE 0 crock if) the afternoon. THE MARKET LEQUUR STORE 152 KING ST. E.. TORONTO. J.\'O. MATHERS, PROP. 5-10-2m In Richmond Hill. on or about Sab- mflzly, Oct. 2%. 1903, a Gold Brooch, with photograph of young lady in the centre. 7 r v The 'finder will be‘suitably rewarded by leaving the same at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. 20-2 Anyone sending a sketch and descri ï¬rm may qulnkly ascertain our opinion free w ether nn Invention ha probably pmenmbia Communica- tions strictly confl denflal. Handbook on Patents sent. free. oldest agency for securian patents. Patents taken Lhmu h Mum) a C0. receive ppth notice, without. 0 arge in. tho . .... .. A handsomely mush-Med weekly Largest cir- culation or any sctetmflc journnl. Terms. $3 a yam-z four mogtbs‘a. Sold bynleewsdflnerg. MEN?! 8: 80.: MW?) Ofï¬ce. 0... "HHSï¬iéï¬c’iï¬i‘b‘FNIPI§SING gamma Emmi: Second-hand coal oil stove for sale. Applv at 19-3 THE LIBERAL OFFICE. AUCTION SALE OF TIMBER BERTHS. Our goods are all of the finest quality, and will be sent direct to yum-111mm. “"0 keep only the best \VINES & LIQUORS in stock. Order by mail. FOR SALE LGST I(-151 Broadway :15 F St" Wnsi TRADE MARKS DESIGNS )OPYRIGHTS Eco. “7:151:15;th 15. f1.â€" ‘M‘ ’C‘VSr/ub/ 7 ‘ C'H'éiré‘fbirk '69 gunman-=2: r , , asmï¬fï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬‚m Stoves and Ranges 2111 sizes and makes. Hot Air Furnaces, Eavetroughing an] All k?nds of Tin and Hardware cheap. Also the A house and one acre of land to rent on Centre St. west. Apply to 20-2 On the night of October 30. on the Richmond Hill side-mad between the village and 3rd con. Mzn'klmmm Silver \Vatch, \Vultbum movement, stem set, and wind. be suitably rewarded by Vleavirlg the same at LIBERAL OFFICE. Biclunond Hill June 11, 1903 LIVERY COAL Coal and Wood Dehvered. Prices Right. GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. Michael Bros., Repairiflg Promptly Bone O. & LE3. MAï¬ON Elm gaucttistmmts. T0 REET ACCEDENT PULIGEES $1). G. 53 age 4%;- lA. Gr. , avage . 4 ( 1 LOST Firelngumnm 9*» U Wafl Fm Call 01 write for pamphlvts regarding different; kinds uf policies. \Ve min give. you an} kindï¬yml wisl v . Ava». 57:7 36%? EEEMEi‘Eï¬ LEE ASSQCEATIQN THOS. HOPPER, HELL FREEWARE STGRE ENDOXVAI‘EXTI""P'AYMEN? LIFER, ORDINARY LIFE, Specials uf all kinds and JOINI‘ POLICIES also Ermn $1.00 up ; covors sicknes and acci- dents nf any kind. A gund choice ut' Fire Onmpzmies. All business prnmptly at- tended to. Richmond Hill. WOOD Nuw is the time to insure in the beat. Get your Furnaces put in and repaired before the rush. New stm'es delivered and put up tree. Magnet Cream Separator Made in Canada; cannot be asksmith Sm Horse-Shoe‘mg a Specialty. THE CANADIAN HORSE STOCK For horses hard to shoe. Cures: Hours. Chronic Cungh. and all Chronic Afloa- (ions of the Tbrnat and Lungs. Thu.- orJy medicine in the world l'n'u, will mm the above disease. makin th- un'nna‘: sound. ï¬n w'mdaml useful whis owner. Price. 1-50 Distcmhrr. rm: Iï¬ the regal: qr hard dose wm palm-u. rm Dr. McGa‘n ey’s McGahey’s Condition Blood Powders 25c. Sold by Geo. McDonald, harness- maker, Richmond Hill, and all med- icine dealers throughout England, the United States and Canada. 22-1-03 Jobbing of all kinds promptly done. ‘";g;f:f“â€â€Â°ï¬3fl93 QQBE For Broken- GEO. COW’IE TNE 0R. MCGAHEY MEDICINE 09.. i At the north end 0f the village and is prepared to do all kinds of BLACKSMITHING At reasonable rates. Patruuage Solicited. Age ntsf For Broken- Winded HORSES Has opened a Kidney .8: Cough Powders ions of .‘hu throat and lungs. such a: .r su‘v'iin Ind aBOCHD“ o! the lags, driving. iu‘uey TmnBle. =Uc.. on. Li one-1m Kai-'2 cum. Price. the. GEO. COVVIE Q3 The Liberal and Weekly Globe The Liberal and Weekly Mail and Empire The Liberal and Family Herald 80 Weekly Star The Liberal and Weekly Sun The Liberal and The Farming World The Liberal and -Daily Globe The Liberal and Daily Mail The Liberal and Daily World The Liberal and Daily Star (outside of Village) The Liberal and Daily News (outside of v1llage) The Liberal and Farmers’ Advocate Balance of the year free for all weeklies, Star and News, to new subscribers. \Veekly Mail and Empire to [an’y I, 1905.. THE LIBERAL to Jun’y I, 1905 .......................... Both papers :‘incluJing premium “Victoria ( sent to any address ior $L8o until Jan’y I, Send order to ofï¬ce of this paper. The Victoria Cross For News 24 Pages HE picture shown is one dear to every man, woman, boy and girl. on account of its meaningâ€"" The Vic- toria Cross," given for conspicuous bravery. If only the soil of South Africa could voice the deeds performed upon it. how many Victoria Crosses would have been found to have been earned by Canada’s sonsl It is hard in the heat of action to notice every act of valor, and therefore only those which take place under the eye of superiors of sufï¬cient rank can be noted. The picture shows one of such deeds. Two troopers are closely pressed by the enemy. The horse of one is hit. Under the withering ï¬re, the man whose mount is unharmed halts, and, risking everything, waits to get his comrade safely mounted behind him and carry him back to the Canadian lines It is a desperate deed, and one often performed but seldom noticed When. however. such an act is seen. the reward dear to soldiers' hearts above every other is the result. This picture is from the brush of Mr. W. B. Wollen, an artist famed for his war pictures, one whose work appearsiu all the leading illustrated periodicals of the Empire. It is a forceful subject from the hand of a strong man. The Mail and Empire Weekï¬y Mail am Empire has obtained the exclusive right for this picture in Canada. It is a pelfect tenâ€"color reproduction, and will be given FREE to readers under the following conditions:â€" New and old subscribers may secure one copy of the Artozravure on ordering ONE YEAR’S subscription, payable in advance, mailed to any addressin Canada, Great Britain or United States for $1.00. For samples of paper and funher particulars, write toâ€" With The Weekiy Mail and Empire For Valor CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT, MAIL AND EMPIRE, .625 89* 1.4 C I 4â€"31.14 Veekly Weekly ma In Ten Colors TORONTO. 1.85 E47 E85 3.5% 3.50 325 2&9 2.50 2.50 1905.