Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Nov 1903, p. 1

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VOL. XXVI. g-y a, 2»- a y y u? . ‘¢ ii, I :":f\‘=l*z 1.»? A, i @918 1}.» .22.... , “:£?l:_,_w, : lHN'lfin'lsrv {to n [S PUBLISHED EVERY "\_"' l" erW'U "- Plicnc Main 25384 'I\‘ Illdnut \\'uil:»woi-tli I THURSL‘AY NIOBNll‘Tu“ inflacy. Lawrence 8. v W €.d%‘.~’\VOl‘lll, E . I Barristers, Solicitors. lt'ct-arits, 5m. Home Lil‘c Buildin},r (formcrlv Froc- hold me lilng. om. Adclziidc & Victoria Sis, Tot-onto. LIBERAL Of’licc. Richmond Hill on Saturdays. ‘ AT THE LIBERAL PRlNTlNe a PUBLlSHlllG HOUS RIGlIlIOND HIIih,ONT. T . i? . Me M A H O N. E Dr'rois & PROPEIETOB. liaising aims. mm .lcliiiélml Burl-islets. Solicitors, etc. TORONTU OFFICE: No. 33 Rich- _ inoud 5!. \‘: t‘sl.\\ t'slt‘V Buildings, _ ‘ H mm W M‘ (Ml‘lliodist Bonk R’ , , , T _ DRI hi J- . “Ynt”. (in!) t) 'l‘llal‘llhill, “T- C‘mk Will he of. Maple on Thursday afternoon of out-h week. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5°C. [:l'ie resilnnbn‘waleiculit .‘Vesteru and Grace B)51)ildl:i,'l‘u|'unto .lAS. N Ell/TON lSSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, ‘ __ _ ELGEN IVEIIYJLS R. Wifil 3, h rfiwfif‘jpfiqԤ+“‘ l)en‘ti.~§t, NOTA RY PIJBLIC’ - Room. 12. 12% Victoria. St. Toronto. conmssmnnn IN THE HIGH CCU RT 0F jUSTICE, tie. at Issuer oflllarriage Licenses. D, W G L SPAULDING I ‘I‘LL‘T9$_17,9}“‘EIf’E-M in? DR A W SPAULDING Dentists Room “ A,” Yonge Street; Arcade, Toronto. Ne‘vnpvfiecrofiiceâ€" i)S 0' life Telephone Marin 2i-‘2i F Hm‘BERT LENNOQAX‘ __ _v urorn. (“lac Huursve to 10 a. m; 12 to 2 p m 7 in 8 n iii. mm 3 Mind?” Best; fitting tcrth, also rl’pluting, lowest; prices. Good work. Barri News :I and 850M“: (1 rs . Money to loan on lu lid and chattel mortgage-sat: lowest rates Aurora officeâ€"Removed to tho fad post ofiiw l one door west; of the entrance Oilturlo Bank to the Three doors south of the G STV MORGAN, N e“ market. I - lam-ARNOLD D. A. MASON, jig n. m “ “on 1 _ ' a ' . ‘ I) E! 11:33 3.1.), Goods 221.12; taggigiiiignttimégggirgl 0:111:21; attic etc promptl“ attended to at i'e ' . . aeonuol rates Residence Uniouville ‘ Gr R Goullinu \' : v â€" “bow ‘ a! i av ton Brook, agent forum , Our. Church and Carlton Sis, , W "' Tel‘tmtn, J '1‘ Salgrplnn,’ Will be in Richmond iilll‘ evcly \Ved- “" " ncsdn y. Office, next door south of Public School. Office Hoursâ€"8.30 it. m. to 5 p. m. «Successor to Dr. T. A. Currie), Wooten Saigcon é: NicEiwru. I‘licenned Auctioneers for the (‘ouiuv of York. l holes ittzended to on shortcstnoticound a. reaâ€" soim‘bleretos Patronngt‘solicited l ' D. G. BLOUGRI. License Auctioneer for the County of York, re- gpectfully solicits your patronage and frinnrlli‘ l influence soles nttnm‘led on the st (ii-test notice ' and ubrcusnnahemtcs. P. O.n.dc1ress King minimum VlddhllCAMPBELh VETERINA RY SURG EON, 'I‘l'ibriihill. l, Carlie by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. N. E. Smith. Limnsed Auctionoai‘for the Counties of York mid Ontario All sales of form stock. d'c. tit- tended to an the shortest: not-ice and reasonable ' rates. 'l‘foi-timm-nmlbnilitf sales attended to. R. ulenrefltnufi'villc Ont A i w . , _..,. a: WRIGHT BROS, (in 1! «winners «V Enihalmn‘s. J, H, 'SANDERSDN, RlCHMOND HILL&IHORNHIIL Al'g sf kfF- -117,,.~s- s VETERINARY SURGEON ‘“ e 1.1:..‘1...::3;";....‘;m1mg RICHMOND HILL WW Gulls by day and night promptly at- lRICHARDSON HOUSE BIAPIJE. THOROUGHLY REFITTED. A main to represent. “CANADA'S Every Accommodation for the trav- GREATEST NURSERIES " in the Village 1 oiling public. of Richmond Hi I and surrounding ' country, and take orders for F“ E D E “a U K “1‘ CK~ pro P Ulifi HARM SPECIALTIES E. getaway, In Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Oruu- nientill Shrubs, R0595, Vines, 158 KING STBE EAST. TORONTO Seed Potatoes, etc. : . Stock true to name and ft'Gt‘ from San E “°°°mm°d“‘,§’;a‘;§u°s"‘ Emm's] {lose A iiei-iiéiiiiOIitposition for 1 A 1 U 19 rig ‘ mu on 91 iei-su ai-y or CUlll- ) I i . is ) JI J I; RICHMO ND HILL, mission. Romodelledmnd newly furnished throughout 6 . . . Stone 0. Wellington, FONTHILL NURSERIES’ One of the most convenient and comfortable hotels on Yuuuc Street. Every modern con- OVER 800 ACRES, TORONTO, - CANADA. Venience Sample rooms for commercial crevellers. Anillenlstnpping place for riding Aug. 11-. 4111 or drivingpurties.bicyclists. or termere going __ tuor returning from market. Electric cars I pussthe door Livery iul‘ounection TERMS $1.00 PER DAY. W. C. SAVAGE - A large amount of private funds to , loan on improved farm pi-npl-i-ty situ- ated in the County of York, at. ~13 per cent. For particulars apply to Money To Loan Lindsey, Laiwrence & \Vudswni-th, â€"_ I, Three thousand dollars to loan at a. [A Home Life Bldg., 60 Victoria St.., a low rate of intei est: on first-mort- \ 01' at Toronto ' gage farm property. THE LIBERAL Ofiice, Richmond Hill, Apply at. on Saturday afternoons. t. f. THE LIBERAL OFFICE. Propi . 15mm)?“ . vamm. RICHMOND HILL. firm“ & MORGAN, F J R iliclfiwon, ; ' . .towui-ds cmw n Letter from Yukon. Tlif‘ following: (‘Xll‘J‘J'lS :ll'l‘ l'loln ll lcltcl' 1'("'l'llli)’ soul his inolhcc :ind si~tcr< by .\ll‘. .l. .l. ,\l:llu-.ny, lulllli‘l'iy of Hit lunoml liill. but who is now ill tlu‘ an lliâ€"\\'rst. Mountcd l’nlicc lion-c .lll Yukon 'I‘r-l'l iloi-y: I will fly and {DH you Foinclhiug of wlmt I huvl- sccu in my ll'HVt'lfx‘. I was illl‘t't‘ d:in going to lil'g.§illll. tlu- llt‘tulqllilllPl'S of the l’olico Force, and lstnycd Llu-l-c tlll’t‘t‘ months, until tho lilh of August. 1 was tllonM-nl to tho Yukon. Arrived :11, Vancouver on tho l‘llli of August~ It isr. \‘cl-y (life city and \‘i’ly lax-go: thing'us :1 little Ii(':ll'l‘i‘ lllt’I‘t‘ than M, luunc. It took Us about. :1 day to cross tbc umuntuins, wlu-ic you soc sonic of llit‘ grunticst scrum-j: in li\(‘ world. tomc- tililcs wc would bc away up lhv r-l(il' ofu mountain, and look out. down to the bottom about 2AM) fret lu-lmv : it would uluko you grip the window Hiltl the chills Wuliltl run through you. i'I Slfllyt'Il iii Vulicouvcr about :1. day and a. half, and linen stzli-tcd on (“11' journey lllll'lil by boat for 1.000 mill-s. This is one (If the iiicvs‘t “noun trips~ in this World. After fulll' days" suiJing we arrived iii Skngwuy, Alaska. u mining town, not xvi-y largo. but, itillzibitcd by very rough characters. Ai-i'iw‘d there about sm‘cn in the morning. “'0 then Look the \\'liitc Pass and Yukon [Hill] for \Vhitc Hoi-sc, 21nd pussod (Wt‘l' the great \Vhito Horst- I’mss, 3.400 foot high; the tl'nill has .o climb that hiin with- in twenty miles tÂ¥f5i1:1g\VHy. Tliutis one of the gl't‘iltl’$<t i-.-iili-n.eds in the world. Sometime-s it. linx‘ to travel buck and forwards like the [iguac 2 'list to gut clm‘utilul, and zlfbcr tim‘cl» ling lilU milcs wc Hl‘lth‘ti :iL \Vhitc Horse about; 4 (fiduck (Ill llll‘giiil‘l of Aug-11st, 1001. That. linishcd my journey. I stilyt-d iii \Vliito Home about two months, tln-n I was scut out into the mountains about. {$2 milcs, on lili’ trail to Dawson. Note. pci'soli lll‘ililllil for miles, only the road housc and the stnge pussing through l'or Iitthull, about one evol-yollwrdziy. ls‘myl-d tllt‘l‘L’ until the lust. of Mulch. 1932. and was then trunsfrriml to \\ ilhiu 23' miles of “him Iulsp, and lu-i-c [ hm c. been ever since without, hardly swing it soul. .Now, I will tell you what our duty is. There are three of us Ilt‘l‘e. One is Jim Hzlylow’s brother Jon, i'iom ‘.'lu>dsl‘ock. horse iii the summer, and we hnvn to I patrol to “him Horse once a \‘.'i‘t'i{, 2'3. miles, and come back the nextdny. Then next. morning we start, for liy- . not-ks, that IS {0 miles down the trail Dawson, and have to get there that night and meet. the pntml from 22 miles further down the ll';lll. Next day we return liomc again. milk- inf; 1124 miles in tin-co days over :i terrible mountain trail. Sometimes the horse is up to ilsknvosiu mud, and at other times it is climbing over rocks. You newr see. :1 soul from one end of the trip to the other, only some Indians, and you don’t know "vhut time it “9411‘ or some other wild animal is going to make. a grab utyou. I, was going along one dnyzltu pretty fast lopv, and all alone, and all Hi. once :i hear jlluipcd into the Liail. That was Lhc Ill‘hb one I had soon. My hand flow to my gun, but hl‘ft‘l‘H I could get H sight on him lic was gone. I \N'c ll:l\ 9 about live months sumnwr here, and Lhcn comcs thc longr winter. In summertime about the lst of July it, is daylight {iii the tiiiic. \thn lhc winter coinrs we use dogs for ling, seven dogs in :1 (cum. You'll be running along without. healing a sound, when all at. once you‘ll begin to hear the wolves howling away oil" in the bush, perhaps six or seven miles. Thcy keep coming (:lusei-‘uud closer Mil the. time, until they got in sight, but they very seldom attack :1 follow unless they are very long \\ illi- out. food, but they always kccp hung;- lug,r around you. They got, pretty I‘ll'i'Ct’ towuids spring, wlu-ii they hunch up togl-Lhci- and run in packs; they \thltldli'i. tliiuk twice about grub- bing you then. They are \t'l'y large, some of them standing 53 foot high. i suppose you know it gcts very cold here, suluetiiiu-s 73 and t-U (lt'gI'Pl‘S be- low 'IA‘IO, but there is ucvcr it iii-cutli of wind when it is so Cold. I thought I was fl‘U'Ll‘ll last. wiulm- one time, when it was Ihilt cold. I had to go 26 miles and then make- ;i lire and cool; my own grub, but; I-got through it all right. \Ve lime to Cook our own meals here, and I’ve lczuncd how to bake bread, and cakes and pics, and am getting to be quite It ctmk. You have to be able to dot-vci-ytliingiii this Force i'idcu wild llt'l'b‘i‘. shoe. a horse, pack one, build your on 11 house, cook your own meals, uct :l.‘ Police-l man, and [don‘t know what. xiiiâ€"but. it’s not u bad job after all. “'9 have kind of on easy time, and gct lots to NH. and wear. “'0 got 9. hit, that, ('U\‘IS $7 every two yenis, :l fur cap and fur Coat, pezl‘jucket. i-.iit.~‘, three pair of ridingr pant.~ u ycur, tlucc pair (if titling limits, one pair of inl‘,‘ liculs. two pair of iluicr'nsins, tuo pair of long black stockings, fUlll' pull of short: 4 Each of us has it szuldlc i put l'ol- , THURSDAY, NOVEMBER '26, lQUIl «rt-0‘" .. _ . A I . nmzntt-CMWMM‘K tram [Single copies, 3 cts. stockings. two suits of uudnl-wcul', gilul lei \illll>. 'l‘llo v-ulol» ol'nul'dl cm H A light blown but with \\l(ll' lilu. ‘ blue mull. bhw riding prints \\i.h :i yellow stripe on llic ll-g, blow it riding boots, spill-s ulul glow-s. Your son .l.\(‘l{. 4IO-â€"/â€"â€"- MI @1310 “Av. \\-lll. ingot-s. \\ ho is to ll'('llll(‘ noxt Monday night. lindcr tli:~ elm-- pil'l-s of the lipwtu‘lll I. viglu‘, will pi L-;l{'l1 in tho i‘dclhollist, chulch on Sunday morning. \\‘o undci'stnud that Mr. N. filmuk luisdispow-d if his i‘nsidmu‘u tn .il'. lll‘lll‘y Kvl'l'cl' o‘l' Slit-l-unoll. .lll'. Shunl; has possession till ncxt. .lllllt‘. Mr. N. (‘tzi'ncil of Oakwnod, who. hos llt‘(>tl ('llgilf_((‘fl as u. t('&l('ll"l’ ltll' Hopi-School. was in tho \‘illnu‘c lust Saturday. ilo hm: l‘t‘l’llt‘il Miss Noble's brick dwciling lmnso. Misfi Nl-llic (lillhlilo of Tot-onto. is spending tlu- wouk will] hl'l' lulltlici‘. Mr. J. (llubint‘ and his family. MnC-hnrlil- \‘l‘oud has gone to Bui-k‘s Falls. \Vlici'c he intends to tuko :l Sit- tuition. Miss Addic and M1: Hurry \Vliite of Qua-cnsvillc, have liccn spending the past, wcck :lt- Mr. A. ’l,‘t'u\'its'. 'i‘hri‘cis :1. large (pulntity of grain coming inlr tho station (Wm-y (l:iy,;lnd {he gV'lill buyer and his assistants are kept busy bundling.r it. ' A. I}. I')tl\‘l(l‘ltili, I’. S. I. pzlid his linlfâ€"yonlly \'isit to the Public. School Ion ’l‘liurdny of lust \vm-k. l Mi. :lnnl llIl'S. N. Sliunk enteltuilwdi the Lutheran church clinic and zl. mim- him of olhcr fl'il'luls :LL tlicii- home last Saturday waning. ‘ l ___i 4-..... “’ ANTED r-FAI’i‘Fl‘r’UL I‘EHSUN T0 TRAV. "ill in: on retail mun-home iilld apt-ills. lmnl [<‘l‘l‘li'll‘y. Silurv-‘FZUIIHpnr wool: With expen- «lsuvliliiiolllilnlll ,‘myulnu in each \\r\‘ . Money for expensos ulvunred. Position l-el» lnuvoub. lllniiiess Suvcc-ssflll iind l‘"<i'lll€!. Standard flouso, Him, Dcill'buru St... (‘hlPU-SU. Nov 12-26 wlis, ital (or tncll csmblivhell house in u lcw counties, mugâ€"â€" By the casting \'nt(‘ of I’loeve Bull the \‘x‘cston Council, Friday evening, lilSil‘lltflt‘Ll the (Elm k to prepare a IUt‘tll option by»l:t\l to bc (:Hll‘.~lillk'l't‘d at the Drooliibei- iiiccting. Mr. Inuit: Silver, a EOI'HII’I’ Mayor of the low” of Collingwood. (lit-(l at, be homo in New market on Sunday. The funeral took place on Tuesday. Dcâ€" ‘ cousle was 54 yours of age. I)i<'k dint-lit] of Bradford, was found dead in bud at. tho Parliament llntcl, Toronto, Sntludzly morning. The gas: jet was wide open, and it is thought. that Martin blew out the gas in a. moment of fol-gctfuhicss. A small profit with public furor is hcttri- than a large one without. it. Atkinson {V Snitzer. A York Township Local Opticn League lnis been formed with the fol- lowing oi‘dcri-s: â€" J. S. Robertson, Dwel- Pork; \V. G. Glass, Bt‘dford Puck; Rcv. A. P. Bruce, Newton Brink: R. M. Ogilvie. Toronto also an Executive Committee. Hon. E. J. Davis, Minister of Crown L'lllllS. has purchased the property of the lsitc V. Donne, Ncwiuzu-kct. con- sisting of it i'csi(lciicrolu145 MUH‘S of land. Aftci- making the necessary ul- ltciutiolis Mr. Davis purposes moving his family to Ncwinzu-kct. Best. pure luld, 12c. lll.; best. figs, 5c. lb. ; lu-st. gl-cecii cull‘rv, lilo. lb. ; best solcct Valencia raisins, lUc. lb. At- kinson & SWItZPi'. James Hopkiugs, for many years 2t road ovprscvr on the soullicrii part of Yonge Stl‘c‘t‘t die-d at his home at Eg- xlinton inst. Sntuldzly. l 67 years of zigr. He was it staunch l Conservative. :t mcnibcc of thc Oizmgc Itil‘tlt’l‘, a freomnson, :L Unith \Vulk-l land 21 Sun of England. Interim-lit. in , St. John’s Uemclcl-y, York Mills, ’i‘ucsâ€" l r day afternoon. York County Council. l\\'ni-den Bung in the chair. 1 coinlminiczltions wcre i-l'ad. lllt'llullllg ’ ninc applications fol Keeper of tho Industi nil Home. question of appointing a chper will Ibc taken up til-day. As four out of ‘thv ten municipal councils 1.1 the] ‘ he heed-s Nature‘s warnings. News Notes. i Deccan d was 1 the position ot'l The Money Will be paid by the World's Dispensary Medical Assocmtion, Buffalo, N. Y., if they cannot show the original signature of the individual volunteering the testi- monial below, and also of the writers of Every testimonial among the thousundéi which they are constantly publishing, thus proving their genuineness. "For about two years I suffered from a very obstinate case ofdyspepzj. ."writes R. E. Secord, Esq..0f13 Eastern Ave, Toronto, ()‘ntnrio. "I tried .1 great number of remedies Without suc- cess. I fiilfllly lost faith in them all. I was so far gone that I could not for a long time bear anv solid food in my stomach ; felt melancholy and depressed. Some four months ago n friend recommended your ‘ Golden Medical Discovery.‘ Alter a week's treatment I lmd derived so much benefit that Icontinucd the medicine, I_ have taken three bottles and am convinced it has in my case accomplished a pennanent cure. I '/ i can conscientiously recommend it to the thou- sands of dyspeptics throughout. the land." A man can succeed and be strong if When there is indigestion, loss of appetite, ringing in the cars, dizziness, spots be- fore the eyes or palpitation of the heart; any or all of these symptoms pomt to weakness and loss of nutrition. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery is the medicine to turn to. " Golden Medical Discovery ” contains no alcohol and is entirely free from opium, cocaine and all other nurcotics. It is strictly a temperance medicme. Accept no substitute for “ Golden lVIed- ical Discovery.” There is nothing "Just as good ” for diseases of the stomach. The “ Common Sense Medical Adviser," 1008 pages, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of3i one-cent stamps,to pay expense of customs and mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Watches ! r," j: r:« 1 prev +151 The numufnctui-ing of Precis- ilm “'ut trl'ics i-l‘quii'es accurate fitting and adjusting of many (icliculv ports. This costs con- sidci-zibl.u mm 0 than the. aver- ugc watch, but it pays to pay V tlu‘ dilici'l-iu-c iii the price. nle One of thei‘inmidjusted move- ‘ ments I sold Vill'if‘ll only 53 seconds in six months. Pci'sous carrying such watch- es Would not part. with them for the price they paid. even after several yczlrs’ wear. This Place is Reliable to Watch- Buyers. fidmiili‘l siiiiii Practical Watchmaker , *Of Canada ‘ RICHMOND HILL Capital - $1,000.006 Rios! - 925.060 DEPB-SITS 'Receivcd in Snvings‘ Bunk Dcpul-t- ‘ ment and interest allowed at v! York County Council opcuod then-i le'cmbci' session Monthly zlf’ici‘lllu-Il, ! Many I Notice of withdrawal not neces- szu'y. All deposits payable on demand. Loniwd 01: Farmers” te‘use non-s. Blank Note I arms hupplird Fre‘c. ‘ county voted against the Good Rouds’ ' , J . : _ ,, lSchrme. the by-luw will come lll’i'ttl‘e, the i-iltcpnyci-s at the January elcc- tiuils. . On Tuesday Mr. D. Fothcl-mglinm, Inoculated. I P.1‘i.l., pl-rs- ntwd his annual report. l For other particulars call at the Bank. The Council yt-stci-duy discusscd the . :idviSubility of taking action against ' tho Metropolitan Railway for not fur- nishing the public warm curs. lil'p-g l i-cseiitutives of the Company will bof 5 ilSde to explain today. I i Messrs. H. A. Nic’linlls of Richmond Ill] and J. F. Davidson of Unionl‘illv, wt-i c :ippllilitod county auditors. The Council expects to ii vi~h tho business of the year by Saturday. 1 J'. WISEORNE. AG EST. rousALn A Fresh Milch (.‘nw Willi calf by her ; side, on lot 1 con. 2. King. J AMES KERSW'ILL.‘

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