Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Nov 1903, p. 2

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Many of the railroad men have tak- sn Mr. Dake’s advice and are using Dodd's Kidney Pills. This work is particularly hard on the Kidneys and they find Dodd's Kidney Pills bring them sure relief. Mast of the women who go shop- ping in the matlimor‘ial market start ln the silk department and end up at the remnant counter. “Yes,” Mr. 'Dake says speaking of his cure, "I am perfectly satisfied that two or three boxes of Dodd‘s Kidney Pills cured me, as I have not been troubled by my Kidneys since I took them. "I had been troubled with my Kidâ€" neys and pains in my back for over five years and nothing I used gave me any relief till I took the advice of a friend and tried Dodd's Kidney Pills. I advise all my friends to try them." Many of the railroad men have tak- Mlnard‘s Linimgnt Lumhfirman's Friend TraTers: "You have actually sent a, bill with my clothes ! What in- sult. ! What infanny !" Tailor: "It was all our new bookâ€"keeper's fault. |ir. He got you mixed up with \hose people who pay 1” “Yes,” Mr his cure, ' that two or Kidney Pills been troublet took them. That woman has yet to be born who would mistake a. plush sack for n, sealskin on the back of a. neighbor. St. Thomas, Ont.,Nov. 23.â€"â€"(Speciâ€" al).â€"Mr. L. Dake, the wellâ€"known proprietor of the Dake House here and one of the most popular men in this railroad centre, is completely nurod of Backache and Kidney Dis- ease of five years’ standing and he has no hesitation in stating that the cure was ellected by Dodd's Kidney Pills. Those Worrying Piieslâ€" OM ‘pplicatlon of Dr. Agnew's Ointment will No you comfort. Applied every night or three to six nights and a cure is eflected In the most stubbnrn cases of Blind, Bleed- ing, or Itching Piles. Dr. Agnew‘s Oint- ment cures Eczema and all itching and burning skin diseases. It acts like magic. 35 cents ~35 They Profit by the Experience and Advice of Mr. Lew Dake, of the Dake House, St. Thomasâ€"Dodd’s Kidney Pills Cured Him. THEY USE DODD‘S KIDNEY PILLS FOR THE TROUBLES BROUGHT 0N BY THEIR WORK. Shiloh’s Consumption The Lung Tonic The estate from which the fortune 18 derived is about 150 miles from Sydney. Wood has gone out to setâ€" \e up matters. £5,000 as a guarantee of good faith. the hardâ€"working drayman did not lose his head and buy up all the tasks in the yard for entertainment of self and friends. He calmly gave I. fortnight‘s notice. and millionaire that he was. Worked out his time. Wood lost his wife about eighteen months ago. and has no children. The lucky drayman has a haltsister living, but apparently she is not. en- titled to any of this weath. RAILROAD MEN wnou was a strong, well-built man, 11nd had 0. good character in his sit- uation. When a. solicitor, who had lound out his existence by the search bf church registers at Cambl'ldge and Wisbeuch, told Wood of his good for- tune. and handed him a. draft for At Work in Brewer’s Yard While Fortuna Waited. A brewer‘s drayman has been work- lng for upwards of thirty years in London when he might have been liv- lng at that time on a. fortune of many hundreds of thousands. 1n the meantime the money has accumulatâ€" ed to upwards of 87,500,000. Wood was WINDFALL TOR DRAYMAN \Vhen you think you have cured a cough or cold, but find a dry, hacking cough remains, there is danger. Take Prices 280., 60c. and $1.00 at once. It will strengthen the lungs and stop the cough. s. c. walks a co. Toronto, Cm. Lekoy, N.“ GET SURE RELIEF a strong, well-built The Lu ng Tonic "You may do as you like about it, darling,” replied the diplomatic canâ€" didate for matrimonial honors, “but I certainly shall insist upon your not baking mine." “There is one question I want to ask you, George, dear,” said the dear girl who had promised to merge her future with him. “When we are married, will you expect me to bake my own bread ?” Queen Victoria’s favorite horses were gmys, and special care was takâ€" en in their selection. 0n the old greys becoming unsound in wind or limb, they had to descend from their high estate to follow hunibler purâ€" suits. Usually sold for what they would fetch, many a, man made a good bargain thereby. To What the Horses of Royalty Have Been Reduced. Some years ago 3 Windsor cabman purchased one of the Queen's greys for 36 gu_inea5, subsequently hiring the animal out. to a. lady for a. pound a week during five years, the lady providing for the horse. The greys appeal strongly to sideâ€" street Homes and Julieta who de- sire to enter the matrimonial state driven to church by an erroyal horse, and one Cnbman has increaSed his income in satisfying this wish. Some of the horses, however, have to follow more lowly callings, such as drawing pprcel vans and other humble, though usgml, conveya‘nce. “I declare they were the ugliest women I have seen anywhere.” Theie happened to be two maiden ladies present of no remarkable beau- ty. The farmer, who was a little misty, began to think that he had made a mess of it, and that they would imagine he was alluding to them, so to put matteis straight as he thought, he added : "Prerent company excepted." Roars of laughter ensued, and in a few minutes both Muller and ladies had vanished. 'At a. public dinner in the country a farmer, while relating something to the company about two Chinese women said 2 He assumed control of her, and under his direction, while he romainâ€" ed on board, the difficult and dangerâ€" ous operation of navigating her into Ferrel was undertaken. While the Hannibal, so far as could be seen, escaped uninjured, the Prince George was dangerously damâ€" aged. Her thin steel plating, half an inch thick, is sheathed at the point who‘re the Hannibal struck her by four inches of teak, but the great prow of the Hannibal shore through this as though it had been paper, and tore a largerhole in the skin of the ship, admitting floods of water to the after-torpedo flat. The gun room and fresh water tank were pierced, and the curve of the heavy armour deck was forced downwards two feet before the impact of the ram. The side was also much dentâ€" ed and strained. After great exertions the hole in the ship’s side was covered with colâ€" li<i0n mats, and with the Hogue alongside, working salvage pumps, the Prince George made her way inâ€" to Ferrel, lleaVily down by the stern. She a.1 rived at three o’clock the following afternoon. Mlnard's Liniment is used by Physicians Some comments‘are made 0.". this rather igncmlnious ending of such fine horses. and not a few are sorry to Fee the nnimuls nowidrawhig other people's Wmhing home. It was seen at once that. the re- sults of the collision had been seri- ous to the Prince George. Her stern sank markedly in the Water, and {or some minutes it was fem ed that she might go altogether. At this moâ€" ment Admiral Lord Charles Boxesâ€" ford, who commands the fleet, left his own flagship, the Majestic, and went on board the injured battle- ship to share her fate. It was impossible to avert the col- lision, and the order was given in both ships, as the two great; hulls touched, to take up collision Sta: tions and get. out the collision mats. The ddscipline was excellent. Lord Beresford Adds Another Laurel to His Name. The collision between the Prince George and the Hannibal, oil the coast of Spain, took place at. ten o'clock at night, while the fleets were manoeuvring, with all lights out, un- der war conditions, eighty miles, north of Ferrol. The vosmls were peiforming the movement known as “turning in succession" when the Hannibal struck the Prince George on the port, side just below the Wa- ter-line. abuft the centre of the ship. " Pure soap 1” You've heard} the words. In Sunlight; S o a p you have the fact. : FELL FROM HIGH ESTATE. REDUCES EXPENSE TRUE BRITISH SEA DOG HE WOULDN'T RISK IT BETTER LEFT UNSAID Ask for the Octagon Bar. REFS“ :31 “I wonder Why bees make honey?" queried the inquisitive man. “I 3.341)- pose," replied the man wh» knew all, "they make it to cell Bella: “So she's engaged at last. She seems likely to beat us an in the matrimonial race." Stella. â€" “Yes. At any rate, she told me she was on her last lap this time." - Chatting with one of her neighbom not long since, a. woman related her experiences many years ago as fol- lows : Madge ’ “Don't you think a. girl should marry an economical man?" Dolly: “I suppose so, but it's just awful being engaged to one." "I used to be very gay and fond of the world and all its fashions till I saw my folly. I liked silks and satins, and ribbons and laces. and feathers, but I found they were drag- ging me down to peardition, so I gave them all to my sister !" Young Lady (Watching game of football): “Oh, mercy! my brother has been hurt ! Hc's being carried off the field.” Young Man: “011, never mind; they have a. substitute who is just as good." Flanaganâ€"“Phwat did yoz do whin McGarry hit zes wid the pick ?" Finâ€" neganâ€"“Oi done McGarry." WK HEARTS, WEAK BLUUD WEAK NEBVES RELIEF IN 30 MINUTES. Dr. Aguew's Cure {or-tho heart nev falls to cure the heart and I{mar-We 0m? to enrich the blood. I re eves in 8 minutes. It Is a beacon light to lgad you back to 031th. W. H. Mussel an. o! GAAJL, elssport. PB., says: ' wo he ties of Dr. A new': Heart, Cure en- “; 3y cured me 0 heart palpitutton and extreme nervousness. Its value can not be estimated." [5 Dr. Agaew's Ointment renews cczuna and utter In a day. 35c ‘ Ema. wmsww'n Soon-(mo sum? has been used by rilllon: of mother- !or their ch‘ddren while teething. tso ‘hes the chlid. when: the uma. Ilmya pain. cure; vlu cuflc. regulates the Elemno and bowel; and la tho wast remedy for Diarrhoah. Twenty-five cenu a botdu 501d by druggij throughout the world. Be sure and LIIL In: " Mus. Wmuow‘s Soonima SYRUP." 23-74 Riverdale. MRS. REUBEN BAKER. I Believe MINARD’S LINIMENT Parker : “Can your daughters make puddings and cakes ?” Darker: “Oh, yes, they can make them, but they can’t make the family eat them." Ask for Minard’s and take no men will produce growth of hair I Believe MINARD’S LINTMENT will cure every case of Diphtheria. {s 1 earth That Cutting hold that arises from the stomach and aimost strangles, is caused by fermentation of the food in the stomgch. It is a foretasle of indigestion and dyspep- aia. Take one of Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets immediately after eating, and i! will prevent this distress and aid digestion. 60 in a boas, 35 cents.-â€"16 "We’ve had to dismiss our coach- man.” “For what reason?" “Oh, he got too ambitious. He wanted to be paid regularly." After she had jumped back into bed and covered herself with two quilts and a blanket, Mr. Griggsley heard these words, in low, plaintive. tones :â€" "It you love me, John, pleasc'don't desert me.” There is more (:ntnrrh In this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until H10 Inst, few years was supposed to heincurnhle. For a. great. many years doctors pronounced H. a local disease and prescribed locnl remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment. pronounced it incurable. Science has proven caturrh to heaconstitutionnl (“sense amithcrcâ€" loro requlres constitutional treatment. Hall's Untarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Cow'l‘olcdo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cum on the mar- ket. It is taken Internally in close: from 10 drops toutenspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous sur- faces of the system. They on‘er one hun- dred dollars [or any case it. fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonh als. Address. F. J. CHENEY G; (20‘. Toledo. 0. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Funin Pills are the best. I'll Lha Kidney But .-â€"It is the particulai function oi the hi neys to filter out poisons which ass through them into the blood. W'hen tEe kidneys are diseased they cannol do their whole duty. and should have thq hel and strength that South American Ki ney Cure will afiord in any and all forms of kidney disorder. It relieves ind hours.â€"-r4 MATTHIAS FOLEY. on City, Ont Stanley, P. E. I. I Believe MINARD'S LINIMEN’L OUSe John," said Mrs ‘ are too much of \‘n and scaxo thos go myself. I'll Maria,” said started for :ldn't go. $100 Reward, $100 the best household remedy on SI STERLY AFFE CTION MRS. CHAS ANDERSON For Over Slxty Yuan ARTFUL JOHN ! said Mr at] Griggsley, "it a. coward to go a burglars out, let them know one man in the xe stairway, sounds like 957 “Well, you’ve guessc just what she did say Bobby: "I say, Mr. Updyke, what do you suppose Clara said about you just before you came in ?" Mr. Updyke: “I haven't an idea. in the World, Robert.” Bobby (amazed): It 615%: price) 3 nil [or hulo'g‘ mm was AN canpmfi wanted. 71 King St. East. Toronto. rum Manufacturers. JACKETRPAPERINES. TOLES. RUFFS. , ‘ ,A__!% @910 Dlilge), Sqnd or tuning. Dyeing I cleaning! RIDOUT & a: 2% To PATI M AY B E E “3713.252 I'In I whâ€" “ngorfla’n Pa '08 BO, at.TOI.HT° .fl tell“ 0. MontreaL'Toronto, Ottawa, Quaboc PATENT$ Sheâ€"“Women may gossip some- thnes, but they have better control of their tongues than men have," Heâ€"“You are right. Men have no control Whatever of woman’s ton- gues." mam nominion Lina Steamshlps BASTEDO a; CO Montreal to leorpool Benton to leorpool Lat Ind Fast Steamhxpe. Superlor accommodan I! oluloa o! Mangers. Saloon: and Staterooann m Imldshlpl. peclal attention has been given to it! Iw dBnlocI nnd Third-Class accommodation. You no I “sue sud all putlcuhrs. apply to buy an: iflho only-n1. or to puseuxer Agent. 94: WHINXON LINE 0FFICE§£ 1 “OIL. lawn. I! 3‘. Smnment St... Manual aep Minard’s 'Llnlment in the House. H nnmsH AMERIOAN 'nvuuc no." An admirable Food of the Nutritious and Economical book {or “out In you: to". or und Mud Finest quality and flavour to: tho vary bent-end you: work ‘0 an It is handy to have a. life insurance policy upon which you can raise a. lo-un with which to speculate. Every man should carry a.. life insurance policy which is "pure life insurance," and such a. policy is the policy of the I. O. F. Lawyer Bruce Thornton is examining into the affairs of his late friend and client, A. R. Winston. He finds that his Life Insurance Pollen-s are only "shells." They were all mortgaged to the mon- eylendors for advances used in speculation. There is, therefore, no- thing left for the dead man's family. “A very sad case, a. very sad case indeed," remarked lawyer Thornton. "I Wish the poor fellow had carried a policy in the Independent Order of Foresters; that Order would not have allowed him to mortgage it and his family would now be able to enjoy it." Remember, howover, that it is your family’s daily bread that you are risking. price list. 48â€"03 Ytur Family's Daily Bread. mm! a cannon dit! 'udtoiioii o't rnsnia‘ Candi Life Build 3. ToAroI Io. E13130 Mksu 4'19! Band for Han; I N A L L couumass. “Win-non { To PATINT LITIGATION. ,’ Hate! Beflieciaire Sand (0! 88â€"64 That's Broadway and 77th Street, New York. WIVES AND MOTHERS READ THIS. szltry, All. xmns a! guitar, FRUITS A d F P - d:ce Sggleralll'; _ ' 't t Honey, 221552 ‘wnf’ g‘éi you good prices. THE Dawson Gonimission 00., 945 TORONTO. LIMIT?“ Hewspapers WE and MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS, BOOKS. etc, dispatched to subscribers by first mails by WM. DAWSON & SONS. Limited, Cannon House. Bream’s Buildings, London, England. The largest Subscription Agency in [be world. Sand for our lust. Free on application. Est. 1809. Prompt and reliable. “Shells” em 89mm FROM THE

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