Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Nov 1903, p. 8

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LeuveC P R C 130, a Until further notice Hans W1 Richmond Hill Posh Ollice as (1 MORNING EVENING . . Ii. B.-â€"Benistered Letters In 5 least. Fifteen Minutes (nu-Hm mentioned bouvs for closiur. OFFICE CLOSES A1 M. TEE METROPOLITAN M E TABLE Leave Richr'non Leave Newmarket 7‘ Leave Bichmofifi Hm 2.40. 3.55. 4.5 Sunday. â€"-Sorvices M: 11 n. m.. and Presbyterian Church nduy $011001 at 2.30. I’myer meeting "iann. Su edneaduy evemmz. CburchTServices on alter- Boman Catholic 10.30 a. m. Date Sundays MS a. m. anu rah-Servivns M10430 (1. 111., 0.11:1 Memoajsb 01m .,A. g-\mn\ M. 2.30. Geuernl Pl'flyel p. m. sunuuy a»: ,, meeting Thursday. ovemug Richmond Lodge. A F In dav (m or hefnre full mnon Courtmchmond. A O ourth Friday â€" ‘ ‘ "‘ 1'1 Wâ€"JTA ofu‘th Friday Ivy Lodge. A 0 U Wâ€"-Maets Child of each mth Camp Elam. S O S â€"â€"Meets socon Wednesday R 'I.‘ of Temperanceâ€"Meets first of each mouth Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets first Mend: uomh Puhlio berary :1an Reading 1 l‘uesdny. Thursday and smirde av vaort}: Dengueâ€"Meets evurv F1 Public notice is hereby given that pursuant to authority of Orders in Council, the Red and “him PINE 'I‘1MBER in the following townships, berths and areas, namely : IN THE DISTRICT OF NIPISSING â€"the townships of BUTTON, “REEL- MAN, PARKIN. ALYMER, MACKELCAN, MCCARTHY, MERRICK, MULoCK, (pm-t, of), FRENCH (part, of), STEWART, LUCKHART. (part. of), Gnmow (putt Am nannvnw mnrt on. HAMMELL and IN THE DISTRICT OF N! E1 â€"the townships of BUTTON, 1 MAN, PARKIN. ALYMER, MACK MCCARTHY, MERRn'K, MUanu of), FRENCH (part of), Sn LOCKHART. (part. of). Gumov of). OSBORNE (part 0!). liAMMI“ PHELPS (part of). IN THE DISTICT OF ALG BPl‘thS Nus. 195 and 201, ch» shipinf‘ KITCHENER and R1 .. way ’7 .‘ ..... nnznfinu TRICTâ€" Bm'ths (in). Um, L and G138, and the fullmving with the right to cut and rem ‘L Ar‘A.1‘1 . Church of F Emu 131mm vv -V I U IN THE RAINY RIVER DIS- TRICTâ€" BOI‘ths (519. G21, (‘23. 629 and G138, and the fullmving Borlhs with the right to cu't and remove, the pine, spx-ut‘e, 1amarzu’kmedur and popâ€" l:u- :â€"Gr4, 66. (H7, G18. G24, G25, GL’G, G27, G28, G33, G35, G36. G37. G39.GJU. G41, G42, G43. Berth Nos. SI, 82, b3 and S4,, will he nfi'erpd for sale by Public Auction at the Parliament Buildings. in the City of Tux-onto, on \VEDNESDAY, (the? NINTH‘day of ..... A M n+- ¢I.‘ 1AM? IV-G‘L 0127, G25. (Sr-11, G42, iilibflMBER. 1903. UN E o clock in the: prised in each Bel-[11 won on m on application, either personn' lettvr, to the Department of Lands, Toronto, 01- the Crown Agencivs at OTTAWA, SAUL MARIE. PORT ARTHUR, RAT P and FORT FRANCES. POST OFFâ€"{CE NOTICE 11d Bloc Commissioner Urmvn I DEPARTMENT OF CROWN LANDS TORONTO, J uly '2. N. B.â€"No unauthorized publicatinn of this advertisement will he paid for. 7-17 Between Tort AUCTION St‘ quickly nscerlnin invention ls prnt tlons strictly com aegt‘fre‘e. 915! st mum” m, .V.,, w , quickly nsce um our opinidn 1 invention ls pmbnbly palentnh] tlons strictlyconfldeuthfl. Hand sent free. Oldest agency for sec Patents taken throuuh Mun Ipacial not-(cc, wit‘hout chame i ’ - .9 a _ 0 ‘AA A handsomeiy culntmn of any year: four [DOD yam: fnur momua. u. MEAN?! 81%!) 36‘ Branch Office. (.325 F TRADE NIARKS DESIGNS COPYR!GHTS aw. Anyone sending a sketch and description may ‘ I ' ‘nn free whether an Vinége Directory H‘WWR Eund M’ 5‘ Thursd {13' i J.‘ uo. Luv of Krrcma‘gffik mid ROBERTS Uck “W” near Onuping Lake. THE RIVER DIS- 1 “)0 (;.;0 'mJfill'Iâ€"Iin a 3.30. 4.35. 5.1 ushered Letters must, be ‘een Mifiutgs qmlior than {'1‘ FRANCES. E. J. DAVIS, Englandâ€"Sew imaging at!» GOING 1‘ ,uellfi. nho ChurchTServices Mi) (L.u1.anu 10.30 a. amen-Services M 10.31 ,y School at 2.110. Gem day. evening. adapt-A F and A M -â€"J OLNG SUUTH I SALE OF TIMBER BERTHS. uto an :o. 6.30‘ llnila win ha clone mm; as follows:â€" â€"-Meets N( 7.20. ,9 RTE F St,.. \Vashlnzton. D" a} Tthé hull} of afternoon. AT 7.38 P M EEFY . Post-muster .ces at 3p. In. every ewmurket‘ Monday second and lfouxth Mun“ fi'b'o. receive Ire in tue M -â€"Meets Mon vices on alter- 50 n.. m. a 10.30 a. m., and General prayer p“. .u... in. free whether an :nble'. Communirm undbook on Patents securijlgflpaten 40. 11 Friday 1rown Tnnds. Boom - 0P9n war. ings “.55 n. m second and 800 6.15 handed in the above WeJnesday Wednesday 12.20 GOM Aâ€" u ann- d at the of every 8.1 1903 3??¢i$i???3?99‘999!9v7 v _ Mus. Bum, F. G. 0. M. (Lond.) Oi'gmlist and Choir-muster Chm-cl) of Sb. John Evangelist, Ton-unto. Teacher of Organ, Piano. Singing. Theory at Toronto Cullege of Music, will Visit, Fol-terms address 279 Church St 01' Toronto 0011. Music, l‘ormlto. g 290 WOODWARD AVE.. DE‘rnofi‘. MICK-l. v i@flaétéfieflééééfiififiéflQflééésfiééfiéénfieémfifisfifiéééfig MASONIC HALL, RICHMOND HILL on Thursday December 3, i903, Al 2 o’clock, palm, for the purpose of organizing an Association for this riding. A Constitution and By-Luws will be adopted prepara- tm-y tn holding :1. Convention to select, a Cumbdnbo fur the Liberal interest. Messrs. Jnhn Richardâ€" son,l\I.P. P., Al‘Cll. (.‘nmpln-ll.l\l.l’. N. \V. Rowvll and VV. J. Hill ale expected to be present. Every Lil)- el‘ill in Centre Yul-k is invith to attend. R. A. MASON, President E. Y. R. . DR. MCLEAN, I’rnsidont W. Y. R. R. A. MASON, Chairman. R. J. UUKSON, Secretary. A Parlor Cook a for sale. Apply :1? ITEFORM MASS MEETENG Name in Creifiwa‘s ENTRE RIDING of YORK Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chap. 129 and Amending Acts‘, that all per- sons having claims against the estate of Hum-y Home, late of the annship nf Vaughan, in the County of York, gentleman, deceased, who died on or album; the 14th day Of August, A. D. 1903. are requin to send by post pre- paid, or deliver an or befm't. the 15th day of I.)vceml)er, A. D. 1903, to Messrs. I’ruudfoot. Duncan, Giant & Skouns. 25 King Street \Vest. l‘muntn, solicitors fur the executors of the said deceased, their names, nddresws, full particulars of their claims and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them; Late of the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York, Gentle- man, deceased. .And furthvr take notice that after the lust mvntioned date Llw said ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled then-t0. having regard min to claims of which they shall then have notice, and they will not be liable for any claims or for said assets to any person or persons of whose claim 01‘ claims notice shall not then have been received by them._ anvwiwawnan;wawwwawwwwn»42; ‘1 I a i ‘ lit‘l" "i Dated this 23rd day of November, A. D. 1903. Pruudfoof, Duncan Grunt & Skeans, 25 King St. \Vest, Tm-nntn, Solicitors for the Executors. JOSEPH E. FRANCIS, DAVID M. BOYLE, }Execut0r5' 22-2 The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Im- proved Chester white hogs, 101132, lst con. Markham (Thornhill) has for sale some good young stock. Dr. Thoroug‘li-brea buff and hog kept for service on tje premises. Richmond Hill Once a Week. Comprising the Townships of Mai-khan), Scm-bm-o. Vaughan and Etnhicuko, and the Vil- lage-s of Markham and Rich- mond Hill, \Voodbridge and Weston, will be held in the HENRY HORNE. “flew @x‘wcctigcmenw. Whitfield Hudgifi, bR. SPINNEY. Founder of r. Spinney & Co. In the matter of the estate of SUNNYSIDE FARM 494: FOR Sight Singing Classes. SBERALfi Mass Meeting of the â€"-of theâ€" E LIBERAL OFFICE D. G. GOODERHAM, or a square heater surroun structures. If neglect urethral stricture will produce dist ting. stretching and tearing are the o treating this drscnse: The strictly n ods employed by us are free from th are absglutgly §afe_aud harm! ’J natural dischargeslccasc. any irntauon or D‘ disappears. the Ihdncys. Bladder. Prostate ( surrounding organs are strengthened and me returns. Our ABSORPTIVE TREATMEN’ cure you. YOU CAN PAY WHEN GURED. We Cure Varicoceld. Blood and Skin Diseases. Nervous Debimy. suictures, Bladder. Kidney and Urinary Diseases. CONSULTATION FREE. Question Liat For Home Treatment Sent Free. SPNNE‘V strictures. no matter where 10c du'tcly s‘ai ssoIvcd a dischgrgg Proprietor. R. A. mnttenvllcre located, are apt to involve the ctures. If neglected or improperly treated, :will produce dislreesing symptoms. Cut- nd tearing are the old barbarous methods of use: The strictly modern and original meth- us are free from the horrors of surgery and "e and harmless. The abnormal stricture lis- nd leaves the channel free and clear. All un- ‘sceasc. any Irrilauon or burning sensation €E$ £3326 Horse-Shoeng a Specialty. Baaaksmim 8mg] Jobbing of all kinds promptly done. McGuhey’s Conditimn 8100!] Fowdnrs 25c. Sold by Gen. McDonald, harness- makm‘, Richmond Hill, and all med- icine dvalers throughout England, the United States and Canada. 22-1-03 THE CANADIAN HORSE STOCK LEVERY GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. Michael Erma, June 11; 1903 The Next Sitting of Division Com-tint No. 3, County of York, will he held in the Court Room. RICHMOND HILL _ON_ SATURDAY, NOV. 28,1903 TH? OR. MEG." ‘15“! R Public notice is hereby given that a. nweting uf the Board of License Com- missinnurs fur the East Riding of the County of York will be held an At thP north end of the village and is prvparod to do all kinds of BLACKSMITHING To consider the following transfer of Tavern Lice-use now held by Redmond Jovce of Elgin Mills, to Francis Cos- Tavern License now new ny neuulunu Joyce of Elgin Mills, to Francis Cos- grove of Oak Ridges. All persons interested will please govern themselves accordingly. Inspector’s Office, Unmuville Nnv. 18,7190} _ loal and Wood Dellvered. Prices Right. To Whom it May Concern. CLYDE HOTEL, TORONTO, EG. COW/IE RICHMOND HIL L .i‘ 6f hnrd Riclunond E1 iii Saturday, Dec. 5, 1903, At the hour of 1] a. m. at; the 'OI' 21-2 At reasonable rates. rnauon or burning sensation er. Prostate G‘and and other leued and the bliss of manhood TREATMENT will positively Commencing at 10 :1. m. '1‘. F. MCMAHON CLERK ‘utrouago Solicited. horses hard to shoe. Hus opvned a. CQAL JAMES 'EGKARDT, E0. COWIE License Inspector, East York. V MECSOE No. um. W” 0 Q B Tor Brokom Winded HORSES Stoves and Ranges 2. Mm“ The Liberal and Weekly Grlobe ‘ The Liberal and Weekly Mail and Empire The Liberal and Family Herald 86 Weekly Star The Liberal and Weekly Sun lThe Liberal and VThe \ Farming World {The Liberal and Daily I Globe ’The Liberal and Daily Mail The Liberal and Daily World Mfié Ebb £1.85 175 185 8.50 3.54} 8.25 The Liberal and Daily Star (outside of Village) The Liberal and Daily News (outside of Village) The Liberal and Farmers Advocate .Balance of the year to new subscribers. Hot Air Furnac All kinds of Tin and Ha Also the Repairing Promptly Done Efism‘é 3.32.15 %@§%§EEE%M%§%€ LS? Aasacmmw WM}. Pagamjg ‘all 01 write for pamphlth H'gnrding difi’vreut kinds (If polipi ’5: “’9 mm give. you FIN Dow M '1‘. PA '1' M m ORDINARY LIFE. Special and JOINT POLIUIES also From $1.00 up; covers dents of any kind. A g Cmnpnnivs. All bush tended to. Now is the time to insure in the SIZES anc my kind ynu wish Eavetroughing a m £34, £3 EM 6 I; covers sicknes :m‘d acci- md. A good choice- (-f Fire All business promptly at- Hardware c free for all weeldies, Star and} Made in Canada; cannot be beat. Get your Furnaces put in and repaired before the rush. New stoves delivered and put up h‘ee. Magnet Cream Separator M ENT LI FER, akc a"! ma (‘1 E12 A {:0 11135-3 51:335- Mi 3.75 1.85 3.5% 8.50 gfifl 2.56 2.50 nnot be Ill-Ill! “HQ “he

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