Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Dec 1903, p. 1

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V LIBERAL PRINTING 113311331) A}! MOB. Washâ€"2:? 3'11th Ya'ii \Jfi’; “H B J.a-,\, l‘aruu stt fitting Ichsc “ Rnom 12, 12% Vim; 153. ARNOLBEX. MASON Our. Church and C:u-ltm‘1$ts., Torunlxu, ‘Vill be in Richmnqd Hill ever \Vcd Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, 0:566 Ham‘sâ€"37m 13‘ a m R W G L SPAULDING DR A W SPAULDING Room “ Arc Caflls by day and Hi tended A man to x‘vpl'em‘nt GREATEST Nrjnsmmus " of Richumnd Hill and country, and take order: Ofi’ice Hourseiiifil) I. H. SANDERSDNA VETERINARY SURGEON l RICHMOND HILL ‘ In Fl‘u | T HERBERT Laxxox, G STV MORGAN. Aurora. Ncwmmket l m'mmmm ephone Main 2424 _._‘_.___._____.____._,_. Office, next duul' slmih of Public SChUUL ll' “medical. DR. 13me (Successor to Dr. T. (233w A hug!“ :‘ loan on im nth in the cunt. For .33; W. #35313; Or at. 'i'm‘uu't THE LIBERAL Office, Richmond H11 on Saturday afternoons. {3 PUEILZ VETERINARY SURGEUN, EUR HHS? SPEEEALEEE PRINT:th & PUBLls: msmmxn HILL. c 111611 right Eon‘un RM TORONTO :1 11. 4111 K)“. WANT IDenni FONTHH tuu‘ ,cule 'Deutists I) eutigta Thornhiu. Sic M AH ON. toe. t-h‘ A." Yonge Street ade, Toronto. oath, also replnting, at vices. Good work. 33m " mmm chum: hasten; and Guuoe mum. nrmhiil, mm lSS CARDS. 5m Pnommron. 1211' in. SL. Tm‘cnt“. Wellin i :33 511ml S. 1% iLh H N G glib promptly at 1?. to‘zpm m. to 5 p 2‘3”. private funds t nipl-gnperly sit! NINE} 5 fm in the Vil} surround J Victor L‘ll‘l‘le ‘ruits, Om . Vines, ). Barristers,So]icitor:. Eateries, kc. Humv Life Building (formvrly FI-r-eâ€" huld Loan Bldg-(.3, 00:. Adelaide v35 Victoria Sts.. Tm-nntn. LIBERAL Office. Richmond Hill on Saturdays. Barristers, Solicitors. etc. TOR-ONTO OFFICE: N0. 33 Ril'h- Hint“. Mr. Cook will he at, Maple 011 Thursday afternoon of each week. I; H Lindseyfi C ‘G F Lawmth Riduut Wadsworth ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, 1314(9)}11N DIIIJLS HUSH COURT OF jUSTXCE,&c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST GFFIUE. LENNOX & MORGAN. 3A8. N EVVTON 1n Eul‘I-isn-rs and saliclwrs. Money to loan on land and chattel mortgages at lowesn rams Aurora. officeâ€"Removed to the old post 01110.: one (1001' west of the entrance to tho Outarm Bunk Newmurket olficeâ€"Three doors south of the Licensed Auctionoer for (he County of York Goods sold on conuignment General salee 01 Mac etc uromptly attended m at reasonable hues Residence Uninnville G R Guuldmg, Newton Brook. agent for tho G R abs» 0 J T Suigenn. J K N MApIe We: Szligcou (é: Mcflwon. mum] St. \\'ost.\\’r~slny Buildings (Methodist Bunk Rumm) To. {In 6! ortakcrs (k Embalm H's, RICHMOND Hill & THORNHIIL Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. SMes Ltbended (In on sho‘rtc‘a! notiround a. res.- sonzblorm‘ea Pmt‘inhngesrdic‘ited Lineups Auctioneer for theCounty of York, re- spectfully snlicifs your patronage and frienle influence salsa attl-uded on tha sLortest. notice and at reasonaberates. P.0.m1uress 'Ki'n‘a Licensed Anctionanfor the Counties of York and Ontm-xo All sales nf'fm'mv stock. &0, nt- tended m on the shortest not-ice nud removable mtm. Mortgage and haimf sales attended to. Rn9i~!om‘e Stoufiville Ont Lindsey. Lawrence & W ad worth, MONEY TO‘ LOAN AT 57;. A large {~1an of Funeral Fm kept at hoth places. RICHARDSON HOUSE COOK & JOHNSTON AIMEE, HOUSE R'Luflfi/EO N D HILL, '11 5.", $3353 BfrkPIJE. HOROUGHLY REFITTED. VVRIGET BROS, A RY PUBLIC, C. 5.3 WAGE OOHHISSIUNEB KN THE D. G. 81.0ETill, *0 thousand :um prnperty. Apply at f. THE LIBE Z23. émzaem 13mm. N. I}. Smiih, '0 mar modutir £11 Pa outwit-<9. nd dnilars to loan at a. mtmes't on firstâ€"mort~ Phone Main 2984 inconuec GU PERKDAY J K MrEwen. \Vustou RAL OFFICE. Axe H! Yr?! 9 funnel-g going Eleccnc cars on nishings Mr. J. C. Stokvs of King, an ox- ' \Vuvden of the. County, was Inst, Wka solvcted Kropm' uf the industriul‘ Hume m'nr Nuwnnn-kct. Mrs. Stukos was :Ippnintvd Matron. The York County Cnnnnissiunvrs lust. Week Wore quite within lhvir rights when they reported m the enuncil that “Having lean-de that I prucrodings wore being flak-“n hy tht- 'Uiby of TOWN/o towards inning certain changes made in the pusztiun (if the city tenninui of the Monapnl- itzui Railway and (‘mi-siderin ; that this was a. matter in which the county was vitally interested, we have instructed our snli‘vitor to insist, on ihuvunnty being rupi'e-sented in any negotiations manning-g such matter.” The road bvtwm-n Ilumh -r and Snnnyside was shrm‘n tn his in u imd condition, and :1 writ; “as threntom-(i Tux-unto for not, keeping that mud in proper pruir2 n .3 _.t.- -nnné “mint. Pro 11) I. up . . ‘ . l A gnml deal of tinw was spent relat- ive to alleged grievances of pntmns of tht‘ varnpulitnn Railway. Anu'nng ‘ the grim‘unbes were that, the 110w (:m-s \\'t‘1‘e taken) oil“; that [The old cars were not m-upm-ly hr‘att'd : that; punt-s ()1 glass wm-e hrukvn in the cars and nut replaced; and that the steam engine had hc-vn alluwed to stand on Yonge stwet at the junction of the Schum- hm'g line. thereby frlghteuing horses. Many uf the Councillors spake very plainly. Cnuncillur Evans made thv- remark that formerly he thought that the men at. the huzld of suburban roads were clevvr, but he had com? to \he conclusion that they won- lnnntics. Instead of ujying to panSH their patrons and ’mnko frivnds n‘f than, | they gnnerully (llll Hn- nppusite. A ‘ L‘ r . n 1 nth“ mug. 7 I. Mr. MOyE‘S, mzmngt-r of the Mott-(r- pnlitzm, was heard. He (h-chuw-d that the m'w cars were taken “if tum-01y tn ‘ instul m-w hunters in them. The 01-- dvr, said he. hm] hen-n givpn three months ago, but why!) tho parts came three \VPl'ksflgn it. was fnund a, mis- take had been mudcx The new ('nrs would lw put, on us smm as tho heaLH-s were in. MI . Mnyvs ttlniuwd that (Avery nlll cm- had a stow. and every stow) had a fire. Regarding the up gine nn \Cnnge strm-t Mr. Moyvs knew nothing “fit, but he Would so? that it be kept off. MT. L‘muly intrnduvvd u resulutinn rplntivp tn 3. tvlephtme system along the line. . «u w .. Before x'losmg the sinn nn Saturday. rented into :1 police A jnviul crowd (1-fynung lndivs and gcntlemeu draw» down fuun King Inst '1‘ ursdny evening and bud a plar-nsanc S'urprisa Party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. VV. R. Line. ‘ The guests \VPI'L‘ Mls. Gordon and Frank Gordon, Mr. R. Archibald. Miss L. Kitchen. MI.R.B:|H. Miss B.Bi'uwn, Mr. O. McBl-idv, Miss I. Atkinson, Mr. 0. Kerr, Miss A. B2111, Mr. A. Atkin- son. Miss L. Kennedy. Miss E. Archi- bald. Miss E. Folliwtt, Miss Maggie Al‘t'vhin'mld, Miss M. Snider. Mis- Lydia .and Miss Minnie Lino. Mr. B. Aims: worth. and Mush-1' \V. Campbell. They all spvnt a. pleasant evening and had an interesting: prugrumme. (tunsisting of music, singing, g-uuz‘s and (Mu-r illlllls‘f‘lllPllt‘L Tho happy i visitors Look flw‘.) departure fux- home .th the hour of 2. u. m. flnly 1111139 cases came up for hoar- mg at D|\'\sh|h Court Saturday, buiure uctmg Judge Baird. Mills vs. Deanâ€"Claim fol-V wages. $66.50. Defendant had paid mtncmnt $56.25 and costs, but. this I'llnlnlifl' \vnuld nut; accept“ .llulguwnb fur amount paid in. lvsa all cnsts and wit- ness fees to be paid by plnllllilf. Sliuoy \‘s. 1N0 *defcIn-e mnuunt and -( The illustmm of Our Saviour and [here was : lime-light Vie“ included SOC-J and Switzm hymns, “ Len of Ages,” " ’1‘ and Switzm-lund. hymns, “ Lend Ki: of Ages,” " The. Ni “' “'here is M y BL very impr SiiVB. - Rogers, contribute with guitar ilCCOll‘I‘ Theâ€"men] bath school Surprise Party at Magic. Division Court "C 'SIS 13}th ,hc Bxuvty and NinP," and fly Buy CCU-Night,” wme sive. ~ The 19('Llll'i’l’. Mr. ‘ributed a number of $0105 tccmnpnniment. 913 of the Methodist issz- He making arrangements (21’ young Indies and down funm King Inst :1 and had a ph-nsant LIL the home of Mr. [Heyâ€"Nun: fm J udguwnt for wmk of the sus- Schnmbe‘l'g was “Huge. Ilumh -1‘ and 11m in a had as threutom-d that mud in |im wk nd, Ital llustmte Christnms evening. All of flu» now finnks pm'chnsvd for the public library are nmv ready for circulatth . Mr. S. Miller of Shm-wpnd. was ac- Mr. S. Miller hf Sh(‘l'\V(\nd. was ac- t-idvnlly shot in th‘ foot by his brother James, while out hunting. \‘Ve :u-o pleased to scan: that all of thv typhnid fever pulipnls in this 10- cnlity are m'ugl-ossing favorably. Mix:A Lois Luve nf Aurora. visited nverSunduy at the hume of Mr. A. MM Lois ane of Aurora. visited nvertfiunduy at the hume of Mr. A. Travis. Miss. Funny Buwus (If Thornhill, visâ€" iIt-d WAN .)L| I'é‘. hous- Chicago 2X00! mum A quivt \vodding tnnk place at tl.e lmmv of Mr..lnn..lnliun on the (lib (son. of Vaughan, nn \‘Vt'KlllPSdily at 4 p. nu. Nm‘. 2'5, 1.963. The contrasting pal-ti s were Mr. \Villn‘ A. thmer (If Edgvly and Miss Susanna. Julian of Vellore. :11: Nelsun Slmnk of Slwrwood. WHS best man and Miss Alice Jnlinn assist- ed [he bride. Mrs. Mary Hilty (If Sherwood presidé'd at the organ, and liev. J. K. Hiltv. pnstfll' of the Zion Lutheran church, pronounqu the mud that made them one. The whole affair masks-pl; s!) ivtly private on ac- (zuunt (If the grmnn‘s father. Alfred L:ilunc1‘ lying in the \Vestvrn Hospit- a), 'l'm'unm. undergoing a sivge of ty- pbnid fvvvr. A number of costly pre sents were given. and a. br-‘mtmms dinnwwus served in Mi'sJulian's in- 1111':(-nl\\':1y. Thu sum!- evening th newly Weddvd (-nuple hogan lmu ekvep- ing in the ulrmnly furnished hnmv,pur- vhaswl some time agu fl'nlll Mr..'~\rtl1ur )icNuil. \Vl‘n'I'Q thvy are at hunn: te their many friends. TA X ON “A l LW'AYS. H. J. Petryp‘ece. M.P.P. for East, Lamhtnn. whu is mhncating a change in the law (If this Province whereby the {a}: on railways will 1» equal to [hush rm the farm. in writing The Sun regarding lhe amendment secured at Ottawa last sessiuu says: “Thenwch dresirrcl ammulnmnts to the Railway Art which wuro p: Pd at, the last sa-‘SSioll (if the Duuumon Parliament are in a gN-al ex‘u-nt the result. uf lhe uhlu maunm- in which The \Vcekly Sun knpt, up thv agitalion in their uppui-t. I have found in The. Sun my growth-st snppm-t. In (-vm'y pussihle way it has hmught this question of equal taxation of €319 railways to the. ‘ at‘wmiun uf the punpl», and has thus aruused lhmn m the importance of the uH-asnro tn surh an extent, that sooner ur latm‘ it must, find a place on the SlatutcBunks hf the Province. For this alarm Tho Sm: (ll-aet‘ves'the hearty suppnl‘t n‘f the farnwrs of Ontario.” 'l‘lu- readers nt'The \Veekly Sun each \vw-k receive the latest and most ac- curate market rupm-ts. These are \"Hli’il many tinu-s the suhscripciou price tn up-u.â€"dal9 ir'aruwrs. Every feruwr in this disiâ€"icirl s‘imuld talw THE LIBERAL and at the salnv time sub- 511'le l‘nr Thi- “'vt'kly Sun, the farm- vrs' hmiw-ss papvr. The price fur J. story by Edith Elme-r V Fix-st Licâ€"xrtpnant‘s Chri mwthvl“ of the Picnrm-ns Mystery of the Hnmnm _ Gellvft Burgess and Will 9 Don Q.Pluyvd n Three-(30‘ g by K. and Ht sleuth Prich 9' Inst but, one installment ( M(nrgunâ€"Buct-aneer. by ‘ Y s‘und Bradv. Two short = u M ( n rgu n )7 Send B1 ,d bv Mr. with fl-itinas hm'e last week. TEDâ€"FAIK'HhUL PERSONS TO CALL .‘rul truths and agents fur umuufnctur-ug haviqu we‘d outahiisha.) busing»; )ncn‘ my; straight muorv «:20 [mill weekay and e m may advanced; prevmua exueru nce 'UaSlly; p;.s.;iuu ‘fiermnueut; business >sfu|. I‘juf‘lnse so r-n-h‘u-essze‘l euve ope. nwn‘eub L‘mvelers 605 gluuun 31613.. k '2' 42 é'l‘ll “(N torvsting f( pages comp lust-rations Prices‘are proving here, very pleas amt to take. Atkinson & Switzer. Lahmerâ€"Julian. u-lr ()lm‘dy 1w Asp mcdy and 1 v AspecLs J Season. Ti by Edith 1 Licâ€"xrtemant Pluyvd n 'l‘ln'ee-Curlwred Game, and Hcslwth Prichnrd. and the IL our installment of Sir Henry nâ€"Bncmneer. by Cyrus Town- irady. Two short poems, Slwp . A. Eastman Elwin. and Lie lu- Ours and Rest Awhilv, by is H. Umndull, and the usual in- ng features of the Home Notes complete the number. The il- Lions are numerous and good. L I’EhSUNS '1‘!) (MIL atw ud Elmer \‘x’onq â€" The Us Christmas TrPe ; (‘nrm-ns storiesâ€"â€" The Hammnm Baths, by ml Will Irwin :7 How Am u‘} “he Ll) nt ‘ Gnmxd ful' ICnit ed States I] Svttlmnont, ; The Auto- :nlizm Kang- m. and Mod- ; Atmosphere Plvst-nt Dra- ; The Auto- Possibilities The Alaska GM ude for 'n ited States -; Part I.. Ly Hem-y )z-ngressâ€" - \‘(rungvl' ‘uul'sun's hich its 0 it, 3'01- ihe Mr. "So uniformly successful has Dr. Pieree's Favorite Prescription proven in all forms of Female Weakness, Prolapsns, or Falling of Womb. and Leueon'hea, that. after over a third of a century’s experience in eurin the worst eases of these distressing an debilitating ailments, Dr. Pierce now feel. fully warranted in offering to pay $500 in cash {or any case of these diseases which he cannot cure. nu A n“-_-_2l- Y)“, “C C(ILIIAUL yulw- h- STANDS ALONE-The "Favorite Pro- scription" stands alone, as ‘the one and only remedy for these distressingly com- mon forms of weakness, possesse of such positively specific curative properties as to warrant its makers in roposiiig, and binding themselves to for eit, as we, the undersigned proprietors of that wonderful remedy hereby do, to ay the sum of $500 in legal money of the nited States in any case of the above diseases in which after a fair and reasonable trial of our treatment, we fail to cure. No other medicine for the cure of woman’s peculiar ailments is backed by such afemerkable guarantee; , #4...- .u- :. «an, I Received wno onmmr as cumm- fi-iEEHEST £15 11m: $9 For other pzu-ti A Fresh Milch Cow wit s‘de, on lot 1 con. 2. King JAMES EEI (‘nsnfial [Lest Tho a-nanufnctm-ing of Precis- iI-n \VaLchvs requires accurate fitting and adjusting uf many delicate parts. This costs (:(m- sidemhle more than the aver- age \mtuh. but; it pays to pay Hw (“Warp-nae in the price. One of Lhefineadjusted move- ments I Suld vuriud only 53 seconds in six months. Persons carrying such watch- es would not part, with thmn for the price tln-y paid, even after several 5’ea1‘s"\\'ear. This Place is Buyers. JERRY SMETH ived in Snvings’ Bunk Depart- luvllt and interest allowednt (‘fif Can ada UCUMON D H ILL Sfll‘)‘ F (u l‘ Practical recaswn Watch SALE DEPOSITS Lonuvfl on 5.35%? VV (m (161 SIM“ Rellnble to Watch- thdx-aw U 3‘: iii: Wamlmaker us call at the B' Risks WILL. hum 1nd 31,900,000 925,000 1| Farmers” “1!; Note Ht h calf by her AGENT AQLRBSE noce Lble mTrw‘: Mi an M

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