chunged. _The Butter ‘Market is quiet, with >3 fair local demand. The stocks of butter being held in the city at meson/t, are very light for this time of yceux. Western rolls in pack- ages of about 30 pounds 501] at 18c. Poultry issstill scarce, and the do- Montreal, Dec. 1.â€"Munitoba wheat is steady at 79c for No. 1 Northern, Fort, William. The local demand for bats is slow, and there is none at all for other grains, so that quotaâ€" tipns are nominal. The Cheese Mar- kafn continues dull and prices unâ€" changed. _The Butter ‘Market is THE DAIRY MARKETS . Butterâ€"Trade con‘tinucs fairly good, but the supplies of choice qual- ities are limited. Prices generally are ï¬rm. We quote'â€" Finest 1â€"H). rolls, 19 to 20¢; choice large rolls, 16 to 1743c; selected, dairy tubs, 17 to 1743c; secondary grades, 13 to 14c; Creamery prints, 22 to 23c; solâ€" ids, 19 to 200. v Cheeseâ€"Market quiet but steady. We quote.â€" Finest, 11 to life, the latter for twins; seconds, 10% to lOic. Dressed hogs are unchanged, with bflerings liberal. Sales at $6 deliv- ered here. Cured meats unchalged, with a. fair demand. “la-quote:â€" Bncon, long clear, 10c in ton and case lots. Mess pork, $17; (10., short cut, 519 to $19.50. Smoked meatsâ€"Hams, light to me- dium, 13 to 1315c; do,, heavy, 12 to 12gc; rolls, 10% to 11c; shoulders, 94} to 10%c; backs, 14 to 15c; break- fast bacon, 14 to 145C. Bï¬c; tubs 8to 9c Eggsâ€"Market, ï¬rm. We quote:â€" Strictly new laid, 24 to 25c; fresh store gathered, 21c; cold storage, 190; limed, 18c. Lardâ€"The market is quiet, with pyices istegdy. We quote:â€" Ticl'ces, Potatoesâ€"The market is 'o. trifle ï¬rmer, with receipts light. Cars on track are quoted at 58 to 600 per bag fpr good quality. Poultryâ€"The demand is fair, and offerings moderate. Turkeys are quoted at 10 to 120 per 1b., and geese at 7 to 80 per 11).; ducks, 9 to 10¢ per 113., or 85 to 90c per pair. Chickens, 8:} to 9c per 11)., or 70 to 850 per pair; old hens, 50c per pair. Hayâ€"Demand is fair, with receipts only moderate. No. 1 (imothy quo- ted at $9.50 on track, Toronto, and mixed at $6.50 to $7. Strawâ€"The market is quiet at $5 per ton {or our lots on track. prices steady. Winter fruit quoted at 81.75 to $2 per bbl. in car lots, and at $2 to $2.50 in small quantities. Beansâ€"There is a quiet trade, with prices steady. Prime beans are quoâ€" ted at $1.65 to $1.70 per bush. Dried Applesâ€"The deinand is fair, with prices unchanged at 4'} to 50 per I’D. Flourâ€"Ninety per éent. patents are steady at $3.05 middle freights, in buyel‘s’ sacks, for export. Straight rollers of special brands, for domes- tic trade, quoted at $3.40 to $3.50 in bbls. Manitoba flours are steady; No. 1 patents, $4.55 to $4.60; NQ. 2 patents, $4.25 to $430. and strong bakers’, $4.15 to $4.20 on track, Toronto. Millfccdâ€"Brun steady at $16.50 and shorts at $18.50 here. At out- side points bran is quoted at $13.50 to $14, and shorts at $17.50. Mani- toba. bran in sacks, $18, and shorts at $20 here. Hopsâ€"The market is ï¬rm at 29 to 80c. Honeyâ€"The market is quiet at 6 to 75 per II). for bulk, and at $1.25 to $2 {or comb. Choice clover honey, 7 to 7§c per Ib. Buckwheatâ€"The market is ï¬rm, with fair demand. No. 2 quoted at 42 to 48¢ middle Heights. Cornâ€"Tho market, is quiet, and prices steady. No. 2 yellow Ameriâ€" can quoted at 5343c, on track, Toâ€" ronto; No. 8 yellow at 53c, and No. 8 mixed at 52c, Toronto. REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES. Barleyâ€"The market is dull, with the prices steady. No. 2 quoted at 43c middle ireights. No. 3 extra. at 40c, and No. 3 at 38 to 39¢ middle freights. Ryeâ€"The market is quiet, with prices steady. Cars are quoted at 52 to 52§c middle freights. Peasâ€"Trade is dull, and prices un- changed. No. 2 White sold at 61c middle heights, and at 62c east. THE WORLD’S MARKETS Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese, and Other Dairy Produce at Home and. Abroad. {Maplesâ€"The market is quiet, with BUSINESS COUNTRY PRODUCE steady. Winter fruit: quoted at to per bbl. in car lots, and HOG PRODUCTS AT MONTREAL pails, 9c; compound mand continues good. Grainâ€"Peas, 714} to 72c afloat here; rye, 53c east. and 58c afloat here; buckwheat, 52c afloat; No. 2 cats, 35-} to 35¢}c in store, 34c afloat; No.8, 1c less; flax- seed, $1.15 on track here; No. 8 bar- ley, 50c. Flourâ€"Manitoba patents, $4.60; seconds, $4.30; strong bak- ers’, $4.05 to $4.30; Ontario straight rollers, $3.90 to $4; in bags, $1.85 to $1.95; patents. $4 to $4.25; ex- tra, $1.65 to $1.70; rolled oats, $1.- 80 per bag, $3.80 per bbl. Feed-â€" Ontario bran, in bulk, $17.50 to $18.50; shorts, $20 to $21; Muni- toba. bran, in bags, $18; shorts, $20; beans. choice primes, $1.50 to $1.55 per bush., $1.40 to $1.50 in car lots. Provisionsâ€"Heavy Canadian short cut pork, $19.50 to $20; light. short cut, 818 to $18.50; American Trade in sheep and lambs was brisk, and prlres were ï¬rm. We quote â€"Export ewes, $3.25 to $3.40; ex- port bucks. $2.50 to $2.75; lambs, $3.75 to $4.25 per cwt., and culls. $2 to $3 each.†Calves sold alt-$2 to $10 each, and 34} to 53¢ per lb. Milch cows were ï¬rm at $30 to $71 each. The latter ï¬gure Was paid by J. Armstrong for an extra ï¬ne cow The feature of the market for feed- ers and stockcrs was the brisk deâ€" mand for the best descriptions. Quo- tations follow :â€"Hca\'y feeders, 1,200 to 1.300 lbs, $4 to $4.25; feeders, 950 to 1,100 lbs, $3.50 to S4; feedâ€" ers, 800 to 950 lbs, $3.25 to $3.50; stockers, 600 to 800 lbs, $2.50 to $3; stock calves, 400 lbs up, $2.25 per cwt. Hogs were unchanged, but the prospects were that prices would go lower. We quote :â€"~Se]ects, 160 to 200 lbs. of prime bacon quality, $3.25 to $3.50, and stags $2 to $3 per cwt. be resumed. During the De Lesscps regime many portable houses were reâ€" quired for the ofï¬cers and men on the different sections. These are re- ported to be in ruins, and Canada is being appealed to for new houses to take the place of the old ones. The accommodation required is for some thnty to ï¬fty men in each house. A Victoria, B.C., despatch says: The speech from the throne at, the opening of the British Columbia Leg- islature on Thursday afternoon re- commended the pushing forWard of an all-Canadian railway from some point on the British Columbia coast. to the Yukon, this stop being- due to the adverse decision on the Ainsl-za Trade in export cows was steady on light xeceipts, while common to fair butchers' were not very plentiful and consequently were all sold our 1y. We quote zâ€"Expmt cows, 1,200 to 1,300 lbs, $13.12* to $3.60; cows. 800 to 1,100 lbs. $2.40 to $3.10: rough cows, $1.75 up. Toronto, Dec. 1.â€"Busincss in but- chers’, exporters’ and short-keep feeders was blisk at the Western Market to-day, and Values were highâ€" er than before. Sheep and lambs were in good demand, and although the oflerings were free all were sold cally. Hogs were weak in price. with a lower tendency. Butchels' cattle continued to sell readily and prices held strong. Sevâ€" eval choice loads were sold at $4.25 per cwt. Quotations were as folâ€" lowszâ€"Choire butchers’. 1.000 to 1,100 lbs., $4 to $4.2-*; good loads, 950 to 1,050 lbs, $3.50 to $3.75,- fair and medium loads, $3.26 to $3.â€" 50; common, $2.75 to $3; rough and inferior, $2 to $2.50; canners, $1.75 to $2 per cwt. AN ALL-CANADI AN RAILWAY WANT PORTABLE HOUSES. Panama Firm Expects to Get Them in Canada. Duluth, Dec. 1.â€"Wheatâ€"To arrive â€"No. 1 hard, 7910; No. 1 Northern, 77%c; No. 2 Northern, 75§C; Decemâ€" ber, 77Ec; May, 79c. Buffalo, Dec. 1.â€"â€"F]our-â€"Steady. Wheatâ€"Unsettled; No. 1 Northern, 85%0; Winter, ofl'crings light; No. 2 red 86c. Cornâ€"Quiet; No. 2 yellow, 52-}c; No. 2 corn 50in Oazsâ€"No; thing doing. Barleyâ€"52 to 63c. Rye â€"-No. 1 in store, 59c. Minneapolis, Dec. 1.â€"Wheatâ€"â€"Deâ€" cember, 782C; May, 80c; on track, No. 1 hard, Slic; No. 1 Northern, 8025c; No. 2 Northern, 78?,0; No. 3 Northern, 73 to 75ic. Flourâ€"First patents, $4.65 to $4.75; second, do., $4.55 to $4.65; ï¬rst clears, $3.40; second, (10., $2.30 to $2.40. Branâ€" In bulk, $13.25. short cut pork, $19.50 to $20; light, short. cut, 818 to $18.50; American short, cut, clear, $17 to $17.50; Am- erican {at hacks, $18 to $18.50; compound lard, 8c; Canadian lard. 8 to 85¢; kettle rendered, 10§c; lmms, 11; to 13c; bacon, 14c; fresh killed abattoir hogs, $7.25; country dressâ€" ed hogs, $6.50; live hogs. $5. Eggs â€"Candled selected, 24 to 25c; straight receipts, 21c; Montreal lim- ed, 190. Cheeseâ€"Ontario, 10 to 11¢; Townships, 10% to 108C; Quebec, 95c. Butterâ€"Townships creamery, 214- to 214M; Quebec, 20; to 210; Western dairy, 15 to 17c; Western rolls, 17 to 18c. Lturc on Thursday .- mnended the pushin; all-Canadian railway nt on the British C01 the Yukon, this step i adverse decision on UNITED STATES MARKETS LIVE STOCK MA RKETS. Government Favors a Line to the Yukon. Secured From Merchants and Tested in the Seed Labora- tory, Ottawa. The continued investigation into the conditions under which agricul- tural seeds are sold in Canada has been given a rather extensive scope during 1903. Tie report of the Work done by the Seed Division dur- ing 1002 was published in Bulletin. No. 8. In the spring of the cur- rent year, one thousand one hundred and twelve samples of grass, clover, flax, cereal, root crop and garden Vegetables seeds Were secured from merchants in all parts of Canada and tested in the Seed Laboratory, Ottawa. In addition to these, one hundred and twentyâ€"ï¬ve samples of grass and clover seeds were analysed for farmers and seed merchants. With each sample obtained for in- vestigation, information was en- closed giving the name of the dealer and the place where it was sold, the price per pound or per bushel ’aud the origin of the seed. In this con- nection it is interesting to note that the prices paid by farmers for grass and clover seeds were no guide to the actual value of the samples. The average prices per one hundred pounds of Timothy, Alsike, and Red Clover seeds. as shown by the in- formation cards received with the samples, have been calculated, and the results are somewhat surprising. If these are to be taken as a fair average, we ï¬nd that in Ontario. ï¬rst grade Timothy Sold for $5.89 per hundred; second grade for 86.24 and lower grades for $5.52. In Queâ€" bec ï¬rst grade Red Clover averaged $15.50; second grade $12.55, and lower grades $15.15. In the Mari- time 'Provinces Als-ike of the best grade sold for an average of $17.00; Second grade $16.50, and lower grades $16.45 per hundred pounds. IN THOSE CALCULATIONS the nature of the impurities contain- ed in the samples was, of course, not taken into consideration. Samples containing- 90 per cent. or over of good seed were rated as ï¬rst grade; samples containing between 80 and 90 per cent as second grade; and samples containing less than 80 per cent as low grade. It may be pointed out that no sample of Alsike containing 90 per cent or over of pure and germinable seed was ob- tained in the province of Qubec. ' Seven samples of Alsike and four- teen of Red Clover seeds were ob- tained from retail seedsmen in Great Britain. Of these, three of Alsike and ï¬ve of Red Clover were said to be Canadian grown. The analyses cf the Canadian Alsike showed an average of 95.6 per cent of pure and germiLable seeds. The average of the thzee samples of Alsike which were said to be English grown was 94.27 per cent, and the one German grown sample inL-luded in the lot contained 84.72 per cent of pure and germinable seeds. The latter sample contained thirteen species of foreign seeds. The average purity of the fourâ€" 1een $211111?le of Red Clover seeds in Great llitain was 98.6 and the a‘crage germination 92.3 per cent. The Canadian grown samples were slightly lower in per cent of purity than those which were said to have been grown in England and Chile. The average per cent. of purity of the ï¬ve Canadian grown samples was 96.7 and the average per cent. of vitality 98.6. Comparing the quality of the Can- adian grown seed obtained from re- tail dealers in Great Britain with that of the samples purchased from retail dealers in Canada. it would seem that much of our best reslean- ed Alsike and Red Clover seed is exported. While it is desirable that ihe reputation of Canadian grown seeds be maintained in European markets, it is no less important that Canadian farmers should not. be further contaminath by the Weed seeds remaining in the screenings and lower grades of seeds which are ten Two hundred and six samples of Red Clover were obtained from small dealers and of these eighty samples contained 90 per cent or over of pure and germinal‘le seed. Sixty- ï¬x'e of them contained fewer than 1,000 Weed seeds per pound, one hun- dred and twenty-ï¬ve contain fewer than 5,000, and forty-four contained more than 10,000. ' It is well to note that a large proportion of those samples obtainâ€" ed for investigation were purchased from irresponsible dealers in villages and small towns. The reliable seed houses retail large quantities of high class seeds, but a. comparatively small number of samples were ob- tained direct from these large ï¬rms. The percentage of samples of good quality would have been much great or if this had been done. SEEDS FROM GREAT BRITAIN. Two hundred and six samples of Timothy seed were analysed and of these eighty-four contained 90 per cent or over of pure and germinâ€" uble seeds. Seventyâ€"two of those samples contained fewer than 1,000 weed seeds per 1b., one hundred and sixty-two contained fewer than 5,000, and sixteen contained more than 10,000. over of pure and germinuble seed. Eighteen of them contained fewer than 1,000 weed seeds per pound; sixty-seven contained fewer than 5,000, and twentyâ€"two contained more than 10.000. Out of one hundred and thirtyâ€"six samples of Alsike that were analysed only six contained 90 per cent or over of pure and germinable seed. INVESTIGATION OF SEED FOR 1903. RESULTS ARE SURPRISING A St. Petersburg despatch says: The survey has been completed for a. railroad from, Kiakhta, Siberia, to Pekin, by way of Ougou. The length of the road will be about 1,000 miles. It will give a short cut to the Chinese capital. locate :rumiing wild in the woods The police of Fort William were telegraphed for, and went, out, but returned without doing anything to them, and they were left without clotting in zero weather. Searching parties from the camps were deâ€" spatched, and one of the men found badly frozen but still alive. Though in a terrible condition, and his clothâ€" ing nearly all gone, he was brought to Fort William, and taken to the hospital, where it was ascertained his named was Burns. But slight hopes are entertained for his recov- ery. The other man was found on Wednesday afternoon in the wood, dead. They had apparently lost their way, and through cold and hunger, their minds became unbal- anced, though when found they were within a. few miles of civilization. The dead man has not yet been iden- tiï¬ed. Wm. Burns, who was rescu- ed, came from Newcastle, Ont. An Ottawa. desputch says: The Inland Revenue Department has recâ€" ently concluded the analysis of whis- kies and brandies sold throughout. Canada, and the examination failed to Show the presence of any poison- ous adultcration. The analysists looked especially for alkaloids like morphine and quinine, but have not found that they are used in the li- quors either of domestic manufac- ture or imported from abroad that are consumed in this country. In the collection of samples the departâ€" ment ofï¬cials were instructed to he sure and take those of which they had any suspicion. So the tests in- clude practically all the brands whOSu quality might be questioned. Larvae Covered Rails and Clogged Engine’s Wheels. A Sydney despatch says: The mail train from the Southern States arrived here the other day an hour late. This delay was due to a. most extraordinary cause. It appears that in several perts of New South Wales the caterpillars this year have fourid such an abundance of foo-d that they have multiplied to an alarming extent, and assumed the proportions of a. plague. Part of the line over which the mail train passed was cov- ered with caterpillars, particularly near Cootamundra. At this point the Wheels of the engine and train became absolutely clogged with the crushed bodies of the larvae, and the train came to a standstill. Though the locomotive's sandingâ€"gear was in good order, it was found to be enâ€" tirely inadequate to counteract the effect caused by this strange obstrucâ€" tion, and the driver, as a. last re- source, tied some sacking on to the cowcatcher, and after several eï¬orts succeeded in starting the train. For the rest of the journey this device cleared the track of caterpillars as the train proceeded. All Toilet Articles Containing Lard is Forbiddenl A London despatch says: The Sul- tan of Turkey recently instituted a reform which was not prompted by the Austro-Russian scheme. It car- ried dismay to the hearts of the beauty experts of Constantinople. Abdul Hamid, on learning that a great majority of cosmetics and pom- ades were mixed with pork and lard, immediately put the royal prohibi- tion upon the sale of such impurity, and invoked the command of the Koran, bidding the faithful to 8.1)- jure all things appertaining to the pig. The manufacturers of soap and other toilet articles were notiï¬ed that only such as were exempt from all suspicion would be acceptable. Small merchants trading with other countries are buying up all the exist- ing stocks in Turkey at cheap pric- es. ‘Englishmen Became Demented by ‘ Cold and Hunger. 'A' Port Arthur, Ont., despatch ‘says :â€"â€"A frightful story comes from ‘Kaministiqne, a. station 20 miles west of here on the C. P. R. Four Englishmen arrived there Thursday and started to walk to the camp of Kelly and Close, some 12 miles distant, Where they were to get em- ployment. Two of the men. for some reason. returned and took the train to Fort William, the other two had dinner at Charles Greer's cmnp, some four miles en route to Kelly and Close's. They left there on their way, but never reached their destination. Sunday some men in the employ of Charles Greer, while teaming between the camp and Kam- lnisthue, saw two men in the bush. They were without shoes and appar- ently demented. Their clothing was torn, and when discovered they yell- ed like Indians, and made 01] into the Woods. Analysis of Canada’s Brandies and Whiskies. Russians Have Completed Survey of the Line. STOPPED BY CATERPILLARS MEN RAN WILD IN WOODS. SULTAN’S BAN 0N SOAP. RAILWAY T0 PEKIN N O ADULTERATl-ON. Thirteen Hundred Persons Have Typhoid. A Butler, 1911., despatch says: Since the 15th of September this town has had over 1,300 cases of typhoid and ï¬fteen deaths. One death Was re- ported on Saturday. and new cases continue to develop. The State Board of Health have issued a state- ment, in which they say the cause is the pollution of the drinkingr Water used in the greater part of the bor- ough. In response to appeals doc- tors and nurses are arriving on every train, but domestic help to wash the clothes and bedding oi the patients is as badly needed as nurses. Three deaths occurred on Sunday from fever. the store of E. D. Weber, day. Mr, Weber. with so 01's, was removing the gas 1 his cellar to a storehouse ii and in disconnecting brought a, lamp too clcse. plosion at once followed. or, Mr. J. Tilley, and Mr 615, to Secure CXiStil.g debts, and 142, valued at $1,099,158, for future endorsation, whereas smen years ago 21,789 mortgages were register- ed. The number of chattel mort- gages issued against lm'mers last year was 7,235, the smallest in ten years. The aggregate of these mort- gages was $2,850. In 1895 the mortgages were 12,288, over 5,000 more than last year and represented $3,767,646. The total values of farm property in 1902 were :â€" F. X. Guertin, an Ottawa. Woods« man, Mssing. An Ottawa. despatch says: The inference drawn from a letter receiw ed in the city on Thursday is that F. X. Guertin of Ottawa, the woods- man who disappeared from a, camp above Muttawa some weeks ago, has met a. terrible death. The letter was received by Mr. P. Mullin from his brother-inâ€"Iaw, Wm. Burns, who was employed in the same camp as Guertin. Burns and Guertin were members of a. gang engaged by Fras- er & Co. to work on one of their camps during the winter. Guertin had strange hallucinations and one night he left the camp, presumably to return to his home in Ottawa. He was not seen afterwards, and as he did not arrive at his home a. search was made for him. Burns stated in the' letter that in company with two Indians he searched the country about the camp for a. couple of weeks, but no traces of Guertin could be had. The Indians, who were well acguainted with the country, express- ed the belief that Guertin had been run down and devoured by Wolves that overrun the district. list of accic gas has incr the store of The (‘OH Total ..................... $1,044,894,332 The number 0! cheese factories was 1,127, a. dccreme of 50, and they manufactured cheese to the value of $14,792,924 and paid to patrons for milk $13,153,255. Farm values and rentals in Ontar- io were zâ€"Awragc value of land per acre, $25.49, and average holdings of improvements and live stock in pro- portion to acres cleared, $32.43. The average rental for cleared land was $2.47 per acre. The iota] value of live stock sold in 1902 was $53,083,396. Finlander Dies of Wound Received at Michel, 8.0. A Fernie, B.C., despatch says: Johnson, a Finlander, died on Monâ€" day from the eï¬cct of a wound re- ceived four Weeks ago in a. drunken ï¬ght at Michel. Edward‘Heriel is held on the charge of murder. John- son’s wound was caused by a stone, evidently thrown with violence, which broke a small hole in the skull above the right eye, exposing the brain. The occasion of the ï¬ght. was a. big spree among a number of Finland- ers, in which deceased did not take a prominent part. A number of in- mates of the house were knocked out, and when the constable visited the place he found evidence of a. genuine drunken ï¬ght in broken bot- tles and unconscious victims lying around. The most injured, however, was the man Johnson. The police secured an anteâ€"morlem statement, ï¬xing the blame upon Edward Heri- e1. 'A Toronto despatch saystâ€"The farmers of Ontario are in an unusual- ly prosperous condition just now, unordng to the annual report 01 the Proxincial Bureau of Industries. The total acreage of assessed was 23,727,010, of which 57.2 cant. was cleared. The total in 190-2 we: Land Buildings .. Ymplements Live Stock The ratios of acres under crop totalled (339.5. MAY BE EATEN BY WOLVES Three men Burned in Store Cella! at Wiarton. Ho Owns Property Worth Ova: $1,000,000,UUO. SPREE ENDS IN MURDER. FARMER IS PROSPEROUS. Wim‘ton dc A STRICKEN TOWN. GAS EXPLODED. \V t" jellts ‘spau thr 4 mortgages reâ€" alued at, $10,890, Stil.g debts, and |99,158, for future 'eas sewn years rton. ‘atch says through a y an expk Weber, on with sever he gas pla house in t? :tim: the $604,860,068 . 237,289,668 . 62,199,787 . 140,544,814 a: The lcntylcne osion in 1 Thurs- ral 0th» mt from Lhe rear, E: land per ll‘tl 'C‘l'l