Clmn (:REAT ma The Domininn Department of Ag- ri ulturc has received communications from British dealers who desire to purchase Canadian poultry. One of the dealer's, Mr. James Bhickbum of Manchester, Enga, is at present in Canada negotiating for the shipment bf p‘oultry. He state's that he would be glad if he received the names of be glad if he received the names of Canadian poultry shippers so that the chickens could be shipped early in December. For four years the Department of Agriculture has eï¬poiï¬ted‘ the chick- ens fatted at the illustration stations to Mr. Blackburn. The dealings have been perfectly satisfactory and the prices obtained for the chickens have been proï¬table. Mr. Black- burn said that he would like to handle 3,000 cases of chickens per "Week. fi’trust-tha: I may ’Wéhts from Canada.†h a‘ The Departmeht has ai'so received a letter from Mr. Wm. Rothwell,Man- Chester, Eng. Mr. Rothwell says :â€" “ There seems to be a very good prospect for all kinds of poultry this Christmas. It {you can give or have any consignments sent me, you can rest assured of the utmost value be- ing ‘olbt’étiï¬ed. Cash and sales sent ‘ilnmen‘iiately goods are disposed of. The Christian Guardian last week referred to the fact that Rev. J. A. Rankin, president of Toronto Con- lerence, in a recent sermon», made a strong plea for consistency in the matter of patronizing newspapers that advertised liquor concerns. Mr. Rankin suggested that Christian subscribers might bring about. a reformation by “stopping their paper," if publishers accepted liquor advertisements. Does Rev. Mr. Rankin mean that those who profess to be Chrisnians should have no business transactions with those con- nected in any way with the liquor trade? When the law of our land ‘allows the manufacture of liquor, it does not seem to us a crime to allow the dealers to advertise where it may be procured. We have heard of hotelrkeepers boycotting their local Storekeepei‘s became the 1latter voted for a temperance measure, and we. have thought it narrow. Such a boycott as the president of the Con- ference suggests wou}d not be likely to have good resuEts. RICHMOND Hum. she ï¬rst time that the townships of Markham, Vaughan, Etohicoke, and Scarboro, with the Villages of Rich- mond ililll, Markham, Weston and \Voodbridgc, have bccn called to; gether to mature plans for voting in an altered riding, it; is very desirable that all formality be suspended, *a‘nd that the- representatives from the various parts of the cemtituency 1"- come Well ziCquainteJ with one another. We are mic that all will be welcomed by our citizens, ir- i'espective of party, and trust; that the Liberals of this village and vi- azinity will be out in goodly numbers. It is to be hoped them will be a urge attendance at the mass meeting :t‘ Centre York Liberzfls to be held in the Masonic Hail this (Thursday) afternoon at two o’clock. As this is the ï¬rst time that the townships of The election in North Renfrew to all the seat‘made meant 'by the death of Mr. J. W. Munroe will be held on Saturday, December '26, mm nom- inations one week earlier. The Lib- eral candidate will be Mr. L. Hale, who was chosen by a representative and enthusiastic convention. The Conservative candidate will be. Mr. ho Mu M AN D FOR POULTRY :- r 1 4‘ Dcccm‘w!‘ 3; thisamenm ii? I‘ i“ h‘a‘ve consign- “’03 ins :1 lnhur szn‘vr; n “6501113510†0! ll. modern ne\v.<p:np t prx-sa which [prints 150.000 (mph-s per hour: an ‘outline of hunk hindmg which tells ‘ hnw l-ouks are smved. case made, and emhnssvd. 'l‘henumlsm-is dressed in l an udmirulnlo culm- cm‘vr. Ii] 21 special i<>uc devoted to “ Mud- E‘I'I) Aids tn Priming." the Scientiï¬c Anwl'icnn pre-Hi-nls tn its I'PHGl‘IS it fund .if infm-lnntiou about an) industry which plays :in impnrtnnt part in the life uflhc l)|‘llI,l9. hut of which little is popularly knuwn. The numher de- scnilws inï¬m cnlm-lnining way the ndmncbs that hnvo liven made in the printng :ut wilhin recent years and strikingly shows the cronnniic signiiicence of the press. Of the more important articles in this issue may he mentinned an instructive interview with Thcudure 1.. DeViune, the must- er pnintcr of AHIPI icn ; an account. nf the influence nflnt-chunicnl typesetting as a luhur suvcr; a description of a. _modern neWspnp t prcss which Last Saturday evening Mr. Garnet Duncan extended an invtation to a numher of his bachelor friends to meet at- his home. to unite with him in wishing prosperity in" Mr. Jocelin McGullum, who will depart shortly for Chicago to engage in other pur- suits. After a pleasant hour spent in anmselncnts of Various kinds the party were imited to proceed to the dining-room where Mus. Duncan, as- sisted by her daughter Laura, and Miss Annie Boyle, had prepared a re- past which could not fail to tickle the palate of the greatest epicure. After all had enjoyed to the full the good things provided, Mr. H. A. Nicholls took the chair and made a way happy and acceptable toastâ€"master. The toasts were so arranged that each mem- ber of the party had some shale in the programme. and so thereby testify to the high esteem in which the guest of the evening was held. The ï¬rst toast "The King †was heartily received hy singing " God Save the King.†“ Our Guest †was responded to in a happy manner by Mr. McCalhnn. “Mone- ta x-yIInstitutions†received faithful supâ€" porters at the hands of Messrs Os- home and A}. Savage. Mr. Henry Marsh upheld the honor of the “ Broth‘ hood of Locomotive Firemen †of Wi'ich he is an esteemed member. "Educational Interests†were ahly looked after by Mr. Shaw, whilst “ lhlmmfacturingr and Mercantile Pur- suits†received hearty support from MessrsJVill Duncan and Albert Glass. “Agricultural Interests †were con- sidered 15y Messrs. M. and A. Boyle to be paramount in the. make-up of this busy world. “The Ladies†had brave champions in the persons of Mt ssrs. H. Sanderson and H. Vander- hurg. “ Our Host" was ahly responded to by Mr. Garnet, Duncan, who inad- vertantly let slip that he was that day one year older. After singing “Anld Lang Syne†a very pleasant evening, which “111 be long remembered by ‘ those present, was brought to a clow. A Parlor Cook or "for sale. Apply at 92.2 THE L] -wmmwmuqqum-dwï¬ Keep the_ bowels 0 en Wath one of Ayer’s Pulls at bedtime, Just one. MODERN AIDS Td PRINTING. THE MARKET LIQUER STï¬ï¬'E 152 KING ST. E., TORONTO. JNO. MATHERS: PROP. 5-1( Our goods are all of the ï¬nest qmdity, and will be sent direct to your home. “’9 keep only the best \VINES & LIQUORS in stock. Order by mail. FOR SALE FAR E \’\' ELL. LIBERAL OFFICE squzm'e heater i N IV; ' Flor-gm Bubgcrltse Now .'. A.j.HUME, HOUSE PAINTER, ' Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. W -, H EWï¬gflN, RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL e Wearers ram Speemc Don‘ tuck fore 20-3 A \vleiLling important as Sve our F1 very lute-st Re‘mvmber w free. Our stock nfSpm-tac Glasses is must, comp Gnld Fine-1 mevs am Glasses at, reasonable prim W. A $3 Good Crown .Ie mpg-:12 Calls from a distance promptly attended to. ccon'l-hand coal oil stove for sale. INK"? -_n . ' Ar“ rnn (l FUR Sï¬LE purchasing ulsewhere FGR Rierchant 7n 3’ u DRUGGIS'I‘ Ema-“Im- lmfl 15.};ng Pairs Tailor :‘nmy InInv our er THE'LIBERAL OFI ICE. ¢.r.,.. T H l; inter m EH; Frame is just mud Lx‘nsu-s. CLIBERAL OFFICE Uï¬l‘é -s< Glussvï¬â€"the Iir pricus. test pl l heater for sale. (CS cause p fur Spin-W yum c and lo. mn VVEEKLY January, m with I (IS been 1n Tun the l\!~‘ g 4.: Stew £11215): (xtv‘subm‘umim ~ *mï¬W ’E, E. haggard? W It makes light the labors of washing. Tums wash day into pI'ay day. Better than any Soap and more? ecamalmï¬â€™azfla Snow wké’n‘o 9591:5353 am) remain? 5! name Geo. Eï¬eï¬améd, Richmmd ers, thereby savmg and allowing us to ma! our Blankets than if b traord’mar You’ll find the pros Mada only by THE N. K. FAIREANK New York. 3/ good values we have to offer you. Boston. roaf 0i the v ought in the ordinary way, Our large buying capacity enables us to deal direct with the very largest mak- St. 1.0 I The gnods we offs-r m-(r hrvnesflï¬ made and will stand the wear you ex pact of Lhrm. Prices are as low or. lower than the sa’me goods ‘cun be bought elsewhex e. this statemen wholesale man’s proï¬t LOWER PRICES Montreal' Think 111' 3 ‘« i iï¬â€˜i‘ï¬ï¬‚tfl‘ï¬iï¬zï¬t Wï¬g-‘E O!‘ {a t in the ex=