“531:9 Eiiéwifsaihg Monthly lnpoting of the Fire Brigade O'l Monday (-vening next. Mrs. ’ilr‘lf‘illld children. 139nm. have b r-n visiting with Mrs. Sterling. ReV. Finl'lws Rutherford preached in the Methodist church Sunday even- mg. The High SCIIUUI tprbaimm-nb to he future. A nuwling 01‘ the Ice Co." will he held at House, Friday night. Every Lihvml in 13139 village and vi‘ cinify shnuld ht- present at fhe mass meeting this afternoon at 2 o‘clock. Cnnw hero and see evelylhing adâ€" vertised at Llu- advertised price. Alv- kimon Sc Swilzm; Mr. David MI played by the 1 puny as can ml present season. A second-hand self-feeder parlor cnuk 'Emrqut-cheup, am the Methodist Parsonage. \Vnuld accept in ex- change [my 01‘ Wood. Rxcmmxn H {U The Methndists of \'i( have docidvd at their about the New Year 10 ; old-fashionedLon. Postc You cuu't sou m' kumv the quality 'hy reading the m‘n‘erbxsenwnt. A1- kinson & bwitzer. Mr. Herman Denison. While run- hing a. planm in hmes’ Factory on Saturday, 90? the index ï¬nger of his tieft band almost sevmed. The ï¬nger was torn from the Lhixd knuckle juint. The Ecka‘rdt. Family gave a full pm- gramme and an L‘njoyuble L'llbt‘l'tnl])~ ment in the Masonic Hull last evening. The hall was fairly well ï¬lled. The members of Richmond Lndge, A. F. & A. M.. will accompany R. \V. Bro. Nichnlls on his ofï¬cial visit to Markham Union Lodge, Markham, to- morrow evening. Our stock is a min or of the season Atkinson &,Switzor. At the Epwm-Lh League mootin Friday evening of this week Rev. Grant, M. A., will flak? the t “Vanity Fair," J It is hoped there tendzmce. The Village Cmmcil has rented the rink -t0 the Consolidated Ice Comâ€" pany for This sum will include the amount the cmleI-s will give the- company for keeping the ice in good condition. Bnots and Shoes-â€" “ï¬bers and socks, goud value; wmm- than whole-sale price-s hoys‘ long hunts, Bk Naughton Bros., Elg 'Messx-s. L. Lynvtf. A. Urquhart and R. McMahon, emmnyes in rhe Aurora shoe factory, drove down Saturday evening, “1thva their first sleigh drive, and spent, Sunday with Mr. D. Lynett. Warden Bong W Hotel. nu F1 ulny cv hy his fellow C(HIHLy prvsented with a g Sllit-‘lhl-Y ongmved. was mud», by )h. L. purpose and on“ Dec. 2-1. Extra value in mwf‘fvo, ground whik you wait. an 15,20,25,30aml 409.. 1b. :nu‘ sm‘cial vulun in tea at 25 and 30c. 11) Atkinson & Swilzer. Skates, all kinds. sizes :1 .85 E. Mason‘s. prugrumme 1:: II ‘éhnir will he tzxkc bell. Silvex-colh Tho. “’99!in Gln with four illnslrntw that of thv Illustm Subscribers ut‘ T u] {it fmm now to L f1905,~‘fm- '77) cents. miss a. chance like “'0 hawx 2‘ plcte selt-ctin Il‘be house on Yonge 1 south of this Villugo, kn staff Toll-House, upposi .sule by tender. Terms will he received up to l'. J. E. Francis. Thom! Ifor Man-khan] tnwnship The following 11 placed in the P week : The \Vhi} gaptnin Hashim, Rn-nching with L( Dorothy V emun ( VII-gunzms, Tn’u 1'. 1h. {.0 ._. on Swit L()(]Al VICTORIA SQI The Victoria Sqrunrm The best pure land in 20 lb. lr I. : extra granulated sugn 1- 23 00: ï¬ne, g 09. Atkiu TOLL-I GREAT L icbm-ia b’quur having Lhoil lxtzxim’nout. or (:onnnencing McKenzie- has been mm 9 Uunsvlidatod Ice Cum- bakor ut' the rink fur the NE\V BOOK 1U: ts 0f Victoria Square ut. their annivursnry Year tn give a grand :1. Posters Inter. nu Decem} xted I. is propnr w: an enâ€" given 1n the near 1) 5y ctiun IMP} iâ€"Men’s and llnys’ , :L large val-ieLy, men’s rubbers loss '99. A few pairs of 50 cents per pair. Igin Mills. 9w books have been uhlic Library this e Chief of Obtawu, The Blond Lillies. :vrds and Commons, xf Haddon Hall, The Little Savages. ilgI-im’s will be u,- 15!; of No furmc his. varied and Com- )ds sure to meet y purse. Atkin- M- It hc Witzer at, the Ch‘dv Eng. lmnquetted mmcillm-s. and (‘rln Cl“ Babb A R Consolidated ‘10 Dominion H1 wm: the dam 3, 1903 the topic Progress. a lame at- prices at H) [hi 1is Wi-ek milm- to Lly Gluho. can have Jnmuu'y. :1' should utai‘tiun lbs. for lb. for ts 10k. ,llllD 011 “ WEAR SOCKS " ' Ch? of the Gaunt-y Cmmcillnrs lust - week cnxnplainvd to Mr. Mun about. I having- cold hot in gning m the city ‘ in a Metro )ulitnn car. and nsk9d what l was to be one nhnul itv. \thrcnpml the gvniul manager procoedvd (u give the enquirm- some philusnphic ndvice. saying he Should “ \vpar sucks." The cnuncillnx- might have pulsued his inâ€" - terrogntions furthw. and inquirod ‘ huw many pairs he would need, but 1 , he uppnmntly thnught Mr. Moyos‘ â€"- u 1 e CLIMBING UR VVPFJ'P pleus~d to “1150' Rutfm-{ngP Minvr that, I» Prim'ipu} hf \hu Mm}?! 531‘? Pm-ingv, .‘L forum-'1' Prim: Public School line. is UH sntzmss[minis-now field ofl tuwn paper in reporting l (1fbnurd mootintg rnntuin lowing :â€"“ 0111‘ _Mudel SCI‘ [0 its lateness hf estu‘hlis‘ not as large an attendance Intherwise- have had, but fl l)S“'t‘ Rich Tempe and eh le MotmpnliL-an Electric Railway Company have pmclimlly arranged wilh all the property-ownvrs interest- ml for the extension of the limo from Newmmket, tho present, terminus, ,to Jackson’s l’uintl. The cost, uf the right, of Way will he in the. rivighhnrhuml of $25,000. ltyis expected that wlivn the extension ismunpleled the run of 50 miles from the North Toronto crossing to Jackson‘s Point will lie mzxde in two hours. I) [SBANI 1131). The ï¬nal mwting of the Richmond Hill Horse-Breeders? Assncinlihll was held at the Palmer Housv on Monday. The meeting was called for the pur- pnsenf paying any outstanding hills and to wind up the alfuirs of the Asâ€" socintinn. The surplus on hand was dividud :lmnng the members. a vote of thanks was unanimously ‘temlered Piesidest J. Slater, Manager and Tieasm'el‘ J. Palmer. and Sl-(‘I‘etul-y Dr. NlI'Ell’hy, and 1):“. MvElmy was presented with a. purse. The Associa- tiun having sold their stallion, Young Macqueen, some time ago, disbanded. In the County Council last week Councillor Rogers drew Mr. Moye-s’ at- tention to the fact that the many 11n- cmnplimonmry ramnrks rocm'dvd in the press about the way the railway was nmnaged should not, be put down as “gossip.†Mr. Muyes interrupted, saying that “ people who write those things are those who have lie-on ro- fusa'd favors by the company." Had THE LIBERAL ever indnlgod in “un- complimontmy remarks†about the management, We would be inclined to refute the imputation uf seeking for :fuvm‘s, but nu dulth it was the other papers that Mr. Mnyes meant. Mastm‘ Howard \‘V‘iley, ymmgnst sonnf Mr. \V. E. \Viley, suffered a painful accident during the noun hour on Monday. 'Seve-u boys were coast- ing down the sidewalk on Lorne Ave. hill, who!) Howard’s fnot came in con- tuct with a tree, and both bones in theimvt-rpmtnf 11w light lap; \vpro fractured just above the ankle. He was taken home whwe ti)? Dr. :1? one? set the Timh. Hmvaid pl'flVPd himsulf a good Suldier and dvclined m take anything of the nature. of (-hlm-n- fnrm. He Is duing lliï¬â€˜l‘iï¬â€˜, hut, sum-'1'- f( n in 2nd School lwle. is mm-t x .inhislncw field of lab tuwn paper- in reporting [he of bnnrd meeting mmtuinml lowing :â€"“ 0111‘ _MQdel Schm [0 its lateness n"? estu’hlis’lm not as large an attendance as 0tl'l(â€"‘.I'\\’l$£‘ have had, but, u nnnmgmnont nf Mr. Fm'hnn very successful, and we \vuul mpnd that the 35mm of $50 I: Mr. Fm-han as a small appl'OL TH Sm l'( The citizens of h peacefully Manda) wvre Sle'iSUd ’m and other mumin; 190} NE\VMARKET TO J ACKSON°S ‘PDINT. started to having $48 York Mills men and etc. \Vint the TOI'DHU S l the Toronto the papers (3 mnnd Hill. ted to the 0.! robbery was He had cv‘ that, he won wife and his them helien Fine cleaned Cl me selectvd \‘let “ l- 11h said suhnul. wommvud that, hiss { $100, commencing Vim HE SHOULD BE s were as cbu OFFICERS ELECTED. day, thu tiled hen l-ry †has m being ( 1H! durin; Robert T} it mud I {llK‘t’ ftvd ll} FAVORS RE He 15 doing llii‘l‘iï¬', but ')(1 Gm]. and will liquy'] muse the bzdzmce of 15m: md Hill Liberals nut in the we Hall Saturday owning v-d the fullowing nflicm-s :â€" nt. Amlxcw Newton: *-l’l'(‘Sidvl]t-. T. H. 'I‘x-vnch ; re-l’rvsidenl. \V. '1‘. Storey; D. Hill ; LEG FR ACTURED. :lt and [mum E9 Minn f Hm M( us at mcmnmm nm 5 Monday night, as usual. u-d in n-nd in The G mmingpnpms at. 7 a. hut, “grth exoitemv vre owing tn 3. “high using l‘u-en committed, g (AL-n 195 A. \Vintvr, : 01131118 ing “11' p.- former of R] May .MQdel School. “‘2ng o"? esb:n}3lislmu>l1t-. has ntendeume as it. might had, but, under the Mr. Fm-‘mm has hem] and we \vuuld recmn- §<nm of $50 he paid t<> ,Smnll approaintion 0f Hi " grunt exoitenwnt wing tn a “highway Er i‘u-en Ct'nnmiltofl, the :nles A. \Vintvr, who in- past, sumnu-I' with eisvii inf this pince. The \\'intm- is that, after w-dall's piano abnut a. ‘ent to \Vhithy and Mahler ()f a. railway , ‘ \hv-n c une to Turn“- '.lm;k in the evening ; to ijhmond Hill, his puckets. About ms gl‘ublmd by two «1 Of all his money. rpm-ted the above to e'trtivns. The yarn in iw‘d no person in Rich- 0 m-xt, day he admit- tives that» tiw regorted nth, pme and Simple. -t--d the story hoping tn ml in with his young iiher-in-law if he made 5 was a man of means. ri'ants. 4 lbs. f01'25(‘.; main raisins. 3 lbs. for m‘. orange pet-'1 12w. 0‘ nhsm-ve that, Mr. 191 Lit-hm: shmnnd Hill slept; light, as usual. and ~acl in The Globe mpm-s at. 7 a. m. B‘USED. Gui}: but 8 ill likMy he \‘\'e wuukd als‘ tlnry hp inert-as 15b of January PUNISHED. Lis curs 1H in e-ti 3 paid to INHOII of n‘mlctinn y and also the in y’ UH than 11H . 11:9 with kin- Huusokprx-s will be surprised to know that there was nnntl‘wr shun-p ndencv in «the price of emu] oil )‘e§t(-'l‘- day. The price of Canadian Watt-r white was advnncvd from 22 cents to 27 cents per gullon.\vl\ilv the Anwrinam brand rose ï¬ve cunts u gnllnn highnr. making the prosvnt prices 270. and 320. per gullun respectively. This cumes on top of two CPIII'S a gallrm. which 01'- (zlu'ed smmral weeks ago. The whole- anlm's explain that, the increase in prices is occasioned by the stwtdy lise In value uf pen-“hum: oils and their bye-products.-â€"'l‘umutn News, Nov. 2!. At the annual meeting of the W, U. T. U. the follmving of‘ï¬cws and Supts. of Depls. were elected for the coming year =1 Vaughan Consvrvutives met, in the Township Ha“. Vellm‘v, on Saturday, and elven-d ofï¬cers as follows :â€" Prosident, Jus. McNeiI,Shvrwood ; President, Mrs. Switzm‘ ; ViCe~Pros.. Mrs. Paulin ; Cur. Secy., Mrs. Hume; Rec. Svcx'u Miss \Viley; Treasu Mrs. J. H. Sanderson. Superintvndvnts of Departments :~ F‘Nangnlistic. Mrs. Pillllin : Flhwm' MiSsinn. Mrs. Harris ; Parlor Moe-tings. Mrs. DWI-y : Lumber Cnr'nps. Mrs. Snndexsnn; Nsu'cnt‘ix-s. Miss Stuckdale ; Press. Mrs. Grant; Juvenile and Sunday Schools, Mr Paul'm and Miss \Viluy. m1 2nd Viceâ€"Pmsident, T. Kersey, COX: emine; Scc‘y-Trms., R. 0. Harvey, Laskuy; Pulling subdivisinn chain men: N0. 1, T. S. ()uuk, Cunnurd ; 2, leurtmx Gibson, Richmond Iill : 3, \Vm. Shnnk. Sherwood; 4, J. Mch“, Shmwnod ; 5, Ale-x. Cumemn. Venom; 6, R. 0. Harvey, Laskay: 7, Sam McClure, Eldvr's Miils; . 8. H.,-VV. Ellis, Kleiulmrg; During the afternoon speeches were givvn by Messrs. T. F. Wallace, ‘V. Skeans. R. 0. qu-Wy and J. W. St. Juhn, M. P. P. ‘ Presents itself for young men and wonwn to acquire a vacation this winter that; will ‘hring them double the salary at least that. they can com- mand in otlwr uï¬â€˜ice wm-k. store, fac- tory, etc. Practicaltmining in com- mert-iul and railway telegluphy and railway ofï¬ce accounting, places young ladies in line. to command from $35 to $70 per month and young men from $40 to $125 per month. We ï¬t you in from four to 6 months and place you in pnsitinn the moment you are competent. A Cullllnun school 0(1â€" ncatinn is all that is required. Call, 01‘ write: us far full particulars. Cun- udinn Railway Instruction Institute. cor. Cullege and Ynnge Streets, Toron- to. The distressing news rem-had friends herenn Saturday? that Rev. “1. \V. Percival. a former pastor in the Pres- byterian churches at; Richmond Hill and Thornhill. hm] hcen run over and instantly killod by a work train on the Southern Paciï¬c Ruilwnymn Mun- dnymorning‘ Nm'. ll‘v. The sad acu- dnntucennod only two blncks from (hair home in Corning, Tl‘lhzlnzl. Chun- ly, C lifm‘niu, where 1hv Dr. and Mrs. Percival held lived during the past two yon’rs. He “"Is driving th lmrsvs uttm-hvd tn :L light Wagon, and apparently laud misjudged thv spe-ul of the vngin? and car “'th lw endeav- .m'('d to (11-085 the tl‘ilt’k in frunt of (ff the vugim mud to am ï¬rm. The and thu [)1 fuel; hvf'u‘v m cut fore ‘ t hwc (flll'l’k VAUGHAN Tye (lav. Fee. 8â€" Aflministmtrix sn‘e nf fwrm st-~ck.hn.y, furnit‘n‘e, “MI. “0.. on lot 17. con 3, Muxkham (Heudfnrdt the pvnperw of tha late DunaH J. Hamil-.313 No rmevve Sale at 11 o'clock sharp Luuvh pruvidad ’I‘rr-ns‘, Mums J H Prenzicm aunt. We uezd-ly. Den 16~-Au:Li_nn :a‘e m farm Hp -k lst Vice-President. A. Dizzy? Headacha? Pam back of your eyes? it’s yaur liver! Use Ayer’s Pins. Gent! laxative; all vegetable. So’id 0r60 years. {53:32:23 A’gflâ€"cmï¬mï¬.’§ï¬ii§ 7"?! m Della 1', REV. DR. 'PERCIVA L KILLED. Want your mbusrtahï¬e or heart? a beautiful brown or rich black ? Use For Sale or The El A GRAND OPPORTUNITY '01‘ \V. (7. T. U. OFFICERS. you-1's. He was driving 'tWH :aLtm-he-d to :L light Wagon, and anti): had misjudged thu speed enginp and «:m- whom he endeav- tn nmss the tl‘m-k in frnnt of The rug-inc caught tho wagon ,hu [)1'. W‘us tin-awn about IOU wf'u'e he! struck tho emlmnk- He had cmsed tn breath hoâ€" jwet-I‘ntl-rs rune]me him in two or mimms aftm- thp accident, (w- l, and it. \VI-‘S (huught that death Biiioag? Lcksmith Shnp and Hmwz at 3rd con. Markham. First 1d for a gnod horseshocx. rtivulars apply tu E0. COVVIE, Richmond Hill. to _P. xv, BOYNTQN,D011m ale Regisner. CONSERVATIVES. Malvlny, ,Tvst- in. .5. Mb flaws, 11?; wholesale: price Psi-um: 75c yang... ,m. - -5-“ m... ,w v. W. Mmards Linimant. 15c ‘ Auras cuturrh, dy: Sultpetl‘e pure: lbs for EC ' fPages Dyspepsm Ta! Thiavis only a partialjist. Remember we sell evqrythiug at wholt can save money by dealing with us. A magniï¬cent calendar (or each cusmmer a 27% = mmmmmmmmmmmwmm 5?; Remember we sell everything at whulesnle {wins and you can cent by dean»: win'uns ATKENSON 8: SWITZER’S Store News ‘ The \Iew Fall and Winter Stocks in the“ various branches of our business are not only‘ complete †full to overflowing,†but the bet? terment in both styles and values over those in former seasons is noticeably apparent, for progress is the slogan of this store. The result of our untiring efforts is splendid merchandise, superior policy, conï¬dence be- tween customer and store, better and broad- er methods and the impregnable security that makes it a sale place for you to trade, to send your children, or to writeâ€"trusting to onrjudgment, knowing that at no point will this store fail to serve you best. The Bosh Pure Lnrd, 11c. 1h. ; ï¬ne Cleaned Currants 41115:. for 25c. : best Selected Raisins. 3 lbs. fm- 25c. ; best Lemon and Orange Pet-l. 12éc. 1h. ; best Citron Peel, 200. Heavy Flannvlette. 5, G. 7, 8, 10 and 120. yd. ; Men‘s Heavy Undercluthing. at 900.. $1 and $150pex‘suit; Men’s Heavy Socks, 10. 12;. 15. 20 and 25c. per pair; ï¬ne 54 inch Dress Tweeds at 553, $1 and $1.25 per yd. Mamas = (Successox to Q. D. Daniel .9; Co. and Hugh Mine “'bqlesgde and thail Dx-uggists. 171 King St, Opposite Clyde Ho‘bel. December 3. 1903. J. A. Johnston 6%: We quote : {ï¬ï¬ï¬iï¬ï¬im} @329 mammal At Cut IRate Priceg. English Epsom Salts to of your horse's legs ; giw 0 lbs for “2.5:: 5 30¢. 3 tor 69c aé lb; 10 lbs for 25¢ Richmend IF YOU WANT A amiï¬ian Pew Emma Hill. twbolesale prices and you St East, Toront 'l‘dbiet's sure cure 350 save from,m to 259m lsééh and Turpentine ml ‘30. 41: and 95:: (Ewan. ‘Iurge bottle 35‘ rune Gum 16c Inlsuu.) 18c xuud purifl :1 3'3 wn by