Until further notice Hails will be cidsed at the Richmond Hill Post omce as Iollowu» MORNING ........... 8.00 EVENING ... 6.15 N. B.â€"Reglatered Letters must he handed in 5 Must Fifteen Minutes outlier than the above mentioned hours [or closiur! ‘ ‘ ,OFFICE CLOSES AT mac P M M. TEEFY, Postmaster. Church of Enginnd:Sei-viccs M. 3 p. Sunday. Presbyterian Churchâ€"Services at 1: zvp. m. Sunday School at. 2.30. Pruye edneadu ' evening. Roman abboiic Churchâ€"Services unto Snnilnys 0&9 a. m. and 10.30 IL. Methodist Churchâ€"qmvivos at. 10.30 . In. Sunday School at: 2.30. Gone mooning Thursday. evening. Richmond Lodge. A F and A M â€"H a“. .m m- before full mnog Berths st. 196 mm zu; ships of KITCHENER a: and Blmrk †\V †near 01' IN THE BAINY R TRICTVV’l 1303'th (1'19, G and (5:55, and the fulln with the light to cut, and pine, spruge, talmnaclgu .nn (‘10 {j KIOI, v.2“, UU'A, ~.v.; 7 G41, G42, G43. ch-th Nos. SI, 82, 53 and 84,, will he offered for sale by Public Auction at, the Parliament Buildings. in the City uf Toronto, nu \VEDNESDAY, the NINTH day of DECEMBER: :It the hour of .ru\ _.-, ONE 0 cibck in the ShePts containing terms anu tions of Sale and information Areas and Lots and Ooncessim prised in each Bel-111 will be fu on :lppliuat-inn, eiths-r persunu' hung-Lu the Dupan'tmvnt of Lands Toronto, 01- the Crown a Agencier at. OTTA\\‘;\, SAUL AUCTION SALE OF BERTHS. Sheets containing terms and condi- ms of Sale and information as to :eas and Lats and Concessions comâ€" ised in each Berth will be furnishvd HIppliCdï¬OU, either persunul m- by men-to the Departmva of Crown mds. Toronto, 01- the Crown Timber gemies at. OTTAWA, SAULT STE. ARIE. PORT ARTHUR, {AT Pon'rAGE th Vï¬ï¬ge DirectorY- .uv , spruce, mmurack,codzn- G4. G6, G17, GlS. G34. ( 32$, G33, G35, G36, G37. 3422. G43. Berth} Nos. 8' EN y A 0 U Wâ€"-Meets (1111' d \‘01’ 7â€"17 o s ~Meets LUV “u COHENIÃ©ï¬ mid ROBERTS V†nwax' Onnping Luke. RAINY RIVER DIS- .nm (:10 (421. 023, G29 and flaming ï¬nnm-Open and Suturdnv evenings xâ€"Mee‘s evoxv Friday. unauthorized puhiirtutinn ‘tiscment will be. pnld for. wâ€"Meets ï¬rst Monday 50 YEARS' "dEXPEREENGE afternoon. -Servives on alter- _.Meets second -77. fulluwmg Berths ‘und remove the ' Dzsmms COPvnlca‘Iffs 86C l}, 26 second and fourth LL30 u. m. at. 10.30 n._m.. and ï¬rst Wednesday M â€"hIaets Mon- s at 1‘. n. m..uud Prayer meet-ins TID “de‘liéml prayer 1 Wednesday 1rown Lands. MBER he Tuwn- ‘cri‘ml‘qn‘mlrlz 6s 1]]. every Ell ( at every 39.G40. 82. S3 (1 pop- ‘., 626. 39340 29, 1003 and SEALED TENDERS. addressed to the Phstmustér Gem-ml. will he receiv- edat Ottawa; until noon. nn Friday, the 8th of January. 1904, for the con- ¢cyance of His Majvsty’s Mails, on u pmposed Contract for four years, six times per week each way, holWeem Gunnlvy and Unioi‘lville. from the lab May next. £,__ LL.,â€" Luuy llCAU- Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of pro- posed Conn-act may be seen and blank fol-msof Tender may be obtained at, the Post Ofï¬ces of Uninm'ille and other ofï¬ces on route. and atthe Ofï¬ce of the Post Ofï¬ce Inspector a‘t- Toron- to. PnsEOf‘ï¬ce Department; Mail Contract Branch. OttuWa. 25th Nun, 1903. Vaughan Council. The next meeting of the Council at N pality of Vauahnu will be new the Town Hall. Vellore, on TUESDAY, DECEMBE fl. Mus. Baa, F. G. C. M. (Land) Organist and Clinir-mnster Church of St. John Evangelist, ’l‘uruntn. Teacher of Organ, Piano. Singing; Thmr‘y at Toronto Coils-g9 of Music, will visit Furtenns address 270 Church 81)., or Toronto Cull. M nsic. Toronto. NMECE m Credimrs Late of the Township of Vaughan, in Lhe County of Yul'k, Gentle- man, dec used. Notice is hex-ehy given pursuant to the Revise-d Statutes of Ontario, Chap. 129 and Amending Acts, that all per- sons having claims against the mtate of Henry Home, late of the Township of Vaughan, iu the Cuunty (If Yurk. ‘ gentleman, deceased, who died on 01' . almat the 14th day nf August, A. D. 1903. are i'e'quii'cd tn send by post pre- paid, 01'- dcliver on or befmt the 15th day of December, A. D. 1903, to Messrs. Pruudfoot. Duncan, G1ant& Sktlaus. 25 King Street West, 'l‘montu, solicitors fur the executors nf the said deceased, their name-5:, addresses, full particulars of their claims and the natm-eof the securities, if any, held by them. And further take notice that :thH' the last mvntimied (late the said vx- C(‘lltUl‘S will pun-99d to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled them-tn. having regard unly to claims of which they shall thun have notice, and they will not he liahle fur any claims 01' fur said assets in any pin-son 01' pet-sans 0f whose claim by claims notice shall not, then have been received by tlwm. Dated this 23rd day of Nm‘ember. cluim m- clalms none have been received 1y Dated this 23rd d; A. D. 1903. Pruudfoot, Duur'ar 25 King St. \Vt Solicitors 1 JOSEPH E. FRANCIS, DAVID M. BOYLE, The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of 1111- proved Cbester white hogs, lot 32, 151'. con. Markham (Thornhill) has for sale some good young stock. Thorough-bred bull and hog kept Thorough-bred bull an for service on the premise HENRY “@5415 31m gavertiscmmts. Richmond fliil Once a Week. In the matteruf the estate of SUNNYSIDE FARN SE élï¬gï¬aflï¬a' $1.00 IH ADVERSE. Sight Singing Classcs‘. G. C. ANDERSON, Superintendent. m. 10 9.. m Dunr'an Grunt S; Skeans, : St. \Vest‘, ’l‘urnntn, icitm-s for the Executors. D. GOODERHAM, Cnunnil 0! tbs} Munici- JAS D MCLEAN, Clerk HORNE. } Executors. 9.75.1 Proprietor. Blacksmiih Shop Horse-Shoemg a Specialty. THE CANADIAN HORSE STOCK Cures Hoa'fl‘s. Chum?" Cough. and 3“ Chronic Aï¬eo :inr of the ’!‘ ‘ stand 1' u;,s. The only medicine in I] orla‘u that ll mm- y above ivease. making ma animais-mmlin wind and uazful wins owner. Price, $1.50 BtJ‘IEcGahey-‘s Kldmy & Cough Powdaï¬ â€˜" -n‘l Acute Aï¬t-rlions of the thmnt and lungs, mehu . vcr. etc. For su‘éliing and stat: a of the lags. he rv 11¢ of hard drivinp. deney '1‘. 1316. 3'0. one 1050 will relieve, and one box will cure. Price: 50c. :r a Jobbing of z' 2-30. McGuhey’s Condition mad Powders 250. Sold by Geo. McDunnld, harness- makm‘, Richnmnd Hill, and :11] mm?- inino dealers thmughout Enghmd, the nitvd States and Canada. 22-1-03 LEVERY GEO. COWHE GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. Michael Ema, June 11, 1903 he Next Sitting of Division Com-l for N0. 3, County of York, will he held in the Court Room, RICHMOND HILL _ON_ SATURDAY, JAN. 16, i Coal and Wood Dehvered. Prices Right. At th’e nm-th and of the village and is prepared to do all kinds of BLACKSMITHING \Y‘Z H to HEINTZMAN Next (1001' 9-4 RICHMOND HILL 1} ichnlond I‘Iill For horses hard to shoe. Putrunnge Solicited. Ieedlcs for all kinds 0 Iï¬ichnxond El ill At, reasonable rates. {of all kinds promptly done; repair your old sewing or exchange for a. new 551%? Agent {magnum MEmcmx: cm. nmmem ï¬o-mpu‘iihu 0!)!- GGAL Organs Rupuix Ls opvned a. Also agent for the mug, T. F. MCMA} nm'th of Moodic’s store. 11):! see our stock. GEO. COVVIE â€"-TH Eâ€" inz at 10 53-54 Em: 1W ab. and all Chronic A1196 ,5. The only medicine in above disease. making thn ‘ul m} soxrner‘ Price,$1.50 WGGD For Broker“ Vc'inded HORSES PIANO. ON CLERK ll} e101) i nes. machine one. 190/} _ ‘1 ' “ ’ï¬â€˜ RlflflfÃ©ï¬‚ï¬ HM. ï¬Ã©zï¬séï¬ï¬ï¬ Stoves and Ranges 9.1191265 and makes. Hot Air Furnaces, Eavetroughing and All kinds of Tin and Hardware cheap. Also the “The Liberal and News (outside The Liberal and VJ: Globe The Liberal and W Mail and Empir The Liberal agid Family Hemid & “Weekly Shed] The Liberal and V‘éreekly Sun The Life The Liberal Globe The Libeml an 61 Mail The Liberal The Liberal and I (outside of vi! ‘3 The Liberal and Farmers Advocate Balance 01 the year free to new subscribers. E GLUE i9? Woxld Repairing Prempfly Done fgCGEEEET P. (3}. Savage AL. {a}. 9:531an Liberal A and armmg World H 01 write {01- pamphlats reg kinds (If policies: \Ve cgu RNnowmï¬l’l'fl'mP’AYMENT mm ORDINARY LIFE. Specials uf ull kit and JOINl‘ POLICIES also Fx-mn $1.00 up: Cow dmns of any kind. [ Companies. All bu tended to. EQSSOGEATEQE Now is the time to insure in my kind you w o - Cow-rs sicknes and acci v ‘ ind. A gnud (JhHiUP (1f Fir: All business prompLIy at 1101 D 1 Weekly :a mire ' Made in Canada; cannot be beat. Get your Furnaces put in and repaired before the rush. New stoves. delivered and put up tree. Weekly $§ . 7 'or all weeklics, 84157 1'5 gm-ding different an give you ish: net Cream Separator amfly E 8 .V Star - 5 Dally f Village The $85 Age 2mg ON Eta-1° 1mg: dg‘if‘dau Star and News, E75