Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Dec 1903, p. 8

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Until further notice Hails will be cidsed at the Richmond Hill Post omce as Iollowu» MORNING ........... 8.00 EVENING ... 6.15 N. B.â€"Reglatered Letters must he handed in 5 Must Fifteen Minutes outlier than the above mentioned hours [or closiur! ‘ ‘ ,OFFICE CLOSES AT mac P M M. TEEFY, Postmaster. Church of Enginnd:Sei-viccs M. 3 p. Sunday. Presbyterian Churchâ€"Services at 1: zvp. m. Sunday School at. 2.30. Pruye edneadu ' evening. Roman abboiic Churchâ€"Services unto Snnilnys 0&9 a. m. and 10.30 IL. Methodist Churchâ€"qmvivos at. 10.30 . In. Sunday School at: 2.30. Gone mooning Thursday. evening. Richmond Lodge. A F and A M â€"H a“. .m m- before full mnog Berths st. 196 mm zu; ships of KITCHENER a: and Blmrk ” \V ” near 01' IN THE BAINY R TRICTVV’l 1303'th (1'19, G and (5:55, and the fulln with the light to cut, and pine, spruge, talmnaclgu .nn (‘10 {j KIOI, v.2“, UU'A, ~.v.; 7 G41, G42, G43. ch-th Nos. SI, 82, 53 and 84,, will he offered for sale by Public Auction at, the Parliament Buildings. in the City uf Toronto, nu \VEDNESDAY, the NINTH day of DECEMBER: :It the hour of .ru\ _.-, ONE 0 cibck in the ShePts containing terms anu tions of Sale and information Areas and Lots and Ooncessim prised in each Bel-111 will be fu on :lppliuat-inn, eiths-r persunu' hung-Lu the Dupan'tmvnt of Lands Toronto, 01- the Crown a Agencier at. OTTA\\‘;\, SAUL AUCTION SALE OF BERTHS. Sheets containing terms and condi- ms of Sale and information as to :eas and Lats and Concessions comâ€" ised in each Berth will be furnishvd HIppliCdfiOU, either persunul m- by men-to the Departmva of Crown mds. Toronto, 01- the Crown Timber gemies at. OTTAWA, SAULT STE. ARIE. PORT ARTHUR, {AT Pon'rAGE th Vfifige DirectorY- .uv , spruce, mmurack,codzn- G4. G6, G17, GlS. G34. ( 32$, G33, G35, G36, G37. 3422. G43. Berth} Nos. 8' EN y A 0 U Wâ€"-Meets (1111' d \‘01’ 7â€"17 o s ~Meets LUV “u COHENIéfi mid ROBERTS V” nwax' Onnping Luke. RAINY RIVER DIS- .nm (:10 (421. 023, G29 and flaming finnm-Open and Suturdnv evenings xâ€"Mee‘s evoxv Friday. unauthorized puhiirtutinn ‘tiscment will be. pnld for. wâ€"Meets first Monday 50 YEARS' "dEXPEREENGE afternoon. -Servives on alter- _.Meets second -77. fulluwmg Berths ‘und remove the ' Dzsmms COPvnlca‘Iffs 86C l}, 26 second and fourth LL30 u. m. at. 10.30 n._m.. and first Wednesday M â€"hIaets Mon- s at 1‘. n. m..uud Prayer meet-ins TID “de‘liéml prayer 1 Wednesday 1rown Lands. MBER he Tuwn- ‘cri‘ml‘qn‘mlrlz 6s 1]]. every Ell ( at every 39.G40. 82. S3 (1 pop- ‘., 626. 39340 29, 1003 and SEALED TENDERS. addressed to the Phstmustér Gem-ml. will he receiv- edat Ottawa; until noon. nn Friday, the 8th of January. 1904, for the con- ¢cyance of His Majvsty’s Mails, on u pmposed Contract for four years, six times per week each way, holWeem Gunnlvy and Unioi‘lville. from the lab May next. £,__ LL.,â€" Luuy llCAU- Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of pro- posed Conn-act may be seen and blank fol-msof Tender may be obtained at, the Post Offices of Uninm'ille and other offices on route. and atthe Office of the Post Office Inspector a‘t- Toron- to. PnsEOf‘fice Department; Mail Contract Branch. OttuWa. 25th Nun, 1903. Vaughan Council. The next meeting of the Council at N pality of Vauahnu will be new the Town Hall. Vellore, on TUESDAY, DECEMBE fl. Mus. Baa, F. G. C. M. (Land) Organist and Clinir-mnster Church of St. John Evangelist, ’l‘uruntn. Teacher of Organ, Piano. Singing; Thmr‘y at Toronto Coils-g9 of Music, will visit Furtenns address 270 Church 81)., or Toronto Cull. M nsic. Toronto. NMECE m Credimrs Late of the Township of Vaughan, in Lhe County of Yul'k, Gentle- man, dec used. Notice is hex-ehy given pursuant to the Revise-d Statutes of Ontario, Chap. 129 and Amending Acts, that all per- sons having claims against the mtate of Henry Home, late of the Township of Vaughan, iu the Cuunty (If Yurk. ‘ gentleman, deceased, who died on 01' . almat the 14th day nf August, A. D. 1903. are i'e'quii'cd tn send by post pre- paid, 01'- dcliver on or befmt the 15th day of December, A. D. 1903, to Messrs. Pruudfoot. Duncan, G1ant& Sktlaus. 25 King Street West, 'l‘montu, solicitors fur the executors nf the said deceased, their name-5:, addresses, full particulars of their claims and the natm-eof the securities, if any, held by them. And further take notice that :thH' the last mvntimied (late the said vx- C(‘lltUl‘S will pun-99d to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled them-tn. having regard unly to claims of which they shall thun have notice, and they will not he liahle fur any claims 01' fur said assets in any pin-son 01' pet-sans 0f whose claim by claims notice shall not, then have been received by tlwm. Dated this 23rd day of Nm‘ember. cluim m- clalms none have been received 1y Dated this 23rd d; A. D. 1903. Pruudfoot, Duur'ar 25 King St. \Vt Solicitors 1 JOSEPH E. FRANCIS, DAVID M. BOYLE, The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of 1111- proved Cbester white hogs, lot 32, 151'. con. Markham (Thornhill) has for sale some good young stock. Thorough-bred bull and hog kept Thorough-bred bull an for service on the premise HENRY “@5415 31m gavertiscmmts. Richmond fliil Once a Week. In the matteruf the estate of SUNNYSIDE FARN SE élfigfiaflfia' $1.00 IH ADVERSE. Sight Singing Classcs‘. G. C. ANDERSON, Superintendent. m. 10 9.. m Dunr'an Grunt S; Skeans, : St. \Vest‘, ’l‘urnntn, icitm-s for the Executors. D. GOODERHAM, Cnunnil 0! tbs} Munici- JAS D MCLEAN, Clerk HORNE. } Executors. 9.75.1 Proprietor. Blacksmiih Shop Horse-Shoemg a Specialty. THE CANADIAN HORSE STOCK Cures Hoa'fl‘s. Chum?" Cough. and 3“ Chronic Afieo :inr of the ’!‘ ‘ stand 1' u;,s. The only medicine in I] orla‘u that ll mm- y above ivease. making ma animais-mmlin wind and uazful wins owner. Price, $1.50 BtJ‘IEcGahey-‘s Kldmy & Cough Powdafi ‘" -n‘l Acute Afit-rlions of the thmnt and lungs, mehu . vcr. etc. For su‘éliing and stat: a of the lags. he rv 11¢ of hard drivinp. deney '1‘. 1316. 3'0. one 1050 will relieve, and one box will cure. Price: 50c. :r a Jobbing of z' 2-30. McGuhey’s Condition mad Powders 250. Sold by Geo. McDunnld, harness- makm‘, Richnmnd Hill, and :11] mm?- inino dealers thmughout Enghmd, the nitvd States and Canada. 22-1-03 LEVERY GEO. COWHE GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. Michael Ema, June 11, 1903 he Next Sitting of Division Com-l for N0. 3, County of York, will he held in the Court Room, RICHMOND HILL _ON_ SATURDAY, JAN. 16, i Coal and Wood Dehvered. Prices Right. At th’e nm-th and of the village and is prepared to do all kinds of BLACKSMITHING \Y‘Z H to HEINTZMAN Next (1001' 9-4 RICHMOND HILL 1} ichnlond I‘Iill For horses hard to shoe. Putrunnge Solicited. Ieedlcs for all kinds 0 Ifiichnxond El ill At, reasonable rates. {of all kinds promptly done; repair your old sewing or exchange for a. new 551%? Agent {magnum MEmcmx: cm. nmmem fio-mpu‘iihu 0!)!- GGAL Organs Rupuix Ls opvned a. Also agent for the mug, T. F. MCMA} nm'th of Moodic’s store. 11):! see our stock. GEO. COVVIE â€"-TH Eâ€" inz at 10 53-54 Em: 1W ab. and all Chronic A1196 ,5. The only medicine in above disease. making thn ‘ul m} soxrner‘ Price,$1.50 WGGD For Broker“ Vc'inded HORSES PIANO. ON CLERK ll} e101) i nes. machine one. 190/} _ ‘1 ' “ ’fi‘ Rlflflféflfi HM. fiézfiséfififi Stoves and Ranges 9.1191265 and makes. Hot Air Furnaces, Eavetroughing and All kinds of Tin and Hardware cheap. Also the “The Liberal and News (outside The Liberal and VJ: Globe The Liberal and W Mail and Empir The Liberal agid Family Hemid & “Weekly Shed] The Liberal and V‘éreekly Sun The Life The Liberal Globe The Libeml an 61 Mail The Liberal The Liberal and I (outside of vi! ‘3 The Liberal and Farmers Advocate Balance 01 the year free to new subscribers. E GLUE i9? Woxld Repairing Prempfly Done fgCGEEEET P. (3}. Savage AL. {a}. 9:531an Liberal A and armmg World H 01 write {01- pamphlats reg kinds (If policies: \Ve cgu RNnowmfil’l'fl'mP’AYMENT mm ORDINARY LIFE. Specials uf ull kit and JOINl‘ POLICIES also Fx-mn $1.00 up: Cow dmns of any kind. [ Companies. All bu tended to. EQSSOGEATEQE Now is the time to insure in my kind you w o - Cow-rs sicknes and acci v ‘ ind. A gnud (JhHiUP (1f Fir: All business prompLIy at 1101 D 1 Weekly :a mire ' Made in Canada; cannot be beat. Get your Furnaces put in and repaired before the rush. New stoves. delivered and put up tree. Weekly $§ . 7 'or all weeklics, 84157 1'5 gm-ding different an give you ish: net Cream Separator amfly E 8 .V Star - 5 Dally f Village The $85 Age 2mg ON Eta-1° 1mg: dg‘if‘dau Star and News, E75

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