$1 per annum, in advance] V’DL. XXVI. m “ In Essentials, Uni. v . I “'5 a. 359.3! . n ' “ out {pascal Il‘. P’IBLHEIDIJ EVERY : (.43 | I Tim l c i l- l RICH‘JIOND HILL, ONT. '1‘. F. McMAHONL Euzrou J1 Pnopmmon. B U SIL‘IES s 5.1: ‘1'. . 'I all Hi 'DR. J; STUBBS, 'n'ilorrihilfl. Tnhn rosi-h'ï¬ nlivszcia-n u: Western and Grace . BJspimls,'l‘m--mcu 0.1130 Hoursâ€"8 to in n m; 12 to 2 p m 7 to 8 D m. mmmnmmm ‘ initial. "tilliiiligl, Den 'ist. Room 1'], I‘ll Victoria St. Toronto. Best. ï¬tting teeth. also repl lovvest prices. ating, at Good work. Errâ€"w G L SPAliiiliRG DR A W SPAULDING- Ehentissts Room “ A,†Yonge Street»: Arcade, Toronto. Telephone .l’aTn ‘lZi ( {4 DR. ARNOLD D. A. MASOll,g 1343:: that, l (Successor to Dr. T. A. Currie}. Our. Church and Carlton St 3., Toronto, ‘Vill be in Richmond Hill ever \Vcd- ni‘Sd-‘ly. Ofï¬ce, next door south of Public School. Oflice Hoursâ€"«3.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. m .F hitcriuinfl ~1 L, JOHNâ€"Rim; .. VETERINARY SURGEON, 'l‘laoruhill. Calls by telephone from Richmond! Hill charged to me. a. H. SANDERSON; VETERINARY SURGEON ' RICHMOND HILL Calls by day and night promptly at tended to. WANTED V A man to represent “ CANADA’S <GREATEST NURSERIES †in the Village ‘ of Richmond Hill and surrounding Country. and take orders for Gilli HEREBY SFEGIALTEES In Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Orna- mental Shrubs, Roses. Vines, Seed Potatoes, etc. Stock true to name and free from San Jose Scale. A pernmnent position for the night. man on either salary or com- mission. I Stone 8. Wellington, FONTHILL NURS ERIES, OVER 800 ACRES. TORONTO. CANADA. Aug. ll. 4:11 I A large nmonnt of private funds to loan on improved farm property situ- ated in the lounty of York. at H per cent. For articulars apply to Lindsey. .awience & “’adsworth, Home Life Bldg., 60 Victoria St.. 01- at Toronto Tun LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill, 91; Saturday afternoons. l l ‘ \1‘ llirlcm‘. \\'n.tl$\\‘01‘l.l. _mmâ€" E3951. CEflTl’lE LEBERALS. L Till“; DGRiiNlOcl ; S l.indf.e‘5'. K C i ' Lawrenvo ( ( Phozm Main 2934 ‘ .DRï¬i‘. y. - CiillPAll‘zl . Larisaâ€. Lawrence 3. Km" [1 W hv and luz‘moï¬inus lllreting. Banistsrsli-{dimcrs' ‘ “wits. “I ~~Nornina ng Convex: ion December laâ€"Oiz‘iccrs Elected. Home Life Building: (formorlv Free- man Loan Minx). om. Adelaide 6; Victoria 815.. Toronto. LIBERAL ()ml'U, Richmond Hiilon Saturdays. The iird formal steps towards or- ganizing iln- Lilwrals oi the now lidâ€" ingoi’t‘ontre York were lulu-n lit-re 'I‘hurulay .ai'ioinoon. l)i'('. 3, when an association “"25 iformrd. A oonvi-nâ€" [inn omnplmwl of tick-gates lrmu l'.‘l<'ll :znbdiv 1:: 0.1 will ln- hold how on ‘i'v'vd- ntsday. i'ilh inst... iiii‘ tho l‘lllpllM‘ of . , inmninuling a candidan for the I‘m- ..,,. {If-n" minion in ordi-r (hat the Liberals may "I‘Mm‘is’ be in l'cmiiilvtts \vln'n the call Conn-s Io carry their haunt-r to victory. The lllt‘t‘tlllfi was harmonious and en- ' thusiastic. Among othvrs pzesent were A. B. Rice. \\'. Douglas, ll. liickollson, Jos. Elush. A. by. Book, lidwnrd Stock, l‘l. C. Pear on, County Councillor John (u‘nrdhonsc, J. A. (lornu-lly,Etobicnke; . Henry Pcaison. J. M. l’vnien, Andrew Jun-n.0, l‘ll't'l'l Sin-Miami. Jas. (lx‘uick- shank, “'i‘slon; .las. Kirby, Josoph Devins, Hem-y Creighton, \‘f. J. Macdmnlld, Vaughnn: A. Iteesor, J. (lould, \Vm. Noblo, \Valter Scott. J. Nigh. l9. l3. Robinson, I“. Ash, A. l“. \Vilsol). I). Reiuhart. Dmid Janu-s. '19.. .l :lllll‘S, i‘vlar-kham; County Councillor James Loy. J. 0. Clark. Hugh Clark, \V. Davidson, l-Scarlmro; Andrew Newton, .l. Swim-'1', \V. ’1'. Storey, M. Morison. 'i‘hos. l-‘nlnu-r, M. Nnughton, A. Moodin, .l. (hisvly, .I. Bosluid, S. M. Brown. ('r. Mc‘lJoHnId, ‘3. Jones, Dr. anr son, I). Iioruer. C-Jléli & e’GIiNSTUf‘l Barristers, Solicitors. etc. TORON'I‘O OFFICE: No. ': l i' mond Hi. \\'<\.~'l.\\'oslcv l’ .. ()Ivlhodist Book Room,) To- ronto. Mr. Cook will be at Ma afternoon of c.) JLAA a N ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, REAGENT Bill pin on Thursday oh week. Mr. Visit FY. NOTA RY PUBLIC. OOMMIBBIONER IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&¢. Issuer ofiiarriage Licenses {{{CH‘MOND [HLL IPOSTGFFIUE‘ R. 1;. Law, I). laud-UT. M. Boyle. 1.. _~_,» --.L_,L L , ,____-,WM limes, J. Paulin. '1". ii. Trench. “HM. Harrison, J. N. Boyle, l). 0. Steele, Richmond Hill. Mr. R. A. Mason. President of the East York Reform .‘.ssocialion, pre- sided. Dr. I). D. Mmrhlan, President \‘Vcst Yolk Retort: Association. urged the ionization of an organization for the new riding of Gonlrc York. and the proposal was unanimouny con- curred in. LENNOX & MORGAN, Barristers and solicitors. Money to loan on land and chattel um: lawns: rams Aurora Ofï¬ceâ€"Removed to the old post 01'th one Imor west of t 0mm“) Bunk he eumncc to the Newnmrket otlicaâ€"T p is: otlice T HERBERT LENNOX, tgagesat lirce doors south of the G S-rV Mono“; “mm Newnmrkot ‘Mossl's..\V. I‘l. Grant, Secretary East mumme loll; Helm-m .ZLSsnc-iation, and A. J. Anderson, Secretary \Vcst York He- i'orxr Association. to whom was en- Licensed Auctionoor trusted ihe duty of preparing a con- lor th ‘ . Goods sold on can 6 county 0‘ Yer)" 'nment General sales rl sLi'nti'm for the 'Iswri'ition recom- chm: em: Drmm. .trsmni ,. ‘ ‘ ‘ '. ‘ “ ‘ . mnes nesiacnée ï¬rming m “'5 “swam†mended the adoption of that or the G R Gouldmg, ‘ \‘r'es't York Association. This mow done with Some modiï¬cations. It was decided that the association shall in the. revision of voters" lists and other matters-render assistance to and co- operate with the local organization in the polling subdivisions and munici- palities. The annual meeting was ï¬x- cd for the secoixi Thursday in Janu- ary. The following ofï¬cers were elected : President, Michal-l Naughton. Vaugh- aniownship; lst Viccâ€"l’resident, It. A. Mason, Mai khan); 2nd Vice-Presâ€" ‘idcnt. Dr. McLean. \Yomllnidge; Sec- l'ctar)‘. A. l“. \Vilson, Markham Vil- lage; 'l‘roasiu-er, J. E. S\\'ll.’.;'l‘, lich- mond Hill. The respective polling subdivisions will each elect. a repre- St ntativr on the Exccutive Uolmnittce. The business oi’ organizing); having born disposal of. Messrs. Archibald Campbell, M. P. ; John Richardson. M.I’.P., and N. \V. Ilowvll, K.U.. were called upon to address iheirweting. Mr. Campbell said be regarded Urn- trc K'rrk as a. comtiiuem-y in which if they were onitl-d the Liberals could undoubtedly elect a supporter of the Dominion Government. And the Liberals could (,touscir-ntiously do lhis, for the Lam-icr Uovci mount was the bL-st the Dominion of Canada has ever bad. They have had to face some of the most, monu‘lnto questions that have evcr conlo lu-i'or.‘J’arlianu'nt. but have condurtcd the aï¬'aiis ol' the coun~ try so well that tin-y cvrtainly deserve a continuation of the confidence ofihe electors. Sp-akingof the redistribu- tion bill, he colnmendrd the (Lovan mont for the fairness Mllll which it Ihad bro]: drawn, and the manner-in which the evils of the gori-ymamlcr . had been u iprd away. Tin-10 had Nun’ton Brook. agent for tho .7 T Snigean.’ J K Mcï¬von, nape Weston Saigcma & McEwen. Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. I Sales tint-Med to on shortest no‘it‘cand a. _ . . .. tea.- sonoblerutes Patronegcsnl'icited D. G. BLGI'GRI. License Auctioneer for the County of York, re- spectfully solicits vour patronage and friendly influence sales attended on the shortost notice and at: rensonube rates. P. 0. address King . E. Smith. Linener Anctionoarfor the Counties of York and Ontario All sales of farm stock, .50 nt- tnnded to on the Siloi‘tï¬ï¬t notice and reasonable rams. Mortuaszeqndhnilitf sales at" metal to ltosidencefltouiï¬vilio Ont K ‘ l .n. VVRIGE'I’ BROS, (linden-takers A’ Embalmers, RlClIliiUND HILL & THORNHILL A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. RICHARDiON HOUSE Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. FEEDER K 0.10“. Prop H53 Id‘ 5“) the manner i.1 which Yorkmnunty had been divided, but these objections had not reached him when at Ottawa. The great, troable [ha-t had hitherto been experie iced in East and \Vcst York was t rat the farmers of Mark- ham. Scar-limo, Etobicoke and Vaugh- an had been swamped by the urban vote of the suburbs of Toronto. By the new division the urban wern separ- ated from the rural districts, and con- sâ€. mm. snsnn menu, I 158 KING s‘rnn EAHT. Tonox'ro accommodation to guestl. Board.61 nor day 8 PALMER HOUSE “HIV ' been. he learned, some objection 1.03 l I | i l l I l | . _.... ._...- . in Non-Essentiflls, Liberty; in allflzings, Charity." icaliy change our tariff policy. be. Cilllsl‘lllvl'v may be some change in Conditions in days to coin“. although at present. trade. was increasing by leaps and bounds, would not nppt‘nl lo the people. If any particular indus- t’ry'was suli'w'iiig that. was a matter for consideration but not a justiï¬ca-i tion for a generalincroaso in the: (mill. The suggestions of the Man-‘ nil-wt urm s’ Association I hat candidates should lli‘ plodged to support a total revision of the tariff upon the basis of the United Stairs larili’ was a piece of the groan-st importincnco. Refer- ring loa personal math-r, Mr. Row- ell said that he had been requested by a numberof fl‘l"ll(l§ to permit his name to bo plarc-l before the. nom- inaling convonlion as u candidate, \Vhilv ln- most thoroughlyapprm-intml [be kind int-lingoxprossodtoward him- sclf and valued highly the frii-mlships lichzni formed in East York, he inâ€" limniwl that (ho demands of his pro- fession made it. quite impracticable to r aCI‘L‘Llo to tlu-ir desires. Mr. John Richardson. M. P. P., nig- rd the importance of unity and ener- [Single copies, 3 cts. lll’ii‘â€: p-:_vn:<~nt for road plow, provid~ in}? Hm) ;:i\l- n l'lt‘ill l(‘-': ipi [or sauna J.’I1l;in .\iini’.-.;;v~~- tha! 3%. Loinon bo and is lll'l':‘l:_\' author-ix: II in (-xpl-nzl SQUAD in oponing dilrl: and rl-pniring road on sideline brlwcen luis ill) and 81, Con. 7. Latl;inâ€".»\rmif;:;:o_that {be (‘lmk ho and is hi‘llby rmpnwu‘d and au- ,lhori;znd lo ask for lrndris for printâ€" ing; loci-l) copin-s of (Sonmai By-I.aws, to Contain :IlmliL Illl or 1‘) pages in pam~ phloi form. saline to be printed and (ll-iiuuod by lst of Fob. lilll-l. liy-lmw to appoint placcs for hold.- ing nomination, polling; placcs and Ill-pnry ll. 0., rvcrivvd its several rradings and passed. Nomination in be llr'lll at Noblrlon. Elrt'tion in pol- in}: divisions: l. ’l'olnpe-rmn'e Hall, ville, \Valie‘rï¬volt. 2. Clayton Davis†lit-use, John Ed- warda 1}. (Ii-osslvy‘s IIall. King City. John A. \Taixon. ii. 'i‘unporam‘e IIall, V‘x'. Robinson. 5. ’l‘hos. lioss' house, Rubi. Ruther- Temperance- Ketileby, I\'. {relic work. He endorsed all that ford. littll'lli‘f‘ll'siiidllllfllll} the Laurier Ail-4 l}. ‘.‘.'o;-l:m:ui's Hall, Schombof', ministration, but was compulle to Chnylng II,‘1\i(I_ Lulu-exception to nix-.Uampbell’s statcfl 7. I’rlnglr’s shop, Nobleton, J. G. ment that it, was the best Government limi evrr existed. The Province-of 0n-, lalio had in the govermnent of Hon. (w'v-o. \V. Ross an Administration ‘ which would compare favorably with anyolher on the- face of, the globe. ill-gaming Centre York Mr. Richard- 5011 said he Would have prof ed the adoption of the Provincial divisions for Dominion purposes. and with regard to the sell-ciion of a candidate was; rather inclined to favor the home rulej principle,believing it would be pro~ forahii‘ to Sl'lect a ri-sident of the rid‘ ing. \thn the sr'lrction is made all". should unilc in elect him. The meeting closrd wirh the usual ' cheers. -â€"OQ.â€".â€"â€" W’.NTFD»F‘AI‘1‘Hl-‘UL Phat-SUNS 'T‘O CALM on rot/Lil trudg null “dents ior unmui'uuturul; house Lavina wall as islieni business; local Scriitm‘y; straitht an I". ,sz p.Lid weukly uni cxocnsa monsv advance-I ; pzevmus exueru no») unnel'csmy ; pusrtiou pcruuuwnt; busniesl P: iindo. H. .lunnings 11all,Ll(,ydiown, Alfred Lloyd, El. ’i‘cmpm'ancc Inll, Glenville, \Vm. Sharp. 14.). Jackson’s House, 12th com. C. J. Fullvr. Un molion of R. \‘v'. Phillips, coun- cil :~:7jourm-d to meet at Suiton‘n Iz'otwl. Svhnmberg, on Tuesday 15th Dem, 5.0m. The (ï¬lm-k \‘.'l.\h(Ԥ to coi-irct an error in rlu- minute-s of last Council meeting publishnd previous to this re. John Cuttings hill. Haid item should read " Disini‘rciing, by order of Board of Ilt'nléi'.†â€"_¢~o Sale Register. Werinosduy, Doc to ~Ax132i0n sale or form 55731: and implevucnts on 10?. m. lsn con King (Yang'e St), tin-.5 property of .114ch Hod-411m. NureserVe. S‘Lle at 12. Terms ll months. successful. I) plus-e SEMf-untll‘ezi .1 euVelnne. D G Bluuubvniuw101xeo‘; Sll>3rmt~ï¬ll‘16!†i'l'lb"i‘i01’-‘J (ii-'5 “V410†leé-i Thursday, Doc 174~All"tli)ll salt) of 10 fresh Cthd‘oO- union cows. 7 coits and 1|. nunmai‘ 0f YOU'VE u.»>â€"â€"- King Township Council ! (‘nnncil met at. 'Jlemperanoe Hall, Lnska)‘. Sitturday Nov. 2‘5. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting lead and approved. . The foli(-J\\’lug bills Were ordered to Phillipsâ€"Mullurchyâ€" that [he fol- lowing persons he paid the sum op- posite their respective names. being; entitled to the bonus for erecting wirc frnces along the highways, the same ln-ing passed by the Inspector 2â€"45. ’1‘. lieaslip. $3.1M; Agni-s l’ott:igre.$15..‘lu; Jas. Uoultcr, $4.43; C. J. Fuller, $3 c‘i. L:Il‘l{ill-x\lllllillg(‘ â€" thnt the treas. be and is hereby aulhorizod to it-l'nnd the sum oppositi- thc nann- of the fol- lowing persons, they havng pro - ’iiously pct formed their statute luhol- or have been wroneg assrssr d : ~â€" \Valti-r Rolling, UUc.: “'In. KNIT, mu; Oliver Kerr, 001a; George \‘v'ells, (30in; Mrs. Elli-n Scullv. U-ku; Fred Uapson, (Silo; \Vm. Cnpson. “an: (‘hasz F. Mc- Uabc, (50¢: John O‘Connor $1.20; Joseph Egan, $1.20. Phillipsâ€"Achmchyâ€"that. the fol- lowing shH-p valualors be paid the sum opposite their respective n inn-s: Edward Marshall. $1.06; Levi T. \Vat- Sun. Larkinâ€"Amnitagoâ€"that. the trans. be and IS hen-ob); authorich to refund dog tax to the following persons, they having been Wroneg assessed :â€"Petcr Mitchell. $1.00; Thos. lielinr(iy,$l.f)(l; while at the Milan»: Housu, huhmond Hill, tho property cf .1 H brimngnr. 1") r1 serve. hole at one. 'l'erms 3 and 0 months. 5.... con it: Alclllwen. u'icts . Fri-my, Dec itsâ€"Au Lion sale of 10 acres in half aura lots, of standing cedar. on lot. 53. r or 1:-ucun;\1urkl:uin,on the from of tin: Int-3 Henry J Mummy. Sale at. 1. Terms ten months. .1 ll Prentice. lll:(.l. .mmm be- Hill :â€" ‘ Just? Billings. salru‘y,Yongo St. $ 32 (0 I John A. ll't-l:l..!Ll. road work ,. . . :3 :2 A momma†in Chicago ran his car 5. ‘H. Lundy, pctniing . . . . . . . E7 20 onto the approach of an Open bridge but John ‘\\ alson, concrete culvert . 00 00 stopped“ with the fender actually over. Beildel‘ephone Sim, .1_.- years rent I hanging the gulf below. He wouldn.t 1n (,vn-rk s (Mice and con. . . . . 7 00 want to repeat the experiment because J. 3.1. (YUrien, hlncksmllh‘lnll .. l 20 the chances are that he.d never again \‘Jatson Sweezy. road work .. . . 7 80 have the same good manna Flank LLoyd, repairs to culvert. 1 00 Once in a “"111. Reilly, lumbi-r. . . . . . . . . . . 8 25 while some one “"111. 'harp, road work . . . . . . . 21 3 who has travel- \\'m. Reilly, “ . 3 25 ed to the very Norman Donn, †. . . . . . , , 2 25 edge of the A. G. Niool,gravel .. . .. . . . . . 12 ()0 danger line of X‘.’ats.m bweezywcdar . . . . . . . . . . 1 (l0 Stomach dis- l Benj. \V’illiams. road \voik. . . . . 19 22 ease Stops just , A. L‘oddcmeade, †. 21 ()0 in time to save } John I“ry,'_ “ . . . . . 12 (35 his health But ‘.'m. Jewitt, lumber .. . . . . . . 17 .‘0 the majority of l IJ- Liillli, . j' . . . . . . . . . 4 80 peoplegoacross I Ivlichaol Elernmis,r0ad work .. 1-! 50 the line, and ‘ “’m- -"3\"itta †n 15 4†slight symptoms of indigestion grow to John Riddlen‘cpairs to culvert .. 5 50 disease of the stomach, involving the Bs-nnclt Richards. road w n k . 15 (Ill other organs of digestion and nutrition. \Vm. .lewitt, road “or k . . . . . . . . 23 (It Indigestion and other fonns of stem. Gilbert Folliot. plow hulld. 75 ach “trouble†are perfectly and per- John (lnirns. mad \vork . . . . . . 2 85 manently cured by the use of Dr. Pierce‘s Golden Medical Discovery. _It strengthâ€" ens the whole body by enabling the per- fect digestion and assimilation of food. $3,000 FORFEIT will be paid by .the “'orld’s Dispensary Medical Assocmtion, Proprietors, Buffalo, N. Y., if they cannot show the original signature of _the indi- vidual volunteering the testimonial below, .and also of the writers of every testi- monial among the thousands which they are constantly publishing, thus proving their genuincness. “I have 1: cu sufferin for about eight years.“ writes Mrsï¬i. Pierce, 0 Millsprings. Kv. " Have had several doctors toireat incâ€"some for female weakness and others for stomach trouble. but received no refief. When I wrote you for advice 1 was hardlv able to work. and you advised me what to do.’ I took nine bottles. ï¬ve of ‘ Golden Medical Discove ',' {our of ‘Favoxile Prescriy tion.’ also two via 3 of the ‘ Pclleii.‘ Dr. Pierce‘s medicine: will do all that you claim {or them. Believe I would have been in my grave u I had .not taken them." Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay ex ense of cus- toms and mailing only. Sen 3! one-cent stamps for the book in paper covers, or 50 stain for the cloth-bound volume. Addreu . R. V. Place, Bufl'alo, N. Y. RICHMOND HILL, Rumodelled.md newly furnished throughout One of the most. convenient and Comfortable hotels on Yonge Street. Every modem con- venience Sample rooms for commercial travellers. An ideal stopping place for ridin or drivingpm‘tios,bicyclists. or farmers goin toot returning from nmrlxet. ‘lectric cars paasthe door Livery iuccnuection TERMS $1.00 PER DAY. W. C. SAVAGE Prop l stituted South York, so that in each constituency there was a. community of interest. Mr. N. \‘V. Rowell, K. C., congrats ulated the nssnciaticui upru the har- glxnony and enthusiasm which churac- - telized its fonnution. Discussing the arguments advanced by Conservatives why the Laurier government ought not to be continued in ofï¬ce, Mr. Rowell said that the proposal to rud- w. HEWISON, Ellen Scully. $1.00; Thus. [h't‘kdfllh‘ . ‘ HOUSE PAINTER, $1.00; \V. Putru:k,$l.00; \Vm. Barnes. ' '1-00; 3 “ h 11'“. .‘2.0(: F- 1 0‘- ' f: '3 _ irien $1.(()):)(;pElleli Mdlbahis, 31.10:}. i GlaZIEr' Gra‘ner and l Hanger. Phillips â€" Armituge â€"- that Phillip V Jeffreys and \Vm. Hawmnn be each Calls "from a distance promptly attended to. paid $2.00 for conveying inmates to l the Industrial Home. Larkinâ€" Armitageâ€"â€" that the trons. [ be and is hereby authorized to pay the ‘ 7 r ., x \Vilkinson Plow Co. the sum of REbIDENCE. RICHMU?‘ D HILL