Neckweur for Christmas gi-fts~»W<mld lease the men-kind. Atkinson Switzer. The qï¬iciaanening of the skating ï¬nk will take place this (Thursday) evening at 8.30 o‘clock. The manage- ment advertises that speeches will be ade by prominent, citizens. The nd will be in attendance. The rink ll be open from 7.30 to 10 o’clock. ernl ndmissum. 10 cents; season t:hnlders, free. West; York. :gnd Mrs. Puttersnn‘ have returned to their home in \Voodstnck after spending the summer and fall at their Patterson rosidmwe. MixPattw- son’s many friends will be pleased tn knuw that he has almost recovered from the elfx-cts (-f the recent accident when he tripped over a lawn mower fracturing his arm. 751119. High School Hockey Club have l-e-()xgnnized for the season with the following oï¬lcers: Honorary President. R. Shaw; President, 0. McNaughton: §tec'y-Treas., .1. Na ughton ; Matiager, E; Smith " Committee, E. Nelles. G. Deadman. M. Storey. Spend prudentlyâ€"give “:iso make this. perfectly easy. 1 85 Switzer. P. Patterson, Esq., ex-M. P. P. for \Vesb Yngk. Eng] Pattersnm have An invvstigatinn as to the cause of three or fuur' {1le on the farms nf James Bull and John Bell, King town- ship, Wus started at Schnmhel'g on Tuesday by Detective Rogers. The loss is heavy. and everything points to incendinrism. The committee are giving the chil- dren of the Sabbath Schonl of the Methodistchnmh daily practice. and Lexpect. to give nu Christmas night; one :(If the best prngmmmes they have yet. >presented. Furtherparticulars later. The debate which was to have taken place on Friday evening of this woe-k in wonnectinn with the Epwm'th League ’hus been postponed, and Mr. E. \V. Junnings will wad a paper on Carlyle. tAll are invitvd. H. C. Bailey. Telnphnno Store, “Maple. is St-llinzz the evlubmtvd Dn- mestic and NPWbOlnl‘Stic sewing m1- about half the regular prices. It will pay any person needing n high- class mac-him» tn go in and hzwe 1L talk with Mr. Bailey. gain co'untex' here. Abkmson & Swit- zer. Prices hero provoke poulzu' patron- age for Christmas shopping. Atkin- son & Switzer. The pl'nl'anity and foul language (by a. rough character from a neighbor- ing town In the street Saturday even- ing was shocking to listen to. and yet we are left; without a village constable. 0f what-use is our lockup? urent value in men’s cups, shirts. socks, overa HS and mits. Atkinson & Switzer. A meeting of the Curling Club will be held in the Council Chamber Mon- day evening at 8 o’clock. A full at- tendance of the members and all in- tending to join the club is desirable. ’Rev. J. A. Grant was one of the speakersat the Proshytm-iam Chm-ch entertainment, at Brown‘s C(Irnvls Monday evening. About WU took tea, and the aï¬air w: a great success. Great value in men’s cups, shirts. A newflmilding some distance from The hotel is being built at the Palmer lluuse. The :lcvtyh‘ne gas plant; mll he removed from the cellar to the new building. You never can tell., etc. At the Schunl Bomd nmoting on Mu'vudny all the teachers in the High and Public sr‘honl were re-vngnged for next ymu'at their present salaries, Hurry Nanghton, son of Mr. John Naughtnn. tripped over a schoiur’s hunts on Monday and got; a, deep cut. by falling against the school furnace. The Richm-md Hill Beef Associa- ntion met, on Snlurduy and l‘P-e‘h’ct- ed Mr. D. Lynett President, and Mr. (:‘rt 0. Redditvt sect-otzu-y-treusurvr.‘ A second-hum! self-frieder parlor cunk for Sale ciwap. at, the Methudist Parsonage). Would accept in ex- change buy or wood. The Public Hrhnn] trustees at) Put- t-vrsnn met Monday evening and on- guged us tpnrhox- for next, year Miss Anglin, Montruai. The \V. (1. T. U. will nwotnttho home of Mas. II. F. anpm‘ .vth. Tucs- ï¬ny evening Mb 7.30. A full attend- ance is requustvd. York Township Utmwc’n} on g'lve the Inca] npt-inn by-luw it: i-t-arling by the casting vnte chairman. The Ian-g9 nvw mus :n-o Hg. hing on the Mvtrr-pnlimn, :1 hunting apparatus is giving g( isfacbivu. Every Christmas cnuntm- is a, bar- Ivy Lndgn, »\. 0 W'vdnosduy oven vfï¬cers. Mr. Rnssvll Pulmon- is taking :1 r‘om'se at the Conn-3L1 Business College. RRmmhb HILL, Drcomhex- 10, 1903 H. S. HOCKEY C 140C3A7115’5. RINK ‘RE-OPENINd “iiiï¬zmai. ww cars are again Mt-tn-pnlitnn, and xtus is giving good ip Gunman on Monday Winn by-luw its second O. U. XV†meets next ening. *loctiun nf LUB. (>1 y â€" we Atkinson of the run- the sat- v‘ v- UVI\V\\.\A v nun-v.“ Lnlaula. o JUS. for 25c. ; best lenmn and orange peels. 12gc. ll). ; natural ï¬gs. 5c. 1b.; good colfee, ground fresh, 200. lb. Atkin- son & Switzor. ,-.,___. -_. .. . u. V. vi ‘4- ksrlllblb' 1.1.1.). G.M. fur No. I]. and R. ‘SV. Bro. \Vat- son, a. P. D. D.G. M.. were also present. A sumptuous banquet, was afterwards given at the Emulglin House. when the usual toasts were propnsed and responded to. and Bro. ‘J. A. Mlinning of anontu, cngtrihuted a. number of .vocal Selertions. which were thorough- ly enjoyed by all present. Fine cloun'ed currants, 4 25c. ; [vestjelecfod Valencia raisins. 3 lbs. A number of the Masonic brethren accompanied B. “’01-. Bi‘n. H. A. Niclmlls, l). D. G. M" on his ofï¬cial visit to Markham Union Lodge, on Friday evening. ’l‘ln're was also a. nmuborprcsmt from Puttm-son Lodge, Thurnhill, and other sister lodges. ‘ he ï¬rd llugrve was exempliï¬ed by W. M, Gen. Gm-lulvy and his ofï¬cers, who miss-9 a. hrothéx'tothe degree of a Master Bâ€"Tusun. The D.D.G.M. gave a, fraternal criticism. and expressed himself as well pleased with the work done. R.‘ “RBI-0. .l._E._E_rancis, DJ). A Convention for the purpose of selecting a candidate for Centre York riding for the Dominion will he held in the Masonic Hall ‘liere next Wed- nesday. Den. 16, at, 2 o’clock. All Liberals Meiorited to be present. but tlls selection of the Candidate will he made by four delegates from each poll- ing sub-division throughoutthe riding. In addition to credentials for the four delegatvs, the secretary will send an extra fm m for one sub-delegate, who, in addition to repl'est‘nting one ah- Sontoe, shall haw- one vote by proxy if necessary. The delegates should see that their credentials are properly signed by the chairman of the sub. division. Let every place be fully represented. Boots and Slmvsâ€"Men’s rubbers and socks. boys’ lubhers and sucks, girls’ leather lined sclmnl hunts, men’s water-proof boots. \Ve can do well for you in footwear. Com-I :Ind Spe us. \Ve $911 for cash. Naughton Bros, Elgin Mills. AUCTION SALE OF UNUSUAL IMPORTANCE. The notice of farmers and othPl-s in- terested is directed ts the particulars of an auction sale of standing cedar, contained hr the sale register of this Week’s paper. “’hat used to he a matter of very little importanceâ€"the- snle nf a cedar bush~is nmv somaâ€" thing that, seldom occurs in this local- ity. To any one in need of material for fences or x-epnirs to buildings. an excellent opportunity is afforded them of supplying tlll‘ll' Wants. Good loca- tion for removinw the timber. Easy terms. Attend L xe sale. you in frum four to 6 months and place you in position the moment, you are competent. A common school od- ucation is all that is required. (7:11]. 01- write us for full particnhus. Can- adian Railway Instruction Institute. con-College and Yonge St l-eets, Toron- to. Presenfsitself for young men and women to acquire a vocation this winter that Will bring them double the salary at least that they can c0111â€" :nund in uthr omce wm-k. store, fuc- t.<’:1-y,(-t(‘. Practical training in com- mercial and railway Lelegxaphy and railway ofï¬ce accounting, places,‘ ynnng ladies in line to command from. $35 to $70 per month and voting mem from $40 to $125 per mum). We ï¬t METROPOLITAN OFF YONGE ST. Mr. \antvr But-wick, K. 0., solicitor for the Motmpulitan Railway Gom- puny. on Tuesday submitted to Cor- pm'alinu Counsel Fullerton fur presen- Lntim: tn the Board (of Control his re- visinn 0f the Mayor’s draft of an agreementbetwoen the city and the company for the relmwal nf the com- pany’s terminals from Yong-e street, LU yards of their own on P. R. property West of the street, and north of the C. P. R. trucks. The Bmlrtl ap- proved. Best, granulated sugar. powdered sugar, yl-limv sugar, Paris lump sugar, full stock and a. big $21 worth this week. Atkinson & Switzor. Friday evening. He \vusa lsiing the throshers to get the nmchinn in the lmrn when he was struck by the tnnguv across the breast and shoulder. His mm W: Q alsu hndly bruised by the hlmv. No infernal injulies are now foam-d. but, Mr. Carson will he in- capacitated frum Work for some time to come. Mastnr Murray Vamdprbm'gh. son of Mr. “'51). TVandm-hurgh, accidental- ly fell and fructm‘vd un ill-m above the elbow on Snlnrduy nftmx-nonn. He was standing on a. high stnnl sweeping spider wvhs ahovc- him in tho burn when 119 Inst his halzmcv and fell. He was hruught to the dm-tor‘s ofï¬cn ml the: 2.29 cm‘, when the fracture was cduced. Mr. Andrew Caran ICCPiVPd a. severe blc Almpst anything yum want, in men‘s furnishings at a pl'if‘l‘ you Want to pay. Atkinsnn & Switzvr. The qung pecule (If the Presby- terian Sabbath Scfmol uf this villngP. will prose-ht J. Astor Brnnd’s Juvenile Open-tut, “ Red Riding-H ood's Resclw. m- lhc Danger of Disobedience," at thvir Xmas mtm-tninmunt 'I‘uvsduy evening. 22nd xnst. Flirt-hm- partic- ulm-s will be published in next, week's LIBERAL. NOMINA'I‘ING CONVE'BTTION “ RED RIDINGHOOD’S RESCUE." A GRAND SHOULDER INJ URED. MASONIC VISIT. R M FRACTURED. OPPORTUNITY )iu-sm) of Elgin Mills, I? blow in his burn Poor manl He can’t help is. He gets bilious. He needs 3 cod liver pillâ€"Ayer’s Pills. ‘ hey act directly on the liver, cum ‘biliousness. harm‘s: I Wish to thank the London Muttml Fire Insurance Co. {for their prnulpt and generous settlement; of my loss of October 26. I think them an upto- date company. and any one needing insurance would do well to see MLNJ. Glaxs‘, agent, Elgin Mills, before in- ;zsuring. ~SE'I‘H SMITH. [The News having called ._the atten- tion .of the council [.9 Lhemmounce- men! in THE LIBERAL of the‘b‘rd inst. by whichit appears that, the Lungstulf Toll-House is for sale by Loudvr, and that Mr. J. E. Francis. Thornhill, Councillor for Markham ’J‘p., will re- ceivo Lenders. without consulting this council, which has a oneâ€"third iutmost in the property, it was resolved on motion of Councillors Inues and Glass that the clerk be instructed to notify the m-eve-s of the townships of Max-k- ham and Vaughan. and also Council- loI-Fraucis, that, this council claims one-third of the procevds of the sale of the toll-house on Yonge St. ud- vex-Used for sale by J. E. Francis. councillor for Markham Tp.. as well as one-third of the rent collected for the'l‘oll House up to date of sale.â€" Carried. The council adjourned. Innosâ€"Glassâ€"thnt the tx-ensurvr re- fund dng tax paid by the fallowng rate-payers: Mr. Jas. leulin, erran- Jeeusly assessed for an extra dug; M 1-. Thus. Trench, {mid fur tenant‘s dog, x'eulow-d; Mr. Wed Hoppur. charged on roli in ermr; and that the tax cul- lectm-collect $1 flmu H. H. Mapper for dog tux charged to Fred Hopper in mistake. Want your moustécibéior hearri a beautiful brown «I rich black? Us: BHBKINGHAM’S DYE Glussâ€"Pauhnâ€"thun the above my counts be paid. M r. J.- H. Surndr-rsnn addressed the coluncil in behalf of the curling club. Innesâ€"Glnssâ€"tlmt the curling club be granted the-use nf the rink during ensuing svzlsou on the same tm-ms as hel'otofcre. V’l‘he following accounts were read Jns. Hall, oil . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . $14 Juhn Innes, lumber . . . . . _ ‘ . ,. . .. 42 John Shenrdown ... . . . , . . . 1:5 \V. Benson, teaming gravel . . . . 12 H. A. Nicholls, plow puént . . . . . Minutes of November 17 read and approval. Council met on Dec. 9. Present): the Reeve and Councillors Glass, In- nes, Paulin and Trench. MANTLEIâ€"LEEK-At the rosidenre of the bride's b.0ther-m-Iaw. Mr. J. ]) Tripp, Toronto. on Wednesday, Dec. 9. by Rev. W. Dean. Miss Anna Alice Leek. second daughter of Mr. Jonas E, Levk, 3rd enn. Murkhum. to Stephen R. Mamie m Toruntn, oniy sun 01 Mr. Ab- mbmu Mantle of Ularemont. FORM [11. \Valter Frishy . . . . . . . . Starr McMahon . . . . . . Cvcil Keys...... Ada. Milne . Elmore Romnzm . . . . . . Genevieve Harris .. . Fred J. Graham . . . . . . Edward Millvr . . . . . . . . Fred Richardson . . . . . . Lm'ne Perkins . . i . . . . Mary Gnrmnn . . . . . . . . Camel-on McNaughton Ida Kirby .. Sidney Boyle . . . . . .. Fred T. Graham . . . . . , Irene Lane . . . . . . . . . . . Ernest Smith . . . . . . . Louise Nanghton .. .. Rolph Perkins . . . . . . . John N21 lightun . . . . . Allen Humherstnne .. Maggie Cosgrove Lulu-u Richmdson Hazel Switzor .. Emily Buyle . . . . A RImst-H Rumble .. Annie Rumble . .. Mabel Bynm . . . . . . Wm. Hingstun John Heise .. .‘ George Topper, . . . Jenn Bnyle . . . . . . Jennie Clark .,. Nora, McMahon Donald Atkinson. Myrtle Klinek . . . Annie KH'swill \Villiv Lawson .. Franklin Jm-kes . Marguerite Buer Fred Campbell . . Murray Storey Max-tun Gilmnn Norman Bil-roll . Erline Gibson .. . Hazel \Velsh m . . Keith Hill . . . . . . Arthur Ball ‘ \Vzu-ren Page Wm. Schmidt . . . FORM JI. Hurry Francis Garnet; Dickenson Frsz McDonald Jessie Morgan The fulluwing is the High School rt» pol-t fur November :â€"â€"- I FORM 1. TOTAL % Alex. Mchnaghy 1039 87 geargig Brown .. . . . . . . . . .102! 85 HIG H SCHOOL REPORT Village Counml. Card of Thanks. MAE! S‘ZIAGES POSS! 'M . TEEFY, Clerk. u. v. a unuq Lowe .Mnu. To’m L' . . 1039 . . .1024 964 It. 006 1004 92 L 810 787 74-0 7 I 0 623 614 61 1 600 419 336 335 467 620 512 482 478 807 723 726 (533 846 854 877 582 554 558 517 420 339 649 630 61:â€) 590 463 D1 )3 800 797 7515 701 677 ;14 74 42 51 1:5 10 12 00 62 64 54 ($0 66 58 70 57 56 ! Pal-nun 750 3 Minarda Liniment 15¢: ! Sunpeu-e pure 2 lbs {or 35:: 87 85 76 75 74 73 7D Saltsâ€"Rowan“ P311543 Englinh Ersom Suite to take swelling opt 9! your horre'a legs; give u. handful) in feed; 3c lb ; 10 lbs for 25¢ Sulphurâ€" 3c 1!). 10 lstHr 25c Gluuber Saltsâ€"3c 112,430 lbs for 25¢ Dr Willmms Pink Pills.30¢,3 (or 89: Carters Pills 2 bottles for 256 Chases Ointment 40¢: gyms Hair Vigor 65c é UL ADUHLLU .U'UULJA d.‘ UJU. bv the farmers of Ontario. It. is a grand preparation to; keeping bursaacgttle. sheep. pign and nnum'y in a ï¬ne hmlthy condition. Kills worms. )5. pep-ml]; stunned for 'prupuring stqck for market or Full Exhibitions and is increases their flesh. puns life and 3);]. biz’ugp m ngm and gums them 0. sleek and glossy cunt. Sample puckuzaa 20d. u}: 1'2 lbs (or $1. Whiï¬his 118- m5 feeds (or 1c. YORKSHIRE CUUGd AND HEAVE CURE gum. teed to cure any 0399.0 coughs, colds! heaycs or broken wind or tne alter effects of influenza. or epizootic. Price;;n.capt§. Yourrecelpus for condition powders pnz_up xrromytlyï¬tom pure drugs at wholesaleprices ' Yorkshire Stock Food was, 55333535133 & Samï¬iinn Pawders At Cut Kï¬arte Prices. This is only a. pnï¬igldist. Remember we sell evrrything at wholesale prices and can save money by dealing winh us. A magniï¬cent calendar {or each (mammal: :Remembenwe sell everything v.1: wholesale v h , 1, "a. 523" gig (Successor to C. D. Daniel 6: Co. and Hugh Minor 6: Co.) Wholesale and Retail Drnggists. 171 King St East, Toronf Opposite Clyde Hotel. ATKENSQN 8: SWITZER, Richmond Hill. J. A. Johnston This store is regarded as Christmas buy~ ing headquarters for all this vicinity. With Christmes only two weeks away and in an- ticipation of by far the largest holiday busi- ness in the annals of this store, departments devoted to merchandise suitable ior holiday ifts have been stocked to overflowing. At this eyrly day you can select your presents while our' stocks are complete much more satisfactorily than when the holiday rush is on. You can secure many things that will be exhausted before Christmas. This store has been for weeks selecting merchandise suitable for giving. We have spared no pains to make this store as heretofore Christ- mas buyrng headquarters where trustworthy merchandise is sold at the lowest prices. Mechanical Toys, Trains on Track, Dolls, Toy Guns, Games, Albums, Fancy China, Fancy Lamps, Fanch Handkerchiefs. Full stock of Sugars, Currants. Raisins. run stock 01 Sugars, Currants, Raisins, Lard, Figs, Dates, Peels, Nuts, etc. Cream Sapamï¬or Stoves THE DELAVAL Washing Machiaes Chums Have one on trial and be convinced. Castoria. 25c Why not buy the heat M. wholesale prices nm‘tyou can save Item-.10 to 25 per cent by dealing with us xmmmammmmmiï¬ IF YOU WANT A The old rehable stock (no bv the farmers of Oumria ‘VE ALSO SELL Glass, Etc. Hardware *Eavetmughing Paints Elcetrio Oil 2 bott!ee 25¢ Chases Syrup 0! Linseed aud'ngantlne 15c Ayum Cherry Peufoml ‘1), 404nu£5c Nonvav. Piueï¬yryp 18c Pages English Cough Syrup, large bottle 350 Grays Sy) up Red SpruceGum 18c Hag-unis Pectoml Balsam 18c Coltsfoot Expectorant 180 Raqwnys Relief ch Pagea.Red Clonin- Qompoupd puxipeq tbqblqod. chres cncan‘h. dysp‘ebéiEVaBE Ema-chic}; Pages Dyspeme Tablets sure cure 35c flu): fqnd so well an} fayorably knfawn _by 1A2- A you