A REMARKABLE CAREER. He was only twenty-one when he ..'rst made acquaintance with Africa, which was afterwards to be his ‘happy huntingâ€"ground. Spending some time in Tunis, ho mastered Arâ€" :abic, and probed into the social and political problems of that, romantic region. A series of articlcs on this subject attracted the attention of Lord Mayo, who was arranging a Inlission to Portuguese West Africa, and knowing that Johnston was familiar with the Portuguese lanâ€" guage, he inVited him to accompany the cxpcn‘ition. The young enthusâ€" iast att‘epted the offer, and upon the completion of the mission travelled on alone into the heart of the Congo. gand tracked the great river of Con- it-ral Africa through its tropical wanâ€" .derings. Returning home at the end of U883, he produced a remarkâ€"211316 lwork dealing with tie River Congo ,which brought. him into notice, and ,was the means of his being selected to conduct an expedition to Kilimanâ€" ro, in East Arden. Johnston's ‘ at ener and shrewd observaâ€" ona won the favor of Lord The pervading i1npro:‘.nn of his personality is one of ceaseless actiâ€" vity. In his quick, scm‘Ching eyes there is the power of reading men’s Dharactor which is the Sign of all en who have learnt to govern. In is square, 'ï¬rm jaw there is the [logged determination which has Carâ€" ried him through many a. great and "difï¬cult task. In his brisk, frank, vivacious, enthusiastic speech there 18 that. magnetic influence which marks him out as a leader of men, as a. man whom other men will folâ€" ï¬ow. through danger and difï¬culty. with faith that; he will get, to the 108‘ he has in View. But always in the midst of the anâ€" xious cares of Colonial administra- tion, during perilous explorations through savage regions, and in the turmoil of Imperial politlvs, the stuâ€" dent life, the love of things beautiful In literature, art. and nature have tugng at his heartstrlngs. ‘ A COMPLEX PERSONALITY. "Threeâ€"quarters of me; he said rcâ€" gntly in a private conversation waves for a. life of peace and study, Lnd retirement from the stxifc of the world. But the other quarter is pos- lessed by a little demon \vlzich pricks a; med slump an 331m 01 uo am lhe practical problems of the world, Ind will never let me rest." This man of rcsLless energy, with ‘ ï¬rm hand upon the m'tivitics of )ublic life and work, who has ruled Wer great countries, and dominated by his strong personality thousands )f civilised and unciviliscd men in Iurbulent regions. has a strangely lual chm'actel‘, which perhaps is the ecrct of his success. iice behind him as an explorer and \dministrator in East, West, and ientral Aiiica. But, his reputation dons not end rith this. As the author of many mportant books, as a journalist with ew things to tell and a. vivid\ style f telling them, as a master of many luguages, as an artist whose pic- urcs are hung in the Academy, as o. atui'alist and zoologist with many iriginal discoveries to his credit, he as Won his spurs in literature, art, md science. I‘here are few men who have in- LdCd the two worlds of thought and ption with such brilliant dash and lax-mg as Sir Harry Hamilton John- };on. Without family influence, and \y the three qualities of pluck, en- ,I‘gy, and resources, he succeeded in Making down the barriers of For- Ign Ofï¬ce favoritism, and at the )ge of forty-ï¬ve stands with the )tters G.C.M.G., and K.C.B. after is name, and a. long record of ser- Bright’s Disease is the most ad- vanced stage of Kidney Disease. Dodd's Kidney Pills are the only remedy that, will cure it. But it is Wiser and safer to guard against right's Disease by using Dodd's (idney Pills when your Kidneys give Ihc ï¬rst symptoms of distressâ€"pain 1n the back or slight urinary dis- u'der. [S A MAN 0F MANY PARTS DUAL CHARACTER OF HARRY H. JOHNSTON. \ Great Explorer, Able Adminisâ€" trator, and Only 45 Years Of Age. "I took three boxes of Dodd's Kid- ney Pllls and they cured me. I think Dodd's Kidney Pills are a. wonderful remedy for Kidney trou- ble." He Suffered From Kidney Disease for Two and a. Half Yearsâ€"Only one of the Many Cured by the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy. > Central Watcrville, York Co., N'.B.. Dec. 7.-‘â€"(Special).â€"â€"The case of F. W. Harris of this place is one more evidence of the wonderful work Dodd's Kidney Pills are doing in New Brunswick, Mr. Harris makes the lollowing statement for publication: "I suffered for two years and a half from Kidney Troubles, being un- Ible to attend to my work the greatâ€" » [mrt of the time. I tried many medicines Without getting any beneï¬t, but actually grew worse. \ODD’S KIDNEY PILLS MADE F. \V. HARRIS AWELL MAN. éREAT WORK IN NEW BRUNSWICK ring that Johnston was with the Portuguese Ianâ€" 3 imith him to accampany L'ition. The young enthus- ptcd the offer, and upon the m of the mission travelled into the heart of the Congo, ked the great river of Con- ra through its tropical Wanâ€" , LU thlCS on 1111.“: o 9 :e attention 01 S as at ranging a F. Wu: \f"-, Q 0 1 23:: ;.A©nsumpt10n the end of ser- and and SIR It is not suited for ornamental work, but, buildings of a plain char- acter can be raised by it from the inside without any of the scaffolding chine Weighs about 60 tbs, and does not require skilled labor for its working. It runs upon a light gir- der. which can be raised as the work progresses. The bricks are fed to it by hand; a lever pushes them home, side rollers keep a. face on the Work, and other rollers press the bricks down on the mortar, which is run out by a hopper. Worked, like the machine, by hand. MESSSRS. C. C. RICHARDS & CO. Gentlemen,â€"I suITcrod for years with bronchial catarrh. I Commencâ€" ed in January last (as an experi- ment) to use MINARD'S LINIMENT which gave almost instant relief. And tw0 bottles made a complete cure and I have had no symptoms of a return of the trouble since March. Gratefully Yours. Hitherto the British Workman has considered the laying of from 500 to 600 bricks a. good day’s work. At Neasdcn, under American methods, a record average has been struck of 2,278 per man. Mr. Knight claims for his experimental machine that it will do the work of six or seven skilled bricklayers. at, considerably less than half the cost. Mr. J. H. Knight, of Farnham, England, has patented a. machine which will lay bricks at a, pace hith- erto undreamt of even by the "mir- acle" Workers at Neasden. Sir Harry Johnston’s great book upon the Uganda Protectorate, pro- duced upon his return in 1902, is one of the most remarkable contri- butions to the World’s literature. It ‘is more than on account of his own experiences and investigations. It is a. masterly exposition of the great sociological and scientiï¬c problems of the native races of Central Africa, containing also many remarkable contributions to zoology and natural history. Machine Which Will do Work of Seven luen. youth, he had ï¬rst come in touch with the romance of Africa. Here he stayed until 1899, when he be- came Special Commissioner to Ug- andaâ€"a country with an area of some 150,000 square miles, and con- taining, as he says: “nearly all the wonders, most of the extremes, the most signal beauties, and some of the horrors of the Dark Continent.†Upon his arrival this region was in turbulent and dangerous condition, with a civil war raging in its midst. But in twenty months, un- der Sir Harry's strong hand and by his deep knowledge of African races, it. became a. peaceful dependency of the British Empire. Simple in construction, the ma- MARK BURNS Vanklcek Hill, Ont., Oct. 3, 01. Salisbury, and after he had recorded the results of the expedition in a new book, he Was appointed in the autumn of 1885 as ViceConsul to the Cameroons and Oil River. He was shortly promoted to be Chief Consul, and in this capacity took sole charge of the great territoxy now known as Southern Nigeria. Af- ter that, came rapid promotion. In 1888 .Lord Salisbury appointed his young protege Consul for Portuguese West Africa, and the year following be was nominated to undertake the task, which he successfully performed of securing, with the aid of Mr. Al- fred Sharpe, all British Central Africa. and Northern Rhodesia for the British Empire. VARIED EXPERIENCES. For these services he was made a. Companion of the Bath in 1890, and the year following was given the Combined post of Commissioner and Consul-General in British and Cen-t tral Africa, and Consul to the Por- tuguese possessions in East Africa. For the six years following he ad- ministered Nynssalnnd, and of his work at this time he saysâ€""If I have done anything Worthy of being called good it is my successful efâ€" forts in stamping out the horrors of \the slave trade in those regions.†During his time he wrote two books dealing with Nyassuland and British Central Afidca, and in 1896 came home to superintend their pub- lication and to receive his K.C.B. The next year found him as Consul- General of Tunis. where, in his REVOLUTION IN BUILDING It cures (he most stubborn kind of coughs and colds. If it doesn’t cure you, your money will be refunded. Do you catch cold easily? Does the cold hang on? Try Prices 25c . 50c. and $LOD S. C. WELLS & C0. tmnw: Can. LeRoy, The Lung Tonic LeRoy, NJ’. 44â€"15 Several thousand packages of blackl cake tébacco, a strong variety, were purchased in America. and shipped to the Cape. the idea being that the 'soldiers might obtain a. cheap to- bacco from the canteens. It was either too strong for the stomachs 'and nerves of our men or the conâ€" 'signn1ent never left the wharves at. Cape Town until the campaign Was. iover. 'At any rate, some ï¬ve hunâ€" Idred tons of this tobacco are Wale housed at the present time at Southâ€" ampton docks, England. They were; taken from the holds of the transâ€"v ports Syria. and Stafl'ordshire some time ago. n It is difï¬cult to sa what the War Ofï¬ce intend to do wÂ¥th the tobacco. As a marketable commodity it has little value. There is not much deâ€", mand for it in England, and it, must Wash greasy dishes. pots or pan» with Lever's Dry Soap a powder. It' will remove the grease with the greatest can. A previous stock of returned toâ€" bacco was sold from the Southamp- ton Customs at 2d a. pound. It probably cost. the country double that amount. Tons of War Oï¬ice Mixture is Ly- ing at the Docks. The tale of British War (“he blun~ ders during the late South African war is not yet complete. The latest, instance concerns the injudivious pur- chase of tobacco for the troops. He: “We had best clope about two in the morning. I will bxing my motor to the next corner andâ€"†She: “Oh, couldn’t you make it, a little caulier, dear? Pa. and ma do so want to see us oil. and I don't like to keep tlxcm up so late." EM, wmaLow’s Boo-mum SYRUP ha- been used by nlllioui 0! mother; for their children while teething. itaoothes she child. soften: the gums. allay! pnin. curs: viud collc. regulates the Slomnch and bowels, and in the last. remedy for Dinrrheen. Twenty-ï¬ve menu: 3 Datum “M L: dmpgists Ulrcughouu the world. Be sure and u}; i»): “ Mus. WmsLow’s Sooruxxu sun " 23-71 Tine largest tobacco factory in the world is that belonging to the French Government at. Lme. It turns out 50,000 tons a. year. Bel- gium and Holland smoke 34oz. of tobacco a head, Germany 4802. and England obly 24oz. Never Worryâ€"Take them and get about your businessâ€"they do their work whilst you are doing yours. Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills are system renovators, biood puriï¬ers and builders; every gland and tissue in the whole anatomy is beneï¬ted md stimulated in the use of them. 40 doses n a. vial, m centsâ€"as Husband (looking up from a book): "Do you know what I would have done if I had been Napoleon ?" Wife: “Yes, I know. You would have set- tlcd down in Corsica, and spent your life grumbling about bad luck and hard times. ' ' South American Kidney Ours is the only kidney treatment that has proven equal to correct all the cvila that are likely to befall these physical regulators. Hun- .dreds of testimonials to prove the curative merits of this liquid kidney speciï¬c‘in cases of Bright's disease, diabetes, irritation of the bladder. inflammation, dropsical tendency. Don’t dclay.â€"22 Mrs. Dillus (after the compan; gone): “Johnny, you shouldn't eaten those preserved fruits were not intended to be eaten. were put on the table to ï¬ll Johnny Billus: “Well, that's I used 'em for, mamma." Hall's Oatarrh Cure is taken inter- nally. and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Bend for testimonials. free. F. J. CHENEY a; 00.. Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family l’uls are the best. lï¬ï¬‚ffl’s Linimem Cures EMS! m 60‘ , H _ ..... . “H...†mm b‘tato aforesaid, and that. said ï¬rm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DUL- ARS for each and every case of UA- ‘AliliH that cannot. be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH (mum , "WW- ..- WM,“ .. u... use of HALL'S CATARRI! CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this 6th (my 01 December. AJ). 18:36. BIGGEST TOBACCO FACTORY STAT}: OF OHIO. CITY or TOLEDO. ’85 LUCAS Coux'nr. { FRANK J. CHENEY makes oath that he is senior gunner of the ï¬rm 0! . J. CHENEY 00., doing business n the Cit o! 'l‘olgdo. County and on.“ «I ..... 2 4..) . Miss Gabblo seems a. most pleasant person to talk to." "Huh! She doesn’t seem to think so.†"Whyâ€" erâ€"how do you mean ?†“She seems to think she's a pleasant person to listen to." which plays so prominent presentjday building. TOBACCO AT A DISCOUNT Results from common soaps: eczema, coarse hands, ragged clothes, shrunken flannels. And it éannot sh'irk its work SEAL For Over Sixty You" Ask lb? the Oct-con Bur n' the company had you shouldn't have A. w. apuso N. A'atariy'iâ€"‘hbzia part They They up.’ ' “ hat A washorwoman applied for help to a gentleman, who gave her a. note to the manager of a. Certain club. It read as follows: “Dear Mr. Xâ€"-, This woman wants washing." Very shortly afterwards the answer came back: "Dear Sinâ€"I dal'esay she does, but 1 don’t. fancy the job.†Chas. 0. Brown, journalist. of Duluth, mum, writes: “I have bean a sufferer :x‘om Throat and Nasal Catarrh for over 20 years, during which time my mead has been stopped u? and my con- dition truly miserable. Vithin 15 min- utes after using Dr. Agnew's Cntnrrhnl Powder I obtumed relief. Thrca bot- tles have almost, if not entirely cure}; me." Ir. Agnaw's Ointment relieves piles instanu, 520 years EYE We flaï¬arrh Ganderful Testimony to the Curatlve 9ower3 of Dr. Agnaw’s Camrrha! Powder. Ethel: "Did you hear of the en- gageme:.t of Jack and Penelope?" Harofd: “Dear me! Tl‘on Jack has ï¬nally succeeded ‘2" Ethel : "No; succumbed." Biggs: “Your hicnd Dobbs seems to be a. very wall-educated man." Jenkins: “I should say he is. He knows so much that he doesn’t beâ€" lieve anything." Mrs. Kinder (reï¬ectix'ely): "I wonâ€" der why a man never pays his wife any compliments after tizey are married?" Kinder (bliskly): “He does better, my dearâ€"‘he pays her bills." P‘élnaté's Linimaat Cures Bistcmrer‘ Death or lunacy seemed the 0an Htcrmlive for a well-known and highly respected lady of VVingham, 0m†who had travellcd over two continents in a vain search for a. cure for nervous debility and dyspepsia. A friend recom. mended South American Nervine. One bomb helped, six bottles cured, and her own written testimony closes with these words: "It has [aved my life.â€â€"â€"2o Minmd's Unimeni Bums Mrs. Church: “Did you ever catch your husband flirting ‘2" Mrs. Got- ham: “That’s the way I did catch him." Min WEBSTE 'S INTERNA'IBIONAL The best holidny gifts are uleful riffs, and one of the most useful is the New and Enlarged Edition 0E ad’s Llnlment limes ï¬elds. etc, Every man should carry a. life insurance policy which is "pure life insurance," and such a. policy is the policy of the I. O. F. It is handy to have a. life insurance policy upon which raise a, loan with which to speculate. ' Remember, however, that you are risking. Lawyer Bruce Thornton is examining into the affairs of his late friend and client, A. R. Winston. He ï¬nds that his Life Insurance Policws are only “éhells.†They were all mortgaged to the mon- eylenders for advances used in speculation. There is, therefore, no- thing left for the dead man's family. "A very sad case, a. very sad case indeed,†remarked lawyer Thornton. “I wish the poor fellow had carried a. policy in the Independent Order of Foresters; that Order would not have allowed him to mortgage it and his family Would now be able to enjoy it.â€- Mcwenéfla DICTIONARY Ycur Family’s Daily Bread. Bhfhefla {Duly “Shelis†WIVES AND MOTHERS READ THIS. it is your family's daily bread that FARMSâ€"i ‘zgaDGUng WEAYEE .. Peuétry Butter, EggS. Haney, apples, THE flawsoaï¬gnsmiï¬Ã©ionï¬nq cage??? DYEENG n “caning. This is a specialty with the BRlTlSH AszERJOAN DYEING 90. gas Bay 33..TgncNTo ii. ï¬at’ont’qaoi Bominion Una Steamships Montreal to Liverpool Boston to leorpool Lin. and Fat Btcanuthl. Superior Iccnmmadafln .rlflolmaa of angara. Saloon: and Sutemocn a: Imidohlps. pacinl ALLenLi-m has barn 'veu to d Saloon and Third~Clnzs :ccommotution. M IM- 0! us“: and ail plrlicuhrs. apply to In] ngw mh. canny. or to puacnxcr agent. ac blow prices Send (ariataloi. - - V t ‘ ~ mm was mu: caugsmg wanted. Send to JAG KET$, pAPmumggs,‘ sron n13. R UFF EAIETEBDO DOMINION LINE. OFFICES: I an. 98.. Baton. 11 at. Smruneu'. Sr... MunLnd Teacher (to Examiner): “You n0< tice that boy who stands at the foot of the class? Well, last, summer he was the smartest boy in the school.†Examiner : "He is now. I notice the foot of the class is nearest the ï¬re." 17 King St. East, Toronto. Fur Manufacturers Send particulars by p‘o- t and we are sure Lon/£311 Address Box :58. Montreal. \‘Vrite to FRED P. FOX, D.P.A.. But‘hlo, N. Y. Five (min: daily from Bug-:10, Mountains. the Delaware V514 (Lnezee. Susquehanna. Dcle livers. Cln eat to all steamer Nutritious and Economical. An admirable Food of the Finest quality and flavour. THE gEST WAY THE LAGKAWAMNA RAELï¬QAB. INVEST IN THE moaouro. H ugnsé NEW YORK from Bnflaln. over the Ponom ).-lowarc Vales Gap. across the chmna, Delewnre and Hudson 0 all ateamar docks. price list. 50~03 IS VIA 48â€"21 TO FRUITS And Farm Pro- duce generally, consign it to us all we will get you good price: All KINDS G! awn: & ammo" bollcmnrs of! PMan Camu‘n L [e Build}, To. unto. Write jug [my dvlou 3 swaomt. é AT?3NTION To PATENT LII'IGATIOH. 80ml far Handbcol BESâ€˜ï¬ I N A L L caUHTMS. you can