..fltm.†35! per aniium, in advance} . .n Arch. ....o. VOL. XXVI. m nunâ€"v -meuw~d~ru~m 1"? i Flay ‘ 97 ‘5" . “ :. 1‘ if“ '1‘" 1 i ’1’“ ll («Lily Ala-Jim. ,m _, ’ ‘,(:A ‘ ' â€â€™ "â€"""" M "' †_ ' y ' I (l 1. "\‘llimlsrydl. J [S PUULESHB l) E l’ l‘] {if i '\ ll 1“ humour.) Phone Main 293-1 V ‘, \‘l iliauut \\ nasworth TE UR SDAY 1W0 BN1}: ’ 'r .. Lindsey. Lawrence 2:. W adsworth. Bairitteis,39li:itcz Al‘ rm; saunas PUELlSHING HOUSE RZJHLIOHD iiiLL, ONT. w ill e M A ll 0 N, l". error. it: P noenim on. u......~... ‘ _. . . LIBERAL {- u . l'otai‘ics, 37 Home Life Building (formorlv Free- hold Loan Bldg). (lor. Adelaide & Victoria Sis†Toronto. . i LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. I El 1‘. S CARDS. 363. ., b “mm. JOHNSTON all. -: ii in: l ...â€"7 WW" ~51» ~;~~«-~-~ Barristers, Solicitors, em . .... p _ Dd. E. l. bidijub, TORONTO OFFICE: No.331tivh- .- Tiani'iihi: mm“ Si' \‘v"Si-\\i"\‘il"." BllllleIgS, I (Methodist Book Room,) To- l'oiito. Mr. Cool} will he at, Maple on Thursday aitei‘noon of each week. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5°/ /:2' tngaewno lSSU ' L. {Q h Tate reel-11a: o‘wttci in a: Nestor“ and G nice “Rhipltj. 2., l'ui'tm‘m Ofllca Hoursâ€"4% to 10 ll. in; 7 to '6 n iii. ' x lflto'lpm l i; axial. N MARRIAGE LICENSES, E Lam: narrate; Bil. nil. ' new? .3‘ h i on 10811 ties: , Room 12, 12': Tictoria St. Toronto. ‘ u v \» I Best ï¬tting tl‘ tn, also replatmg, at lowest prices. “.0011 Work. DR Wtâ€"L'sâ€"Piiitniaa DR A W SPAeLBiNe "iii in“. NOTA RY PUBLIC. UOHMXESIONEK IN THE ’gTi' W # 4“ 4‘ HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&C. I , cm 151% J: , ...,f w ~ I HEentis‘sts “1Ҡ0* Ha‘lmge 1-4 CG‘QQEM Room “ A †Vance cam/.5 RICHMOND Him. rosr OFFIUE. v y â€"L - -- kl‘VLVV â€"‘_ 7¥“ '7’ ’ï¬â€"‘* ~77â€"7-r~ 7. .... _ r ..... ,L Y 1;. - V ‘¥,‘_ I Arcade, I‘Oiunm. uElll N 0A 7' A , l ‘f. g on . , Telopdonc lint.“ ..lnl E:‘g‘rߤf(irs and Smafli‘dMTï¬. v ‘ I R Money-talcum onlaiad - i h - ‘ I" I 7‘ 3 FR. amelmtuelmut/n" . ‘ DR! ’ Itz‘n 3i“: . (w lou'ebtrmhs , S berm 1 ‘. AulOXEOJISGâ€"Renlul'ed to the old post. Ollie- Aâ€: a, We toor west 'f t - ’- - ‘\ 'U D 8E2 Li 23$, I “0â€an Bank 0 he enhance at. the - .1. . ohwmmlet Ofï¬ceâ€"Three (lual so ' 1] O 5 yrs†mare S Lt t ‘18 '1‘ HERBERT chxcx. G 81“! MQBGM’ . ... 1‘â€" Aurora Nowi‘anrliet a. . mm m ,. mmma J, :3. Pi entice. (Successor to Dr. T. A. Currie}, Our. Church and Carlton 81-5., E Toronto. \Vill he in Richmond {ill ever Vt'udâ€" ncsd'iy. Ofï¬ce, next door south of Public Si'honl. ï¬lï¬ee Hours-3.38 a. m. to 5 p. in. nicensen Auctioneer for the County of 701k (mods sold on consignment General Rules oi nice etc mom};th utternleaw m, v . , 1 rates Resulence Uniontme UflSOb‘bbll “girl; (winding, Newton Brook. agent for the itcrizmry JOHN RCAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON, 'Ijhornhill. ‘Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to 1110. :J. H. SANDERSDN, VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL Gulls by day and night promptly at tended to. J T Saineon. J 1:37.?» A ‘ .lx'On. Maple wkswn Saigeon: 6c ï¬EcEwen. {licensed Auctioneers for the (‘ountv of York. bales :ttended to ma shorter-f vintireand a. rem sonablemtes Putronngtsrdi‘eited D. G. Biflll'flfl. Licenue Auctioneer {or tlIeCouuty of York re. annnï¬fiilly soliqezs vour patronage and friendly influence stuns attended on tha sLortest notice and nts-eusonnbemtes. P. 0. address King .., N. E'. smith. LicensedAuctionejrfm'the (‘ounties of York and Ontario Allsnles of form stock, iï¬'e nt- tanded to on the shortns‘. notice and rensonaldo rates. Miii-tsaaeamlhailiff sales attended to. llssidenceflvtouï¬ville 0m S. Undertaker A: Emhntmurs, lRlCl’lMOND HILL & THORNHILL A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. .RlClllRllSth “HOUSE Every Ace mmodation for the trav- elling public. manna: Snafflgl’yop ‘__.__ vvaggnnif~ A man to' reprvsont “CANADA‘S Gnnxrns’i‘ Nunsnnins " in the Village. of Richmond Hill and surrounding country, and take orders for Elliï¬ iiillilil’ Si‘EGlï¬ll‘lES In Fruit Tia-es, Small Fruits, Orna- gueutal kiln-abs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, etc. Stock true to name and free- from San Jose Scale. A permanent. position for the right man on either salary or comâ€" .luission. Stone 8; Wellington, FONTHILL NURSERIES, £565 gnaw»; 832?} ï¬fth? r . . , OVER $00 Acnvs 108 KING Um. 11m. TORONTO ‘1 ‘ w E rcommolutmn 5.; .._ 5 . TORON 1‘0. - LARADA. †‘ W ‘flhyuesc Bum,“ Aug. 14. 4m i. ii an tail.†A large amount of private funds to ‘ loan on improved farm propi-rt v situ- l 'PALEERiHOUSE RICHLIO ND HILL, 4 rs One nfihe most, convex hotelson Y aige Strce and c. )ni‘oi'liibie Eyer)’ lili-utlu rou- :ltvd in the Count ‘ of ' D 'k z ' t . - Venlen-‘e Samt'le l" "“ {0" CW! '11†cent F n. ...t:..)1‘ I 1'. lb 43 D“ [ travellers. Aniriealrvt » m: plav‘e 1'» .ui: .. I i pa. tell .us app } to or driving1)1\1'tlp-F_l)lt}. r». or farmurs ;_ii1.g Lindsey. Lawn-nee & \\ adsvmrtli, toul‘ returning from mum. inlet-nit- cult, Home Life Or at ..L-nccticn PER DAY. pussthe Cu. or TERMS SJLt ng., GU Victoria St., Lil“) Torin" I nu THE LinERAL Ofï¬ce. Richmond llill, 0n bum-day :tltL‘l'litltlllS. W. C. 5.1 '5th - P50? Heumdelledmnd newly furnished thrnuyliout l L" a???" ., , ,3 “L m»_n.. - r. r H' s m. . .23}? "2" mm'm “7". . m . . .. m mwï¬â€"VQ i LIBERAL Ctll‘ll’EN'TlilN !N l CENTRE l'C‘lll". EENAl‘llMOUS CilfllCE [:3 I‘ll. ARCH. CAMPS-i3 .L, M. l’. Tilt: ,l A umst enthusiastic meeting to nominate a candidate in the Liberal interests for lllt' L‘i-utri- Riding of York was hold in the Masonic llall yostei day a t'ti'i-uoou. lll. Naughlou, 19541., President. of lllt' ASsiii-iaiion, (ici‘lipioil the chair, and on the platform \Vt'l'!‘ )lr. .lohii {Tip :lixlsun. ll. l). l’., “1‘. Mavlvaii, .‘dr liug‘h Clark and others. 'l‘hiriy-i‘i- id. out. of thirtV-niuo of the [milili‘ ,(livisimls in the lltllll}: S‘ail dol» 'No. 11 Markham ln-iugt ion not reprosentml. Each sulrdivinion was entitled to four dol-‘gates‘. The full iuiiu‘a-i, therefore,\vas 1.36. and lilti \V't'l'U [HOS- ent and voted for the candidate of t‘lii-irchoice. lllyui's. Audit-w llll‘fl'cll, .l. B. Gould, and llugh t‘lark a ('11 - dential counnitti-v distributed tho llilllfllb', and when they were i-ollw-tod it. was found that. Mr. lainplwll had rs-rrived 118 votes out of tho lit-Li. 0|». motion of Di. Maeleau tho nomination was made unanimous amid loud apâ€" plause. Mr. (‘iinplwlh who was the \illagv, \\ . then sent, for, and awaiting his arrival short pithy I Silt't'tfilt‘s were made hy Mr. G. l’lH'lL‘i‘ and Mr. John liichaidmu. M. P. l’. The latter ('(illr ’lllllillL‘d tho convenâ€" tion on their (.lUll‘t‘, thoughtan ex- cellent.selection had been .lllvttll‘, and a: l;\1'§;l‘ majority lakes..le (a. Cm motion of Dr. Flislny of Agin- ‘I‘Olll't, secondvd by I‘Jr. l’eaisisn ot‘ [\l’oston, a l'tm’oiillioii was unanimously Célll‘ll’d cont...iing‘ an (‘Xpi't‘SSiUIl of .{fl‘lltllllx‘lH for the resin "\limi to health of Sir \l'ilfriil Lani ii- ,.- full conï¬dence in his (itfl‘l'l‘lllflt‘lll'. \Ylinu the nominee of thoeonven- tion l'lllcl't'd the hall he was loudly cheered. and this was again rend-Wed \‘x'lJi-n the chairman lllltll'lllt‘tl him of {his unanimous uominaiiou. Mr. Saniphi-ll thanked the i-oiivs‘uiinn for vthe nomination lCIldt'l'Hl, and Eltlnlll'lï¬d <Lhos present that he Would alxvays '\or to look after the iiileresls “fills cui'isti‘turnis. As: a miller Mr. Campbell Said he was in touch with a. 1‘rTxieat many farmers. buying fiom ‘the‘lii annually from 75,000 to IUOJM) bushels of wheat. The speaker re- \\ hen he election '(l ferred to the general DI'Osl’ll'l ity of the . country. and dwelt at some length on 1h:- 'l‘i-.-ide Quest ion. it was often Safer to let well enough alone. Mr. Campbell thought; that the tariff should be revised at an early date. He had given a. pledge that he would vote'for higher Protection for l the pi-oi‘lut‘o of market gardeners. and he. Would do so when a revision of the tan-ill" takes place, believing it to he ‘right. Mr. Campbell again banked tiou and hearty reception, and conâ€" cliidml an able spi-m'h. The meeting closed with (TllF‘Qt'S for i the King, and the candidate. <uoâ€"â€"â€"â€" - Vt’AN'l‘FDâ€"FAITJI FYI; PERSONS? T!) (Till; '11:. r all trade ï¬ll‘l audit»: I(,\’ no}. inturvmz homer-hat l well Goldblibllcl luisiu ; lot-a1 lt,‘l‘l'llUl'_ shitluht >r.lnrv “Jo paid \ n‘ly and may tUlVlillL'kflll; picvioas experience -; poSition pérlllnllellt‘: Lil-an51 Enclose bell-addressed envelope. ..ein. i‘ruvelurs (its Mnnou Bldg†22-12 o‘.â€". Victoria. Square S-zpui into. :Cliicago. Mr. Ross Klinck spent an enjoyalile nings: last Sunday. Mr. Alex. 1’. Road and .‘ll‘. .l. H. Read. Mi 9 A. Fit-ille-ller gave a pi'olitahlo ilddrissl'ist Tuesday (‘l‘L-lllllg,‘ at [he lipwortli League. Grout preparations are lining made tho Christmas ninei-laiiiment a. grand isni‘uess on (.‘iii'istiiias eve. .lr. A. l9. Road spout Hunday afterâ€" l noon with Messrs. Rolph and Loiiie ., Pei-kins. Miss ll. Hopper has returned home lifter spending a few weeks in the city. Sunday in Sal-hath School. Some of our young people would like a “ partridge tea †festival. Mrs. Jennings and daughter of Al- inerta, have llt'l‘ll spending a few days with Mr. A. E. Jennings and family. 1 Mr. Burt Sanileisou has purrhased ~ a valuable trotting horse. I Mr. llunton and soil of Brampton. .spentfr‘unday with Mr. and Mrs. 11. ‘14.'Nl(‘ll0l§. Miss Alice Lnnau visited home of Miss Hattie \Vclliiiau. _'.'-. ‘.‘("L‘ll1{llll('l( of Guelph Agriculâ€" tural College will return home the lwginniuf: of next week to spend his Xmas holidays. '; \\"e are sorry to learn that Mr. \Viu. ' Meek was stricken with paralysis last \Vi-tk. at the in . prophesied that; ivy good Work hil'.‘ (lamphi-ll Would he rL-turui-d “uh :1. id expressing ‘ Vl'hile l)‘.‘ll:‘\'lllg‘ the elz-i-toi's pi'vsi‘nt tn the nomina- i i inn. who l evening at tho home of Mr. A. la‘. Jenâ€"v Eyi-r :ipt'nt Sunday with Mr. G. P.< hv the sn-xeral coniiuitteos to make1 Sliewasiu her usual place on‘ “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Libsrt)’; in wilt/tings, Charity.†lICHMOND HILL. Tl-l’U'tSDAY,DECEMBER l7, l9tl3 m 'i What are our Taverns For? To the li-Iitor of Tm: lam-‘11.â€. l Sm. ----- On Monday evening lart :1 Woman, to allappeal-anoint importaldi- person, mine to Richmond llill. with a \'i(‘\\’ to canvassing ‘ihv- \ illnigt' iii-xi: day, to try and :n-ll somogmuls she ,had with lli‘l‘. She says she appliin to each of our lill‘t‘l'll~l{;"'p(‘ls for lodging: and oil'vii-d to pay i'oi-iu-connnwlalion, hut was refused by them. Thecon- F‘qull‘lfl't‘ was the poor wmnau was eoiiipi-ll- (l to ahandon llt‘l' business (‘lllt'i‘lll‘lsz‘lli’lt’ and took passagn' on the our for Toronto and St‘l‘li shelter for the night in the (-lty. 'l‘avi-rn kvopwm :ll‘t‘ lint-used for the put-pow oi" :lt't'tllllllllltl‘lilllg ti-a\'vll4,‘i‘.<. and ai-o not instilled in refusing: iii-râ€" suns who apply: and offer to p l_\' lilt'll' way. Ii may lw m; “‘4Ԡto lll'lllfj,‘ this ma - ii‘i' lllltlll' tho notim- of tho [iii-oust! Coinniiasionois, in onlc'l' that tram-l- lnrs may not he Li'uatod in such hi-aitli'ss manner. Yours truly, Ri‘Ui‘El‘AYEK. Itiirlin'ioud llill. Dec. Id, 133111;. 1L ---A . 1...», A SH) The following lï¬'iif'l‘, :ul:l:o<~:ml to the Heel-Mary ol' the National Niltlll'ilh ium :‘issoriation. 'l'oronto, from the i"l.‘l()l‘l\’, Norwwal. ()iii.., and sigma] ‘lty lZvv. .l. lit-Koo Ali-liciiu-in. a \K‘Hll- known Anglican iniuisior of tho prov- iur'o, needs no ronimnntlitmus. lt. i'oadh‘: “ l (lo‘eii'i' ti) sir-{'uiv tho admis- sion iuio the Flu." Hospital for (,‘on- suinptivex at (I-ra\'oiiliur~.t of a young: woman, a lill‘illll'l of my parish. The case is a Very sad ono, and if lu-lp can at (lllt ,li-J given, a promising lit»: ran ,lie Ravi-d. 'l‘lll't’l‘ yx-aw llw another dis-d ot‘ consumplion. Hima- rzia‘i time it has liven my painful duty to hnry tum of the soils with the sain * (liseaso. Now Anni“. algal about seventeen. and a hay oé‘ foul lea). ari- :Lllihat remain of tho fami'y. The poor girl i; Ii been in Muslin , hoard- in; at a p ate house, Waiting to he admitted. She returned home laui Wool-Z, and within it hum: of lil‘l' r"- tiiru he:- i’a‘tlici- droppi-d dead in his hu _V driving into Hui-wool. The s surely one hat must appoal to the syinpalhivs of ovi-ryouo. :Ut'i yet. I fear, only one of the many that. an- Conutantly coining lltltl'l our notice." [Nutiu râ€"â€" Renders â€" and may their iiiiin‘vvi'lw manyâ€"who lll‘Sll't‘ to as- sist in this Worthy w-n-k may sen-l their gifts to Sir .\\'iii. 1%. Meredith. lit†Vice President, Naiioniil Sanitat- ium Association, Toronto, or .‘ilr. ‘3'. -.l. (lagn, Clinlrinazi oi: t Extrinive Comniittt~0.i:£‘t:iunito.] Zlgll .4“; L l . ilc ‘IO’ The American liaise Breeder‘s holi- day Number. ' l . “"- ; Tue prospectus ot the Christmas Number of the American lloiszi-eed- or is certainly most alluring to all low-1's. ol' the home. and this uuznh-‘r .should easily surpass all previous is- ‘ sir-s of turf journals. Eight l‘iill pa;th or the unmner ale devote-(l to illustrations of iio’iahio horses, each page of which is suitahlo for training. 'l‘hogi-uai feature, lioxvevor, of the uumlwi- is a. color ljit'llll‘t' ol’ the. quewu of ti'oiinrs, Lnii Dillon, in action. hitclwd to \\';i .{on anal ili‘in‘ii iiy l‘e-i‘ owner, 1dr. billings. It is a [)‘L'l'lo't'i‘. i-opioiliit*_zioiiol' a water L‘ililll‘ paint- :iud is [)l'nlimiiirmi by the those have seen it to ha- our of the finest things t‘l"'l' exocutnd iii (-olor lt alone is \lt‘ll worth twie-o the prici- make-d for the Christmas- Number. t. is: a supplement to the ,paper and ital to trawl". l The flout p‘ gt), too. i:; a lllll‘ l ‘(Illli‘ thing. lit-inf: a rs‘pzodui-iion of :ii nint- . in; in (.ils of an ideal head of a. limw‘. The literary _,i'}>aturne are quite n4 emwllxnt in (pi: 3' and vai it‘l)’ . . the- :pir-torial part of tho nuiulaa'. it will 5 contain .«pva-izil ai tiirli-s ol‘iu‘iei-a-st and 'value to Holy lover oi" the lit ist', lit-- Sltlt‘ illustrated stories and point“; of the turt. This spi‘trial immlwi- s‘dls for 23 rents. and will ll'.‘ out 'l‘niwday, Due. ,13. ll will he on sale sit the news stands, (ll‘t‘zlll he had on application to the ;\l:ti‘l‘iL‘e|ll llorse Breeder, ltll High St, Boston, Mass. l \Vt n-li. .i l ï¬n ...? râ€" ‘ VV.-lNTl“.llâ€"â€"PA [Tl-3E l'l. l‘i“. ‘ ).\' T0 Tit \V- 91 for will established house in a few counties, ('alliii,’ l u retuil men-hams and awaits. Lot-ill ‘ terribu'v. Salary i1 .0‘) pm" “ct-ii "min expou- sus Ulllllhl’lulll_';u ,1. e in east: Ezrll xvi-(la. ’ Money for mu. ailvai: Al. Pi‘<‘.l|-‘ll l‘i'i'» llllll"3!lt. linsi s 5‘,ltCCt'>.\lill lilivi . Hilh“. Etaiiiitz‘i‘d liu;..o, .‘v. ‘, Don .. ' .. ( ...o. , .‘mv 1. ..U “1.5. QOPâ€" i _ a»-.. Lvlaple I __. l At the Sahimth Helmol outta inr-iit- to ho givrn in the Milli; church on t?liri>tnias evmnnn. Contain, "The Arch of Fame.“ presented by ineiiiln-rs of the There will also in; recitation» .. choriisru suilalxle to thi- season. r The Hmivd of _‘-laiiagi-uir-nt of tin- l’iilliio Library are arranging to linlnl it cuiiUL‘l L ain't Li)‘ itItL‘i' KUW l'UiiL’I-r. i -. b [ ingle copies, 3 cts. is s\'â€" liwv. S. \V. i? can of ’i‘oir-itn. ‘ Sunday ml to p'e'arh on ilt'l‘l' ium-i ng, ll;-:'. :7 ll) .-.u-l also to pri-arh anuiw-I < try si-i mour; at Hope. at 23.32) and T p. in.. on tho samo day. .\li. .l. liaiso-r and family .":l‘l‘ ium-â€" iii-.4 this Work into their new house Iwar the station. .lr. Lloyd \l'ood, who has spent tho past live months on [he l:il'.i~::, ro- Il‘il'iii-il llt‘lllt‘ [NHL \Yi‘i-k. A \‘alllnlilo liolllul holongini: to hll'. [5. .l. (Vilnius, Toronto, “as iuii our and I-Lillrd h_\‘ a train on Monday. ... “...â€"am.“ “I’m-J...“ “I have no more nervous headaches and rest very well at night.†When a woman suffers from female weakness and irregularity or other forms of womanly disease, the client is ceh tain to be marked in her nervous sys- tem, the general eï¬ect being, as in Mrs. \Voodin's case. “ nervous headaches, rest.- lessuess at night †and a run-down condi- tion. It is simply common sense then which says if you cure the female weak- ness, irregularity, etc., you will cure the nervousness, sleeplessness and other con- sequences oi wmnanly disease. . Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures the womanly diseases which undermine the general health. It establishes regu- larity, dries eiifeebling drains, heals m~ flzimmation and ulceration, and cures female weakness. it cures headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, etc:, by cur- ing the womanly diseases which cause «these ailments. Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All correspond- cnce strictly private. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. "I feel more than ratcf‘ul to you for the benefit I have receive from Dr. Pierce‘s ngor- it: l‘rP-Icription and “Golden lVlEdlCJl 'Dflcov- crv," . Ms Mrs. Ervic E. Woodin. of Millerton, Iluicliess. Cm. N. Y.. care of Box No. i. "For ti number of vean I hall been troubled with female weakness. nervous headache, irregularity, fest- Jessness at night, and, in fact was all run-down, but after taking three bottles of ‘ Favorite Pr:- scription‘ and one of ‘Golden Medical Discov- erv‘ feel that I am entirely cured. I have no more nervous headaches, and rest vary well at night; in fact. feel lilce n .diï¬erent crsori, thanks to your kind advice and wonderfii medi- cine. I earnestly advise all who Suï¬er from any {)llllllal‘ troubles to write to Dr. Pierce at once. 'Thcy will not regret it." “ Favorite Prescription †has the testiâ€" mony of thousands of women to its com- plete cure of womanly diseases. Do not accept an unknown and uuproved sub- stitute in its place. ' Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should be used with " Favorite Prescription †when- ever a laxative is required. im_n:maenn, l3» ï¬ll 9F. l’ 1“. l V 'l‘ER a ï¬nger. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. 3‘14“..- 'l‘llt‘ valuo of a Solid Gold l‘iu is not in llli' gold alone, h it in its. maki- up and mount- in a; 1., .v. - . . . . . The l"ollo\'.'n:g are a few prit-ws of ill; Pins Crescent with 7 pearls ... $3.“) Star in Crescent, is rearls.. 4.50 Heart an} Arrow, i8 pearls. 4.50 File Pointsmr, ll pearls .. 4.00 Fleur dc Lis. IL' 4.00 Also pretty patterns in Silver l’insamrice 25 cents each. . . '-++J:_~ -L-- - \ l SUNNY lDll Flllll The proprietor of Sunnysidc “hill of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of hu- proved Chester white hogs, lot 32, lit con. Markham (Thornhill) has for sale some good young; stock. 'l‘horough-hrml hull and hog kept for service on the pi viiiisvs. l). G. GOODERHAM. 49-t Proprietor.