UJO cvcningé ago showed clearly that Canada had made wonderful eridcs during the seven years we have bceii under Liberal rule. The cx-Fihance Minister pointed out that during Lh'e p.151, seven years the rate of groivlh in Canada’s total trade has been greater than that of any other coum trv. From 18137 Lo 1838 our total a mud The speech of Sir Richard Cart- wright delivered in Toronto :1. few ( huu fltl “'mk pe‘rformed 1n Dim 13 T1103. Bowes, overseer “ “ 3, “'11:. S. Rumble, “ v “ “ “ 7, Adam Dicehmn, “ " “ “ .8, Cnlt‘l) (Fl-lurk, “ “ “ “ 1L, Snm’l McClure, “ “ "‘ “ 15. A. '1‘. 01th; “ “ “‘ “ 16, \Vm. Mnthesnn, “ “ " “ 17, James Nattress, “ ‘1 II Kleinburg Din, Robt.\Vatsnn.“. Ynnge St; Account, half to be paid by Yang Expenditure for August . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ . . . Iflpendilure for Septmnber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Expenditure forOcLuher . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ I‘lxpvuditul‘e for November. . . . A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Expenditure for December, to the 8th . . . . . . . . . . . The following: by laws were then passed : By-Luw N0. 772 appointing Deputy Returning Off ing Booths for the Municipai mention as foflows: Moved by Mr. Devins, seconded by Mr. Longhouse, That; the treasurer be and is hereby authorized to ‘pay to John Jeffrey, V. S., for an examination of Thus. Winny’s horse, the sum 01’ $3.00.-â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Thomas, seconded by Mr. Mulloy, Thas the Treasurer be and is hereby auLhorized to pay the follow- ing: road accounts: ' D. C. Longhouse) D. M. Mulloy, William Thomas and Isaac Devins. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. The following sheep claim was presented : Fm’m Thos. Murphy, for 2 sheep killed and 2 injured by dog or dogs. Moved. by Mr. Devins, seconded by Mr, Longhnuse, That the treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the follow- ing claim for sheep killed and injured by dog 01' dogs, being two-thirds value of same: The Council of the Municipality of the Township of Vaughan, met at the Town liall, Vellore, on ’l‘uesda’yi the 8th day of December, 1903, at. 10 o'clock a. m. Members present :â€"â€"Wm. Watson, Esq. Reeve; and Councillors 11mm by $230,000,000. The increase our annual trade in the past seven HMON mm 1551 L0 15“ trade incl'eascd by “mm 1897 to 1003 be 111133;)! ' A Sunder -Law No 773 changing the hour of To T1105. Murphy, fm Sub. DiK‘ )CK Aycr Juhn Keys, days repairing and building cul- verts and éleziuing ditches . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . G00. Sutton, hauling sewer pipe, stone, eta, and _ _ building culvurb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amos Maynard, 100 ft. oak for Pine Grove bride Elliott, Brus., Sharpening picks, repairing grader, etch clips, doul’rlutlgés, etc i . . . . . .. . .. , J. \V. Franks, lumber, 'ce'iuvut, nails, spikes, bolts, washers. etc.. etc, us 1991' :u-c‘t . Chas. Husnn, cutting tllistles and iopaii-ing bridge, lot :3, con. 8. 1 day Riclnud \Villis, 46 yds. gym (:1 as 70. pm- yd . . . . . . John Savage, 110 “ “ .... . . Ed. Langstaff, S3 “ †. . , . . . Edward Bray, 28 “ “ i . . . . . Geo. Cooper, 3 “ " . , . . . . Milton Savage, hauling 20 yds. gravel at 30c. :1 yd Jos. Es 9y, “ 20 “ “ David urns, “ 20 “ “ \Vm. Sliney; “ 20 “ “ Peter Jones, “ 15 " “ Jnhn Clement. “ 15 “ “ William Burns, 2 days in pit at $1.25 per (l;1y.... \Vm. Clement, 1% “ “ “ .. .. TZJdayS in pit. at $1.25“p‘ei' (in? .. . .1 John Savage, ' “ “ " . . . . “'ni. June-s, 2 days nn mud “ " . . . . John Savage, 1 day with tF‘Hlll opening pit . . . . . . George Guru)va hours with team moving grader John Gray. putLing in culvert, lot 2}. con. 3 . . . . . . Leeds Richardson, spikes, etc . ,.. Baht. Rumble. repairing diher ic't 20, can. 4 . Jns. Fall-r, repairing hridgp, lots 15 & 16, ï¬lm. 7. . Jacob Cairns, repairing ruud nonr Kleinluiirg. . . . Richard Farr, cutLing brush near Kleinlmi-g Station . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . Ruht. ‘Wntsun. 3!; days (in Klvinliurg hill . . . . . .. Jnlm \VliZt'e, 3Q days on Kleinlxnrg liill .. . . . . . . . \Vm. F’nlsun, 4 days with team (In Kleinlmrg lili .. . . l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Henry \Vnods. 9 hours putting in culvm t . . . _ . . Tikfs. Cinft. hauling tile and putting in culvert on Gravel rnad .. .. _.. . . . . . . . . . Thus. Croft, opening gravel pit. Int 29‘ con. 9 . . . Henry \Yingvr & Sun, f()l‘-SI*\\'V‘? biiée . . . . . . . . . , 0. Shaw, oil can. axle- greusv, galvanized iron, 'etc A. T. Orth, hauling tilv. building culvert and re- pairing hill, con. 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i Commuted Statute Labor Ac‘c’ouiï¬ Thos. Brownlee, _s_e\ve1' pIQu flit-tam: ï¬vertisements. I“ ' N0. r . Di‘ccmbt-l' 17, wnra Co by $100,000,- {)3 in increas; The increase Victoria Hull, Thnrnhill. \Vm. M Buwvs, D. R. O. Jno. Chm-105’ House. Patterson, {Na}. S. Rumble, T;illbéi-Hllce Ilgdl. Edgely. “’m. Dunn. D.R.0. Masonic Hall. Maple. Joshua J. Kaiser. D. R.O. David Bluin‘s b01130, Flue-Grok'e, Edward Jarrett D. R. 0. D. R. 0. Mrs.Flenï¬ng’shnnse. lot 15, con. 9, “'m. Mc- Gillivray, D. R. 0. M13. Armstrong’s house, Kleinburg, George Keflm‘n, D. R. 0. V augha 11 Council ElC‘ «£1 Sntmup‘s house. Pux‘plévme, Eager Hallwey. u n u u u u u 3, “'11:. 7, Adult .8 (1319‘ 11, Sum". 15, A. '1‘. 16, \Vm. 1') Ln...) 8 hours with team hauling sheep'killed and )01 fourteen years preceding t Administration. The population of Lhe c creased more in the pas“; in ten years preceding 181 people settled in the West; than in the anire thirty ceding 1896. years was $130,000,000 greater than in the previous thirty years. In four months of this yezn‘ as compared with the same four months of last year; there Was an increase of S22,- 23,053. In fourteen years between 1882 and 1898 the increase was mmmmv Wm? 16 coul stave. I.h( Nomination, commencing 202 trade increase wa )0,000 greater than ears preceding the ‘ injured. $14 66 In Ofï¬cers and Po‘rl- hill) the increase was four months of this MPH 1‘2 88 33 JA) 50 74 175 07 78 30 ‘1842 .51} 16 .23 25 irty years pre- G 92 4 00 5 81 1 S16 21 (i ()0 (5 ()1) 6 0 6 ()0 3T lv 31 ) Eu 70 BROW'N. uuntry in‘ year than )8. More more 1 the Aurier ‘ill‘ A THE - LEBER AL Ebeny Hair brush Or an QEWESE; {Zigar Case & Pipes 500, @thSQI-ibe tor FENE P No troubleto show goods. 2 our Cub Glass Porfunws. Best French, English and Canadian Pal-fumes, all prices. If you make your Christmas gifts along these lines, the receiver will have a. lasting reminder 0: you-r good will and thoughtfulness and something that will giVe both plea-sure and usefulness. mg RUSSELL H-AREEWARE co, A greeting like this increases hundredield the pleasure of Christmxts gift giving. Let us aid you in the selection of sultable pleasure giving gifts, for the value of a gift depends in a great measure on Its utility to the receiver. A Fine Coaster Sleigh, costing 750. An Air Rifle and 100 rounds of shot for 900. A good Pocket Knife, costing upwards from 25c. A 22 Czï¬ibre Rifle and 100 Poancls of Am- munition for $1.98. A Set: of Carpenter’s Tools. A pair of Spring 01' flogkey Skates priced us}:- A ï¬rst-class Pocket Knife. A good Carving Knife and Fork, with which to display his dexterity in carving the Christmas turkey ; we offer Joseph Rodgers & Sons’ goods at $1 pair. A good Shaving Outï¬t, razor, brush, soap and strn p. Carpenters’ Tools, something in this line if he is one of those handy men. wan-is pél‘ pair from 350. A good Hockey Stick and Puck. “ 31.13% the WW “153113.353; E was idling F02†I Than a nice DRUGGIST ESEE A call solicited. ingly or in ‘ases. What Better 1701- the 133131101? or the Boys RFUME bottle, of GiEi 126 EAST KING WOULD SUGGEST $636. $615? (EEG EEEE'E‘E E'Iï¬-it-I EEâ€"‘é‘ ESE $661-$352 SIG! EEEEEGZQ w w w ’b 290 WOODWARD AVE., 39:5aaaaï¬aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauaawaaaaaaaaa DETROIT, MICH. 531i ’9 Mam We cure Blood and Skin Dlseaeee, Strloturea, Varlcocele, Nervous Deblllty, Proatatlo Troubles, Chronlo, Kidney, Urinary and Bladder Diseases. Consultauon Free. Books Free. Question List Sent Sealed For Home Treatment. Founder of Dr. Spinney & Co. Geo. Mcflomld, Richmgnd Kill DR. SPINNEY. DR. SDENNEV 5a ()0. STREET, TORGETO 5? "iii? chine or Carpet Sweeper. An Ideal [Food Cutter at $1.25. A nice Nickle Plated Copper Tea Kettle for $1.00. A set of Mrs. Potts’ Sad Irons at 90c. Something in Silver Tea, Table anï¬ Dessert Knives, Forks and Spoons. 'A nice Silver Pie or Berry Knife. A new Kitchen Range for $25.00. A ï¬rst-class Clothes Wringer, Washing Ma- A nice pair of Nickie Plated Spring 01' Hockey Skates costing from Tim. A nice pair of Embroidery Scissors. A high, open runner sleigh for 500. A nice set of Scissors in a satin lined morocco leather “case. Varieocele impairs vitality and destroys the elements of manhood. Surgical means should not he emglgyed to treat this complaint. Bsopcmtions always weaken t parts. We daily prove by successful results that Varicocele can be cured without operation. Instead of maiming and mutilating the organs, our VITALIZED TREATMENT strengthens the parts. removes all pain or aching. restores the circulation. reduces the swelling. vitalizes the uervcynnd establishes the vigor of manhood. Our treatment is the result of 30 years‘ experience. You feel its magic influence during the ï¬rst week. Wmm The Old Reliable Specialists. VAREQQCELE For the CURED TO STAY CURED. PAY ‘WHEN CURED. 4 We sell {Nimble goods at, avasonnble prices, and you will be pleased with any purchase you make hem. Than in any (-Lhm' kind. and there greater value in those We (flew than usually flaund at the price. The same may ho said of our F Coats, Mits, Horse Blankets Am th 0 RI other 211’1) ï¬xer m mgï¬mnnfln H6? To 'be Gin‘l.‘ H or M miniaz. équ’.‘ 1d 08E in 640K m Ell“ lll' is