.. nt. of quotations'thatnshould gladden ‘St-he. hearts of those who have to buy -3their Christin-ts supplies with a. spa r- â€â€˜Bi‘ight costumes. catchy music and‘ "Obery .kinson 5'. S witzer. .st-er sometimes makes in a word. '9 it? 05.47 ‘t ‘HJJEV it. ,3: I. i a; is 21') Ricummo HILL. December 1?. 1903 1,4 (I; (7 [$1196. Mr. “I J. Moltsvvn of th» 12nd Izon. { v - In l ofVaughan, Is 51:12 \'el_\‘ poolly. lel'lt‘l' night llllil1‘il'l‘lltlll ul'nfllccl's at Court Richmond tormr-rrov.’ night. , , ,h_ ,___ AMT... _ Mr. David Bt'llrjnll lost a good \vork horse a few days ago. The: animal had an attack of inï¬mnmatlon. The {hill-(17.45.. small bag of yarns lost. in llitthnmml Hill will kindly leave the same at. Tin; l.n:m:.\i.t)niue. Thornhill Curling Club has re-organ- ized with Mr. II. \V. lfaxpi-r as Pres, and Mr. '1‘. Iluglu's. Setâ€)-'I‘ieasurer. Rev. \Vcsley Dean will preach an- ni\ crsary sermons at. llope on Sunday, Dec. ZTth. at 2 2;an T p. n). Santa t‘laus will be in altendancejlo distribute gills at the end of the proâ€" gramme at tho l’rcshytcrian Sabbaih School Dec. 5‘" Mr. Albert Glass and Miss Lintont were among the 4ll0~guests at. tho At Home, givcn by tho Old IInlton Boys :ltll'leliinr: Edward Hotel on \l't-d» In-sday cycuing of last Weel' Mr. and Mrs. (I. I). Berry and Miss ‘Viley attended the concert given by the Tolonto Male (.llwrur: Club, lttl voices, in fil:n-¢s~y Music Hall on Fri- day evening. Miss Connie Brown attended the At-Homc and dance gixcn by Pl‘lllt‘l~ pal and Mrs. Mm-donald at St. Air Klrcw’s College, Toronto, on Friday evening last. Cravats seem to go well with Clnfst- mas. Atkinson a; Switzer. Many friends from this place will. learn with rcgrct of the (lcalh of Mrs. (Rev.) J. M. Simpson, at her home i') Toroqu Junction, he lcsnlt of a pal- - alytic strck c. Mrs. Edward Dils of Attcrcliff‘c, who visited relatives in Aurora and \icin- ity for a couple of weeks, spent a few days with her brother, Mr. T. F. Mc- Mahon, and return-zed home yesterday. Next Sunday evening: in the Metho- dist Church Itcv. Mr. Campbell will preach on the “Song: of the Angels.†preparatory to ()hristmcs. The pubâ€"-‘ he always welcome. Pl’xces here that will Your pocketbook materially. son & Switzer. not flatten Atkin- At the last meetin ' of the Board of Education Mr. J. Boyle resigned his posit‘i‘on of school trustee in such a. way as to lo:\\0 no doubt as to its legality, if he decides to offer himself for municipal honors. The Richmond Hill rink will be opnn for the lilsl; hookey practice of the season to night. All those intend- .ing to join the club are requested to he present. Tickets can be secured from the Sccle‘xiry. C. H. Ellston. Friend-making prices here for the Christmas week. Atkinson & Swit- zer. The Thornhill skating Rink will re- npen Saturday eveningof this week. and will be open eve-Ty \Vcdncsday vvening and Saturday evening: during the season. .On Christmas night a Fancy Dress and Masquerade l‘arnival will be held, when good prizes will be. given. Good nmsic will be provided. Mr. H. C. Bailey of the TPlellmH) Store, Mapln, in wishing his many patrons a. “ Merry Christmas,†ghes a inghand. For instance, 5 lbs. good curl-ants for :15 coats; 4 lbs. good raisins for 25 cents}; best. mixed can- dies. 4 lbs. for 25 cents, etc, etc. Call .‘xu good time. Picture and holiday books at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. “Red Riding Hood’s Rescue.†an Operetta in ï¬ve scenes, will be pre- sented by the young people nextl Tuesday evening. the 22nd inst, in the Presbyterian Sabbath School.. suitable changes of SCt’llel'y will be marked features of the entertain- ment. The curtain will rise sharp at 8 o‘clock. General admission, 15c. SALE \V‘ ITHDRA\VN. The farm of thedate Henry J. New- huving been sold. the. sale of standing cedar on Friday, the 18m inst... as announced last week, has been cancelled. Hundreds of glad-faced Christmas ; shoppers will come to this store. At- J UST A LETTER. ' “’hnt a. difference one solitary 11‘th- ie ‘ Liberals of Centre York met in Rich- 2 mond Hill yesterday and nominated 1 Mr. Arch. Campbell asthcir standard ; bearer for the coming ï¬cminion elec- l tion. Next. \Vednesday, the Conser- f Watives of the same riding are to meet. 3 in Richmond Hall. to nominate a. can- ; didate to oppose Mr. Campbcll. Thus 'A we see that by one letter the place of Juecting is changed from Richmond hill to Toronto. | Our ('iirisun-t '. m. iv". l‘-ry Goods“ w.) .3“; up. .i, -‘itkinsna l. monny. .u, » :‘Ac,z. ANtl'l'llhll 0L1) VETERAN GONE. Ilit-(l :ll t'nncoid in his Otilh year. George (itlllnlltl. an old n-sidenl‘of Vaughan lmvnship, \\ llo came to Can- nada :il years ago frmn England. lie was an honest hard-Wm king; and quiet .ftaolfn-nsive old gentleman who had set-n briti‘r days. llv leaves a widow. one daugim-r. Mrs. l-Iilin of Saul! Ste. Millie, Mivh. :Iini onc son. \‘\’illialn (iull:|n.l.l~l1' nl‘ (‘tlllLtll‘tl l’. O. “0 had it'lllrl’Kth‘.‘ endurance. \o'l‘y .'~'l‘l~ (ltllll :~li‘i\‘. and was when ll" dicd liter- ally woln out. [land :-1: ighs. all pliccs, at, (l. & li- Mason's. Nt).‘~l NATION BILLS. Till» :rc again luring: distributed for apn‘Jln. llll‘t‘lllll: for the nomination of a lu'rvc and four enulrjillul's for lllt‘ village. and lhrrc Public School Tl'ust- ccs for llse l'nicn School Section. for the year lilill. The meeting will be hz-ld in thc (‘onncil (‘hanlbzw on Mow day, the 2°th inst..al 7.31) p. “1.. and if all thr‘ candidates are not; clectcd by aeclamation an election will he held on lhe following Monday, January «l. tln lhat (latt- a. \ We will also be- taken in the various polling booths lhrouglr ou: the county on the ("ounly Roads" Hyslclll as“ pcl‘ County ‘By-Law. Our Slnck of Fancy Goods surpasses anythan we have ever had for Christ- mas trad". Atkinson é: Swilzer. 0N CHRISTMAS NIGHT. The l‘ylvllmdist Sunday School will hold their (ilhrislmas Tree and Enter- tainmentin the School Room of tho Churchou Christmas night. In ad- dition to a visit from “ the illustrious Molhertloose and her Children †thcre will be an mmelh-nt program consist- ianr of solos, rccitalions,excrcise song's. fancy dl ills and patriotic exercises, at. tlwcnnclusinn of which Santa Claus will make his appearance and distrib- ute his gifts to the children. Admis- sion, adults. 15 cents; children, I!) ccnls. Doors open at ’7 o’clock, ei- turlainlnent to commence at. 7.3 . Tho public are cordially invited. Our Christmas prices arc less high than j,7r\11’(liln:xgine: in fact, no one. under-prices us. Atkinson & Switzcr. HIGH SCHOOL CONCERT. Billsareout announcing a concert to he held in the Masonic Hall, to-morâ€" row, Friday. evening. There will be choruses by thc school, solos by Miss Switzcr and Miss Mary Trench. recita- tions by Miss Irene Lane, and a play in three parts will be presented by the teachcrs. pupils and prominent citi~ zcn's. The Chairman. Mr. Storcy will preside, and tho certificates and di- plomas will be, presented by Rev. Mr. Grant. The. cast of characters in the play will be Mr. R. Shaw, Mr. E. Mason, Mr. A. Glass, Miss A. Camp- bell, Mr. J. \V. Osborne, Miss Bell, Mr. Calncron McNaughton, Miss Laura Duncan, Miss Marie Gorman, Mr. Cecil Keys. Admission 2:3 and 15 cents. Pocket diaries, games. school sup- plies and books for sale at THE LIBER- AL Ofï¬ce. STRUCK AN AVERAGE. One of our citizens “chewed the rag†Monday morning because the man on the, freight car charged him 15 ccnts for bringing a. two pound par- cel of books flom the city. Upon tell- ing his troubles to his neighbor the latter said “ \Vhy they only charged me 35 cents for bringing a large bar- rcl of coal oil.†And said another “They charged me only 25 cents for bringing up a plow.†So that. taking the three transactions togclher it was decided that the charges Were not ex- orbitant. And at any rate it, would notbe fair to hold the. management responsible for the bad judgment of one of its employrs. Prices cut. down here to where you will be glad to See them when you have So many presents to purchase. Atkinson & Switzer OYSTER SUPPER. Tho anniversary entertainment of the Thornhill Methodist S. S. will be heldâ€"in the church on the evening of Friday. Jan‘y l. Oysters Served be- tween 5.30 and 8. after which Mr. Thus. McGillicuddy of Toronto, will deliver his interesting lecture on “ Your Neighbors.†On the following Sunday, at. 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m.. the selviccs will be conducted by Joseph Tait, Esq, of Toronto. when special collections will be taken in aid of the. school. Special music will be provid- ed on Friday night and on Sunday by the Misses Powers and Miss \Voods. all of Toronto. The children of the School will also aid in the singing at the féunday services. Admission to supper and lecture, adults. 30 cents: children, 20 cents. A large assortment of carvexs,chenp at C. &. E. Mason's. CURLERS’ MEETING. The Culling Club met Monday even- ing whvn several new members hand- cd in their names and received their tickets. The President. Mr. J. H. Sanderson, as a delegate to the semi- annual meeting of the Provincial As- sociation, presented a report. A reso- lution was carried authorizing the President. vs. Vice-President match at: l as early a date as poSsible. The fol- lowing werc elected skips to select rinks to play for the Smith medal :â€" A. G. Savage, R. Maudie, J. H. San- derson,.G. McDonald. H. A. Nicholls, M. Boyle, J. Ellston, \V. H. Pugsley. M. Boyle, R. Moodiq. H. ,Pugslcy, and H. A. Nicholls wereialso appoint ed as skips to selectrinhs for the Dis- trict Cup Competition. Do not. forgot the Xmas Tree. and Encrtnii‘ulwl i ,l‘lll‘>lii1_\' in l):‘u~l\_\ l-I'an 5 thin-uh b; _. a: t:\ill.i‘v5i’JlJ, I. wills. illt‘ A GRAND OPPORTUNITY Presents itsclf for young men andl women to :l(’(]llll'l‘ ll Vocation llli'? winter that Will bring: them mail-lo the salary at least that lln-v can conn. nmnd in other office \Vo; k, Moi-c. lat» tor)“, ctr. Practical training in com- nn'rrial and lailwnj.‘ lrll giaphy and railway office accounting. l|l:l('('$ young: ladins in line, to command from $3.3 to $70 per month and young men from hill) [in .‘ï¬iIL'l per lllt‘lllll. VP lll, you in flom four to (5 months and place you in position the moment yml are ('(lllllll'll'lll. A common Sclltlul (‘(l~ ucalion is all that is noun-ed. (‘all, m- \\‘I lie us for full pm lirulars. (’un- adian Railway Inst-rm-tion Institute. cor. College. and Yonge Sreels, Toronâ€" to. Christmas cards and rah-ndais, (lisA linolly Canudian at THE Lnncnar. Office. Just the thing to send to l'rii‘nds in distant lands. DEATH OF GEO. SI MS. Many will learn with regret of thc smm-whal sudden dralh of Mr. George Sims. which look place rally Sunday morning. Deceased had been in tail- ing health for many months pnsl’. but. he Continued to work in tho Elgin Tanncry to within two Weeks lwforo he died. Having then Cruniultcd his physician if. “as ascel-tt.-lined that he \v:lss=nt‘fel-ing from cancer on the bowel. Mr. Sims with his wife and family came to this place 2G years ago, and took a, position in lln- lanncry. which hc kcpt until two weva ago, having been absent only about. a year during that time. He was a faithful clnploye, and was estemn- ed by his e-lnployers, his fellmv-work- men, and by all who knew him. The funeral which took place 'l‘ucsday .al‘tcriium‘i was hugely atlendvd, the funnel y beingr closed out of respect to deceased and his family. Servme was held at the rcsidence by the pastor, Rev. J. A. Grant. who spoke words of kindnesss relative to thc (lopal'l'ed, and words of sympathy to the widow and sci-rowing relatives. Those left to mourn his loss are his widow, two sonsâ€"Mr. Alex. Sims of Thamcsvillc and Mr. Gen. Sims of this village-a. daughter. Mrs. John McKenzifl also of this place; and Mr. \V. llowilt, a step-son, residing in Thamcsville. Good natural figs, 5c. 1b.; good cleaned currants, 4 lbs. for 230.: sclect- cd raisins, 3 lbs. for 25c; hast. extra granulated sugar, ‘23 lbs. for $1.00; grccn Coffee. 100. lb. Atkinson é: Switzer. XMAS CANADIAN MAGAZINE. The coloured cover of the Christmas Canadian Magazine is emblamatic of the season and of the contr‘nts. There are several Christmas stories, and an article by Sarah A. Toolcy on Sandringham House, where the King and anen have spent Christmas for each of the last forty years. The coloured illustrations fol this article, the tuo full page pictures of a Lake- Huron Harbour by Moonlight, the colouredportrait of Sir \Vm. Mulock, and the tintcd illustrations for the closing chaptersof the \Var of 1812, give a- brightncss to the number. The storyillustrations by C. Ii. \Varrcn, and J. E. McBurney are above file average. The illustrated article on To- ronto.“ A Typical Canadian City.†L‘Fil' splendid feature. The symposium on “ )auada and Mr. Chamberlain," to which John Charlton, M. P., Chancel- loi \Vallacc, Professor Shortt. Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, \V. C. Nicol and Hon. R. P. Roblin contribute, is that different views of the question are frecly given. Mr. Gadsby’s brief character sketch of Sir \Vin. Mulock will he readvivith interest}. " In \Vo- man's scribes the origin of many Christmas customs. In “People. and Affairs†Mr. Cooper deals with Canada’s de- mand for greater powers. with impeiial postage and the fiow of Canadian graduates to the United States. The other depart- munts are decidedly interesting. Un- (loubtcdly this is a. brilliant number. D E A 5 Sum -Iu Richmond Hlll. Sunday, Dec.13,George Sims, aged 62 years. DIZZ * ? Appetite poor? Bowels constipated? Tongue coated? Head ache? It’s your liverl Ayer’s Pills are liver pills, all 1e. Sold m! J. C. Aye? 00.. am, yous. Low ol M323. , Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown orflch black? Use gallium an E. P. 5. I (30.. lusmu. N. u. Ir. J. PETHICK, â€"TH Eâ€" lia; Singer lgem _AT__ Bichnlond I-Iill \Vill repair your old sewing machine or exchange- for a. new one. Needles for all kinds of machines. Organs ngpah-ed. Also agent for :thc HEINTZMAcN PIANO. (‘zlll and sec our stock. j~f.j‘:lwmi-1:..1'Ll'a-fffuwll 5!:11“, 94>_ war I. . - l "A? J! _ . _ mi, ,. ,, 7“ .‘im, “‘4 i'. ‘...', I "a \éâ€"A .w‘vvâ€"lm ~‘\‘ ur-TJ M__.z 0‘6", v.. ‘ yarssaswazpamvsayacss $22 The This store is regarded as Christmas buy- Sphere.†Miss Ilclliwell de_-_. Self-governing 4 ing headquarters for all this vicinity. \Vith Christmcs only two weeks away and in an- ticipation of by far the largest holiday busi~ ness in the annals of this store, departments devoted to merchandise suitable for holiday gifts have been stocked to overflowinï¬. At lthis cyrly day you can select your presents while our stocks are complete much more satisfactorily than when the holiday rush is on. You can secure many things that will be exhausted before Christmas. This store has been for weeks selecting merchandise suitable for giving. We have spared no pains to mnke this store as heretofore Christ-l mas buying headquarters where trustworthy? ,~ I l merchandise is sold at the lowest prices. Mechanical Toys, Trains on Track, Dolls, Toy Guns, Games, Albums, Fancy China, Fancy Lamps, Fanch Handkerchiefs, Full stock of Sugars, Currants, Raisins, Lard, Figs, Dates, Peels, Nuts, ctc. Allth’SllN a SWHTZER. Richmond Hill. V as 394;; 33;. 2% s4. ls’rï¬fi’l l thifllilllï¬lllflgmmlliflï¬lï¬ï¬ltmw IF YOU “'ANT A Cream Separator Why not buy the best THE DELAVAL P Have one on trial and be Convinced. WE ALSO SELL VVashi-ng Machines Chums . Hardware ~ j Eavetroughing _ . Paints ‘ 1 1 Glass, Etc. littlB Eva &_Sgil__ Stoves . At C ut It ate Prlces. Remombonwosell everything ntwholesule prices and you can save 1:011:40 to 25 per cent: by dealing with us ' I The old reliable stock food so well and favorably known by bv th farmers of Ontario. It. is p. _ grand preparation for keeping horsemcuttle. sharp, pigs and poultry in a. ï¬ne h..ail.hy_ condition. Kills worms in.- .peciallg adapted for preparing stock {or market. or Full Exhibitions and it increases their flush, putslire and ambition in them and gives them a. sleek and glzmsv coat. Sample pgckmzca 211-. or 12 lbs for 51, which is equmtuS feeds (or 1c. YORKSHIRE CUUGd AND 131‘.“ h CURE guaran. tend to cure any case of coughs. colds, hesves or broken win-l or the after spec‘s of influenz L or upizootic. Price 50 cents. Your recuipts for conduit); powders put. up promth from pure drugs l gt. wholeaaluprices ' â€"- ow d9 Fare En lish '12 com Salts to Electric Oil 2 bottles 25c P salttsaki} swli'a‘lling out of four lJOl'EB'B legs; give Chases Syrup of L'nseed and Turpentine he I.) hudtull iniecd ; 301b.; 10 lbs for 25¢ [gym-s Chlorry Erecting-{3‘s}, .10 man (me -â€"' e , 0 lbs'l'nr 250' 'orwav ’mo ‘yr c Siilg-ib-iic Il). 10 lbs {or 25c Pages English (tough Syrup. large bottle 350 Dr Williams Pink Pills 3Jc. 3 lot 89:: Guns Syrup Red 5 runs Chm we Carters Pills 2 bottles for 250 flaggurus chctoral alspm loc l Chases Ointment 40c Coltsl’cmt prectoraut 18c - Ayers Hair-Vigor 05c Radwnys ltehef 18c _ 1 Peruua 75o ' Pages Red Clovm' Compound puirfles the); cod. Mina rds Liniment 15c _ cures camn-h. dyspepsm and indigestion Ealcpetre pure 2 lbs for 25¢ ' Pages Dyspepsia. Tubletsaure cure 35c Thisisonly a. partial list. {Remember we sellevcryt‘uing at wholesale prices and you cam Stu/o money by dealing with us. A magniï¬cent calendar (or each customer J. A. Johnston & 00., I .Qgstqria. 25c Liuccesaot to C. D. Daniel ’ I‘LI‘ IL use; i _ kyliiur