I many yards, and they would No.1 of a party (-i' shepherds. “tor six uce’s in ed :; i (E‘sf‘ ~nr ‘ I . . I‘ b ’ h t S l )3 Cd,eiiol:gl1 to meet tle icipiizeznents ol 3 GH ‘ Dll_lll l [lllllll KILL DOD‘D’S KIDNEY PILLS CURED HIS RHEUMATISM. William Doeg, of Strong Tim-r.- ship, Hale and Hearty After Four Years of Tortureâ€"The Story of His Sickness and His Cure. Sundridge, ltec. litâ€"(Special).â€" After four years of torture, during which he was scarcely an hour free from pain. \l’m. “00g, :1 farmer, liv- ing; on Gen. :3, Strong 'l‘ownship, and well known here is a hate and hearty mun. llodd's Kidney l’ills Lured him. Speaking of his cure. Mr. Doeg says: "The trouble started in my buck and the pain got so bad I could not. ie dowu to take rest, but had to sit night and day in a chair. "The pain would sometimes move. to other parts of my body, and when in my knees I was unable to walk. “I was treated for Rheumatism by several doctors, and also tried difâ€" lcrent medicines. without receiving any benefit. I feared I would never again be free from pain. "My attention was called to cures by Dodd's Kidney Pills and I started to use them. Before I had ï¬nished ‘ the second box I was a. new men, on- tirely free from pain. It, has not come back since.“ Uric acid in the blood is the cause of Rheumatism. If the Kidneys are working right they take all the uric out of the blood. Dodd's Kidney Pills make the Kidneys work right. -â€"~._~+â€".__ DUB. FEATHE_R_ED ENEMIES EAGLES AND SEA FOWLS ARE PIERCE FIGHTERS. A Postman's Experienceâ€"Two French Tourists Killed Eagles. The Maritime Al,~s of Eastern France have long been noted as be- lng the haunt of the most ferocious and powerful blood of eagles in exis- tence. Children inuumefable have been carried off by them, and they even attack adults on Occasions, Sometimes with dire results. In July, 1889, for instance, a. post- man named Gustave Silva, who carâ€" ried tle mails on foot between the villages of Soslello and Puget Then- iers, was set upon while crossing the pass by three ledge cockâ€"birds, and frightfully injured. He managed to drive itï¬â€˜ lis winged assailants, with the aid of his allenstock, and evenâ€" tually readied his destination with his bag of letters. But his case was from the ï¬rst regarded as hopeless by the local (lottors, and sure enough, of or lingcning in indeseribaâ€" ble agony for six days, he succumbed to his wminds. i Meanwhile two young French tour- ists, Mess. Joseph Monand and ‘Antoine Noysscl, went up into the, mountains to try to kill the birds that had done the damage, and were savagely attacked in their turn. ‘. Both men were armed, but the sud~ den onslaught of the winged creat~ ures completely :nnerved tlzem, and after ï¬ring only ore shot they TRlED TO ESCAPE by running. The birc‘s, however, struck them down ere tley had gone have doubtless been torn to pdeces where‘ they lay but for the opportune arri- These suceeded in rescuing Mr. Neys‘sel nlive, but terribly injured, he having sustained no fewer than ten seveie Wounls in he head and back, besides lnnumerable minor laceratiois and abras.io:s. His companion, Mr. Monand, was kil ed ontiight e.me In tl'o fray, enl lis body wl en re- presented a most shocking; hlr NeyESa-l recovered afâ€"l covered Blic tarle. for life. Very tragic was the fete of Peter Thornlsen ard .lohn llibbert, twol ‘e\ 01‘ and especially when the hen has near- ly linirhed sitting, tlc old cock is frequently little less dangerous tlzun A WOUNDFJl 'l‘ltl Ell. Many terrible tulrs are told in Cale Colony “I the it‘l‘mity with which they will then attack all nul sundry. and of the shocking injuries ,tliey are able to inflict with tleir llong pointed toes Nor is escape at full easy. A nut-he. will spring; up words at. the biid's loxg llOt'h, ninl ,giipping it. lightly swing himself on his wsailnnt's hark, wl-cm he is (‘0ll'lilfll‘flll\('l)' sufe. But woe heâ€" iti. 0 him if he misses. ’l‘re emu, too, is equally dangerous, ‘un 'er similar circumstances. "lie t" (‘a~.tletmi, tl‘e wellâ€"Lnown Austraâ€" tliun explorer and pros; 0 lm“, lost ills life in :1 light \lllll ore of New {birds u‘ter passing unsrnthed '1hrough all sorts of dungcrs. ’l‘l‘c emu, an “11d man" bird, took him and breaking one of his legs, after lvvhich it. deliberately set to work Iand pounded him to death. Wleu tl‘e l‘ody was :1 Co erel by a searching l‘m'ly. it was found to hone sustained no fmver than sixtyâ€"ihrte wounds. many of them of the most shooting: charuter. S'l‘llONGlCS'l' liliAK. The sttoneest and most formidable beak among birds of prey is 0\\'!C.l by the ngitinn vulture. '1“ is bird is “lroie ted" throughout Northezn Afri u, as it nits the part of a scavenger, and does not, as a rule, use upon li\ing creatures the terrible weapon with \Vllith nature has en- dowed it. But when famine falls upon the land, as in certain districts is not infrequently tl‘e case, tl'e vul- ture at once besomes a source of [mute and very positive danger. Garâ€" bage is then no longer available. Hunger lenders him fermions, and, on occasiors, lie wi'l not hesitate to attack even adult. human beings. Weird tales used to be told of the strength and ferocity of the condor. As a matter of fact this giant amonp; vultures is comparatively harmless except during the nesting; senson. Then both male and female become not infrequently wantoply aggressive, and they will. besiles, invariably ï¬ght to the last in defence of their eggs or tlieir young. For this reason the man who aspires to rob a, conrlor‘s eyi'ie, urcomplishcs llS task always at the. risk of his life. Tl‘e native Peruvian and Chil- lian collectors, wary though they are 'fiequently come to grief, while disâ€" astc's innumerable have overtaken amateurs. mâ€"t THE IOU-MILE TRA'lN. , rext (lav, We’re Likely to Be Travelling at That Rate. We note with pleasure that our space de‘-ouring friends at ZOI‘S‘en, Germany, have not yet satiated their hunger for pac. and touched the re- cord the other day for no less than 14.0 miles per hour, says tl.e Street Railway Journal. They seem _to be overcoming- air pressure rather conifmtably up to the present, and we have l‘eard 2: thing about the motors failing or tie pressuze ravâ€" ing in the front end of the car. Perhaps the doubting gentlemen who figured on the motors burning out from over-loud at 80 miles per hour to 1-00 miles per hour will now be CO)1‘.in(Cd that higher speeds are both possible and practicable. One hundred, and forty miles for hour is a decidedly hot par-e, but it will moze than liker be beaten before we go to press. It has taken a. good many years to evolve the twoâ€"minâ€" ute trotting horse, but this 50211‘ we lime him in triplicate, and just so it has been with Ollte the records began to they fairly blew up and left small fragments. One hunired and foity mi‘es l‘er hour, (non if not outdore by n (on- .‘i'ierablo margin, still menus that tlin hiins‘rmiâ€"mile-mâ€"hoi-r [ruin is much nearer to reality than it bus been before. That seed is quite fewible whene‘x or it is {Sanford- etl. and it. ismoreover, quite Ligh break only lnllnnnity for some lit.le time to tome. Its real importance lies, as we have often remnrlael, in Its apâ€" senmen bridging to t‘ e uhrler Good Hole, who attempted for a ,hwag‘er to leach ll 0 summit of Puree 'siun island some yeazs ago. ’lhis,l perhaps the ' must. desolate and sol-l dom-\isiled Spot on tlie whole globe, is the tome (f myriuds of 5e.1~|'owl. who occupy the enthe surfnre ot the, land, from the lowermost hear}! to‘ the top of the conical mountain whih occug ies tl‘c CENTRE 01“ THE lSLAN'n, . It. was neti ed from the ship that i tne sitting lzit't's attached the explor- ers \ig‘ol‘ors y as they \vn'ied through. them, rocking at them with their“ Sharp heals and surf-thing savagely, butlno one antivipated danger. When about twoâ€"thirds of the asâ€" 'cent had been Completed, howexer, -the men were. seen to be in difï¬culâ€" ties, and a. relief party was organizâ€" ed; but at that moment there spranng up one of those terriï¬c blizzards that are so frequent in the Aniarticl regior's, and conununit‘ntion between. ship and shoe bequme for the H'me baing impo:sible. Next day it was restored, but it was then too late. The explorers were found upright among the gllquO, Into which they had sunk up to their waists, and quite dead, while round the disï¬gured and mutilated bodies lulled thousands of bloated :eafowl goxed to repletion with a hideous and unwonted diet. ’ Shiloh’s ' The Lung Tonic plicution to long lines on which the saving of time would be .'llilLCl‘lLLl. xtlutting down the running time to li‘lutbush or llIleClZSLlC-K nay (‘eâ€" fer the dyspepsia of the commuter for another screen or two, but it is not commercially important. it is cutting tlte time on long; runs that countsâ€"reducing the time to Washâ€" ington to less than three hours, and converting the trip to Chicago into in more rights run. it is now announced that the You can’t cure a cough or cold from the outside. You must cure it through the blood. Consumption is the only remedy that will do this. It gets right to the root of the trouble. It is guaranteed to cure. Prices 26c., 50c. and $1.00 Ordinarily the ostrith is a. shy bird, more ready to run than to ï¬ght on the approach of a human being. llut in the breeding season,l s. c. WELLS 8; co. Toronto, Can. Lei-3y. N.Y. 8 nnnwnl‘es, hurling; him to t e mounrh electric tuilroa.‘ine-. _ The sati>faction of having till washing done early in the day, and well done, belongs to every i user of Sunlight Soap. 10 pelinieuts Imu- l:een :onduclcd largeâ€"l lly with the it on if he curly nypl'na- tion of the system to the I'oflrnnil [toll 0 tin}: lie lin with Hamburg, « isâ€" tnnt by mil lTG miles from euch other, and that an euzly convermou of that line is by lln men. s ini; ro- ‘bable. Somehow the lllzmlrel-miloâ€" nitâ€"hour train lioks; icmer than it (id a few months uij and our spy- g'loxs is t-llll ll".lll.t‘tl in the (lil'i-.t.on of Germany. .__.__._s.._.___ Till?! lll’nlllillY A NITISAXCI‘Z. Some ‘25 years neo mongol) es were imported into ilnrhnvioes to drive away the lots which ate the sugar- GAN BE (-m en. Now the sugarâ€"1 lnntcrs have l‘f‘lilioned the gmeumr to authorize th destruction of tic mongooses be- cause the latter, instead of conï¬ning their attention to the rats, have ‘driven 0':t many usel l native aniâ€" mals, including lizards, whi h were the enemies of the iiioth-borer cater- pillars. 'l‘he (aterpiiliis are now left You to penetrate the sugorwnnes theieby all‘ording holes for tie lodgâ€" ment of destructive iuemses. Thus in the continual strugng for exisâ€" tenze nature herself is often found to have established the best system of eql‘ilil).ium, inte.feren(e with which brings more ills than it drives away. STATE or Omo. CITY or TOLEDO. l LUCAS COUNTY. f“ FRANK J. CHENEY makes oath that he is senior partner of the ï¬rm of l“. J. CHENEY .1: CU, doing business n the City of Toledo. Uounty and ‘tuto aforesaid, and that said ï¬rm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DUL- AI’tS for each and every case of CA- l‘Altltll that cannot be cured by the use of HALL‘S UA'l‘ARIttl UUltlu'. FRANK .l. CHENEY. sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence. this (5th day of December. ILL). 115136. A. W. GLEASOEL Notary Public Hall‘s Cnterrh Ours is take: late-- (rally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfnt‘es of the system. Bend for testimonials. free. 1“. J. CHEVEY & (10., Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Bills are the best. EMBRACING ALL CLASSES. The “Sandwi.h army" of London is over 7,000 strong. in the scrvi e of «one advertising contractor have been clergynien, doctors, architects, at;â€" tors, (lei-its, and even a former wealthy sqbl'. e. Steer lllirfotttlre, us a Full}, presses men into the work, but, accoraiug to a wellâ€"known (or.â€" trattor recruiting sergeant of the army of boardâ€"bearers, whose ordinâ€" ary wages vary from one shilling to two shillings a. day. 5' .,I ",f. 1 7w: hmails Lumen lung Llllillll‘ld “Can you tellâ€"“1.11),†said a. lazy man to a witty acquaintance, “of a plan for getting up earlier in the morning? I seem to be getting. hum. and later every day." “\Vell." Said the friend, “just continue as at presâ€" ‘m‘t' EMUHS’ ‘11) latt‘l‘ every day, and hy-and-by you will be up at {our .o'clock in the morning." Piles cured in 3 so 6 nights: One application gives relief. Dr. Agncw'l Ointment is a boon for Itching Piles, or Blind, Bleeding Piles. It relieves quickl] and permanently. In shin eruptionsit stand without a. rival. Thousands of testimonial: if you want evidence. 35 centsâ€"23 "(‘onl‘ouml 1he railroads!" exâ€"i claimed Subliubs, as he entered the, ollice an hour late and took 011' his coat. "Train lute again, 1 supâ€" pose?" asked 'l‘ownley. "Not :it all. For the iirst tinte in six months the menst thine; was on time. and, of course. I miSSed it " . ,-._.â€"â€"â€" ‘lllnall‘s Liimzil Elias Dlslnnur. WORLD'S llltltll. "l‘ l‘.l.\lll{i§'l‘. The honor of possussing the groutâ€" est marth in the world belongs to ‘ lussiu. it is situated in Moscow, covers twenty acres. and embraces :1 1thousand dill‘erent estulilislnnents, Ieach of which has its own proprietor l'The. place is in fact a sort of bar.â€" lanr, consisting not only of shops on Ithe ground floor, but also on three illoors above it. The merclmmliso ofâ€" Efered for sale is described as of fabu- {lons value: it amounts in fact. to {millions of pounds. The prices of ,the wares are not marked. «The Rus- fsians are much given to bargaining for and cheapcning‘ the goods they ibuy, and in buying; at the bazaar |1nost of them “negotiate†with the {tradesmen very much in the Oriental fashion. l I l,.i:_:'i11,â€"Ilngere(l A BAD Il.I£(.‘(')ltD. Since 1852 mo 0 (bun 26,000 (on- \i ts luch been sent to French Guiaâ€". LII, of whom 81} per cent. die of tied-e, hardship and insufï¬cient food. For Over Sixty Years (ins. wwsww'n Soo-rnmu Brnur him born used by nillimu: of mothers for their children while luelllln'; ll motheg the child. softens Lh-~ unis. Lil-0y» pain, cum ' .d cniic. regulan the Home: and bowels, end in the Twentyflve cents a. bottle Bo sure and 23-7] test remedy for Diarrhoea. lolrl lydruggists 1hr lughont the world. wk hr " Mus. WimLow s Soorumo SYRUP." “Halloa, old chap! I hear you‘ve Jest your job?" “\Vell, I wouldn't put it like that, exactly, but the firm has been foolish enough to sever its. connection with me." ,.. â€"â€".__..___..______________ I was dured of a bad case of Grip by MINARD’S LINIMENT. Sydney, 0.13. C. I. LAGUE. I was Cured of loss of voice by, dINARD'S LINIMICNT. Vermouth. CHAS. PLUMMER. I was (‘ured of Sciatica Rheuma- tism by MINARD’S LTNIMENT. BURIN, Nlld. LEWIS S. BUTLER. tâ€"I ».w_vâ€"â€"J-â€"â€"â€"kâ€"mâ€"â€".â€"â€"._..__â€"; Muggâ€""ch; they thought 1 was poisoned, and the doctor came with his SEOlllJtt'llApUlllp.H Wumpâ€"“Did he get anything out of you?" Mugg- Yes two dollars." - lilr. lv'iddt-rvâ€"“Ah, howâ€"(ler-do, doc-l tor? If you have a few minutes to spare, I wish you would come. over: to my house and chloroform my] youngest boy." Dr. Priceâ€"“What is,l the matter with the lad?" Mr. Kid- derâ€""0h, his mother wants to comb his hair " “to Starve is a. F;t5li‘.c:;.~Thc item I) stop eating became you luncindi- g lion has long: mice been c:.ploded. Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple 'l‘ablcts introduced a new , cm. in the 1rc.tlmcnt of stomach troubles. It 1' in; proved that one may eat his ï¬ll of anything .mJ everything he relishes, and one tablet LJliL‘n I after the n .11 will aid the staunch in doing in work. So in abox, 33 cents-~24 l Wile (who Was alwa_xs ailing)â€" “You will bury me by the Sl m. of my first husband, won't you. dear?†llusbnndâ€""ll'itb pleasure, my blur." (lent{ennuiâ€"“illicit do you mean by putt- your hand in my [)\)cl.et‘?" ; ilillâ€""l-fxcuse me sirm’ l'm so ulist-niâ€"mimlcd. I used to lune a pair of trousers exalttly lite vours." ‘ ‘i‘fash greasy dishes. pots or inns with Lover's Dry Home a powder. i l will rename the grease l greatest ease. l l Sainâ€""llow is it l’cte tirreu wezirs ' such fine clothes on doan' do nutâ€"i till ‘2" item: "\Vhy, he. hes a '» n'usliiii' machine (lot 3:11)] mitt; him. and does it very well. too." Sun:â€" “lluli! llid he invent it?" ilcznusrâ€" “No; married it " % .Wieï¬â€"émmxm A“ ,3 ï¬rst†Mast Sudden and dangerous of . Ailments. l Dr. Agnew’s Heart Cure _relieves in l l i l l l 30 Minutes. Stenltliy as a thief in the night. heart disease heralds its coming: only by the deadly grip it luvs upon its victims. ll you have pailpitntion, short bur-7 smothering spells, or vert‘ ’ , do no! (7."- lay the use of Dr. Agnew s ll. :rrt t‘ure. It will relieve every case In :l») minutes and will radically cure ninetyâ€"the per ‘ cent. of those affected. It is :1 perfect. remedy for nerves and rtoinnih. 8 Dr. Agnew’s Oint‘... cures all iiilliarti tables GIRL DRUG CLl-IltKS. ' There is a dï¬nand for girls asi 'clcrlts in lexman drug stores. The! course of instruction tequirLâ€"s liltt‘t" years, exrept in He (we of i123] s.hool gra-iuates, who need only two. The Boat at tho Lowest. Price Write for Term: iRElï¬) 685.33., M’f’g Body, 1 ":35 mm; oz. in 5 } 322431 Pails, Wash basins, llllll Pans, &c Any F‘sm‘c-CIass Crac3r Can Supply You. ‘ Angles. ' 193: rt. Hfr'lill'é‘ilfl' i. HAD IN .«r’ "ï¬o‘f'flï¬l EDDY’S. "Po. won't you buy me a watch?"- "ll'hnt for, my boy?" "I want to swap it. to Billy \Viggins for one of his pups." A Veteran‘s Story.-~Geecgo Lewis, of Shamokin, Pa., writes: "I tun eighty years of age. I have been troubled with Catarrh for ï¬fty years, and in mylima have used a great many catarrh cures, but never had any relief until I used Dr. Agncw‘: Catarrhal Powder. Ono box cured ma completely." 5o centsâ€"25 Doctorâ€"“Professor, a little son has just arrived' Professor (absent- minderlly)â€"“Tell him to wait in the anteâ€"room.†..â€".._ LMind's liniment Cures Calls. elcr Physician (to patient's Wife)â€"-â€Why did you delay sending for me until your husband was unconscious?" \V'ifeâ€"--"V\’ell. doctor, as long;r as he rc~ tained his scnSes he wouldn't let us send for you.†An admirable Food of the Finest quality and flavour. v...â€" -.._ï¬,__° Nutritious and Economical. 48â€"421 Eomlnlen tine Steamsnlpa Monerom to Liverpool Danton to Liverpool hers: and If“: Steamship: Superior nucomrnodauo' hr all clinics of presngers. S doom and Stateroom- ue smirk-hips. Special attention has barn given to lee d Saloon and Third-Glass accommodation. anxious-go and all norhoulara, npply to any as. who domnny. or to passenger agent. 992412319}? LINE OFFICES : 'I am 3-1.. Eam 11 5t. Sacrament 3L. Hunting] GARPET DYElNg and Cleaning. This is A specialty with the iBRlTlSH AMERICAN DYElNG GO. Send particulars by no L hurl we are sure :0 an! lily Address Box 153. Montreal. Kill: 511, EAST, 5"†Bim- r "*1 rs"? 5:32:45 5;“; (,F fend for catalog. Raw Fan-s and (3 arising, ii'dii’Eill W e C†re ex! in vol uc. Send ‘orprioe list; 7 l N A L L conï¬rms. E», a I u SPECIAL a.» . a arrest-on '4 ‘3 a: To sin-ram LIYIQATlON. {03 any SthORGN To Sand for Handbag! on Patents 3m. r: u artful gifts. nnrl nun of the most usetul i: the Jew uni "‘ urged Lumen Lt VJE BST§§'5 . ENTE.RNA l1 HON/1L. DICTIONARY Mun-2.1:, Iii gruxrlvy, Gtogrnphy. Fiction, Etc. (Tseful. leliable. Attractive. Lasting. The Nev: Edit ion lies 25,000 New Flori] - New Gazette-ci- oi the V‘I'orld New 'cgrapiilcal Di"ll0ll£117 54.3) I‘L;e;. {My} Ill-intreilozu. Ilish liiudicï¬. Why list Siva Some One This Useful Presant? ' 1187*“!11‘ ' ‘ ' :Ttl‘v'c xlnil 1.. The best holiday gift ll II C0,, I’ubiichers. 15.35., U. S. A. Poultry, Setter, Estes. rinses, Pro. duce generally, consign it to us an! we will get you good prices. And Farm THE Benson Sommissmn 86., ’ ‘ TOROI‘ITO. Turnp- Issue 1‘30. 51â€"03.