Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Dec 1903, p. 8

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imr mu\~ . M . mutt-gum M -. _ v . ,7. , ,,_,_._.__.‘,g.__~__d___._._.*_v “cud-1"“ ' ' _'_ ‘ ' ' , ,, ,,,,L, 7, ,, , L,A_____H , A. __..__ Elm gavmistmtnts. g Ell?! a: g 4‘ r. G 0.133% E A . i i in. mi. l, air . Stoves and Ranges all sizes and snakes. 3“ 7‘77? A Bif'S'ClO “‘"SAlEYâ€"tu‘m the Dl'cmlsos B! a 3 m h Hot Air FUI‘DJCL‘S, Fave-{roughing aml of the mull-rsignvd on or about. Nov. Betwe‘m TOWN” Mill Newmnl'kfl- 27. The ()‘Vlll‘l‘ may have the same by AL tho north end of the- village . . 1 .fl 1 . GONG W RTE proving pl'llpt’l‘ty and paying vx- and is pl'l'lllll't'll to do kllldS Oi Til] all/2.: ; .«Ri‘iz‘ffll‘c ChCflp. A i ‘ pcnsvs. all kinth of ‘ LouveC P R (,‘rnssing at 6, 7310. (HQ, 11.110 11.111. REUB EN K EFFER' so in C 130' 2w- 3'“ 5“ 7‘5 P' n” [ 21-1 Lot, ('3, con. Al. Vaughan. BL A Leave Rlchmoud uni 8.21). lll,:ilJ n. m.; 12.20, 2.20.', 130. um. w. . ' J -o n1 m Q At i'casoimhlu rings, (’10th SUUI H a H J ‘ Johhing‘ of all kinds promptly (lone. Lnuve Nowmmknti'mn 15, 11.15 n. 133.; 2, 3.15. 4.15.015 .301). m: l x I . . by ‘ 4;] '. . \\‘1 ’t9 H0, ' J. L R-‘h lH H 7‘8'10'9‘35' I... u, mil . 1 n ' mpon or (1 _ nu n g. 5_ A 1 .. an“ m Hgfiifiaissusamu 11.11). N in mulle part, of lot, ~11, lat. con. IIOIS‘ 311001119; a Spec-align - â€" â€" 'auglian. THF (7 \\’ Alll XV HORSE QTOCK r 1 ' £ _‘ , . . l . . A . . A , , . POST OFFlCE MlllCE , JAMLBAIgER. , _____ 2.1-4 Ian-Ville. For horses hard to shoe. j Until furthernntire llnila will be closed at the »~fiA Aâ€" Mi â€"â€"-.___.â€"â€"â€" 7777777 , .,,.. L t 4 l‘. Richmomlnilll’nstomcc aslollowszâ€" H l .tf. d ., Pun-011381. solicited. I _ r {316 Creqhw weasel-3 ' MORNING ........................... 8.00 W - ww- ‘ 5- - - y' EVENING ....................... 0.1.3 ' n 1e u 8m» GED. COVVIE. N,” P in Cn‘n’uh . anmt be ' N.B.â€"-Bagiatnroll Lenora muntbe handed in h ‘ V A A “‘H_ 'M_ A u 4 < l , I , .. H..- I launt Fifteen Minutes(mrlierthau the above Illls- Bile-y 1" G- 0- A‘L (L‘md-l bea - menuinned hours for closiur'. Organist and Choir-master Church of _‘ ’ _ OFFICE cmsns .n‘ 7.3c p M St. John EvangelisL. Toronto. Teacher C ct your 1‘ urnaces pm: In M. 'I‘EEFijnnutor. of Organ, Piano. Singing. Tlu-ory at l ' an: repaired before the ‘nsh. _ . ‘*‘â€"“ Tor-onto (Iollt-rc of Music, will Visit ‘ " â€"‘ -, . ~ 1 r .1 .. ~ . ~ Vlnage Dlrectory. ‘3’ b ‘ > f ‘ ,. _ __ V - exv stove-s LiCllVL‘l‘t-xi and Richmond Hill Once a Week. . . < ‘- ' ' - ' ' ~ ‘ mt up il'c". Sunday. Preabvterlnn (Thurohâ€"Sor'ices at ll 11. m., and F‘“' llm'mg “(LIFO-*5 . 270 Clllll'Cll Sin. 7 , m, 'SnnslnySohonl (H.130. I’mycr meeting Ol‘ Toronto Coll. Music. Toronto. wallnnmny evening. . Roman Ctltllollc Clmrch-Sorvwes on ulter- Sight Singing Classes, Date Sun'luva MO a. In. my} 10.30 11.. m. Methouist. Cl)uml1--â€"Servmns at 10.30 :1. m.. and p, m_ guudnv School at. 2.1a). Genoml prayer L. meemnr; Thursday. evening. "hurrah of Euglnm "Services at. 3 p. to. every Fcr {archer-.- Rcloairind Bone Wonâ€"m _ V r. .m o. u .w f ' Rivhm md Lodcn. A F mid A M â€"Mecl.s Mou- _ . l I r i day (in Oil- hoforo full moon . ';_ _ a - , rfi ‘5; n; A, (“a g Court Richmond, A 0 Fâ€"‘Meets secnnd and V. -. it. ' a? ‘ m1}: ourhh Emmy ‘ , _ *-:’ u ’ I - _ ’ . no. Pricn. 50c. w ‘ _ a, I {,8 $.51“ ‘4 ‘1'» 3 flvy Range“: 0 U Wâ€"~..Ieets thu‘l Wednesday To“: 0R :5. r . rggcgng co" E ‘wamu I: *3.) .J \J “‘4.- a . r) em: mon » â€"â€"â€"~ Zuuzrutvilza. glut. . is; r l Cunlp mums o Sâ€"Mcets second and lomth ~~uw --n~vm~ â€"~-~..--â€" w-.-" wwwwww L .. ..-,..,,,,...__., ' A- “w . . . . . a - ‘ _ . g . - - , , y . . . , I L wisd'li‘ezi@gempemnca-Meots first Wednesday The N‘cxt‘wSlttmg of Dwnsmh Court fm wildgll‘ifi Svgf‘lldl‘l‘lrllllljlzlfi?gl (let‘s ! how 15 the time in insurv in tlw ! , of mob month NO. .3, bounty of York. Will be held HO“ 0 K ‘3 “0- i {y “n” t s “1mg” fly g». 3. of,” a. I. n; a I m m ll Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets first Monday of every in the Court Room, lnaker, Richmond Hill, and all nwd- i {gag}. in} 'l ' 1101"“ it'ine dn'ilw‘s lhrmwl‘out, Fri rl-md the . 'ngL'“ g ‘5“ ‘37â€"” .4‘ .' v -’o . .‘ \ ‘~ -0 Q]; I ' ‘- n“ 4 b‘ V' iii}; 5‘: ,1; ‘1'" ‘ ‘ 9! r3352; 'llliiiigr‘liiy egg-$28 p D H Unltl-(l Slates and Canada. 22-1-03 as V» >3 is n B‘fi/ m is ill I . 1:1 a a A 5; ran Eoworth Leagueâ€"Moots every Friday. L _ WW i e I] {:3 Q w . _ , . L a“, #7 ~7~i- #395 1.3.59; hi i Haas-.11. 1 ll - 50 YEARS' -ONâ€" .3 g g . - a: ,.. a. may 5: ‘ r: ‘ , i i F“ . . , . . , . _. EAPERlNCE a ‘ L i; Call 01 '\‘.‘l'll(‘ for yironplill-Jf: r-r qa‘ 'ngr (lliik‘li‘Zâ€"lt- E“ f‘g ii}? \e- cf. \ , I , I. g kinds (:1 [llllll'l"\‘. \\ 0 can give you a . x . .- , s any kiinl you wish. ‘fl'mmmcmg ‘1‘ 10 3' m- ()5 gain-ad“ REJDOYVMEN’F. PA 1' n icN'r l.lFl-§'~l, ‘ ‘ ‘ , _ ORI'INARY urns w. _- T' F‘ MCMAHON 011m“ RICHMOND and .iOINL‘ P()Ll(‘ll:&iixrli<:ul\u '11 “m 3 - $2; For Sale or Rent E .acorornrzi ‘ From $1.00 up: covers sir-laws azal Hl‘ttlâ€" TRADE Mar-ms V Coravlixigif-rNssm 1353mm! - $1,000.000 . - ‘ ‘9 ' a > ~ Ayn-one sending a sketch and descri tlnn may ThP B1.t,.k<.z,i{h Shh“ I] m1 H01er “t, [805! - 92,94,633 rm quickly ascertain our opinion ixeo W 100191181) ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 3‘ ' ‘ . “ â€" â€" _ I _ ‘ H 'nveimo‘“ ‘3 mommy immutable. gomigi‘i‘gi‘i: DUN”): 3rd cm" JIM-"11mm First- l DEPOSITS Er dents OI any lunil. L. ml choiro pl [‘ my 533.??? Ellfisxlgéctol38$?“353333‘13Ӥ33?3.ffizéms. “Ll-‘5 Stand f”. “ g‘md llm‘s"5h‘lm" ' ’ (lomhanim. All lrusinms promptly at- '2 .. ‘ " - - W ' . . . . ‘4 L ‘ 9mm“ “keg 1311mm? B}.“‘.‘.‘,‘t~i‘e‘°' rem": hm' P‘il'glfllli‘l's “,l‘ll‘l." it.” ‘ Received In Savmgs’ Bank Depart- tended LU. 49,3); "MW "otm‘mc on” m“ GEO. 00W Ila. luvlnnonrl Hill. ment and interestallowed at, ‘ m' t“ P' \V- BOYNT9N. Dollar. tf h ndsomel illustrated weekly Largest (:le- cAulu'lion of Ray scientific journal. 'X‘Prms, 5.: a your: four months. $1. Sold by ull newsdealars. n .. *. I .. I V Willi.ifialefliiilfili‘lilllall Acgentsie'i i A 'V i f . (or. Sfiaw: g9. Hllil‘lEsT Blii’iiEl’iT RIMES. Noticeiifi withtli-awal not owes. “a.” sai-y. All depositspayalile Three thousand dollars to loan at a 0“ (“mund- a low rate of int-9193b on Fi-s - n )v - ‘ H “t Money [Gained on Farmers” gage f‘mn Salu Fumes. Blank Now: ~ l - ‘ ' ' Forms Magnified l-‘n-e. t. f. THE LIBERAL OFFICE. Emmi Banking Business . Tmnsasledfl. For other pal“. iculars call at the Bank. 3. W. OSBORNE. _*_. __._.. AGENT. _.._._.m...._su_-.«mm -wvw‘muv‘ “ma-â€" r , W. ck (S. l SEALED TENDERS.- addressed to thé Postmaster General. will bl: r-ecviv- (’(l at Ottawa. until i1(l(;ll.f()n lFriday, ‘ the 8th of Januar 7, 90 , or 1 1e con- l .. w A. 1, ,H veynnceof His Majesty’s Mulls, on a 1““) I“""“ “and 1‘“? ' ' proposed contract. for four years, six 1 r times per week each way, between) 1 :ct .. ‘ “arm Gormley and Unionville. from the 1st I, ; 5112:! business prizmlplcs. a” 1'7" a. ‘3' " . ’ i 5 May next. '.\'_‘i‘l»: and haphazard E 1h rec war-.15 constantly The Liberal and “Weekly *8 j‘ F“ F Globe i. 4 0 The Liberal and Weekly“ Mail and Empire Ea The Liberal and Family ' {v I Herald 86 Weekly Star _ The Liberal and W'eelzly E F? 5 Jill(realiiioillie full Of 7 i i i I . ll}; scale" '1": QL'V 1"11’ ren- . ‘ ‘ ” Q ‘ “ ‘ Out-goods are all of the (most (lL'i':'Ll him in a public way. It ' . v . V. H: x .1 . - r-r-I W2“ cum to “1: action at. THE (llellli), .iml “lll be knit (luect Jâ€" E o ._ ‘ ‘ . ' (lux- LL’llx. Printed notices containing further ‘ .p I . v . . information as to conditions of proâ€" ‘ (“j “10 “5 la'lger‘u‘Cd by posed Onnh-aot may be seen and blank SUCCESbiUl 3m} up-tOâ€"uate far-- furnist)f'l‘el.der may be obtained at the Post, Oflices of Uliinnville and orhr‘r offices en route. and aLllw Office of the Post Office Inspector at Toron- l”. G. C. ANDERSON, 55-3 Superintendent. Post. Office Department, } MICE'S. .A-AA .me-Jl. 9; Tm: \VEEHLY Business the very urate in- . . M...n»..;..¢. .. .‘ilail Contract Branch, 01.11%“, 26th Not, 1903. 1:“: SL‘N's market reports ‘ w;th many times the sub- ";piian price: to you. 'r. ,, f- A: .. l 'J‘. V» w ‘-..e .,. .. L “1...?” - .fl to your hmm'. \Ve keep only _ 53‘s” i-v‘l‘n ‘0‘“ to the the best WINES & LIQUORS Farmlng 03135316115 of the farmers that , t k 0 1 1 ,1 . - m s l' . ‘L - ) 2 . 151: l:'."" relating to cattle (L I 81 y mu drainage across rail- 3 . ' e e " . lites can? " by . MAL-MS has been 152 KING ST. TORONTO. Globe JNO. MATHEBS, PROP. 5â€"10-21.) Sullil THE Vial?qu ' to lsi J'anuary, in combination with .)_ The Liberal for $1.75. @tllnscrihe NOVV! .' . .r-. The Liberal and Daily 9 Mail {PM The Liberal and Daily _' l“ World. gaga ' L 1 (1D '1 St‘ " “3313552122 3’1 @439 23.6% i The Liberal and Farmers’ 2 : U _‘T Coal and \VOOd Delivered. . Prices Right. A sperm: monthly medican for ladle: , - to muons And n‘szulato the menses: , producing free healthy mxl painhss J 4 dlschu'gu. No inches or pain: on ;p G \ E i roach Now used by over 311,000 Indies. l.l‘£§iҤ5§mllm ‘ii‘JyA‘ililivoifil‘r‘flgfi I N C O N N E C T l O N . iglfimfil-‘ofli.{£31122g as‘ii‘sé I 'r c :Irsm 0‘ Ecsamp. . -5 M I Mlcliael Bros, ' r v ' a a wig gligé‘éws } Ri Ceilnlond Hill $3.59 ’ June 11. 1903 ’X‘natullycv " which you 57 . drnxv any 1: me “2 want to do so and u, I don't care :9 men-l; a months men". this one: by. value msx: firms over. F sent free 0 chum. ‘um. ’C tend in your xoque=c f‘ groper fee sconce. Thai: mambo mem- ershlpori‘or will soon charm). rite sconce afi- tcr 9.1m ‘cn' swung $1.00 for fulll 41.. c: 1. .111; u cezza in mm. m a Advocate g. Ad.mss,£u1miz.\ cntxxcu. mummy. Damon. um. dresslng you year’s £113me months to _ HUTCJL LITE}! Rfi‘l‘ T337510 {IT-VT! No. 150 Nauru- itn N. V’. 010?. l , . - - l Balance of the year free for all weeklics, Star and )xC‘VS, to new subscribers.

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