94' I A. ME RY [lHILIl AGAIN. N, ‘D’S KIDNEY PILLS CURED " LITTLE EDITH HARRIS’ xiiiâ€".5 ’ DROPSY. Kers was a Terrible Case â€" It Proves that the Great Kidney Remedy is good for Old and Young alike and Cures all Forms of Kidney Disease. Weyburn, Assa., N.W.’l‘., Dec. 21.â€" (Spccial).â€"No more remarkable cure of Dropsy has ever been put on re- :ord than that of little Edith liarâ€" ris, the two-year old daughter of Mr. and Mr.s. ll. J. llarris of this place. The little girl had dropsy in its worst form. She was swollen from her feet to her shoulders so badly that the doctor was afraid one of her feet would burst. Her natural waist measure was eighteen inches, but when the disease was at its worst, she measured thirtyâ€"four inchâ€" es. 'l‘wo doctors attended her, but after three months struggle with the disease the child was gradually grow- Ing worse and the parents had about given up all hope of saving the life of their child. At the same time they determined to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. Imagine their surprise and delight when un- der this treatment the child began to rapidly improve. By the time she had taken three boxes, half a pill at a dose, the swelling was gone and the helpless little invalid was transâ€" formed into a merry laughing healthy ‘child again. Dodd's Kidney Pills cure old and young alike. They cure Kidney Disâ€" ease without regard to where or in what form it is found. â€"-â€"â€"-+ HOW TO PREVENT A “COLD " Quick Change of Temperature Dangerous. How to prevent a “cold†is at this time a matter of no small importâ€" ance. The question resolves itself in- to an attention to little things in the beginning rather than more weighty ones at the end. The weak mortal is most apt to suffer from any epidemic influence. The overâ€" wrought individual is relatively in the same category. Thus it happens that the “cold†seizes the victim when he is tired, and a draught that would not affect him under other cir- cumstances is quite sure to show its malignant influence within a few hours after the slightest exposure. The shiver and chill are nature’s ï¬rst warnings of the trouble, then follow the irritation of the chest, the harassing cough, the sneezing nasal discharge and stuny frantal headache. The careful man hecds these symp- toms at, once, talrs to his room and uses his home remedies, but the darâ€" ing and thoughtless one trusts to the vain chance of roughing it through. Then also in turn comes the old story of "the neglected cold†and long list of lung affections that follow in its Wakes. Catarrhal pneumonia, :1 most fatal ailment, almost invariably commenc- es with the simplest warnings. Al- though the disease is considered in- fectious and due to a speciï¬c microbe, the latter organism never attacks l GRAINS OI“ GOLD. Mirth cannot an\e a soul in ag- ony.â€"Shakespcare. (‘andor is the rarest virtue of so« ciuhiiity.~Sternau. No circumstances can feet of character.»â€"â€"Emerson. (.‘ln-crfuliu-ss is an ollshoot of goodâ€" ness and of \visdom,â€"llovl-e llarl men excuse their faulls. good Vmen will leave tllt‘lll.-â€"Jt)llll$<lll. . l ('huritv and personal force are. the only investments worth anything,“ Walt Whitman. 3 There are plenty of acquaintanth in the world, but very few rea‘l friemis.â€"~J. 1'". Davis. It is generally more profitable to reckon up our defects than to boast ,of our attainments.â€"Carlyle. ‘ A man cannot have an idea of per- fection in another which he was nevâ€" er sensible of in himself.â€"-â€"Steele. Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul; and the heart of man knmveth none more fragrantâ€"Hosea Ballou. .._.+___._ PREFERRED ARREST. A thief broke into a large mansion eai ly in the morning, and found brimâ€" :‘ielf in the mushâ€"room. Healing foot steps apum‘oaching Le l..id bei ind a. screen. From seven to eight o'clock the oldest daughter had a lesson on. tic 1 iano. From eight. to hire o'tlock the see- ond daughter took a singing lesnon. From mine. to ten o'tlook the eldest son had a violin lesson. From ten to eleven o'clock the other son took a losson on the flute. At elexen all the brothers and sisâ€" ters assembled and studied an earâ€" s[.litting_ piece for piano, violin, flute, and voice. The thief staggered out l‘.om beâ€" lzind the screen at half-past eleven and, falling at their feet, (tried, “For money’s sake l:a\e me arrested, but, stop I" repair :1 (IC‘ ____+__ KINGS OF THE WORLD. ‘When the boys and girls were askâ€" ed to write an essay on “Kings†a quickâ€"witted one handed in the folâ€" lowing little gem:â€" The most powerful king on earth is Worâ€"king; the laziest, Shirkâ€"king; a very doubtful king, Smoâ€"king; the wittiest, Jo-king; the leanest, Thinâ€" king; the thirstiest, drin-king; the slyest, Win~king; the most garrulous, Tallâ€"king; the most inquisitive, As- king; the most useful, Maâ€"king; the most unstable, Shitâ€"king; the most destructive, Brea-king; the most disâ€" solute, Ilaâ€"king; the meanest, Snea- king; the most corrupt, Faâ€"king. STATE or Omo, CITY or TOLEDO, LUCAS COUNTY. FRANlI J. CHENEY makes oath that he is senior partner of the ï¬rm of l". J. CHENEY a U0., doing business In the City of Toledo. County and State aforesaid, and that said ï¬rm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL- LARS for each. and every case of CA- ‘l‘AltRll that cannot be cured by the use of HALL’S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence. this 6th day of December, (LI). 18,246. V ‘86. A. W. G LEASO N, Notary Public SEAL . Hall's Cntarrh Cure in tulle: into-- sally. and act. directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of Bend for testimonials. free. F. J. CHENEY av. (50., Toledo. 0. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the host. the system. STUDENTS’ NOVEL MISS ION. previously healthy tissue. The ini- tiative cold places the mucous mem- brane of the air passages in a prop- erly receptive condition for the effec- tive invasion of the waiting organ- ism. Rapid changes of temperature, es- pecially With increased humidity and raw winds, are always dangerous. To overcome them man conserves the heat of his body with woolen under- clothes and suitable outsodc covering. He must needs be always on the deâ€" fensive. The lack of precautions is what must eventuallyâ€"shoulder the blame. The best defence against cold is what might be called the toughening process of immunity against chang- es. The person who is accustomed to the cold plunge the year round is seldom surprised by a frosty snap or a. sneaking draught. On the other hand, the one who overheats his house and bakes in the dry and suf- focating atmosphere of most apartâ€" ments is sure to SulTer from the slightest exposure. ' It is truthfully said that our houses are for the most part hot air ovens during the winter time. There is no doubt that. this fact explains in a great measure the well-known prevalence of calarrahs. The Eng- lish, for instance, with a more humid and equally changeable climate are ‘Wondel‘l'ully immune against “colds,†as we view it, and this is due in no small measure to their cooler and ibetter ventilated homes, their out- door habits in facing storms and lin'their ability to react by vigorous ,skin circulation against any degree of cold or wet. Who knows how many colds might ,be prevented during the winter by ifollowing these few simple sugges- xtions'l Each man should be able to manufacture his own animal heat, land a reasonable amount of clothing land ordinary Warmth within doors. should do the rest in the hardening " Consumption ’process that will in the end give him 3the best of all protections. * Fiiend: “How do you like 'new teacher, Freddy ‘2" Idon't know: I yet." your Freddy : "I haven't misbehaved Thioe students of the university of Paiis are about to take a journey round the woxld, tlte funds for that purpose having been presented to the university by M. A. Kahn. They are taking this journey not merely for their own pleasure, but for the pur- pose of studying foxeign institutions and of writing an account of the countliies which they intend to Hit. Ti i: account of their travels will be delivered to the authoxities of the Sorbonne on their return to France. Each student is allowed $3,000 for expenses, and the university intends to send two or three students on this novel mission every year. Only those students will be eligible who can speak at least one foreign lan- guage in addition to French. In orâ€" c'cr that their work of investigation may be facilitated the young tourâ€" ists will take with them l'ettms of inâ€" troduction to the French representa- tives in foxeign countries, and they are expected to complete their meanâ€" orable journey within eighteen months. Lazy men are always boasting of what they are going to do toâ€"morâ€" row. La grippc, pneumonia and influ can often leave a nasty cough when they’re gone. It is a dangerous thing to neglect. Cure it with Shiloh’s The Lung Tonic The cure that is guaranteed by your druggist. Prices 25c., 60c. and $1.00 S. C. \VELLS & CO. Toronto, Can. LeRoy, N.Y. ’ Unless the soap you use has brand you . are not getting the best Ask for the Octagon Bar. :55 CUI’IIQD THE PATCH. A tale is being told of an (illicer in the China squadron, \\‘ho, taking advantage of a stay in port, sent for a native tailor, and ordered I\Vt‘l\'t‘ pairs of white drill trousers, ginng him an old pair for a pattern. They Were duly delivered, and appeared perfect, but on trying on a pair he found a neat patch in the seat, and to his great astonishment each of the others was also neatly patched. At a loss to account for it, he examâ€" ined the old pair given for a pattern. and there found a tiny hole, neatly patched, which the. tailor with East- ern thoroughness had i accurately copied. A true friend is one who never reminds you of your best traits. CANADA MAKES THE BEST. A Bkirisusn's TRIBUTE. Sir Thomas Brassey, llI.I‘., and his oldest son, the Hon. T. A. Dras- sey, are well known throughout the llritish Empire. The former owns a large estate in England, was Gover- nor of Victoria, Australia, from 1895 to 1900. and was President of the llritish Boards of Trade Congress, which met last summer in Montreal. He also owns large tracts of farm lands in our own Northwest. Both father and son are. enthusiastic ad- mirers of Canada. and are well able to speak authoritatively and intelli- gently .as to Canadian products. The Hon. T. A. Brassey, who late- Iy spent seine months in Canada, has paid a just tribute to Massey- Harris Implements as per the follow- ing cablegram: "London, Nov. 28tlrâ€"Ilon. T. A. Brassey. speaking at Rye yesterday, said farmers need not be anxious that Mr. Chamberlain’s policy would raise the cost of machinery. The best. agricultural machinery in the World is made by the Magseyâ€"I-Iarris Company of Toronto, and by other companies in Ontario, and there would be no duty upon it." _â€"‘_ Doctor : "And you have been sufv faring from insomnia, eh ‘2" Magin- nis: "'l‘hot Oi lev. Sometimes it \vor so bad Oi couldn’t silape for .Mlnaid‘s Llnimenl EllfBS folds. elc. Wifeâ€"“What in the world do you want with a trombone? You know that the man next door has nearly driven us wild by his performance on that awful instrument." Hubbyâ€" "C-alm yourself, my dear; that's the one I've bought." Under the Nerve Lash.-â€"Tha torture and torment of the victim of nervous prostration and nervous debility no one can rightly estimate who has not been under the ruthless lash of these relentless human foes. M. \Villiams, of Fordwich, Ont, was for {our years I nervous wreck. Six bottles ofb‘oulh American Nervine worked a miracle. and his doctor con- Mediaâ€"28 “Oh, yes," she said, asthey were conversing, “I have studied your character, and I think you are above the average of men." “I don't think much of myself," he answered. “Why not?" “Because I‘m always think- ing about you." I was Cured of Acute Bronchitis by MINARD'S LINIMEN’I‘. .I. M. CAMPBELL. Bay of Islands. I was Cured of Facial Neuralgil by MINARD'S LINIMENT. WM. DANIELS. Springhill. N. S. I was Cured of Chronic Rheuma- tism by h‘IINARD'Q LINIMF‘N'I‘. (1E0. TINGLEY. Albert 00., N, I}. 2-! m“ 1’00 It 'J OLLY BOY. “Maria,†said Mr. .lollyboy, very solemnly, thinking to take a. li>e out of the wife of his bosom. “I heard of a dreadful operation which was undergone by a girl. She seemed in danger of losing her sight, and the (lever ophthalmic surgeon who oper- ated on her found " “Yes !' ' breathleSSly interposed Mrs. Jollyboy, “found what ?" “That the poor girl had a. man in her eye !" rejoined with a chuckle. Silence reigned supreme for the space of ï¬ve minutes, at the end of which time Mrs. Jollyiboy said quietly:â€" “Well, of course. it would all pond on what kind of young man ‘WGS, as there are many men she lwoul'i have been able to see through !" and, with a serene smile, ‘Mi~s. .Iâ€" resumed her knitting, young hubby, do- it leaving the enemy completely rout/- 'oJ. “bid you hear about the catas- trophe down at the Ilrown‘s' last night?" "No; “but hopienel 1’" “\\li_v, Mrs. lliown ga\e the baby n.i bottle to play with, and while sle; was in the kitchen it fell out of ti» cradle and broke its neck." “What. ' "No, tie the baby '1" bott'c." Dinerâ€"outâ€"-"\\'uiter, how's this? Ii have just discovered a collarâ€"buttin in my soup." \\'aitei‘â€"â€"“Yes, sir, you're the lucky man. We have prize soup on Mondays and Wednesdays. A handsome gift in every twentieth plate. You've won the pri‘le toâ€"(i‘tiy. Lucky man!" ‘lilnari's llnlmcnl Burns Distemper. _.â€"_. Sammy: "Cnii‘q to mow soon, Tommy ‘2'" Tommy: “Yes.†Sank my: “How do you know?" 'I‘onuny: “Ah ! how do I know '2 Didn't. me, mother lenune bleak a winder t'otlter day and (Lidn't say noti in' ‘2" For Over Sixty Your. Hits, wmamw'a Soc-mum SYRUP has been used b) nilliona of mothers for their ehlldren while teething. luoothea the child, molten: the [NHL alloys pain. cure: vind enlic, regulate. the Ftommh and bowels, and in the last remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty-ave Cents a bolt!» !o|-l bydruygists throughout the world. Be mm and oak (.ur " MR3. Wmuow'sfloorumo svnur." 23-71 Se’lety Belle: “Mother, Mr. De Bra~s has proposed ai.(l I haxe ac- (epfodï¬' Mother: “What? Oh, you wicked, lingl‘alcfl gi I, after all wc'\e (lore for you. Mr. De Brass hasn't a tent to bless himself \\ith and won't have until l.is father and grandfather die." “Tic Mr. De liraxs l LUII referring to is the grandâ€" fatli er." “Oh, bless you, 34w child!" Lover's Y-Z (Wise IIead) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softens the Water and disin< fectn. Exe‘uthe ability is He capacity for making :lomegotlzer fellow paddle lllnml‘s lliililillili GUiliS Gï¬iï¬ï¬l ifl GOES. Clara: “How‘ his voice when he proposed ?" Maud : “Oh, it had the right iing to it !" â€"_ A SOUTH AFRICAN TRIBUTE. At a. practical test of self binders hold at Mooreesburg, Cape Colony, South Africs. Nov 5th last. un- der the auspices of the Western Prov- ince Agricultural Society, the Mas- soy-Harris Binder was awarded the First Prize of £10. There wore seven competitors, three Masseyâ€"Har- ris, three McCormick, and one Cham- f)?! pion. The judges in determining their awards. amongst other points. also took into consideration the length of the stubble and the light- ness and compactness with which the sheaves wore bound. About six hundred agriculturists. some. of whom came from a consider- able distance, witnessed the interest- in};r competition, 'whieh was a coin- iilete victory for the lll'asseyâ€"Ii’arrisL m.ng â€"â€" “Ah l" he said, as he Led luer back to her seat after tie waltz, “I just loxe dancing!" “Well,†she ie- plied, as she attempted to lepair a torn flounce, “you'ie not too old to learn." Her Heart Ilke a. Polluted Spring.â€"Mrs. james Srigley, Pelee 'lsland, Unl.,says: "I was for ï¬ve ears afflicted with dyspepsia, constipation, cart disease and nervous prostration. [cured] the heart trouble with Dr. Agnew's Cure; for the Heart. and the other ailments‘ vanished like mist. Had relief In half an hour after the first dose."â€"27 'I‘OMMY'S CONFESSION. “Now, children," Said the teacher, “let us see what you remember about the animal Lingdom and the domesâ€" ti: animals that belong to it. You First Scot : "What sort 0' ineeizisâ€" (or line ye gotten, Geordie ?†Second. Scot: "We seldom get a. glint 0’ him, six days 0' th' week he's en- vecs'ble, and on the seventh he's incomprei' ens' ble.~ Helpless as a. Baby.â€"South Ameri- can Rheumatic Cure strikes the root of the ailment and strikes it quick. R. \V. Wright, :0 Daniel strcct. Brockville. Ont, for twelve yearsa great sufferer from rheumatism, couldn't wash himself, fccd himself or dress himself. After using six bottles was able to go to work, and lays: " I think pain has left me forcvcr."â€"26 A school inspector asked a. Small boy, "For what purpose is the skin of a cow useful ?" To Hit; the small boy iepliod, "To keep the beef in. Mlnard's Llnlmenl limes Illfllllllï¬lia. FOR HUMAN ILLS. Much cod liver oil is made in Nor- \"ay. For three months, beginning in January, the fish come in from the. Arctic Ocean to the Norway fjords. or bays, to spawn, and some- times so many as sixty million fish are caught in a single season. w-W.‘ W‘.13‘â€".§_ .. ...._.._._. ‘ An admirable Food of! the EPPS’S Finest quality and flavour. C C GA Nutritious and. Economical. 48â€"21 FOR SALE AT ALI. BOOKSTORES. The Daintlest Book of the Season. “¥WUAIE:EB†FROM THE "EDD-ES AND HIGHWAYS. Beautifully bound in green leather stamp.’ ed in gold. PRICE “.00 The Anon Publishing Co.. of Can- ada are issuing a series of Volumes compiled from the Newspapers and Magazines of the day. The First Volume is now ready, and will be sent for One 'Dollar with privilege of returning if not satisfactory. In older to secure articles for the subsequent volumes the publishero are offering » TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS DASH for Newspaper, periodical and Magu- zine Clippings from which to make their selections. For Copy of Book, Prospectus, and Premium List, write P. 0. Drawer 2183, Montreal, Canada. MA Lilo Build“. PATENT Mm MJJQ (a! m glib. 13-4â€"3 Bemlnlon Line Steamshlps Montreal to leorpool Baotou to leorpool 4 Int Ste-mine. Superior Accommodolo. «$1913.. of inmate". Saloon: and Staterooo snideth poolal attention bu been Ivan to Caloo- ond ThirdAClns wennnn atlon. of an and III particulars, “ml, to any If“. III“. I MHIIOI adluiton of recent; upon]. or to uuznur Agent. non-um»: LINE OFFICES: ‘I “It. I‘ll. I! In. Burnout. BL. W FEATHER DYEIN G Cleonlnl and Curling and Kid Glonl cleaned Tia-o can be sent by post. In par on. the be“ place In BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING 00. __.__Â¥9‘?'TFF“L_____ BASTEDO’S " “13.5309†SPf CIAI. FURS \V a give extra val us. Send for price lisI SALE CF Send for catalog. now Furs and cunning, have named all the domestic arimals but one. Who can tell me what that one is ? It has billâ€".tly hair. Iii-'08 dim, and is fond of getting into tl'e, mud." Miss Fanny looked expec- tantly around the room. “Can't ~you think, Tommy ?" she asked, entourâ€" agiiigly. “Yes'm,†was tl:e Shamefa'ed ply. “It's me." W’t Become An Object 0f Aversion and Pity. Cure Your Gold and Catarrh, Purify Your Breath and Stop the Offensive Discharge . Rev. Dr. Bochror, of Buffalo, says: “hi wife and I were both troubled with distressing Catarrh. but we have enjoyed freedom from this aggravating malady 5' ca the day we ï¬rs used Dr. Agnow'a atarrhal Powder. Ito action was instantaneous. ' the most gin ratei'ul r leg within minutes after int app! at on. 9 :0 Dr. A ncw's Liver Plus. U 4,0 Dogs" :0 Como. IO- ' I N A L L couumlss. B'IOIAL ATTIN‘I’IOI To PATENT LITIGATION. land for lunch“ on “mu. lo. ._____â€" iPATENT ERIDCDUT MAYBEE ‘03 Bay BMTORONTO. Hmfld: All. KINDS 0’ , Butter, W" A d r r dirca :gfg‘erall; consign it to us all we will get you good print 1 Honey, . Apples. ‘I’HE ,Dawson commission 033 , -> N ,ToRoNTo. Tug. Issue No. 62â€"03