luimhv confin tel-ions expros “ (‘rovny " so the snfl'vring hf :m‘v, 110(01 this must he : in the name Nazareth.†.‘ Nazareux.“ makes the victims [are hover ï¬nd 6 sible mum's by honest L: nw-nt’s 151-051“) ho IHh-lvnt n U. dour. no! Did Peter don 4".“ when the imputvut ma 1': zlping amund P No. Did Um island of Melitn, :lftm' h( father of Publisus, and mm charge up the mowd for vn‘l rd, of that which cost Paul N0 indbéd.‘ hut the people 1': nping amnnd?‘ Nu. Did Paul on Um island of Meiitn, :xftm' healing the fauna-of Pnhlisns, and many others, charge up the mowd for vuine row-iv- vd, of that which cost Paul nothing ? N0 indb‘d.‘ Inth the people responded kin'o-nm usiy. “ and when thvy dw- pnrtéd Id‘c 'ed them n it!) such things as were‘jiigwiessaryfl’ “'hut, with lying (so Called) faith cures, Duwivism, hyp- i)(:tic’h-ontment, (-lectx-ic belts, and the ï¬hnnsa’ï¬d and one other Clll(‘ nlls (In flie'murkct, is it any wonder the die:- lnl'iiioiuted victim in search of health is tempted to Say with David (and someâ€" tinms dues): " All men are liars.†:Idd'ne' a few exnletives of his own. Boundary lino. l‘lvviy ( mme patriarchal lnol‘i ï¬lows his hurn (in the 1 1tl_)oi~\\'isv) announcing l " Great Healing Wundo Al, his august :Ippl'unch lll “ the ills that flesh is m‘uy. Even if you :12 liis'uwful and inyslm-io i'ouch ymu- nun-ml frann [he hoards of naughty gnged in dvsti-nying it those unnmmcun’n-nts w that here and there are when all human means fa ed pruyur and faith in the have been healed and venue of llSk‘fllanS‘S. )ntic’tlwntmout, electric be! Lhnnsa‘ï¬d and ulle other c 'Jie market, is it any \vondc Aï¬pointed victim in search ( LexupLCd 11!) Say with David Limos duos): "All men udd'ng a few oxpletivos r All this (1008 nut, diSpl'Uyt m mt ‘lin u~t( thr'se Voracio HIM' cum Of t!‘ ne 11111. n»; m ie W Advertiéements. IMOND H [LI Monev kept from the 11‘ pt from tho children. 1"“! Th 111(1'powol object he 03 Cape of Every Sick. Chud 1n THE DOn't be he :1 gun nne and .†.Th'm but: ‘5 H the above su gar-r 1th 1 ’ This “T1 the _penple E HOSPITAL FOR SICK CiliLDREN, TORONTO ‘sions add huulin ut be mm 41mm. TUE huff (If 0 word r1 inn [m ii‘am IH ERE'Af EHAEQETYO *dily 1 their r in tho 1)( \Vith n \dudI-s, “ tin ml Jrjnciple. It'u iIsmsvs in 11w us, would his _v. his hand- d his advance )3 came from 216 1t of “'11 demand man st 1:01 I]! PE of l))h( of his own. 70 the fact )érsdus who led, by unit- Lm-d Jesus, ,'L‘SU)1‘ed t0 with AFI‘ E R ‘l I] BM 11nd Hu a public ft. “é (lisp nhes liule Ll \V on d 1min- stnrtml 1‘ E R hlld in Ontario V133 Cannot; Afiux’d to Pay For Treatment. ‘ien m cul I1) 811$ ( L\\’:l_\‘, n; nus have of Oh to he}; I'll Iim )tia rit me’rcy (H In can RD 31's hey .Ioé. Billings, Sn]:in . . . . . . . . . . Dr. Broretun; met‘. attu-ndnnco J. Edwards, Sanitary Inspector no lh Rich“ house! Linw is not to pupils. holiday tion. Hughn thmn.†Unglu- C(HH intolli or the H Linus mi standing lllln'l‘ vcnti and c een rnrh chw elm the Hosj health to The C‘ ronbo giV the Hospital, and the health to the children. The Corporation route gives $7,500 a year to the Hospi- tul for the mm 11- tenance of every child, whether from city or country. The citizens of Toronto con l ribnte about $7,000 a. ymr towards the. maintenance at every patient in the Hospital. whether from citv or country foo the ing our appealH. There nrc two. newspaper cots, n and girls from the country al‘e pl the cots founded by tho Ilcwwufwr Look ‘M the pictures of “ bcfc after." They tell their own story- you will help us in this good work. If your dollar could srruighten of a “ï¬le boy or girl with club-f6 would gladly give it, and your do help to do that. lll utter.“ '1'!) you will he] If your (1' of a With b md the Trustees ask The Newspaper 1’ ‘mve kindly helped t- Planet; send your contributions to Ross Robertson, Chairman, or to Doug Davidson. Sea-Trans. of the Hospital Sick Childton, College Street, Toronto. King Township Council 1H i sec {11 Wt ta us! 1mgng it \vunle‘ uld turf) cut. and Your money means mercy to son Xour money can cheer some mother’s “art by saving some mother’s (mild. Health and wealth. k'uu give wg- 1th to BEFORE Take off the ham ve all children n Twenty-tin ningï¬ftce-n as l is spent all thv: to blame. for t 15.. Meanwhile: lays multiply in \thl, is 10 CHI’l] liver 1331-033 yéu know of u )n\' or girlâ€"5cm pu} :spi m1 I]('( hu 11L np‘ Wmtngi “lull†Hill NIH-1' 1 nd 1hr 115‘ nnm- (1i; “"hat P oï¬'eret' moved. ‘en‘u \V)‘ subject Hullka ( ftL or girl with Bub-feet you ‘ive it, and your dollar will him ll! can I] wealth y unnitmg treatment .1 t-l ml IN of the City of To 01‘ m: ENJOYS READING. are in the good work, you to do your . -:)prietors 6f Ontario 10 Hospital by insert;- l\‘( it start in H1 )LI 1)) hxs ï¬lms th ining. twenty «nil l‘h .v} ill‘ “'11 )I‘UH came in with act. cures Inst more in the fumili Linn m ninvlr [rd 'â€"- th‘e c} nt’s name 3 wealth to Jim! gives deformity â€" 1 the til-.13 of :m St ltK-‘DH RI D A rm fully BERAL r men. ore and â€"surely the feet :ad 1303715 wed in will re- M l l1) in ()0 ll Phillip Sh('(-‘p mi] LM.“ \l pay ‘vV. Collect m 'Cn'llevtm-s, $50011 nu, Council udjmn'nvd ton on Dec. 28, at 11 To the Editor of Tm: L113 Simâ€"In the lust E‘RALI nuticed. :1 lott newer.â€â€˜st:\ting that E‘RAL I noticed a lottvr Slgnou " unw- pa.y01',â€'st:lting let u wanna!) hull .m- plied in my holfs'e for lodging, which†she was able and pl‘OlNll'vd to pay for, but was refused. Now I wish to ac- quaint- SlICll “Rutepaypr†and all rendvrs of your valuable paper the true facts of the case, for I can certain- ly see they haVe only heard one side of the question. I beg to say that a wnmnn did come to my house and ask for a mom. and I showed her to the best mom I could offer- hvr at the time, but she was not satisfied and would not accept, it. I told hex- I was sml'v it did nob‘suit, but I could not; do any better at, prvs- ent, so she left. hn Now I lwg In himself “ Rutopuj whim he wishrs things as this but lie, to at least, ac Richmuud Him-Dec. I [\yer's Pins great! aid th Cherry 1 Pectoral In urea ing up a coma Dela} Mr. \V. F. MttLPun. Suturduy nominatth York C(')nservati\'es. :lll} Philli‘psâ€"MuMm-c wing; persons lwin l have the :mmu zmmcrvillv, GUC; : l†hm @aï¬mwsz [I'SOI u-kin illins up a cold in a single night, wards of? bronchitis, prevents pneumonia. Physicians ad- vise parents to keep it on hand. “The best Cong; medicine money can buy is Ayer'a Cherry ectoral. For ‘he coughs 0! children nochlnst could asibly be bener." JACOB HULL, Saratogn, Ind. Hill Reply to “ Ratepayer." â€"Phil“p\‘~â€"â€"H) 1dy for print tho nld adage, that “ there ends to a ladder.†Ling you. Mr. Editnr, far 211- ne to take up so much of your A space, I remain, \‘.’1LL 0. SAVAGE, , V Propriva Pnhw-r House. \Voll's \mnil News N ones. \Vells sh Murchy id last issue of THE LI! ‘1 lottm- signed “ Huh flu ll‘t ms tc «1 u 1-H II] that the t1 »â€"th md . Ahab the bums. when he hands in§pc unt. - me In. 23‘ 11.0 th 1h M. P.. was on by the South hat the 1 ugfully use 9mm! 11a JG hilnsulf {viLh stion, uml‘ r9- thut “ there 11.0'BI 1t Mr. Jan ml Mr. JHS ctin t11€ I EL .1. C. AYBR C0 Lowell. Has: .ommx-L Alnnz 0. ‘llnwir- d w 1min 10 (S {re U \Vll‘t ,l [I 00 (50 01) SO ()0 0' (N )lL ll) m44~w+wmm~+m~9wwwwwwwww w] MM+MMM+*+W¢%€*+’10§~2'-§*~§‘+~§"§-+é There is seldom a day that we are I were to have seen it in its early snages. saved considerable expense. [his we c the doctor who has previoust tremull faring from any disease or co‘ulition p( been dissapoimed in not gen 1; a pen come to our ofï¬ce fdr persona: examinz: Treatment. “R; will explain to you O Mus. E Organist, a St. John 1‘: of Oman. Torontu C the doctor who has previously [r faring from any disease or comli been dissapoimed in not gm, 1; come to our ofï¬ce fdr personal c5 Treatment. \Vc will cxplnin to originated and developed after 0 diseases of men. \Ve will give y of your case. If we ï¬nd you are case curable we will give you a v For terms :umrvse 01' Toronto Coll. M u gigï¬ E m 5 g as: J. '5:- ‘5 , 1 QR. SWEENEY 8: CG“ Wo‘curo NERVOUS DEBELETY, VAE'ICOC BLOOD and SKIN diseases, FROST; BLADDER, KIDNEY and URINAR Question List Sent Free for Home Trcatmen Richmond Iii And complete happiness. continuance and an increase of TH E patronage. E’reo. Eflcï¬en Sight Singing Classes RUSSHM . HAREWA hitfi'eld Hudgin, ‘ ma, nd ( ulh -â€"YOU CAR Your Sincere \Vell-\Vish'ers 126 EAST mg STREET, Tom-rm } Once a Week. b5 M. ( L! 0 Church Toronto. nntn May it bring to you AWN Thom-y : will \'is Ci? mid, Bic md.) m‘ch many friends ‘Ilfercr \‘ \Vhich We extend tOITIEI‘S. USU \Ve soll rdinb! prices, and yuu any purchase yo An Improved Y in middle part Vaughan. THE - LIBE hp l‘ne 'HtS, JYHC 1m '11 um hilly Chrigi May it bring to Fiï¬ IS the sincere wrflfliï¬ Subscribf *9; w~z~++w+w+ '9 Cf) \Dl EM my {BERGEN lll UNB H) STREGTURE troubles, your valued JAS Q'éMéW‘X‘é-ï¬-éé‘éé 1 mnkt [H 1M and cu m (1 Hill 91) Wood- vard Ave., 'etroiz. Mich. pl mm!“ {'Wé‘u‘v 41 “'hit‘e Hr O Lll‘ irrville hm'e is than is Ll with )nnble b'nr a m1 CUI