mangerâ€"wwzmacï¬yxsmmwux-ï¬zave“Ham2:12;:{Wircw-mkimmmxrammggnzgttmï¬xrgmsmmgvmmmmw~ -7 finaamzwqcswwflawmgmzmmmmmmkw l t The Iliub Hi'lll‘nl :‘losrd l‘d iday and the Public School .\londay. The l’raY‘r llw tins: in tl-e filelliod- i~t cliuicli is withdrawn this we. 1;. There will be skating in the link on (,lii'istiiiris :ii‘le-inbun. from 13.52:) to .3 o’clock. land in attendance. Mr. J. l'I. .‘ikmvlu'; l’iintipal of tlic High-“chord :Ll ('ayngn, i.- h(]]|0 rm. the holidays. Mr. F. \V. llaliisoll. a student at, Qwen's l'ni\t'l'>li_‘.'. l‘illllLf‘dUll home Friday to spriid the lililiilnys. The Elgiu \lii‘ls [Intel has changed" morn-d. ~oni Bond l-iki- :ird tool' io:.~ession‘ . . . , . fl " I ‘ 1 ‘lit‘litt'K, lollowcd by arhoicecntz-iiain- ‘ sprrial ' .- " . ~)"- "i. » .. .a llll(.ll\ will ht I‘lt‘rltlild .ii_s.‘l.).11iitl J Hug H“, chumptms “WWI, (1H,). H.“ ‘p. m. by .los. uiungol ln-adnnd. I v hands. .\li. Frank (‘osgioi'e on Monday. The hour for iniII‘iuatiou of ir-i-vo, and councillors for Vaughan township will this year be 1 o'clock, next. Mon. day. , Rev. Mr. llutln-rl'ord of Sutton, 1). D. (lr. M. \\'. l'or tlie.‘\. 0. l'. \‘.'.. paid an oilicial visil to l\_\' Lodge on \Vednesday evening of last \‘»'l‘('l{. MI". 0. ll. Sliver of l'nionvillu clerk and tun-ism er of Markham town- ship: and Mr. .“iliu-l'. grain buyer in Simiti'villc. \\‘1‘lt‘ in the \llihgt' Tiler- day afternoon. _c__-__, , Posters hau- becn distributed an- nounr-ing‘ a men-ting; for the nomina- tion of Ill-eve, ('oullt'illnxu and Public School trustees ill the t‘nunril cham- ber next. illondav eveningr at 7.30. Mr. J. F. Rowland, manager of the Standdrd Bank at Brighton, spent Monday afternoon in the village. Manyof his friends were pleased to see him again Rev. J. A. Grant, M. A., was in Guelph on Thursday last, attending the Committee of the General Assent» lily on the Distribution of Probation- ers. “A Deal in \tha't," by Frank Norâ€" ris has been placed in the I’ubli‘: I.ib. rary. This completes the list of books added this fall. The amount is $97.32, besides $40.90 in magazines, periodic- als, etc. The annualontertainment and dis- tribution of presents was held in the Thornhill Sabbath School last ownâ€" ing. Among the presents was a large turkey for the pastor, Rev..l.A.Grant. D1‘.J. N. Hutchison of “'iunipcg. who With Mrs. llutcliison \vent to London, Ont... last week to attend the funeral of their young nephew, Mr. Garnet Escott, spent. a part of Monday here. on his way to (‘L-chmont, and called on a number of old friends. Rockâ€"bottom prices on (lift Goods at Atkinson‘k Switzer‘s, and a splcn» did stock to select from. Service will be held in S‘. Mary‘s Church (of England) by the pastor, Rev. John Gibson, on Christmas morning at 9.3:). Service at Trinity Church, ’l‘horuhill, at: 1]. o’clock. The churcliesarc being decorated for the Occasion. Don’t forget the Chiistmas Tree and Entertaimnent in the school room of the Methodist church Christ mas night. There will be a good programme of solos, reeitations fancy drills, pa-V triotic exercises, and a. “Mother Goose†contain. Also a visit from Santa Claus. Irlntnrt- innient to com- meuceat 7.30. Admission l5 and 1‘.) cents. Christmas price values positively without; precedence. Atkinson c; S w i tze r. BEE)“ AN D POULTRY. Messrs. Gla“and Co. as usual are showing a lai"e and choice stock of Christmas beef and poultr_.'. (Janice turkeys from- 13 to 16 cents a 1b.; geese, 10 toil ; and Chickens from 50 to 65 cents a pair. Tlll‘ll‘ stock of beef for the Ulnistmus trade is very choice. A. O. F. .The following are. the ofï¬cers of Court Richmond for the ensuing year: P. C. R., J. P. Glass; C. R.. II. F. Hopper; S. C. F... T. Trench ; Twas, H. A. Nll'hUllS; Sec'y, \V. E. \‘i'iley; S.‘\‘\'.. Frank llopper; J. “7., J. Glover; S. 13.. D. Hill ; J. 13.. F. Sims; Trustees, II. F. Hopper, D. Hill, T. Newton : Auditors, ’I‘. F..\lc.\lahon, A.\‘.'right, F. Grainger. Picture and holiday books at THE LIBERAL Oliicc. A. 0. 1'. \Y. OFFICERS. The following oliieers were elected for Ivy Lodge, at. the last meeting: \V. T. Storey, I’. .\I. \V.; J. P. Glass, 3»I.\\'.: D. Hill, Foreman; H. F. Hopper, Overseer; J. T. Startup, Guide; Ii. E. Law, Recorder; A. J. llume. Financier: F. .\Ict‘onaghy, Treasui er: M. Ransom, Inside \Vatclnnan; \V. Eycr, Outside \Vatchman; \V. T. Storey, liep. to (i. L.; H. F. lIoppi-r, Alternate; .l I. Crosby, T. l“. .‘~lc.\lalion and H. F. Hopper, Auditors. ‘t-nl-ure; will not rcccivwl lx-i {mu nary. came , . . ‘.\lk1n.~on 3.; .‘switzcrs. l ‘ "'Fllt‘ Arch of Fame.“ a beautiful! cantata will be rendered in the .‘Iaplcl Methodist church on t'lnislllllls night. l’iospmdsarogootl for installng a. the streets. .‘lr. l). lill if» looking into the niaLii-r. .\Irs. .\. l . \\'ii'_;ht and little dangli- tl'r. l‘ahir-i'. who cann't'iom Regina, N. \T. In llli"l||l Ill" tun ‘ral ot' the loiinwi‘s mother, sp ni l\\‘(i oi'tlircc days with Mrs. .\. \‘i'rigii! ilt'l't‘. W V V . I Mr. and .‘lrs. Ian-lr'iharix who have rrcohllj. i;ll.l u up icsiilrncc here have ,lt‘rtsml {321.‘r\\'ni. Kin ppaid's home on poor. the . Eli's. l.ind- it the midle (‘bnrr'li strict. Owing to llt'iliiil I'll Jill‘. l.ilitlt‘lll.::t ‘ t v f‘h-clmm-ar for .‘(masp‘ii‘ls will please the mrn. .‘ivt‘ the .‘s‘tndlioluie seai't at. .\uuivci-‘uii crvices will be held at. \‘ix-toiia Square as usual. 'l‘i-a will be served on New Ycai‘s Day Horn «1 to t; Ilit‘lil. «in Sundav .lan‘y 3. .\lil. l’l'tirlIdCY Nt).\ll.'\".\'i‘l‘ll). (‘cntrc York (‘onscivativis met. in Torontoyesterday. when .lr. \\'. ll. l’ogslcy of [his Village, was nominatâ€" cd looppoar .‘-lr. Arch. (“.iiiiplwll. .\i:l’-., in the coming: Dominion election. The nominee has been in municipal and county council since 1880, has a. good record, and was probably the strongest man that the Conservatives could have selected. I‘m-hot diaries, games. school snp~ plies and books [or sale at ’l‘ni'z Liann- .\1. Ofï¬ce. , C‘Ul..'l‘(,).\l FERGUSON Ai‘iii‘AViuIiED, The following appeared in the. (lranby (lastette oi" the (ith of May, 1-5â€, over thiity years ago:â€" “An amusing: though rather undigniiied scene. occurred in the Dominion House of Commons the other evening. Mr. Ferguson having asked a. question of the Ministcrof Militia, the latter rc- plied in French. a language of which his quericst is quite ignorant: Mr. Sandlicld Macdonald then made Some remarks in Gaelic to which Hir Geo. Cartier and the Minister of Justice rc- plicd in a jumble of broken Greek and Latin. whereupon Mr. chisconle ex- pressed his disgust. in Spanish, and so the polyglot dis ,ussien ended. Christmas cards and calendais. dis- tinctly Canadian at THE LIBERAL Ul‘i’icc. Just. the thing to send to friends in distant. lands. “XMAS NIGHT. The following is the program to be given by the scholars of the Methodist S. S. in the school room of the church on Christmas night: Chorus by the School: Recitation; Exercise Song. bone ; Recitation ; Exercise Song, “ Little Tin SOldiC rs â€; Recitation; Flag Drill ; Solo, " Pi ide of Newspaper Row "'z Cantata, “ Mother Goose â€; Sailor Song; Chorus : Parasol Drill; , Patriotic l‘lXt’lClS?, Britannia; Visit from Santa Cl- ‘ I‘lICKS’ALMA AC. The Ilcv. Irl R. llicks’ Almanac for 1904 is now ready. It will be mailed to any address for :5!) cents. It is sur- prising how such an elegant, costly hook can be sent piepaid so cheaply. No family or person is prepared to study the heavens, or the storms and \Vl‘Hillt'l‘ in 1901., without this wonder- ful liicks’ Almanac and Prof. l'licks‘ splendid paper, \Vord and “'mks. Both are sent for only one (livlllll'll yo 1'. \Vord and “'orks is among the hi t American niagaziues. l.i';c,1hc Hit-ks Almanac it is too well known to need further commendalion. Few llIt'll have labored more faithfully for the, public good or found a. warmer place in the hearts of the people. send orders to \Vord and \Vorks Pub. lishing to, 11.201 Locust St, St. Louis, i‘vlo. “ Turkey’s \Vish~ Fancy lamps are useful for Christ- mas presents; we have lamps that don't) restrict themselves to giving light, but decorate and adorn the library, the parlor, or the, dining- room. Atkinson & Switzer. A FEW" TIMELY FACTS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Mr. \V. S. Moone, after spending six months under our instructions, is now raining $25 per week for six hours \vork pwr day, at Memphis Tenn. .\liss Nellie Carson, after tivc months" training, is now with the \\'t-slein Union telegraph company at Dcti'iot, earning $70 per Imnit’h. \V. ll. Ilodu‘son, alter four mouths’ training. is now with the C. 1’. It. at ’l‘werdMnL, earning $10M) pvl‘ month. Numerrusothersare being placed in equally as good positions. Our winter term opens January lib, and those, desiring~ totake up the work should enroll on or bcioie that date to ensure them a position in the spring or early summer. Five competent instructors of exceptional ability are giving tlieii personal and individual attention to the rapid advancement of our pupils. Young ladies are prepared for com- mercial telegraph positions.and young "men for the same and railway posi- tions as operators, rain despatchm’s, agents. etc. This is a profession not overcrowded. and one which will coni- mand steady cinploynlclit the year around ::' good wages. for paiticulais as to terms, etc. adian ft. ilway Instruction Institute. L‘or. ( ill ’ge and longc Sts., Toronto. a 1. _. , .. ‘last Fridav evening. inw gaunt.“ plant \\ lllml’flll be llllll/rt ‘ rid lll stz-iws, bruises, clith or in l led ‘ll‘ili'llt‘l'S. ‘ than 'llr-v. .l. A. 1tribuchvocalsolos.andthepiano u"-‘ .t'or a Sclimil t‘lllt'll'liliiil-‘lll, lllli the various paits \vere c rvrrly taken, ,snuie of the performers displaying: Mr. I \Vrite at once ' Can- . Iiltéll Ht‘lltl-(ll. ('tht‘l‘Ili'l‘. l The(‘1nninirncv'mcnt Iixori-iws and (‘ollt'i'l'l in connection wiili tln- lligh Hl-‘nool were held in the Masonit- [tall The [ll'lufl’nliiilli‘ ()pt‘llt'tl with a chorus by the srlnail,‘ by Mr. .I. ll. Sanderson. 'l‘lir' 'Jhail- was occupied by My. \‘vf, 'l‘,‘ Storey. who in an interesting :Hldlt‘ssl rrfcircd to the good tel-ling in tlicl High School, and to the goal work‘ which was being.r done by the llllt‘“: The attendance was laigi-i', cvrr lwl‘oic. and teachers and, scholars wr-re \voiking,r in li;ii‘lnon_\'.; (il'illli, Til. .\.. INC-"‘lllt‘t‘i‘ lhecertiiiratn-s to lli-- successful slitâ€" dents al the last examinations. the presentations being accompaniwl by' appropriate remarks. .\liss l-Ithrl Hwitzcr and Miss Mary Trench con-i colnpanimcnts were played by .\lr.l l‘iaiie Newton and Miss Illillic 'i‘i-cncb. .\ prominent feature of the (rah-1min- lllt‘lll was the play “Tom Cobb,†in. three arts. The play vas probably not what. might have been t'\]}t‘(‘.l(‘(l more than tlllllll u y ability in portray- rcsrnlrd. fit-vcral (aunties were given during; the evening,r by the School i‘npils, and the entertainment clusvd with the National Anthem. The receipts were about $138.00. ’itl‘lHBY"iClli.\l‘~l (‘Ill'llClL The Presbyterian Sabbath School held their annual ciitcit-iiniucnt in thchasenientof the church Tuesday evening, and an t‘njnyabli' :iil‘air it certainly Was. That. hemuil'ul liturâ€" (‘tt'l in live Scent-s, "lird Riding,»- Ilood‘s Rescue," was presented with good effect, many of the parts being: exceedingly well taken. .Iknionp,’ tho-e who took the leading: parts were Miss .lennic Clark as llcd Riding “and: Miss Jain-t I‘iIcI)on.-ild. her mother; i\liSs Ivy Newton, grandmother; Mr. R. Moodie, Woodman; Mr. S. Boyle. wolf. A number of little girls and boys appropriately costumed joined in the clioluscs and made a pretty picture. The music was catchy and the scenery was very creditable. At the conclusion licv. Mr. Grant thank- ed all present and ('Xpl'esst'd the thanks of the school and church to all who assisted, and particularly to Mr. Earle Newton. Miss Keith and Miss Maud Clark for the interest they had taken in providing such an excellent entrrtaimnent. Before separating. Santa Claus distributed presents to scholars and others with a lavish hand, among,r the the ï¬rst being a fat goose to the pastor and to Mr. \V. limes, Supt. of the Sabbath School. It has been decided to repeat “lied Riding Hood’s ILr-scue " in the Masonic Hall on \Vcdncsday evening, Dec. 80, the proceeds to be given to the Library of the Sabbath School. In addition to the operetta three beautiful tab- leaux will begivcn. 339311113. 1 STIYERâ€"Al; Uninnville, on Wednesday. Dsc. If: a dnghter to Mr. and Mrs. (3. ll. Silver. GRANT-At the Manse. Richmond Hill, on Wei nesimy. tlin loth inst, the “its ct isv. J. A. Grunt of a st 11. ' 193A EEGEEAGESS Pow):1.r.â€"JAr.xsoNâ€"Attill Givens 85., Toronto, on tho 211ml Dec-uriber. by Rev. J. A. ‘rmni, .\tizliohen. Powell, to Miss Annie Jackson. ml 01 Toronto. ' ‘ Fair Trial. ‘ To the .itm‘ of Tris. meui. Simâ€"In your issue of Dec. 17 there app-cars a letter signed “ Ratep lyer," in which the local tavern-lu-cpers are accused of refusing to ac. aanmodatc a Woman with lodging on Monday of that week. In reply I beg to state that‘h wo- man, no doubt the one in question. came to my hotel on that day and sat in the public sitting-room for nearly two hours, and though asked by me it there was anything she required, re- plied in the negative, afterwards leav- ing the hotel without asking for lodg- ing or accoinmodation other than she had received. ls it a wise or charitable act on the pait of “ Ratepaycr†to make this statement without ï¬rst investigating the same? In every instance there are two sides to a question, and no one should be condemned withouta fair tviaJ. Thanking you for your valuable space, 1 remain, ’ CHAS. H. ELLSTox, Dominion House. Richmond Hill, Dec. 225, 1903. 0 Sale Register. \Ve:lyicsdny,.lnn 13 â€"â€" notion sale ot horses, nnlrh cows. springc Lockers and urine at Hughes Hotel, ’t'luiruhitl. $1110 at. lo'eloclt. '1'ei'in:i,lto 10 months. Six per cent uis~ count for cash. Parties having stock or articles todisposo of iner hrin some on day of sale. Two hot: hair-rs will ‘nn present. )il‘ing your bogs and get. good mic-es. J ll Prentice, uuct. [WAWW â€" . r. ‘ . {7" met ills The. ’3 what you need; some-l thing to cure your biliousness, and regulate your bowels. You l need Ayer’s Pills. Vegetablcp J.C.AyerCo., Lowell. Ic'cca. gently laxative. *’ a beautiful brown or rich black? Use, giltlllllililltï¬ilii mm KPJ’LULQI‘Ou ‘IAElII'A, N.ll.r ', Tad Pithâ€"ti? Bead, idea: ‘ our aid. Address, THE. “"ENT RECORD, ‘ Baltimore. Md. ‘ HUI-semen ‘ ti“ 1' l' l (r flt ni ( iti 1r du'ty ' ' u ' v n l " ' - " '& J‘ fr 111 aitcr r erts o 11>; cm um i ‘J -: it, s V‘ ant 3131!? [303455251536 04’ chng ‘ “\“l’ “1“ t1“ 1 " ““U1 U I t a '. r3. may be secured by 1 4\> , _,x K71". ‘K-v'T'fl , K, c 332351;?»th See. ‘ Xmas Shopping ‘7‘" :Ltnmf fr" , -\â€i:g¢\’\«.‘ c"- ? c 1.: est-z...» cs «.23- 1‘34â€: {53.31% \ L L s :0. Such bowers of hoiidav brightness t iat it seems Christmas every day here. It you are puzzled what to buy come and lét us \\'e are headquarters for everything in Gift Goods. i you out. 0' 1 help ’Tis well to bear n mind, though, that early buyers enjoy ‘ These are bright busy days at our busy many advantages over those who put off their purchases until the last day. \Vc can‘t quote everything, but here are 21 few items that: should prove interesting to those with limited pocket-books: Fancy l’arlor Lamps, .Q.ic., $1.35, $1.50. $3.00 and $5.00. Fur ltui'fs and ('ollars, $3, $3.50, and $10.50. Fancy (‘liin'r llcrry Sets. $1, $1.23. $1.45 and $1.75. , Fancy (‘liina (‘ups and Saucers, 10,15, 20, 25, £55 and 500. Mechanical 'i‘oys, 13, 20, 25, 35 and 750.. Men‘s Fancy Ties, latest. styles, 2.5, 13 and 30c. Fancy Handkerchiefs, 5, It). 15, 2t), and Me. Fine (‘lcaned Currants, 4 lb. for 2.30. Select raisins, 3 lbs. for 2"“ u). . Best natural Figs. .3 lbs. t'or 23c. Iieinon Feel, 12.5c. lb. Grunge Peel, Mlle. ll). (‘itron Peel, 20c. lb. Special quality Coffee, Ijuc. lb. Alliiligtili & SWITZER, Richmond Hill. we mmm t L. . . ‘;_Kfl-_a fag. IF YOU WANT A a _ ,. i (ï¬rearm Se stator j i let . %3, Why mun.) the best, Elk? ': ti THE DELAVAL - r % Have one on trial and be I 1 Cnil\lllt5£’ . s (‘3 , S WE ALSO SELL g3 toves _ El) \Vasliing Machines mm Fir-f" 7‘s tag Chums g Hardware 0 Eavetroughing Paints P Glass, Etc. , To Will ‘3 Ggill A†'" "w s b S \ M? an? . u. e. . .i (‘i‘tV‘i '1, “mm-mmm‘ R:mrq7 IQ:;;=_“QH131:MQJ 5V. p? " Agnoshocossdqss. {ngw {in are Foo 30R HORSESâ€"Gives them a good appetite, a glossy coat, a lose hide and a. healthy appearance. Highly reconnnemlcd by horsemen. _ FOIL CATTLE it has no equal. It improves the appetite, aids diges- tiun, it causes a peifect‘ assiniulatioii of the food and fatteus them quickly: also a grand1reparat'ontormilchcmvs. I _ H FOR UALVl‘Ib‘xinixed with skim mill; or separator milk it \\ l‘l make. calves thrive as we] or better as when l'n-d on new milk. l’rcvcnts scouts, aids digestion, and rapidly tits a calf for market: . FOR HUGSâ€"this wil be l'ound a grand tonic for fattening hogs rapid- ly. Itaidsdigestiou, kills wo: his, and krcps them healthy. The stock- nian's favorite. because it makes you: stock thrive strongâ€"best. and cheapest stock food on the market. I-‘ive feeds for one cent. Yorkshire Couch Eeave Cure Guaranteed to cure coughs, colds. hC‘aves and broken wind .in horses. , will lind this an infallible remedy tor any affection in a horses Price 30c. Sold in Richmond Hill by Geo. McDonald, harness-maker. Your own recipes made up properly from pure drugs at wholesale piiccs. All drugs and patent medicines at wholesale prices. J. AL. .‘lfollrns'ton 00.9 Successor to C. D. Daniel & Co. and Hugh Miller & Co.) “'holesalc and‘Rctail Drougists. 171 King St East, Torout Opposite Llydc Hotel. 1%.;