HEERAL PRINTWG Hume: Tntefazi-I-m'zn‘wslciuuut .Vestoru and Grace R-Jspimlsfl'uruuto VOL. XIX {QHURSDA Best ï¬tting teeth. also replating, at lowest prices. Good work. mm DR W G Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. Telephone Main 243% DR. ARNOLD D. A. MASON, EJtuntirst, JOHN R. CAMPBELL, Cur. Chm-ch and Carlton Sts., Toronto, \Vill he in Richmond Hiil ovary-“fed nusduy. Ofï¬ce, next dour swath of Public Scllnnl. Oflicu Hoursâ€"5.30 a" m. to 5 p. m. WWW J. H. SA Calls by day _nm1_ [light promptly A large amount of private funds tn 1mm (m improved fut-m propvl-ty situ- Htt-d in the. Cuunty of York, at 4; per cent. Fur particulnru uppiy to Lindsey. L.LwI-vnce & \leswm'th, Home Life Bldg., 60 Victoria. St.. Or at, annntn TUE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill, on Saturday afturnnnns. ‘5 Ri 9hande Hi1} June 11. 1903 Coal and \VOOd Dellvered. Prices Right. GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. Michael 331133., LEVERY OQAL VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL Room “ A,†Yonge Street; Arcade. Toronto. 011106 Hoursâ€"S to m u. m: 1'2. (50 2 p m 7 to R u In. {10111 4 5-2 PER (Successor to Dr. VETERINARY SURGEON, BR. ‘3! R. E. J‘ STUBBS er annum, In advance. PUBLISHED EVERY Thornhill. DITO G L SPAULDING R A W SPAULDING 'Dentists W21. $337233, 1) 53):) list. 12L Victoria St. Toronto. Mu MOND HILL. ONT. ‘h nrulaiil. Weterimu‘y tended ‘ to. flentsal CREE“ " It} . ‘ï¬wmi MAHON. PUSHSHINS “‘OI‘RIK‘I‘OR. S CARDS. MO RNING \IDERSON, WOOD A. Currie), SEEN. HBUS Barristers,Solicitors. Notaries, 360. Home Life Building (formerly Freo- lmld Lnnn Bldg-J. Cur. Adelaide & Victoria Sts.. Toronto. TORONTO OFFICE: No Mr. Cook wil Issue Money to loan on land and chattel mortgages at lowest rates Aurora nt‘ï¬ceâ€"RemoveJ to the old post (1ch one door mess of the entrance to the Ontanu Bank Newmarket ofï¬ceâ€"Three doors south of the p38t0-ï¬my '1‘ HERBERT LENNOX, G STV MORGAN. LENNOX & MOEQKN, NOTA RY PUBLIC; [SSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, HE H_J(}IN BEY‘EJIJS Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, Goods sold on consignment General sales on atoc etc prompt-Iv “tended to at reasonavlt rates“ ‘Besidrauce Uniouvillo J '1‘ Saigeon. Mapte Saigcon a: flieEweu. Licensed Auctioneers for the Countyof York. Sales “tended to on shorteh Imticeand a. ran.- sonablerates Phtl‘onagosnlicited G R Gouldxï¬g: NEQib‘i-Exook. above a. ms. NEWTON Licouspd Auntinnearfnr the Counties of York and Ontano Allsnles: of farm stock. K's. nt- tonded tn on the shortest notice and rensonalfle mt“, Mm‘hmgnandhniliï¬ sales attended to. Residence.Stouï¬ville Ont Linens e Auctioneer for theCounty of York, re~ apoctfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence sales nttnnded on the sLortest notice and at reasonabemtes. 1". O.aduz‘ess King A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL Relnndelled,and newly furnished throughout One olnlxe most convenient and comfortable hotels on Yonge Street. Every modern con- venience Sample moms for commercial aravallers. An ideal stopping place for rirling or driving parties,bicyclists. or farmers going to or returning from market. Electric cars pussthe door Livery invonuection RICHARDSON HOUSE Every Accommodation for the trav- elling‘ public. LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill on Saturdays. mum] Sf. \thst.\Vvslrnyw Bglildilié‘; (Methodist; Bonk Rnnm.) T0- l-ontn. W". C. SAVAGE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. VVRIGET BROS, Ulldm'takors 6’ Embalmors, Lindsey, Lawrence & Wadsworth. suer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. hut \\ mlsworth MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. Linda- CQOK fl. ï¬g.)va EMB‘ER†BIA-1314B. THOROUGH LY REFITTED. .8.er isters, Solicitors. etc {ll'l iStCl‘S and Eolivimrs. 158 mm; sway. zAs'r. TORONTO accommodntmn augments. Board,sl vex day ‘nk will he at Maple on Thursday afternoon of ea ch wot-k. FREDERH)“ BACK. Prop RICHMOND HILL. THURSDAY,DECEMBEH;1, 1903 .5. H. P: malice. COMMISSIONER IN THE TERMS $1.00 PER DAY. D. G. BLGUGII. N. E. Smilh. “In Essmtz'als, Unity; 81 JOHNSTON A “1‘01‘5. Phone Main 2984 ! burs (My. J K McEwen, Weston 1. agem for tho Nuwxharkct ;3 Hit-h- Prop fGluss. crmm‘mnr Sclmnl Board M Storey, re. elect a ‘tgkosfho plum ul Sigurd to contest me reevesmp 1n Vaughan. Spent-hos were made by MI. Savage, Mr. Inncs, Mr. Best/11rd and Mr. l’ngsle-y. Markham Tp. â€" A. Sunnnerfeldf, were; 1. “7. Harper, J. E. Francis, G. C. Mnrrison. re-elocted. Mr. Lapp takes the place of Mr. Huuvor, 1r- an-d from LUWIhllip. The County Roads hy-law Was fully (‘Xpiainrd by Co. Cnuncinor A. Quantz. Vaughan ~â€" Unuaual intmest was shnwn at, tho nonï¬natjnn. The large hall was crowded. and able speeches were mde hy the old mmnhers, as well as by the nthr nominees. The principal discussion was on the. ques: tin!) of commuted statute labor. Cnunty-Cmmcillors Kirby and Pugs- k-‘y fully explained the Good Rnads By- Law, and many utlwrs referred to the smnequvstiun. Many uf those pres- ent were in a teasing nmnd. and much men-inwnt was Caused by the sharp questions and gnud nntlnod answers. The Chairman, Dr. Robinson nf Klein- buz-g, was good matured and witty and I‘llh‘d with an iron hand. The follow- inp: were mmuinnted 2 for reevv, \Vm. VVEWFOU, J. N. Boyle; for cnuncillms. Isnnc Devins, D. C. erghnnsv, \Vm. Thomas, Donald J. Manny, J. W'. Dul- ziol, J, S. Manix'. J.VVilIi:uns, Got), 1. Clarke, J. A. Cnnlmnu. MiaMulluy and Mr. \V'illinmp' losignedafturthe ). blarke and Mr. meeting. WANTEDâ€"FAITHFUL mus.va T9 my cu reg-nil trade and (moth mr hnUSv having well esbahii'he‘l b terrirm'y; strut-41:1 salary 1:0 pa: exoense money advanced : prevn nuuuc-essuy; 'nsniml 1mmqu sm-oessful. Luclnse solf-udflre Sjperinthnï¬eut rx‘m‘elers 60.5 An event of very rare interest was colebrutédutthe reside-ï¬re of Mr. D. (J. Longhnuse, 9th con. Vaughan, on the evening nf Dec. 23, the uccusinn being lhe~60th anniversary of Lhe nlsuriagv of his father and mothvr, Mr. and Mrs. GPO. Lunghuuso. A large company of rolukives and friends gathered to extvnd congratulations to the aged cunplo. Shnrt addressvs were made by Rev. Malcolm Mackin- nun. B. A., and Mvesps. Wm, Ful'l‘, Gen. Rcanmn, Isaac Reunmn, John Rmunzm, Michael Roam-(m. \Vln. El- lvx'hy and John tumble, extending sincere congx-ntulnliuns to the vener- able couple, “walling the past and wishing well fur the future. Richmmul Hillâ€" n-s )‘Bâ€"(‘lt‘CN‘d by :1 In addition to the ahove-mentioned the follmving were present: Mrs. (Jule, Multan, an aged sister of Mr. Lunghuuse; Mrs. Everin hum, Mrs. Richardson, Mrs. Burkllolx vrnnd Mrs. Duck. daughters; Mr. 'l‘rnyer, the Misses Troyer; Mr. and Mrs. Rey- nolds; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Reumnn; Mr. and Mrs. Alfrvd Rvamun; Mrs. \Vm. Farr; Mrs. Geo. Reamzm; Mrs. Isaac Renmnn; Mrs. John Roanmn; Mrs. M. Rvaumn : Mrs. \‘v'm. Eliot-by ; Mrs. Juhn Rmuhlc; Miss Florence ltezuuun; Mrs. Juseph Duncan; Mrs. M. MucKinnm); Mrs. Renlnnn: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Richards: Mrs.Ad.-1m.s: Mr. Bm'kholder and a. company of young people. 1 .7 ""0 . .7 Mr. Lunghnuw is still active and vigorous in his 85th year, Mrs. Lung- huuse being 73. They wen;- married by Ruv. Peter McNaughton. Presby- terian minister of Maple. Mrs. Lungâ€" hnust-‘s maiden name being Mary Raymond. Mr. Longhouse was bum in Markham, and after ivuarriage lived fur a few years on thl' 2nd concession of Vaughan. mnving in 1.848 to t-he 9th Concession, the farm now occupied by his son. Mr. I). G, LunghnuseLwhere the nimivvrsary was ct-lvhratvd, and mi whirl) the old cuuplc continued to residv unLil thnuL six yvars agn. when they moved tn \Yuodlu-idgo. '.l‘h(' ï¬rst threshing machine up Ynngv Sheth was worked by Mr. Lmighmm1 in 1845. The vvening was spent in social in- terconrsv and was altngvther pleasant. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Lunghuuse are to be congratulath on the splendid arrangements made and uppnrl unity given to so many to meet their fathnr and mother. Befm-e the company dispersed they joined in singing " God be with you till we meet again.†Were read and cunï¬rmed. Fran(:isâ€"MuI-risuuâ€"that Markham’s share of Ynnge St. account he paid, $45.15. Also Markham's share (If the account. paid by Vaughan, $19.75. Francis â€" IIunu-r â€"â€" that Mr. Shaw be paid $10 for damugrs to his crops by drawing gravel thorough his pro- pvrty. ‘ Cuuucil met on Decemle L'). at. 10.30 a. 11!. Herve Smumerl‘eldb in the chair. Minutes of» last meeting Nominaï¬isns and Elections. viz in NonuEssentim’s, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†Markham 'I‘p. Council t0 Diamond Wedding. Hillâ€" All the old mom- ‘(i by acclumzltinn on Mon- . G. Sawlgo, reevé; \V. mlin, T. H. Trench. J. P. '~illnr-s. For the Public d M. McNuir and \V. '1‘. tic-ted, and Gen. Re'dditt (~18 ufJ. N. Boyle, who re- ontosc the wave-ship in Speeches were made by Mr. Inncs, Mr. Besulrd )NS T0 (TAIL. umnufucmning lasinoa‘s; local ixl weekly and (ms exnelience eut; business :ssenl envelope. Monuu Bldg». F1-nncis~â€"Hnovm~â€"â€" gravel accounts he p; 1“. Helmkuy, 75 yd 7. Nichols, 25 “ W. U. Ormondï¬‚ï¬ â€œ \V. M. Button, 52 “ G. Baker, 66 “ G. Baker, 26 “ A. lioisy, 299 “ \V. L VV. Law, 30 G. Baker. 26 Mr. Parker, 21 J. Lundy. 90 ancis-â€"H0<nve1 he paid $2, daunag ing gl'm‘el. Hm-perâ€" Mort-i: H} ring lumntiun .. \V. Chatterley, wm-k, e-tc. . . . . . . G. 11. Harper, lengthening ivme H. Mengcr & Suns, sewer pipe . Wm. Busv. repairing scrupu- A. E. Jennings, work, etc . . . . . . A. Lowery, work, etc . . . . . . . . . . Gr. Bl-mvnsherger, work . . . . . . . . H. Gihnel‘, labor on culvelb . . . . A. B. Grove, tuuming . . . . . . . . . . G. Summorfeldt, teaming . . . . . . A. G. \Videmun, wm'k. . . . .. . . G. Dean, team and 2 men .. . . . . R. Meyers. digging ditch . . . . . . J. Thumns, teaming . . . . . . . . . . Error in Frishy Bros. account. .. R. J. Cunningham. work, etc. .. Frnunisâ€"Hmworâ€"that. Mrs. P he paid $1.50 week during Lhepl of the Cnuncil. ancisâ€"Honverâ€" that grove he paid $10.67, two- »1 lambs killed by (lugs. Smith he paid $8.0‘ value (If 1 ewe and dogs. W, Francis â€" Hoover â€" that Gen. Mc- Kenzie ho permitted to wmm‘e small elm {New on ï¬m- of 2nd can. Fmm-isâ€"IInm‘e-râ€"that the time for returning the cullonhu-‘s mil to the mwlsm-er he extondvd [0 F01). 1,1304. Ou bheafielnmm of the 22nd inst. Lh? pnpiis of our schunl held their closing nxercisr-s. It was more sucâ€" Ce ful than usual. Tixe- recitatious, stings and dialogues were we-ll and appropriately chnson and were given with such \im, accuracy and conï¬d- ence thth lu-spnke gnod training. Afâ€" ter the program was conclude-d and before cake and cum-e were servvd, Lucy Rnhinsnn and Jennie Chapman, nn behalf of the pupils‘ presented Miss M. Harrison with a lwautifui manicure set. Mr. D. James. whn has bean over twenty-(mu years a trustee acted as chairman. Many of the parents of the section were pl esvnt ; among others were Messrs. Gnndmham and Lang- staff, Mrs. R. Chapman and Mrs. LleVI'iB. On Christmas day Mr. and Mrs. \V. A few of the ymmg pmplenf this plncee-ijnyvd themselves sleigh-driv- ing on Ulu-istums. WRIésél-s. J. T. Johnson and L. Nich- nls spent; Sutuulaywmd Sunday in Toronto. The Christmas Tree on Thnrsany evening \‘ilS a. grand snccms. The- lmse-mmnt was \VI‘“ ï¬lh-d null vvely nnv was well entertnim-‘LL After the entertainment Santa Claus appwu'ed and helped nnlnnd tvhvtrvv. NPul'ly (wery one rcrvivvd :1. present. The collvctinn amounted tn $1â€. The cmnlnittee fur the va Yenr’s entertainment have been fortunate in sm-m‘ing the son-ices 0f tho Unionâ€" ville rhoir fur the services on Sunday. January 3. The Stoutenhmgh Bros. have taken their clm'er mill Ln mu- neighlxn's of the south to ï¬nish up the sensun. .g Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Constable enter- tained almnt thirty nf thir friends as invited guvsts on Christmas Day at their hmne hem: Maple. Auumg thv number was Rev. J. K. liilty and fuluilynf Sherwood, and Mr. Joseph Fvnwiok and wife, and Miss Mercy Bmven of Tlun-nhill. A sumptuous dinnvr, consisting of five roast gevse, with the neusll :Iccmnpnniinenns, was served at the nnnn huul'. The after- nunn was spent in guun-s. with an abundance of candies and nuts, folk-“h ed by tea at 5 n’cluck. cnnsisting of a variety 0f cake, with fruit. and a lil: (\ml supply nf “ranges. AiUng‘thOl' i= was :1 happy Christmas, and .111 united in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Uonstultlv many more like it, with a Happy N; v; Alta. Miss J. S. Blown 10ft, yesterday for 1 visit in New York. Ye‘ u Mr. C. R. Jumth has returned from visit to his brother at Can-stairs, Uluhine entertn'i'm-d a large gather- uuncil ‘ill‘. V. 1c“ 440 ‘ 11a Squ ar e â€"Ilnm'e-r-â€"that the time for the cullonhu’s mil to the he extondvd to Feb. 1,1304. then udjmn-m d. id $8.00. vex-4- th ages to g Maple that lid : stone gravel that James Uns- twuâ€"thiuls value gs. Tlmt Henry being; two-thirds lambs killn-d by at Mr. Hoisy min by teilll‘r the 211‘s. Prelthlv the pleasure follow ‘30 00 2 50 7 50 | 29 i. Thy even y er the penred Nearly The 00 2 60 2 10 9 ()0 93 G 0“) 3 00 3 ()0 3 00 1 ()0 3 80 6 00 6 30 9 (’35 00 UI ) 00 00 (10 mu Um Tenn. Miss Nollio Unison. aftvi- Viivu munths’ training, IS now with Hm \Vvstei-n Union {nit-graph company at. Dem-int, mu-ning $70 pm‘ month. Mr. \V. H. Hodgsnn, uftm' fmu- mnnths' training. is nnw with the 3. P. R. at; Tweed.0nt., (-urning $40.00 [H'l‘ mnmh. Nun'wi-uus others are being pizlcvd in pquully us good pnsitinns. Our winh‘i‘ tel-m opens January 4th, and Hum: (lzlsiring tutuke up the work should pin-nil (:11 or before that (late to ensure thvm a pnsitiun in the spring 01" early summer. ' Five cmnpuu-nt instructor-4 of oxeeptinnul ability nrs‘ giving their personal and individual attention tn the rapid advancement (if our pupils. Young ladies are pl-upzu-ml for Cum- Young ladies are pl-upzu-ml for Cum- nu-rcinl tvlvgraph pusitiuns.;1n(l young lllt‘l‘l fur tho same and railway pusi- Linns m; ()pm-utm-s, train dospzltclwxs, agents, e-tv. This is a profession mt, overcrowded, and one which will cum- nmnd steady mupluymvnb the year :u‘numl at good wages. \Vrile at, nncu fm- particulars as U- (onus, etc. hm- :leinu Railway Instruction Institute‘, Our. Collrgv :md Ynnge Sta, Tux-unto. pm whuie Impen “WHO CANNOT BE CURED. Backed up by over a third of acentnry of remarkable and uniform cures, a record such as no other remedy for the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women ever attained, the proprietors and makers of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription now feel fully warranted in offering to pay $500 in legal money of the United States, for any case of Leucorrhea, Female Weakness, Pro- lapsus, or Falling of Womb which they cannot cure. All they ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure. “There are thousands ofsicl: women dragging out a weary. miserable existence, who would be well and happy did they but have my experi- ence with Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription." writes Mrs. Annie Lenman, of 106 jackson Std. Atlanta. Ga. "Four years ago I was nearly dead with inflammation and ulceration. I en- dured daily untold a oily, and life was a burden to me. I had use medicines internall and exierually until I had made up my ruin thin ihere was no relief in sight for me. A friend of mine endorsed your ‘ Favorire Preseription.‘ and I determined then to give it a lrinl. It took patience and perseverance for I was in a bad con- dition. and had to use your medicine for nearly four months before 1 was cured, but what a change it brought; from despair to happiness, from misc ' to the delightful, exhilarating feel- ing that on y health brings. I would not change back for a thorisand dollars. Your ‘Presenpâ€" tion' is a grand medicine. I wish ev sick woman would only try it and be convince ." Dr. Pierce’s Common Sense Medical Adviser, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 31 one-cent stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pieige. Buï¬'alo. NY. $500 REWARD FOR WOMEN The present iutt utters has “ppm-c mudinn Magazine- vir Junum-y isxuee :n‘tic nu. J x I L... V AN IMPERIAL NUA ill [Single copies, 3 cts. mn'.‘ Ins-m lll ment from . If. mat are c105 :u'e “Spain, as It.†by \V. A. R. Kt'l‘l Kaellent illustrations ':)e and Dante,†by .1 'ilh two photographs [tic Romiuiscenuv," I: A†and distinguisln-s Chunth'lainism. 0.. give; :1. sun- mts for protecliun Ashley in his book west; in Imn éntly justiï¬ed people in ma specially Imp t cover. The thee in nun with a phutu- 'Fum-†that. at Paris in .2 uf thei no. A. G. .’ Sandil) nctinns, i No. htipvruz l‘hc lm num her ‘OR mm