5 ’.I, A , . . ’7! 7i 7 .E 7:27 7 fifth , .r, -7 & ~.‘-_ T. I. The skating link will be open on New Year’s Night from 7.30 to 10 o'clock. At 8.30 the ï¬rst; heat of a. icon] championship race will take wince for u silver cup. Band in at- tendance. General admission 10c. Loml Elgin Camp, S. G. 8., No. 106. rmet in the lodge room on Dec. 23rd inst. and the following ofï¬cers were (elected :â€" Chief. “"1". Gibson: Past; Chief. \Vm. Rum’b'le; «Chieftain, J. McLean ; Chaplain, Geo. Cowie; Physician, Dr. Lawmson; Rec. Sec‘y, A. Boyle; ‘Fiu. Sec‘y. G. Sims; ‘Treasurer, P. G. Savage; Marshal. A. Vandel burg ; Stundaud Beau-er. \V. Mormon : :Senior Gumd, M. Savage ; Junior Guard. H. Redditt; Miss Redditt and Miss Hannah Red- ‘ditt spent over Christmas with their aï¬eces, Mls. E. Clubine and Mrs. Chas. Rose, near Newmarkvt, and mudea visits with their brother, Mr. Robert Redditt, Eversley, ‘be’fore they return- :ad home. ‘The following are among the beach- 9rs who came home to spend the Christmas hulidnys with relatives and :friends: Mr. \Vyc Trench, Mr. \Vill Glass. Miss F. M. Brown, Mr. 5. E. Skeele, Miss G. Grant. “’e wrmid remind non-resident, ticket-holders that, tickets for the Pub- ?lic Library and Reading-Room are re- newed at the beginning of theyear. No family Within two miles of this place should .miss the privilpge of membership. The tickets are nuly 50 cents a year, or two tickets in same Jumin 75 cents. 'The many friends of Mr. “'11:. Glass, 2nd con. Vaughan, who suffer- ed some months ago from blood- yoisoning, were pleased to see him in the village on Saturday, and shake his hand once again. Aylmer Expt-ess.â€"Mr. John Dlury, ‘Primcipal of the Public School at Springï¬eld, whuse home is at; Lang- stzlff. occupied the pulpit; of Trinity ’Church last Sunday, in the absence of the pastor. Rev. Mr. Fax-Hey. Mr. Drury gave two excellent sermons. Anniversary services in connection «with the Methodist Church, Victoria. Square, will be held as follows :â€"on New Year‘s Night 2). Fowl Supper will be served from 4 to 8 after which an rentertuinment will be ‘rven by the *‘fullowing talent: Mr. an M18. R. Sin- clair. Stoutfville. in solos and duets: Mrs. G. S. Cnllnrd. soloist. 'St(iuï¬"ville-; Miss A.Barkey.elocutionist.ngwood; Miss Emma Byamxlocutionist,Mupla: sand others. Addresses are expected from Revs. Messrs. Grant, Clmntler, \Czimpbell and Smith. Admission. '30 «cunts: Children. 20 cents. ()n the ail-st Sunday in the new year, Sunday Jim. 3. anniversary sermons will be . reached at 2.15 and? p. m. by Rev. .» osepli Young of Bradford. Collec- ations in aid of Trust Fund. Echnnls wii] ro-npon next Monday the 4th of January. Mr. Wyc Trench, B. A.. who up to the holidays taught in Eganvillo, has taken a position in the Desorontu Eiéh Schonl. Mmmd Mrs. Gen. S. Sims spn'ni m-m- Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. A. Sims in Thames‘ville. VMI'. Will Trent-h. ‘tnriu Cnlk‘gl'. prvur dist Church last Sn Afew copies of “The Gist .of the Lesson.†pocket edition. 25 cents, fur sale at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. Just the thing for Sabbath School Teachers and scholars. Mr. Armnmi F. ’I [mum to spt ml n parents and sisters Mr. and Mrs. Forsyth and Mr. Gal'- 'hutt, of Gal-butt of Croswvll. Mich. visited at MLS. M. Brown’s last week. Mr. Shuw, B. A.. Princ’ipal nf our High Suhooi, was during the holidays married bu Miss Hill t-f Bond Head. MP. Bel-t3 \Viley of Tax-onto. spent ‘mn-istmns Day with his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. E. “'iloy. R. \V. Bro. H. A. Niélmlls will pay an oflicial visit to Gunrgina Lodge, No. 343. A. F. & A. M., Toronto, on Saturday night, Jan’y 2. Messrs. Fred and Edgar Redditt of Barrie, and Mr. Ernest Redditt and Miss Bessie ReddiLL of Toronto, spent Christmas at, the old home. Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Paul :mï¬ chilâ€" dren of Elmvule, ‘came dnwn be- fureGhI-ietums to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. 0. Mason. Mr. Walter McLean, Principal of the Strutln-oy Public School, spont‘n. fpw days with his sister, Mls. Wm. Marsh. THE LIBERAL Carrier Bu;v will make ‘his annual call at the humes of his patrons tn-murmw (Friday) morning. Eresenb his calendar, and wish every- udy a Happy New Year. etc. RICHMnND HILI NE\V YEAR’S NIGHT. FO\VL SUPPER. I‘vefy of Chicago. is few days with his :1 student at Vic- 'hed in the Metho- nday morning. NEE‘E’EE. . nl 31 spout, ()(m it A very "interesting curling contest took place on the rink 419 Monday afternoon between ’the Manager of the Standard Bank and the Deep \Vcll Sinker. The play was for (me hnul. In the ï¬rst half ‘hets were eagerly lsnnpped up at 2 to l (m the‘bnnker, : but in the last half the wind changed for the Wind-mill man and the betting l was 2 to‘l in his favur, and the Sinker I ï¬milly won out by the score of 10 to 4. z The bank was husy all day Tuesday [cashing cheques. .Butcher Bert, will 1 not honor cheques presentefl after iThursday. Skip Nicholls engineered ithe game for the Big Rope; Skip 1 Palmer acted in a similar capacity fur l the Bank. while 21.11. ï¬andersnn held I the gavel its ofï¬cial ereferee. The re- i turn match will be played off after the holidays. when an admission fee of 10 cents will he charged to defray .ex- penses.â€"â€"COM. l‘he Czlnmliu have upele r in Jerry Smith lured. b'l-mvn gave at on \Vudm-sdny ‘wcvm nf hm- dnughtm‘s volu Miss Frith and Mr. \Villinm Frith of Hamilton, Bt'lnllldu, who are at- tending (:nlleg‘o in Toronto and Mr. Nm-mnn K. \Vilsnn of Toronto. are spending part 01 thcil holidays at Fouldl-n I‘ndgv, the guvsts of Miss Comrie Brown. of Praym lucal sm-h Service at Mrs. Swit ested are The anniversary entH-taiment of the Thm-nhill Methodist Sunday School will be held on New Year’s Night. Oysters will be Gen'ed‘fmm 5:30 to 8, after which Mr. T1108. McGillicuddy of Toronto, Will deliver his interesting lecture on “ Your Neighbors." Ad- mission. 30 cents; children, ‘26 cents. 10m the following Sundzly,slt10.30 mm. :and’i p. m. the services will be con. ducted by JOSPpll Tait, Esq.. of To- rcmm. ‘Special.mu§ic will be provided on Friday night and Sunday by the Missvs Powers and Miss “'uods. all of Toronto. “Red Ridin‘ Hood‘s Rescue†was rvpeuted in {nu Masonic Hall last, owning by the scholars of the Pros- luyterizlln S. S. There.- Was a. full hunse and the parts were well taken. Bvsides the play two tableaux were given, and Mr. E. Mason contributed two comet solos. A family gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Hopper on Christmas Day, consisting ()ftlle follnwing: Mr. and Mrs. T. Williams and fmnily, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lever and son. Miss Jennie Grainger, Miss Edith Hopper, Miss Annie Hurse-y, and Mr. Arthur Graincror, all of T0- 11111120; Mr. and Mrs. Ti. H. Hoppm‘ and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Sims and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. F. \V. Grainger and family. RIFLE PRACT'vFC-E. At the regular weekly practice of the Victm-ia Square Dominion O. H. B. A. the following scores were made :â€"A. Quantz, 82: G. Fol-ester, 81: C. P. Road, 79; T. Read, 60: R. Agar. 55; \V. Scott), 52; C. McKenzie. 44; G. For-ester, 512, 24; James Lever. 20. The weather was all that could be de- sired for good shouting. and the pom- scm-es can only be accounth for ‘in one way. Some of the boys have been attending some very exciting tufkey matches, hut, look for some- thing better after hulidnys. The following matches have been gluyed in the President vs. Vice-Prem- eut, (Wu-ling series :â€" Pres. Vice-Pres. SI. W. Osborne 51"). Cable 0. P. “Viley "J‘. F. McMahon J. Ellstnn A.‘G. Suva e 'R. Mondie. sk. . .11 M. Boyle, s .....19 ,1. J. Hume D. 0. Steele E. Baker “I. Smuge Pocket diaries and Canadian A1- mzmucs at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. Near the Me! hodist. chm ch on Christ- mas night, a plaid stocking. The ï¬nder will please leave at THE LIBER- AL Ofï¬ce. ‘ A shooting match for pigeons, turkeys and geese will take plane at the Palmer House, on New Year’s Day, Friday Jan. 1, to commence at lo’clock. The pigeons will be shot from a trap. Prizes will be given. For the turkeys and gepse N0. 6 shot will he used. Targets'z-sill be erected for rifle and shut guns. Eileut, and short,“ addresses will be given by resident ministers. L. Rich- zu'dsun, Esq.. will occupy the chain. Admission, 15 cents. A concert under the auspices of the Public Library and Evading Room will be held in the Masonic Hall, Maple, on Friday evening, January 8. A choice musical and literary pro- gramme will be givgn by ï¬rst-glass 01186 The Pres. Vice-Prcs. XV. Osborne 51"). Cable P. \Viley "J‘. F. McMahon Ellstnn A.‘G. Suva e Mondie. sk. . .11 M. Boyle, s . .19 J. Hume D. 0. Steele Bzu'kel‘ 3V" Smuge J. Michael ’E. Sims, sk ..28 H. A. Nicholls,sk.5 to md Brown gave an aftm-noon tea le'Sdny December 30, for a few duughjm$ young flit-[Ids from PRES. VS. VICE-PRES. CONCERT AT MAPLE. I‘i( SHOOTING MATCH. OYSTER 'SD‘PPER. .(‘IURLING MATCH. fl] MI “3' euliun d A?!) t}; (we f. Cmvie of anrmtn, ith Mr. and Mrs. G. LOST. Ex prvss L mama): .‘ele' s']‘ “Lying 3' shop. Cnmpnny order uflice in the The ï¬rst hockey hiatle of the season will he played on Monday night be- tween thi- Gownns Kent Co’s. team (If the Commercial League. Toronto, and the Richmond Hill team. Spvciul facilities will he secnrvd to enable the municipal and Toronto elmtion re- turns to he rcceivod by G. N. \\'. tele- graph and Bell telephone lines and to be unnouncvd as they are received. Rink open from 7.30 to 10. Hockey match at 8. Skating before and after the game. Hocku tickets can he se- cured from the Sec’y. U. H. Ellston. T\VO PRESENTATIONS. Eganville Star-Enterpiiso â€" The. retiring teachers in the. Egzmville Public School were the recipients of parting gifts from the pupils irn their respective de an-tmé‘rfls on Fri- duy evening. Mr. V. A.Trench B.A., the late principal‘ who has accepted a position on the Deseronto High School staff, was presented with a handsome- ly bound Voln‘me of Burns’ poems. Mi. Trench, whn left; Eganville yester- day (\Vedm-sdny) mmning. while here proved himself a capable and pains- taking teacher, and made fur himself many friends, who regret. his depart,- ure. In athletics he took an active interest and in this regard, too. will beniuuh missed. All wish him suc- cess in his new schonl. The assistant, teachers also presented Mr. Trench with a copy of Tennyson’s VVnrks. The. Christmas Tree and Entertain- ment of the Methodist Sabbath School on Christmas Night was particularly successful. not only from point of numbers. but as regards the nature of the entertainment. The st’nool room was packed. and the programme was interesting. After the opening hymn was sung, the chairman. Mr. Switzer, made Some appiopriate remarks, and thanked all pre sent for their generous patrona e. The drills, choruses. solos an recitations were well render- ed by the children, Donald Atkinson making a. number of good hits in his solo, “ The Pride of Newspaper Row.†The Mother Goose Cantata was well done, the flag drill by a number of little girls was \‘env pretty, and prob- ably no better thing was ever given in connection with the school than the Patriotic Exercise “ Britannia.†The little girls were. recalled in the Flag Drill, and a solo by Mr. E. Mason in Britannia was given with good effect. The decorations around the platform were arranged with good taste, and the children showed to good advan- huge in their neat and appropriate cos- tumes. Rev. Mr. Campbell gave an address, and a healty vote of thanks was tendervd Miss V\’iley,l\1iss Switzer and Miss Barker for the pains they had taken in training the children. Santa. Claus made his appearance later in the evening and was generous as usual. The prucaegï¬ 1]: mounted to $35. Council met. on Dec. 26. Members all present. Minutes of Dec. Swere r9311 arjduapproved. The folloWing accounts were read : E. J. Cablmuutterial for blasting in sand pit. etc. . . . . . . . . . $ 2 00 H.Bl;mchu1‘d,repairing windows lof-rmk . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . l 25 R. 85 J. Michael. teaming stone for streets. 1902 . . . . . . . . . . 9 00 J05. Hall, account for nil . . . . . . 5 50 P. G. Savage, account, for aid to trumps, $1.25; attending meeting in Toronto re Sale of toll house, $1.40 . . . . . . . . . . 2 65 Glass â€"- Paulin â€" that the t1 ensure-1- pay the above accountsâ€"Carried. The counciladjourned. STARLINGâ€"VALLIEREâ€"At Newtnn Erook pru- smmzze.by R915. P. Bruno, H. 1).. Annie.. daughter 0! xix-James Vall|ere.t.o \Vm.Slaxl- ing. both 0! York Township LAWSON â€"- SISLEB â€" M the reuidenco- «of $1339 hrr‘o's "arean Woum. Albert, by new. ‘A. 1’. Bruce. B. IL. Ethel May, dung-mar or Mr. Eli Sisler. to James Lawson. of Lemon ville. r Wednesday. Jan. 6â€"Auction sale of cattle and horses. at the Palmer House.Richmoud Hill. N0 reserve. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms, six months. Snigeon a Mclï¬wen. nucts. Wednesday,Jan ls -â€" Auction sale of horses, milch cows. springei‘e. smokers and swine m: Hughes Hotel. ’l‘homhill. Sale at 1 o'clock. Termst 10 months. Six per cent dis~ count tor cash. Patties having stock or articles to dispnse of may brim: same on day of sale. Two hog buyers will be present. Bring your bngs and get good prices. .1 H Prentice, euct. Thursdny.Jun.Hâ€"Aucl.ion sale of farm stock. implements. 01.0.. on lot. 5. con 2 Whic- chureh. the property of Niclwles Sheï¬er. Sale at one o'clock Ne reserve. Terms. ten months. D. G. Blouqh,Auccioneer. SmLExâ€"At Richmond Hilton Sunday. Dec ‘21. 1903. Margaret Sisley (late 0! Aurora). aged 78 vears 10 mouths. The funeral took place from the residence 0! Mrs. Starling on Tuesday, Dec. 29. to the Pros- byterian Cemetery. BAKERâ€"At Boulder. Col. Dec. 13. 1903. Eva. Conn. well-Baker,ynuugeat daughter of late Mason Congall of ’I‘boruhlll. Ont. Interment at Frmm at, Nab. Is it acting well? Bowels tregular? Digestion good? If not, remember Ayer’s Pills. The kind you have known all your life. I. c. Ayn: 00.. W§IFLKIE§ Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brownor rkhblack? Use BUBKlNGHAM’S_NVYE Your Live-r Ripans Tabules: at druggists. Ripans Tabules cure headache. Ripans Tabules cure bad breath. Ripans Tabules cure nausea. Ripans Tabules cure biliousnesa. S. S. ENTERTAINMENT. Village Counml. HOCKEY MAT Sale Register. JIAIIIKIA'GBS DEATHS M. TamFY. Clerk. l P, n} m ’C H Guaranteed to care coughs. colds, heaves and broken wind in horses. Box-semen will ï¬nd this an infallible remedy for any affection in u horse's wind, Whethercauseï¬fruylufter effects _of gistempex- m- from eating dusty Yorkshire Stock Food. “ qu, IV|lrl1ll|ullvlwuvw “u... . _--- ‘_--~V~ _-. fl“, hay. Price 30c. Sold .in Richmond Hill MEï¬onéld, harness-nï¬tker. H Your .own recipes made up properly from pure le'lggsrat wholesale prices. FOR HORSESâ€"Gives them a good appetite, a glossy comb, :a dose hide. and a healthy appearance. Highly recommended by not-semen. FOR CATTLE it, has no equal. It improves the appetite, aids diges- tion, it causes a perfect, assimulatiun of the food and fattens them quickly : also a. grand reparation for milch cows. FOR CALVESâ€"mixm with skim milk or separator milk it will make calves thrive as well or better as when fed on new milk. Prevents SCOHIS, uids digestion. and rapidly fits a. calf for market. FOR HOGSâ€"this Wil be. found a grand tonic for fattening hogs rapid. ly. It aids digestion, kills worms, and keeps them healthy. The stock- man’s favorite, because it makes your stock thrive strungâ€"best and cheapest stuck food on the market. Five feeds for one cent. All drugs and patent medicines at wholesa’ic ,ptices. J. A. Johnston d5: 00., Yorkshire Cough 85 Heave Cure (Suucessor to c. D. Daniel 6: Co. and Hugh Miller 4‘; Co.) Wholesale amLRetail Dmggists. 171 King St East, Torom Opposite Clyde Hotel. Have had a splendid Holiday trade. They thank their numerous customers for their generous patronage and are pleased to say that their stock of ï¬rst-class Is very full and complete and well assorted to begin the season of 1904. No better values can be obtained in Canada than we are prepared to offer. For the masses is the test: of any store. You can ï¬nd our store bristling all over with values. Our policy is to have everything the people are apt; to want and yet sell nothing but what is worthy. We quote: Heavy Wrapperette, 10, 12 and 15c. yd. Heavy Flannelette, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 120. yd. Women’s Heavy Plain and Ribbed Black Cashmere Hose, 25 and 35c. pair. Women's Hygeian Vests and Drawers, 25, 35, 40, 50 and 900. . Men‘s Ready-to-Wear Suits, $4.75, $5, $7.25 & $11.50. Valancienne Laces and Insertions, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7c. 40c. per lb. Cleaned Currants at 6%, 8, and 100. 1b. Selected Raisins at 9 and lle. lb. Best Pure Lard, 110. 1b. per yard. Fur Caperines, Storm Collars and Ruï¬'s at; big reductions. Extra value in Coffee, fresh ground, at 20, 25, 30 and ATKINSGN £2 SWITZER, Richmond Hiil, Dry Goods and; Groceries December 31, 1903, Cream Separator THE DELAVAL Ability to Provide JABBB EYER &. SflN Washing Machines Chums Have one on trial and be convinced. Why not buy the best IF YOU WANT A WE ALSO SEUL GIass, E‘tc. H ardware Eavetroughing Paints gg’ï¬Ã©â€˜