Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Dec 1903, p. 8

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Until further notice lluils will be closed at the‘ Richmond Hill Post Office as tollowmâ€" 'MORNING .. .. .. 8‘00 EVENING . . 6.15 N. B.â€"-Regi9tered Letters must. be handed in a ‘1onstF1Hocu Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours (or closinn. A..- A... -nnf“. Between Toronto and Newmnrket. GOING NORTH Leave C P R Crossing at 6, 7.20, 9.40. 11.3( 1 30, 2.40, 3.45 5.40. 7u15 p. 11:. Leave Richmond Hi118,20, 10.30 a. m.; 12. 5.30. 4.35, 6.30. 8.35 p. m. GOlNG SOUTH Lone Newmurket7.30,9.15. 11.15 a. m.; 415,645.7130‘13. r_n_. . 1|?! METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE Leave Richmofia‘fim '7. 8.11). 9.55, 11.55 a. 2.40. 3.55. 4.55. 0.55, no p.120. POST OFFIEE NOTICE uu-vu w. - , Meth'unst Church-Services: p. m. Sunduv School M. 2.30. meeting Thumday. evening. Bichmcud Lodge. A F and A (lav nu or hofnro full moon Court Richmond. A ‘0 F â€"â€"M ourtn Friday Ivy Lodge. A 0 U Wâ€"â€"Meets t‘ of each month CMIJp 1mm), 5 O S â€"Meots 5 Wednesday R '1‘ of Temperanceâ€"Meets of enbh moutu Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets first N month Public Library and Randi Tuesday. Thursday and Saturd vaorth Leagueâ€"Meets evor \Vill repair your old sewing machine or exchange for a new one. Needles for all kinds of machines. Organs Repaired. Also agent fox the HEINTZMAN PIANO. V - . VpW’g Anyone sending quickly ascertain lnvemion is prob: tlous grim}; ggnfit . v v v . r __. _, Anyone sending a sketch and descri tlon may quickly nsaertnin our omnion free w tether an Invention is probably patenmhle. Communica- tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest n ency for securing pntents. Patents taken c rough Mupu & Co. receive tpccjal notion, witllout charge m the _ - 9 fl - .u AAAXLAM inflation of any sci g\_u- Luogtha A pngdsoyg e]z_!1111.str§$§d §éar: four months. m. ouxu u) m. “Wm”... ., MUM! 3 3.36‘Bwadm- flew Yark annr‘ll Office. 625 F St. Washington. D. C. A]. HUME, The Next Sitting of Division Court for No. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court, Room, fiâ€"“RAiCHMOND HILL WESEQN - GGURT. Next door north of Moodie’s store. 9.1 RICHMOND HILL _o\_.\*_ SATURDAY, JAN. 16, i E655! notice, without cnsr Sciem‘am .fiéfiéfifi’m Richmond IIill 13'. PETHICK 'B'rixin’ci: Office. 625 lvm av...“ OFFICE btosas AT 7.3a P M M. TEEFY. Postmaster. Village Directory. Bichmand Hm Inbmry and Reading Roomâ€"Open Thursday and Saturng evenings IJ League-Meets evorv Frid uy. Call and see our stock. “Jun”... hone Churchâ€"Servch on alter- aaw mm. and 10.30 a. m. 311 urch~-Services at 10.30 8.. m.. and In School M. 2.30. General pmyer Blel'ehant lummeucing at 10 a. m T. F. MCMAHON Meets first Monday of every sch Tailor â€"TH Eâ€" strated weekly, Largest cir- xlentmc journal. Terms. 33 a a. $1. Sold by all-Pewsdf'nlers. IUUII o Fâ€"Meets second and Meets second and fourth Meets thirj Wednesday first Wodnesda? M â€"-Meets Mon- 11.30 a. m in). 2.20. 16,1904! 2. 3.15, *LERK The Gnvernor-Geneml’s Boziy Guard (the oldest cavalry corps in Canada) will recruit in this district, in the latter part, of January. Dates will be fixed 'm a subsequent notice. .. Gues math sucu mers 13) SUN, Pupc item gdvmiswmts. Cévalry Recruit; Subscribe N oxv ! Hf-‘H 3 qumy Hair brush By reading THE WEEKLY SUN, the Farmer's Business Paper, you will get the ve.ry latest and most ancumte In- formation regarding your busi- THE SUN-’5 miarket reports are worth many times the sub- scription price to you. Every Farmer in Canada should realize the full value of the service THE SUN has ren- dered him. in a public way. It was due to the action of THE SUN in givingr voice to the opinions of the farmers that the law relating to cattle guards, drainage across rail- ways, and farm fires caused by railway locomotives has been amended. 1905 Practical Watchmaker Christmas Gift See our Cut Glass Perfumes. Best] French, En Iish and Canadian Per tunes, all prices; Or an Cigar Case 6: Pipes The Liberal for $1.75. fiz‘da on mice. an (bow vno «rue Snnmou .1 Co.. Porllnnd, lldnemill receive .- frce. fuil information about work which. they can do. and )Ivem. homeJhM Will pay. ihem from 85 lo 8'5 per day. Some brig elmed ovrr SW5 in a day‘ Ekher In. young or old. Capital not reqnitcd. You are guru-ml free Thine who find A‘ an“ ulnluoluw’ sum of um; um. fortunes. All ! g... En “£01qu w. A. Sandman DRUGGIST \Ve will send THE \VEEKLY IN from now to lst January, 05. in combination with FINE PERFUME A call solicited. No trouble to Show goods. JERRY SMITH Than a nice bottle of Lot your watch run more than Lwo yezu-s afterithasbeenclean- ed. \Vhen dust; mixes with the oil on the jewels it becomes thick and forms a. grinding powder which scrutche s and wears the delicate pivots. Let me examine your watchâ€"if it needs no attentlun I will say so. Singly or in cases. ‘v’hat Better anywhere. benefits it I rurcnase b ustrumcu‘ dnced rate '-.1n n' n'un EEO. COWIE gggggfig Hus opened :1. Biasksmith Shepfmiii‘ Horse-Shoemg a Specialty. McGzlh9y’s Condition Blood Powders 250. Sold by Geo. McDonald, harness- mnker, Richmond Hill, and all med- icine dealer-s throughoth England, the no i no %Rfl Bfififi Sififii O Canada RICHMOND HILL Jobbing of Received THE CANADIAN HORSE STOCK For horses hard to shoe. Patronage Solicited. HEEHEST GURREHT BATES. Notice of withdrawal not neces- sary. All depnsits payable on demand. Money tanned ma Farmers” Sale Noses. Blank Note Forms Supplied Free. Seam}; Banking Business Tmnsacted. For other particulars call at. the Bank. llle uemcxn “nuns-nu... 1.4.. nith States and Canada. 221:03 THE‘ oafr/zccansv mamcm: 00., fl Mvuie. um. (Janna! [test TRE MARKET LEQUUR STGHE BLI- 152 KING ST. E., TORONTO. 5-102") At, the north end of the village and is Yl'r‘pflt‘ed to do a1 kinds of Chance to Join a flab That. “in! Make and Save Isfom- fur You. . Ever bod shonldjotn the Mu un! Literm- 1m- nic cm of max-lea. Thereis nothing- else 1 he lt' anywhere. It costs almmc nothing so thin and 1an benefits it gives are wonderful. I aromas you wt urcnase booksaml periodicals music and musical.‘ ‘ ustrumcuta nt spoon: ht p: «a It aocm-ea reâ€".' iduced rates 9.0 many h a .-‘.S. i 6 answers (momma tree at chums». It. offers scholarships um: valua- ble cosh 92-1an to mcu;'r.)b:l. In maintains cluh‘ rooms in many cl :ics {or “amt-m hen. In addim every moniker chl‘lVPR the qmy-ial‘mqyotmp eu every member rect-ives the omcial magazine eutk Lied " Ev’ry Month" a publication in a class py ltscll’Jucludlng 6 piccua (ff high-class vocal and m- all-mental m ‘ anal! 6120) each momh wit-bout gxcra @3139; ’Ijuyhces 1n oneymr in w. you K- _ Ilvaan up. YVYJIVD Yfin‘D AV. Extra cnurge' (I UH'L’EB 1L] uuv (V-x “hr.- L'L 0 CAN GET A 1' THESE BEX‘ELFIIS FOP. AL-li MOST NGTHISG. l Tho full yearly membership fee 29 OneDoBar for' whlcb you get all above. and you sung with-1 draw any time within three months 1: you‘ wanna doso and go: ynur dnlmr back. It you‘ ‘don‘t care to spend amueaad 2.5 cents for thrco‘ ,montlu mernbenlslp. hooody can actor-d to an: ‘thlo otter by. You wlll at our money MC 111 751129 ma). (lmes over. ul particulars will be sent (tee 0 charge. but it you are wise you will send in your requefit for membership gm.“ the groper fee at once. Thezfi 0:3. three monms mem- ershlp omâ€"r will soon chunze. rite at once ad- dresslngyour mm:- aml enclosing $1.00 for full yam-:3- mtembammp or :wcnty-nve cents for man {.3 o KUT‘UAF‘ LITERARY MUSE) CLUB No. 150 Nazis": 83.. N. ‘1. out. ived in Savings” Bank Depart;- ment and interest allowed at Our- goods are all of the finest quality, and will be sent direct to your hunw. \Ve keep only the best \VINES & LIQUORS in stock. Order by mail. At reasonable rates. ACKSMITHING J. W. OSBORNE. DEPOSITS all kinds promptly done. GEO. COVVIE 5“ > For Broken Winded “ HORSES $1,000.000 925.000 ‘- E‘x“‘21'_ ‘36 fiififiE AGENT. toves and Rances all sizes and makes. The Liberal and "Weekly e Globe ‘ The Liberal and Weekly Mail and Empire The Liberal and. Family Herald &3 Weekly Star The Liberal and “Weekly ‘ Sun The Liberal and. The Farming World Globe \The Liberal and Daily The Liberal and Daily I Mail The Liberal and Daily Star (outside of Village) The Liberal and Daily News (outside of Village) The Liberal and Farmers’ Advocate Balance of the year free f< to new subscribezsk Hot Air Furnaces, Eavctroug All kinds of Tin IAccmé-gm mmcms flm‘immame Call m. Write for pamphlets regarding different kinds of policies. \Ve (win give. you any kind ynu wish: ENDOVVMENT, PAYMENT LIFER, ORDINARY LIFE, Specials of all kinds and JOIN 1‘ POLICIES also . G. gavage & Wall PM From $1.00 up; covers sicknes and acciâ€" dents of any kind. A good Choice of Fire 70mpunios. All business promptly at- tended to. @fifififigfiéfifi LEE $00EATEGN Also Now is the time to insure in the .ng Promptly Done EB. MAQON HP. the Iardwa Magnet Cream Separator Made in Canada ; cannot be beat. Get your Furnaces put in and repaired before the rush. New stoves delivered and put up iree. 101‘ are Ch tall weeklics, Star and News, heap. A gents 111? $3.75 180 m y“

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