Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Jan 1904, p. 1

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...(.. $1 per anuum, in advanced VOL. XXVI. IFTE .v'. 3“.- 1m' -~ - war ' The - u a urderi .muununn - and energy. It. begins l stoinuc‘a or ' “3’7?! in “ (tilt? pliant. IS PUBLISHED EVERY TEURSDAY MGRNIN AT THE LI’BERAL'PEINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND I-IILL,C.'T. "I ‘\;z '1'. F. McMAHON.’ EDITOR J: Paormmoa. Boétixiinss CARDS. â€".._.. Htteiiirnt. DR. E. J. STUBBS, Thornhin, I. we riaaidont p‘nmciau at N estern and Grace . R. igpitals , bronco 0.1139 Hoursâ€"S tn in a in; 12 to 2 p m 7 to 8 u in. _wwmxm?@m smut. £13m so. it" - .7 Cent; chronic troubles. 'j Anti-Pill falls in do good. When the ale {7 is It‘FilL‘F. :3 Wm from bland i: to} and 1‘.ij Lerc-i RICHMOND HILL. THURSDAY, JANUARY 7. 190-}. ‘5‘." mind Boaoam dâ€"ANTLPI‘LL. e Liam Tiomun‘s life In; a battle with nerves that sup strength Shuttcrml norch ngg‘rrn'ate nnd promote The-re is no time In a woman‘s life It.: effects m‘o mm from anything: el-n, l principle. (i i I and there is no mistaking l l I t l iiswoudsrl’ul influence. ])l'. lijorihatdt has pi‘cpni'cd the formula entirely free from Re injurious Ingredients c-uniiioii to pri-scnt day l‘ills, ('20. RL it; the idcal system izc-Ltmeiit. l‘i'l’V‘, 50 cents p"r but of do lurs or by' utldrrvsiug \V 1 nsowF’Y‘L‘S (1)., l\lll‘_:fiI'3 l‘nlls, . Marin, iilm will also nu fl fret,- {'b: to any address. " you dorm. it Ia \\ l. .1 SEEI- "wwmwâ€".=wnv.¢.ew. um n aw.m.M'mwâ€"xnym Phone Main 2964 Ll;_C,~.S‘3y. Leanerte £9 . a W afloi’t’OI‘I-h, Bazristers,3clfcitrrs, Notaries, 34c. Home Life Building ( Free- .Nair and Issac Dcvius. hold ram mam. Um. Adelaide & 1’ ictnria 513., Tommi”. LIBERAL Ot‘ficc, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. CEIGK & JUiiIISIUN Barristers, Solicitors, ctc. TORONTQ OFFICE: No. 33 Rich- mond St. “'est.\Vcsle Buildings, (Methodist Boo-k Rowan) To- ronto. Mr. Cook will be at. Maple on Thursday afternoon of each wot-k. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. JAS. N EWTON WM. flaggfisyfi‘ ISSUERlsiARRI/IGELILENSES, Ifientist. Room 12. [H Victoria. St. Toronto. Best; fitting tot-tit, also rcplating, at . lowest. prices. Good wm'li. DR W G L SPAULDING DR A W SPAULDING Dentists Room “ A," Yonge Street: Arcade. Toronto. Telephone Main 212i DR. ARNOLD D. A. MASON, Den List, ’ (Successor to Dr. 'I‘. A. Currie; Our. Church and Carlton Sts.. 'I‘orontio, Will he in Richmond Hill ever “fed. nesr |V. Olfice. next door south of Public School. Office Hoursâ€"35.30 m. to 5 p. in. um: E‘b’ttofiuurg JOHN R. CAMPBELL," ‘ VETERINARY SURGEON, \Qfllnon‘iflaill. Calls. by telephone from Richmondl Hill charged to me. 3| HI VETER NARY SURGEON RICHLlOND HILL Calls by day and night, promptly at tcndcd to. i 4 I“? FEE 83‘ ill . it u A largo amount of private fluids to loan on Illlpi‘Iin‘tI farm propt-rty situ- lltl'll in the County of York, at I}; per cent. For particulars apply to Lindsey, Lawrence (v ‘v\'-‘ttl5\\'0!'tll, Home Life Bldg. 60 Victoria St. I Or at Toronto 5 Tim LIBERAL Odie-c. Riclmionil Hill. on Saturday afternoons. l l .l _ . lEiafâ€"Eâ€"HI‘V NE IELIJSZS BY. '12: 171121337. PUBLIC, caymzssxzmmm THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFII‘E. ifiiflo’x & Marat, Barristers and solicitors. Mousv to loan on land and chattel mortgages at lowest rates V aurorunfi‘iceâ€" Removed to the old post Ollie.) one door west. of the entrance to t ODEUJ‘IU Bank he Hewmarkot alliesâ€"Three doors south of the p ist odlv'o T Hicanisa'r Lcsnox, G STV MORGAN. ~lurnrn hewmm'lu-t Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Goods Stu‘l-l on consignment General sale? at stun e c :irmnptlv attended to u‘ reuao méesR IIGEItlEIICC Unionville v nab“ Gouluin”, N wt «â€" ubore ,, u on Brook, in,ch for tho J T Saiqcon. J h McEwen . Maple Weston Snig'eon & McEwcn. [accused Auctioneers for the County of York. no es tinOI'tia'l to on shortestnoticennd u. ren- s-inubleratos Patronagtsrilicited I). G. BLOIJGII. License Auctioneer for the County of York. to $pni“tlully solicits your patronage and triendl) influence sales attended on tho shortest Butler and at re-isouabe rates. P. 0. address King N. IE). Smith. Liv-aimed Auctirinon tor the Counties of Yorli and Ontario Allsnlcsrvf fin-m stock, d‘c. nt- teuded to an Hm Short-cst notion and responnl-le rah-1:. Mortung null hnilifi saies attended to. liesi.l_e!1ce.$toufl‘ville Out: *‘I ELI? _ â€" BO 8 , (ind alcove & Embalmcrs, RICHMOND HILL & THORNHIIL A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. ‘ 2W ‘- mam:- RlCHlRDSU REAP] .33. THOROUGHLY REFITTED. Every Accommodation for the trav- oiling public. 3,“. v:- A: Eggflnxltlcgi n.1CK, Pro], JIM-III ..L )Llp'it‘ UH Monday 4th inst. l l l, l Coleraine Vaughan Municipal Election. I On “'iducs:day, Ib-c. Nil). .1 very br-autilul wmldiiig was solemnizcd LL th‘. liniiic of Mr. and Mrs. .ltillli l’ilai-k ‘ ()l‘l"l('l.\ I. RIC'I'UH N13. when their daughter Flori-mt:- \\a<l 170R HERVE ‘ united'iu lllH'lJ'l/flgt' to (illill‘itfj lluiher-> B‘HO. “vntson ford. oi Album. The ci-iemouy wasl rnmnmnl . i i ' ‘ I _ v v ‘ ‘ in; 4 [)(‘I‘lid‘lllt'd by the pastor ol the In (It , MINUNHH ' ' . V . _ _ _ (.34 4 II(‘\_'. I]. McLachlfiii. B. A.. ol Iii-lion, lidzflv § ' . I l ' I ‘ I _ I I . 5“ 25, ‘rsulslctlhby a. l’oimei' pastor. Rev. MH‘NF' . _ ' I I n 77 tI’elcr .\l:‘:<il ot lottcnham, and Item, Ipim. “Wye. ‘ _ ' I ' ' ‘ . 21 m Syamvuel I‘. Shaw, B. A” III IIUCIXCSIUI,’ i‘Plll'plk‘Vlllt‘ . . .. It) (57 R‘ ‘8". . . . _ Eldvm Ming .__ In. 5R 'rtll’lllg tho l‘t‘lltlt‘l‘llig‘ of l.ohciigrm s iKlpinhunfi, _ _ ~ i _ I h ~ ‘ ~ . 3,, 7“ Bridal Uhoius by Miss liellc Mc-‘ “ m" _H Naughtou of Maple, the bridal part)" 4”: “LL look their planes undsi‘ :i Illllltistilltt“ Mal-(WHY J01, \Vumun‘ 2. inch HI cH'i-ginens (lt‘t'IU'tI 'witlr H):~‘t'.\‘. 1. ’ ‘ . V 7 the bride looked ('Iidl'liliii}: in her FUR CO lB’CllrLUItS biidal gown of \\'llitt' silk with ship, a, ring. sequin and silk l'i'iujgc ti imiii‘iligs. E :i. 'T‘ .51 Z 'f-i'iiix- wine a l'mautil‘ul veil of silk tulle «'~ 4,1 -: __ 3 5 1 Hill ('ai'iietl :t l'it'll bouquet of whilcj g ’3 '33 E roses. Miss .lt'lllllt‘ Iilack. a sister of1 = O Q :1 E E E, the bride, acicd as bridesmaid. I'll-r O L: ‘ gown was of whitc (:i-i-p ilc clieiil, Thm.,,hm v23 (5:; 3 6 9 65 with tt-iiuziiiugs‘ similar In those of the “MUN,” H 7 U 3 5 13 $3 : brain. a“ (3. 'V'v- rat-rad a luuquct of} Emu“, n 55 39 77 H *3 5‘») pink ins I .0 girii'in was supported mum? .1in 23 23 24 4:; 76 a; "3’ 3”- “)“l “0” "’ MW“- . I 1-,,,,.(;,.,,\.,_ 1h» 27 45 47 in 20 2“ ANN llie ('ei'cnioiiy nil i'epaiird to Pui'blmillc ,5l (5 1{ 1i; 4;) 8 32 Hit" Imseliit'lii, when: a ‘Stllllptlltillsi EMMSMHISEO 9 ‘m 65 83 9 4,) winding was St‘l'\'.‘rl, utter "which, Kleinl'urgHgii 3 33 1mg 5 .10 31‘ toasts Wt'l‘t‘ 'pi-opomvd, Iii-v. 1. Mo. _” .__ __ _~ 7_ N_ 7_ liacblan acting as. toast, masts-r. I ' IrtiilSLS t0 Illk‘ lll‘ldt‘, lll'itlt‘SIlHlltl, illld‘ (m I 3“ ~ I] ‘_ .1_,A ‘ x U _., host. anal hostess wcrc proposed by “"u f'” f (“3“ “"5' “ 1 '”” Rt'V. in. t. Sharp, l)r. I‘ullcr Alckinlcy cron. llauivl (,i. Longhousc, J. AI. Mc- and Rev. p0“... Nico]. “mi, we‘e ,.e._ spondt-d to i‘t‘spt-ctin'ly by the groom. i --â€"â€"â€"-â€" groomsiiiau and Mr. Black, lather of Wedding Bells. the hr‘ulc. l '(‘illtiis, Geo. Syme. Ur. 5. Henry, J. Thcre were in attendance some ciglily g'tlt‘His'. 1'cl:xti\ (r; and tripods of the bride an I g‘l'tmlil. The. biide \\‘:IS the rccipient of many handsome gifts, . denoting thJ popularity of the bridal A very pretty holly and iiiisllct-oc homo wedding was sotmnnZZI-d at “ Homewood Farm," Omagh. on ‘vVed- ncsdav. Dec. 30, whcn Miss L .. .. . - . . , . .I . .. ._ ; Poirot was llllliml in marriage to Mr. (1:5!ka vibe. Sitaiiiflipft “Lm “it {1% llii-zmi “to. ‘l\'clfm~cf town». The bride, “ * ‘ “i M ‘nr-L ' ~‘.‘“ '“L‘ t' “I”, u.“ h,“ .ngnuiv .lu ind m ., HOW” pearls; m the brzdcsmaid a goal II a. ‘. 1 u . D ‘ ‘ ~v' hi-oooh set; with a buauiiiul opal. A of grey colieniie, came in on the arm of her brother, Mr. Alex. l’nrter, to the strains of Mcndr-issoliu's wcdding march. Xy-hinh was l'eiidt-rcd by Mrs. Rankin. She carried a shower bouqm-t of white roses, and was attcndcd by Miss Belle Graham of Patterson, N.J., who Ioukcd chaiJning in pink crepczde rcry enjoyable evening was spent ly‘ the guests. af’u-r which the bridal, couple dcparicd, amidst. showers ofi congratulatiinus, on a trip to Toronto, I Niagara and ltucheslm', N. Y. It’louut Pleasant charm, with bouquet of pin-Ii roses. . The groom was supported by his Dr. Dean and wife have rcturntd cousin, Mr. A. F. Let-k of " Hillcicst," from vislin‘s,r lricuds in Toronto. Maikham. After the Cerciiiouy, Mi. \Vii‘i. Grch spi'ilt (lhi'istiiias which was [)t’lful'lllt'tl by Rev. J. I). (lay at the homo of his fziilii-r in McNamara, a svnnptvoras “sodding broukfast was pat-taken of. The usual toasts wore, proposed and rcspondcd to in a pleasing manner. The, bride was the rccipiciit of many costly and useful presents, among them being a handsome chair from the congregation of Knox Church. The groom’s gift to tho hl‘itletvusu brooch set in diamonds and pt-arls, and to the bridesmaid a sunbuist of rubics. The happy couple left on tha- 9 o‘clock train for b‘aruia and \vestei ii cities. amid showers of rice and gOUd wishes of their many friends. Asnioiig the.- g‘ucsts were Rev. and Mrs. McNamara. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. l‘ortcr, Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. OsLl‘l', Miss Mary ta‘r. Porter, M rs. ’l‘hos. Tuasdalo, Mi; Chas. Teasdale, Mrs. Chas. Porter and family, Mr. and Mrs. David Snidcr, Mr. and Mrs. 'I‘hos. Kctfer, Mr. and Mrs. \‘.'. B. (‘vampbclL Mr. “AMI Mrs. lankin, Mr. VonBeatty, Miss Emily Bezitly. Mrs. Switzcr. Mr. John Gibson, Miss Gibson, Miss Belle. Gibson, Mr. alid Mis. Jun. MCPIIL‘ISHH, Miss McKay. Mr. Donald McKay, Miss Rita McKay. Mr. and Miss Muslin, Miss Lliiarlotte- Standing, Mr. Ali". Davisou, Mrs. Scott and son. â€"â€"QQ#â€"‘ WxN'l’EDâ€"FAITIH‘UL PERSONS ’l‘t) CALL on rotvul trade and agents lLl' manufacturing ho ISH havng well establishinl busiiiuss; lucui tannin-y: stininbt HLlfll')’ :zu paid \vctltiy cu»! ex 'L‘HSI: money advanced; pmvious (marten-cu uu telessny; position perm-mimic; ltlIL-lllcsn' su u-uri‘ui. Enclose Fc-I-uddlessed envelope. Su )GIIIIIA'IHICUL Insiders t5: .3 bluuou Bldg. Chrigu. 22-l'.‘ Brougham. Ont. Moris Rosenberg of the Mathews ‘ Oh” Peterboro. was at his old home on Christmas day. The thermonn-o-r rt-gistercd 23 hc-l low zero (in the morning of the 225th; the coldest day of tho yczii‘. On Monday evcuing Rev. Mr. Ila)" delivered a lecture in connection with theanniversary of tho the Methodist Sunday School; his subject was “ Jack and Jill." I Tin-I old municipal council was nomi- nath for ic-Gl: ~tioii with two new. aspirants for office. is in favor of draining the Oman swamp and making the loads through it, which will shortcn the distance to our mai ket town. The Ontario Governmcnt is giving a grant of $3.0”) to assist the township in draining the swamp. 'l‘lms‘. Jamison is improving undcr lbw care of Dr. Dean. Numbers axe coining from the North \Vest ‘iospeod thc winter in a more moderate climate. “'6 regret to hear of the accident that might have pioved fatal, which happonetl to J. It. McLean while skat- ing on Toronto hay. In spite of all the. warnings given some will rush on to (lvs‘tlltt‘tinii and death. _ Miss Aunic Gite of Pcuihrim, Noilh Dakota. arrived at the homc ol' Iil‘l', gi'andpaienis, Mr. and Mis. Jamcsi McLean on the 315i. llII. She spa'uks‘ highly of “ Uncle Sam's" territon and the libs-1 ty tin-y ciijoy there. Mr. J. B. McLean is at the parcntal g home, also Mr. A. .!’.. Mchan and his \\ if» of l’i-tei-boz'o, are spending New Year’s Day. They are not unmiudful r of the home of their boyhood and the old folks at honic who will have all the families l'cpicseiitetl exueptilig ‘ two. I ._._o‘ News Notes. Mr. Fdwia 1Sail, teacher of the \V'il- lowdale Pu ilic School for the past 19 ,ycars, was on ’l‘ucrday evening of last week preseuti d with an encycltvpaedia by pupils and ex-pupils. Mr. Elias lidwaid VViddIlie-ld died at, his liulin- in Pickering on Tiwstlay evening of last ‘M't‘t'k, in the 531d year of his age. liitcriiieiit at. Newmarkct on New Year’s Day. South Yank Liberals meet in the Town Hall, ~ligliutou, next. Monday, Jan. 1], to nominate a candidate to;- the I-lousc of Commons. â€"â€"<:o>~ SIEMONS’ MAGAZINE. THE LIBERAL has made art-anguâ€" tnciils with the piiblisbcia of Siemons’ Magazine, of Toronto. to give all paid snhscribeis of this paper one year‘s subscription to the Magazine Fir-e. The Sinuiuus’ Magazine contains the latest SPI'Iil-liblld short SUII'It's‘ by llw t ,lwst authors, articles on doiiicstic Local option was carrii-d in Tommi-(i scirnce. hygiene, physical cultuic. : homedressmaking, etc. A pagc for children, legalqucslieus and auswi-m and a financial depai'iam-ut dealing with iiivcstim-nts and giving advice there-on. ltis instructive, cutt-rtainw tug. useful. elevating and moral Illl Junction on Monday by a majority" of 190. and was dcleaicd in lot-K Township by 3.30. ’ York township Council are as fol- lows :-â€"1‘ce\’e, \\'ni. Sylvestcr: coun- tmie. Be a subscribcr to THE Li}: C1:- AL and you will leceivc this magazim-I free. The icgular subscription price \Yalson, J. \Vanlcss, jr. Mary, wife of John Gillis. died at The. old (‘ixlilic‘ll' - ngle copies, 3 ct’s. "i attorneys; “ The old theory that consumption was inherited is utterly discredited by modern medical science. The germs of con- sumption must bejeccivcd from with- out. These germs are every whcrc. They are constantly being received and or. .- cast out by the - 1 healthy system. It is the narrow chested whose in- heritance is weak- ncss who fall a prey to consump- tion because they! are too weak of , ; lung to resist and " throw ofl' disease. Doctor Piercc's , Golden Medical Discovery makes , weak lungs '7- strong. It cures V“: obstinate deep- - seated coughs, I bleeding lungs, A -‘ -» weakness, emacia- tion and other conditions which if neg- lected or unskilfully treated find a. fatal termination in consumption. $3.000 FORFEIT will be paid by the World’s Dispensary Medical Asso< elation, Proprietors, Buffalo, Y., if they cannot show the original Signature of the individual volunteering the testi- monial below, and also of the writers of everv testimonial among the thousands which they are constantly publishing, thus proving their genuineness. "In the spring of 1900 I was taken With hemorrhage of the lungs, and became very weak and short of breath, lost flesh and had no appetite," writes Mr. E. L. Robluctt. of Xerxes, Tenn. "1 was persuaded to tr Dr. Pierce: Golden Medical Discover . The irst few bottles seemed to do me but little good. Thought I would soon be a victim of that dreaded diseasp. consumption. Had almost given up to despair when mv frieuds ersuade mg to. we your ' Golden Medical Discovery ' a I'm: tna . I com- menced its use. I weigh 16ovpounds now, and when I commenced I only weighed 140 pounds. If any on: doubts this statement I will b! pleased to answer any inquiry." Accept no substitute for “Golden Med- ical Discovery." Nothing 15 “Just as good." Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets cleanse the clogged system from impurities. _. I _ That-(- are “any met-buds of \Yatch Cleaning. and so many (lilieicni p: ices, that it is, dif- licult to know when the work is properly pcil'ormcd. Etâ€" The old method of cli'auing with bciiziucâ€"which is then]- most universal methodâ€"is good as far as it gocs, but the slightest tracc of bcnziiie left on a watch umvemciit will destroy the oil put. (III the. ijels, and cause the watch to strip. \‘Catclies I clean are put through four dill’crcut soluâ€" tioiis nfit'l‘ the bcnzcine. clean- ing. This method removes all tarnish, and inach watch as t'll':'.ll and bright as when it. hit thc factory. I c'hai go $1‘Ioi' watcit-cleaning, and it is wvil wot-Iii it. i. the JEllllâ€"‘ITéâ€"i‘iil’l‘li Practical watch . aker I. iiiiiit iiii 61’5" Canada RICHMOND HILL Capital Eu-sl $3,000.000 925.000 DEBâ€"JSITS Rcceivod in Haviugs’ Bank Dcpai-t- ment and interest allowed at, iii WEST wanna RATEs. LN: Noticc of withdrawal not. neces- sary. Ali deposits payable ('Il til‘lllitlltl. Moan-y loaned on rm n' o: 5’ Suic l‘ttlt-s. Ehnnlt mac I’m-ms bswsslic-d Frce. = General. Business l'? ,. transacted. For (itlfilt‘l' particulars call at the Ilauk, J. WEBORNE. (. “in ul‘m . limerv on New Year‘s Day, in herWth of Siemons’ Magazine is 5!) cciits per \‘car. ' Mr. and Mrs. Gillis lived for a year, the price of THE LIBERAL is $1 iaiiuiiu- of \‘cars at 'l‘tsiou. Iiiiei-lperycar. “'9 give you both for [be I priCc of one. i Ripans Tabules cure nausea. Rioans Tabuies: at druggists. Bipnas Tabulcs cure l3i.»iousnese.

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