Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Jan 1904, p. 3

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The natural furs are then matched In bunches and set, aside Dyed baby lam'b. chinchilla, minivcr. ermine and sables are tied in bunches and tagged with papers showing quality and number. 11, requires many of them to make a garment. Mink, sable. marten, other and similar ani- mals are simply dressedblhat is. scraped, rubde and made soft and pliable. They are never dyed. Seal, skunk, fox, raccoon, nutnin, muskâ€" rnt. rabbit, opossum and some bear am dyed. Raccoon has long hairs and a beautiful coat, of inner fur closely resembling beaver. It is plucked and the fur used undyed to militate beaver for collars, capes. etc. Lately the furrlers have talmn to dyeing it black without unhuir- ing it. and opossum as well. leaving the long hairs. It is ule to make tails of. Muskrat makes the best. imitation of sealskin. - O'lVl‘ER MOST EXPENSIV’E. ' With the exception of sea otter. .aable is the most. expensive Mr. [This first is very rare, indeed. and Ibrirgs over SL000 for a. single pelt. Suble come-.1 irom Siberia, through Illussia; but We never see the best, pad finest of those skins, as they pro porqullul oi the crews and the Here they are classified. All sealâ€" akins of first quality are sent to London (or dyeing and unhairing, for seal is covered with a thick coat of coarse gray hall‘s over the soft fur. The work is still done with knives by hand, and ‘is tedious, al- ways crippling the fingers of the workers. BefOre any skin can be made into a garment it must go through many processes. The first thing is to scrape off all Lhe dried flesh and fat udgering to the pelt amd work the leather into flexibility. All pelts, after having 'been scraped. are tannâ€" ed to make the skin tough. The Ikins are put, into vats and tanned until they are finished. and then dried, rubbed, scraped and dyed. The best are done in London, but many more common pelts are dyed in Brooklyn, where there is a large w tablishment. All furs that are to be made up in “natural” fashion are, after tanning, worked over and made as soft as a. kid glove. and this is done by sheer strength and patience. The story of the hunting down of the animal has been frequently told. Let us take up the SubjeCt from this point. The first thing done after the animal has been dispatched is to remove the skin, stretch it on a .board to dry after liberally rubbing it with salt to preserve it. The salt is rubbed on the inner side, not on the fur. This is left to dry. and when the hunting season is over all the pelts are gathered into bundles and taken to the nearest market. There is a vast difference between the crude skin furnished by the trapâ€" per and the finished fur of the gar- ment, supplied by the furrier. “hich of the many women who love to dLaw the soft, warm fur across their rosy cheeks would touch even with the tips’ of their dainty fingers the coarse and odorous pelt as it first reaches the fur market ? ALL THE LABOR MUST BE DONE BY HAND. "At this stage I gave up other treatment and started taking Dodd's Kidney Pills. I received help after using the second box and continued till I had taken sixteen boxes When my troubles had vanished and I was lgain enjoying the splendid vigor of tarliex‘ manhood." WHY FUR IS 80 UGSTLY Much Work and Patience Needed to Transform the Bolts In- to Garments. “I had been a sufferer from Kidney [‘rouble for twenty-nine yours, I had the most distressing Baclmche it would be possible for man to bear. Headaches, irritation of the spine Ind at, times an excruciating circular pain about the lower part of the body. What I sufl'ercd no pen can leseribc. One Doctor Treated Him for Bright's Disease, Another for Gravel, but he Got no Relief uu he tried Dodd’s Kidney Pillsâ€"4 They Cured him Completely. St. Catharines, Ont., Dec. 28.â€" ISpecial).-â€"-The cure of Nicholas Ecâ€" tcr, a. well known and highly respect- rd farmer living near St‘ John's, P. 0., about ten miles from this :lty, has caused somewhat of a senâ€" nation in Putnam and Thorold town- Ihips. For twenty-nine years, Mr. Ecker was :1 terrible sufierer from Kidney Disease, and so widevspread has been the interest in his cure that he decided to make a statement for the benefit of the public. In con- densed form Mr. Ecker's statement Is as follows: I had gravel, another Bright's Dis- mse. and the third declared I was in l dangerous condition. None of my fiends thought I had much longer to ave. "I was by three doctors. me of them a specialist. Onp Egid DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS CURED N. ECKER'S KIDNEY DISEASE. EFTER YEARS [1E TERRIBLE AGUNY MUCH WORK NECESSARY Around the top and bottom the tapes are stitched, this last being to give a hold for the lining. Around the arm-edge is quilted a halfâ€"moon of buckram. Another piece is quilt,- cd to the rovers. A tailor would scarcely put. so many or Such careâ€" m1 stitches in the finest coat. The sleeves are put. on in the same Careful way, and each seam taped. The cuffs are furnished with edges and buckram quiltings, The lining is hemmed to the’ edge in the neatest manner. Only the best silk or bro- cade is usedâ€"quilted satin being Among all the reasonably priced furs skunk easily takes the lead [or beauty and general ubilty. The fur of this animal is prepared by inter- ment. in tne ground twentyâ€"four hours, after which it. is tanned and dyed. The Blood Pump firmly, and the cutter, wth a. knife as sharp as a, razor. cuts along the edge of the pattern into 'the leather, but never qUite through. for fear of injuring the fur. When this is done the parts are gently pulled apart. and the fur is ready to be sewed. There are machines to sow fur, but. the best. work is always done by hand. The edges of the seam are moistened so .thut, the needle will pass, and all seams are moistened and pressed flat, generally with a smooth shell. When the garment, is sewed it is stretched again. this time on. a model, fur side in. and then all edges are taped, and all seams are stayed by having a tape stitch- ed back and forth so the seam is firmly held, no matter what, future pressure may come upon it. “out.” The putting in of the sleeves to have them look as if they had, like Topsy, “just growsd.” is pure art. The lining of the jacket is then put in. 'Dying is necessary, because there are always white stripes, and the fur is ‘in different shades of dark brown in the natural state. The skunk is of the same family as the Russian sable, and so near does the likeness come that dealers (‘aJl skunk "Alaska sable.” This fur has one peculiarity, and that is the long hairs1 are prosmatic in sunlight. This fur, soft and feathery, is beau- tiful for *borderings and neck pieces. One of the good points about a fine garment. is the small number of pieces that go to make it. up. The reason for this is that they are cut, without stint. However, every scrap of fur is valuable, and sooner or later finds its place. Cheap fur garments are made of the leaving-s of the good ones. One piece of Pen- sian lamb three-quarters of a yard square was made up of scraps, none over half an inch “'ilde. The back was a labyrinth of seams, while the face looked as smooth as it of one piece. Obviously, in the process of wear some of these seams are likely to give way. When a. garment is to be made the first move is to select the skin. This is laid out on a. flat, board and wet. The fur side is down. Then they are stretched and pulled to the limit, and literally thousands of line, long pins are stuck in to hold the edges. They are left all night to dry. The next day the patterns of stiff cartridge paper are fastened down over the skin Freshness of youth often spoils the man. I! the heart. the blood pump of the human system. is out, of order the nerves are starved for want of blood and indigestion. aleeplossness. sich head- ache. lack of vigor and nervousness are the result. Dr. Agnew's Heart Cure re~ lievos heart. disease in 30 minutes. cures and strengthens the organ so that. rich blood courses through the veins and health reigns where disease was su- preme. The better the blood pump the more vigorous the health. Nmety-nine out. o! a hundred hearts are weak or diseased. The first. dose of Agnow‘s Heart Cure relieves. 11 Dr. Agnew's Liver Plku cure llycr 1115. Ice. ALL SCRAI‘S SAVED. To the unsophisticated eye a. fur garment appears to be all of one piece, witlhout. seam or fold. but. the inside would show the patient and painstaking labor bestowed upOn it. In the first place. every piece must. have the pile run the same way. and be exactly the same in color and thickness. When the skins are all prepared. ready for the maker of garments, they are taken to the subâ€"collar, thirty feet below the surface, and kept in bins. One room holds dress- ed and dyed seal skins for making up. velvety and rich. It. would be difficult to go hunting around among 20,000 or 30,000 skins to find exact. matches if one were in a. hurry, for all skins used in one garment must be of exactly the same length and shades, so they are carefully chosen and matched as they come from the dycrs. Other bins contain ermine and sables. darker along the back. A set of sables of reasonable dimensions here would cost. from $10,000 (to $15;- 000. emperor has the first choice of all the output. Sables take the place of diamonds in Russia, and personal wealth is measured in sablcs as others measure theirs in precious stones. A sable skin is rarely ten inches long aside from the tail, and they cost $250 apiece, and more, accord- ing to quality and supply. They are all stamped with the royal seal of Russia. The sable is remarkable for the richness and length of the fur and the fact that it can be blown any way. It is dark brown, rather GWES van HEALTH OR DSSEASE AGGDRBING Ti) ITS BONDITION. HAND WORK THE BEST Most unhappy people have become so by gradually forming a. habit of unhappiness, complaining about the weather, finding fault with their food, with crowded cars, and with disagreeable companions or work. A habit of complaining, of criticizing, of fault-finding, or grumbling over trifles, a. habit of looking for she.- dows, is a. most unfortunate habit to contract, especially in early life, for, after a. while, the victim be- comes a. slave. All of the impulses become perverted, until the tendency to pessimism, to cynicism, is chron- 1c. Aluminium can now be rolled into sheets so thin that 4,000 laid to- gathcr measure only an inch in thickness. It is proposed to use those for writing-paper where lasting records are desired. In Japan the nose is the only fea- ture which attracts attention. The nose determines the beauty or ugliâ€" ness of the face, according as it is big or small. This is probably due to the fact that difierence in noses constitutes about the only distinc- tion between one Japanese face and another. The eyes are invariably black. the. cheek-hones high, and the chin receding. In Japan a. lady who has a. huge proboscis is always a. great beauty and a. reigning belle. There are a. few large noses among the natives, and lucky is, he or she upon whom Nature lavishcs one. In all Japanese pictures representing the supposedly beautiful woman the artist invariably improves on Na.- ture by depicting this feature .93 ab- normally developed. We ofi'er One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Uatarrh that. cannot. be cured by Hall‘s Untarrli Uure. F. J. CHENEY & 00., Toledo. 0. We, the undersigned, have known E. J. Cheney for tho lust 15 years. and beliavo him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out. any obligations made by their firm. \vl‘IS'l‘ (Sr. ’l‘lLUAx, Wholesale Drugglsts. Toledo, 0:; WALDING. KINNAN «S: Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Inter- nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surmces or the system. 'l‘estimonials sent free. Price 75¢. per 1309.19. bipldnbyuag drug-gusts. A during adventure is contemplat- cd by a. Mr. Buckcridge, who proâ€" poses, singleâ€"handed, to sail from New Zealand to England in a small craft, 22 feet in length, with a. beam of 6 feet, 6 inches. The vessel was launched a. short. time ago at Auck- land, and was christened the Kia. Ora. It is expected that the trip to London will take five months. The only foods carried will be conâ€" centrated, and there will be 95 gal- lons of fresh water. calculated to last 180 days. The cockpit is lined with zinc, for sea. baths, and it will also be used for catching rain water. NARViN, Wholesale DrhggisisI'l‘oledo, Mrs. Evcrby‘. “But, what‘s a.” this talk about woman's rights ?" The Professor: “It's an efllort to place Woman and than on an equality." Mrs. Everby: “But, what's woman done that she shoufld be brought down after that fashion ? No, sir, I don’t want anything to do with your woman's rights,” 'l‘I-IE TI M E ’10 ’I‘HI N K . Claraâ€""I suppose I ought. to stop and think bel‘ux‘o I accept, him." Maudâ€"“0h, no. You’ll have plenty of time to do that. afterâ€" wards." Deafness of 12 Yearo’ Stand- lng.â€"Protracted Catsrrh roduces deaf- ness in many uses. Capt. en. Connor.ol Toronto,Canada, was deaf for 12 years from Cuurh. All treatments failed to relieve. DI. Agnaw's Catarrbal Powder gave him relief in one day. and in a very short while the doafnsas loft him cntirely. It will do as much (or you. 53 cents.â€"33 can Out Pessimism is merely a. case of inv tellcctual indigestion. Mrs. Brownâ€"â€"-"Y0u used to rave about my beauty," Mr. Brownâ€"“Well ?" Mrs. Brownâ€""Now you rave about. my pumpkin pies.," Minatd's Llnimnnt Eules Eightharia; Hlnani's Liniment Cute: fllstemm will be paid by Lever Brothers Limited. Toronto. to any person who can prove that ihis soap contains my form of ndulteratlon whatsoever. ar contains any injurious chemicals. REDUCES EXPENSE SOLITARY OCEAN TRAVELLER Hall's Famuy‘ l'ills nrJ'Lne best. UNHAPPINESS A DISEASE polished gentleman is one who be rubbed the wrong way with- getbing hot. BIG N )SES IN FAVOR BEFORE AND AFTER Auk for the Octagon Bar. THIN SHE How's This ! ETS u] A remnant of the Sevis tribe of Indians inhabits the Island of Ti- buron, in the Gulf of California, and is ruled entirely by the Women. For- merly the tribe numbered about, 5,- 000, but is now shrunk to a. few hundred, living a. life of almost, com- plete isolation, and refusing to inâ€" termarry with any of the Indians of the mainland. The women is master of the household, and a. council of matrons is at. the head of public af- fairs. It is interesting to note that the game 01' dominoes is supposed to have originated through two monks committed to a. lengthy seclusion. They beguilcd the hours of confine- ment; by showing each other small flat stones marked with black dots. By a. preconcerted arrangement the winner would inform the other player of his victory by repeating in an undertone the first line of the Vesâ€" pers hymn. In time the monks com- pleted the set and perfected the rules so that when their term had expired the game Was so interesting that it was generally adopted by all the inâ€" mates of the monastery as a. lawful pastime. The first line of the Ves- pers was reduced to the single word “Domino.” During the year the space devoted to advertising MINARD'S LINI- MENT will contain expressions of no uncertain sound from people who speak from personal experience as to the merits of this best of House hold Remedies. 0de Chumâ€"“What made you doâ€" cide to marry her “Lfistakos win happen in the best regulated fainihesfl’ quotes the apoâ€" logcmc one. "Perhapmfl' concedes the other sourly; “but it isn’t any Sign that a fauxny is we“ reguiated just because it nxakcs a lot of unsâ€" takcsfl' Newly Mafriedâ€"“Because, during our long acquaintance she never once sent mac a sofa. pillow." Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablot..â€"Medical sciencg by accident dis- covercd the potency of mo pineapple as a panacea for stomach traublcs. The immense percenrage of vcgcuble pepsin contained in the fruit make: it an almost indispensable rcmedy in cases of dyspepsia and indigcslion. One tablet Ifter each meal will cure most. chronic cases. 60 in a box, 33 cams-32 Mm. Rumel‘ty: "Whose ‘.ilt‘le boy was it jist fell off the boat ?” Mrs‘ Rooney: “Sure, nobody knows! W’him they fished him out, he wuz SU clean nobody could identify him." MM. Wmuow'a Sooramo Svnur bu been med by mllllonn of muthan for their children whllo Leethinm Iuoothel the child. wfbens the gums. allay: min. cure] wind colic regulates the ltomnch and bowels. and in thy but remedy for Dinrrhmn. Twenty-five cent: a hotel. Sold by druuisu throughout. the world. Bu sure and Ink for " Mas. Wmlnow‘s Hoornma Sump.“ Lover’s Y-Z (Wise Head) Dislnfect- mt Soap Powder Is a. boon/to any home. It» dislnfccts and cleans at the same time. She was a. gay young butterfly, And dressed as Ixraidcns “ill. Her father run a. slaughter hous He, too. was dressed to kill. Shiloh’s Cansumptian The Lung Tonic 111111111113 [1111518111 1311188 Cflfflfil 111 GOES. fiflw/Mwiwc? fllwflmwy%£ IT RAN IN THE FAMILY cured them of chronic coughs cannot all be mistaken. There must be truth in it. Try a bottle for that cough of yours The thousands of people who write to me saying that Prices 25c.. 50c. and $1.00 RULED BY WOMEN 'oron m, Cm. For Over sixty Years TAKE NOTICE. DO MI NO HS UNUSUAL S. C. WELLS 8: C0. LcRoy, N.Y. JSC Dominion Lino Staamshipa Tomxm': "Ma. can I play nmldn' believe I’m entertaining another little boy ?” Mamma ' "Yes, dear. of Course !" Tommy: “Then you must give me some cake for him I" gMInaId's Llnimenl Emes Colds. etc.‘ My wife doesn't, seem to be pro- gress-mg, doctor.” remarked the an- xious husband. "No." answered the physician; “when she gains . little strength she uses it all up tryâ€" ing to tell her friends what's the muLter with her.” - PATEETS L51 RIDOUT 3:35: MAYBEE at}? “what did'he do ‘2” Morritfinnan away the very day I paid the tax on him," Sclatlea put hlm on Orutchoo. â€" as. Smith, dair mun. of Grimsby, Ont., wrtos: "My Hm s were almost useless! from Iclatica and rheumatism, Ind, not- withstanding my esteem for physicians. I must give the credit where it belongs. I am a cured man (0-day, and South Ameri-‘ can Rheumntlc Cure must have all the credit. It's a marvel.â€"34 LAGE CURTAINS BBITIIH AMERIOAN DVEINQ 60., Box 153, Montraal In any smifgapufo Montreal to leerpool Boston to leorpool Inrgo and Kat. Stesmzhms. Superior ncrwommodahlnn Bor bll ulna u of Iraen '3”. 8 doom (Hid Staterooyml are nmlulzhlps r peeinrnttnmionhaa bexn iven to UN Second Snoon and Third-Olin nocommo Minn. Fol y-ntaafpuoc: Ind all particullrs. apply to any agon a! the Company. or to passenger “an!” ‘3 DOMINION LINE OFFICEi: rMerrit: "That dog of mine 7 wag very ungratorfuli'j "Cobwiggor :â€" fl SALE AT All. 80024310253, Band {or catalog. Weglve eera vziluo. Raw Furs and Gannlnz. Sand for price list ;L{&ii§ed’i.1 gold. "Pals: 31.00 The Anon Publishing Co., of Cam ada arc issuing a. series 0! Volumes compiled from the Newspapers and Magazines of the day. The First. Volume is now ready, and will be sent for One 'Doilar with privilege of returning it not suLisfactory. PATENTS Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Honey, Apples, All. And duc¢ con: an I you Dawson Commission 00. In orduer to secure articles for the subsequent volumes the publishers are offering TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS 0A8“ for Newspaper, periodical and Magar zine Clippings from which to make their selections. For Copy 0! Book, Prospectus, and Premium List, write P. 0. Draw” 2183, Montreal, Canada. “wagg” " “MS .. Emma. 11 5:. supmau; a... HARM GHENILLE CURTAENS FROM 7H5 HEDCEB A320 HIGHWAYS. Beautilflly bounf! Nutritious and Economical. 48â€"21 An admirable Food of tho Finest quality and flavour. had 311 Much of hoxuu Hangings. Ilao The Daintlest Book of the Year. Issue No. 2-04;_ TORONTO. » ugan Writs to ul about you”. 11/ (Z'eg/ All. KINDS OF I'RUITB And Farm Pro- duce generally. consign it to us an! we will get you good prices. in green Icalher man 81 CLEANED um: new. BMIYK & DAMEROR bahonton of Patent- Cmnd’x's. L (g fluid 1. Tofun'w.’ Writs 14:922de ' 1'6 mum LITIGATION. am! far Nandhonl on Paton“, an. I N A L L coummes. uncut. grunting

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