Tho 50th anniversary of the Victoria Square Methudist Church was observ- ed Friday and Sunday, Jun'y lst, and 3rd. Friday Honing a fmvl suppvr was given by the Indies of [he (:lnnrh, which wusï¬rhtrluss in ovary partic- ular and highly creditable to those who prrpared it. AfLm- supper the audience was treated tuzm excrllenl \nusiral and literary prugnnn. RM. ’1‘. Campbell, Sn )t. of the Circuit. me- cupie-d the chaur. Stirring and in- uructive addivssrs ware given by Rev. Mr. Clmntli-r of Maple, and Rev. Mr. Grant of Richmond Hill. Mr. Chuntler gave a \vhulu volume (xfinfnrmutinu in facts and figures cuncex-ning the re- sources and wrssihilities of Czlnudn, :md made :1 strong and impressive up- peul to young ‘umulizlns fur more true pntriotism and loyalty to Canada and the British Empire. Mr. Grant’s remarks czune as a very ï¬tting seql'u'l to those of the preceding speaker. He emphasizei Mr. Ghuntlor’s putriï¬tic xiLterMnces. and shuwed that while we Wore justiï¬ed in maintaining a. deep love and respect for the country (if vur racial origin. still our ï¬rst duty was to be true to Canada and thn Empire uf which we farm a part. and that, of all patriotism and luyulty the truest, noblest and most elevating was 'I‘m'eshing is nearly ended in this helmty, but tree trimming is in full blast. territory. ms axl-lzlr {Fumey fa E-muaun SLundm-d Appm-(intly :1 jully In'ud of ï¬ftéen in llllll)l)91'\\’(‘llt for a slvigh ride Christ~ mus night. Some uf the same cruwd \W‘lll; on New Year's night to :Ittvnd Um fowl supper at Victoria Square. 61hr“ Mr. Paul \Viuger and Mr. Jesse Glimenhum of Stevensville, are visit- ing fl-icn s in Murkhzun and \Vhit- chm-ch. Mr. and Mrs. D. Heslop have return- ed hnme :If'lm- spending a couple of weeks with friends at Menl’urd. Miss Rhoda Dunks of Heuthcnto. Spout Christ-mas :1 nd Nuw Year’s with her sister Mrs. J-unes Bun kvr. Miss vatn and Mr. Bert Lee-k spent Sunday with friends at Oshawa. Miss M. E. Mupos has n-tui'nml tn 'i‘m-untq after spending a few days 21.1 lu-r old lmxuv. Miss Uliifm'd of Tux-unto, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Gun. Henricks. Mr. and Mrs, Stephen Mantle nt' T0- nmtu, spent New Yvul’s with the lat- u-r's parent’s Mr. and Mrs. Jmuh For our part we cannot see what hotter the new arrangement would be than the present. It Would be lailstleï¬se.r to appoint Canadian com- missioners in an international disl‘ute if they could be disapproved of by the British Parliament, and it would be too much to expect England to run the risk of allowing Canada or ‘émy other colony to involve the mother country in War or serious dis» 'put‘é. S. S. No. 3, Markham, Hmdfnrd, til-inched three nuw trustees, Mr. \V. 'l‘uasdale in plucu of Mr. Gm). Cuwie. 'jl-Ium‘vd. (me year; Mr. (irvu. Cal<l~ well in place of Rev. F. Elliott, resign- 'ed, two years; Mr. Brodie fm- ensuing three years. \\'ith :1 Board of Trustwos ‘of goml ability, and the pwsent excel- lent melicr, we. pi edicL fcu' Hezulfm'd school a successful your. Mr.'B. Ulim'enhugn and wife are Visiting relatives and fi-iumls :it his former home in Stevrnsvillo, \Vellund County. Canadian Premier expressed his dis- Satisfaction. and pointed out that Can- ada should have more to say in the making of treaties aï¬â€˜eeting her per- manent interests. Sir Wilfrid ful- Iuws up his former remarks, and says that in treaties affecting Canada all the representatives of Great Britain should be commissioners-ehosen from among Canadians, and that the ne- gotiations should be conducted sub- ject to the approval of the Canadian Government. It appears that the draft treaty would afterwards be ap- proved or disappret’ed by the King through his British Ministers. r -Si1‘ Wilfrid Laurier is among those who feel thzw Canada was wronng by the decision of Lord Alverstone on the Alaska boundary. horny after the decision was given out the Change Change Change change Changeâ€"World’s Diflpu'lnlu'y Malia (mangoâ€"J. C. Ayer & Cn. Clmuxaâ€"‘l’ue llusmll Hardware Co Change â€"W A Snn-lcrsnu (tlmugeâ€"J. Eyer a Son Chnuuo~Geo Cowue ' "Imageâ€"Jerry Smith Vaughan flouucilâ€"J B McLean Run; S’l'l‘ 315mm HILL. January 7, 19m mhlisbud lmuse in A few comma: reuul men-hunts uud mound. Lucu. Salaryi limpet wegk wnfn exlum- LmuLull .myubip in cash each week w expensas aJvuncml. l’csitvion per. Blames»; successful and lashing Home. 530.. Dem-burn St... Chicugu‘ Nov‘ 11- ' wks. Victoria Square Dâ€"FAITUFUL I’EIKS )3! T0 TR\V Headford. “441. 2. dvertisements. 34W? usury Malian! Asaoc'n iï¬srah Fur teruns_ nddrpss 270 Church St. or Toronto Gull. Mimic. Toronto. LINK. Bum, F. G. C. M. (Loud) Orgunis: and Clinirâ€"muster Church of St. Julm Evangelist. Tux-1mm. Teacher of Organ. Piano, Singing. Them-y at I‘m-onto College of Music, will visit An Improved Yorkshire \Vhite Hog, in middle part, of lot 41, lst con. Vaughan. JAS. R. BAKER. THE ~ LIBERAL PENNYROYAL WAFERS. H. Whitfield Hudgin, The Blacksmith Shop and HmBe at Dollar, 3rd cuu. Markham. Fix-st- clnss stund' fur :1 gnnd hurseshnvr. For pm-tiI-nlm-s apply to GEO. COVVIE, Richmond Hill. tf. or to P. \V. BOYNTON, Dollar. Correct any tendendyitracioï¬sï¬ï¬pa- tion with small doses of Ayer's PIESS. Flue Grave . Purplm illv Eldvr’s NEE-s Kluinburg Thm'nhill ’u.ttm-son “'0 have not, sewn full returns) of the \wae on the County By-Luw tn vs- tnhlis‘n .1. County Road System. luIL the hy-lnw has vvidwntly been deflat- 1-d; and u \‘m'yY snmll \‘UEP was pnilvfl. In York township the \'(»t,v_\v.~xs 281, {012354 agnilwt; in Richmond Hill 23 for, 12 ‘lgrcinst; Vaughan 71 for, 322 against. In the lust, namvd mnniuh pnliby the vote in (h? dilfownt pulling sulmlivisiuus was as fullmvs: Rev. Mr. Ymmg was the gut-at of Mr. F. Nil-huh (we-1' Sunday. Miss Hurriz‘mn uf Richmond Hill. spent, va Year‘s with Mrs. l’mkins. Dr. and Mrs. Spaulding uf Tux-omâ€, were the gut-sets of Mrs. T. Friahy. Miss Turner has (*ntox'lnim-d on New Yvur’s by Mrs. N. 0. Huge-rnmn. Miss Burke-y and MissJuhnstun \vm'e guvsts at Mrs. A. Jennings over Sun-- day. pja‘phf chnix Ivy 2: \"ictmiu Squun- audience. Miss Adu. Burkvy of Ringwuml, (R’lighxml the audiva With .1 beautiful Hula and twn well renrlrl-Pd numbers in PIOCll- thn, hm second numberheinglwurlily oncnrvd, In which slw plmsinglyre- spnndvd. Mrs. Cnllm-rl of Shhmfvillv, in hvr ï¬rst uppe-nrzlmzo lml‘ore u Vic- Lorin Si};1‘.;nlp;lmli(-xn:(-. umden dncidml- 1y favorable imprvssion with ln'r sweet singing. PH-ry number ln-izng tlmmughly upprvciutml, us was m incud lny the hunrly nppluusr. Mr. R. E. Sinclair of Sluulhillv. clt-lEglm-d the nu-limwe by his! rendition of the» lmss snlo. " King (If the Mighty Sm," which wns very nmul) :xppu-ciam-d. and must eutl'nb‘iusticnlly t‘lltï¬â€˜l'l'd. In which he kindly l-vs‘pnmlt-(l by singing "Sung nf the Blacksmith." Rev. Mr. Yunng on Sunday prt-uch- ed PXCPHK'H‘} sermons. qum-nmm and ovoning. which were rum-l1 appreciat- ed by lzll'gv congregations. Miss Atlu Barkry uf ngwund, a: isteil the :nnlinm-e solo, " K wns vex-y outlnmiu: kinkâ€): h' the Blue! F03. SERVICE hrymlty tn the Church of God. Rm" Mr. Smith’s speech was exceedingly lï¬rivf and to the point. and Mr. h‘nuLll enjnypd the disLiuguished [mum uf his address. being the ï¬rst ewrvncured by n Victmiu Squun- audience. Miss Adu. Bju-kvy of Ringwnmh (R’lighxml For Sale or Rent Majority Richmond Hill Once a Week. Subscribe for Sight Singing Classes. 690d Roads By-Law. A speciï¬c monthly modlclne for ladies to restore and tom-lute the menses: Smauulnq free, healthy an] pnnleu new No who: or puns on up roach Now used byover moon Indian nee used “museagaln. lnvigomw. thaw organ Buy at your druggisl only those with our signature lcrou (ace of lube]. Atom ï¬ubstltutea. Salad ueulanmailcn :2 sump. 8 .oo 1 mt. Address, EUREKA can“ AL COMPANY. - D‘ on; he: against. 218. (m of [hp lmss hty Sm," which inn-d, and must 'nr I Cal-wine. Against 4H 39 40 35 26 in a subsequent, notice. The Governor-General’s Body Guard (the oldest cavalry corps in Canada) will recruit in this district in the latter part of January. Dates will be ï¬xed Ricllnfond l-Iil] June 11, 1903 RICHMOND HILL _0N__ SATURDAY, JAN. 16, 1904 GOOD LIVERY ‘IN CONNECTION. Michael Bros., The Next Sitting of Division Com-t tm No. 3, County nf York. will be held in the Court Rumn, LEVERY RICHNTOND HILL. SWESEï¬E‘i ~ 533% Subscribe Nowv! Cavalry Recruits Coal and Wood Dehvered. Prices Right. W wamm Vic will sand Tm: \K'EEKLY SYN from now to Istjzmuary, 190-3. in combinntkm with “mm, and. fur \Vav loco: S S C TH SUN, latest HXCTS on (mess mr-ll Sandcrson's EmuEslcn anoJ Livcrml. FIHy per cent. Cod MVCI‘OH. um! mslclcss. For seated colds and coughs. For cnnghs and adds rhihh'on. I am prvpnrml to unpva thv‘ pub- lic with the- “(‘5‘ cough and cold remedies in the Inn) kvt. Try COUGE AND COLD SEASON ! The Liberal for $1.75. ‘un cure Sandcrsm's White Pine and Tar. Bromide Quininc 'l‘ab!ets Fury Farmer Should keep :3: three words constantly mind and conduct his farm strict business principles. less work and haphazard «halls are no longer used by :uerwilsl and up-toâ€"date far-- Cnmmencina at 10 HIVE mn p r.,~;u2ing THE NVEEKLY [he Farmer's Business ,you xvii! get the very and must accurate in- tion reg, ding your busi- XS“ Nona lu-ltm W. @fliiUï¬i DRUGGIST Surfs market reports th many times the sub- 1 price to you. ' Farmer in Canada COAL WOOD OCOHH' a cold in one day. Our CROUP SYRUP F. MCMAHON CLERK nivc-s e across mi}- ix‘cs caused by ivcs has been Om in small m @Mai‘wwwww $§§§W99¢???i3‘3‘ï¬ï¬iï¬ï¬ï¬â€˜ï¬vviii’a ' I Qï¬uuumwéw“meme-amaéaaéeauuamuÃ©ï¬ Founder of Dr. Splnney a Co. EA 0. "icflanaid, Richmend Hill .MCECZ’I: a"! DR. SPINNEY. “:22 n5 QR“ “’6 beg to thank our ma 290 WOODWARD AVE" DETROIT, MICK-l. h‘ï¬ends for their patron- positiv‘éT; returns. Our 'AumRPTn'ii TREA . curc you. YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURE We Cure VL‘HCOOOIO. B!Ood and Skin DISOBSBS' Nervous Debizity. Strioturce. Binddsr. Kidney and Urinary Diseases. CONSULTATSON FREE. 0 Treatment Sent Free. ‘age andjnin in wish- Eappy Year “sigma! Eï¬Ã©i a E q {a a l ‘5 an I Maspemus Strict ing you all a matter where lac "9:. structures. If negle szncture will jiroducc di g‘and tearing arc the NWEY €ng “’9 sell )‘elinhlo goods at reasonable prices, and ynu will he plums-.1! with. any purchase. you make here. Than in any other kind, and there is greater value in those we ufl'cr than is usually fuund at, the price. The same may be said (.fmn' Fm- Cvnts, Mits, Hon-Se Blunkcts and Hal 1-1wss. n There’s Mare :cr where lomted, are apt to invoke the :5. 1f neglected or improperly treated. l 11roducc distremin symptoms. Cut- raring are the old baï¬aarous methods of The strictly modern and original meth- e free from the horrors of sangéry and .1 harmless. The abnormal stricture t3:- avcs the channel free and clear. All mi- sc, any“ irritation or burning sensation «3-5, Bladder. Prostate Glnnd and other . strengthened and the bliss of man’hooG nuns TREATMENT will positiv‘ely nnv \qu-n nunâ€"A FUR ROBE 9 To he had in a. uonuon Llst For Home m Cured To Stay Cured Comfort