._ . > _r_ V “â€" __ _ _ an _ sm PPERY SIDEWALKS. i Miss J I. g) o . El 3 E . ‘lg 1‘ Thu City Enginm‘r this morning, in “‘ [Em W ' ‘ 9 dim-[wring the slippvry cunditipnr uf 3’1"“? The annual banquet of Kim: Plnw- men’s Assm-intiun will lw [ll'ld at Suttnn’s Hn‘u'). Schnmherg. Thursday. Jan. 21. Supper Sm \‘ud HL 7 O'clock". Visitors at, the pursunnge during thohnlidnys \vvre Mrs. W. Smith hf TUI'CIHt/U, Mr. Thnrn of Tot-ontn, Dr. Chutes of Gm-mhay. Mr. Nui'nmu Vilsnn spent a few days with his friend, Mr. Earle Newâ€" tun, and rvuu-ued to the city on Sat- m'du y. 111‘. '1‘. v. Law “I Um gun, has hm-n spl-ndin; with his lu‘othpr. Mr. R. has hex-n suffering from La. Grippo. Mr. Gen. Stunner of Pvterlmm. who formerly worked Ins (I. harnesx-nmkvr in McDonald‘s shop. spent New Ymu’s hero, and called on a, number of old ‘i’xitmds. Miss Cample nf annntn. hp; her holidays ut. humo, th ago. The Hing um] npmwd nn Mum]. tendnucv. Rm‘. Jusnph Ymmg preach-ad in the Mcthnd Sundaymorning. Mr. and Mrs tn. spent, over and Mus. (3. P. Mr. R. \‘.'. Glass 0: L'nukstnw been spending .1 fvw days \vi utives here sim'v the New Yâ€"vur. Mr. and M rs. J. Cns‘ely and Mr. and Mrs. E. Barker nudifnuzily §pgpb Nay Will‘s" r353!" \{viiï¬ ' Sill Clan-k, Hemlfnul. and M: Mr. F. E. Sims, Mr. Robb. Eliintt and Mr. Fnrsturattended :m insLan- (hm ceremony and entertainment in cuuncctinn with :1 nnmlwr uf A. O. F. Canrts in Toronto, Tuesday evening. Dr. Cuultvr. Deputy Pnsunastor General, Obtmvn, spvnt a few hmu's with his fulhm-on Saturday and cull- od at, the Post OfliCe to see his old friend, Mr. Armand F. 'l‘cefy of Chi- ClgO. Ml‘. RuSSell Lawrence of Tm‘ontn. spent New Year’s Day with his aunt, Mrs. J. Duncan, and 1-9419le uvquuiut- ance with :1 number of friends in the rink in the evening. Mr. and M 1's. \V. twin daughters. u been making a, Visit friends at lieudfm Hill. Remmulwr the \V. M. S. meoLing to he held a: the hnuu- of Mrs. Crnshy this (Thursday) afternoon at 3 o‘clock. The regular meeting of Cnurt Rich- mond will be lwld on Friday evening, Jan’y 8. As this is installation night. All the. uï¬icersâ€"olecc are requested to be present. Littlt‘ Miss H. Runmm sphnf with her nunL. Mrs. H. Hm'; “mm, and rvhu-nml Satuulay. The twenty-third 'nnnuul cunvf‘ntion of the Township nf Vaughan Suhbubh Sclmpl Association will be held in Hope Melhorlist, Church, 4th couâ€" cessiun of Vuuglnm, on Thursday. Jun’y 2L TIM-1e will he sessions. ‘ymrniug, :Iftm-nnm) and ex'rning. Short ends of gum} cloth at half price. Atkinsqnfléz Saviï¬zgg_ The York Pioneers at lhvir meeting an Tuesday appointed :1. (lvpututiou consisting uf \Vm. Rennie, Rev. \V. \V. ()ulpitrts and Alfred “’ilson to Wait. nan the Govermnent :nul sniicit a grant for the maintaining of [he uld {19g cabin in the Exhibition grounds. Master Gordon Sunk-s, who has been delivrriug 'l‘lm LIBERAL Weekly to village subscribers since Muster Howard \Vilry fractured his leg, wish-cs to thank his patrons fur their generous pilLrnnngu Nrw Year‘s morn- ing. and conveys to them the season's greetings. Mr. and Mm. E. J. Cable entertained n. number uf their frivmls on New Year‘s Day. Almmg the guests were Mr. and Mrs. 13. (Hulk nf Toronto; Miss Adams, Mrs. Uuhle's fathrx‘, Mr. ‘W. S. Yukmn, and twu sous, Masters Burnurd and Cecil Ynkmn, and others. Tuesday‘s dailies contained a death notice of Richard, sun of Richard French. formerly uf Tux-unto, who died in Sun Bornurdino County, Culi- fm-uiu, in October last. aged 60 years. By the the description it, seems that; the [)PI‘SOll referred to was “Dick†Franck. am old favorite \vlm left. Rich- mond Hill 11 number of years ago. ï¬nn‘de (210L113 at loss than 11qu pric Atkinson & Swim-r. On Saturday. Jan. 2, in front. of the Dmuiniun Housv, a lady's Chatelaine lmg- containing :1 sum of money. Owuermuylmve same by calling at :the Dominion House, Mr. R. \\'. G Rxcuna ND i and Pnhlic St'htmls Munduy with n. gum] Hum, January \v of Dum‘ w i lay \V. A. Hvlmkay and s, hf Crevmorp, have Viij with relutiws and Ldfur'd and Richmond \V Young of Bradford. Methodist chlirch (m FOUND. P \\' f Cnukstmvn, w days with 'In'lu thorn, Michi- ; u fmv days E. Law, who an attack 01‘ is spnnd- 3 pnrsun- 4‘ 'l‘nrnn- with Mr. H. 'ITPF [904 has rel- u L- Ths‘Cit._v Enginm-r this mm-ning, in dist-ussing the slippvry cnnditiun (If the cement, sidtâ€"“aIks. suggesttd that iL might, be u gund idvn ti- fulluw the vxumpleof Oltuwa and Monti-ml in leaving half an im-h c-f snmv on the Walks. and cleaning ufl" the remuinder. l’mlcstrians would hr 163: likvly to fall on llw. snuw-cm'rrn-d mum“ to. If this chnngt- WM lll:l(l\‘ z). nwi inllof the snmv hy-Iznv would be necessary. â€"Ne-ws. You can buy n six-lu-Iv mugv, coal, for $30.00 at C. 61- E. .“HSIIH’S. We hch snme man’s suit. lengths in Swatch twveds which we will sell at .1 dim-Hunt of 25 pu-r cent. Alkinsuu & Switzrr. The annual meeting of thu Mothod- ist church Suhlmth School utï¬uvrs and teachers was hem in the church, Mon- day evening. Rev. T. (hurmlwfl 0m cupivd the chair. The fnllnwing of- ï¬cm's nf thv schon‘. were appointed for the ensuing yvnr ;-â€"- Friday m‘vning nf this work will he rull cull at the Epwm'th League. The bllliji'CL fur cunsidvrutiun will he Death uml Lhc Judglm-ut. hy Mr. \Vln. Har- rison. Scripture lesson by Miss Tum-h, llvhrows ix., 27: “It. is up- pninted unto nwn once to die. and after this the jndgnwnt.†Malt. xiii†33): “"he harvest is the end of the- wm-ld.) «ml the Hampers are tho angels.†The ofï¬cers nf Lln- League extend a. cordial weltmme to all]. FIRE BRIGADE. At HIL‘ annual meeting oftho Fire Brigade nn Mmulny vw-ning he ful- lmving ufï¬cers were (-IontL-d : ‘hie-I'. \V. H. Pugslr-y: Lieutenant. J. H. Blydon: Fmemzm of Hose. J. P. Glass; Fux'enmn of II. & 1).. F. E. Sims; Steward. B. Newton ; Socrotru'y. \V. E. \Vilk‘y: Tl‘OilSllrvl', P. G. Suvngr’; Janitor, J. Eyt-r: Gwnt bargains in mantle cloths. Scotvh and Canadian tweods and puntiugs at Atkmsuu & Swilzvr’s. This annunncement is made without :my qualiï¬catinns. }IP)II-Rni(] is the one pi-epmution in the world that guarantees it. Hem-Ruid will cure any case of piles. It. is in the form of a tablet. It is the only pile l‘Ijlpt‘dy the- ensum‘ Slum, J. Set-7y. F. Tr? A :l tablet. It is the only pile. remedy used internally. It is impossible 10 euro :m estalishï¬d case of piles with oiutnients, suppositories, injections or outwardappliances. A guarantee is issue-d with every pack:ng pf Hem- Ruid. which contains a month‘s treat- ment. Go and bulk to your druggisb about, it. ‘ the- vnsumg yvar ;-â€"- Supt“, J. A. E. Switzcr; Sec-Ty, F. Mchnnld; 'J‘r-«nzq-s... A. J. Hume; Lin liun. \V. A. Sanderson Organist, Miss \Viley; Assist-ant Organist, Minn B'm All the teachers of the p: “'(‘l'e reappointed. Rev. R. H. SLt-ucy of Bvll‘s Corners. has made a warm place for himself in the hearts (If his people since his appuinlment ms recto!- lust smnmrl'. This was shown on Thursday night \{T‘hen at u. plvnsanb dinner party at thvhume of Mr. J. J. Hndgins, the- cnnga-t‘gntion (if St. Paul‘s. Huzelnlean. prvsenuvd him with u hands-lime cut- UT. The p‘rvsenLntiun was made in u gram-fill speech by Dr. Richardson, \vhu expressed tho guild Will uf the cungwgatiun and their appreciation of Mr, Stmcy’s labors. Rev. Mr. Gur- nmn, (if Grace Church. Ottawa, was pwsunt us a guest and :uldvd his feli- citntiun, 211,30] Mr. Stency’sacknowledg- Luvlli, ul'the kindness 01" [he congrng- Linn was in a happy veinâ€"Ottawa Gilizc Pure lard. 100. lb. ; green coffee. 10¢. ; cleaned curl-ants, 4 lbs. for 25¢. : best selected raisins. 9c. 11). ; best, XXX \Vhite Wine spirits vim-gar, 25c. gal. Atkinson & Switzvr. A YORK PIONEER GONE. On the 30th Dec. at St. Patrick’s CBIHI’t/Fl‘y, 'J‘nrnntn Guru, [llt' inter- ment of the late J. Mchunugh tnuk place. Coming tn «(lawn-la fruit: Iro- land aittheagv (If 10. the family settled in York county, nf which ever since they have [well residents. Fur nearly ï¬fty years Mr. Mt'Dmmugh resided in Klvinlmrg. but since the death of his wife two years agn he li\ed with his daughter. Mrs. Thus. O’Neill of this city. A Liberal in pulitics, and wide- ly known, Mr. McDonnugh enjoyed the respect, and esteem of pulitical friend< and foes alike. “9 lvavvs twn suns. John uf Kleinhurg. and \Villialn in the United States, and thwo (laugh- tvrs. Mrs. O'Neill. Mrs. Lamphier and Mrs. Moaghur, all of this city.â€"â€"Glube. The ï¬rst hockey match nf the sensun was played herenl) Monday night be- tween lhvï¬ownns K9!“ te-mn and the lncals. The Richmond Hill twain won by the score uf 8 gmlls be) 4. The game was A clean exhilnitinn. both teams in- dulging in gm‘d \vurk. free from rough- ness throughout. Glass uf the local team put, up th» stau- game on the ice, while Canal and Buylo shuuld he me-ntiuned particularly. Fur the vis- itors Graham alt-Centre and Bnutll at, cnver pniut. played exceptionally wvll. Mr. A. Savage gave entire satisfaction -as referee. The teams lined up as ful- lows : Janitor, J. Eyvm Auditors. G. anio and Richmond Hillâ€"Carrol. Sanderson. Bnyle. Ellstnn, Glass. Glover. Burnett. Guwuns Kent C-u.â€"Hurey, Taylor, Thomas. BuoLh. Murray, GL-uhzqu, (Ila-mes. ‘ A BROAD ANNOUNCEMENT. MR. STEACY POPULAR. ‘1). m, and Mr. Steucy’sacknowledg- uf'bhe kindness 01" the congrvgu- was in a happy veinâ€"Ottawa IHCHMOND HILL \VON. P \V 0 RTH L E A GU E. M ET HODIST S Esra Bï¬u-ker ; the past, ye H. Stan'an. El 1‘ Miss Eva \Viley. nnv of the u‘nchms in the Humiltuu St. Public School, Tr:- rnntn. “hivh was burned Tuesday morning lust about $100 in wraps. pin: tum-s. and :1 sum of mom-y in hrl‘ purse. A CLERG YMAN‘S APPICA L The Rev. \V. F. Bl‘lHVllli'O, Ridge- town. Anglican minister. has writ-tun the. following lettm- to the Mnskok-L Free Hospital for Consumptivvs :â€"~ Dear sil'.â€"â€"l fell in “‘th a. case toâ€" day in my parish, a. young woman very ill .with consumption am! I [-n‘omised I Would write you x-i-garding hm- milrance into the hospital for con- sumptive-s in Mnsknka. The case is (HH‘ of great. necessity and charity. The applicant is about, 18 years of age. Shv is practically without, a. homo, staying at, present with a n-lative. She is might. and amiable and Would like to live. As I undi-rsbnnd. you 1'0- jvctnone on account of poverty. I cdunnond the case to you as one most needy, and if you can send meiostruc- tions or papers for application to the hospital. I will see to raising llf‘CPSSnI'y Int-ans for her llansphriation and have horsent at onco. us I imagine slm is not lwyond receiving beneï¬t. _ {Note by lemmaâ€"“sn- VVm. R. ‘Meieâ€" nn-nns {or her uunsphrlnliun and have horsth at oncn. us I imagine shv is nut lwyond rt-ceiving beneï¬t. [Note hy Editm-.â€"Sir \Vm. R. More‘ dith, KL. Vice-President, of the National Sanitzn-inm Association, or Mr. \V. J. Gage. Chairman of the Ex- ecutive Uunmnbtoe, Toronto, will glad- ly rvcohv contributions for this and several other equally pitenus cases culling fur help] Fur cnperiIH-s. ruffs and (:ollnrsat greatly reduced prices. Atkinson & Switzer. YOUNG PEOPLE. Mr. \V. S. Moone, after spending- six months under our instruetions, is now earning $25 (per week for six hours work per my. at Memphis Tenn. Miss Nellie Carson, after the months’ training, Is now with the W'estern Union telegraph company at Detriot, earning $70 per month. Mr. “L Ii. Hodgson, after four months’ training. is now with the C. I’. R. at, TWeed.0u‘t.. earning $40.00 per month. Nulm-rous other-sure being placed in equally as good positions. Our Winter term opens January 4th, and those, desiring to take up the work should enroll on or lH'fUI'U that date to ensure them :1 position in the spring or early summer. Five competent, instructors of exceptional nhility are giving their personal and individual attention to the rapid advancement of our pupils. Young ladies are, prepared for com- mercial telegraph p0sitions,nnd young men for the. same and raihvuy posh tion‘s‘ as operators. train despntchels, agents. etc. This is a profession not overcrowded, and one which will com- mand steady employment the year around :11: good wages. \Vrite at once for particulars as to terms. etc. Cun- adizm Railway Instruction Institute. Cor. College and Yonge Sts., Toronto. me the hour of issue of THE LIB- ERAL this week up to the close nf hus- inoss on Saturng night. we will sell 25 lbs. extra granulntvd sugar fur $1; and th‘e lwst 1:11-dut10c. per 1b. At- kinson S; Switzer. E! EE'I' Ms. LAmusnxâ€"In Richmond Hill. nn Rummy, Jun. 4, :1 sun cu Dr. and Mrs. L1\vl’ll$0il. .\Iondny.Jnu llâ€"zhhtion sule of 5 ncrea of standing timlwx'. lurch, ush. elm. rednr mu] hemlock (m the aust‘. mat mus. 4th mm King. the property of Alh'ed Lloyd. Sale at one. Trrms‘J mouths. D G Umu-gh, aunt Wednesday-luau 13 â€"â€" Ann-tinn sale 0! hm'ses, unh-h cnws. swingers. stacker: and nvlua at Hughes Hotel, '1‘buruhill. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms 4m 10 months. Szx per cent nis- cum); fur rush. Parties huvmg stuck or articles to dispose 01 mm‘ brim: same on day of sake. 'l'wu bug buyers will be present. Bring your bugs and gel: mm] mices. J H Prenti 0, Hunt. Thursdaanu.14â€".‘mcLiou sale of farm stat-k, ilnpieuwurs. cf-OY. 0's: In: 5, emu. '3 Whit- vhurchutbe, pmporby of Nicholas Shaffer. Sula at one o'dluck, No regerva. Terms, Lou mnutlls. D. (i. Blouzh, Auctioneer. Thm-e was grout excitement hex-e ()Vt‘l'thl‘ municipal elm-Linus and the results were a surprise to many. 'l‘hvlittle f(-IIr-_\'(-ul'-uld sun (If Mr. and Mrs. M. O’Blien died on Tuesday 1mm diphthvria. qu- others of the family are dnwn with thesumedisenso. T119 funemlof L‘hvlutc Mrs. J. GE- ]is (If limvry. tank place to the cmuetvl‘y hwy-eon Monday aftmnmm. The deceased was “.2911 known and highly [espected in this lomllity and gre-ut sympathy is feltffur the hervav- ed family. Mr. N. Um'neil and family moved to the village from Oukwurxd last, week. Mr. Col-neil began his duLiea as teach- er at Hope my Monday. iEï¬â€˜ryt‘me s’hnuld nthnd the Lib 'ury concert, on Friday evening. A guud plaugramme is l)(:il]g;_fll::pill‘(‘d. ‘__ .. a r 163'. and Mus. G. vaï¬m‘ entertained a hug!) munlwr of young people. My their home on Tuesday evening of last, wee-k. Mr. and Mrs. \V. Suigr‘m‘. and family of Draytun. have. been visiting at Mr. J. T. Saigvuu’s during the pnx't week. Mr. H. GUI-(lug is home from the North \Vost fur the winter. That’s what you need; $011139; thing to cure your biliousnessï¬l and regulate your bowels. You l need Ayer’s Pills, Vegetable; ‘ .T. O. Aye! Co.. gently l'aXZtiVC. " preu. Man. i A FE\V TI MELY FACTS FOR Want your moustache 0r beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use BEGKINGEAM’S YE Ever Pigs Sale Register. Mame @5Q9@§®9@9©§©@©93®9Q9@§ Wampï¬imï¬ Stare a!) " i "31.1%; 52" swims we yam- mm†For the masses is the test of any store. You can ï¬nd our store bristling all over with values. Our policy is to have‘cverything the people are apt: to want and yet; sell nothing but what is worthy. We quote: Heavy Wrapperette, 10, 12 :md 15c. yd. Heavy Flannelette, 5, G, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12c. yd. Women’s Heavy Plain and Ribbed Black Cashmere Hose, 25 and 350. pair. Women’s Hygeian Vests and Drawers, '25, 35, 40, 50 _ ’ and 90e. Men‘s Ready-to-Wear Saits, $4.75, $5, $7.25 & $11.50. Valancienne Laces and Insertions, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 70. per yard. Fur Caperines, Storm, Collars and Ruï¬â€˜s at; big reductions, Extra value in Colfee, fresh ground, at 20, 25, 30 and Have had :1 splendid Holiday trade. They thank their numerous customers for their generous patronage and are pleased to say that their stock of ï¬rst-class Is very full and complete and well assorted to begin the season of 1004. No better values can be obtained in Canada than we are prepared to oï¬â€˜er. 400. per 1b. Cleaned Currants at 6%, 8, and 100. 1b Selected Raisins at 9 and 110. lb. Best; Pure Lard, 110. lb. ATKINSEN 6: SWETZER, Dry Goods and Groceries g “ï¬g/jug- pay J; “:th gs . fl December 31, 1903. Ability to Provide Richmond Hill,