Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Jan 1904, p. 1

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[Single copies, 3 cts. RICHMOND HILL. THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1901 No. 29 To those years there Ills am] 511 Pil't.‘ )’()v‘llll: hub' to the. 0 system, the others are 0le :5? ‘10. Elderly people who once use Dr. Lei, I'ill 11ml th it it has nu: was lower to XV"ll('W‘ tlu-ui of the. tronb'les'tliiitnothing i di'ugglsts at 50 cents a box. .5337? LEEE’CS ENENG. else will shake ofl‘. especi- ally backache, constipa- tion, bladder trouble, fail- ing appetite, and indiges- tion. It ANTI-PILL is used upon taking cold, the aches and pains that usually fol- low will be avoided. To prove this, send to W11.- sox-Frm Co., Niagara Falls, Ont., for a free sam- ple. ANTI-PILL is sold by \TL‘ll along in ('ulllt: llC-L'Ol'tl- and ii of the ir in.»an of Some 7'), while V fining. at iiiliiii‘ilt‘s Anti- nl~ Aliiz'i‘fi‘ijmpELLO cw." wen . n 2‘ oils IS PUBLIS -EIJ EVERY Bellini: MOB-N1th AT Til}; LIBERAL PRINTIHG 5; mus a HDU RICHMOND IllLL, 02‘? I‘. ‘1‘. F . l‘iioifil ARON” EDITOR it Pxorninron. THU Hit“ or Uf. :3 U mm s {at "â€"‘_“3i,i.~iécl~f"“ ‘- .- "74,; »~_ __ I DR. E. J. SFUBBS, 'fl‘hovaghill, Lite real-.1115 n‘ivsmiinuh Western and Grime ‘ .8)s;iitult:,'Cm-outo 0.1163 Hoursâ€"G to 10 .1 in; 12 to '2. p in 7 to *1 o m. ‘ l m azifiifi, K) ensign Room 13‘, 12 Victoria St. Toronto. Best fitting- tm‘th, also replating', at lowest price-s. Good work. DR W G L SPAULDING DR A W SPAULDING Dentists Room “ In,” Yonge Street ‘Aroade, Toronto. 2% OI Telephone Main DR. ARNOLD D. A. MASON, Deli that, (Successor to Dr. T. A. Currie), Cor. Church and Carlton Sts., ’I‘Ul'k'lltll, W’ill be in Richmond Ilill every \Vud- lit-sda)‘. Office, next (ltl-‘ll' south of Public S:‘Il<i()l. Oflicu IIours~w3+J a. in. to 5 p. m. Emmi? . . 0,. 43 .‘ mam staining JOHN R. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON, 'Et‘islnruhiil. l Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill (harged'to inc. .1 ll. SANDERSUNI‘ VETERl-NARY SURGEON RICEEJOND HILL Calls by day and night. promptly at tended to. .-_.__W ._‘_ A largo amount of private funds to loan (in iiiipi'uvvtl farm propt-ity situ. ute‘d iii the County of York, at. 4.1. per cent. For particulars apply to '12: 146}th T l and at rezisunuberates. Lindsey. Lawreure t\’ \V udsu‘niih. Hour: Life Bldg” 60 Victoria $3.. .' Or tit Toronto THE Linea“. Gilli-e, Rich nond Hill, on Saturday afternoons. I “drain. 0 (E S Lindsey. K C A G F Lawrence W i:':.-:-..ui \\ ansxvcxtli T' t“ Lawn... W ailsworth, hazristerzfioiicitcrs. Notaries, 860. Pli one Main 2984 63’. =2u Life Building (formerly Free- hold Lin-m Bldgd, 00:. Adelaide & \' ic‘toria Sis, Toronto. LIBERAL Office. Richmond Hill on Saturdays. 0 ‘ ' AiY' ‘1 7" Coth d elOlthlth Barristers, Solicitors, etc. TORON’I‘O . OFFICE: No. 33 th‘l’]~ lllHll'l Ht. \VostJV'osley Buildings, {Methodist Book Rooni,) 'I‘o‘ - i-oiito. Cook will b!) at Maple (in Thursday afternoon of earth wrek. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5:. ins. NEWTON ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, FF . ml». NE. E 33?; , h. OTA RY PU BLIC. COMMISSIONER ZN THE HIGH COURT OF JES'HCE, &c. " «be is r of “llarrmge 274mm... UHMOXD HILL POST OFFICE. NM) 8»: MORGAN, Ekzsi-z‘iau-i's :uid Solicitors. Kinney to loan on land and chattel mortnnges at lowestlntos a , Aurora.“diveâ€"Removed to the old post otlico- one door west of the entrance to the (lutnrio Bunk llswnmrliet omenâ€"Three doors south of the p m Uilit'd T KnitsniuLusxox, (:‘r STV MORGAN, aurora. ‘ .umi‘ket ,-.x .3 L18 R Licensee Auctioneer for the (lmndv of You: (it)on sold on consignlL-an (‘xeiimul Fillet: oboe etc promptly attended to u: rousonablc rates Residence Ll'llixlllVlllB G R Uouldmg, Newwn Brookuqent for the above I J T Snigeon,’ J I( IilrEn-en, Mup.e Weston Saaigoou & McEwcâ€"n. Linonned liictionears fortlm Cour-tvof York. Ha as \ttouded to on short-est notice and a ran. suimblt-ratori Piitrnnsqcsolicitod ii. an; Lott-iii. License Auctioneer for the County of York, re- filiffcl‘fully solicits vour patronnue and friendly influence sales attended on the hi ortont notice P. O.ndtiress King N. Smith. Licensed Auctioneai'forthe (‘onntics of York xznl‘Ontsrio Allsnles of farm stook, (to, m- tenaed to on the shortest- notir‘e and roasonnlle mow. lilort'mrrr‘nn'llmillifi sales attended to. l licsidoncefltaufl'ville Ont ‘ .4245. -s .- J21. - R BROS, Undortiikoi's a: EmbaIml-rs, RICHMOND HILL & THORNHII L ’ .X large stock of Funeral Furnishings kz-pt at both places. ms‘m i ICHIRDSUN HOUSE Efizk131lul‘l. THOROUGH LY REFITT ED. Every Accommodation for the trav elling public. E‘REBEESlClS BACEL Prop J Paw. Death of James Eckardt. “"0 have to record this work the death of Mr. James I‘lt‘klll‘dl of lliiinn- v‘lllo, who had been Lit-ruse lnspt-(ttnr of East. York llistrit‘t I'm' the past tu'vntyyoui's. D(‘(‘(‘HS"(Il‘i:l(l been ill for about. two months, and passml away at his home on Monday of this work. Mr. Ettkai'dt was born about t H“ same plarr- in whirh he (liml. and hid spout. his. life in Iii-3 native town- ship. “P ‘ras in his (57th year, and had long: taken a drop interest in Hi,“- iirultuial ninth-rs. and in anything; tending: to the R'letl (:ftlu- (:mnuiunity. Ills I'atlu-r, (:lndlip I‘Iulnird‘l’. was burn in Markham township in 1798. tlna family having: mulgratt-d trmu l‘i-ui’.‘ sylvani-i in 1791).. Dem, ‘ id was at, tho time of his (ll‘illl‘l [’1 dent of the lastYurk Agi'ir-ultui'al Souioty. llo was a staunch Libural in politics, was a tur'mbvr and gt'iit‘HHlS supporter of the Lutheran Church, and also a iuriri- her of Naomi Lodge, A. [9.81 A. M.. Illarkhani. Helcavr-s a widow, five sons and four daughters to mourn his Itis‘s. The, funeral took place Vt‘sti‘i-dav fmouonn and was very largely att'i'nd- rd, many old friends being ]l1’t‘:ll‘|lt. frmu a long diséaneu. About titty Fl‘L't‘lllitSUllS lllHlL‘llNl in rogalia from rhi- house to tho C(‘lll(‘lt‘l‘_V, about a mile and a (piartvl‘ away, and again bank to the house, showing thulast tribule (If respect to the do iai'lrd and rsh-mnod brother. Tho pastor Cmiduuted a short sot-vict- at the house, and alter llli’ usual core- iiiuuy at the grave. tho Til:i:<<iiii<' fuiior- al SPI'Vlt't‘ was read by ll. \ Bro. II. A. Nirhnlls, l). I). (l. Id, assisted by land (‘lf‘l‘f‘dllulh at Stouffville. Surv- nJ an (hunch, wait-ll was (:ruwdvd, the Rev. Mr. Mr. 7;: Stunfi'orwand {mu smuiun was lllll)l‘t‘SSl\'(‘, and the inunruwrs wore not alone in dropping foals (if stirrmv as ill-0 pastor i'r-fvi'rvd to the dopai-tud as a true. friend, a kind husband, and a tenth-r lather. NE EH4 En. if; i oewâ€"-â€"- East York C ermtive". :10 Cut; Theaninvd Ilit't‘lllég' of East. Yoik C(lllSthiIll lll‘i'l in Malltliaui on lelmiday. 'I'lii'i'c was a laim- at- {HIV trudnnro of enthusiastic rr‘ l'(‘$(‘lii:|- llVPSEilld tho elm-Linn of u INS 11'- -‘.~'ulti-d as follows: Prt‘siflciil. Alfred Mast-u; Vice-I‘i'esidt-iiis, (.‘. itin‘. II. A. Nlt'litills; St't".\'-'!_li(‘:i§., .. \‘t'. l‘ililut‘: \V. l". Dâ€"cha-an, Ill. R, and J. \V. hinges. I'louurai'y l.’resid:‘nts. Grind sprt‘ulit's “'t‘l't‘ iiiuda by .l. “7. Moves, .‘. T. I’Ium‘hrrstotw, County Councillors Build and thter, Ii. A. Nit-bolls, \Vin. Milliken and Mr. \V.H. I’ngsley. 'l‘liv addrrss of Mr. Pugsloy. (“miser- vative caditlatv for Centre York, as -l(’_{\-"rl"t('(l in The \Vorld, is as follows ; “ ‘I am running,” he said,“ as a pit.- test against: the infamous gerr) mander of the County of York.’ his opponent should have. fought in tliudistiict \\‘Ilt‘l'e he resided, but of‘ this he would leave the 01001011; to judge. As a farmer in the lllllllg for a large ‘ttliilbri'nf years, It“ hopi-d to St’t‘tll't‘ the ('stt't'iii of tlintiinpmtaul’. Indy. His record in municipal polities for 20 yvais was brim-u the pt't'plt‘, :iiitl livliad lltllllllljl‘ to l‘l'llt‘k'HI. I'lt‘ s-iidni'std many of lili‘ planks tifiho (-niisri-vative party. and lllllit‘l‘lt‘tl in the way in whirh illl’ (l.'l‘.l’ dual Ind 'lr‘mii rushrd through. Concluding, I'm llltlilllSt‘tl to give all sort ions i-l' Ilu- iidii;g his prrsuiial attention before the. campaign C(llllllll’lli'l‘tl.” ‘mbpâ€"fl No Difference. No (‘llsllllt‘tlllll is made as to the kind of pilus llt'!l‘.-â€"I‘inltl ('lll'(‘s. The iiauivs Illlt‘l‘llill. letvrnalJBlm-d- ing, Blind. lit-hing. Suppuraiiugg. (‘ll'., are simply iianu-s of the di l’ort'ut stages tbimigli whit-ii i-w-ry (‘dr-l’ will pass if it (-(nitiiiuvs lung Minus, .. l’ilt‘s are (-aust-d by rungvstinu or stagnation of tho blood in tlu- lmw-i' INH'H'I, and it takes an Illlt'l'lliil rt-iuwdy to If“) >\'(' the cansv, Dr. Leniiliaidt's Hum-Hold is a tab- let talc: u iuii-i-ually. It is a pviiuaui-ut cure and no ('HSI’ (If piles has over born found it fallod to Hire. Money lint'k if it does. A guarantee with t-veiy package. o>~â€"â€"â€"â€" Vaughan Councu The inaugural meeting of Vaughan (‘Ullllt‘ll was lit-id at \X-llure on M(‘ll‘ ldav, Jury 11. The IIH izilIui-s exut'utrd tho (It‘t'l:ll:t~ lltrliS (quunlilii‘aliwii and of office and pi(\('(-»-,'Iml tn l‘ills'llli'SS. )loiulwrs prrsr‘ut: Mr. “'m. “'at- sou, rev-v“: )It-ssis. Jas. (‘aui' run, 1). (l. Imughmiso. Sentt )E Nair, I>;i:ll: llwvius. (‘txuux-illuis. L‘aiui-inuâ€"JICN urui- ln- mini is lit-ti-by :tllllliil’lzt‘tl In pay lul li(‘\\ IiHIi-‘iisiiii fri' lll‘.‘ Slt'li Cliiltlivirs Hospital the suizi of $4. â€"C-.iriictl. iLoador and llmmrdvit 7.3 Nomiu< Rev. Bio. lizflVl't‘llN‘. Clltll'l'll of Eng-, lot: Was :lflt‘l'\’."l}'ilri liz-ld in lllt‘ Luthor- I Sr‘i'vice bring: takon by the pastor-A. Duur-au, Frrsbj,‘fvriau (‘lt'l'S‘flllEllL ,L ilt' ‘ T. Lynn ' VI'IL‘ thought: ' 'â€"'I'li:it the tl‘i'th-‘ l MoNair â€" Ianighnuse- ~ that tho ‘Clt‘i'k lH’ lHSIl‘Vclml to Sl‘IHI ltii'tii'upii-s Municipal \Vnrld for the use (if (loun- lcii for inatâ€"tn-mvit-d. Deviusâ€"itlaun-runu that Jami-s O‘- iCounnr bu appointed t'ai-vtakl-r of ’anu Hull, sti >h-, slit-d. grounds, can, for IllU'l.â€"(l:lll‘ll'(l. Lnnghnuseâ€"I)i-vinswthat. tho treas;~ ure-r pay the fullowiuJ tocmiiits :vâ€" T. I“. McMahon, Adv. 1’. Weeks, Judge's Court of Iluvisiuu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -$ '3 50 Printing ISO Noticvs to Van-sm 1 5.) “ 1200 (lullt‘ritm'sl RPCt‘lpb‘. 5 l) “ and binding 8 books hal- ltits . . . . . . . . . 8 ()Il " .5) llip‘ntlii*i'i:i raids. 1 (l0 “ lilt) Nominating; cards . 2 (l1) “ 24)!) Mllillh-s, '«lti page-9.. } .4, W) “ 21X) Amounts. it) iiiigt's " ‘ ' alinn .pristerr‘. . . . . . . . , , ... 2 7.3 Deviiis»â€"(Janir-rnu-that, this conu- ilfll hold its regular iir-ctings on the Sf‘t'UiHl Tuesday in midi mouth at 10 o'clock during the remainder 0f the your, (-xm'pt ilit- mnnth nl‘ May, when such unit-ting; will lw lll‘ltl (an the 28th of May, during tho, intuith of July, August; nud i‘i’t‘lfibt'lllllt'l‘ lilHi‘llligs‘, 11) behold at I p. m. and tho t‘h-rk got pi'init-d IN) notices for disti-ibut,imi,. and have the names til tlir- frituv-vimv- e-rs and puiind-ki-opvrs include-d in I said iiut,i<‘t-s.â€"(,‘.-iri it (1. Cameron â€" Dm ins â€" that. the treas- uror pay the following (Gaiius tor slump killed by dog or dogsboing two- thirds \‘alni- of same :â€" Thornhill. At lllt‘ rrgular meeting held on Mon- day (-u‘uiug the following olllcvrsof Tlmrnhill (‘uuucih Nu. 12.0, lauadiau Order of ('hosrii Friends, wore inâ€" slnllml: (‘. (I, G. Rt'nlllnll; I’. (J. 0.. ll. Fisher; 'V. (L, A. Cross: Rounder, .l. E. Francis: 'l‘i-wasairei. \V. H. Ulnbiur; I’i'olato, l“. Farr; Marshall, E. Parkinson ; \Vardvn, B. \Vuldrick ; (iliai‘tl, \V. Ilt'illl; Sentry. T. (liark ; Mulical Examiner, (‘ni lrtnii. M r. (l. H. (‘harltnii of (‘arstarsu Allin, has sold his prnpi-rly thorn aiiil Dr. \V. H. i 1:; l't‘illl'lllllg to [his vicinity win-ri- he i:.. looking for a suitable farm on which to Inmate. ()u act-taint nl' tln- illness (If his \Vlf’.‘Ilt’llmlIl)1'(4llll‘llUiUlititl'lli. Mr. (il‘U. (iUllll is home nu a sli‘u‘L Visit. to his parents. Hi- reports pinsâ€" pi-ltts good in the west. ‘Wu art- plunst‘ll to sm- .‘.Il'. (lll‘lS. (luiin, aun‘thrr \\ t“s'i}t'l‘iit‘l', in our lllll s again. \'w.'n‘ llll'lt‘l'\ and ll" has taknii to himself a partin" for life, and in- tends returning» t1! the prairie (:nnntiy iii (hr- near full: At- the first mating til U7". khnui Council on Monday. Mr. J. L. Finns-is was appuintud (lfllllullh' 'uut-r for Yong.- iii., and the usual grant of film” in: iutuh- for sumo. A ruiniiiiftv- \i; i'l) :ippuiiitt-(l to C(lli‘ld'd‘ ways J I \V. “'nsliiugtou, Glslim'p l-Lill:~d.$17 22." ' and up...” 1,. u..- pnmnuajug nl' L’mé’illmlfi“ _ (lilill“l“)‘~l‘â€" “ML Ill” ; slam..- latlta' throughout thr- tawn- treasurer pay the lollonviirfig road ttt‘.~' Ship. ‘ counts :â€" mmmfgifikliuw‘umMVm-thuffi ‘ ‘I , .l. \Vuzltlierol. framing and \"Ul'l‘Ci’B Z liz'n â€"“ i ' if 7 R. Davis, maim in] and \thl'ii” .. l H! ' J. \V-ilsou, 37.5 loads at 3.}; ~. .. l?) :3Ii‘ '.’n. Kirkland, I‘lti “ 12 (it) :}1.(lllll):<, 13. “ -l 5') 5.]. Half»); “ 7 all 'A. ‘iiiylo, “ I E‘Ji i ll. (Jordon, “ :2 3’1 ’J. (Tharli s, “ 21‘s J. il'ilhlilv, N 1; ml i II. B. ssziiigvfaitu, 15 “ .3 ()5) A. Humble, 13 “ 5 Hi) I). litiiiiblt', (ill “ 23 00; \V. Iluiulrlr',‘ “ .. ti .3” H. Rumble, l loads at 100... 15 tall .3. \\"il-:Uii,t5!i_\s. iupit (i (ll) \V. Fagin, ti “ . . . . . . . . G ()0 H. 'i‘huz'ubar-k. 7 days on road .. 7 00 EJ. Kais: r, l'uri‘nian iu pit,5§ dys. ti N; I By-Iaws \i'vrv passed appointing :CLN‘. ". Arnold and .I. 'I‘ Saigum, ,aiidiiors; .lllilll Atkinson and llmiiy‘ (ll-vighinu, Asa'swrs: making the iis~ ual .‘lppl'wxllilult’ for roads and ' I bridgw s: and appointing a local Buziid of IL ziith ('uusistiug (if \Vin. \Valson, 'J. B. Mclmaii, A. i‘ilo‘It-il, A. Agar and L. Ilit-liaiulsnu; Di. luliiiismi, ‘1 Medical Health (fillh or and li.Runiblo, ‘ Sanitary Inspvt‘iui'. I :lt'N iirâ€"(‘auiz-rr«ii‘tlilit by-law No. I 77!, re. rinsing: Little Con. through Int 20, con. 0. he laid ovur till llt'Xl’. lllt‘t‘t- i ing of t‘vounril.~(‘airiud. l)e\'ius-~Imiighnuseâ€"that the treasâ€" Lll'Pl' rc‘inud l’llt' following amounts to cullot'tors 2~ ‘ (i. l“. ng'ge .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ .0 50 , D. Mcllunultl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ Petitions were receiva from :Kiuuie and SS) tithi'rs to gravel 51h ,l‘Ull.: ll. (‘rt-iuhtnn and 22.1 utluns to igiaxwl I‘Iidvrs sidt- inad: .l. \‘(eatht-r- in] and I7 othv'rs to fit?“ t‘l lit-{Wren lots and ti, Cull. ‘J; 'I‘. A. llawts and 15 authors to gravel 'I‘hni Illllll side-mad. ‘ )Ic3'liii‘ -â€" lailgiaiuw >77 tlint the l tut-\‘o and counciiluis be appoint ,tal C(Illilillssltillf‘l's of i'umls and ‘ bridges in arrurdnure with lrv~law Nu. ;(H.). as l’rilliiws: Heidi Alt'Niiii‘ fur gdirisions l, :2, 13, and 4, including iTlmrnhill and Yuugge SL; .las. (‘aiu- Eerou I’ordhisinus 7, S and 1'}. Illl:l’.ltl- ling Maid"; \Vui. \\'ai~nu for divis- jions 5, (3 iland 10: ll. (‘. lmugliunse l'nr divisions 13, ll and 1.7, ll:t'llillillj.’,‘ ,I’ine (lrnvt‘: Isaac li;'\'ll:x for (ll‘Inâ€" ions 11, Iti, 17 and 13, including liltinâ€" , burg : The ("iliiit'il made the ‘grauts for hauling gran-1:»- following; 21.0t34. (mu. 2 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . “SH ‘Elgiii Mills sidr road . . . . . . . . . . . l .) N) ‘ Patterson “ 23‘!“ Ht) Z’I‘linrubill “ . . . . . . , . . . 23') till _U:‘.rr\il'.e “ . Ill!) 00 ‘5ih (min, lots 1) and l“ 3330 Irl ’Ililglvvsidu-liiii-, (1-1:. .3 3H1) Ufl‘ Lots :21) and an, mm. is .. . . . . . 2m Iii) .'\lar~lialls é<l1lt‘lillt’. (mu. ti . . . . . l‘JU t::)' ,‘ Imts‘ 5 and (i, ('rrii. ‘3 . . . . . l5!) i'll llClxlei's Mills sitlvllht‘ . _ . . . . . . . . 2.31) no llaits 21aiid25,ruii. It] . _ . . . . . . . 2U!) (=0 ‘I{It-llililll‘t§ station sidv lllli‘ ..2élll it", (‘uum'il tin-u adjoin nml to inn-«t «I - the Town Hall, Yellow, uli Tut'sdiy. Ft'll. 5), at It) til-lurk a. in. ‘ 0:. l' '4 ' hm: . VlII‘J v.tll wlulv to. : Hui}: :thlli L'K "lib? anIJC'f 'I'rV'nl..~ \ HI I' l4'lill un IL’4‘(" uy. DUSll't-l; )' 'uinxwm: l‘l- l t~~ Eur-lusts FLéIl-ll‘lill'i‘ soil PLV‘ .‘u or viabdcut Flawlers .‘l4‘llnll l: Chzt 'J-l'.‘ I â€"‘"â€"'" Svl '1't’5‘l'll I" I} .7 of 2.3 pr-r (‘F‘l.i.: St'till'll‘ [\wrd sui‘ in; ai a dis-“mum ()f 25 [)l'l' cont: in ‘. Moths at a disc: Hill. of 30 per .‘t‘l. ‘ ‘ ' . - ‘7 ‘. : .v .1Lh.‘..:.til. L» l3.\ .l/.;'l . no“ Vino \\'(-l.\'l' d paintings at a (llSL‘Hlliii : 1 l A" U: l Backed up by over a third of a century of remarkable and uniform cures, a _record such as no other remedy for the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women ever attained, the proprietors of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription now feel fully war. ranted in offering to pay $500 111 legal money of the United States, for any case of Lcucorrliea, Female Vilealgness, Prolap- sus, or Falling of \Vomb which they can- not cure. 'All they ask is a fair and reason- able trial of their means of cure. "I used {our bottles of your ‘invorite~ Pre- scription‘ and one of “Golden Medical Discov- ery,‘ " writes Mrs. Elmer D, Shearer. of Mount- liope, Lancaster C0,, l’a.. fiand can say that I an: cured of that dreaded disease, uterine trouble. Am in better health than ever before. Eve ' one who knows itie is surprised to see me Int :0 well. In June I was so poor in health [hut tit tiniesl could not walk. ’I 941831 I :ini (uni. I tell everybody that. Dr. l’icrcc‘a‘ mediums cured me.“ I I FREE. Dr. Plcrcc'e Common Sense Med- ical Adviser is sent/rye on receiptofstanips to pay customs and mailingr only. Send 50 onevcent stamps for the clothrbonnd vol- ume. AddrCSs World's Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors, Buffalo, N. Y ltllihiil tit. ‘ (Bf Canada" l. th‘llf‘lOIiD HILL 12:71:52. â€" $§,000.000 “(Mi - 9:55.000 ‘ '«lE‘OSITS It: I it :n. lugs" linuk Dvpai tâ€" ‘v iiu'.ril~t.'illii\‘.1:l at, :3 item-.1 more 1.13.204? ii!“ 1.0;}. N : '.l.-;:nal nut. uw-wâ€" u sits pziyabli- ermlvl. . .. .a 4r:E;(('R§-. . H, ‘l’lfii‘ -:l'ifi"-" rf’t‘u- :xe 32'9') . . l . i: . ~11 ~. GENT.

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