W' ,_ ‘l’ew dvertisements. chfluqeâ€"World’s Dlï¬puusury \l a licnl .tnaoc'n Chuuue'J. C. Aye: Clmngeâ€" l‘he ltussi Changeâ€"J. Eyer It 33,, (â€"‘N Mills vs. The Witness. Ten Thousand Dnllul‘ Lihi'l Suit in Victory for The Witness. Ends J. Bidwvll Mills of Hamilton, sued the Montreal \Vitniws for $10,000 damages on account of articles in The \Vilucss rivaling with twu concerns engim-mvd by Mr. Mills, mum llw‘ turret intention-D HILL. January 1‘, 19m in; 9 Business Mons‘ linion and the Mor- rhanls‘ Prulrciivo and (‘nllrrling Agency. Mr. Millsnrhis agents (-ol- looted mmu‘ys ill [lll’ name of run-- or other of thoso conm-rns in ways which the “'ituvss stiginalizml as blackmail- int: and the obtaining of Jimmy on false pron-nabs. llonru the suit. Tho ï¬nding oi'lln- jury is that tho “'ilnrs's is lint. guilty of Libel: that the articles \\'\‘l(: substantially true,I TEMPERANCE RUM â€"..- A number of Conservative papers seem to be troubled with a fear that in the session of the Ontario Legislat- ure which opens to day, Mon. G. W, Ross will introduce a strong tcmpcr- nncc measure along the lines of pro hibition, and then appeal to the elect- orate. By this, they say, he hopes to retain power for another term. It is Well known that Mr. Ross has for many years been a strong advo- cate of curtailing the liquor trafï¬c, and he has assisted in fl‘llllllng much useful legislation to restrict the sale and purchase of strong drink. Some extreme temperance workers seem to think that the Premier moves too slowly, ‘but he has been right in con- tending that he cannot go too far in advance of public opinion. We would not be surprised, ho“u Ever, to learn that there is something: more than rumor in the reports now going, and even from a political point of view it might be a good stroke. Hon. G. W. Ross has got little support from brewers, distillers and those engaged in the business of buying and selling, and he need ex pect little from them in the future. We are not sure that even if he in- troduces the strictest measure in the power of the Province to give that he will gain the assistance of many temperance men on the opposite side 6'? politics, but it will at least show Where many stand when they have lo choose between temperance on the one side, and party on the other. There must be a strong tempcrv ance wave passing over the Province ivhen a town like Toronto Junction, with a number of hotels just outside the corporation, can carry Local Op- tion by a good majority. There is little doubt that in many cases the hotel-keepers can thank themselves fora change in public opinion. Few towns in Ontario would bother their heads about Local Option it the Licensed Victuallcrs would submit to the provisions of the present Li- cense Law. Occasionally an hotel- kcepor can be found who strictly ob- Serves the law relative to Saturday nights and Sundays, and will do his best in preserving order and decorum in and about his house, but many others will make a doiliu‘ whenever they can, and they allow a lot of latitude to those who are inclined to be boisterous and insulting. 'l‘hcre ORS. \Vl‘l'l' not libi-llous, and wore- in lllt‘ public interest. Mr. Mills action is dismissed wilh costs against him. The suit will ccist tho \\'itnr_-ss a. conâ€" Sidorablo sum of mom-y. Tlu- Mists granted against Mills will defray (‘llllll expenses, but not. llll' main part of What the \Vitnoss will pay its luwyi'rs. In otlu-r words, the newspaper did a valuable public survlvu. was put to much annoyanoo and trouliio,:tml loses monry. Therefore lot the public I‘l‘:lll:i(' that a m‘wapapor whirh ('vi- «buddy is trying fairly and (lucvutly to do public SI‘I'ViL’f‘ in such H'spi't'ls should l‘i‘t‘l‘lVl‘ a goodly share of pub- lic respect and coulidmn-o. Now, one rt-asun why the \Tilncss. like the Journal, does not, lose lilwl suits is that its intentions are hmwsl and fair; it. will neither do nur porsist. in any conscious or wilful injustice: nor, if :iccidi-nt‘y wrong. hesitate to make anu-nds: and if a. libol suit. gets as far as the courts it is likely to ho because the \‘Vitnoss is right.â€"Ottawa "Journal." 7 The “ Shareholder " says: “ The ro- sultof the suit of Mills against tln- \Vitness is a triumph for honest jour- nali<m. Actions for lll)t‘l \Vlll‘ll‘ thorn is no malice are simply (-ll'orts to gag the press. There urn newspapers which suppress the [111th in the fear nl' proceedings fOl'lllN'l or else of ul- fcnllingon advertiser. Papers of the stamp of the \Vitnt-s‘s will not stoop to such‘ considerations. and those should receive lhe heartiest support from the public.†There is no Metropolitan newspaper more respected and appreciated than the Montreal Witness. no- M apl e All who attended the Library con- cert last Friday evening were woll pleased with the programme and every number was well received. The proceeds were $18.85. Two more of Mr. M. O’Brien’s chil- dren died from diphtheria last Friday and \Vureintorrod the same evening. The otlwrs are {impressing}; fuvorablv. Mr. \V. Robson eldust son of Mrs. G. Robson of I5utpleville, died on Monday night at the home. of his grandfather, 311-. \V. \Vilson, after an illness of about four we: ks. Master Ernest Burkle of Oakvillo, shot just above his ankle from a rifle which he and his cousins were hand- ling. Thv wound is healing nicely. There was almost at coal famine lll‘l'e last week but the arrival of two car loads of coal relieved the wants of a. great many. Mr. J. \V. Bongough’s lecture at Hope last \Vodnvsday evening was very inlorvstmg. The amount realiz- ed was $52. Miss ll. Thomson, returned mission- ary from India is visiting her cousin, Mr. R. H. 'l‘hmnmrn. Mr. A. llivkonson of Crcemorc. visiting t'rii-nds in the \‘illagi‘. is Mow‘. Sale Register. Wed l'_Ԥ'lfly. Jan ‘.'7 -Crc'!ii- sole of form stock, uni-lohoms. etc. on lu‘d 'lJ. rourétb con or Vaughan (1; mile north of 1"‘Stï¬l-l. the prop- erly OH H Kirby. N.) reserve. Sale at one. Terms '.1 months, Qaiflo'n) cl: \icl‘.wcn, not-ts. \Vediominv. Ftb lOâ€"Cl‘wlib sale or inl‘ll) stock and impl mints on Sat 17, 15ml con Vaughan ., , . , - u: s t: Hâ€, 1.1 '3 ~. . are many reasons “by those in the (er-Ll‘ï¬fï¬ H ,lf,.._,;{,‘,‘c?:“*s,,,t}‘,‘,g $2.513}. ni‘eil. Terms 9 months. J H ieituucer Thu 5‘ v. 1‘ U llâ€"«Crcilit sale of thorough- l-rc hr .es and cattle. full'll stark, imple- mo .ts. etc on lot ‘2, rear 3rd con Markham, tll(l].1.lle1‘[,>' Lt ll. G Johnson. Suit: uu ll. Lumli pruvitld'l. 'leruis ‘J Lniuths. J 11 l'rcn'iro. uucliunoer Vl’ed i. {luv Feb l7"cl't)l‘1lh sole of tar nn amt-ms. etc. on lot l9. rco‘.‘ 7‘ > Mu: !.li nu. the nmpcrty of G (St A lichrth-. $110 at 11 Dinner provided 'lcrms nine lnuuths. J H Prenlicc, [Lllf‘ilnllifll' liquor trade should observe the law ’p‘.’.'.!:;‘,l§,.,% as they find it when they rcccive their license. I. At a meeting of the South Yolk Liberals held at Egliuton on Mon-l day Mr. A. J. Anderson, barristtr, of Toronto Junction, was the unani-; Inous choice as a candidate for the: 3 House of Commons. The nomina~l ‘_ t’on was made by Mr. A. B. Rice! 3 seconded by Mr. w. H. Grant,‘andl " as no other name mentioned the ' convention endorsed the nomination l by a standing vote. Stirring ad-i dresses were given by Mr. Arch; Campbell M. l’., Mr. Grant, .llr. ll.J. ‘ Gibson and others, and a resolution I was unanimously carried exprcsnng ‘ fhll cohlidcncc in the Government led by the greatest of Canadians, Sir - Wilfrid Laurior. Mr. Anderson an ideal candidate. and the Liberal speakers seemed conï¬dent that with good organization they Could carry him to victory. AV : quiets tickling throats, hack- ing coughs, pain in the lungs. It relieves congestion, sub- -‘ gherry Peotoral dues inflammation. It heals . strengthens. Your doctor will ' -explain this to you- He knows all about this cough medicine. "We have used Ayer'a Cherry I’ecmrnl in -‘ our family (or 25 years for throat and lung ._ troubles. and we think no medicine equals it.†MRS. A. Ponnzor. Appleton. .uinn. a in. V<‘-v1;nn'-‘l- 1,...“ , .v W's-:4“. is .‘"-.-v."-'W.-tv am m- 1 _ ** * , j _ _ 1 ï¬c..50c..Sl.C’). mount: (10.. “’ANTEDâ€"FAI‘ ‘ >.i.\ TO TR’J - ; All druggisu. f [."TRU. his“. 915"" “"‘11“"""i“l' - r" (“V “N‘ml†5" bk“: ' ‘7 or ‘ The i111lCl§>lllllh Shi",7 and House .' culling on! .Mli m l ag-uts. L-‘rul 5 . _" . ‘ _ _ ,, . o'. _ territory. For!“ W. i’l: “no ex; on. i 43 t J . * Drillill. did (on. )l.lllxll.\ll’:. ‘1ԠSt ass nudill‘JUl). all .mya" axon h week - {i do,“ 5| and fur :1 good hm'St‘s‘JOt'l. Money for exp 5% a . ll rilllln lirl'- ' 12‘ "m. ‘,.,:1n.g .1 , 1V to _ Ans-‘unont. Business 5:: ll mil (1; suing. -~‘ 21“": 2's» s'm' ~ ï¬v‘h/A’w'nâ€"ï¬ra' ï¬g L | ‘ will) 08-)‘ilxlg 'Riohulnqd Hi1] : tunxlarl Hum use. Dal ‘ . -hicu.;o. r 8 5 reat 8. chOV‘r ’ ‘~ ' ’ ‘ V ' ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ ’9 g ’ ° 3' is r. w. BOYhTON, Dollar. hov. 12-11} wits. who is visiting friends here. received a Purely vegetable, gently laxative; av gairtttiscmnus. 31 FOR SALE A light Cull, rising 3 yrs. by Bour- lfunii:ii<, good »i7.e-. Also four or livo young heifers. rising 1-; yrs», springing. W. \VAHlllNll'l‘th. Lot 30, run 2. Vaughan. I‘Ilgin Mills P. 29.3 0- freedom For Silll' on lot 2R. run. 3, Vaughan, a 1'" sh milch cow. “J \VM. GLEN] “NT. Maple 1’. 0. “Emotes l Now is the time to Fl‘ï¬llalt in that. Look over your Plillltl it tenets And see if they want any repairing or shin-pening. ll' they do. bring tlrom now and do not wail; till you are nordin'f: them. l-lAHROWS 0F All. KlNDS MADE TO 0RDhR. I have also two Sum of Heavy Bob- Slcighs for sale or exchange for wood. GEG. COWEE, RICHMOND HILL. lit a , . Ctllliili AND C6“) SEASGN ! I am prepared to supply the pubâ€" lic with the host cough and cold remedies in the market. Try Sanderson's White Pine and Tar. None hotter. Bromide Quinine Tablets Can cures cold in one day. Our lliVE CRGUP SYRUP For coughs and colds in small children. Our Sanderson‘s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. Fiity I per Cent. Cod Liverilil. and tasteless. For seated colds and coughs. ill. ll. Stilton DRUGGIST The Governor-General's Body Guard (the oldest cavalry corps in Canada) will recruit in this district in the latter part. of January. in a subsequent notice. ’F-‘FH- .‘l ,‘4 L1. ll lil‘lt’l There are many methods of ~ \‘Vatuli-Ult‘aiiing. and so many dill'ereul pi ices, that 3'. is dif- ï¬cult to know when the work is propel ly performed. The old method of cleaning I with bcnzincâ€"which is the al- most universal method »â€" is good as for as it goes. but the slightest trace oi“ bcnzine left on a watch movement, will destroy the oil put on the jewels, and cause the watch to stop. \Vatclr‘s I cluau are put llit'oiigh four dili'i‘rtznt, solu- tions after the lwnziuc clx-znr ing. This luv-thud romovrs all tarnish. and makes the. â€" mm h as ffll'flll and bright as * \vln'n it b-l'i the factory. I chat go ï¬ll fur “witch-cleaning, and it it Well worth it. __._ .l. __ Practical ‘il’atchnzaker if. Dates will be ï¬xed than msswVemswvba-wwwsmswv new A wax or: evens (WHEEL?) ’ll-"Q SEA?! REXREFD WARNlNG SIGIJAL3~I‘T-ï¬â€œ cry]. pimples on the face. nc‘na mubltimi or energy. tired moz'm . dreams at night. of d:p"?'ssior.. X‘J‘VOZC en}. su'. restless and suspicious. infer: the (yes, (I (“do . IIA‘ D32...LXTY. Don’t negl..l it. It is only :1 " complete loss of manhood. Kn nmltcr the c‘ " crcctncssin youth. excesser. in manhood cr Lam: .. OUR VITALIZED TREATMENT \l'll.L CURE YKI'C. Founder of YOU CAN PAY “HHS?! CUR-ED. tr. Grim-3V '1' CO- We Cuye Variancele.6lriclnras. Elood and Slain clr.oass'a,?rc statio Troub- les.’ Urinary. Kidney and n drier Disesiaeg. Consultation Free. ansiimi 1.1:: bull. Free For Home Trczti‘zlcut. ï¬hd. one. , it! its 290 ViOOD‘W'ARQ AVE, DETROlT, BEECH: WM NWV‘JVV‘VMV’VEMVVWNW Wfq‘hï¬h’iï¬m 'o‘isncss, lmsl‘fizlnvss. rarer mom- DEY. SFlelEY. “NW. W oucsooeoeoeoecnoe. : Metropolitan ï¬lters 1 res me: 3’3 .71 was tor ., . Oysters Supplied is: {lraages Etc. : A Fresh Stock of ldroccr w a homo in“ ill l Wei-immoral“ Now is the time to insure in the GdilEEEtlliiliflil l FE i a a - v .. 5' 1 fl 4 a I; ASSQoIAI‘EQ £3 Call oi write for pamphlets regarding diï¬â€˜ereut kindsxof policies. \Ve can give you any kind you wish: ENDO‘VMENT, PAYMENT .llI‘ES, ORDINARY LIFE. Specials of all kinds and JOINL‘ POLICIES also ACCIDERT PULKCEE , lfl‘fllhlfl’g a C52 G.) For; M Q.) £3 263$ ï¬t From $1.00 up: covers sicknes and acci- ‘ r dents of any kind. A good choice of Fire Companies. All business promptly at- ‘ ‘ tended to. P. G. Savawe &: A. (1?“ ’3 Ao’ents mm. “.3..â€" -- Q yamâ€"~._.....__ m lilies insurance 'ilsluir“‘.';Ԥ/l‘4 of our Coal Oil Depart- ment. The quality of our deletion Light till The automatic measur- 7: AKK'mï¬-‘T. tram-Jarirratl-r'ï¬â€˜lrï¬L-irw '~. '44-": '6'1‘175vexfaz 3.19%" is positively unequalled. ing machinery with which we handle our oil en- sures to our customers the fullest measure of quantity. \Ve are sole selling agents for doldea ight till Which we sell in 5 gallon lots at Twenty-six Cents per gallon. unseat. innervate w, l26 EAST thâ€™ï¬ STREET, TGRQNTO. '.. it a, .. ._