Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Jan 1904, p. 5

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mm (fliher‘afifl The Ontario Log'sluture opens to- day. Mr. John Pnluwr was tiimm' at the ice races lwld in Nowxum-ket on \Ved- fiésdny of last week. Mr. A.D.VV1-ight uf Rugmn. N. VV.T.. has been sponding 2L few days with relutives and frivnds 1mm. Rev. Mr. will preach Headfm-d llt evening. Divisio; Comb will be held here next; Saturday, but the number of cases is exceedingly small. Mrs. \V. M. Proctm‘ of Bunie. spent over Sunday in the village. and was the guest of Mrs. P. G. Savage. Rev. Dr. (,‘mmnn. an eat-president of the Toronto Cnnfurence, wiH preach a ecial sermons in the Methodist, hurch on Sunday, 21th inst. Rev. Mr. McKinley of Thornhill, will preach n sermon in the intm-vst. of Missions at Patterson nvxt, Sunday at, 2.80 p. m. The public are cordially Try Fairy Snapâ€"it. fits evm-y and is fit, {or any hand; 50. pe: Atkinson & Switzer. Messrs. \V. H. Pugsloy,.]nhn Palmer and H. A. \‘icholls nttondnd the un- nunl meetng of the East York Cunâ€" sel'vative Association held in Mark- ham on Monday. The Richmond Hill cnrlvrs have re- ceived notice that they are to play the first District Club Match in the Gran- ite Rink. Toronto, next Tuesday‘ Jan. 19. at 9.30 a. m. 2.30 p. m. invited. Mr. A. A. Snider 0f Pinewood, Rainy River District. who hue been visti'ng his pawnts lwar Edgoly, was in the village Sutmdny and called on severalnld fl'ivnds and former High Sch001 chums. Mrs. J. H. Dohson, with her little daughter, Miss Nmm Dohson, who have recently removed from \Vinni- Beg to Toronto, spent a few days with m- hrnther-in-Izuv, Mr.'l‘. EMCMnhUn, and children. The W. C. '1‘. U. will meet at the bomeof Mrs. J. H. Sanderson noxt Tuesday evening at 7.30. Thea pro- gramme will be under the direction of the Evangelistic Supt, Mrs. Paulin. A full attm “lance is requested. ' Mr. Arthur Pfigslt-y has been elected reeve of the village of Sutton. \Ve are pleased to congratulate our old friend. and at the. same time take the privilege of congratulating our nm't‘h- ern village on their selection as head of the municipalcnuncil. BY-LAW’ DEFEATED. The Toronto Star of Suturdav said that County Clerk. Ramsdeu had got full retm us of the vote on the County Roads System. and that the vote now stands as fullmvs:â€"mnjm-ity for, 67 ; majoxity . against, 1,975. Inukng a tuba.) of 1,908 against the proposed meme. v Our stock of dry g was never better us< presmlt tinm and no he obtained than we give. Atkinson & S he held in the rink Lhi: (Tlun evening. There will he a. 11 match lmtweon the Rive Lewis team of anunttl. and Richmond There will be two races, the “I opvn race for n SIIVDI‘ cup, and Cl and the final ht‘nt of the (-hnn ship rucefnra sih't-x- cup. Rich Hifl band in attvndauuo. RinL frmu 7.30 to 10.114}; huukt’y mute} races {It-‘9. Skating before and L-he game. Admission, 1.3 cents. RICHMOND HILL, J :mmu-y 14, 1904 The firal: from matches in the series for the Smith modal were played Tuesday after-noun and evening. The following is a sumnuuy : R. Tyndall J. Casvly Morgan J. “7. Osborne J.Saudvrsou \V Two more matches will b 5.1.turday afternoon. . Savage Sims Moolie, J. Cable 1‘3 C EPVVORTH LEAGUE. FOR THE MEDAL McKinloy nf Thm'nhill. amnivvrsury sermons at. zxtSuuduy, morning and and hnckoy carnival will the rink Lhit (Thursday) The-re will he a. buckey of dry g00d<3md groceries CABNIVA L. Rive Lewis Co’s. :d Richmond Hill. aces, the first; an ir cup, and the sec- of the champion- ,- cup. Ric'nlunnd dance. Rinknpeu m [e are p witzer. Cava-y W. Osborne J . Hume A.Niclmlls, sk .11 thin at the r values can prvpured to Stm tou, my hand, per cake. J, 51:. . . .10 played ofi‘ 1110!) aftc Matches have been played between the four rinks chosen by the President, and four rinks by the Vice-President, the former winmng by 14 points. The twu lust. matches resulted as follows : For Pres. ' For Vice-Pres. R. Tyndall J. Mmgnn J. Cuser G. Ouwie 'P. G. Savage J. Glass .11 Gr. B‘ch)onnld,sk.18 T. Ludfm-d T. A. Lumun A. Maudie F. McUonnghy J. Palmer - \V..-\.S:mderson W. Pugsloy, sk.17 \V. T. Stowy, sk.11 P. G. S:(v:rgn J. Glass .11 Gr. B‘ch)onnld,sk.18 T. Ludfm-d T. A. Lumun A. Maudie F. McUonnghy J. Palmer - \V..-\.S:mderson W. Pugsloy, sk.17 \V. T. Stowy, sk.11 The total number of paints made by the President’s rinks in the four matches was 67. while. the Vice-Pres- idcnb's rinks made 53. A meeting of tho Standard Beef Ring of Richmond Hill was held at the Dmnininn House on Mmzdny night. A full cnmplnmont was pres- ent and great, enthusiasm was muni- fosted by all for lhc welfare of the Ring. The following officers were elected: President, J:mn-s Baker; elected: President, ‘Jnnnls Baker; Sec’y-Troasnrer, James McLean ; Com mittee, Gan-net Duncan and VVIn. Robinson. Mr. Gm. the Richmond Hill Bevf Ring. was pres- ent, and explained the Inndv of proced- ure of that Ring relative to killing, division of her-f, etc. The plans as laid down by Mr. Rvdilitt were unan- imously adopted by the new 2!SS()(:ia- Linn. Speeches were made by the officers and various mvmlims pertain- ing to the benefits (If such associations, all agreeing that this was one of the host m-gunizntinns fur the welfare of the farmers, and looking fnrward to the success of the Standard Beef Ring. A racing and hnckvy carnival Will he held in the rink try-night. The final _ heat of “the‘ local champion'ship race. between the hemt winners. Lnd- fox-(l. Petliick. Glover and Sanderson, will he. skated. A challenge race for a handsome silver cup will also be run ofi". Barlow. Roe, Forrester. Callu- han, Hewitt and Lang, of Toronto, have, already accepted the challenge and will compete for this cup. The Rice Lewis 00’s. hockey team play the local seven, and a first-class exhibition can be expected. The Toronto team are now leading in their lengucand phi},y the best kind of hockey. The Richmond Hill team will present a much stronger line-up than at their last appearance, as two of the strong- est players who were unable to play then will be on the team to-night. The Richmoan Hill band will provide music for skating during the evening. Rink open from 7.30 to 10.30; hockey match at 8; races at 9. general ad- mission, 15 cents; ticket-holders, free. The Scientific American has issued anothor special number, this time d9- votvd tn the imn and steol industry of the Unit-)d States. Technically con- sidered. the number is one of the best of the special I'ssues which have'sn far been prepared by the Scientific Amer- ican. Each artiulp hears the stamp of absolute certainty of factâ€"2L certainty gained by a. personal examination of with of the plants desr-rilwd. Instt-ad of giving a. condensed account of a largo nnmhm‘ of has important works. the editors have Wisely adopted the plan of selecting a certain number of large industrial establishments. and of giving them a very thorough descrip- tion. Among the morn notable art~ icles of the issue may he mentioned those on armor plate and gun steel, structuzuil shapes. tube making, chi-in making, steel and wire making, and 'ailmuking. The number is dressed in a handsome colored cover. The Februaiy Deliueator is a. maga- 1 zine. of uncommon interest and value. Its stories, articles and pictures are excellent, and the loview of the fash- ions, including a letter from Mrs. Os-_ horn, thorough and enlightening. In ' fiction there is a mystical tale entitled The Silver Boat, by Albert Bigelnw Paine; astrong love Story from the Pacific by Eduah Proctor Clarke, The V‘Vooing of Tia; and a delightful mid- dle-age romance by L. M. Montgom- ery; also a chapter of the Evolution of a. Club Woman, the much discussed serial hy Agnes Stu-bridge. The home life of Calve, the most interesting per- sonality among the favorites of the opera. is described in a remarkably illustrated article by Percy Mitchell. A serious paper on The Cultivation of Ideals by Lillie Hamilton French will be generally enjoyed, and collectors of antiques especially will be interested in The Quest of Roxane. by Frances Ri-ilierts. Dr. Grace Peckham, Mur- ray’s article on the care of the com- plexion meets an urgent; need for just suchu scientific tron ise simply pre- sented. There are entertaining pages fox-young people, including chapters of The Littlr: Gal-den Calendar of Al- liei-t B. Paine. and Gabrielle E. Jack- son's Tommy Postoffice, and an in- teresting paper dealing with the man- ners and customs of the Red men, by Lina Board. There is also timely in- formation «in a variety of topics of interest to womrm. with espocialrofer- once to the "rods of the household. M1‘3..J. Henris Ls agent for this vicin- son’s Tommy tel-E‘stmg paper ity These prit Best, green ( quality emf: 1h. ; special aux-rants, 4] ins, 9c. 1h. ; white stare 10$c. 11).; I fof' fur THE FEBRUARY DELINEATOR‘ IRON A THE PRESIDENT “'ON. STANDARD BEEF RING. CARNIVAL TONIGHT. he AND STEEL IN DUSTRY. gm res ought to interest you: (-ofi‘ee, 100. per “3.; extra. ’=-e, ground fresh, 200. per cleaned and washed Pam-us lbs. fnx‘ 25c. ; selected rais- pure corn starch, Sc. ; best rh. 7c. M). ; best pure lard, Happy Home! soap, 8 bars r-ld Dllst washing powder, XX \Vhite “'ine vinegar. ‘nnd grocery sugar. 30 lbs. kinson & Switzel‘. Mr. W. S. Moone, aftPl‘ sponding six months under our instructions. is now earning $25 91‘ week for six hours work pPI‘ any. at Mn-mpnis Tenn. Miss Nellie Carson. after five months' training. is now with the VVe-styern Union telegraph company at Detriohvarning $70 per month. Mr. \V. H. I'lodgsun, after four months’ training. is now with the C. P. R. at Twm-d.0nt., warning $40.00 pvr Innnth. Numerous othw‘sare being placvd in equally as good positions. Our winter tvl‘l'll’l opens January 41h. and lhoso desiring to take up the work should enroll on or before that: date to ensure thmn a position in the spring or Ffll‘ly summer. Five competent instructors of exceptional ability are giving their personal and individual attvnlion to blu- rapid aanncvment of our pupils. Young ladies are pI-Pparvd for Cull)- mm-uial telegraph po-itions.aml young men for the same and railway posi- tiuns as operators. train (ii-spz-utchms, agents. etc. This is a profession not overcrowded, and one which will com- mand steady onipluymi-nt, thi- your around at good wages. VVi-itp at once for particulars as to terms. etc. Can- adian Railway Instruction lnslitntr. Cor. College and Yonge Sls.. T1 Irunto. POWELLâ€"At Richmond m”, on Mommy, Jnn'y 11. Margaret, beloved wife of Jusunh Powelly aged 76 years. Funeral from )1 er Into resmeuce Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. ' MURTSONâ€" \c her late residence, lab '24 ~2an con. SHELLâ€"To Mr. and Mrs George Sh to. on Sunday. Jan'yw. n. ‘laughsc MoxvrsoNâ€" \c her late residence, Int. '24 2m] con. Vaughan. on Tuesday. Jan'y 12. Rnrlmel S. Gimmur, heioved wife of W. J. Murbson, mod 47 years. Interment in Richmond Hill Cemetery this (Th11rs-iay,afzernuon. at 2 o'clock, quor a. short service M. the huuse. ECKAILDTâ€" “his homein Unionville. on Mon- day, the 11th of January, James Eckardt License Inspect“ for East. York sttricc: in his u7rh vent. Funeral. Wednesday, at 10.30 a. m. The Board of Henth met in the. Vil- lage Clerk’s office on the. 13th inst. M 1". Henry Miller signed the declara- tion uf office. Moved by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Teefy, that P. G. Suvngo, Esq., be chairman of the Board for the en- suing yPa1~.â€"Carried. Dr. Lawn-asnn, as Medical Health Officer- of this Board. called the atten- tion of the Board to the extensive spread of measles through homes in the village, and recommended that proceedings he take-n to check further piggress uf the disease. Move-d by Mr. TLAef-y: seconded by Mr. Miller, that, the chairman of this Bum-d is hereby requested to wait; upon the chairman of the Board of Education and request, him tn accom- pany the chairman of this Bmll'd and call 0n the schnol teachers of our vil- lage schools with a, View to taking such steps as may be necessary to pre- vent the further spread of measles, which are at, present in many homes in the village.â€"â€"-Curried. - The minutes of lush meotvingof the qup-d “:elje Ie_;I_d alld apprnved. _ Pursuant to the Municipal Act, 1897, section 259. the gentlemen elect- ed to the council of the village of Rich- mond Hill being present on Jun’y 1], made and subscribe-d “lf’ll lCHpPCLiVU declarations of qualification and 0f nflice, viz., Peter G. Savage, reeve; John P. Glass, \Villinm Innes, James quilin :ind Thus. Tl‘é‘nch. enuncillnrs. Councillor Innes immduced By-Lexw N0. 191 to :Lppuinb certain persons to office to RCI'VH the corpomLiun of the villngc of Richmond Hill for the year 1904. The by-luw was road a first, second and third time and passed with the blanks fiiled as fullnws: Auditors, MeSSrs. Isaac Cmsby and R. E. Law. Assessor. Mr. Hesse A. Nicholls. High School Trustee, Mr. Andrew Newton. Board of Health, Mr. H. Miller. Medical Health Officer, L. Lawn-1- 50:). M. D. Public Library, Mr. \V. A. Sander- SUI]. Fence-Viewers, Messrs, J. Bestm'd, S. M. Brown. A FE\V TIMELY FACTS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Mr. W. S. Moune, nftw spond Tho following accounts wele mad: Jos. Blanchard. breakinor stone $ 18 00 to 31 BecJQOZfi 2|) 54 T. F. McMahon, printing, etc. .. 7 00 Treasux or’s accnunt, 101' disburse- ments and postage . . . . . . . . , . 6 92 Punlin â€"- Glass â€" that the treasmer pay the above 'accounts.â€"Caz'ried. Illnesâ€" Tlench â€" that the treasurer remit $5 to the secretary of Hospital fur Sick Children. Tomnbn, and that the Municipal World he nrdoz-od fur thP use of the members of this council. 358% mm “'5- mafiéifif Is it acting well? Bowels regular? Digestion good? If not, remember Ayer’s Pills. The kind you have known all life. 3. C. Aye! Co., Lowe1112£asa THE - LIBERAL E The Boufd adjuuygeg‘i. Want Viduffiidilstac'he or heard a beautiful brown or rich Mack? Use The council adjourned. Yaw Lia S uh scribe for Board of Health Village 001111011. DEATHS :IR'I Ins. M. TEEFY, CIeI k. BL TEE? M. McNai 3-6:?“ Clerk. [‘oron- Guarantved to cure coughs, colds, heaves and broken wind in horses. Hot-Semen will find this an infallible remedy for any affection in ".11an0"; wind, whether caused from after eHeCts of distcnlpel' m- fx'nnl eating dusty hay. Price 500, Sold in Richmond Hill by Geo. McDonald, harness-maker. Yolu' own recipes made up properly fizom pnre drugs at. “holesale piices. All drugs and patent medicines at wholesale prices. J. A. Johnston (3:: Co... $239!: FOR IIORS [ESâ€"Gives them :1 gnnd appetite. a glossy coat, a lose hide and :1 healthy appearance. Highly reéommended hy Horsemen. FOR CATTLE it has no equal. It improves the appetite, aids digns- tion, it causes a. perfect. ass‘imnlatiun («f the food and fzutens them quickly ; ulsn a- grand piepzu-utfinn fur miluh cows. FOR CALVESâ€"mixed with skim milk or separator milk it “ill make calves- thrive as well or better as when fed on new milk. Prevents SCUHIS. aids digestion. and rapidly fits a (‘ulf for market. FOR HUGSâ€"this Wil he found :1. grand tonic for fattening hogs rapid~ 1y. Ituids digestion, kills wax-ms, and keeps thnm healthy. The stock- man’s favorite, because it, makes yuur stock thrive strongâ€"besth cheapest; stuck fund on the market. Five feeds for one cent. igfimmmmmmmmmmm‘ Yorkshire Cough £3 Heave Sure fififififi Have had a splendid Holiday trade. They thank theitf numerous customers for their generous patronage and are pleased to say that their stock of first-class Is very full and complete and well assorted to begin the season of 1904. No better values can be obtained in Canada than we are prepared to offer. For the masses is the test of any store. You can find our store bristling all over with values. Our pnlicy is to have everything the people are apt; to want and yet sell nothing but what is worthy. We quote: Heavy Wl‘apperette, 10, 12 and 15c. yd. Heavy Flannelette, 5; 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 120. yd. Women’s Heavy. Plain and Ribbed Black Cashmere Hose, 25 and 35c. pair. Women’s Hygeian Vests and Drawers, '25, 35, 40, 50 and 900. Men’s Ready-to-Wear Suits, $4.75, $5, $7.25 & $11.50. Valancienne Laces and Insertions, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 70. per yard. Fur Caperines, Storm Collars and Rufl's at big reductions. Extra value in Coffee, fresh ground, at 20, 25, 30 and 400. per 1b. ‘ Cleaned Currants at; 6%, 8, and 10c. 1b. Selected Raisins at 9 and 110. lb. Best Pure Lard, 11c. lb. Wholesale and_RL-t‘ ATKINSGN & SWITZER, Dry Goods and Groceries December 31, 1903. (Successor to C.D. Daniel 5; Co. and Hugh M Ability to Provide Richmond Hill, And have two weeks’ trial with it. \Ve set it up, and if not satis- factory the stove will be taken back and your money will be cheerfully refunded. Our motto : Satisfaction) with our goods or no sale. gtaveg ! ail Dmggists. 171 King St East, Tux-out Opposite Clyde Hotel. “'1 gimmmcmxmmmmfi $06k Fmfl x.“ r wig

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