1 The dachsliound is another German breed, and his funny nameâ€"almost as long and funny as the dog himselfâ€" 15 a’Gcrman name, meaning “badger dog." The original dachshund was used for drawing badgers, and the dogsstill are great favorites among German hunters, although the breed has become a little too dolicn‘tc for ï¬ghting such a gray old warrior as the badger. cause tia. ! The Spitz dog got its name from its sharp pointed nose. “Spitz†means “sharp point" in German. and the Spitz was a favorite German breed before he became known in England and America. The Spitz is known also as Dalmatian dog, heâ€" The spaniel is so called because the original breed of this beautiful and Intelligent, type came from Spain, and the ï¬rst arrivals in England were called Spanish dogs. That Mr. Cromwell's cure was com~ plete and permanent is shown by his return to a. profession that requires strength and steadiness. But if the disease is of the Kidneys, or from the Kidneys, ‘Dodd's Kidney Pills never fail to root it out entirely. "One day a. Dodd's Magazine was left at my house and I read it care- fully and my case was there. I bought Dodd's Kidney Pills and beâ€" gan to use them. Before I had ï¬nâ€" lshed one box I got relief and {our boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me completely." Derivation of Appellations Given Various Breeds. “I had been troubled with Kidneys, I had a severe backache and my limbs were swollen. I used several medicines, but none did me any good, and I had given up all hope of get- ting Well. He Had Kidney Troubles That? I Threatened to Disable Hiin Per ‘ manentlyâ€"The Great Canadian" Kidney Remedy Cured HimJ Completely. Galt. Ont, Jan. 11â€"(Special).â€"â€" Mr. Frank Cromwell, the wellâ€"known llack wlre performer who left; here recently to ï¬ll an important. tlieatri-ll cal engagement, in Chicago. at one; stage of his career had few hopes in- deed of ever again appearing on the| wire. In relating that experience, he‘ laid: l EXPERIENCE OF FRANK CROM‘ WELL, 0]? GALT, WITH DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS. BAN WALK THE Mohammedans sometimes write tab- le names on separate slips of paper. which they insert between the pages of the Koran. The ï¬rst; slip draWn out gives the name to the baby. They light three candles. giving a name to each, but they always call one after some deiï¬ed or exalted per- son. The baby is called by the name borne by the candle which burns longvst. ORIGIN OF NAMES OF DOGS The Egyptians have an odd ‘way of choosing a baby's name. Hindm. babies arc- namod when they are about twelve clays old, and it, is usually the mother who chooses the name. They. too, are fond of prnttv flower nann-s for their little girls. Japanese girls have pretty names, usually 111050 of some flower. "Mi- mosa," “Chrysanthemum.†"Cherry Blossom] and in some parts of the (ountr; the little Japs do not, re teive a nume till they are ï¬ve yam: old, when their .father chooses one [or them Chinese boys are given a. name by which they are called till they at- tain the age of 20; than their father gives them a. new name In some foreign lands the baby's name is chosen in strange ways. The poor little Chinese girls are thought of so little importance that they rarely get a name at all as infants, but are called No. 1, 2, 3, or whatâ€" ever their place in the list of daugh- ters may be. Suggestions to Help the Busy Father and Mother. his native home is in Dilmaâ€" NADIING A bHILD SLAUK WIRE NOW Old Grimâ€"“Remember, young man there is always roomhat the top.†Young Sprawleyâ€""Oh, I knowhthat I'm waiting for the elevator now." plgs I'eetâ€"" "I don’t want 0. de- scription of your physical peculiari- ties. What you have got to out is What I want to know.†pig's feet u a , The rule for keeping Warm is, there-l fore, ï¬rst to clear the nose and then; to breathe W91], both deeply and} rapidly.â€"Youth’s Companioh Breathing completes the circulation. The heart pumps the blood out through the arteries, which become lsmaller and smaller until they are jmicroscopic. This may be in the twall of the heart itseli or in the [great toe, but wherever it is the blood current there becomes almost stagnant. It is as if a river had de- bouched into a broad lake. On the other side of the lake are the venous capillaries with which the arterial capillaries connect, and which carry the blood back to the heart. The iqucstion whether the blood shall istagnale here or be frequently reâ€" newed is, then, a matter of provid- ing for its speedy entrance into the venous capillaries and its subsequent movement through the larger veins to the heart. This in turn is a. mat- ter of breathing, because breathing, by its suctionâ€"like action.â€"the so- Callcd aspiration of the thoraxâ€"ac- celerates the speed of the blood on its return to the heart. A deep breath thus makes its influence felt at thoee distant points Where blood is halting and nerves are tingling. The small boy who leaves a Warm house on a cold Winter morning usu- Ially starts on the run, or ramps about for a while in the snow. This activity gives such an impetus to his circulation by the rapid breath~ ing which it necessitates that the !boy is soon in a glow. Not every 'one can imitate the boy’s activity or enjoy his fun, but all can imitate his lbreathing. the thousands at people who rush to St worthy a-remedy as South American Ner~ vino as n last resort would get it as a ï¬rm resort. how much misory and suffering would bespared. If you have any nerve disorder you needn‘t suffer a minute longer. A thousand testimonies to prove it.â€"-36 Mlnald's Lln!ment Eums ï¬lnhtherfa. The reason one feels cold ï¬rst in the extremities is not alone because they are the remotost points reached by the blood in its circulation. but :also because they contain a network of the minute bloodâ€"vessels known as capillaries, in which the blood curâ€" lrent tends to stagnate. When this happens, the nerves, unwarmcd by fresh blood, ache in consequence. Many persons who suffer from cold extremities accept the discomfort as a. condition which is natural, and therefore beyond their control. The remedy really lies with themselves, and does not. consist in hugging the stove or staying indoors, or in anJ other artiï¬cial protection. "What have you got, Waiter?" I've got sheep's liver, cali’s brains, to hound game. In the early hunt- ing days of England every dog that was used to accompany the hunt was selected mainly for his speed and endurance. There were hounds that were supposed to follow the game by scent, and others who were supposed to sight it a long way off. but all ‘were expected to be able to run the game clown. Consequently. while the nalme of hound, or hund in the ancient Saxon, was ï¬rst, used for .all kinds of dogs, it ï¬nally came to denote hunting dogs only; that is why we call our running dogs hounds toâ€"day, such as greyhounds, rabbit- hounds, bloodhounds, wolfhounds, bearhounds, deerhounds, &c. Breathe Well, Both Deeply and Rapidly. THE PAGE MR5 PM 09. “MITRE Walkm; 9131‘ “Olin-'13, Que. “ One Foot in the Grave."â€"II Shiï¬ah’s Consumption THERE ARE OTHERS ure Those whom neglected coughs have killed were once as healthy and robust as you. Don’t follow in their paths of neglect. Take right now. It is guaranteed to cure. It has cured many thousands. Prices 25c., 60c. and $1.00 KEEPING WARM. S. C. WELLS & CO. Toronto, Cm. LeRoy. N.Y. The Lung Tonic nnmtmmm “theme: ' Mum hsavleah strain-gator Mmmwéddom. mmmmmmnzoramwmflu An extraordinary experience befel the mail steamer Nord, of the Calais and Dover service, while crossing the English Channel recently. The searchlight of the steamer was bi» ing used, when the man on watch in the bows noticed a peculiar agita- tion 0! the sea. just ahead. The cause proved to be an immense shoal of herrings swarming down Channel. The mail steamer p oughed her way right through the shoal, churning up and killing thousands of the ï¬sh with her great paddle wheels. The shoal was so thick that it affected the progress of the steamer. Fond Motherâ€""Well, Harold, how are you succeeding at school?†Hal‘- oldâ€"“Mastor says I’m getting well up in ï¬gures.†Fond Motherâ€"“In- dced?" Haroldâ€"“Yes; I used to be seventh in my class, and now I'm sixteenth. Oh, I’m pushing on!" Strong“ words by a New York Specialist.-â€"“After years of testing and comparison I have no hesitation in saying that Dr‘ Aguew's Cure for the Heart is the quickest, safest. and surest known to medi- cal science. I use it in mv own practice. It relieves the most acute forms of heart ailment inside of thirty minutes and never fails."â€"35 Is the great Winter tourist route to the south and west, including Texas, Old Mexico and California, the lands of sun-shine and flowers. Through standard and tourist sleeping cars are now run via this great southern route. The new and elegant trains on the Wabash, are hauled by the most powerful engines ever built. Every comfort is provided equal to the best hotels, or the most luxuri- ous homes. Nothing is wanting to complete one’s happiness. The days and nights pass only too quickly, while travelling on the great Wabash line. For information as to rates, routes, etc., address any ticket agent or J. A. Richardson. Dist. Pass. Agt., N. E. corner King and Yonge Sts., Toronto. been engaged in making counterfeit money?" Prisonerâ€"“Yes, your worâ€" ship; you see, the supply of the gen- uine article is so very, very short." Motherâ€"“When the boy in the other house throw stones at you, why didn't you come and tell me?" Bob- byâ€"“Because, mamma, I can throw them back better than you. He's mOre likely to get hit." PLOUG HED ’J‘HRO UG H HERR- INGS. Profcszorâ€"“If you were called in :1 case Where a man had fallen head foremost. down .11 ï¬ftyâ€"foot mining shaft, What would you advise?" Hcdical Studentâ€""I should advise his friends to ï¬ll up the hole, and saw funeral expenses" Elï¬ï¬‚ffl'ï¬ unlmem cures Gflfï¬el In 60‘“ mum“: Linimsnl Ems Bistsm; Perhaps no monarch has a. more curious hobby than the Shah of Persia, who is a. veritable enthusiast at cat collecting. He has a. speciâ€" men of every kind of cat 01' every countryâ€"cats of all sizes, all colors and all shapes. There are many scores of them, and some of the best specimens are always taken with the Persiam ruler on his travels. If ever His Majesty sees a. kind of cat which he does not possessâ€"o. very rare occurrenceâ€"he gives orders for it to be bought for him at once, even if the price be $5,000. There are speci- al and highlyâ€"remunerated attend- ants to look after these favored fel- ines. Hull's Cniurrh (,‘ure is taken inter- nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfnces o! the system. Testimonials sent frco. t'ricc 75c. p0) bottle. Sold ~by_[.\l_l druggusts. MARViN. Wholesale Drilggists, Toledo We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward [or any case ol’ Untarrh that. cannot, bu cured by Hall's Uatarrh Cure. 1". J. CHENEY a: (10.. Toledo, ()4 We. the undersigned, have known I". J. Uhcney for the last, 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable ln all business transactions and fmanclally able to carry out. any obligations mad: by Lhclr llrm. \HCH'J‘ «Sc 'l‘lLUAX. Wholesale Druggist3 ’l‘olgdo, O _W_ALl)1N_G, KINNAN a Magistrateâ€""So you admit having A little Sunlight Soap will clean cut glass and other articles until they shine and sparkle. Sunlight Soap will wash other things than clothes. an Vliixil'l's Family- Pills aro‘vuxe best. THE WABASH RAILROAD How’s This ! 9|- Tar I "How intense are the ï¬res of ,love!" ejaculated the poet. “Yes,†‘answergd’ the father of six marriage abie daughters; “but they do take a Hot of coal." Husbandâ€"“You're asking for so much I wonder that you have the nerve to call it “pin money." “'il‘e (detel‘minodly)â€""I’robably I call it that because I’m sure you'll come up to the scratch." Cure that cold, you can do it if you :xerclse common sense and use onlv Dr. A nuw's Cntarrhll Powder. It relieves co ds and Catarrh and cures llegdnChe in a. few moments. Rev. L. McPherson. Buflulo, N.Y., says: "Dr. Agnew'a Caâ€" tanhnl Powder relieved me in 10 min- utos and is a blessing to mankind." 12 or. Agnew's Liver PM: are hettor thin ammo and ohonpor. 10°- {Mlnani's Llnlmenl Eures ï¬elds. etc! Visitorâ€"“How long are you in for, my poor man?" Prisonerâ€"“Dunno, ma'am." Visitorâ€"“How can that be?" Prisonerâ€"“It's a life son- tencn." Dan’t Snuï¬iei to wash “'oolcns Vaan flénneISpâ€"you’ll like it. “Why, however did that little boy come to get into the water?" “He didn't come to get into the waterâ€"â€" he came to ï¬sh." It never fails to relieve and cure promptly. Dear Sirs,â€"Your MINARD’S LINIâ€" MENT is our remedy for sore throat, colds and all ordinary ailments. You make people sickâ€"you keap yourself slok. Secure relief In 10 minutes from Colds. Oatarrh, Headache or Influenza. Any man who works only for nay seldom does his best. C. C. RICHARDS & CO. the one who has lost his prorlritic-t'ti pull. "This," smiled the fond young wife, as she passed a plate of dessert to her husband, "is cottage pudding. I made it myself." The man tasted it. “I'd have known it was cottage pudding," he asserted. “You would?" she asked, delighted. "Yes. I can taste the plaster and the Wallâ€"paper. What did you do with the shingles and the bricks for the chimney?" Jealous Rivals cannot turn bsck the tide, The demand for Dr. Agnow's little Pills is a marvel. Cheap to buy, but diamonds in qualityâ€"banish nausea. coated tongue, water brash, pain after eating. sick headache, never gripe, operate pleasantly. xo centsâ€"37 M39. Wmsxow's Soornxsu Svmm has been used by millions of'luoflmrs for their children while teeming. Itsoothes the child, softens the gums. alts}: pain. cure! wind cniic. regulates the slonmch and bowels. And is thd bPit remedy for Diarrhea. Twenty-ï¬ve cam: 11 botLlI Sold h, druggisu throughout. the world. Be sure and lsk {or “ Mu Wmnow'sSooTamo Sump." Use Ifever'sA Dry Soap (a powder) CHARLES WHOOTEN. Port Mulgravc. There ‘is no man so fricndlcss as PRICES LOWER Pails, Wash Basins, Milk Fans, &0 m. John. ma. mm THE REASON FOR IT ww@@y%éfl2 RE COG NIZED I'I‘. For Over Sixty Years INSIST ON GETTING EDDY'S. Any First-Class Grocer can Supply Vou. CAN BE HAD IN USE HEN THOUSAND DOLLARS cAsn for Newspaper, periodical and Maga- zine Clippings from which to makl their selections‘ For Copy of Book, Prospectus, and Premium List, write P. 0. Draws. 2183, Montreal, Canada. Beautifully bound in green leather, stamped in gold. PRICE $1.00 The Anon Publishing Co.. oi Cam Ada. are issuing a series 01 Volumes compiled from the Newspapers and Magazines of the day. The First Volume is now ready, and will be sent for One 'Dollar with privilege of returning if not satisfactory. In order to secure articles for the subsequent volumes the publishch FOR SALE AT All. BOKSTURES. Paul-try, m. «was on Butter, FRUITS EggS, m 2221,37; “WW. 27.3552 25? g: you good prices. THE . I Dawson Bommnssmn 00.. Beminion Line Steamship: Montreal to Liverpool Bonon to Liverpool Largo And Fast Steamsh'ps. Superlor nucnmmodabion 'ur all 01mm! of vacuum Bxloon: sud Snnzeroonml are amidphms. peciarnmantlan hl! beau given to thd Second 3n.an and ’l'hlrd»0lnu accommodation. For rates nfpss-agc and :11 parcicuuu. Apply to any 538;: a! the Company. or to passenger nxent. 9 Egan 75970392917977 70h hang.“ REG-UT & MAYEE m mam [and for catalog. \Vogfvo extra vaJue. llaw Fura and canning. Send. forprlca Ital 1 1â€"0-1 REID BROS" M'f’g Col, Montreal,Toronto. Ottawa, Quebec. Dyeing ! cleaningi BASTEDO’S 35555an Tabies DOMINION LINE OFFICE']: " “Mg A Basins. 11 Ht. SAJML EL. Customerâ€""How is it beef is higher than mutton?" Butcherâ€"“A cow is taller than a. sheep, you know." FROM THE HEDGES AHD HIGHWAYS. “ BRH’ISH AMERICAN DYEING 80.†look for sum in your mwn. or lend din-I. Nutritious and Economical. The Boat at tho Lowe): Prlco erto for Tormo An admirable Food of the Finest quality and flavour. 351$??? FURï¬ For the 1", ban-end you: work to tho The Dalntlest Book of the Year. TORONTO. llMlTl Issue No . 3â€"04. 1l5 Km; 0% VI. 4 5â€"04 11 m1: 81., EAST, manure. QUALITY BETTER ’ ‘ TO PATENT LITIGATION. Song for flanubou I N A L L swarms.