IVOL. XXVI. UBERAL PRINTI '1‘ . F . Me I: the resideu Raspuulsflk IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY IVIORNING Best ï¬bti 10w A large amount of private funds to hum on improved farm property situ- ated in the Cpuntiy (If Yurk. at, 45 per cent. For particulars apply to Lindsey, hum-once & \Vudswm'th. . Home Life _Bldg., 60 Victoria St.. ‘Or at Torontu THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill, ma Saturday afternoons. Calls by telephone from Richmen‘d Hill charged to me. DR W G L SPAULDING DR A W SPAULDING Telephone Main 242% Calls by day and night. promptly at tended to. J. H. SANDERSDN JOHN R. CAMPBELL, DR. ARNOLD D. A. MASON, Will be in Richï¬uiurmrterI-iill 0ver “7e nesduy. Oï¬ice, next dmu- south of Public Schunl. Room 1 VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL $1 per-annum, in advance.] 66 l)ex1 ï¬sts Room “ A,†Yonge Street: Arcade, Toronto. Ofï¬ce Ham'sâ€"3.30 Cities 11 4- W FEE EENT. (Successor to Dr. T. A. Currie), Our. Church and Carlton Sts.. Tun-nix“ BUSINL' VETERINARY SURGEON, 'Fhoruhill. DR PRINTING 65 PUBLlSHIHG HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, 02:12 {.E.J.STUBB& Emma .E ng tee (:11. est prices. hp‘wsmiafl at Western and Gx‘nce anusâ€"8 to 10 a. 111; 1-2 to ‘2 p m 7 m 8 n m. ~ Deuï¬st, . w. EMERS ENE-satist. 12L Vict 'E‘hm'nhiil 3AMcrimm; ta ta ï¬iihsm‘i SS CARDS. E'ROPRIETOB 3i AH O N. “PM t Um replating, Good work. it. $5. m. to 5 p. m. ‘orcnt‘o. HALF CURE IS DANGERQUS. Gr Gr S Liudsey. K. C A ‘ (x F Lawrence 7 ‘ \V Hiduu: Waub‘i‘m’th Hume I: Barristers, Solicitors, etc. TORONTO OFFICE: No. 33 Rh mnnd St. \Vest.“‘osley Bniidings '(MeLhoeiist Bogk 300113,) Toâ€" HIGH co‘J RT OF JUSTICE, &c. ' Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. Newmarkec ofï¬cerâ€"71mm†doors south of the 1) :55 01104: T Hmcsmvr harmox, G STV MORGAN. LENNOX & MOB-é Mouev to loan on land and chattel mortgages at lowest rates Aurora Miceâ€"Removed to the old post ofho.’ one duct was: of the entrance to the Outunu Bank Liconsnu Auctioneer for the County of Yoxk. Goods sold on consignment General sales (,1 stoc are promptly Intended to at reasonauh, rut-es _l_iesi_\1euce Uniouville J T Saigeon. J 13 EEweg, Maple \Vustuu Saigon“ a: NICE‘VQiI. Licensed Auctioneers for the 00hny 01 York. Saws-uttended to on shortest patina-and a rea- sonablerates Patronagem’l‘icï¬ed License Auctilmr for the County of York, re- erntfully an'licits vom- patronage and friendly influence $11135 attnuded on the sLortest notice am} ab’rea'sannbemtes. P. 0. address King G R Guuldmg, nglon Brook above and Onharm All sales of farm stock, ï¬re. at- tended to on bha shortest notice and reasonable mtm. ï¬furtgmonnn bailifl‘ sales attended 1m. Residenceï¬toufh'ille On! ’Liqel‘de Auctiqnearfor the Commies of York Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, 1E3 E4i'5‘rEN’ RIIEJIJg 1m. "Vi‘iï¬Eiï¬S’. _ NOTARY PUBLIC. RICHMOND H‘ILL & THORNHIU. RICHARDSON HOUSE A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. mum J’AS. EVVTON mm: Life Bullding (formerly Free- hold Lnun Bldg). Cm. Adelaide & Victoria. Sts., Tux-onto. LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill on Saturdays. r [Yudoriukmrs a: Embalmvrs. Barristers, Sclicitoxs. Notaries, Sac. Lindsey. Lawrence Ea w adsworth, REAP] JE. THOROUGHLY REFITTED. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5‘2 Earriswrs and soak-Ann's. ‘ook will be at Map_le on Thursday ‘ [EL , "fl E‘l‘EBERlCEi BACK, Prop against, it. WRIGHT BROS 30K & JOHNSTON aftc I. M. Pl enlii‘c. in conmssxoxxn IN THE D. G. 3mm: H . ‘1‘noon of eafah week. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, JANUARY 21. 1901 N. B. Smith. with a medicine perfectly harmiess to man. woman, or child. 50 roots of dealers. or by addressing WILSON-Fer 00.. Niagara Falls, Ontario. Free sam- ple to any address. AxTIâ€"PILL acts on the entire mucous membrmm' of the bodyâ€"rclicvesCon- gestion â€"c_urcs Constipa- tion. Bilioï¬'sncss, and Dys- pepsia. â€"â€" every large gland o‘f the body is brought under its influence M113 :1 dear-cut cure established 35mm. A uroru. mn‘tu. In Essentials, Unity; in Non~Essentials, Libezrty; in all things, Charity." G STV MopGAN. Phone Main 2984 1. agent for the he“ {market Jr AN, R30}!- Cnuncil met, at Uninnville on Jun‘v 11. Members elect all present, viz., Messrs. .‘Snmmex-ï¬-ldc, Morrison, l'izu-p- er, Francis and Lapp. After each had subscribed to and taken the“ doc- lnratinu of ofï¬ce and qualification, Reeve Summerfeldt {no}: the chair. Fx-:anis~-L:l‘ppâ€"-tlint, :1 grant of $10 he nmde to the Sick Children’s Hospit- al and the hospital for cunsumptives. Harper â€"â€" Francis â€"â€" that the ‘reeve and Mr. llIOI‘llSHll he a cnunnitbee to call for tenders for the township and Mr. Morlisnn he a cnunuiltee to call for tenders «for the tiuwuship printing. Francis #â€" anp â€" that six copies of the Muuivipal \Vurld he (mien-d for the use 0le19 council. Fmncisâ€"â€"Mu)rrisou~that the council uneveti at 10 a. m. on the second THUS- (lay of each month. ‘ HuI-porâ€"Morrisonâ€"that the follow- ing luxts he refundi-d : J. Vinghlz. Stiltlltl' labor . . . . . . . . $ 2 60 J. Luvmu, dog tux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 (ill A. B. Coulsou, statute lIL-‘l‘l(1l'.... '3 25 Gen. Reesor. s‘tat'utv lnhor . . . . . . 2 63 J. Muukliuuse, duplicate assess- man 90 Lupp~FrzlulzisÂ¥lliut the following ravch accounts he paid : . . Young, 45 yards . . . . . . , . . . . , $ 4 50 F. L. Stiver, 5210:1(18‘. . m . . i I. . .. 5 2i) qu-perâ€"â€"â€"Lu_ppâ€"thut the following ac- counts .170 paid: Messrs. Trnn & Dennis, work ..$ 3 75 Hurt 8; Riddell, stationery i . . . . . 14 78 J. Collard, plank. spikes, etc. . . . 5 ()2 Fmucisâ€"Morrisunâ€"Lhut the mover. mauve, Mr. Lapp and the. clerk be ap- pointed a» committee to prepare u by- law on cmumutati'uu of statute lul‘mr. \ MT. Lapp intl uducwl u, hy-luw to ap- point; at «:oiumissimu-r fur Yonge St, The extreme cold snap still con- tinuvs; wads are blocked from the ~ hmu‘y snow falls, so that. business is :pamlyzvd; farmers feel the want of . water; thuse who huve plenty ï¬nd it no easy task to keep their pumps from freezing. Frust has entered many uf - the cellms that were considered proof Luv on cmnumtatihn of Asta'tntc Iuhur. \ MT. Lapp intl minced :1. hy-luw to ap- point; a (:0!1111|i>5iullt'1' for Yonge St, and tn pruvide its nmintvnzuu-e. Six hunde dollars was appropriated us Markhum‘s share fur 19M. Mr. J. E. Francis \vus appointed cummissinncl' at n salary nf $25. Mr. Morrison introduced :l bylaw npnninting F. H. Quanta assessm' fol Mr. Morrison introduced it by law uplminting F. H. Quanta use-5501' for 3.0 West. half. and A. Fur-step assvssm- fur the east half-of $390 township. By the same hy-luw J. I“. Dzu‘isrm and R. A. Stivgl- were appoinlml uuditurs. Jmm-s, A. Shiver. J. specter. Council Feh’y 9, :LL Mr. Hat-pm- intl'mInL-Câ€"d a hy-Iaw up- pointing a Board of Health as follows: JunuLhzm Nigh. J. A. Mitchell, David JnmL-s, A. Sunnnerfeldt and C. H. Shiver. J. R. Campbell. sanitary in- J. Drlnmn‘tmd, gravvel . . . . . . . . . . V33 32 Hart & Ridden. supplies . . . . . . . . 29 '05 F. \antnn, gin-He} . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 (10 S. Stuhl. Bet. Oflicw, ebc . ,. '6 ‘00 J. McGoldric‘k, Yup. (‘nlvert . . . . 2 ()0 .41.. M. DnVis, road work . . . . . . . 12 50 G. Holden, rout of hull . . . . . . . 4 (30 A dmmtinn of $10 was made to the Sick Children’s Hlspital, Tmontu. The clerk was inatnwted to sub- scribe. for six copies of the Municipal “Wt-rid for USP of the members uf the council and Clerk. on mail hustle and agents 101' ummï¬nuturiuu housuhuviug well established husiuca»; lucu) territory; smaiuht Lulnrv #20 paid weekiy and exuenee money mlv‘nnced; previuus exuerieuce nunecessuy; prusmuu permaucnï¬; busiqu successfal». Enclose selfluddressed envelnpe. Superintduu‘ent rmvelers 0&5 Munun 81113., Chicago , 22-12 King Municipal Council for the year 1934 held its ï¬rst, meeting at Trent’s H9191, Numeton, _0n Jnn’y ll»._ [rheialllvllllM-‘l‘S-I‘lt’ct wer'e all present. texcvpt R. W. Phillips. After sub- scribing to the statutory declaration and qlmliï¬Cution of ofï¬ce, proceeded to IJUSIUPSS. “’ANTEDâ€"FAI l Hl‘ UL PEhSUNS "I'O The following bills were ordered he paid : . .105: Biliings, ï¬alury -. . .. . . . . . . Lux-kinâ€"Armimgeâ€"4hut the treas. pay Jumcs McClure $6.66 sheep claim. Larkin â€" McMurL-hy â€" that, the ful- lnwing tnxvs be refunded : Industrial Hume, $1.36: Tux-(mm GHnm-ul Trusts Unrpomtion, $1.90; R. \V. “'i'l'kinsun, By-law to appoint a Local Bumd of Elelth. By-lzuv to ï¬x (um: and place for hulding meetings uf council. By-law to repeal By-Lzlw No. 93, ap- uinting sulicitm-for the township (If 'ing. received its several readings and pass-d. Cmmcil adjnnrned to meet at Han-is’ Hotel. Svhmnherg, on Saturday, Feb. 20, at, 10.30 in. un. Markham Tp. Council B King Township Council i1 adjournle until Tueslay, :LL 10.30 a. m. Mount Pleasant CALL 00 to Mr. A. P. McLean will Visit the Sun on business this week. \Vuod and coal are in great demand and prices very high, and nu prospect of any change in the weather 01- prices. The pastor of the Presbyterian Church was in his pulpit, as usual. Very few 01" the cungregut'ou were present, to hear the excellent discourse delivered by him. The mums lwing blocked he did nut ventme home last) night. Monday was the coldest snap we have had this winter. The UK‘HIIOHL fit/ex- registered 21 lwluw 1.9m. Miss N. 'J‘x-udge-un is spending :1 few days with hm‘ sister. Mrs. B. Uul'vel'. Mr. G. McUngue has returned after visiting fiicnds in N()ttnwnsagu. Mr. C. \Vviiniun and his Sistk’l' spunt last week with thairsistei-in Hespeler. Miss N. Recmn' of Stunï¬'ville, and Miss R. CniLis uf TOIUHL’I), have been visit ng with Mr. J. Hmvbuthmn. Mr. Rana Klinck and Miss May Kilnck have i't-tin-ned finm a few “'(H‘kii’ visit with relatives in Culling- wond and vicinity. Miss Mnlwl Nirlmls has been under the parental Hmf {01' sex Bi'ul weeks. Mia‘s F. Juunings of Edmonton, who has been spending the last, month with Mr. 1‘. Jennings, has gone. L0 join her [noun-r in Ciru'ieand. Miss L. Niclinls of Toronto, is visit- ing Mr. E. McKenzie. Miss 'l‘iï¬jn of len'idge, is visiling her friend, Miss Lever. “'0 have nuLiL-ed that some of 0m- After piles have existed forniung Lime and pussvd thiouglx difl'crvub stages, the snï¬'ming is intenseâ€"pain. aching. throbbing, tumm-s fnnu, ï¬lled to bursting willflflack Mum]. Syiupmms indicating othm tl-uuhios may appear to a thoroughly pile-sick Beginning with January lst. 1904, The Fanning \led of Turnntn, re- duced its rate to sixty cents a your. This reduclinndnes nut mean an in- f(-‘1'iul'pilp(’l'; (in the cuntnu-y it, is in he still further enlarged and improved in every way. Thu publishers lime alTs‘o udupied an important, and up-[u- dzite pnliuy. 0f discontinuing subscrip- tions, unless at unce renewed. ini- nwdiately when the lime paid fur exâ€" pires. In addition to reducing the price. The Farming \Vorld is giving free toall’subspiihurs a. gupy of The “'0 have nuLiL-ed that some of 0m- yuung Indies have. already tukL-und- vantage of the freedom allowed th-cm during leap year. Farmer’s Handy Bunk. This valuable. wm-k cnnLuius in L'Ullcist‘fnl'ln fox- I'ledy reference, complete and n-Iinble infur- matinn on every subject in cunnectinn with the farming business. It is un- douhtvdly nne of the most valuable agricultural works ever pnhlishvd and should he in every framer’s hunxls. THE LIBERAL is fortunater able to This is when Hem-Raid, the only in- ternal, the only absulmc pile. (cm-o, brings the results tlmL bus made its fame. - IL will cure the must stuhlmrn case in vxisteuce and n. lmndcd guarantee to that effect gues with eszbl'l package. it is to be had at, the drug stun-e. (ntfer to its readvrs at; a special (om- hiuation rat'e'. THE LIBERAL and the Farming VVnrld fur the balance of the Year and a copy of The Handy Book. all for $1.25. This is an eXCeptinnal opportunity which every rendl-r. of this paper should take advantage nf. VVx-ite tn us for a sample copy ofâ€" The Fanning»v “'m-ld, and a prospectus of The Handy Book. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY. V icLorm Square The Worst Kind. “WM-um $TARVEE GUT.) .Many '3 garrison has been forced to ï¬we up the ï¬ght and hang out the whiteâ€" ag of surrender, when lack of food has weakened the men past all power to continue the struggle. uAbout ten cars ago I began to be a icted with stomach trouble, also diar- rhea," writes Mr. Wm. Walters. of Antrim, Mo. "In warm weather it grew worse. until it would throw me into a cramping chill. Was troubled so ofleu that I sometimes thought my end had come. Tried mauy remedies. but they gave only temporary relief. In November. 1899. thought I would try Doctor Pierce‘s Golden Medical Discovery. 1 got six bottles and took ï¬ve in succession. then thought I would wait for a‘étime and take the one left. Soon found I had symptoms of the trouble coming back. so took the sixth bottle and it cured rue. I have enjoyed the best of health this summer. and the credit all belongs to your ‘Golden Medical Discovery.’ I can't express my many thanks to Dr. Pierce for his remedy, for it (lid so much for me. Words can- not expressho‘w severely I suxlered. EH4: express my many thanks to Dr. Pierce for his remedy, for it did so much for me. Words can- not express how sevcre)y I suuered. I "If any doubt the above statement let them address me. and I will lake great pleasure in inswcriug." Recelivtzd in Shvings’ Bank Dvp‘ ment and interest allowed at Dr. Piérce's Pleasant Pellets cleanse the bowels and stimulate the sluggish liver. Salem Banking E Transacted. NEWEST SURRENT FINES Money Learn-(I on nnnzcrs Salv [\mr, . Bunnie Hate I (La-ms Mlpplicd E’rrnm Practical Watchmaker H l (31‘ l‘ngnnal lies! Notice of withdrawal szu‘y. Alldwpnsits on demand Ripans Ripans RICHMOND HILL nthm- particulars call at the Bzmk. “'utoh buyels invariably ask the question. “ \tht make of watch is the host ?" Ye-ur by year we heroine more im- prt-ssvd with the fact that, tho bx-st is the cheapest in the end. ‘ The mljusted Humpden mave- mI-nts keep better time than amy other American made nu-vvnwnts. Thoy cost, considerably more than the well know ‘1 \Vul- than) 01' Elgin watches. but tbl‘ ï¬ne rate they hold makes them \vvll Worth the diffvr- ’enw in the price. The lowest gram 5 at: worth $8.50. Full jcwetlw. $11.50. Fun jewelled, ndiustul to temperaturz, smear. Fu.l lewe'led. adlusted to temperature, 1ch positions and isochronism, $26.00. Highest grades, $56.35. Thg above prices Include a nickel .msa JERRY SMITH Only. ()f C an ad a [Single copies, 3 cts. J'.VV.O Tabulps cure nausea. Tabules. DEPOSITS bales cure torpz’d Tlv 1 $=.999-009 not neces- payable ls 3111621: 6:55 N0. 30 Izn't