Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Jan 1904, p. 4

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Not. takcn an activc part; in municipal and political affairs. For two years he was a member of the Town Coun- oil, for eleven years he was on the School Board, has been chairman of the West York License Commission- ers, ‘and is Vice~President of the \Vest York Liberal Association. The new appointment should give every satisfaction. that town. House was es ago as an out to the pn an officc Business, The bye~election in North Oxford 1;) fill the vacancy caused by the tragic death of the late Mr. Patullo, will be held on the 26th of January. A week ago it looked as if there would be a three-cornered cfintest, but the prohibitionist has withdrawn leaving the field for the straight; Grit and Tory. It is claimed that before the temperance candidate withdrew Many Conservative papers, during the last few weeks have made them- selves appear ridiculous by asserting that the Lieut. Governor should have dismissed the Ontario Ministry, and not allowed them to call the House together until the election trials were disposed of. Even Mr. Whitney saw the absurdity of the proposals. One of the first things the Leader of the Opposition said when he arose to rc- ply to the address was that “ in his opinion his honor adopted the safer and wiser course, as the Government had a majority in the house.” Customs was decided upon. Mr lice is a gentleman of good ability Since coming to the Junction he ha he received the assurance that the Ontario Government would, during the present session, introduce temper- ance legislation which would he sat- isfactory to the prohibition party. Mr. Tribunc It has been announced upon au- thority that the holding of the Gen- eral Elections has been postponed until after another session of Parlia» nient. It is said that the House will be summoned about the tenth of March. It seems that the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway have asked for certain modifications in their c'mrter,nnd these the Government do not feel inclined to grant without the consent of Parliament. Every person who takes an inter. est in politics should read the speech of Mr. J. P. Whitney in the Local House, and the reply by Hon. G. W. Ross, as given in Tuesday’s dailies. Then they can judge for themselves. bu. 'pl for well establiabod Bruise in a. few counties, calling on retail merchants and agents. Local territory. Salur $20.00 per week mm expen- (as nuulmounIJJ pawns in cash each week. Money for axpeuzes advanced. Position per- manent. business succesxlul and rushing. fitsudm'd 1109.95, 830. Dem-born St. Chicago. Nov. 12-26 wks. Messrs. Eugene Cane. Chas. “'ehb and H. \V. Elem-y are the Nm-t‘h York License Commtssioners for the pres- gmt year. The vital statistics for the township of King for 1903. as registered with clerk were 101 births. 68 deaths, and 30 marriages. James Bliss of Buttonvme. died on Friday. 15”: inst. in his 07th year. Deceased was 6!. native of Norfolk. England. Interment at Buttnnvilie Methodist Church hesday. Dr. Mills, for many years President of the Guelph Agricultural College. has been appointed a. member of the Railway Commission. and it, is expect~ 0d his place Willbe filled by I Mr. Geo._ {1, Cree-hum}. ' HILI \‘VANTEDâ€"FAITBFUL PERSUN T0 TRAY. ,h an extent N )intc Jerry Sm Atkinson Dr] B. Rice' editor of The 111/)!” UIXHKIUII [01‘ :l pt'l'lllfll‘f It‘ll )‘I'IH‘S ';1fimmm. .4 Toronto Junetmn, has been ,: o a- . ~_ - ,.,‘ Conector of Customs for The Junction Customs 5 established about 5 years outport of Toronto. and up sent has been conducted by 1‘ of the Toronto office. however, has increased to a -. \ 1 - _‘ > -. ‘1‘. . v - --W~«vna"¢ u.«.~«. - .. «v v..« I Falling hair means Weak hair. ‘ : Then strengthen your hair; extent that a collector of‘ ; feed itwith the onlyhairfood, i was decided upon. Ml.» Ayer’s HairVigor. It checks ' 1 falling hair, makes the hair ' "mulmnnn nF nnnfl abilitv.‘ News Notes. Ad witter A Nichans wry Madlcal Aaaoc'n munry 1904 ilS barrister. abuse” by to contest the Gent-1' An invc ing to alh rout!) civ been mud An investiautinn is being hvld ing m «Ht-ng1’ irregularitivs in the mutt) civic vleutiuns. AH-vsts I hem: made and snmmnnses i55ued sevvml pl‘ulnilll‘nt citizens. NéWnnu-kotis to \‘ntt- on a by in which it is pl-npnsod to grant sum nf $10,000 In " The. Davis Len Company, Limited. Also exmnp fwm lnxutmn fox-n poriud often )‘I The Blacksmith Shnp and House at Dullzu', 3rd cnn. Markham. First- cluss stand fur a good horseshoor. .‘For particulars 11pp3yfiqm_ 'GEO. CO\V1E,'Riclllxxon<l Hill. tf. or to P. \V. BOYNTON, Doihu'. (the oldest cavalry corps in Canada) will recruit in this district in the latter par: in u subsequent notice. THE - LIBERAL \ Char-ea to Join a Club That Make sud Save lhmey for You. Everybnu should Ju‘u the Mutual “Sewn Muv sic Club of marina. Tum-e is arming else mm it anywhere. u costs almoct toy-in and tho benefits in laws are woudN-fu't. nerumes you $0 lll'chflse huvhsand .ou‘ iccls. music and musical astrumfinte at spcczn cut ~icx~s. It secures tu- ducedfi-M-s m: many hotels. t answers questions frees»: yharge. If, out-rs Honour-shins null valua- ;ble (‘le prizes to members. It mfinmm club Irooms In many cities to! 1:5 members. In addition. xe‘rery member receives moor-1:15.! magazine enu- tlcd “ Ev'ry Month” amxhucatioa In 3 ohms hy lzselfJucludlng 6 pieces 0" high-class vocsi and in- :trumautsl mmlauuu site) each month without extra. char e- 12 [flees in one yezu‘in an. You mm on 11!. o THESE mums FOE Air 3081‘ NOTHISG. 7 The run yearly memtrewbg {.36 is OneDollnr for which you so: all above, a you may with- d'mw any time within three months 11 you gain: to doso amigo!- ynnr dollar back. If you \don't care son-pen :UJO. sand 25 cents for three ,xuouihsmembunhlp. Kobody can anon to us this otter by. You will c vou: money has in ‘value man times over. ufl particulars will be sen: tron o chm-n. but I: you are . 53 yo will Head in your roquezt rnr members p wit the ‘nl’hpi'l' ten on once. Thees mmfluaomonlha mem- Vbex'smp ofl'or \Slll icon chem: Write at once ad- Ldmingyou: Pfler and one nslng “.00 to: full ymr'shmteckamml) or twenty-nu: mu for three men 1 o “TVA! ERIFRY $117510 CLUB 131% Nann- 9‘.‘ N. Y. Ody. For $3.29 or Rent Cavalry Recruits The Govenmr-Gleneral‘s Budy Guard CGUGH AN?) (KPH) SEASGN ! I am prepared to supply the pub- lic with the best, cough and cold remedies in Lhe market. Try Sanderson's Emulsion 01 Cod Liverflil. Fifty per cent. Cod Liver Oil, and tasteicss. For seated colds and coughs. For Coughs and colds in small childn'n. w. A 3mm DRUGGIS‘I' Sanderson’s White Pine and Tar. None better. Our Bromide Quinine Tablets *an cure a, cold in one day. Our anannary. Dates will be fixed Subscribe for HlVE CRGUP SYRUP 1urkot is to wm- nn :1 hy-luw 1 h it is prnpnsod to grant the I1(),(N)() In " The Davis Leather y, Limited. Alsn exmnplian mtlon fox-n poriud often yt-arsr. m C. Robinvtto. the WWII-known . has hvvn unanimously y the UP!)th Thmntn Lilwmls it the riding in thoir lwhnif at *1-211 Dominion Elections. lwinz hvld nw- T0- mve fur If Yaw Have Any Spare Time In every community this winter to whom we can send lists of expiring ‘uhscriptions for l'(‘I]F"WJi, also to uh- tuin new subscriptions. The pay is the largest; nifvred by any first-class nmgnzino, and the assistance I'vndrâ€"rod snhscriptionvgettei‘.c the most, helpful. Any person of average intvlligence and energy can earn much mm-v in this way than could be earned in any mdinzu-y salaried position. At least. will be enrnvd in commissâ€" inns and cash prizes by our representa- tivos within Lhe next six months. Write tn-dny fur our propnsitiun and special methods of work. THE SUCCESS COMPANY, University Bidg., New York. The proprietor of Sunnyside Hard of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Im- proved Uhester white hogs, lot 32, lst con. Markham (Thornhill) has for sale some good young stock. VrrlfinrnllgE-bred buff and bag kept fur service 01) tjle Premises. ~AAnunvp . ‘- The Liberal for $1.75. Subscribe N owv ! ThrPe thnusand dollars to loan at n ulnw mu- of interest on first-mort- gage fm In pl'npm-ty. :Appl‘ynt. A light crd Heing 3 yrs.. by Bnur. bonnais, gn'x] s 7.9. Also four or five young heifers‘.‘1 Esing 3 yrs., springing. -7. v . nvvv‘vnmn Money To Loan \Ve will send THE WEEKLY SUN from now to lst January, 1905. in combination with Every Farmer should keep “'05.: three words censtanl‘. in mind and conduct his farm on strict business principles. Guess work and haphazard methods are no longer used by successful and up-to-date far-- Hers. Paper, you will get the very latest and most accurate in- formation regarding your busi- Every Farmer in Canada should realize the full value of the service THE SUN has ren. dered him in a public way. It was due to the action of THE SUN in giving voice to the opinions of the farmers that the law rotating to cattle guards, drainage across railâ€" ways, and farm fires caused by ruiiwu)‘ lacomotivos ‘has been amended. By reading THE VVEEKLY SUN, the Farmer's Business THE SUN'S market reports are worth many times the sub- scription price to you. SUNNYSIDE FARM 49‘ f, 1w; derstismtuts. We wan We Want a Representative FOR SALE : want to make you a Proposition for its Use. w Ufi‘fl w. WASHINGTON. $50,0305620 i‘iigi' LIBERAL OFFICE. Q01; 30, con 2. Vaughan. Elgin Mills P. 0. bTGI GOODERHAM, EYES?” Pxnpriotar Erna. 3%fi@§®§®$®§§3@§2 Dr. Spinney a; co. Consultation Free. Cures Guarantaad. ‘ 2‘99 Wood- @R SPWNEY 3? @G wow a my Detroit. Mich. Largest Established, Most Successful, Reliable Spacialists in Diseases of Men. $®Q®§$§§Q®§ 4QQS§§§®SQ§Q$QQQ Founder of Dr. Spinney & Co. ow. SPmNEY, Mama? is positively unequalled. The automatic measur- ing machinery with which we handle our oil en- quantity. We are sole selling agents for sures to THE Which we sell in 5 gallon lots at Twentyéix Cents per gallon. gfifiggfi Widen Light GEE {ACCIDENT PGLICIES Fim Emmamfi Wafi flyem Call 01 Write for pan1p1119ts I‘szn'ding different kinds of poligips.‘ \Ve (zap give, you RUSSELL HARDWARE 126 EAST KING STREET, TORONTO. Sth . Mavawe- a), a. any kind yuu wish :' ENDO‘VM ENT, PAYMENT LIFES, ORDINARY LIFE. Speciab (If all kinds and JOINL‘ POLICIES also From $1.00 up ; covers sicknes and acci- dents of any kind. A good choiCP of Fire Companies. All business promptly at- tended to. fifigEERmfi-fi U ASSGGEMION our customers the fullest measure £8 Now is the time to insure in the nasrsliiké'VbEBpéémona ‘0 thé‘ afflicted in order cure their paxronage. We cure to stay cured. Stricture, Varicocele. Nervous Debility. Blood D V'Jenknws. Kidney and Urinary Diseases and all diacal tninhcrilnnce, habits. excesses, or the results of speci The many: that our spec not want to 1 cuer of Vari éhonest pass _chargen will in! and sweet: For 'Paz Mafiwé, @mgl mama 155nt services. ‘ TATION Puma. SPECIAL HOME TREATME a Who Cannot (2811. Question Blank Sent Free. W rs of our st tremmcnt lated a Stricu than! injurious : as 905511116 for ca for nd 1 $3 NEE :ssfu] practice in Detroit roves men is safe and cumin. cu do maimed for life in trying to be and kindred troubles by surgical SAFEAND Posn‘xvx: CURE iu the m injurious aim vefhcts. Our mde for mu .nLious. skill- SE23 A gents. ad Diseases. Jiacapes dye spcmiic d15- 3f

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