Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Jan 1904, p. 5

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“@119 “fiéifirz Regular m mund on Fri‘l Mr.Ax-thur Pngsloy. roovo of Sutton Sp 'nt. over sunduy with relatives hex-e Miss \Vinnifl'vd Nr-wll tn. nmdvn shm't‘. visit; \here this work. Miss L. staying fm The Mann Curling Cluh McDonald‘s I (lay) evening Mré. \V. H Dr. Cmfltm- unix Friday, on rocviving his father was ill. ' home Sunday night. Mr. Harry L. Blown, Trm‘vlling Passenger Agent fur the (‘3 P. IL, Winnipeg, is spending a few days with his parents how. The congregation of St. Paul’s church, 7th (:on. Vaughan. intend hnlding :11mivm-s:wy SOl'ViCC‘S Sunday, 3:111. 24. Thvy Lune been furlulmto in again securing the snrvicvs of Rev. Mr. McKenzie of China. SDI‘ViCE at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Messrs. H. A. Nicholls :m Davidson. Cnunty Auditor menced their work of :mdi County accounts this morning Treasurer’s office. Friday evening ( Social Evening at t‘ A good lllllsil'fl] Guessing C(mtvvst features of the evc vited. Division Com-t lasted minutes Saturday. the on a judgment summons, 8!: Powell, $16.77. A cnun made, but stayed on pnyl month and Conduct mum R. \V. Bro. H.A.Nicl‘mlls, of Toronto East, Disuict A. F. 85 A. M.. willifxpen :1 x of Toronto East Distinct Nu. 11m, A. F. :35 A. M.. will open a now lodge, to be named King Edward. at, Sunder- limd on Tuesday, Jun'y 26. On the 27th he will pay an official visit; to Brock Lodge at Cunningbon. and will from thence proceed to Richardson Lodge of Stoulfville. which he will officially visit on the. 2%th. The R. \V. Bro. would be pleased to have the support (if brethren from any of the sister lodges at the opening of King Edward Lodge RICHMnND HILI. Our pleasure is your pleasure. At- kinson & Switzer. v The fullowing is the rpsult (sf :1 rifle mcbice of the Victoria Square Rifle Club held on Jan’y 16: A. Qunntz, 81: W. Scutt, 75; T. Read, 68; G. Furest‘ er, 66; C. Read, 5:3; J. Lever, 51. Vaughan Agricultural Society have elected the. fullowing officers for the ensuing year : â€" Honorary President, VVm. Farr; President. A. T. Orth; lst. Vine-Pres., T. \anlace; 2nd Vice- Pl‘t‘S., M. Realm“); Directors. A. Farr. A. \Vitlwrsponn. l). Lunghnuse, A. L. McNeil. Wm. McClure. Harry Creigh- ton, Thomas Smyth, John E. Ellintt, Gm. F. \anlzmu: Auditors, D. Mc- Kenzie. Alex. McNaughton. Miss Examine the quotations in ad. this week. Atkinson & Afancy dwss carnival will he held in the skating rink, Thm'nllill, on the evening of Saturday, Jan. 23, when the follnwing pl-lzvs will be given: best; lady’s costump, fancy lump ; best gent/s costume, box of cigar-s; best, girl‘s costume. glass ten sot; best, boy’s costume, pnirof hockey skates. Good music provided. Admission. skaters. 15 cents; nnn~sksltm-s. 10 cents. Rink open from 7.30 to 10.30. PAINFUL ACCIDENT. Mr. Albert Glass suffered a. painful accident during the first, half Lime of the hockey match. Thursday evening. He was struck in the font by an Up- oneut’s stick, but continued to play 0 the end of the match. He consult- ed a doctor the nvxt morning. but, fm- several days it could not, be told Whether any bones were fractured 01- um; so much was the font swnllen. Albert will be confined to the house for some timv to» come, but apparently no lmnes are broken. See the 12$c. prints that, we are jub- bing at 7c. yd. Atkinson & Switzar. HOCKEY MATCH. The hockey match played ht‘re on Thursday last was the fastest, game seen here for some time. Th0 Rice Lewis team play first-class hockey, but are inclined to mix matters a little too much. The game resulted in a tie. Bgoals each, and mvin tn the late- ness of the hour it was ecided not to play ptf tbe_draw. The local race was -v. , h” \_‘J fetfiigk of Richmond Hill. in easy fashiun from F. Lgdfqrd, J. Glover retiring after the fifth lap from an injury to his knee. The. open race was hotly mntested, Jas. Forâ€" rester winning in the last, lap from Fl’l‘d Robson. Roe, Barlow, Comhan and long, all of Toronto also started. Grunt guest OFFICERS ELECTED. n Court lasted only a, few Saturday. the only case being nt summons, Shem-down vs. $16.77. A commitment was tstayqd on pnynmnt of $2 a RIFLE PRACTIGE Pugsley‘ wian -r arrived frum Ottawa (:Piviug :I. tplvgmm that sill. The Dr. returned of Gl'm‘onlmx'st at the Pnrsnnng letin 1y cw u‘n' ing CARNIVAL. 1g of this week will be ll. the Epwm'l 11 League. 'Hl progl-mnme and a L‘St will be mnong the evening. All are in- ing‘ of evening ‘ ‘zommil’loe of the requested to nwot in rigs §hqp this (Thurs- Nicholls and J. R. ry Auditors, com- >rk of auditing the of Newmarkot. w ys with her aunt, mum hex-y nf Tomm- wiLh relatives mrt Richâ€" 21. 1904 nf Sutton I). D.G . M. our large S w itzer. a}; the this 11m, At Richmond Hill, Victmin Squaw and Hmulfm-d Methodist, Churches m-xt Sunday will he Missin‘mu-y Sun- day. Dix ‘rannnn, the highly accom- plished General Superintendent. will prvnrth at Richmond Hill morning and evening, unrl the Run Mr. Farewell, who hns rendered efficivnt survive and has 50911 the mission Work of the chum-l] in Manitoba. will preach at Hemlfm-Ll in the morning and at Vic- tm'iu Square in t‘lw :Ifterumm and e\'- ening. All collertiuns for missions. wenthvr Switzor. lll fix wards Hml-hm-o. Yesterday Rich- mond Hill sont four players to New- market, to play against one of the lam-Vs 1~inks,:md Newmarket. sent a rink here to play with unnthor of Richmond Hill‘s fours. At pr- nmrkut the Hill \vun by 6 shots, and Lin-d New‘markol hero. Richmond Hill has yet to play the finalgame with the Tm-ontos or Grunites. Goods thntm-gue their own cause: Fine prints at 10 and lzgc. ; wrapper- otts, 10c. ; fine flzmueletts at (i. 7. S. 9, 10 and 12c. ; heavy Loch anond Shh-Ling at 10, 12 and 150. yd. Atkin- sun & Switzer. Twn more, matches have been played by (:11le teams for the Smith medal, with the following results: P. G. Savagv “7. Eyol‘ F. Mn-Uonaghy A. thdle J. Palmer J. Michael VV.H.Pugsley,sk.23 A. G. Savage,sk.10 T. A. mem T. Ludford G. P. \Viley E.\Bal~ker Gr. anie W'.A.Snnd9rson M. Boyle. sk.. .19 G. McDonald, sk.18 The semi-finals are to he playvd next Saturday, the rinks to he pitted against each other to he Pugsley vs. Nichulls; Boyle vs. Moorlie. Mr. S. Bolton of Albeita, B. 0., a stepson of Mrs. Bolton, who is a sister of Mrs. Wm. Nicol of this village. was among the sufferers on the steumei-Clallam, that Went down in angry waters off the British Columbia coast on the 8111 inst.‘ Mr. Bolton, who is 2L barrister. and his young wife, were on their wedding trip returning from California. The hnslmnd saw his wife placed in the second bout that was lowered, and then stood back to take his lesser chances with the other men. He saw the boat swept away in the darkness and engulfed. He him- self was picked up out of the sea by the Holyoke’s crew an hour later. The friends here have not yet, heard whether Mr. Bolton recovered from the expnsure or not. A very sad event last week was the death of Mm. \V. .l. Mortson. of the srcond concession of Vaughan. at, her home on the morning of Jan’y 12. During the full her home endured‘ severeuffliction in the protracted ill- ness of Mr. Mortson. then their daughter suffered for weeks from an attack of pneumonia, and her consti- tubion, never stmng. appeared effectâ€" ed by the prolonged strain of nursing. It was hoped. however. that; :1. change and rest might, bring back the vigor, but Dr. Musgmve, whom she went to Toronto to consult. gave her no hope of final recovery. having discovered an internal growth which he said sooner or later must prove fatal. She came home discouraged and exhaust- cd and never rallied, But all through her weakness he: trust in the Saviour was nnwnwring. and while strongly attached 00 her husband and children, in hrightm-ss and hope she approach- ‘ed the valley. In death's cold hand was no terror. On Thursday, the. 14th, :1. large concourse of friends fol- lowed the remains to the Richmond .Hill cemetery. Rev. Mr. Campbell conducted the services at. the house and at the grave. Mrs. Mmtson \y_as l l Mr. \V. S. Moone‘, after spending six months under our instructions, is now earning $25 5391‘ week for six ‘hnurs work [)l‘l' :iy, nt anpms Tenn. Miss Nellie Cut-sou, after five months' training. IS now with the “793mm Union telegraph company at Debriot, mil-nng $70 per month. Mr. \V. H. llndgsnn, after four months’ training. is nuw with the C, P. R. at, ’I‘weuanL, earning $40.00 per month. Nuuwrous othvrszu'e being placed ill equally as good positions. Our winter term opens January 4th. and those desiring tutukn up the work should enroll on or lwfure that date to ensure ; thou: a position in the spring or early : sunnnmu Five competent instructors E of exceptional ability are giving their gpersonnl «‘lnrl individual attention to 1 the rapid ad 'nnceiuent of our pupils. 1 Young lildlt ; :n-e’prepnred for com- , Inercial tale mph positions,and young men for Lin- snme and railway posi- tiuns as ope ltHi'S, train dospatchels. ‘agents, etrx This is a profession mat overcrowde . and one which will oom- mimd stva ' 7 employment, the year around at El 'xl Wages. “'rite at once for particui; :s as to terms, etc. Can- adian R:lil“’ly Instruction Institute. Cor, College and Yonge Sts., Toronto. THE DISTRICT CUP. I‘l‘m {ix-st. series of mntchos for the siricb Cup in District No. 1 was hold van-inns rinks in Tux-nutu on Tues- _v. Duringthoduy Richmund Hill sh (lvfented Port Hope and after- u-(ls Scul'lmro. Yesterday Rich- ond Hill sent four players to New- nrket to play against one nf the lu-r's 1~inks..~1nd Newmarket. sent a nk here to play with another of awfraitrhrffil Thembor of the Methodist Church. Our sincerest expressiuns of sympathy are extended to the faunlly. Buy Fail-bank’s Fairy Sun . Gold Dust washing powder and ganiLnl-y snap. Save the labels and get the nice pictures they nifcr. Full stock of these goods at Atkinson & Switzer’s. MISSIONARY SUNDA Y. A FEW TI MELY FACTS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. A SAD HONEYMOON. FOR 'ng-llp»5:l]e hK’I'e Wei-amides. Atk PASSED AWAY. THE MEDAL. Atkinson cold Owing to the iHm-ss of the Librar- ian. Mr. Law. the Public Library and Reading ann have nut Iwnn' ope-n for n. few nights. Until further notice Mr. A. J. Hume will he at, the Library Saturday and Friday evenings when books may be exchanged. Monday. Jun. 2 Trent's uol . con 0. King inn-plements, Vaughan in} IT erly of J H Ki Terms 9 mun Thursday, Jan 23 implements. E\Iint1,lot H months. Sm the property of No reserve. Tern & McEweu. aunts Wednesday. Feb. 2 We Lunch prm Prentir-emu Thursday. Feb bred horses Frimmy. Fol» 12 â€"Auction sale of farm stock, 1m- n101nents.otc., the propertv of John Hnwgill. near Pine Grove. Terms. niuo mus Saigeon & McEWPn. nuoLs Wed!)vsdfly,Feb174011311“. sale of farm stock. implements. etc. nn lot 1!). rear 6th con I\lm-1~.h.uu. the property of G & A \ich‘thv. Sale at 11. Dinner provided Terms nine months. J H I’l‘entlce, a‘uotlonenr Wednesday. Feb 17â€"Auntiou sale a! farm stock, in1plen1<~nts,etc.. the propertv of John G. hnueth, near Woodhriga. Perms. nme month; Saigeo'u dz McEWen ancts‘ Ayer’s Pills are good liver pills. You know that. The best family laxative you can buy. They keep the bowels regular, .7. C. Aye: 00.. cure constipation. 77731,”) Mm mm m Braifimrs Gmd Pigs? NOTICE is hPrehy given that Nich- olas Slinky of the Village of Richmond Hill, in the County of York, carrying on busmess as a grain thresher. has made an assignment, under R. S. 0., 1897, Chapter H7 and Amending Acts, of all ‘his estate, credit and effects to Hesse A. Nicholls of the same place, Agvnt, for the general benefit; of his creditors. A meeting of his creditors will be held at the oifice of \V. T. Boyd, Solicitor, 23’1‘oI-onto Street, Tomnto, on Saturday. the 30th day of January, 1904. at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, to razeive a. statement, of affairs and ap- point inspectors and the ordering of the affairs of the estate generally. Waxifiéur moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use The creditors are requested to file their claims with the Assigneo with full particulars lhm-euf duly proved before the day of such meeting. after which date the Assiguee will proceed tn distribute the assets of the debtor numngst the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which notice shall than have been given, and he will not he liable for the assets 01' any part then-of so distribut- ed tu any person or persons uf whose claim he shall not then have notice. EUQKENGHAPfi’SNE Wiifcéil'JCTéfithJ'this 14th day of January, A. D. 190%. HESSE A. NICHOLLS, For sale. on lot 28. con. 3, Vaughan, 8. fresh milch cow. Sdfi _V and (la n ertv Sule at one o’ch ]. Saigon" 64 M duesxlrw. Feb 10â€" E110 pgnl‘ Pregara far Swing. And see if they want any erairng or sharpening; If they du, bring A them now and do nut wait, till you are needing them. HARROWS OF ALL KINDS I have also two Sets 01‘ Heavy Bob- Slvighs fur sale or exchange for wood. THE PUBLIC LIBRARY News & fiarmws Rina-us Tabules cure headache. Ripans Tabules aura bad breath. Bipans Tabules cure billousnesa. mpans Tabulea: at dragging. 30-2 GEO. COWIE, impk-m files wr of HM! 29-2 Nichofias Sliney INSOLVENT. manta. on lot 9|.crm 4 Vzuuumn (Maple) ropeny of J H Jnoksnn‘ Sale M I. serve. Terms. nine months. Saigeon FARMERS I mnts, etc. on lot immumm .n (1} Mill? north of fusion). the JHKirby. No reserve. 511.10 E) mouths. Bnigerm 6: “ckwem Jun 23* motion sale of (arm FGR SALE Sale Register. Jll th 9 Pa In the matter of MADE TO ORDER. RICHMOND HILL. â€" Auction 53.10 of a. farm. M . Nobleton,couaistin: of lot 5 Smgenn (3L McEwen. aunts. 27 â€"Cre<m salu of hum stock. Now is the time to 7 Plans ided. 'bionon 11- C‘ and m Med. Terms 9 months. J H otinn’eer Auction sale of farm stack, im- r., the proportv ofJuhu Hewgill. mve. Terms. uiuo mus Saigeon m. the prnnerty of J con 8. Vaughan. Tern’ renn & Mcl’hwm. nucts. Irvdit sale of farm stv Look over your -Cmdis sale of thorough- r1 osttle, farm stark, imple Mir-am- 3rd cou ankhuul ' R G Juhnsun. Sula nu 11 H. Terms 9 months. J H Auction sale of cattle and mer House Richmond Hill. rk, Terms, credit to Oct. :Ewen much. - )reclih snlp 01 l'm‘m stock Richmt ‘nsnuce Tern. WM. CLEMENT. Maple P. 0. i. P. 54mg (:0 usum. awn. nucts. of farm stock and x 4,Vuugnnn Hume) mksnn. Sale M l. am Hi] ) the Sale at 11 a s 9 months. farm stock m Vaughan ) the trap- ; 11 o’clock. Assignee. \e prep 3 M1 mm n. nucts hn E. nine Yorkshim Stock Food Guaranteed to cure coughs, colds, heaves and broken wind in horses. Horsemen will find this an infallible remedy for any affection in a horse’s wind, whetherewsed from ufter effects of distemper m- frnm eating dusty hay. Price 500. Sold in Richmond Hill by Geo. McDonald, harness-limiter. Your own recipes made up properly from pure drugs at wholesale prices, All drugs and patent medicines at wholesale prices. J. A. Johnston & 00.. FOR HORS BISâ€"Gives them a good appetite, :1 glossy coat, a lose hide and a. healthy appearance. Highly recommended by horsemen. FOR CAT' ‘LE it has no equal. It improves the apnetite. aids diges- tion, it causes a. perfect. assimulatiun of the food and fattens them uickly : alsu a. grand pxepm-utinn fur milch cmvs. FOR CALVESâ€"â€".u)i)<ed with skim milk or sopux-atnr milk it will make calves thrive as well or better as when fed on new milk. Prevents SCUUIS. "ids digestion. and rapidly fits a. calf for market. FOR HOGSâ€"this wil be found a grand tonic fur fattening hugs rapid- ly. Ituids digestion, kills worms, and keeps them healthy. The stuck- mzui‘s fm‘orite. because it makes your stock thrive strungâ€"best and cheapest stuck food on the market. Five feeds fur one cent. , . . __, Q @cx‘mm Wmmmmmmmmxamgfi Â¥@%@fi f.“ «'72 Yorkshire Cough & Heave Cure A. Rummage Sam Every busy store accumulates during the busy Season innumerable odds and ends and sometimes have lines that they have to job off. We had no time before Christmas to pay any attention to these, but now we find them at every turn and want to get rid of them all. They worry us. “ Out of sight, out of mind "â€"and so We have col- lected a lot of these and shall clear them out in a big Rummage Sale to lust just as long as the goods last. Here is a list for a start: ’ A u .7 ‘ V. @fimmmmmmmmmmmm Fine Worsted Pantmgs. regular $1.50 yard at $1.10. Fine \Vovsted Puntings. regular $1.75 yard at, $1.25. Fine Scotch Tweed Suitings, regular $1.00 at 650. Fine Scotch Twevd Suitings, regular $1.35 at 90c. Heavy Scotch vaeds, regular $1.23 at 850. A lot of ends of Mantle Cloths at a discount of 50 per cent. Our Grocery Stack is Full Special Value in Bulk Tea at 25 and 30b. 1b., and in Coffee at 20, 25, 30 and 400. 1b. ATKENSfiN £2 SWETZER, Muhammad Hill, (Successor to C. D. Dupiel 6: Co. and Hugh giller a Co.) “’holesula and Retail Druggisls. 171 King St East. Toronto, Opposite Clyde Hotel, Lauremiaa Ranges JAQQB EYER 5;, SW Riahmanfi Hili And have two weeks' trial with it. We set it up. and if not satis- factory the stove will be taken back and your money will be cheerfully refunded. Our motto : Satisfaction with our goods 01- no sale. Emveg ! anti Fresh. Buy one of our 5&6

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