Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Jan 1904, p. 1

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tin per annum, in advance] VOL. XXVI. ‘E‘HE ' 1 When . \ ....idly-w; ' V ‘ fongue' REMOVES THE CAUSE. the coated or the tainted, when an out-ofâ€" sorls Icelinfs, as of l urning‘r or feverish stomach, dull- ness and aching of back or hips. thch is trouble in the stomach which may developinnialniiavoroiher scvcrc sickness. have Dr.l.eo:ihunl't‘s AKTX- PXLL at l19\1’l,I‘,BG 2t niglt ‘m «as-um . .. .» “In Essmtz'als, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Libsrt’y ; in (tilt/rings, Charity." RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, JANUARY LN». 1001 p RROR TELLS THE §TORY. ANTLPHLL tongue is and one in the morning “ill It is the world‘s greatest system treatment. It is a guaranth cure fordyspep- sia. biliouenoss, or consti- pation. If you went to brca i ll remove Hie trouble. prove its merit. Write Wu.- soN â€" Fun Co, Niagara If you . {Tails Out, for free sain- plc. Sold by Adi-uggists, 50 cents per box. “ @112 giheml ” IS PlJBLISHI‘ID EVERY THURSDAY MORNING AT THE USEML PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND amnoar. '1‘.F.McMAHON.’ Emmi: .2 Pnonmros. B'o'erE‘ss CARDS. __>'£,unmal. _» DR. E. .l. STUBBS, Thornhill, I. the residnut nhvsiciun at Western and Grace nupitals,'l‘urouto 03100 Hoursâ€"S to in n. m; 7 to 8 n m. WWW ,oual. "or. via. resins. I)entis:t. Room 12, [2% Victoria St. Toronto. Best; fitting teeth, also replatiug, at lowest prices. rGood work. R W G L SPAULDING DR A W SPAULDING Dentists Room “ A,” Yonge Street . Arcade, Toronto. 'Llelephone Main 2124 12:02pm D enti st, (Successor to Dr. T. A. Currie), Our. Church and Carlton Sts., 'l‘oronto, “’ill be in Richmond Hill ever VVed- nesday. Ofiice, next door south of Public School. Office Hoursâ€"8.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. Wtrriunry JDHNiiciuPBELL VETERINARY SURGEON, 'E‘hornhill. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. i ll SANDERSDN. VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL Calls by day and night. promptly at. tended to. 4. i=2 BEE car. A large amount of private funds to loan on improved farm property situ- ated in the County of York, at «ll per cent. For particulars apply to Lindsey. L.uvrence & \Vadsworth. Home Life Bldg., 60 Victoria St.. Or at Toronto THE LIBERAL Office. Richmond Hill, 1; Saturday afternoons. IELGIN nrlifiLes '_ Aurora officeâ€"Removed to the old post OmCJ DR. ARNOLD D."A. MASON, 3.3mm. (‘1 ‘3 Lindsay. K D V A G F Lawrence W lbivlout \\'ausworl,h Lindsey. Lawrence 2. W adsworth, Barristers, Solicitors, Iictaiies, kc. Phone fioin 298-1 Home Life Building (formerly Free- hold Loan Bldg), 00:. Adelaide & Victoria Sis, Toronto. LIBERAL Office. Richmond Hill on Saturdays. COOK & JOHNSTON Barristers, Solicitors. etc. TORONTO OFFICE: No. 33 Riot]â€" mond St. \‘v'est..“'esley Buildings, (Methodist Book Room.) To.- ronto. Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of earth week. V MONEY 9'9 LRAN 435%- ._ JAS. N EWTON ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, DI. TinEi’rY‘. NOTA RY PUBLIC, aomnssxonnn in ma HIGH COURT OF jUSTICE,&c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICRMOND HILL POST OFFICE. LENNOX & MORGAN, Barristers and solicitors. Money to loan on land and chattel mortgages at lowest rates one door west of the entrance to the Ontario Bunk Newumrket officeâ€"Three doors south of the pistoifioe 1‘ Huntsman: LENNOX. G STV Mono/m, Aurora. Newmorket W «2â€"235. {Mont ' I , Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Goods sold on consignment Genera] sales oi .itoc 05c promptly attended to at. reasonable l‘rLtOS Residence Unionville G R Gouldmg, Newton Brook.ogeulforthe above J T Saigoon, J K McEweti, Maple Weston Salgcon & McEwen. . Licensed Auctioneers forthe County of York. ‘ Balemtmndedtoonshortestnoticeand o. rea- snuublerates Patronage solicited D. G. BLoEoli, License Auctioneer ioz‘theCounty of York, re- spect-fully solicits your patronage and friendly influence sales attended on the hLortest. notice and at rausonaherates. P. 0. address King N. E. Smith. Linonsod Auctioneeri’or the Counties of York and Ontario Allsnlm; of farm stock. do. atâ€" tonded to on the shortest notice nnd reasonable rates. Mort-Janennd bnilifl' sales attended to. Residence.Stotrfl‘ville Ont Undertakch é: Embahnm's, RICHMOND HILL-8: THORNHIIL } Maple Owing to llH' stormy weather (bu-re ‘ was not a large :dtmidauro at tho .‘a‘ab- bath Srhool (lonvt-nliou at. Hope. A large number ol‘ lliu slil‘ulh'l's‘ faiit-d to appear. Addresses wore gin-u by Iii-v. \V. J. l’udy of'l‘oronto lunetimi; Miss Smith of lCd-gi-ly: lit-v. .l. K. Hilly and Rev. \V. N. l‘liantlor. The funeral of Mr. Mall-obi: Malloy, (mo of lhunldt-sl l‘('>l(ll‘l|f\ of Vaughan. look plat-o lll‘l't' on M unlay afternoon, and “as vrry largtl illl,(‘ll(ll'(l. The deceased was 5).") yours ol’ ago, and was tho fullivl‘ of l‘X-(‘Ulllll'llllil' I). Mullny. Missionary sci virus \\'('l'(’ held in the Methodist Church on Sund iy last. l’rol’. Misnne-r, of Virloria l'nivorsily. pruavhe-d in the morning. aid the Moorehouso Brothers C(lllillH‘ll‘Ll the survive in the evening. Mr. James ()livor has disposth of his dwelling housi- to M r. J. B. Mttla-nn. The \Vrst Yolk Fanm-rs‘ Institute iield its annual meeting hereon Turs‘ day. Addresses were given by vavl'ztl spvnlivrs. Rev. Murdock McKenzie preached :umivm-sary sermom: in St. Paul‘s Chum-h on Sunday last. â€"Â¥4 a Mount Pleasant; Kindly oorroct a statement made in your issue of the 21st lost, in which \Vm. Gieig were at Onmmem on busi- ness a few days ago." It should read Miss Annie “Gull “ of Iii-mbina. North Dakota, U. 8., who is now visiting at the home of ln-r grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James McLean of Mount, to some busiiioss muttvr of import- :lll('('. She t'xprrssrd lit-rsolf as ha‘. ing no desire to live in such a hilly counâ€" try as between hos-n and (hammer; would rather live under thr- Slars and Stripes in Dakota, the land of bliz- zards and storms. ~ \Veare now enjoying the January thaw for \\ hirh the farmers have been looking during this month. \Ve 11¢ 99 that it. will give them .9. sufficient sup- ply of water. '_ “'e are glad to say that Eric Mc-i - Lean, who has been way ill. is im- proving under the care of Dr. Dean of this village. “'0 regre to hear that Rev. VVhltlaw of Common, is not fr‘t‘lilig \'(‘ly wv-ll. So many an- suffering from colds caused by the sev‘l‘ro weather we line. had for some time. past. 'J‘ln- ftmrrul of David Jil-U-llt'SUll pass- ed through here to the Presbyterian 5 emnetely last. Sunday. The. new church at Cavanville will , be opened on the 251th inst. The. roads through Gavan swamp will he opened at once. Therm-re will push them [h rough. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"¢ooâ€"â€"â€" WANTEDâ€"FAI’I‘IIFUL PERSONS 'TO CALL on retail trade and agents tor manufacturing housn- having well established business; lucul t-orriiory; straight salary :20 paid neekly and . expense money advanced; prevrous experience unneressuy; posrtiou permanent; busiLess sucrcssiul. Enclose self-addressed envelope. Superintendent. l‘mvelers (in? Motion Bldg” Chicago 22-12 â€"Qooâ€"â€" Pound=lieepers and r'ence=Viewers. The. following are the P0lllldâ€"I{Pl'p~ er.- and Fence-Viewers of Markham Township for tho present year: POUND-KEEPEBS. Division No. l.â€"Andrr-w Miller, A. Coulson, A. Duncan. Division No. 2.~J. Brillinger, \Vm. Meek, J. Klinrk. Division No. 3.â€"\V. A. Noble, M. R. Ilemingw'ay, J. Johnson. Division No.4â€"N.Button, E. Brown, I P. Byer. Division No.5â€"J.'l‘homas, R. Jarvis, B. Hagen-man. Division No. Gâ€"Jauu-s Lawrio, G. Brownsbergrr, B. Ililgi riuan. FENCE-VIEWERS. Division No. lâ€"â€"\\".l’lood, A.Quautz, H. B. Schmidt. Division No. 2~â€"VV. Soott, A. Jen- nings. . Di\ ision No. ZINC. Hagerman, Ilood. It. Canning. Division No. l-~~J. B. Grm e, J.Nigh, \V. CJ'LILIIEEIS. Division No. 5â€"N. E. Heesor, \V. Armstrong, It. D. Clark. Dhisioli No, (iâ€"J. U. Hamilton, J. 1'}. lloovcr. ._â€"¢o>â€"â€" How it Spreads. A. R. 1100 ver, The first package of Hom-Roid (the infallible Pile cure) that was put out A large stock of Funeral Furnishings went to a. small town in the State ot kept at both places. REAP} 4E. THOROUGH LY REFITTED. Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. FREDERICK BACK, Prop I Nebraska. ‘ It madl- the cure of a case of Piles that was rousidei'od lnlpob‘ss. The news sprwd and althouin this was only two year-Sago the demand prompted Dr. J. S. Leonhaidt of Line roln, Neb., the discoverer, to prepare it for general use. Now it is being Sl'lll to all parts of the World. It will cure any (case of Pill-s. There is a month’s ireatnn-nt in each box. Sold for $1.00 with absolute guaran- tee. It is for sale by all druggists. . Regrets you say, “ Miss Annie Sill and Mrs. . Pleasant, was at Omvmeo attending" Mr. I l Supper and At Home. l The Richmond Hill Beef Associalit n hold an ()yslor Suppl-r and At Home atllie Dominion House last evening, when a. most onjoyable llllli' wa. spent. by [he nwmbcrs, their Wivus, Sons and daughters and a number of other irionds. About IOU sat down to supper in tho ball~room, which was lit-ally(lbuuntodwith Slugs, bunting, do, in red, white and blue. President Lynx-H sat at. tho hoad olihetable, and many prominent. i-itizzons and l'l'plt's‘t-Illutlvv [armors were present. 7 were roovivml from Mr. Arch. Campbell, M. l’., lioovr: Savage and Mr. II. A. Nicholls. Alivr the may excellent. supper had boon disposed of on intuit-sting; toa>t list wasoIilorvd upon, lllL‘ svi'iv-lul'y, ‘Blr. (ii-o. liwltlltl, makinpr a very ri- l’it'iunt loaslmas‘ior. “ The King" was duly honored. afâ€" ter which tho National Anthem was Sin 5:. : “The Beef Association” was next 'proposrd. with which was connected the names of .1 he Secrr tary, lln- Prin- ident, and Messrs. .I. N. Hoyle. ; Rumble and '1'. Rumble. T‘m- ofllce 3 Kill their romarks referred to the SH '- lcess of the Association and the good ‘feeling anion).r the members, and lshowi-d that they were good lm-l- ,e-alrrs, lll cattle having been kilird ‘by them during the nin' yrars the ' Association has lH'bll in existoiurtu iTlll' butcher, Mr. (ilas‘s, was also the ‘subjert of kindly remarks for his part vin making the Association a sucross. [This was~ followed by el. good song by =Illi'. J. \V. Osborne. l Il‘SpillHll'll to by Mvsn's. 'l‘. Rumble, 1). Ruaman, I}. \V. II. ('lubilu‘. l " Municipal Councils“ was ably rr- spondod to by County Councillor .I. ll. ('(mk, \V. Vt-ldrick and Kirby and Councillors J. l‘. Glass and , 7.]. S. )lcNoii'. “The Dominion l’élllltllllt‘lit and Local Legislature " was m-xt l't'plil‘d to by Messrs. \V. H. Pugsley and 1‘. F. McMahon. . I “ Public Instituti ms“ by Messrs. J. ‘ IV. Osborne- and A. G. Hange. “Manufacturing Imlustrios" by Councillor 'l‘. ll. \Trench and Mr. (in; Sims. “ l’lmvmen’s Assrn'iutimis " by Messrs. ll. Marsh, J. McLean and G.. Robinson. “Kindred Associations" by G. Duncan and D. G. Gooderham. l “ The Ladies " by Messrs. .l. Ilorner, S. \Viloorks and \V'. iCyer. “ Host and llosU-ss ” by Mr. G. lEllston. l Many good spot-("h were made dur- ing the evening. interspersed with in- strunu-ntal music by Messrs. Heniirks and Shim-k. After the table-s were cleared the ,‘ )‘oimg members and a number of tho gursts lingered for a dance, was also thoroughly enjoyed. ____¢..,,‘L. Price-s low, goods lino, stock largo, satisfaction guarantevd at. Atkinson It: Switzei‘s. \Vhat more can you “and. Read our guarantee : {loud goods always. Undeviating prices. All goods as represented. Reasonable prices. A chore s’ock. No undorhand .ni-ethods. 'l‘ruth at any cost. Every customer a. friend. l Lvery article a bargain. CANADlAN MAGAZINE. l The readers of the Canadian Magri- H. l zinc will tind much excellent math 1‘ in the February number. Perhaps lPIUfiâ€"Issar (z‘oldwin Smith's ailirlo, “LL-m (‘anada Make Il('l' Own Treat- ‘iv-sE” may not exactly please llll’lil, .but his views are [)l'l'bl'tllt‘d frankiy and in an :Itlrm-tivc form. I“. U. \Vade's “Comnn-uts on the Alaskan Boundary ” is also atti‘activr and prol - ably phasing: to some Canadians. timugh Lord Alvrrrtouv may not. til (I it quit:- to his liking. ’l‘ln- article on Sydney, Australia, with its excellent illustrations, is illml slum-what un« usual. The short ski-toll of M l'.iit'.‘ll'St, a man much spoken ofas tliesuucessor of Mr. Bryan in the Democratic lead- ership in the United States and an mowed annexationist, is timely. S. 'l‘.\\'ood's L-pitomoof Hoi bert Span-N’s Contribution to the world of ideas, is cleverly done. The secondinstalmt-iit, ,o-f A. (i. Bradley‘s " Fight for North lAmoi ich ” is lllllSLI'iltt'd \\ llll portraits of Governors Shirley and Diuwiddie and autographs of some of the rally From-h Governors, a. facsimile of one of the plates which \vvre nailed by Celoron on the trees from Lake Erie of the Mississippi, and some drawings to the French uniforms of [liv- period. The short articles, llli’ stories and the departments are all Well duiw. lis- peuially interesting is Mr. Ewan‘s Comprehensive monthly summary of “(Torrent Events Ahmad” and Mr. Cooper's Comments on “Proploand < Affairs." ._‘.._.. Dr. T. J. Norman of Toronto. has been appointed Assistant Superm- tendent of the Asylum for the Feeble» minded at Orillia. H. 1 “Agricultural Interests" was next Messrs: 1, whirl) HE W AIS-1D ! FOR WOMEN WHO CANNOT BE CURED. Backed up by over a third of a century of remarkable and uniform cures, a record such as no other remedy for the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women ever attained, the proprietors of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription now feel fully warranted in offering to pay $500 in legal money of the United States, for any case of Lencorrhea, Fe- male \Veakness, Prolapsus, or Falling of \Vomb which the cannot cure“ All they ask is a fair an reasonable trial of their means of cure. The Vice-President Independent Order of Good Templars. An experience which many women have wan related by Miss Agnes Stcbbings, of 23: East 30th Street, New York City, as follows: f1 had ve. poor health for a year until hf: looked don; and dreary to me. Had head- aches. backache, also pain. my sleep was broken and fitful. I longed for health. Tned several medicines but none were at any last- ing: benefit until I took Doctor Piercc‘s Fa- vorite Prescription. I soon realized that I had found the right remedy. It helped nature to throw of? the poisons that saturated the svstcui. removed all pains and strengthened the digestive organs, and brought the roses of health hack to my cheeks. This medium: if taken occasionally keeps the system in erfcct condition, helping it to throw off the usease and consequences of exposure to dampness. I am pleased to give it my endorsement.” “Favorite Prescription” makes weal: women strong, ick women well. Ac- cept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of 31 one- cent stamps for the paper-covered book, or 50 stamps for the cloth-bound. Ad- dress Dr. R V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. l ()f Canada RICHMOND HILL d'apnal - $l.000.000 , u-st -' 925.000 , - _ ' DEPOSITS Received in Savings’ Bank Depart- ment and intrres‘tallowv-d at HIGREST BURRENT RATES. Notice of withdrawal not neces- sary. All (li‘pilSllS payable on demand. Money Lonnie-(I on Farmers‘ . Suh- Ncau‘s. Blank New I- onus Slapp’liml Free. EGenerel Banking Business Transacted. ‘ For other particulars call at the Bank. : J’. WRBORNE. AGENT. , 94 .. .133 ..._~ “Unit-h buyers invariably ask the question, “What make of watch is the best 1’” Year by your \vn become more im- prc Ss‘i'il will: the fart that the last. is the cheapest in the end. The adjusted Hampden moveâ€" mr-n’rs keep better time than any otllt‘l‘ American made movnnenls. They rust considerably more than the well known \Val- than) or Elgin watches, but the fine rate they hold makes them well worth the drill-L'- euro in the price. The loucst grades are \‘HJl'lll $8.50. Full jcnellcd. Sll.54l. I-‘nll levelled. adjusted to temperature, SIG.‘35. Full ieue'led, adjusted to temperature, live positions and lsachronlsm, $26.00. Highest grams. $56.35. The above prises inclLde a nickel case only. id“: ‘ "””-F1i~"“‘"Â¥l-'-E=F-F5l- this -_+_ JERRY SMlTll Practical Watchmaker .T ,. . Tabules cure nausea. '- Ripans ’i‘abules. I Ripaus Tubnles cure tOrpid liver. V Rinans

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