New Advertisements. Change~World'e Diï¬luflimu‘y Medical Assoc‘n Changeâ€"J. (3. Aycr dz Co. (‘liimgeâ€"The itussili Hardware Co Change-C. d; 1'). Mason. (‘hmugoâ€"A. .l. Hume. I'LH‘ Saleâ€"G B New cry “musedâ€"Stone ck Welln-gtn RID teral. H Ricnntoxn IIILL. January 23, mot N , l The member for Manitoulin has made a number of speeches saturated j with coarse profanity, but probably the foulcst of all was delivered in l \Voodstock Saturday evening when , he hurled shameless epithets at the} tvojudges who conducted his trial, , going so far as to invade their homes, , and to refer to personalities of the most disgraceful kind. Papers like The Mail were ashamed to publish, the utterances of their hero, and for giving a fair report of what Gainey did say, The Globe is brought to , task by The Mail for “ unpardonablc l brutality.†A public journal has 7 fallen to low depths when it eulogizes 1 the utterances of a man of the stamp ‘ of Mr. Gamey, but refers to another paper’s correct report as “ an inipert~ , l l inent reference.†M The election in North Oxford on Tuesday to ï¬ll the seat made vacant .hy the death of the late Mr. Pattnllo resulted in a victory for Col. Munro, the Liberal candidate, who defeated his Conservative opponent by about 1.000. et‘al riding gave no uncertain sounds , _, in repudiating Gaineyisin in its worst form. What his political leanings may be,, I should be pleased to learn that the. miserable tactics introduced into the Campaign did not succeed. ‘ â€".-g The World of Monday did not say ‘ what its own private opinion was of Mr. Gainey and his political weapons, but in reporting his speech given in W'oodstock Saturday evening, that paper did say that " the more thoughtful of the Conservatives fear that Gainey has overstepped tl.c bounds and that a reaction may set in.†The “thoughtful Conservatives’ were right. M The Toronto Daily News must have exhausted its italic type a few evenings ago in trying to persuade the electors that they should vote against the Ross candidate, but the stalwart Liberals stood at their guns as ol' old. and carried the old riding of North Oxford by a large majority. m The Mail and Empire yesterday in its leading editorial, said that North Oxford the day before “dc~ clared against the Ross Government in tones that will be heard through- out the province.†Nothing short of a black snake whip will convince The Mail that it is soundly thrashed. WANTEDâ€"FAITHFUL PERSON TO TRAV- el for “‘0†ostiibli'lisd house in a few counties, ruilim: on retail ineichiintsund ngcnis. Local territory. Sularyx‘itlbu per week With expen- s-sadditiomtl.ull .iuyabze in cash each week. Money for expenses advanced. Position per- l snout. business successful and rushing. Standard House, 83o, Dearhoru St.. Chicago. Nov. 12â€"26 wke. â€"_...._ FEBRUARY I’EARSGN’S. Pcaison’s for February has three good special articles. Michigan. No, 17. iii the series of The Story of the Suites, by David S. Barry; the thin! ct Henry Gcoigc, Jr‘s. article no Modâ€" cin Methods of Finance. which deals \"llh the wrecking.r of the. Third Av- cuiic Street Railway Company of New , \oi-k. and \Vliy Siiakcspeaic App-als ‘ to Actor and Audience. ' It contains i also two exrelleiit character sketches : One of David H. Greer, I). D.. New York‘s New Bishop (loadjutor, and the othci'. An American Woman Sculptor. by Abby G. Bakcrâ€"a sketch of Miss Emma Cadivalluder Guild. and six bright. short stories: A Cargo of Good Schnapps, the first of a series of the Adventures of the Kim: and Quin-u of Smugglers. by Halliweil Sutclilfe: i Midshipman Leigh, by Richard V. f Uulahun: The Verdict of Faro Mount- : aiii, by Rex U. Beach: Oreo-head. by .Ilaydcn Chutch; The Luck of the Picuroons. by Gclet Burgess and “'ill Irwin. and The Abdication of Francis Joseph. another of the Revelations of an International Spy. by A. V. Twnl p’ocms, Readin‘ the Rug. by Holiii-ini my. and Horns : Non: Numcro: Nisi : Sereiins, by Howcl Scrattou. together , Willi the articles in the Home Notes' d~partin~nt. complete an exceptional- ly interesting number. I It is well that that old Lib- , - i . troubles.†Every honest man, no matter . ; f part of January. YOUNG PEOPLE. .Mr. \V. S. Moonc, after spending Six months under our instructions; is now earning $25 pcr week for six hours work per (lay, at Memphis Tenn. Miss Nellie Carson, after the months†training, is now with the “'catci-n Union tclcgrapli company at Ilctriot, ('tll‘lllllg $70 per month. \V. H. Hodgson, aftcr four months‘ training. is how with the (7. P. R. at Twccd,0nt., earning $40.00 per month. Niitm-rcusothersare being placcd iii equally as good positions. Oui- \viiilcr it‘ll.“ opens January 41b, and lhoso itlcsiriug totukt' up the work should curoll on orahci'mc that dates to cnsurt- tbciii a position in tho spring or caily summer. ["ivccompctcnt instructors of cxm-plional ability arc giving thcit pcrsonul and individual attention to thc rapid advancement of our pupils. Young ladies are prepai‘cd for com- incrcial telegraph positioiis,aii(l young iiicn for the same and railway posi- Lions as opt-ralors. train (lcspalchcis, agents. ctr. ’l‘hisis :i pi'tifcssion not ovri-cioivdi-d, and one which will com- mand steady ciiiployiui-ut tlic your around at good wages. \Viite at once for particulars as to lcrnis, etc. (lau- adian Railway Instruction Institute, Cur. (‘ollcge and Yongc Sis. Toronto. s;- .mw‘mm , For coughs, colds,bronchitis, _-’ .= asthma, weak throats, weak f lungs, consumption, take _, Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. 'l h erry Pectorei Always keep a bottle of it in i the house. We have been 3 saying this for 60 years, and 1 so have the doctors. " I have used Ayer's Cherry rector-i In In . family for 40 . r5. It is the best medican ‘ In the world, know. for All throat and lung ' Mus. J. K. Noacmoss,Waltham, Mass. - Zr-c..50c.. 31.00. J. c. AYER co. " All druggists. Lowell Muss. ' for - - Th ‘7 "-13. JVflW ' '61 ' *"fl- 01-:f&.£~ ~ ‘. II'Too kl ï¬nd“ ction of the bowels I nes- Aid nature with Ayer’o Plils. A COUOE‘E AND COLD ' SEASON ! east Iary. A I am prepared to supply the pubâ€" i lie with the best cough and cold remedies in the market. Try Saadersen’s White Pine and Tar. None better. ' romide Quinine Tablets Can cure a cold in one day. Our liiVE CROUP SYRUP ~‘ For coughs and colds in small CIHltII‘t‘ll. Our Sunderson'a Emulsion 0.’ Cod LivcrOil. Fifty per cent. Cos Liicr Oil, and tasteless. For seated colds and coughs. ,' iii. a. gas. that For Sate or Rent The Blacksmith Shop and House at. Dollar, 3rd (1)". Markham. First- elass stand for a good horscsliocr. For particulars apply to GEO. COW’IE. Richmond “ill. or to P. \V. BUYNTON. Dollar. tf. Cavalry Recruits The Govorhor-General's Body Guard (the oldest cavalry corps in Canada) will H‘Cl uit in this district iii the latter Dates will be ï¬xed iii u subsequent iiotice. TUNNYSIBE FARM The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Im- proved Chester white hogs, lot 32, 151: con. Markham ('I‘i‘uornhiil) has for sale some good young stock. 'I‘horongh-brcd bull and hog kept for service on the premises. D. G. GOODERHAM, 49st Proprietor S ubscribe for THE LIBERAL A FE“’ TIMEI.Y FACTS FOR Mr. , Elm gavrttistmmts. A man to icprcscut “ (‘.\.\‘.\I‘A'S GIKICA’I‘ES’I‘ Nt'izsicums" in thc vill: gt- roI Richmond Hill and surrounding country, and take ordcrs for OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES jln Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Orna- mentals. Shrubs. Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes. Etc. Stock truc to nami- and frcc from San Jose Scalo. A poriiiancut position for the right man on either salary or coin- mission. Stone & Wellington, FONTHHJ. nunsemcs. OVER 800 ACRES. TORONTO, January 28 4m ONTARIO. A large quantity of Fence Posts for sale. Apply G. B. NEW BEI’tY, Elgin Mills. Bargains in Ordered Clothing In order to make room for my Spring ' Stock 1 will lor 36% days Sell off the balance of my “’inter Cloths at the following, Low Prices Stilts made tc order Tea heilars Regular 313, $14, 915. Also n. few lengths of Weisred Trouserincs forni- erly $3 made to your measure for 5325. Come early and s3eure A $93? A. .5. Elaine are In the matter of Nicholas Sliaey INSOLVENT. NOTICE is hcrcby given that Nich- olas Slim-y of lhe Village of Richmond Hill, in the County of York, carrying on business as a grain {lire-shew, has made an assignment under R. S. 0., 1897. Chapter 117 and Amendingr Acts, of all his ostatc, credit and effects to Hesse A. Nit-bolls of the same place, Agent, for the general beneï¬t of his creditors. A meeting of his creditors will be held at the ofï¬ce of \V.T. Boyd, Solicitor, 23Toronlo Sti-cct. Toronto, on Saturday, the 30th day of January, 1904. at the hour of 12. o‘clock noon, to receive :1 statement of alfairs and ap- point inspectors and theordr-riugof the affairs of the csta' 9 generally. The creditors are requested tollle their claims with the Assignec with full particulars thereof (luly proved before the day of such meeting, after which date the Assignee will proceed to distribute the assets of the debtor amongst the par-tics cntitlz-d thereto, ,having regard only to thc claimsof which notice shall then have licon given, and he will not be liable for the assvts or any part tliercof so distribut- cd to any person or pct-sons of whose claim hc shall not then have notice. Dutcd at. Toronto this 14th day of January, A. I). 1904. BESSIE A. NIGHOLLS, 30-2 Assignee, FARMERS! Now is the time to .Pittae hi String. Look over your Plus & llamas And see if they want any repairing or sharpening. if they do. bring them now and do not wait till you are n-ncding theui. lHAaaews 05 ALL KINDS MADE TO ORDER. I have also two Sets of Heavy Bob. Sleighs for sale or exchange 1, ese. coma, ,- , -; h < ,i: r, .1 v. p, as? ..V n v: V, , “WWWâ€"â€" ' I . E. manhood. manhood. DR. SPINNEV. Founder of Dr. Spinney & Co. and Bladder Diseases. 290 WOODWARD AVE, Sit-IEGIEZEIEISEEGEEEEEN-‘GEEEGEQE‘E Gillie vie Metrepea 351G515}:EEEEGGEAEEEEFEFEEEE FE this complaint,asopcinzionc alw-tvs w~nkcn inc parts. daily prove bysucccssl'ui results t ’ without operation. organs. our VITA [.1215 U TKI‘ rcinochdli pain or aching. rc the swelling. vitaltzCS the HClT ‘ Our Ircalmcnt is t. _ You feel its magic influence during the first “'Elfk. PAY Vii-IE?! CURED. We cure Blood and Skin Diseases, Strictures. Varioo‘oelo, Nervous Debillty, Prostath Troubles, Chronic. Kidney, Urinary Coneultatlon Free. Question List Sent Scaled For Home Treatment. I DR. SPINNEV at". The Old Reliable Specialists. “'c t V :L‘occlc can in: cuicd Instcntlnf it: it: and iniitilatm: the ‘ T)il‘,‘;'i strengthens the pii’ls, 7104 to: circulation. '4 and cs'nblisbcs the n; . r-sult of go ycars' expat emits. Books Free. ï¬" €4.19. DETROIT, WITCH. .J 331‘! 1933 ’3‘) #33333â€? 539 9133393 3919 5’95 3&5‘5385333 333‘) iii-3339 @9Q.§®339©S%§®9%3%§§3Q§9§>S@1 tau “Store or A Fresh Stock of ltireceries AW kinds of policies. ENDOWM EST. dents of any kind. Companies. tended to. P. d} . Savage 4%: Savage. :1. (4â€". 13’ v 'fl‘ï¬'ï¬â€™i Buying a cheap Chopping Axe means a waste of time and money. It is our aim to sell one of which you'll sayâ€" “It‘s the best I evcr used.†Such is our ‘ Dollar Axe A Hinton \Vheu it comes right down to good. strong. reliable cattle chains there is none to cxr-cl the kind “‘1' SP“. “'0 have them to shit the bullorthc calf. Our moderate prices will please you Ln .2 '5 0 VI = a :32 §e 3:3 "’5 . U) "E 9’3 ca $.35 can: r3") *fla a g; @7 LL} ée d, Prep. ï¬Â®3®ï¬Â¥Â®Â£ ~ all Paper anv kind you wish: PA YMICL'T ORDINARY LIFE. Specials of all kinds and JOINI‘ POLIC ES also From $1.00 up: Covch sickncs and acci- All business promptly at« Eire The Now is the time to insure in the ERNEEERMEGN tliE ASSOCIATION Call 01 write for pamphlets regarding different \Vt- can give you Li FIGS. Sana A good choice of Fire Ikgents {as w {1T U Of a. kind it’s a pleasure to work withâ€"easy \vorkiiigand fast cutting. Just the kind our 5 ft... Crackerij is which we specially (iifer complete with handles for A Dollar SeventysFive _________â€" Don’t Forget Your Horse These very cold lays. See that he is well blanket/ed both in street or stable. ‘Vc have made prices specially interesting to careful buyers of horse blankets. Tm; RUSSELL HARDWARE so, 126 EAST KING STREET, TORONTO. v «g. x . :415;_;r:-’,"pg='- :.",‘..-:.‘.*¢.s.-_n\- .- 5‘663 661E GEE $$EEGEEE§ESEQEG$€ VARECDQELE CURED TO STAY CURED. . . . . ' \‘arICoctlc irnpn;rs Vitality mil dutmys the ck‘mculsc.‘ Surgical (“cans shout! not be employed h. In.“ aaeeaaasssss 3295??!) '33 i fliiflaï¬â€˜ï¬â€ S l ‘ Jeff; ‘2 i.- 5'.-".'-. i" ’6‘? $58 “TQVSWIN cancers»: 3 9 ‘ |.. ._ mathM-vï¬mos-a ‘