Th9 following are the scmes made at the lust, practice of the Victoria Square 0. H. R. C. :â€" A. Quantz, 86; G. Forester, 8.2: (J. P. Road, 75; \V. Scott,67: H. C. Read. 65; R. Agar, 63. The Victoria Square Oif-hand Rifle Club will shoot a match with u Tm‘unto team at Glen G‘rrnvo, seven men an a side. nth Saturday after- .noun. Jam, 30. An con- test is expected. Bpst natural ï¬g:=, 56. 1b.: host pure Xard. 105C. ML; minue meat, 100; green coffee. 100. 11).; extra gram or mixed tea. 250. 1b.: pxuaes, 5c. lb. Atkinson & Switzer. \Vhen high valuos go at. lan prices H.101) is the time to buy. Such a time is at, this SLnl‘e now. Aiykinson 8: .Switzer. The brethren of Richmond Lodge, A. F‘. 8: A. l\{.. are invited tn u. special meeting 0f Vaughan Lodge, Maple. Friday evening (if this week, when R. \V. Bro. J. E. Francis. D. D. G. M., will pay that ludge an official visit. Mir. Francis was to have been at Maple Tuesduyovening, but was prevented by the stun-m. Half yearly communion will be ad- ministered in the Presbyterian church nextï¬unday. The Preparatory Servâ€" ice \VHHhC held Friday evvning. \vhrn the sormon will be preached by Rev. \V. G. Back of Mapie. The interesting feature of thosoasnn is a. lump Your Party to be given by :the young ladies of rho town humorâ€" a'nw evening, in the Masonic Hall. \VhOl‘GIL very enjnyahle time will he spent in amusemean (If various kinds. .In accordance with the customs of Leap Yi-m we may exps‘tzt to hear (if the val-inns “ Evangeliues hunting for Gabriel.†The Jflninr Department of the Pub~ .Iic Schoul has been closed for :1. wwk uwing to the extremely cold weather and an outbreak of measles amung the “pupils. Some gnods are made to sell and someuro made to wear. Ours is the wearing kind. Atkinson & watze-r. The annual schnol meeting of the Board of Education will be. held in the High Sulmnl buildingr next, “70d- nesda‘y, Feb. 3. at, 4 o’clock. A chair- man, :1 sec’yâ€"trens. and other ofï¬cers _Will be elected at \Veduqsduy’s meet- Hug. King Plownwn’s Association held their annual oyster supper at Sutton's Hotel. Schnmherg, last, Thmsday eveninngt owing 1.0 the cold weather and the deep snow the attendance was not so large as on some form-:1- oc- casions. TG-dny, any day, walk out what, you want. Switzor. Hon. E. J. Davis sold his 120 farm by auction, lot, 4, con. '5, (411 Friday, the 22nd inst. 'i‘he .tioneer was Mr. D. G. Blnugh buyer WM Mn. Jerome Campbell the price paid was $5,950. A meeting of the East York Farm- eI-s' and \Vomon’s Institute was held in Victoria Hall. Thornhill. yesterday. when :1 number of interesting adduess- es Were given. Mr. Alex. Russvll of Markham town- ship, has heeu :lppnintr‘d Inspector of Licenses for "Just York District in place of the lute Mr. JHIIH‘S Et’k- lu'dt. Mr. Russell has he‘en :1 member of theGommisaiun Bum-(1 fur several years. Mr. \V. R. Prnctm-nf Barrie, spent frum Friday “\‘er Sunday here and in Toronto. Ommty (‘muncinmfl \V II. I’ugs‘ley nndJ. H. Kirby are in Tm-nntu. at- tending the January sessinn of the Cnunty Council, which opened on Tuesday. The members nf Ivy Lnng, A. 0. U. “7., are requvstvd to attend a. mes‘ting nvxt \Vodnesdny owning, Feb’y 3, when the newly-elvctnd of- tic-«rs will he installt‘d and the auditâ€" ors' report, will 1w [)wsexxtvcl. We have men’s tit-‘d ties and HUMP ties at. 25. 35. 45 and 500. Atkinson 4N: Switzer. Our village curlers go to Toronto to-mon-ow nvarm'nn, Friday, to play the ï¬nal match wit-h the Gl-nnitvs in Queen City Rink, in the Distl'ivt‘ Cup lunnpu-titiun. They \Vl“ also compete for the Governor-Grnel-ul‘s prize. The Public Lihlnl-v and Runding Boom will be upon Tuesday and Sat- m-dny evenings until ful'thvr “mice. A moulng of thv Curling Club is onllvd for this owning, in the Council Chamhcn ntv8 o’clan. Members will please attend. Elm Efï¬iEm-ml. :2 RICHMGND HILL, J anmu-y :18. 1904 L063) A1195. LEAVING YORK MILLS. RIFLE PRACTICE. in and pick Atkinson & his 120 acre 19. .5, King, ‘. The auc- Blnugh, the md ago they (lecidml to go to reside (with their snn-in-luw. Mr.‘Rehinson. Her Inns/Band p1~erleteasml her §erml years ago. Two sons and two daughters survive hor, Jnhn the eldest son. Whn resides in Gal-t: Ruben-bf who resides in Markham : Mru',Gamhle (If Staynur, and Mrs. Robinann. at whose home she died. Mr. L. L. Hartman. ConutyOoun- cillur, \VhiLchux-ch, Was on ’J‘uesday elected \Varden of the Cunnty Of York by his cnlleagnos in council as- semblPd. The new \Varden has lwen a member {-31 the past 18 years, and has been on the px-incipul cmnnlittees, always taking an active part in the work of the Council. He is a nephew of the late Joseph Hartman. M. 1’. for the: united counties nf York, Peel and Ontario. who was ï¬rst; Warden of Yurk mety 70mm“ following the legime of Wm. Lynn Mnclmleu. The new \Vau-den's nmvvr nnd Svcnnder were Messrs, G. Powell and A-xbhur Qunnxz. FUNERAL OF’MRSQ “'ILâ€"LIAMSON. l THE MEDAL \VINNERS. The last match for tlw Smith modal was plnyvd in the rink nu Mnnday. when skip R. Maudie and his youthful " assistants defeated runners-nu Pugslvy . and his heavy weights. The following » un- the snows nuule: m J. Cable F. McConnghy ‘ W. Snvuge P. G. Savage F. Sims J. Palmer ; R. Mundie, sk.. ,16 \K’.H.Pngsley,sk.12 We have repoix‘L-d a statement of thewmditï¬nn of the San Joaquin Val- ley Bank of Stockton, (ML, of \Vhii‘h Mr. J. M. \Vclsh. son ,of the late Mr. \Vt-Jsh (4†this village, is president, and Mr. R. Baldwin 'l‘t‘cfy, son of Post)- InusterTL-ef'y. is cashier. The stato- mvnt gives ties‘ husinoss done up to the 3181: Dvcvmhvr. 1903, and reflects credit, upon the uhmageun-nt. The deposits have steadily iucrmsed from the year 1897 when they were $291,609 tn last year when they shuwed $1,185,- 793. Thirty pm- cent. on your money Big interest, isn’t it? “71-†that’s ox~ notly what; yuu make right here by im'wting in some ï¬ne pamingsï¬cntch and Canadian twwds, that we are Uf- fering. Atkinson & Swilzor. A Hockoyand racing carnival will hp held in the rink, Richmond Hill. to- night. A houkey match wiil he play- ed lietWPen Massey-Harris Co», Town- to and Richmond Hill. A matched race will he skated between Jns. Fur-roster, Dem Rowing Club and Lot R00, \V. E. Y. M, G. A. for valuable trnphy; best 3 in 5 beats; 5 lnps‘. Rink open from 7.30 to 10.30. Fimt bent uf ,mce, 8 o’- clock. Hockey matciï¬, 8.15 to 9.15. Finish of the race :Iftm- hnukhy nmtch. Skating before and after the match. Admission 15 cents. A x‘epfeseutntive of tho G0\‘9rnm:.â€" GenH-al‘s Bndy Gum-d will be at, Rich- nmnd Hill on Satlixdny, Juu‘y 30th. St‘lmmlwrg Saturday, th’y 6th, and Newnuu'ket Saturday, Feh‘y 6th, at, 3 p. m. shmp. fur the purpose of talk ing the names of young men who wish tojoin :\ mounted regimvnt. Fm-Iuel-s’ Suns having their own lmx-svs :n-e par- ticularly desired. Besides the tran- er’s pay and rations. (-00 dollar a. day and fund for 0:be horse is given dur- ing annual training. Flll'tllwr inform- ation will be given by R. B. Elliott. York Mills; 01' C. H. Ellston, Rich- mond Hill. \‘s'illium Snï¬tluwellrknmg‘thrnugh~ nut East, York, dim! at his humenb Ynl‘k Mills on Thursday last. The funeral tunk plnco to Mount Pleasant Crmutvry on Mnnduy. In reporting the business 0f the lust meeting of Vaughan Council one item \vnS «mum-d in THE LIBERAL. In the road accounts the tronsurvr was auth- orized to pay Gun. MchngnlL cmn- nlissiulwx‘fvr Yunge street. the sum of $15.00. I The local \V ’th hume of 1‘ evening at 7.3 Thv :Innunl moatng of the Vaughan RL-furm Assncintinn will he held in the Township Hall. Vollow, (m \Vpdnes- day. Fulfy 3, nt2 p. 111., for the elec- tinn t f officers and the transaction of other business. A full :nLh-mluncois rvqur-slod. Anmngthe spvukers will he Mr. Arch. hunphell, M. P. : Mr. \\-'._J. Hill, ex-M. P. P.: Dr. McLean, M. Naughmn, Esq, and others. ._J. Hill, ex-M. Pin; Naughmn, Esq, and M R. HARTMAN‘ “'ARDEN. CARNIVAL TO NIGHT. BANK STATEMENT ,hle F. McCunnghy uge P. G. Savage J. Palmer ï¬e, sk .. ,16 \K’.H.Pugsley,sk.l2 ANNUA L MEETING. BODY GUAR D. f Mrs. Derry lie-it 7.30. \viH anPt A iightcnit. rising 3 yrs.. by BMW- hommis, gout] sizv. Alsu four or ï¬ve young heifers, ri‘sLng_Q£r1Lgpx-ingillg. Three thousand dollars to loan at n. a low rate nf interest. .91: ï¬rst-mutt- gage fxu'm prnperty. Apply at. at, it. THE LIBERAL OFFICE. Sabarflay,Jau 30â€"-(‘4~9dibsa1e of farm stockim- ple ants,o‘c, at; Weston the property of J E urst. ’I‘ermss mouths. Suigeou & Mc- Ewen, nucts Tuesday. Feb 2â€"Creditsu10 of farm stock and inmle-nents. on lot 21mm: irVullgnMWMRple) the property of J H Jackson. Snlo at 1. No reserve. Terms. nine months. Saigeon & McEwen, (mots. Wednes-Iay.Feb.3â€"Anctinn 5:113 01 outfle and horses at the Palmer House Riuhumnd 11111. Sane at. one o'clnrk, Terms, credit to Oct. 1. Saigenu & McEwen nuctz. \Vednesduy. Feb10-â€"Credit salt- 01 farm stock and implements on lot 17. 21111 mm Vnugbuu (1g: Inijes west of Richmond H111) the Trop- erw of Harry Prensance Sale at 11 o'clock. Lunch provided. Terms 9 months. J H Prentice. a urniuneor Thursday. Feb 11â€"Crudib sale of thornngh- bred horses and cattle, farm stark, imple- meut-s. etc on 1012, rear 3rd con Murkhn m. theyrnperhy of B G Jounsvn. Sale at 11. Luuhh provided. Terms 9 months. J H Pwltir-e. auctioneer Thursday. Feb 11â€"Oredit R‘ï¬e of farm Stork and impmmeuts on lot. 16 2nd con King the prop- erty of Joshua FerguSUn. Sula M 1. Term? 8 mom-ha. Saiuenn dz M:E\ven. muons Friday. Feb 12 â€"Auz~t.inn Sfllfl of farm stnr‘k, im- plementanmr. the propertv 01.10111) He» uill. nenr Pine Grove. Terms. nine mus Surgeon & MPvan. nucls Wednesday. Feb 17 -Credit sale of farm stock. imDYemeuts. etc. on lot. 19. near 61.11 non Marhlruu. 1.1m property of G k A URUathV. Bale M: :1 Dinner pruvinled Terms H11“: mouths. J H Prennce. nuctwneer Wednesdny. Feb 17â€"Auntinn suie n1 furln stock. iuwlvmcntsmtcu the prupertv of John G. hallctt. nnnr \Vnodhrige. Perms, ume monr‘nn. Smigcon Jr McEwen. aucts Tuesduv. Feb 2.1-Credit sale of farm stock and implements: on lot 4 mu 6 Vaughan the propertv of the lute Hourv Whitmure. Sam's at 1. Terms 9 months. Suigeon & McEweu. aucts Wednusdny.Feb ‘14 â€"(“»redit (sale of farm 31‘.de and inmlemeuts on lot 25 con 6 York (near Emery) the property u 11‘. Smith. Sam at 11. Trrms 9 months. Saigeon d: McEweu. aucts ThurSrlnv,Feb 2’-Credit 3510 of farm stock and imp.emeuts naanlairville the property of John Buttun. Sale at 1. Terms 9 months. Suifeou dz McEwou. aucta . Dizzy? Headache? Pain backofyour eyes? It’s your ï¬ver! Use Ayer’s Pills. Gent] laxative; allvegetabie. Sold or 60Ayeai‘s. maï¬a; Stylish fur lmas. ruï¬a. cuperinos, storm collars. wgulur $14.50 for $11 ; regular $11fnr$9; regular $10.50 for $8.50; regular $8.50 for $7; regulur $7.25 fur regular $5.50 for $4.25. Outside then: is ice snow und winter. Luuks us though wv wm-e trying tn drive "1989 beautiful furs ontyiutu then-old. Sn we arr. The-v should he fulï¬llin their mission as cmnfm-tvrs. instour (If ‘biding hm'e. Atkinson & Switavr. At the Epwm-Lh League on Friday vaning an address, subject, “The Bible Society and its Relation to Missinns,“ will be given by Mrs. Switzer. Chair will he taken at 8 o‘cluck; Members will please bi-ingl their Missionary cunti-ihutinns. l REAMANâ€" At the residenne of Mr. Gen. Emman. Cuunm'd. on Tuesday. Jam. 28, Mal)?! A. P). Reanmu. only daugh'er of the late Rev. Jacob and Emma. CV. Barman, aged 28 years, 4 mns 16 davs. Fune1 al from the residence. 'l'bursdgv alter- ncon, 3.1: 2 u'cluck for Coberfs cemetel'j. STEPHENï¬anâ€"fln Mill Road, on Hahn-HM. Jan} )6. Hm wife of Richard Stephenson of a. daughter. Readers of Sure-e53 will ï¬nd much to delight them in the Fehrnm-yissne, which contains u long list. of articles of unusual interest. The cover, by F. B. Masters, is exwptiunnlly attractive. It represents Sir Henry Irving and Miss Elli-n Terry in the suenvfrnm “The Mm-chnnt of Venice. "where Portia pleads with Shylock toslmw mercy, that merry which "drnppeth as the gentle rain from heaven.†The m-slumos which have lent so much tn the charm of the Irxing-Terry per- formances of this great Shakespearean dranm, have been faithfully repro- duced by Mr. Mush-1‘s. Snme interest- ing facts regarding Sir Henry Irving are given by Rngel' Gnleshnre in an article entitled " Henry Irving's Fight for Fume,†and an able article on " The Highvr Influonce of the I): nmu,†is contributed by E. S. Snthvrn. \Vurd has just bevn rvcein-d frnm Lnb Roe stating that he cunva he present to moo Ln-nighl, nwing to an injury received yesterday while train- ing. The mulcth race has Lht-refnre to he called (nif till later. The hm:ka match will be played. Admission. 10 cents. The Joint. Ludivs’ Aid Society of the LuthI-run Churches of Uninnvillt- and Buttuuville mot It the hunme Mrs. Elliotum .lnn‘y 21. The Sncinty intend holding an nystel‘ supper at, Mr. Ahnvr Sumnmrfvlrlt‘s (Reeve of Markham Tp.) 0n Felr’y 3rd. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use BUBKINGHAH’S EYE Money To Loan Biliousé FOR SALE “cue, 11:1" ' u VIN.. in . W. jVAS IN‘GTO . LITERARY NOTE. Sale Register. UNIONVILLE. Lot 30. mu 2, Vainzhan. Elgin Mills P. O, DE a’l‘ilï¬ {H 3%" “3‘. mount 1'. g. Guaranteed be We coughs, colds, heaves and bmken wind in horses. H'QJ'SHlN-‘n will ï¬nd this an infallible remedy for any affection in it horse’s wind, \vhetliercansed fi-mn after eflects nf distemper or from eating dusty hay. ijqe 50c. Sold in Richmond Hill by Geo. McDonald, hai‘ness-Imlker. Yum- 9w}; recipes made up properly from pure drugs at wholesale prices. Yorkghire Stack Food FOR HORS [ESâ€"Gives they; a gnqd appetite, a. glossy coat. a. lose hide and :1 healthy appearance: Highly recommended by not-semen. FOR CATTLE it has pp equal. It improve-s the appetite, aids diges- tion, it causes a perfect, flSSllnlllHt/lul‘l of the fuod and fattens the-m quicka :~ also a grand preparation for milch cows. FOR CALVESFTIHixed with skim milk: or separator milk it “ill make calves thrive as well or better as when fe-d km new milk. Prevents am is, aids digestion. and rapidly ï¬ts a Calf for market. F0 HUGSâ€"this wil he found a. gram] tonic fur fattening hogs rapid- ly. It uids digestion. kills worms, and keeps them healthy. The stock- Jgau‘s favorite, because it makes your stark thrive strungâ€"4m“, and cheapest Stuck food pu the market, Five feeds for one cent. All drugs and patent medicines at wholesale prices. J. A. Johnston 65¢: 00., Yorkshire Cough & Heave Cure ï¬rï¬mmmmmmmmmmmmmm mg: A: (Successor to C. D. Daniel ti Co. Md Hugh wile:- Co.) W'bolesale and Retail Druggists. 171 King St East, Toronto, Opposite Clyde Hotel, Special Value in Bulk Tva 31325 nnd‘30c. 1b., and in at 20. 25. 30 and 40c. 1b. Every busy store accumulates during the busy Season innumerable odds and ends and sometimes have lines that they have to job off. We had no time before Christmas to pay any attention to these, but now we ï¬nd them at every turn and want to get rid of them all. They worry us. “ Out of sight, out of mind â€â€"â€"and so we have col- lected a lot of these and shall clear them out in a big Rummage Sale to lust just as ' long as the goods last Here is a list for a start: @ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬ï¬ - r n wwwvu - "u." Hum-“53, Lrgulru' mL.UU "L "DC. Fine Scotch Twevd Suitings, regular $1.35 at 900. Heavy Scotch Tweeds, reguan- $L25 at 850. A lot uf ends of Mantle Cloths at a discount of 50 per cent. Fine \Vm-sted Pantmga. a-vgzu'lm' $1.50 yard at $1 Fine \Vm'sted Pantings. rPgular $1.75 yard at $1 Fine Scotch Tweer] §uftfngs. regular $1.00 at 65c A Rummage Sale Our Grocery Stock is Full and Fresh. 98 I" A. â€" ATKINSON & SWITZER, Richmond Hill, Lamenééaa Rams And buy? two weeks’ trial with it. “'9, set it up, and if not satis- factory the stove will be taken back and yuur money will be cheerï¬ully refunded. Our motto: Satisfaction with our goods or no sale. Staves ! Buy one of our 50 yard at $1.10. yard at, $1.25. Coffee