Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Feb 1904, p. 1

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“[7: Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Linen} m um". Wflfi‘fl'fl ..._ â€".. . I It‘s from the stomach the . Dr. Leonhardt‘s Anti-Pill l l l ', blood is fed and the nerves increases the necesmry sup- ply of gastric juice in quan- tity and quality to insure perfect stomach action. It has similar action on bile faction in the stomach and formation. Anyone can alimentary canal are the prove this {or himseli‘ by main causes of disease. addressing WILSON-Fan It upsets the nerves. Co., Niagara Falls, Ont, for It poisoun 1he system. tree sample. ‘ Small. G G S Lindsey}; C A G l“ Lowrance W Ridour. \N‘uceworth Lindsey. Lawrence 2. W ad swarth, Bazristers,Solicitors, tharies, kc. Home Life Building (formeer Free- hold Loan Bidet). Cox. Adelaide & Victoria 818., Toronto. LIBERAL Office, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. , w: ,. n “ Ella gradual IS PUBLISHED EVEttY THURSDAY MORNING AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE nwnuoun 311.1..0u'r. T. F. McMAHON, Emma & Pnorsmron. Phone Main 2984 BustuEsS CARDS. â€"â€" h ,-~ - COOK & JDHNS'l‘Oil fivialtlu‘. Barristers, Solicitors, etc. w’ 7 _ TORONTO OFFICE: 7.. '- - BR. E. J. mond St.“'esi.\‘Joslnyhfluilllilgzh Thorflhin, (Methodist. Book Room,) To- rontn. Int; resi ion'; olivsminn at Western and Grace R’spimm‘uwum Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. Oilice'Houraâ€"S to m r: m; 12 to 2 p m 7 an 8 n m. " * JAS. NEWTON new. "gig. gm; {$2555 ISSUERMARRIAGE LICENSES, Ibentist. lE14€}IN DIIIJLES Room 1‘3, l‘3t Victoria St. Toronto. 1‘1- Best fitting teeth, also replutiug, at R17 lowost prices. Good work. ooumssmmmm mm HXGH COURT OF jUST'IC'E,&c. DR W G L SPAULDING Is<uer cilia-“triage Ticenses DR A RICHMONDliILL P08T:FFIcE. I Dentists“; LEN‘NO‘X & MORGAN, Barrister-wand solicitors. ' ilonev to loan on land audchnbbel mortgages at ‘ lowesc rater; xurorn officeâ€"Removed to the old post oifioa one door west of the entrance to the Ontario Bunk Newmurket ofliceâ€"Three doors south of the p .5: (Nice I‘ Hnnnuar LENNOX, G STV Mono/m. Aurora. Ivewxuarkot W J, Ii. Pzenléee. (licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. ‘ Goods sci". on conuignment Genorul sales (,1 moo. one promptly attended to at. reasonable. rates Residence Uninnville G R Gunldlug, Newton Brook.agent for the tbove Room “ A," Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. Telephone Main 242t DR. ARNOLD D. A. MASON, l)entist, (Successor to Dr. T. A- Currie), Our. Church and Curlton Sts., Tm unto, “’ill be in Richiuould Hill cveiy ‘Ved- nest .:v. Office, next door south of Public School. Ofiico Hoursâ€"5.30 a. ll). to 5 p. m. mu?" .' ' J T Soigoon. J K McEwed. Maple Weston Salgcou «It: McEwen. ‘ (licensed \nciinncers for the County of York. ‘ miceitzondodtoonshortestnnticeand a tea- ionahlsmteu Patronngcsnlicited E). G. mom". License Auctioneer foz'thoCounty of York, no pacti’ully aolicits your patronage and friendly qfinenne sales attended on the shortest. notice 1nd at renannubc rates. P. 0. address King JOHN R. coolant, VETERINARY SURGEON, 'Ehornhill. Cells by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. i. H. SANDERSDN.‘ VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL Gulls by day and night promptly at _ tended to. PALMER HOUSE: RICHMOND HILL, semodelledmnd newly furnished throughout One of the most convenient and comfortable hotels on Youge Street. Every modern con- venience Sample rooms for commercial travellers. An ideal stopping place for riding or driving particibicyclists, or farmer}! gouag to or returning from market. Electric can passthe door Livery inconnection TERMS $1.00 PER DAY. 1‘". C. SAVAG B N. Smith. Trimmed \uctinnoeiforthe Counties of York : nrlnntnrm Allsnlns of inrm stock, (to. at- ten'le'l to on tho shortest notice and reasonable mime. Mortrzncrnndlmiliff sales attended to. rlesidonce.Strulflviile Ont WRIGET BROS, Undormkers 8.: Embalmu's, lilCHMUND HILL 8: THflRNHlLL :1 large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. ” HOUSE RIC BIAP] «E. THOROUGH LY REFI’I‘TED. Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. FREDERICK BACK, Prop . ..~.-_: 5‘.‘ a 22-». - Prop l Jan. 2‘3, at the parsonage. York County Council. I ! York County (‘ounuil has been in se sion since Tuesday of last. wm-k. At \Yrdlu'sduys session the following st; Hiding («munitions were struck :rh Finanreâ€" Alvssl's. Lundy. Tllllll‘l', Rog-rs, Loy. l‘ringlv, Powell Hy-lmws‘ .‘lt‘fis‘l's. Evans. Pugsloy, Ball-4‘. Gardlluusc, Lundy, Build, Quuntz, Ilill. Prope]tyâ€"Mossrs. Curdlmuso, Pugs- ley, \Vomll-ook, l’owt-ll, McCullum, Johnston, Kirby. Printing and (loâ€"ntiugonoicsâ€"Mcssrs. Woodwork. Bong, Rogers, Quanta Tumwr, Johnson. Elucaliuu â€" Messrs. Johnston, EVJJIS, Ban-d, \Voodcock, Jklll>y,. Pringlc. ' Eluulizution â€" Messrs. Quuntz, Gu udhouso, Loy, Bung. Hill, l’ugsley, Mc ‘ullum, Lundy, l’m'vt-ll. Mr. J. (l. Stokes, Keeper of the inâ€" dllitl‘lfll home. at Ncwmarkel, asked for n grant of $100 to obtain the ser- vi: '3 of a minister and on organist. Messrs. J. T. \Voodcot‘k and J. D. Davidson were appointed auditors of criminal justice accounts, and the \Vurden and A. Mctlalilnu and J. Loy, commissione-rsof (‘ounty Property. Mr. D. Fotheringhum. South York School Inspector. asked lcme of abâ€" scnce to allow him to recover from his recent illness. The secretary-troasur P'l‘ of the Toronto Junction School Board forwarded a (.ounnunication asking for $450, to which he claims the board are entitled under the stat- utcs. The following grants to agriâ€" cultural societies and farmers’ and women's institute-s Wei-ennzde :â€"King. Markham, Scan-born, East Gwillim- bury, North Gwillimbury and (ivor- gina. York Township and \Veston, Etobicoke and Vaughan Agricultural Societies were each given ..'25; Now- market I-lorticulturnl Semis-by, $25; Richmond Hill Agricultural Society, 215.5: Enst Ymk Farmers" institute, $25: \Vest York Furnlers’ Institutc,’ $225, and $10 each to the \ancn’s ln- stitutes of East. and \Vest York. The District Agricultural Sociolivs of Enst,~ “W’s-st and North York were voted $75 each. VVart‘en Hartman and Councillors Pugsley and Bong were appointed to the Exhibition Board. M aple The postponed meeting and suppf‘r of Vaughan Lodge of A. F. and A. M. was held last Friday ere-nine: Visit- ors from 'l‘hornhil'l and King City were present. l Mr. D. McMillan oilot 27, 4th con. Vaughan, died on Tuesday of but week after an illness of about, a week. The funeral took place on Friday .‘tf- ternoon. The widow and other rela- Lives have the sympathy of all in their bereavement. A memorial service for the late Mr. Malcolm Mulloy, was livid in St. Andrew’s church on Sunday. Rev. \V. Chuntler was unable to gent-h on Sunday last, on account of his illness. His work was taken in the evening by Rev. \V. G. Back. Mr. J. H. Jackson‘s sale of farm stock and implements on Tuesday, was well attentlvd and things went at a reasonable figurr‘. Miss Noblc of Harvey. lll., is spond- ing the week with friends hol'O. Arequest has been made to have the cantata “The Arch of Fame ” rc- produccd at Luskny on the ovt-ning of the 26th inst. It is probable that the invitation will be accepted. Mr. and Mfg. R. J. Muthl-son of Ne-wnmrkot, \ isitod over Sunduy with friends hero. -â€"â€"â€"-‘O%â€"â€"â€" WANTEDâ€"FAITHFL‘L PERSONS TO CALL on retml trade and nuents for inunl'flmturing : honsv having well e:tublisbod lulrllmrs; luml terliwrv; straight rulnry It‘ll) paid \w-elliy um) axlnense money mlvnnved : previous exnciil nco unnecesm-y ; posuion peiuulncnf: lill>ll (ms Hmressiul. Encloso soil-mnhvsxcd enrol-rim. I Snporinhmdent friweicrs o5 Amnou llldg.,l Chicago 22-12 I â€"â€"â€"â€"-9~€>â€"- . King City. A pretty wedding tin-k place on. KVt-dnoedznv, Jan. 27, at. the r. science- of Mr. David JSl-Iugb. “in-n his dangli- tvr, Fllilu, was married tn‘Ml‘. Frank Lloyd. The ceremony was perform- cd by Rev. Mr. Amos in tin» pres: our of a large number of frimuls. The bridv was becomineg uttirrd in \vbitu. Miss Minnie Blougb acted as maid of honor and little Miss Irene Glass as flower girl. The bride received many . lovely presents. Mr. and Mus. Lloyd loft by the evening trnin for tin-south. The ladies of the Methodist Church held a social on Thursday evening, A most cn-, joyable tune was spent. lit-flesh- { ments were served, a good program rendered and games of all kinds were , enjoyed, , Rw. A. 0. Crew will lecture in the ' Methodist Church on Friday evening. His lecture is entitled " Through the Mammoth Cave with 2UU Young People.” Mr. and Mrs. “01'le and family Manitoba are visiting at Mr. Boy's. Rev. Dr. Carman preached at both : services in the Methodist Church on ‘ Sunday lust, ‘ l v (if 1 . Fridst after two woe-ks” illm-ss. 1 Eastern sit nation. Mount Pie as not Cuvnn Board of lie-dill met, and ur- - ganizcd on Monday ovi-ning. Jus. MC- |.(|nn, (-liu-irm-in, Reeve MrNt-il, John Plucbald, 'i‘llou. Ml't‘umus, :uld (lll'l‘k J. J. Fair, soiz‘y. Tin: vr-terun chair- man has hold that important, position for over twenty years, and well ho (luvs it.â€"â€"I\lillbrook Reporter. Mr. T. \V. M('l.(‘:m, after a short, vi~ll at the parental home, left for To- ron on [he 20th. Mr. Sam”! (lnsoy. clwnseqnaker, was on luminoss nt Mitclul‘, and was! caught in the blockade caused by the {Il'tâ€"‘Hb snmwfnlls, and was unable lo leave home for several days longer than be calculated on. The svvvre winter that we have bud so far is spurring farmers up to lay in an extra store of Wood for next \vintJ-r. . Ross Government is Now that. tho endorsed by the electors of Ontario and is safe in their position, wecun look forward to a time that might be called the “millennium” as compared with the terrific storms of mud throw- ing they have bad to pass through from a class supposed to be highly ed- ucated. There is no use in imposing heavy taxes on our people for educa- tion unless better results follow than our experience of our last two years in Ontario politics. “'9 blame the U. S. Government, for the existing state of affairs in the Southern States, but we had better take the beam out of our own eyes before condemning others. Burns said: ” 0 Wild some, power the giftie gie us, To see ours-91s as itliers St-‘v us! It, wad frae lnonie n blunder tree us, An foolish notion." Mr. A. P. McLean has returned from business ut the Sun, and reports ex- tremely cold weather thereâ€"4t) below zero. Miss Annie Gill of Pembina. intends visiting her aunt at Elmle before re- turning to Uncle Sam‘s territory. ‘ â€"â€"4. Langstafi The following is Langstafl’ school re- repmt for January :â€" IV. Classâ€"Jeanne Chapman, Fred Page, Clurn Robinson, Randall Page. Senior 1U. Class â€"â€" Lorne Gonderâ€" ham, Mary Lowery, Florence Four. Junior [11. Glassâ€"Myrtle “’eldrick. Rovnton \Veldrick, Garland Lung- staii'. Senior ll. Classâ€"Florence- G0()(.l(‘l“ hum, lobbie Lowery, Tommy Robinâ€" son. Illtol‘. ll. Class~â€"Gl2vlvs Ball. Junior II. Glassâ€"Herbie Boyle. P-nt ll. (‘1:wfiâ€"Gmll'gle RllhlnSI'n. Part. I. Class â€" \Vellington Monk- nun, nuswm Lil \Veldrick. Amy Ball. 0*â€"â€" They Know it. Thousands of people throughout, the country know that the ordinary rem- edies for pilosâ€"ointments suppositor- ies and appliancesâ€"will not cure. The best. of them only bring passing relief. Dr. Leonbmdt’s Hem-Roid is a tab- let tukrn internally that removes the mum-3 of Pile-s, hence. the cureI is per- manent. Every pagknpw sold carries a guarantee with it. it. is perfectly harnilrss to the most deli :ul 9 constitution. A nu-nfh’s ll'thlllllt‘ilt in ouch pnckngc. Sold at. $1.00. Furtbcr information in regard to it at the (ll ug store. 0 News N ones. Rev. Father Bergin. pariah prier at Dinin, Peel County. died of pneumonia De- ceasvd i'ol-Invrly liliod cllzllgus at, New- ‘ 1 market, Barrie and Toronto Junction, Tin-annual Illl‘t'tlllg of the (.lnllndâ€" lair l’rl-ss Association will br‘ln-ld in tlu- lioald of Trade Building, Tux-onto, to (lay and to-morrmv. All infulnml suppvr will be hold at MLUonkcy‘s Thursday evening. J. J. llurnm-e,.pall def-c at subdivi-i', ion 9, Fourth \Vul‘tl. Toronto, “‘3‘- coulluittrd for trial on Monday. in the charge of conspiracy. bulnllel '.l.‘llnrnpaoli, llw I). H. 0., was not pres- ent, llllougll ilIni-ss. Evidein was -giveu that 2.3 lmllnls \\'(‘l'(' dopmited in the names of [)t'l'snlls who llntl not V’Ulvtl, all lllill‘kl'Ll in the sum:- hand, the nanws br-illg entered in the poll book after p. n). Men’s ,iilu- 0010er shirts at Slim, 7550. and $1; we’re glad tosell themâ€"you'll be glad to own them. Atkinson & Switzcr. An exccplionully Well-informed article on “Korea as the Prize of \‘l'ar” is contributmi to tho Review of Reviews for Fe-bruury by Hun. J. Sloat Fassot, of Elmira, N. Y., whose ‘ large lulsinessintm-i-sls in the “ hermit kingdom” have brought him intxnclose touch with various phases of the far Among the il- lustrations accompanying the article |are portraits of the Emperor and Crown Prince of 1(01‘93, from photo- graphs presented to Mr. Fusset by the Enipeun‘ himself. Have " eyes bigger than their stomachs,” according to an old saying. They over- eat themselves, and are tempted by all sorts of injurious and indigestiblc edi- bles. A9 a consequence the foundation of serious stomach trouble is often laid in childhood, IFor children with “wea " di estiou or whose stomachs are disease , Doctor Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery may be confidently recommended. It cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition, so that the nourishment contained in food is er- fectly assimilated and the puny chil is built 11 by food into a condition of robust health Dr. Pierce‘s Golden Medical Discovery contains neither alcohol nor narcotics. Accept no substitute for “Golden Med- ical Discovery.” There is nothing " Just as good " {or diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. Mrs. Ella Gardner, of Waterview, Middlescx C0,,Va., writes : " My little daughter is enjoymg splendid health, I am glad I found a doctor who could cure my child. Whenever she feels badly I give her Dr. Pierce‘s Golden Medical Discovery and she is soon all right. She took twelve bottles of the ‘Golden Medical Discov- ery.‘ eight bottles of ‘ Pellets,“ and one bottle of pf Dr. Sagc'a Catarrh Remedy and she 15 We‘- We thank. God for your medicrue." Dr. Pierce’s Common Sense Medical Adviser, in paper covers, is sent free 051 receipt of 31 one-cent stamps to pay ex ense of customs and mailing only. A dress Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Slilllilil iiili Of Canada. RICHMOND HILL (‘apiial - $1,000.000 Rest - 925.009 DEPOSITS Received in Savings’ Bank Depart» mcnt and interest allowed at HltiiiEST fliiliiiEBiT RATES. Not-ice (:waithdi-awnl not neces- sary. All deposits payable on demand. Money [mun-(I on Farmers” Sale Notes. Blank Now Forms Supplied Free. lienezel Banking Business “ital-Miami. For other particulars call at the Bank. 3. W. 0330.? AGENT. \Valr-h buyms invariably ask the question, “ \Ylmt llltllit‘ of width is the boil 1’” X ('Hl‘ by your \\ o lwrolnc more im- lll‘i.55l'(l with the fact [but the lust is the cllvupvst in the. end. The adjusted Hampdon move- lur nis km-p lwltor time tlun any -(;tll¢'r American llllzdu Inovcnwnls. They cost considi‘l-ubly more than the Well known \‘. ul- tlnun or I'll-gin wutnlu-s, but the fine l'fllt' they hold mnkos them Well won ill the diil‘l'r- onm’ in the pril-v. The low est [frach are worth $8.50. Full jewelled. SH.50. Full jewelled, adjusted to temperate“. $16.95. Full jewc‘lcd, adj-35121] in temperature. the pusilirllvs and isuchruuism, $26.00. Highest firm] 8. $56.35. The above pines Include a nickel case only. JERRr'smrn Practical Watchmaksr 1 Rip-ans Tabnles cure nausea. Ripans Tabutcs. Ripans Tabules cure torpid liver. 1

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