Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Feb 1904, p. 4

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The Markham Sun, in referring to the appointment of Mr. Alex. Rus- sell as License Inspector for East York in place of the late Mr. Jaines Emmet, says there was a large number of applicants fer the position “ which is considered a sort of sine~ Curie.” No greater mistake can be ’Inaae'tlizln to consider the above p0- %iti0n a sinecure. The position re~ Equires much labor and active service, and the man who fills it acceptably must have lots of backbone. and be continually on the alert. And to be a success he must have the active support of all who wish to see the liquor law enforced. Chaug (mam: Chum: lien} A social event held in Massey Hall Friday evening will long be remem- hered by Mr. Timothy Eaton and the Company’s employes. This was in the form of a eoneert, the artists i) sing from among the employes, and during the evening the founder and honored head of the company has presented with an address ex- pressive of the gratitude of the five thousand work people engaged in the various branches of the company for the many evidences they have had for their welfare. Special gratitude was expressed for the been of closing the store and factory every evening at 5 o‘clock. Mr. Eaton in responding showed that he was deep- ly touched by the'reeeption he receiva ed, and felt that any kindness he could Show his eniployes would also a a kindness to himself, for all these things \vorked for the good of each of them. Mr. H. H. Dcwart, K. C, has re- s’gncd the office of County Crown Attorney for York, and Mr. H. L. Drayton has been appointed in his stead. Owing‘ to Mr. Dewarn’s greatly increased practice he found it necessary to choose betweenhis private business and his public posi- tion, and he decided to give up the latter. Mr. Dewart‘. has been a cap 'n‘bie officer, and has handled many 01305 of importance in a thorough and most, successful why. {@339 mm. The Tribune of Toronto Junc‘uior, Which has been ably conducted for the past fifteen yem‘s, has passed in- to the hands of Messrs. E. B. Wright t'xe The NeWmarket Era points out that in his “ examination for discov- ery " Mr. Lennox had asked Mr. Davis 1103 questions supposed to bear on the North York protest, and more are to follow; To say the least it must be humiliating to a Minister of the Crown to be compelled to an- swer hundreds of picayune questions little bearing on the question at issue. sale some good young stock. 'l'hm-ough-hrvd ‘hull and hog for sex-vice nu ghe pz-eluis- ~ The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Im- proved Chester white hogs, lot 32, lst con. Markham (Thornhill) has for (II ful‘ We” est-atluli- hed lmuw in a few countins ' calling on 1-mqu n~en~lumlsuud mcm-s. Loon-l territory. Salary $130.0! per week wxhh expan- ims nud:non&l.a!l ouynble in cum enuh Weak. Money for expenses alvnuced. Position pur- x-mnsut. Business sluzceqsfnl and r--shi;g.. Standard House, 830. Dunrboru SL. Clucugu.‘ Nov. 12-25 wks. I RICHMOND HILL. February \VANTEDâ€" SUNNYSIDE FARM New Advertisements. an 1 flouncilâ€"J umâ€"J Hall “'m'ld's Dispuu- J. (l. Ayer 6; (in The Ruasm Hm Atkinson 6: Sui nouncilâ€"J B .‘d hu 1‘: FAITBFL D. G. GOODERHAM, rlwnro Co I’ERBU.\ 'I‘O TRA V: Madical Ansoc'n Proprietor 1904 Mf'. W. S. M: six months undex now earning $2 hum-s wm-k pr- MI“. W. S. Mnonv, after spending six monthsunder um- instructions, is now earning $25 pvr week fm- six hum-s wm-k pn-x' day, at anpH; Tenn. Miss Nellie Carson. after the munths‘ training, 13 nnw with the \Vestern 'Uninn Lek-graph company at Detriut, earning $70 per mnnth. Mr. \V. H. Hodgsun, nth-r fulu- numths‘ \V. H. Hodgson, Hllt'l' four uiontlis‘ training. is now with the (J. P. ll. at Tweed;0nt., earning $40.00 per month. Nttuwrous others are lu-ing placvd in equally as good positions. 0111- wintrr [Hm opHis January 4th. and thaw. desiring to take up tlu- work should t-nrnll on or hvfore that date to (’nStIl'l' tht-ln 11 position in the spring or vaily sununvr. Five computt-nt, instructors of exceptional ability an‘ giving thoil personal and individual attention to the rapid advancement of our pupils. Young ladies are prepared for enm- Inercial telegraph poa'itionsaind young men for the same and railway posi- tions as opurators, train dt-spatnht-is, agents. etc. This is a profwsion not, overcrowded, and on:1 which will com- mand steady employmme the- yvar around at good wagm. \Vrito at once for particulai s as to terms, etc. lan- adian Railway Instruction Institutv. on‘. College and Yongu Sts., Toronto. Thur city of Joshua. Fe; 8 umnms. SMgeu Frimty. Fair 12 â€".\uu:.i DIGHJ‘WItS‘b'h‘" the near Mme Grove. & McEwuu. nucts‘ Tussn'lay, Feb us â€"-Cn-( nnplenwubs on 10 w'opart.y of L \months. J H qu We‘luvsday. Feb l7â€"-( 1m plemcms. ore. Liuxkhcuu. the prnpcrty of G & A \iCCKI’EhT. Sale an 11. Dunner provided Terms uu‘w nmuths‘ J H Prentxcu. {mid-lunacy Wednesnhu’. Feb l7â€"Auct10n sate of farm sunk. implements. etc‘. the proper“ 01 John G. Bullets, near Woudlggiqe. Fe .15. Blue montth SxLigeOn N. Me ‘ wen. due a. Tuesday, Feb Ziâ€"Cfedil. $419 of {mm stock mud implements on lot. 4 can 0 Vmghnn the prophi‘ty of the lace Heurv \\"u|tm.n-e. Sale at 1. Terms 9 months. Saigeon & McEweu. nucts Wednesday.Fab {IAâ€"Credit sale of farm stack and unplemeu Ls on lot 26 con 6 York (nuur Emery) the lu‘upnrty Lf E Smnbh. Sale at H. Terms 9 months. Smgeon & McEweu. aunts Wednesday. Feb 24â€"Credit sale of flesh milch cuws.spliugers. young came and swine at Hugh s'hntel. 'l‘horuhill. S>He M 1. Four umnths. J H Prentice. auct ThursdayJ‘eb 25â€"Credit sale of farm stock and imp emeuts near Cinirvilio the propufry ofJuhu Button. Sale at 1. Terms 9 mouths. Sairenu & McEwen, aucts Thursday. Feb z5â€"Urcdi: sale of farm strck and immomeucson 10:728. con 0, Scarboro, the property of Robert Dell. Sale at. 1. Nine months. J II Prentior‘. auob Tuesdav, March lâ€"Crodit sale of farm stool: unrl impwments on 105 24. 4th con Scarboru the ‘brnpeny 0! Wm Walker. Sale at. 0.19 Eight mnunbs, J h I'renmre. nuct Tuesday. Mar l-Auutinu ~mle of turn; stock an'l implemunts (near Womlbridge) the ‘property of the late Gamma ’l‘nppcr Sale aLt-l Eight: months Saiszeou d: Muriweu uucts Welnesduv. March 2 ~Crenlin sale 01 Iarm sturk and implements on 100 1 reau 4th can Mari:- Dam the property of Wm Gibsun. $3.10 an 1. Elght momma, J H Prentice, auct Thursday. March 3â€"Predit sale of farm shock and implements on lot 12 rem am can Mark- ham the propeny of Chas James. Suls us 12. Elem munths. J H Prentice. nurzt. Tuesday. March S-â€"()radib rule nf farm stock and implements on lot 13 .eur ind can Mark!) LII] the propertv of John Clements. Sula at 1, Elghn muhfhs. .‘l H Prentice uuxt Tuesday. Mar 8 â€"Auctwu sale of farm stock (mi implemest on lot. 26 3rd 'zuu Vaughan («é mi-es unnlh of Mame) the property of Jun One Ayer’s P"! at BEdfimeflIns’Jr-éé a natural action next morning. 'edaosfluy, Feb 10 and Implement: (1.11. miles was: 0‘ Ripans Tabules cure biliousness. Rinans Tabules cure flatulence. A FEW TIMELY FACTS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Doctors first prescribed Ayer’s Cherry Femoral Wear 60 years ago. They use it today more than ever. They rely up0n it for colds, coughs, bronchitis, ctmsumption. They will tell you how it hcals inflamed lungs. “I had a very bad cough for three years. Then 1 triad Ayers Cherry I’ectoral. My sore 11mm you won healed and my cough dxoppod awsy_._ ,A M.-- n_A;_._ pk»..- v- Ripans Tabules cure dizziness; 01d Coughs Qhem‘y 3eciora§ Sale Register rn-dib sale of lot. 4, 5th (H \\ himnoue. ‘xm‘itice, am: â€"â€"Credit 53.! Credit. sul» guts. Sale at l. ‘e mud. Harm stock uni ‘uu Vuughan (.g mym'ty of Jam-m Luuubhs Surgeon e of farm stock rel cou Vnuflndu the prmmrtv uf 1&1th months le of farm s-‘onk. my 6th con Murk- :IJmLy. 8.119 M uice,auct e of rum stuck m con Vaughan Elle pruparty of L E13“ 1110th:; farm stock and con Vaughan (2; WI) the property Eight moulh‘B ‘f farm stuck and Mills Vaughan )rize Sale at. 1 [cmweu uucLs ' one of farm s’ock stock 911:1 uph'm me at l. Nme stock Markh Llll Sale at 1. 'inh-x' llmsa shnuld C‘IISIII'I' )ck ILLH Vaughan. 0011118511. 3 8h??? RQGER‘S, THORNHILL, Tho next met palipy ll‘lcilm'mack’s Harvesting Ma= chinery. ALSO AGENT FOR. THE M. Campbell fanning Mill Co. of of Chatlmm. Call and see their incubators, Scales, Etc” Etc. TUESDAY, flm‘mmm Hi fi BAGEUM. 2%. a. Saafiarsen DRUGGIST CfiUGH AND COLD SEASON ! Sandcrsoal's Emulsion 01 Cod lecrOII. Filly per cent. Cod Liver Oil. and tasteless. For sex-fled colds and coughs. I am prepared to rauriply the pub- lic with the host, cnugh and cold rmucdies in the umrket. Try Can cure a C(>ld in (me day. Our For coughs and cvlds in small children. In nrdor tn make room for my Spring Stock I will for 3% Ways Sail oi! the balance of my Winter Moths u! the fullowiug Suits made tc order [legnim' 313. 814. R15. Also a few lengtln of Worsted Tmuseriucs funn- crlv $55 maJ» bu ~\uur measure fur 5' ' Come em' ' .Lnd sucure Sanderson‘s White Pine and Tar. 31m: gavtrfifiemmta. Bromide Quinine Tablets Bargains in Ordered Clothing satisfaction, and has \V 01] Has given continual ocean to ocean. . It is not a condition powder, nm‘ i3 it a food, but simply . that extc, nds from Ask for a Book of Tailor, Richmond Hill HIVE GROUP SYRUP ointers. MW Prices A m A. J. Hume tEL‘ Tn Nuno better. Our FOR 18 YEAVS AGE Efifimfi of the Council of the Munici nughtm will be lulu] in 11 Hull, Volluro, on M10 mm éifiigmm. NT FOR EB’Y 9, 1904. reDutation 3A3 3 McLEAN. Clerk m+m++wm+w+mw+wmwmmww+m‘ § DR, SPNNEY $< CO vuuvu. nun-vu- ' E 3M+MWMW%W%%%%§M+i¢é+MWMWé£WZO There is seldom a day that we are not consulted in regard to a condition thnt. if we were to have seen it in its earl stages. the sufl'erer would have been relieved. cufed and saved considerable expense. his we consider lsdue to lack of .Enowledgeon the part of the doctor who has previously treated the case; thereforeI we any to you. if you are suf< feriu from any disease or Condition peculiar to men. or if you pave been a. victim and been issapointed in not gettiuga permanent cure elsewhere. Wq would ask that you come to our office for personal examination or write us for a Question Blank for Home Treatment. We will exglain to you OUR SYSTEM OF TREATMENT. which we have originated and developc after our whole life's experience In the tree ent of special diseases of men. We will give you. FREE OF CHARGE. an honest and ientific o inion of your case. If we find you are incurable we will honestly tell you so. If we fin your case curable we will give you a written guarantee to cure you or refund you your money. §§EA§E$ $25 0") EJâ€" We cure NERVOUS DEBILITY, VARICOOELE. STRIOTURES, BLOOD and SKIN diseases, PROSTATIO troubles. BLADDER, KIDNEY and URINARY diseases. Question List Sent Free for Home Treatment. CONSULTATION FREE. cum! IAGGEBENT EQLEGIES QC BYOU CAN PAY WHEN CUREDâ€" Call 01 write for pamphlets regarding dim-rent kinds of policies. “'9 can give yi-u any kind yml w' - 3§§€§EEERW§§ L5 ASSGCme‘fl ENDOWMENT. PAYMENT LIFES, ORDINARY LIFE. Specials “I all kinds and JOINL‘ POLICIES also Frnm $1.00 up; cnvvrs sicknes and acci- dents of any kind. A guud (t11()if‘,9(>f Fire Companies. All business promptly at,- tended to. G. Savage fir (lfir. S§a ’age. “£13323 32E} €193 Now is the time to insum- in the *1 A? @393 Agents 290 Wood- ward Ave., Detroit. Mich. '5 Si (£3

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