Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Feb 1904, p. 5

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Mmmazygmmgfimmmfizfzmmwt ithe RlcfiMnND HILL, February 1, 1904 L 0 (3‘ A I 1 . Rev. .1. A. Grant. M. A., attended a’ meeting of the Presbytery in Toronto, on Tuesday. ' I‘ll CE"; threat. Mr. A. .‘iuddaby of Toronto. spent over-Sunday in the \illage and was. the guest of Reeve Savage. At the lt‘pwm-th League on Friday evening Mr. R. Shaw. it. A.. will give» an address on “ The Full Grown Man." The chair will be take-n by Miss E. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Storey of Brock- ton, Mass. are making a visit with relatives here. Mr. l-lodlzson, High School inspect- or, visited the High School officially on Tuesday. On Monday evening at 8 o’clock Rev. J. M Simpson will give. his very interesting lecture on “ God‘s Nation " in the vestry of the. Methodist church. Tire public are cordially invited. Silver collection at the door. Rev. Mr. Spence, a brilliant student of the London (lonl'erenCe, preached Missionary sermons last Sunday at Headford and Victoria Square. The \V. M. S. will meet at the home of Mrs. Switzer this afternoon at llll‘t’t o‘clock. Mr. Homer Suleiitl'e, a. student at the. School of Practical Science. spent over Sunday with Mr. J. A. E. Swit- 261.“. Mr. S. S. Searle of Toronto,atlended the Leap year Party given by the young ladies of Richmond Hill. on Friday evening. and called on a num~ ber of old friends before his return. Miss Pollock of Toronto. spent: Fri- day and over Sunday in the Village and was the guest of Mrs. son. Mr. and Mrs. Kline of Toronto Junction, spent Saturday with Mrs. R. Kinnie. who has been lying ill for many months. Mr. \Vill Storey of Barrie, stayed over Sunday with his parents here and returned Monday. Rev. J. M. Simpson, a former super- intendent on this circuit, will preach the sermon at: the Quarterly Services in the Methodist church next Sunday. at 10.30. The public welcome. Busi- ness meeting the following day at 2.30. Mrs. A. Andrews of Toronto, has been making a visit with Mrs. .1. Brownlce and other friends. Mrs. Tilfin received a. message Tues- day evening of the. death of a niece, Miss Morning, near the Holland Laud- Mrs. Tiffin took the late car for De- ing. Newnrarket the same evening. ceased was 21 years of age. Good prices \Vel'e realized at the auction sale of Mr. J. H. Jackson, Maple, on Tuesday. Auctioneer Saigeon drew $170 for a 3 year old gelding, cows due in March, went as high as $18.50, and implements also brought good prices. Notwithstand- ing the inclement weather and the snow blockade quite a«largc crowd gathered. Fine economy lies in buying good things. Atkinson S: Switzer. The village curlers. after waiting for a car from 12 o‘clock, noon, to (2 o'clock, went to the City Tuesday evening. to compete for the Governor- General’s prize. They started with one player short, and in consequence were docked 4 points. They played against \Vingharn and tied them, but lost the match owing to the penaly inâ€" fiicted. The following office-rs were, yester- . day elected at the annual meeting of the Board of Education :â€" Chair- rrran.J. H. Sanderson; Sec‘y-Treas., J. A. E. Switzer; Committee of Mali- ugement, F. McGonaghy, \V. T. Storey, G. McDonald. The retiring member of the. Public Library Board was reâ€"elected, and the hour of the monthly meetings, lst Monday in' each month, was changed to 7.301;. m. HOCKEY MATCH. A hockey match will be played Morr- day evening in the rink between the l noted Talugoos of Newrnarket and the home team. A fast game may he lookâ€" ed forward to. Skating before and after the match. HEADFORD. Miss Allie Heuricks of this place. who has been in impaired health since August, does not improve as it was hoped she. would of a long and painful affliction, so it has become necessary to go to the hospital. Her many friends will be pleased to learn of a speedy recovery. the Men's leather leggings. just things fer the present deep snow. $2 per pair. Atkinson & Switzcr. RACING CARNIVAL. A racing carnival will he held in the ' skatiuo' rink, 'l‘hornhill. ou the even- ing of‘Vednesday, Feb’y 10. when the following prizes will be given : Open race for a. silver cup, to be won twice; , partners‘ race for a fancv lamp: girl i A DIG LOAD. Mr. l'â€"‘:rae “'alder of Richmond Hill, one of the bucksters that buys on our rn:irket,arr i\ ed in town on \\"e(lnesd.'iy night with a big load of poultry that [he had just bought in the surrounding Country. lie had on his sleigh 200 pair of live chickens, S turkeys, 27 geese and 5 pair ducks. le. stayed her-eover night rather than Venture down Yonge St. with such a load at inightâ€"Neuronrer lira. Great bargains Atkinson}: Swit- zer‘s during February in fur boas, 1'11th and caper'ines. Prnasrrr'rcafltN OITURCII. The annual meeting of the Preshy- terian ('hurrh was held last evening. Rev. J. A. Grant, presided and Mr. Thus. Newton acted as secretary. Notwithstanding the stormy weather I’m-re was a good attendance. The drtferent. reports read shoWed that good \vork had been done iIr all (he partments of the ehnrch's business. Al‘lerthe election of officers for the coming year. a social time was err- jnyed, the. ladies having provided re,- l'reshments. Tlll‘] CUP LEA YES. The District (‘up for District No. 1. which has been held for the past year by the lichmond llill curlers. was wrested from them last Friday by the Granites of Toronto. The week pr'evh nus our links defeatrd Port ilope. Sear-born and Ncwmarket and had hey been successful against the. Granâ€" iles the cup would have remained here another year. Our rinks were made eligible to play for the (itivernor-Gen~ eral's prize by contesting in the. llual match for the cup. Maximum quality~rnininrum cost. \Ve eoniidently say of our goods, At- l§lil>§(1il& Switzer. SURVEYORSAT \VORK. A company of surveyors, 11 men, were in the village Monday, in the employ of Mackenzie & Mann, survey- ing for the. James Bay Railway. which is to run from James Bay to Toronto. There are three gangs of surveyors. those here surveying from Beaver-ton to Toronto. The survey was Irrade just along the eastern border of the corporation of Richmond Hill, and it the road goes through a. station will be erected in this place. The cost of good clothes is always well spent. Atkinson & Switzer. SOCIAL. The annual Social (St. Valentine’s) will beheld in the (‘iiurch of England Rectory, Thornhill. on the evening of Friday, Feb‘y 12. Games and amuse- ments will be provided for the enter- tainment of visitors. A musical pro- gramme is being prepared. There will he a. sale of ladies‘ Work. All are invited. Doors open at 7.30. The] c will be no charge for admission. but a silver collection will be rnade,to which all are expected to contribute accordâ€" ing to their ability. Suits that fit. that are shapely, that have a “ tone,” not one. detail neglect- ed; we can confidently say this of our Piccadilly suits for men. Atkinson 6: Switzer. MR. OSBORNE STAYS. Mr. Osborne, Manager of the Stami- ar-d bank here received word a few days ago that he was to be transferred to a. bank at Brussels. A petition of business men and other citizens was speedily signed and presented to the management in Toronto, stating that it Would be in the interest of the Rich- mond llill branch that Mr. Osborne should remain here, so the. manager gave him the option of leaving or re- maing. Mr. Osborne has decided to remain. The deputation to Toronto consisted of Reevi- Savage, and Messrs. \V. 11. Pugsley, ll. F. Hopper and IL A. Nicholls. OYSTER SUPPER. A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. Alex. McCague, Elgin Mills, a few evenings ago, where the young people of Victoria. Square met to pass a few hours in social and beneficial amusement. Included also in the company was Mr. McNair-, councillor of Vaughan. his Son and daughter. After a. couple of hours passed in playing various games, Peter Uoddles and his fanrily occupied the parlor, where a guessing contest also took place. while refreshments were being prepared in the dining- room. After a sumptuous repast, con- sisting of oysters and all the delicacies of the season. an excellent program was rendered consisting of choruses, ducts, solos. speeches, and a. dialogue. Mr. McNair Ably filled the chair. The program was concluded with "God Save the King." and all left for-the long and pleasant drive home, where some arrived not later than five in the morning. DEATH OF BEN \VA'I‘ERHOUSE. Benjamin A. \Vaterlrouse. a con- ductor on the Crand Trunk Railway, died very sud..'euly in the Union Sta- tion on Moncay night. \Vaterhouse had the run intween Toronto and North Bay, an'l shortly after'llo’clock he. came down to take his train, which left at 12.05 a. In. He had been in the general waiti-rg room upstairs and passed out into the passageway con- necting the old and new stations. Here Mr. W'aterbouse sat down on one of the seats and in a. few minutes fell forward. He was carried into the conductors‘ room and Dr. Riordan summoned. but he died within twenty minutes. Dr. Riordan gave heart trouble as the cause. Mr. \Vater- house. who was about 47 years of age. and boy under 10 years, glass tea. set. i had been for a longr time in the cur Rink open from Good music provided. skaters, 10c. 7.30 to 10. Skaters, 15c.; non- ! at 45 Belle? 0 l \vi low and th e: children.â€"Globe. ploy of the Gr.;rlk Trunk. He. resided place. and leaves a V _ .315mnx’emumxmtc ‘joe: RIFLE MA'H‘H. The match between till-ugrove and 2 Victoria Sou-ire (1. H. R. ('. resulted in a victory for the former by thirty» one points. The Squire boys arm-pt. their defeat with [llt‘ hes! (if gurrrll nature. but will do lira-5r best to trim the 'l‘oronlos in the return maleh which is expected to come oll' on l“('l). 13. The (ill-rrgrove team were all ex- ehampions ol' the Dominion wilh the exception of J. Simpson. .\lr. Dan Nelley, the old \etl-ran. is still in slrongevidence us a good shot. The following are the scores :*\\'. lmlimer. 75: J. Braih-y. 72.; Dan. Neill-v. (it): J. MeNah, (ill: 1). \V. Hughes, 07; .1. Simpson. 51. Victoria. Square â€"-R. Agar. (H; G. Forster. (ii: A. (Quanl'z, 61; Thus. Read, 61 ; \V. Scott, til ; C. 1’. Read, 5“. Special reduction in fine Worsted pamiugs, black war-sleds. Hitlrtt'li [weeds and (aluadian tweeds (luring themontlr of February. \Ve recour- mend these goods as safely aml Si‘tilll‘l‘- lyas we‘dreeonrmend a British gold coin. Atkinson (\' Switzer. lllGll SCHOOL REPORT. The following is the High School report for January :# FORM ill. Total, Average. Star r McMahon . . . . . . . . 704 78 Edward Nl‘lll‘S . . , . . , . . . hill 72 \Valter Frrsby . . . . . . . . . (iill 70 Fred Richardson . . . . . . . (Hill 70 Alla Milne . . . . . . , . . . . 132-; 00 l“. J. Graham _ . . . . . . . tilii 77 Lorene \Vright . . . . . . . . 5015 r5 Genm ieve Harris . . . . . . Bill) 87 l“. T. Graham ..... . . ..:')0:l (i3 Ernest Smith . . . . . . 507 71’. (‘vameron McNaughton. .473 7!) Mary GOK'lllnll . . . .433 53 Cecil Keys . , . . . . . . . . . . 432 till Lorne Perkins . . . . . . . . . 35H 50 Sidney Boyle . . . . . .3203 4!) lolph l’er kins . . . . . . . . . 27.3 31 Allen llumberstoue .. . .210 30 Form 11. Harry Fr-aneis.. . . . . . . 53.73 79 Garnet Diekenson , . 784 78 Hazel Switzer . . . . . . . . . . 701 70 Jessie Morgan . . . . . . . . . . 5'44 62 Russell Rumble . . . . . . . . 063 (ill Annie Rumble. . . . . . . . . (itil 60 Emily Boyle . . . . . . . . . . 522 5-3 Laura Richardson . . . . . 183 £33 , Jennie Clark . . . . . . . . . . . 423 47 Geo. Topper . . . . . . . . . . . 372 37 Geo. Deadrrran . . . . . , . . . . 308 46 Maggie L‘rosgrove . . . . . 340 (58 Jean Boyle . . . , . . . . . . . . 33 30 Almcda Ulubine . ._ . . .200 59 Frank McDonald . . .. 270 70 Mabel Byam . . . . . . . . 215 54 FORM 1. Alex. McConaghy .. . .1005 34 Donald Atkinson . . . . . . 931 78 Nora McMahon . . . . . . 925 77 Georgie Brown . . . . . . . . 92.1 St Norman Birrcll . . . . . .. 911 76 Clarence Krrrnee . . . . . 905 82 Marguerite Boyle . . . . . . 846 77 Myrtle Klinck . . . . . . . . 8l3 77 Murray Storey . . . . . . . . 808 67 \Villie. Lawson . . . . . . . 805 (57 Fred Campbell . . . . . . . . 758 G3 Arthur Ball . . . . . . . . . . , 711 [it \Varren Page. . . . . . . . 650 0'0 Morton Gibson . . . . . . . (Ill 61 Franklin Jackes . . . . . 501 7~l Hazel \Velsh . . . . . . . . . 565 50' Erlingr Gibson . . . . . . . 512 51 Keith Hill . . . . . . . . . . 457 57 Annie Kerswill . . . . .. Bill 72 \Villie Schmidt . . . . . . . 272 48 Those special heavy ribbed and plain black cashmere hose that we. are effer- ing at 25c. pair, you ought to see them -huy themmwear themâ€"enjoy them. Atkinson & Switzer. Bl BI 53 1'9. Clrn1.r.â€"-1n Richmond Hill on Friday, Jun. {5) a son to Mr and Mrs W R Caper]. D E A 1‘ H 9 S'rouTuNBcRGHâ€"At his late resilience, Victoria. Square. on Thursdav. 23th January, James Euwiu Stoutonburgh, aged 39 years. Iutémneot at Victoria. Square Cemetery Satâ€" urday, J unwary 3o, O'NEILLâ€"At: the residence of her duuehter. Mrs. W. J. Wilson. lbw College Street To- rout). Mary A., wiimv of the late 1’. O'Neill, and «laughter of the late Edward King of Ulitden 01)., Galwuy. Ireland. (Zr s?’-i Poor maul He can’t helpflt. He gets bilious. He needs 3 00d liver pillâ€"Ayer’s Pills. hey act directly on the liver, cure biliousness. ’-°- "Cm- Lowel . Mun. Want your moustache or heard a beautuutbrown or rich black? Use BUGKING-Hlill’s DYE ,5411. u A“? . 17. fl"! cu. LP too I t I!" A man to represent “CANADA’S GREATEST Nrrnsnruns " in the village of Richmond Hill and surrounding . country, and take orders for OUR liARDY SPECIALTIES lln Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Orna- mentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, Etc. Stock true to name and free from San Jose Scale. A permanent position for the right man on either salary or corn- rnission. . _ Stone & Wellington, FONTHlLL NURSERIES, ' OVER 800 ACRES, TORONTO, - ONTARIO. | January :3 Lu a: sssssssssl Milieu 5!. SWliZER. Richmond Hill We begin February with a stock com- plete in all in a splendid position to give the best value in all Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Crockery and \Vindow Glass. Good Goods. ' \Ve handle goods that are cheap, but _ not cheap goods. departments. \Ve are We want our goods to be- f come your goods, and our store to become i your store. \\ hcn this want is realized we 5 shall icel sure of seeing you or hearing from you very often. Then you will bring your lriends to our store and we shall derive a I mutual profit. Our joint success depends on your efforts and ours. It cannot tail if we try to please each other. We quote: Fancy Cr-etonnes, 8, 10, 121., 11, 15 and 200. yard. I Art Muslims, 9, 10, 12, ll, 15 and 20c. yd. . Ladies” Heavy Serge Skirts, navy. black and grey, at $1.50. - Ladies’ Black Sateen \Vaists, special at $1 and $1.25. 1 California. Prunes, 5c. ; Golden Dates, 50. ; Natural Figs. i 50. ; Pure Lard, 1013c. ; Fairy Soap, 50.; Crust Soap, '50. i Happy Horne Soap, 8 bars for 25c. \Vindmv Glass, size 12x16, at 80c. doz. ; other sizes in pro- portion. sess-v‘t . 5. .15 . i “3.2:? we. 1? ,, ,h _ _ ' . fifth .___ stoves l Buy one of our tarantula Rallies , And have two wetâ€"ks’ trial with it. \Ve set it up, and it" not satis- l factory the stove will be taken °cmmcuncs back and your money will be cheer-fully refunded. Our motto : Satisfaction with our goods or no sale. s2 Wanamaker: * lttzfi tilt is. 3N _ Riflllllllllil lllll__ xrxmmmxmmmmmmxmx,3* YOTkShlEO ' $00k FOOd FOR HORS ESâ€"Gives them a good appetite, a glossy coat, a lose hide and a healthy appearance. Highly recommended by nor-semen. FOR CATTLE it has no equal. 1t improvrs the appetite. aids diges- tion, it causes a perfect aSsirrrulation of the food and fattens them quickly : also a grand preparation for rrrilch cows. FOR UAhVFrswmixed with skim milk or separator milk it will make calves thrive as well or better as when fed on new milk. Prevents scours, aids digestion, and rapidly fits a calf for market. _ FOR HOGSâ€"this wil be found a grand tonic for fattening hogs rapid- ly. It aids digestion, kills worms, and keeps them healthy. The stock- man's favorite, because it makes your stock thrive strongâ€"best and cheapest stock food on the market. Five feeds for one cent. Yorkshire Cough & Heave Cure Guaranteed to cure coughs, colds. heaves and broken wind in horses. Horsemen will find this an infallible remedy for any affection in a horse’s wind, whether cauSed from after eifects of distemper or from eating dusty hay. Price 50c. Sold in Richmond Hill by Geo. McDonald, harness-maker. Your own recipes made up properly from pnrc'dr-ugs at wholesale prices. ' All drugs and patent medicines at wholesale prices. J. A. «Fohnston it: 00., (Successor to C. D. Daniel & Co. and Hugh Miller 64 Co.) “'hulesalc and Retail Druggists. 171 King St East, Toronto, Opposite Clyde liotcl.

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