USERAL PRiNTING (9. PUBLISIHNG HOUSE RICHMOND HILL,ON1‘. Calls by telephone from Richmond " Hill charged to me. '1‘ . F.310MAHON. Rumodelledmud uewly furnishad throuabout One of the most; cnuveuient and cumtortnble hntels ou Yunge Street, Every modern conâ€" venience Sn-nple rooms for commercial truvellers. Auidealstonping place 101- riding or driving xmrties.bicyciists. or farmers going cunt returning from market. Electric cars passtno dcor Livury inronnection VOL. XXW. L the resi lunt nbvsxcian at. N es‘iern and Grace R Jspima , [‘uronbo Gulls by day TERMS $1.00 PER DAY. W. C. SAVAGE - [s PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING J. H. SANDERSON DR W G L S‘PAULDING DR A W SPAULDING l)entists Room “ 2L†Yonge Street; Arcade. Toronto. Telvphqne Main DR. ARNOLD D. A. MASON, Dentist, (SucceSSor [.0 Dr. T. A. Currie), Our. Church and Carlton Sts.. Toruntn, Will be in Richmund Hill every VVed- ncsduy. Ofï¬ce, next dmw suuth of Public Sclxnnl. Ofï¬ca Hoursâ€"5.30 2L. m. to 5 p. m. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, PALMER HOUSE RICHMON D HILL , VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL est ï¬tting- teeth. lowest prices. (6 $1 per annum, in advance.] 00m VETERINARY SURGEON, BR. E. J. STUBBS, C.&LLEE RHEUMA‘ THEM. BR. Wiï¬. RGQEES, aHmrs-Sbnxnnm; 12‘. to‘lpm 75080111. @212 gamma 'l‘iaox‘nhill. Enlron d? [‘xomum‘os SINESS CARDS. Ibilntist. i‘ZL Victoria S $1 etcrinary 'ï¬â€˜lloi‘nliiil‘ and night, promptly at, tended to. 3312mm. AT TUE Mum. 2124 A fm also roplnting, at Good work. Lind use Anti-Till and see Lack, Kidney and Bladder pain and ache termed Rheu- Kidney pain Toronto. natic â€"â€"- There is A great deal of Prop and distress in t1: shoulders, side, and A cold will cause sometimes c 311ml [1 cases ( J '1‘ Suigeon. J K McEweE. Maple Weston Salgeon a: McEwc-n. Licensed Auctioneer-i.~ (of the County of York, Sales Luellde to on shortestnotiveand a. ran.- sonablemtes Patronagesolicited Mouev to loan on land and chatcel mortgages at lowest. rates Aurora. attireâ€"Removed to the old post oflch one dqor .wesï¬ of the entrance to the Ontario Bnuk Newmurket ofliceâ€"Three doors south of the 1': )SD orï¬ce '1‘ qumm'r LENNOX. G SmV MORGAN, A u tom New market Licensed Auctioneer for the County Goods said on consignment Genera] ntoc etc uromptlv Attended Lo at 1-: rates“ [Residence Uniouville License Auctioneer for theCounty of York, re- spectfully solicits your rust-mange and friendly influence sales attendefl on the sLorteat. notice and at reasouubemtea. Y. O.n.ddrese King Issuer of Marriage Licenses RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. Liceuaed Auctionearfor the Counties of York and Ontano All sulesof farm stock. drc. nt- cended ran on the shor‘tast notire and reasonable rates. Mnrtrmcpnnd'bsï¬liï¬ sales attended to. Reaidence.Stoquville Ont above Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. LENNOX & MOREAâ€"Nfl, A large stock of Funeral Eum‘is’hings kept at b49111) flames. Gr G S Lindsey.K C A G F h-uvrouce W Riduut Wausworth Barristars, Solicitors, etc. ._ TORONTO OFFICE: N0. 33 Rich- mund St. \Vest.“"esley Buildings, (Methodist Book Romn,) To- mnto. Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday ‘ afternoon of each week. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. RICHARDSON HOUSE RICHMOND HIL‘L;& THORN‘HHL Hume Life- Building (formerly Free hold Luau Bldg.), Cm’. Adelaide & ‘ Victoria SLS., Tuwnto. LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. JAS. NEWTON NOTARY PUBLIC, ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, 33 11(9'r11V' MIIJLS Undvrlakers a: Emhalmrrs, HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. The back BIIXP] «E. THOROUGH LY REFITTED. Barri:ters,Sa1icitors. Notaries, kc. Lindsey. Lawrence 39 w adsworth. COOK & JOHNSTON FREDERICK BACK, Prop :u'ristors and Solicï¬aors. Dc uromptlv Attended .0 at reasonable Residence Uniouville Gouldmg. ‘lu‘ewton Brook, agent for tho WRIGHT BROS 1., IE. PI entice. D. a. BLOBG§L RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11. 1.904 COMMISSIONER IN THE N. L‘. Smilla. is a. perfect System Treat- menu Price, 50(3ch Any one who doubia should write for a free sample #59 \insox-Fua Co., Niagara Falls, Out. large glands of the body how quickly you will get relief. Dr. Leonhardt‘s Anti-Pill In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Li’bt’rty; in ail things, Charity} manta Qennnil isalégzl It acts on all it Phone Main 2984 Nowrimrket of >YOXL'. The home cf Mr. and Mrs. “K H. Lino of Maple, was the scene of u very )h-aszmt L‘\'('nt on the afternoon of \"Hlnvsday, Feh’y 3. It was the nu- cusinn of the marriage of their daugh- ter Lydia May. tn Mr. John Devin-s of Unrsmirs, Alberta. Aln-ut ï¬fty guests ware present to witness theinterest- ing ceremony. The hrido presented a, must charming appearance as she came to the bridal altar loaning upon the arm of her futhm». The groom was supported by his cousin. Mr. Jas. Devins uf lileinhurg. while Miss Annie Vnnco of Bolton, attended the bride, and Miss Adelle Jucksnn acted as nmhl of hnnur. The nuptial knot was so- curl‘ly tied by Rev. \V. N. Chnnllor. After the wcdrling cermnnny the curvly tied by Rev. \V. N. Chnntlvr. AfLL'l‘ the wodJing ceremony the guests repaired to the dining-mum where full justice was done to the suznptuuus lppast, provided by the hustandhostess. Afteru short time spent insnciul intercourse, the happy couple loft upon bhe evening train for anontn. In a few weeks Mr. .and Mrs. vains intend [Paving {OI-their fularo home in “Sunny Alberta." Their many friends join in wishing them a lung and happy wedded life. The nunwrnus and costly presents evidenced the respect: and guud-wili shown by thv guests present. The, folinwing is u. listuf the presents given: A large family bible £10m father and mother; silver ln-ead tray, Mr. and Mrs. Constable; lax-g?- globe parlor lamp. Mr. and Mis. Line; J. “'ntsun, Work in pit, . . . . . . . . On sidvruud, luts 5 and 6, con, G. Sultun, drawing gnu el. .. . . .l. \Veuthm-el, drawing ggxu‘el .. W. Buddy, dinning gravel C. Husun, drawing gran-l . . . . . . W. Buddy, work in pit . . . . . . . . .G. Sutton, {mark in pit; . . . . . . . . . .J. M’euuxercl, work in pit . . . . . D. Lock. work in pit . . . . . . . . . . . P. Fletcher, work in pit . . . . . . . J. Johnston, wm-k in pit . . . . . . . . J. Dix, levelling gravel . . . . . . . J. \Veathel-t-l, foreman . . . . . . . . J. John-stun, gravel . . . . . . . . . . On 6111 COIL. lots 29 and 30: L. Blnugh, drawing grave-1 . . . . . . A. Cairns. druwiug gravel . . . . . . A. Manny, dmwing gravel . . . . . . J. Cluhine. drawing gravel J. Romhuan, drawing grave-1.. .. \V. Brysun. drawing gmvel . . G. Ezard, work in pit . . . . . . . . . . J. Crank. work in pit, . . . . . i . . . . A. Bryson. levelling gravel . A. Cairns. work with team J. (Mink. gravel . . . . . . . . ... ... A. Gordon, way through farm. . WANTEDâ€"FAII‘HFUL PERSONS TO CALL on retail trade and agents for manufacturinz house lmviug well established business; local tarrizory; samight salary $21) pnitl weekly and «scenes money advanced; previous experience unuecessay; lxosmiun permanent: business successful. Enclose self-addressed envelope. Superintundent travelers 605 Manon Bldg., Chicago 22-12 ‘Iouncil met at the Town Hall on Tuesday, Fob’y 9. The reew in the chair. Members present: Messrs. Camomn, Lnij- houso, McNair and Dcvins. Minutrs of last meeting were read and adupted. McNai1~~â€"Longhouweâ€"~hha.t the treus. pay the following rand accounts : J. Kerr, Jeaxing guldcr at H:lll.$ i 00 \V.’Buwen, dynamite and wmk in Johnston’s pit (Johnston to pnyhnlf) . . . . . . . H . . . .. .. ‘13 75 W. Bowen, dynamite ,zmd work in Skenns’ pit «Skeuns to pay half) , ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 62 Gun e] (in Edgely siderond. com .5: J. McNeil, drawing gravel . . . . . . 50 .00 '1‘. Brnwnlee, drawing gravel . . 12 25 F. Topper, druwmg gravel . . . . . . 14 67 J. Devins, dlawiug gravel . . . . . . 21 00 \V.Snider, fore-mun in pit; . . . . . . 15 00 A. Snider. work hf: pip . . . . . . . . . 13 ()0 Wedding Bells at Maple. V aug’nan 31‘ 87 13 00 9: 20 45 21 93 19 91 18 00 l 00 l 00 14 67 21 00 15 00 13 ()0 11 00 69 Elder’s Mills sidernnd : S. McClure, drawimz (:mvvl . . .. H. Creighton, drawing gravel .. \V. Lawrio, drawing gravel . . . . G. F. \anlacv, drawing gravel. . R. Goodall. drawing gravel .. . . J. Ross, drmvmg gran-l . . . . . . . S. MCCllu't', Work in pic . . . . . . . . J. Nutlrrss. \Vurk and gravel. . . . J. Hamilton. Wm‘k on road . . . . J. McBride. work in pit, . . . . . . . . -I). Shannon, wm-k in pit, . . . . . . . S. McClure, foreman in pit. . H. Creighton, fnremnn in pit On 5111 con, lots 9 and 10: Gem‘gu Bowen. drawing gravel J. Baker. " J. Kirkland, “ J. Baker. “ J. llnlfey. †R. Linp. “ \V. Lulimor, “ A. Bonn-s. “ 1). Rumble, †F. Rmulilu, " \V. Mztllny, " A. Rmunan, †ll. Guldnn. “ U. Runiblv, “ J. BOWPn, “ A. \Vinger. “ \V. Path-ram, “ A. Rumhlu. “ H. Rumble, “ H. High, “ \V. Kinnee, “ H. Atkinsun, “ R. \Villiams, “ J. Shunk, “ J. \Vllson, “ J. Snider. “ W. Blake, ï¬lling gravel . . . . . . . . L. Baker, “ . . . . . \V. anun, “ . ... .. \V. ancn, oversswr in pit . . . . . E. ALkinsrm, levelling gravel T. Reid, levelling gravel .. On Tlmrnliill siderrmd, can. A. Bmves, for drawing gravel. I). Rumble, †J. Baker, “ R. LllH'S, “ A. Rumble, “ J. H:1li"ry, “ R. Bussingthwuite, “ A. Rrannm, “ A by-lnw to grant $10,000 to thy Denis Tanning Company was can-iml in Newmarket on Monday by a vote of about 336 to 25. People are Uftl'll opposed to bonuses until a vote comes on, and then they carry them with a. gWeep. A pv‘hitinn was presented frmu J. E. Francis and 53 others asking fur grant fur'l‘lmrnhill Public Lilmuy. Cumei-nnâ€"vainsâ€"tlmt ti'ezus. pay seci-ctm-y Thm‘nliill Public Library the sum of $10.â€"G;u1-ird. Devinsâ€"Cu[Heronâ€"that the trons. pay the following accounts: J. O’Connor. 1 card wnud .. .. $ 3 00 T. F. McMahon, 8 election Sets†10 00 Longhnuseâ€"Dcvinsâ€"that the trans. pay “$111. Darker $5, for medical nt- tPllflance on daughter who leer-ived injuries on Pine Gi-(n'e hridg». Lnnghnnseâ€"McNairâ€"thut the trons. pay \Vm. \Vatsun, i-eevc, $5. to fur» nish nocessnrics fur family if Thomas \Vilcux. Pine Grove. said family be» ing in dvscitute circumstancvs. Council ndjmu‘uudin meet (an Tues- day, March 8. McNairâ€"Gelmelonâ€"that the above matter he laid over for further consid- eration, and that Messrs. Devins :md Lnnghnuse wait on 'Huwlnnd Bros. in reference thereto.â€"Curried. Golden dates, 50. 1!).1 natural ï¬gs, ï¬e. Ih.: California. prunes, 5c. “L; hand-picked white beans. 4c. 1b.; \Ve-they’s Mince Mean 10c.: Faity soap, 50.; Crvst, soup, 59.; Happy Hume soap. 8 bars fur 25c.: men's heavy wool socks. 200. pm; Schinl value in brooms at 20 and 250. Atkin- kinsun & Switzer. A petitinn was presentvd by Dr. Ruhinson, G. Arnold and 90 uthers for making new l’uad {rum Kleinhurg \‘Ulnge to the statiun as per Mr. \Vulk- ef’s plan and proï¬le. R. Bmvvn, “ . . . . . . . . . \V. Bowen, foreman in pit, .. J. Tyndall. tram in pit . . . . . . . .l. lekm', team in pit . . .. . . . . A. Brillingw, sharpening pick. . T. Pent-sun, work on road . Thurnhill sidex'rmd, con. 1: Lewis Page, fur drawing gravel J. Page, “ G. Bmves, “ R. Bmves, “ J. Bell, work in pit, . . . . . ’1‘. Bowes, overseer in pit, J. (ilemy. \prk on load . L. gage, 267 yards grayel» Coiilmutea Stntl‘fte Luhnr aoc’t. \Vm'k performed in Div. N0. . 6 W .. \Vinge‘r, ‘. Plentice, . Bmve-n, . Kirkland, Huwvn, VVilsnn. GUl‘dUI), Baker, Iliumltlv, . Putts-1mm. Rumlnlv, Humble, . Blake, wurk in Baker, “ 13 10 10 30 l3 14 3L 53¢» 1 50 2 50 11 00 18 67 .0 907 50 50 00 50 63 00 90 9f) 93 5U 00 00 (JO 50 50 For other particulars call at the Bank. women who suffer from headache, back- ache, bearing-down pains and other con- sequences of womanly disease, can be completely cured by the use of Doctor Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. It es- tablishes regulari‘uj', dries weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulcera- tion and cures female weakness. Received in Snvings’ Bank Depart ment and interest allowed at, Money loaned on Farmcs's' Salv Nun‘s. Blank Nate i (“1513' Supplied Free. Senegal Banking HEQHEM “ About two years ago I was taken sick and it seemed as if I had no nerves at all," writes Mrs. P. Woodbeck. of Delray. Mich. “ Could not work an hour in the day without being tired out. I doctored ï¬rst with one physician. {hen with another. but did not receive any beneï¬t. One would say one thing and the next something else. I had almost wen up when I thought your medicine might lelp me. so I wrote to you asking what to do. You advised me to take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and ‘ Golden Med- ical Discovery.‘ I did so and could see a differ- ence right away. I only took {our bottles in all and felt better than I had in a long time. Can work all day now and not feel tired as I would in an hour before taking your treatmcnl. I think it is the only medicine." Dr. Pierce‘s Pleasant Pellets cure diz- ziness and sick headache. Ripans Tabules cure nausea. Ripans Tabules. £19m Tabules cure torpld liver, Notice of withdrawal not nones- sm-y. All deposits payable on demand. (‘apiï¬nl Rt‘sl E-F‘F RICHMOND HILL \K‘atoh huyels invariath ask the question. “\tht make of watch is the host P†Yum- by year we become more im- pressed with the fact that tho hrs: is the cheapest in the and. The adjusted Hampden mave- nwnt-s keep better time than any othvr American made mnvvments. They cost considerath morn than the well known “'al- than) 01- Elgin \‘VntChPS. but the ï¬ne rate thev hnld makes them well worth the differ- enceI in the price. The lowes: grades are worth $8.50. Full jeweiled. Sll.50. Filiélglsewelled. adjusted to temperature. ls5uu' jewe'led. adjusted to temperature, ï¬ve positions and lsochronltm, $26.00. Highest grads-s. $56.35. The above prices include a nickel case JERRY SMITH Of Can ada Practical Watchmaker [Single c J. W. OSBORNE. DEPOSITS uyels invariath ask ;Lion. “ \tht make is the lwst ? †Yt-ur we become more im- SUï¬EEE‘éT RETES. 331.090.0011» 6‘ AGENT. 3 cts. k 1 ling lght you .- Dr. 32