Quarterly svrvices were held here Lust Sunday. Rev. Mr. Gray of Vin- toriu University. prmrchvd hnth mm'n- i’ng and l vvning. Rev. J. A. Grant of Richmond Hill. preach“! in the Presâ€" hytH-ia_n church on Sunday evening. Gait. curlers won the Ontarir. tank- anl, lhn lust rinks defeated bring the (‘ulcdoninns of Toronto. Mr. J. Sherman gave a supper un Mnnday evening to a number ufhis flir‘HdS. the (-ccasinn being the sixtirth anniversary of his birth. A very pleasant time was spent by all. If you wish to ï¬nd out What con- stitutes real clwapuess give our goods a heat. Atkinson & Switzer. VJhEle Miss L. Johnson. youngest dulghtvr of Mr. Thus. Jnlmson of Victoria Square, was driving through (hshel on b‘rh’y 4, her hm-se suddenly hwmme flighté-nod and ran away, ï¬ll-owing Miss Johnson out and break- ing cutter and hurm-ss almost to total {aim Miss Johnsi-n was not, injured. mt receixed n sm ere shut-k and has hevn sick mwr since the accident (vs-curred. Miss Johnson was very lunve. “‘hpn the hm-se had been Caught. nml harness and cutter repair- e-d. she gut in and drove hump hers‘alf. “'0 gin»! Iwr great credit for 1191' l‘raw-Iy, and hope for her speedy rc- 01 for we. estable ed house in a ew counnlos, calling on mail men-hams and agents. Local territory. Salary $20.0uper week With expen- nns addmonmwll .myable in cash each week. Money ful‘ expenses advanced. Position per- umueut. business successful and rushing. Standard House, 30, Dearhorn Sm. Chicago. Nov. 1‘ ' wks. A very pretty onnt took place on \\7(>d|1t-S(laiy ufH-rmum of last week at, (hi-home of Mr and Mrs. H. Linen, whrn their daughter, Lydia M., was united in matrimony to Mr. \V. 1):}vins of Curstnirs, N. W. '1‘. Rev. W. N. Chzlntler perfnrmed thecero- HI'JIIY. There wasn large number of g10>tspr059ntand the bride rvceived lurlny huudsmne and useful gifts. A ler‘ture will he given in Hope Mothndist church on \Vedm-sduy ovvniug, F‘eh‘y' 17. by Rrv. Juhn Mr- Dougull. Superintendle of Missions in Manitnhu and the. North \Vest. Br- aide-s theleclure there will be music by local talent. Trenchâ€"Glussâ€"bhat the Treasurer’s Accounts and Audicors’ Repm-t be now passed as ï¬nally audited, and that; the usual number of copies by printed [or distribul innâ€"Carried. Glassâ€"Paulinâ€"that the sum of $10 be handed to the Rev. Mr. Campbell to be expended by him as he may think necessary for the beneï¬t of Ruben!) Kinuce and his family, who are indigentâ€"Carried. ‘ - I’l'JW-l y, Coven y. ‘ The Treasurer’s Accounts and Aud- ltms’ Rvport Were submiLted to the ccuncil. Minutes of last meeting were read and conï¬rmed. The clerk road the following ac: counts : Jos. glauchai-d, b1 eaking 3 toise of stone . . . . . . . . . . . LT . . . . . . . $18 00 Deputy Registrar Generztl's cer- tiï¬cate of births, etc . . . . . . . 5 80 Trenchâ€"Paulmâ€"thab the treasurer pug tiniabove accounts.â€"â€"~qu~ried. Council met, on Feb‘y 4. Present: the reeve, and Councillors Paulin, Trench and Glass. For monlhs past people talked of the possibility of war between Rus- sia and Japan, later came the prob- ‘ ability, 2. week ago war was inevit-j able", and today the bloody con- fliet is a cruel reality. Japan at the , very outset dealt her enemy a severe blow, but how and when and where it will end few will care to even guess. Shortly after negotiations ' were closed between the two ‘ countries the Japanese fleet attacked Port Arthur, the principal coaling station of the Russians, and destroy. ed three Russian battleships and two armored cruisers. Within a few ' hours after the commencement of the engagement their" ï¬nest battleship was hopelessly crippled in the harbor and their forts were badly damaged. The damage to the Japanese ships was extremely light. The Japanese forces are naturally elated over their brilliant charge which is considered one of the most daring and success- ful in the history of modern warfare. WANTEDâ€"FAII‘BFUL PERSON T0 TRAV‘ RESâ€"uWâ€"ï¬rB-Qz-Wire Fence Cr) An) Al Meetingâ€"P D Sachem Change-Would's Dispensary Msllicnl Assoc'n Change-J. C. Aye: a: Co. Quanggâ€"Lj Ho,†@152 351mm. The cauucil adjoq:_né_d. RICHMOXD HILL. Fvbruau'y 11, 1904 New Advertisements. Victoria Square Village Counml. N ews N otes. THE WAR. Maple M . TEEFY. Clerk. We Inesduv. March 2 «Credit sale of farm stock nn.l implements on lot 1 man 4th 00!] Man- hmn the prv‘peny of Wm Gibson. Sale at 1. Eight mouths. J H Prentice, uuct Wednesday, March 2â€"- Auction sale of a number of cattle and horses at the Palmer House. Richmnnll dill. Sale at 1. Three months. Sui-germ a McEwen. aucts Thursday, March 3â€"(1redit sale of farm stock and implements on lot 1?. rear 3rd cnu Mark- ham the property of Chas James. Sale at 12. Eight months. J H Ptantice.nunt Monday. Marl 7 -Auctinn sale of farm stock and implemeuts on not ‘26 3rd con Vaughan (11- miles north of Maple) the property of James Sherman Pele etl Eight mouths Saigeon 6‘1 McEwen aunts Tuesday. Lturch 8 â€"Credit sale of farm stock and implements mi Int 13 .enr‘zud can Markhtm the prupertv of Julm Clements. Sale at 1. Eight months. J H Prentice. au‘ct Wednesday, MUSâ€"Auction auto of term stock and implements on lot 16 3rd can Vaughan (1% miles south of Maple) the pmnertv of Thom-us Rupert Sale at 1 Eight months Seigmu & McEweu aunts “'etlncsdny. Mar-h 9â€"Credit sale of farm stock. and implements on lot 17 re .r6th con Mark- ham the property of Wm McCarty. Sale at 1. Eight months. J F! Prentice. nuct Thursday, Mar illâ€"Auction sale of farm stock andimplementsmilnt 5 2nd cou Vaughan (1’; miles west 'I‘hornhill) the property of George Charlton Sale at 1 Eight months Suieeuu 5; Mclswon uucts Friday Mur llâ€"Auctinn sale of farm stock and implements an lot ‘23 3rd con Vaughan (2: milesoutn of Cherry's Hate!) the property utJnmes nextar SAIO at 1 Eight mouths Sniuenn & McEwen nucts Tueï¬drw Mar 15â€"Auctiou sale or (arm stock and implements ueur Elder‘s Mills Vaughan the prulu-rty or Mr Mninprize Sale at 1 light months Suigeoa & McEwen xlucus Wednesday. March ltiâ€"(h'ezlit mlec-f farm s'ock and imp'euieuts on lot 9.3. 6th run Markham (Cnslu-J) Lhe property of Abner Sulnmerfeldt. Sale at 1. Eight mouths. J H Prentice. auct Tuesday. March 22â€"Cie'lit sale or farm stock nnvl implements on lot 21,5th cun Markham Ihepmperty ofJos Watt. Sale at 1. Eight months. J H Prentive.u-1M Friday. Feb 12 â€"Auctinn sme of farm struck, im- plements‘etoq the property of Jull!) Heugill. near Pine Grove. Terms, nine mus Saigeon & McEwen. uncle Saturday, Feb lzlâ€"Auctinn sale of house and lots in the village of Buttonville the prop- erty of Cine 1-) Stiver. Sale at. 2: Terms made known at time of sale. J H Prenti -e, aunt Tuesday, Feb lï¬â€"Crerlit sale of farm sun-k and implements on lot 4.5m con Vuughm tue vrnperty of L \Vhitmore. Sale at 1. Nine months. J H Plentice, Lumt We-lnu-sduy. Feb l7â€"Credit sale of farm stock. implements. etc. on lot 19. rear (2th con Markham. the plawr'ty of G & A Hellurthv. Sale at :1. Dinner pruvided. Terms nine months. J H Prentice. :Luctmm-er Wednesday. Feb l7â€"Auctinu sule of farm stock, iniplements,etc.. the propeer of John G. hallett, near Woodbrige. l‘orms. nine months. Saigeon dz. McEwen, aucts. Thursday, Feb Iiiâ€"Auction sale of a car 10ml of cattle and a. number of horsesnt Huahcs' hotel. ’l‘hornhlil. Suds at 1. From 3 toG mouths. Sulgeon & McEwen, eucts Friday. Eel) Illâ€"Auction sale of village property and threshers’eï¬ects at Rlchmoud Hill be- longing to the estate of Nlchuius Sliney, in- solvent. Sale at 1. Saigeon & McEweu, aucte Monday, Feb 22â€"Auction sale of farm stock and implements near Kleinhurg the prop- erty of Louis Train. Sale at 1. Eight months Suigeon & no slwen. aurts Tuesday, Feb 23 â€"CrediL sale of farm stock and implements on lot 4 cum 6 Vaughun the property of the late Henry Whitmore. Sale at 1. Terms 9 months. Saigeou d: McEwen, aucts Wednesday, Feb 24â€"Credit sale of farm stack and implements on lot 26 con 6 York (near Emery) the property d E Smith. Sale at ll. Terms 9 months. Saigeun & McEwen. aucte Wednesday. Feb 24â€"Credit sale of fresh milcll cows. springers, young cattle and swine at Hugh s’hutel. 'l'hornhill. Sale at 1. Four months. J R Prentice. auct ThursdqyJ‘eb iiiâ€"Credit sale of farm stock and ilnp elnents near Cleirville the property of John Button. Sale at 1. Terms 9 months. Saiyeou & McEwen, aucts Thursday. Feb 25â€"Credit sale of farm strck and iumlements on lot 2& con C. Scurbnro, the propertyol Robert Bell. 38.19 at 1. Nine months. J H Prentice. euct Friday. Feb Mâ€"Auction sale of farm stock and implements on lot 21,7th con Vaughan the property of Gavin Lawrie. Sale at 1. Eight months. Snigeou & McEwen, aucts Tuesdav, March 1â€"Cretlit sale 01 turn] stuck and implements on lot ‘24. 4th con Scarbom the property at Wm Walker. Sale utoue. Eight mouths. J 11 Prentice, [met Tuesday, Mar 1â€"Auctinn Mile of lerm stock and implemunta (near Wumlbridge) the property of the late Geurge Tripper Sale at 1 Eight months 33129011 55 Mcl‘lwen aunts Appetite oorPJBowels constipate ? Tongue coated? Head ache? It’s your liver! Ayer’s Pills are liver pills, all Bold f I. C. A C .. ling yeoaiu. Lowe) filings. The '1‘. Eaton Company purpose rebuilding a ten story nmv depart- montalslnreon the site of the pr'rs- e-nt building. The new structure will be builtin sections so that, Lhe busi- ness 0f the company may he currivd on while constvuction is underway. Mr. Lennnx is the architect, and Work Will commence early in the spring. Jesse Ketchnm School m) Driven- port. Road. Turnntn, took ï¬l't‘ it little hr-fore the noon hmnu Monday, and the building “‘nS gutted in :1. shan timé.‘ The children marched out. Lu safety without an accident: Shredded \thb Biscuit, Triscuit, Grape Nuts. CI‘PHUI of \tht. Malt Breakfast Food, Fm‘no. Ov-alngv Mont, Swiss Fund. Quaker Oaks». Tilsnn’s Outs. full stock. Atkinsmn & Switzor. The annual meeting of the Canadian Assnciutinn of Fairs and Exhibitions will hr» hPld in the City Hall. Toronto, on \Vedn‘vsduy and Thursday. the 17th and 18th inst. Addresses will lie given by Mayor Urquhart. Hon. John Dryden and m‘my others. Full stuck of host Canadian reï¬ned, sugars, extra grunulntvd sxigar, pnw- den-d sugar, icing sugar. Paris lump sugar, yellow sugar, and a big $‘s worth given. Atkinson & Switzer. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use BUGKINGHAM’S BYE Special value in tea at 25:1nd 30c. Ib. and cdfl’eo at, 20. 25, 30 and 40c. 1b.. the coffee grudnd fl-vsh while you wait. Atkinson 8; Switzer. Tie wholesale district of the city of Baltimore was burned to the ground Sunday. The C(mflalgratinn is said to he the greats-stir: the history of the United States. Ripans TabuléSTuEEIEVer troï¬bles. DiZZu é Sale Register. )ost Canadian reï¬ned, mulntvd ï¬dgar, pnw- g sugar. Paris lump The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Im- proved Uhester white hogs, lot 32, lst con. Markham (Thornhill) has for sale some good young stock. McGuhey’s Condition Blood Powders 25c. Snld hy (ah-o. McDonnld, harness- nlnkPl‘, Richmond Hill, and ail med- icine dealers throughout England, the United States and Canada. 22-1-03 The Blacksmith Shop and House at Dollar, 3rd con. Markham. First- cluss stand fur a good horseshm-r. Fur par-tit'nlurs apply to "EU. UU\V[E. Richmond Hill. bf. 01' to P. \V. BOYNTON. Dollar. President W'est Yul'k Libvrul Assm W. York Liberal Ass’n McGahev‘a Kidney & Cough indcrs 1} Acute Aï¬wtions of ï¬lm throat and lungs. such a ,slemwr. etc. For swellin ' and stocking: o! ()1? legs: maul: of hard driving. §kidney 'l‘rou , :Iu . on- ‘ wi'l relieve, am“. one box will cure. Prion, 500. Tm: DR. gmpcnugy M'amcmE co., For Sale or Rent ms of the Which link !.i 7 it: Thepnly nmdigine ix ‘ work". than \vill «‘1an the above dame, mnlung 113 mmlsnund in .vindand useful tnhisnmer. I’m-1.51m SUNNYSIDE FARM Sandersou's Emu‘sion o! Cod [.iverGil. Filty per cent. Cod Liver Oil, and tasteless. For seated colds and coughs. For coughs a‘hd colds in small children. w. A. Sanï¬ersn DRUGGIST sz cure a cold in one day. Our I am prepared to supply the pub- lic with the host cough and 'culd remedies in the market. Try CGUGH AND COLD SEASQN I Annuai J‘w’ia Thursday, Feb. 18, Bromide Quinine Tablets Sanderson’s White Pine and Tar. None belt er. Our HIVE CROUP SYRUP \Vill be held in Eng ‘Veston, on gm: gtlvrctissmrnts. P. D. MCLLEAN. M. 1).. Liv-mp! ville. out. At 3 p. m. of the Mile k For Breker- Winded HORSE-3 wad J. Hill. e-x- «m, Liberal Tickets for Hull, 3: g. QQQQWSQ§®S§§SEX§QQ T. B. LEDFQRD, Pray. W 5®®§9%929®@§@65®6®9Q$€Gï¬ï¬ ï¬rcserias Fish ï¬ranges ï¬ysiers Lemmas Em. ï¬ysiers suppi‘ied far Suppers METROPOLSTAN "STORE [ACCIDENT PULEGIES Fife Emumnce P. G. Savage 8: A. Gu‘r. Savage. Call 01 write for pamphlets regarding different kinds of policies. We can give you any kind you wish: ENDOVVMENT. PAYMENT LIFES, ORDINARY LIFE, Specials of all kinds and JOINI‘ POLICIES also Wafl Papem ï¬ï¬FEBERQ‘E’Eï¬N LEFE From $1.00 up: covers sicknes and acci- dents of any kind. A good choice uf Fire ('nmpanies. All business promptly at- tended to. ASSOCIATION Now is the time to insure in the S‘Qï¬ï¬iï¬ gents