Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Feb 1904, p. 5

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Elie (Edited. Cj‘ RicuMoND IliLL, February II. um LO(L‘ A1195. lrgular ma-et inkr of Court Richmond l. I-morrow evening. Rev. .7. .\l.t-liii:1i:iviipreached in the M ~thotlist chmch Sunday morning. Mr. Edward (lat-bull and Mr. llcnry Staltup h-l‘t Monday for a trip to England. Miss StellaSlieppartlidf Tumult). is spending the \\‘l‘(’k with Miss llattit- Liufoot. Mr. Henry Ilulse of Bradford. the welbknown hotel-keeper, died yester- day, in his Iilth year. The audited accounts of the treas- urer of the llonrd of Education, and, have been 1 of the village. treasurer, printed and circulated. Mr. and Mrs. A. I). \Vright and little daughter of Regina, N. \V. 'l‘.. have. spent a few days with relatives and friends in the village. Dr. Langstal‘t‘ has purchased an up- lo-datcf) horse power gasoline auto- lnohile. This will save his horses in the Dr’s. long plaifessional di ives. The ” day of hearts and Cupid‘s darts " is close at hand. so We hope that all who receive valentines will be pleased with thechoice of theirfriends. Friday. after the falling of the shed at. the l‘almer llouse, was a busy day shovelling snow from the roofs of buildings. A gentle. reminder some- times acts as a stimulant. Councillor Scott McNair lost a valu- able work horse Sunday morning. The animal had contrtctel distemper about a month before, and inflamma- tionof the lungs afterwards developed. Friday evening of this week will be Literary evening at the Epwottb League. Mr. Jennings will give an address and the chair will be taken by Starr McMahon. V, .,.... ._ Mr. H. A. Nit-bolls, I).I).(’-‘.I\I.. paid an official visit to Rising Sun Lodge, No. 129, A. F. & A. M.. Aurora, Fri< day evening. and was accompanied by a. number of the brethren from this place. \Ve want to sell to you always ; not. once. Atkinson & Switzer. The annual meeting of the \Vest. York Liberal Association will be held in Eagle Hall, \Veston, on Thursday, Feb’y 18, at3 o’clock, to he followed by a banquet at 6 p. m. For speakers. etc., See adv. on another page. Property is changing hands in the village. During the past week Mr. Joseph Powell sold his lot and rough- cast cottage to Mr. Patton, and Mr. J. Eyer sold his brick cottage opposite the Methodist church to Mr. Winch. I can quickly sell for cash, without local publicity. your Business, Real Estate or Partnership, no matter where located. Send me full particu- lars, prices, etc. Address Chas. E. flows-ll, 19 W. Mohawk St., Buffalo, . Y. The north shed at the. Palmer House. yards collapsed about 7 o’clock Friday morning from the wright of the snow. Nothing was under the shed at the time. of .the. accident but a buggy be.- longing to Mr. J. Albin. was somewhat damaged. RIFLE PRACTICE. The following are the scores of the Victoria Square 0. II. R. C, for San urday, Feb‘y 62â€" \V. Scott. 76; T, Read, '76; O. J.Brodie, 75; G.Forcster, '14; Hubt. Agar, 7U. ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meetingr of the Rich- mond Hill and Yonge Street Agricul- tural Society will be held in the Lorne. Hall, Richmond Hill. on \‘Ved- nesday, Feb'y 17, at 2.30 p. in. All in- terested please govern themselves accordingly. CHALLENGE. \Ve, the undersigned members of the Richmond l-IillCuilingzr Club, beg to challenge the rinks defeated by Thornhill on Tuesday, to a match for i an oyster supper. Match to be played on Friday afternoon next. (Signed) A. J. Hume. T. B. Ludford, J. P. Glass, R. Tyndall. E. J. Cable, D. C. Steele. \V. Eyer. J. \V. Osborne. TIED \VI’I‘II NE \VMARK ET. The. hockey match played in the rink Monday evening between Newmarket Talagoos and the home team was the fastest and Clt‘unt'et played here this season. The shooting was good and the checking sharp. in a draw, each side having scored three goals. Mr. Pattersmt of New- market. made an acceptable referee. The skating before and after the match was much enjoyed. THIS AFTERNOON. A school children’s carnival will be held in the rink, Richmond Hill. this afternoon. Suitable prizes will be given for races for all ages from 7 to 17 years. Admission. 5 cents. Rink open from 3.30 to 5.30. The most enâ€" joyable time of the season. The above carnival should be Well patron- ized this afternoon. A similar carnival held last. year was nmst suc- cessful, and a good time. is guaranteed to those who attend this afternoon. Hich School Hockey Match at night. The buggy . The match ended , ‘, LEN BROKEN. .lr. \Vm. Jones of th" second conâ€" . Cession of Vaughan. sullen-ll a severe uewideut early Monday morning. llii Still. Mr. Peter Jones. had stunted for 'l‘ozonto with a load of potatoes: and fearing lll'll they \Vt‘lt' not sufficiently pI-ote -tt-.l from frost, called at his in! her'\ for some blankets and covers. in coming down stairs Mr. Jones. the elder. fill and fl'itl'llll‘t'tl his: leg. A doctor v as \lllllllllblll‘ll and the injur- ed limb attended to :I.\ soon as possible. ‘Atkinvun (v Switzer. . \VCMEN'H HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 'l'he \Vomen‘s Historical Society met Thursday in Mrs. l)ig_{m:in's 31lllllhjllitl listened to inleltstiug papers by fills“! l'l‘n-r-fy on the "Settlement of the ; French ltoyalists iu l‘ppt-r (-auadri," ‘ainl by Miss Sara Micho on " ('hatv'au I’apim-au," which Miss Mickie had ‘ l't’t't'llll)‘ visited, and of which she gave a description. together with a sketch of the life if Louis l’apiueau. Miss Telly explained the grants of lantls near Bond lake and \Vilt-ork‘s 3 Lake, up Yongt- street. to the refugees : ol' I733. whose descendants still reside {in the tllh‘ll‘ll't.#(lllllll‘. . ’l‘iiE CLOBE'S CABLES. ‘Nar seems unavoidable in the far east. The people of CanadaAwhich is one of the potential great pt>\\‘(‘l‘.\'(|f ‘llle l’acificâ€"â€"are intensely interested in flit-struggle between mighty Rus- sia and the nimble .lap. By special arrangement The Globe is enable-d to mint London Times cables simultaneâ€" oust with their issue in the greatest of newspapers. The Times has long had the best. sources of information at l’ekin and Tokio, Morrison. The Times‘ ('OI'I't'Spttlltll‘llt at l’ekm. being the De Blowin of the Orient. The times will he. represented in the field by able war correspiindents and the special cables to The Globe may be depended upon to give the latest and most ieliahle news alike from the two capitals and from the front. Highest price allowed for butter eggs and dried apples. Atkinson & S\\‘llZl'l‘. VAUGHAN IIEFORMERS. The annual meeting of the Vaughan Reform Association was held in the Township Hall, Vellore, on \Vednes- day at last week. Owing to the exe tremely Cold weather the attendance was not as large as it usually is. The, auditor‘s i‘l‘pUl t of the treasurer‘s book showed a neat balance on the right side. Short addiesses were given by Mr. Roger Harvey. President of the Vaughan Association ; M r. M. Naugh- ton, President of Centre York Liberal Association and others. The follow- ing offieers were elected :â€" President, R. Harvey; Vl(ft*>l)l'95., \V. Cook; Sec’y, \V. 0. McDonald ; 'l‘reasnrcr, D. McDonald; Chairmen of polling sub-divisions :â€" No. lâ€"F. 1V. Jackes; 2â€"“7. Rumble; 3â€" \V. Dunn ; 4â€"K. Rumble; 5â€"J. A. Stevenson; Gâ€"J. McGillivt-ay; 7â€"H. Creighton ; 8â€"M. Smith. “ GOD‘S NATION." Rev. J. M. Simpson of Toronto Junction, a former pastor on this cir- cuit, delivered an interestingand in~ structive lecture on the above subject in the school room of the Methodist church Monday evening. Mr. Simp- son a. few years ago. wrote a book on the same subject, and the lecture Mon- day evening followed closely the lines in the book. The idea of the lecturer was to point out the fact that on a divine covenant God had founded a nation to be known as His own people, that the. nation referred to was the Israelites. dating from Abram and Sarai. descendents from Shem; that owing to Solomon’s sins the. k ngdom was rent. in the reign of Rehoboam. Solomon’s son: that tell of the twelve tribes revolted in the reign of Rebo- hoain; that oneof the t1ibes afterwards . Went back,and that the lost. tribe is the presrnt Anglo-Saxon nation. descend- ‘ed from the house of Joseph. The chair was taken by Rev. ’l‘hos. Camp- bell, who expressed, his pleasure at the liltltll‘E‘S'R. and at the close a vote. of thanks, moved and seconded by Mr. Switzer and Mr. Crosby respectively, was unanimously tendered Mr. Simp- ' son for his able lecture. Great bargains in Seotcb two-eds, Canadian tweeds and fancy pantings. i Atkinson & Switzer. ; RioauondmmvsrnonNHILL. Richmond Hill and Thornhill play- ed a (low game in the link of the lat- ter last Friday evening, the former winning by two points. The followâ€" ing are the scoi es 1‘â€" j Richmond Hill Thornhill Geo. (‘owie B. Gobn \V. A. Sanderson A. Pearson . Ed. Barker T. Hughes 4 3 J.-Casely C. P. \Viley A. Savage I J. Sanderson. sk Total . . . . . 2k} . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . i The latter club came up for the re- turn match ' Tuesday evening. and they got satisfaction as the following . scores show :â€" - ‘ Richmond Hill Thornhill Geo. Cowie J. Gal-Yen \V. A. Sanderson \V. Pearson Ed. Barker R. Clark Gr. McDonald. skh John Morgan, sk.l4 J. Casely R. Thompson C. 1’. “'iley H. Hooper A. Savage J0s. Teeson J. Sanderson, sk.9 T. Hughes. Jas. Garvcn R. Forst H. Hooper ‘ . V ,iu addition to a chapter of The l‘l\’t\lll- ‘ l Bargains in mantle cloths and furs. ' G. McDonald, sk.9 Jos. Teeson. sk . .14 l 17 a. Clark, sk ..... 10 , TllE MARCH I)El.l.\'i'3.\'1‘()ll. lo the March Delineated" exquisite‘ Spring styles and illustiatcd niticlt-s; on topics of fashion are supplement: (l i by literary features of uneouuu III iu‘. [crest and value. In llt‘lit-II there is a (lt'lii'atel‘tnnam'vby [lil‘baitl la- (lal‘ lienuc, The Shadow of the it"s-w. cons; taiuing n-vquisile lyiics. with tlx‘r'ul‘JI- lions by ('eh-stt‘ S. (irisu‘ohl, and :I._ weird Hawaiian love tale by lCIln-l‘ “Watts )luml'oiil, The Son of a Nllillli‘ (llltl, illustrated by t'. E. ('Hllit'l‘ull. .lr..l tinu of a ('lub \Voman lilli-(l \\'Illl (li'amn‘il’ incidents. Lionel H‘. Mapleâ€" son tells of a \isit to Melba. at her beautiful country place on the Thames. Lillie llamilton Fri-nib has an inspiiing paper in the “ lo} of l.iv-. ing" series. and in the Fountain ofi Youth Dr. Murray (lt'st'l'ilu‘ tin-carel and treatuwnt. of the eyes. An article that will appeal directly to mothers is The New l’liysif‘dl 'l‘raiuing for chil- dren, by .\l. \\'ilm:t Sullivan. a-: “'1'” as Mrs. llirney's paper on reading" for children. For the entertainment of the little folks there are stories by Albert lligelow l’aine. Gabrielle E. Javkson and Emma (l. Dowil, and in- teresting information about Colonial customs by Lina Heard. The Nt'l'(lli‘ and fancy Work topics cover a wide range, and most. of the othcr intcvests of the home are giw-u consult-ration in the regular departments. \Vc are now prepared to sell thick goods at, thin prices. Atkinson & Sn'itzet'. A FE\V TIM EliY FAC'I‘S FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Mr. \V. S. Moone, after spending six months under our instructions. is now earnng $2.") er week for six hours work per ( ay, at Memphis Tenn. Miss Nellie Carson, after live months” training, Is now with the \Vt-strrn Union telegraph company at Deli-iot,‘earning $70 per month. Mr. \V. H. IIt-dgson. after four months’ training, is now with the C. P. It. at 'I‘wecd.()nt.. earning $40.00 per month. Numerous others are being placed in equally as good positions. Our winter term opens January 4th. and those desiring totake up the work should ini-oll on or before that date to ensure them a position in the spring or early summer. Five competent. instructors of excrptional ability are giving their personal and individual attention to the rapid advancement of our pupils. Young ladies are prepared for comâ€" mercial telegraph positions,and young men for the same and railway posi~ tious as operators. train (lespatcheis, agents, etc. This is a profession not overcrowded. and one which will com- mand steady employment. the year around at. good wages. \Vrite at onceI for particular-s as to terms. etc. Can- adian Railway Instruction Institute. Cor. College and Yonge Sts., Toronto. Shauna-I232. DEVINs-Lmn-At the home of the bride's parents. bv Rev \V N Chantler. on Wednes- dav.h‘ch'v 3. John Davina nf Curstairs, A1» harm. to Lydia May Line, daughter of Mr W H Itine’of Maple Pills and Piles. A prolific Cause of Piles is the use of catharticx and pills of a drastic, Vio~ lent nature. Followed by a reaction on account of the resinous, drying properties they contain. There :11 e other causes, but no mat- ter what the cause or what the kind of Piles, Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid can be relied upon to cureâ€"to stay cured. It's an internal remedy thatrcmoves the causes of Itching. Blind, Bleeding, or Suppurating Piles. A guarantee, goes with each pack- age containing a month‘s t1 eatnu-nt. It can be obtained for $1.00 at drug- gists. ;- Take cold easily I: tender? Lungs weak? Any : ; relatives have consumption? 3» Then a cough means a great i Cherry Pectoral deal to you. Follow your ‘- doctor’s advice and take , 5; Aycr’s Cherry Pectoral. lt ; l. heals, strengthens, prevents. “For 443 yen: I ht" de dad on Ayer’s . Ebony-1 Pecto|nl for csug s unfillcolds. I '- ow t. rest Itrenxt om wea ungu." : - 51113. T. A. ROBINSON. Sauna. Mich. t i finiffi; , for . e! Weak Lungs :j s Ills nrese ' IIt I the liver. and thus ald recwery. w. HEWISON, HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper. Hanger. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. 17‘ RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL - war-“arms. I s} _ v ‘ w Np- . ' .. u, 1. r_ -. .‘ l C, r. A; _,.L we ’ alilZEli Allliilfifiii 8:. Si . Richmond Hill \Ve begin February with :1 stock com- plcte in all departments. \Ve are in a splendid position to give the best value in all Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Staple and and \Vindow Fancy Groceries, Crockery Glass. Good; Goods. We handle goods that are cheap, but not cheap goods. \Ve want our goods to be- come your goods, and our store to become your store. When this want is realized we shall feel sure of seeingr you or hearing from you very often. Then you will bring your friends to our store and we shall derive a mutual profit. Our joint success depends on your efforts and ours. It cannot fail if we try to please each other. We quote: Fancy Cretonncs, R, 10, 125, 14, 1."; and 20c. yard. Art Muslins, 0. 10, 12, ll, 15 and 20c. yd. Ladies‘ Heavy Serge Skirts, navy, black and grey. at $1.50. Ladies” Black Sateen \Vaists, special at $1 and $1.25. California Prunes, 5c. ; Golden Dates. 5c. ; Natural Figs. 5c. : Pure Lard, 10§c. ; Fairy Soap, 5c. ; Crost Soap, 5c. i Happy Home Soap, 8 bars for 25c. \Vindow Glass, size 12x16, at 80c. doz. ; other sizes in pro- portion. Buy one of our uremia Ranges And have two weeks’ trial with it. VVe set it up, and if not satis- factory the stove will be taken back and your money will be cheerfully refunded. Our motto: Satisfaction with our goods or no sale. 5:18:63 nag. SGN filament tiilL " ' I l o a FOR HORSESâ€"Gives them a good appetite, a glossy coat, a lose hide and a healthy appearance. Highly rcconnnendcd by nor-semen. FOR CATTLE it has no equal. It improves the ap )etite. aids diges- tion, it causes a perfect assimulation of the foo and fattens them quickly: also a grand preparation for milch cows. FOE CALVESâ€"mixed with skim milk or separator milk it will make calves thrive as well or better as when fed on new milk. Prevents scours, aids digestion, and rapidly fits a calf for market. FOR HOGSâ€"this wil be found a grand tonic for fattening hogs rapid- ly. It aids digestion. kills worms, and keeps then: healthy. The stock- man's fa\ orite, because it makes your stock thrive strongâ€"best. and cheapest stock food on the market. Five feeds for one cent. Yorkshire Cough & Heave Cure Guaranteed to cure coughs, colds, heave-3 and broken wind in horses. Hm-Senien will find this an infallible remedy for any affection in a. horse‘s 'wind, whether-causal from after effects of distemper or from eating dusty hay. Price 5101:. Sold in Richmond Hill by Geo. McDonald, harness-maker. Your own recipes made up properly from pure drugs at wholesale prices. All drugs and patent medicines at wholesale prices. J. A. .Tohuston 8s: 00.. (Successor to C. D. Daniel 3; Co. and Hugh Miller a; C0.) “'holesale and Retail Druggists. 171 King St East, Toronto. Opposite Clyde Hotel.

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