Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Feb 1904, p. 8

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Bowman fi‘oronto and Newmurket. GOING NORTH LeaveO P B Crossing at 6, 7.20, 9.40. 11.30 a. m. 1.80, 2.40. 3.4.3 5 -10. 7.4:} p. m. Leave Richmond Hill 8,90, 10.3011. 111.; 12.20, 2.20, 3.30. 4.35, 6.30, 8.315 p. Lu. Coal and \Vood Delivered. Prices Right. GOOD LIVERY GOING SOUTH Les.“ Newmttfiietlm. n. m.; ‘2. 3.15, 4.15,6.l5 7.3011. in. Leave Richmond Hill 7. 8.10, 9.55. 11.55 a. 11)., 2.40, 3.55. 4 55. (5.55, 8.10 p. In. Michael Bros, POST OFFICE NOTICE Until further notice Mails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Office as followgz~ MORNING ........................... 8.00 EVENING .. 6.15 N. B.--l£enletored Letters must be handed in I least Filteen Minutes earlier than the nbnvo mentioned home for clusiuu. OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.3C I’ M M. TEEl-‘Y. Post-iiiester. Village Directory. Church 01 Eugluud-â€"Sorvices at 3p. in. every Sigiigiiyterian Churchâ€"Services at 11 n. in, iran 7 p.1n. Sunday School at 2.30. Prayer meeting ‘ I in evening. 7 Outhnlic (‘Ihurchf Slarjices on alter- {Hit a at!) n. m. min 0.10 n. m. nah‘ilzgloldiahycnurch â€"Ser\‘im>s at ‘1".30 n. m.. and p. m. Sundav School 31b 2.110. (zuuoml prayer eetiu Thurmlaymveuing. mBichngmnrl Lodge. A F and A M â€"â€"l\Ioets Mon- r heruro iull moon dfiiggtl‘licbmond. A 0 F-Mcets second and . . ‘ i ‘ ol‘iiylbgt‘l‘geltyh 0 U Wâ€"-Meets thud Wednesday of each month Camp Elams in ~ wlgd‘lll‘“:f 'lyeinporuuzeâ€"Meets first Wednesday J um: 11, 1903 RICfiMOND AfiILL No. 3, (lnuniy of York, will be Ill‘ld in the Court. Room. RICHMOND HILL LON- Commencing at 10 a. 1n. 0 B â€"â€"Meets second and fourth IN CONNECTION. - Richmond [1 ill lawsuit: 686R“!- Tlio Next Sitting of Division Court in! TUESDAY, APRIL 5,1904, T. F. MCMAHON. CLERK ‘ TY-ztrtf in hit: PTOfil in rwi 'ilu’ :‘f .9" .r’ .. .“5 .- _.3'A“' mom u ‘ L n 40'1"“! only half [nrwlll~‘. If in“. ‘5': $2“ * Would gci mic full ]‘l'nllr. ' ; onto." [his fruitful depar'im-ul of your ‘ foruryuu mu-t Foi'l»; undm‘ the libel: .~: Conditions. Ymi (vim do Lim- unlj.‘ when 3: Wm me n l‘lmthntu router and “of; Broader. “"0 positively gum-nan it to bu a (mini lm'. lwr IL and we roll ll on the must libero! term»; over uii’crud b)’ ‘ "' any umnufucturcr. g?" ‘3; £15. ‘ r ‘ _,‘* We will ship you)frelght prepaid by usâ€"n 7‘ if; ' ‘“ ‘lts'.-.:-';,-r.3:i”"‘ ‘ ‘3'; v ' :1. ., We know of no offer we could m x. E I a u b E " ' l {’3‘ make that would mo. 0 1thor- G a O *. ougli y )l‘Ol’Cl ur cm fl on ‘0 ,_ . ".s "â€" Md {ml}, in“: If “3,.‘(;,,_{,__ wlihout one cent of cash from you until Oct, 1304 .-_‘> can make them. "(A best. of service. 3;“ paper. ham Incubator is not. all we claim for it you are not out one cont. “‘0 haven't. stinlod 2; finished an the parts you MW. . They omborly e\ cry real improvement known in the munurnm mu- g, but 01‘s. mmlhnm Inr‘ll’m?“ “'9 mfl’lfijllfli 37‘ K0011 as moum :uu‘i <1: Ill g in nnyllunu. The hidden purl» i|l'(‘i1\‘ st. (meg nuuln mul 1‘8 up” i ’l‘hoy are built In stuml thc hardest kind of \rmt ' u very \- a. ('ut out the coupon in the corner of this ml.,or\rriie your mun-u,“ mm, _ as '15.), on u postal curd mid nuiil it. to us for full pnmculnm ofour<>1L-r. 1m ll, today, I ‘ . ‘ ' e l o - ~ . “Wm M M. CAMPBELL WINNING MLL 00., Limited 1” “r1.- DEPI’. 512 CHATHAM, ONT. .7) VI'L.-..‘Vll1u:LL Manufacturers of Clmthnm mrl “readers. ‘4? F,\NN1NG Distributing Wart-Imusvs M Monlrrul, (In-n; _q'a3' . 14mm Mm; t‘nlzury. Am:\‘mmuwrr 1'; MILL (,0. “.1 mix. .' >1.” Fnci‘nriofifii ('llrillllillh. (lutr. fltl‘lll . Limit“! In UH. .\l ' . . 1 0 mm .u-(uiurx .ie :.' ‘ v timloux Cniiipboll Fainting Mills. 0101 ,5; LfiAT't‘A MI UNT' i: DEPT. 612 of each month I Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets first Monday of every month . Public Library and Reading Ronrnaolien Tuesday. 'l‘liursduy end Srmmuw evenings Euwmth Leagueâ€"Meets every Friday. 50 YEARS’ v COPYRIGHTS 6:0. seudlu a skeirhlnnd descri tlon may nifiglilgnt‘iscertuing our opinion free w nether an ' (en- fou ls rnhublypatentnble. (_‘omnuin ‘1 itihViIQOirlctly gonfldeutinl. Handbook on Paloma gout. free. Oldest nfiency for securing taken t rouszh Illuun a C Patents without. chnrqc )II the Resume. . el illustrated weekly Largest cir- $335303? niiy scientifin inurnul. '1 cruis. $33 your: four months. $1. Sold by all newmnnhr. . Mlllil‘l & 30.36‘BWW lieu l’gtk ‘erv‘h (Wine. 62?- W St.. “‘ashirztcu. ,. . F. J. PETHIGK, like: Si Bichlnond IIill \Vill 1-Ppuir your old sowing machine or exchange for a. new one. Needles for all kinds of machines. Organs Repaired. Also agent. for the HEINTZMAI‘I PIANO. 7- . / Geo. k @oVeVoVoVoVoVoVo‘o‘Giovovove‘ 9V6? oVoVo‘ e cpcclal notice, Sammie o ’oVo‘O’oVoVoVo‘hvoVOVOVo ’0‘ _AT__ (0 In W . Genuine Bargains in Ordered Clothing mi: i Call and see our stock. In order to make room for my Spring Stock I will for 3% Days ’ ; Sell off the lielanro of my Winter Cloths m the following Low Prices Suits made he order T en Dollars Regular 313. 314, $15. Also a few lengths of \Vmsted Trouseriufls form- erlv $5 made to your measure for $3.25. Come early and Secure _ Next door north of Mordie‘s store. 9-4 “menses ! Now is the time to Figure hi Suing. Look over your Plus 8:. Hours. And see if they want. any repairing or sharpening. If they do. bring them now and (In nut wait, «till you are Herding them. HARROWS OF ALL KINDS MADE TO ORDER. I have also two Sets of Hmlvy Bohâ€" Sleiglis for sale or exchange for wood. GEO. some, l . a." oooooooofi‘oo o o 0 9,3 0,. 0.... 99,3 9,0,... 0,0,... &,09 l +~:«:~+~a+++-:o+++ox-:~+++-z.w~:~+-:~+++~z-+#:-++-z.+~2.++ To be haul in a _FUR ROBE Than in any other kind, and there greater vuluu in those we nifor than is usually found zit the price. The. same may be said (if our Fur and Ovals. Mits, Horse Blankets Harness. \Vo sell reliable goods at. reasonable prlcvs. and you will be pleased with any purchase you make here. ellonald, Richmond Eill , o o o o o o ’cVeVoVe‘oVOVM'o". Thornhill. There’s, Comfort ' Plea": scm‘l your lli‘iCrlp‘ ‘ Cum 'u': ol‘llw (hull) III ‘ . .atnymrcllzer with .‘lill'ful’ mat (in about your Sptttl l I'll-"T. ,' “hereby no cash will I): pull until O‘Kuhrr, 1994. * Elfllllliilllll lilll liiitiibb be X ALL KINDS 0; Hardware and iinwere IN STOCK OR MADE TO ORDER. is i: WE ALSO OELL Ti-IE Magnet Green: :‘éepareler %§% O . O B 2% One of the best made, cannot be beat. Has no equal as General ;; GUARANTEED FOR TWO YEARS 5'75 Purpose Farm Fence :3 ___. + .â€"â€" 0 It will turn Stock without ° . . - in'u â€"â€"beautify the Farmâ€" ' LE . “ 3 (lolesriiotneed constantpatchiug 9 Baud-ea ha and with reasonable usage will é ,. last a life-time. Booklet and : . + full partiCulars given on request. a; ' C9 FOR SALE BY : Q8 & E9 '3 km For the economical produc- tion of Milk and Beef feed HERBMEW to your cattle. HERBAGEUM fed reg- lurly will increase the flow and improve the quality of the milk, and at the same time keep the cows up in health and flush. +M~+~r++~r “r Fat cattle never bloat or get olf their feed when " they are fed Hcibuguum irgu'arly, A g: e‘ltt'l' pru- purlion of coarse foods can be usi-d mid from six weeks to two months" time can he saved, by feeding Herlmgeum reg- ulurly. . . There is nothing the same as nor equal to » Herbageum J. HALL. 5. RICHMOND HILL. money To Loan Three thousand dollars to loan at. u uluw rate of interest on first-mort- gage farm property. Apply at. t. f. THE LIBERAL OFFICE. FOR SALE A large quantity of Fence Posts for - JOHN Rams, THORNHILL, AGENT FOR McCormack’s Harvesting lila= chmery. ALSO AGENT FOR THE Ill. Campbell Panning Mill Co. of sale. Apply to 0f Chatham. 314 G“ B' Call and see their Incubators, Scales, Etc., Etc. i? _- - flogging. m Arrows. Subscribe for THE LIBERAL :l l l | l w erED A mun to represent country, and take orders for OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES In Fruit Trees, Sinai] Fruits, Orna- mentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, Etc. Stock true, to name and free from Sun permanent position for the right man on either salary or com- A Jose Scale. mission. Stone 8: Wellington, FONTHILL NURSERIES, OVER em ACRES. TORONTO, ONTARIO. January 28 Am ~1~+++++§§fg++++++++4~++++error . “ CANADA’S GREATEST NL‘HSERIES " in the village of. Richmond Hill and surrounding The Liberal and Weekly Globe The Liberal and Weekly . Mail and Empire The Liberal and Family E 85 Herald- & Weekly Star - The Liberal and Weekly E :75 Sun 185 The Liberal (and, The ‘ Farming World 3.50 3.50 The Liberal and Daily aily 3 2 Globe 2.80 The Liberal ramdl Daily 2.00 Mail- 2.”) The Liberal and. D a) $175 "{"H'-!~:‘+++~Z«ZA++é+~t~++++++++++++~§~+ . '. ' +++++~2-iâ€"M+++++-§«+++++++ c I World The Liberal and Daily Star (outside of village) The Liberal and News (outside of Village) The Liberal and Farmers’ Advocate

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